General Membership Application 2022 - Royal Wood Golf ...

General Membership Application 2022 - Royal Wood Golf ...
General Membership Application
Royal Wood Master Association was incorporated on November 19, 1987 under the laws of the State
of Florida. Royal Wood is a private, not for profit organization dedicated to the preservation of proper-
ty for the use and enjoyment of its 800 members.

In order to acquire membership in Royal Wood, it is necessary to purchase real estate in the complex;
either a condominium or a single family home. To activate membership privileges, each owner must
furnish the Master Association with a copy of their recorded deed, and remit all applicable fees with
the required paperwork. Upon the request of the buyer’s closing agent, notification regarding the appli-
cable fees along with the required paperwork will be provided in writing by the Administration office.

We have six villages of condominium units, each managed by a property management company that is
engaged by each individual condo association. Single family homes are managed by their current pres-
ident. Each owner needs to contact their respective association for their current requirements and fees.
All sales and rentals are handled through local Realtors.

The current annual maintenance fee of $5,210.00 (non-taxable) is billed to all members semi-annually,
and is due and payable every January 1 and July 1, respectively each year.

There is an annual food and beverage minimum that runs from October 1 and ends on September 30.
During that period $400.00 must be consumed by both food and beverage or your account will be
charged and on your October statement. The food and beverage minimum remaining transfers to the
new owner.

The 2022 annual cable fee is $851.82. For condominium owners, this fee is incorporated into their
quarterly maintenance fees through their condominium association. Single Family Home owners are
billed by the Master Association due semi-annually on January 01, and July 01, respectively each year.

There is a Resale Capital Contribution fee of $4,200.00 collected before or at closing. This is a fee
charged to all new property owners. If the new property owner has been a Golfing Tenant at Royal
Wood and purchases property within four months of the Expiration date of their lease period, their rent-
al administrative fee will be credited to their member account.

Current owners of property in Royal Wood who purchase an additional unit will be charged the Resale
Capital Contribution Fee. The only exception will be if the Owner purchases an additional unit and sell
their original property within 12 months.

                           ROYAL WOOD MASTER ASSOCIATION, INC.,
                        4300 ROYAL WOOD BOULEVARD, NAPLES, FL 34112
General Membership Application 2022 - Royal Wood Golf ...
In accordance with the amendment to the governing documents of Royal Wood, regarding membership which was
approved by the unit owners at the Annual Meeting held on March 13, 2000, the Royal Wood Board of Directors has
established the following procedures to implement this amendment:

A. Each lot or living unit is entitled to one (1) golf membership that shall be identified from the Recorded deed or the
designation of one (1) natural person as the primary occupant in the case of multiple owners or ownership by an entity
not a natural person.

B. New owners or former owners with a non-spousal single family member who hold themselves out as a single
housekeeping unit shall complete the golf use application form and submit it to the applicable neighborhood associa-

C. The neighborhood association shall review and investigate for accuracy and completeness. (Note) It is important
that this review determine that the persons applying customarily reside and live together and otherwise hold them-
selves out as a single housekeeping unit. If approved by the neighborhood association, the president or his designated
representative (in writing) shall sign and submit the application to the Master Association Office.

D. Royal Wood Administrative Office shall review the application and make any necessary inquiry and recommend
action to the Royal Wood Board of Directors.

E. If approved by the President of the Neighborhood Association with final review by the Master Board as provided
in Article II Section 4B of the Bylaws, the Master Association Administrative Office will assign membership num-
bers and identification cards, providing all necessary monies due to Royal Wood have been collected, and in the event
of sale of unit, a recorded deed has been provided.

                                        MEMBERSHIP DEFINITIONS

One (1) family is defined as one of the following:
      a. One (1) person
      b. A married couple
      c. Not more than two (2) persons who customarily reside and live together and otherwise hold
          themselves out as a single housekeeping unit.

Custodial minor children:
Those children under the age of eighteen (18) who customarily reside and live as a family and
otherwise hold themselves out as a member of a single housekeeping unit.

  College or graduate student - to be eligible up to and including the age of 23:
1. Student must live as part of the family on a full time basis during such times as the student is not
   enrolled in a college or university.
2. Student must be enrolled for the number of courses the school considers to be full-time attendance.
3. Student includes:
       a. Natural child
       b. Stepchild
       c. Child by legal adoption
       d. Child by legal guardianship
4. Full-time students are considered to be living with the member while they are away at school.
General Membership Application 2022 - Royal Wood Golf ...
                                                     Please Print Legibly

Association Name _____________________________________                          Member # ______________

Unit No. and Address __________________________________________________________________

Unit Phone No. ______________________________ Email Address ____________________________

Owner (per Recorded deed)______________________________________________________________

Primary Occupant (if different from Owner per recorded Deed) _________________________________

Second Occupant (if different from Owner per recorded Deed) __________________________________

Members of the single housekeeping unit (to whom the member ship pr ivileges will be gr anted to)

Primary Member*        _____________________________ Relationship ____________________________

Secondary Member _____________________________ Relationship ____________________________

*Primary Member will have the statements and daily charges linked to their online account.

Northern Address

Street ________________________________City__________________________________________

State _____________________ Zip _______________               Phone (____)________________________

In applying for golf course use status as a family, I have read and agree to abide by the membership definition, terms and
conditions established by the Royal Wood Golf and Country Club. The Board of Directors shall have the right to determine
eligibility of family membership in accordance with the Declarations and By-Laws and to revoke privileges should eligibil-
ity not meet those provisions. I have received a copy of the Membership Definitions and Procedures. The Applicant claim-
ing family eligibility of a dependent shall furnish whatever documentation including Social Security number, to substantiate
the claimed eligibility. Refusal or failure to furnish such documentation, when requested, shall result in denial of the appli-
cation. I authorize the Royal Wood Golf and Country Club to conduct appropriate inquiry on any element on my applica-
tion. I certify that the above information is correct and I will inform the Association of any change. I further understand
that any change in such designation when there is no change in ownership shall be limited to one (1) change per twelve (12)
month period.

Signed __________________________/_____/____                  Signed ________________________________/______/_____
       Owner (per recorded deed)   Date                               (Primary Occupant)              Date

Neighborhood Association President _________________________ Approved _____ Date____/_____/____
Rejected ____ Date___/_____/_____

Royal Wood Master Board President__________________________ Approved _____ Date____/_____/___
Rejected _____ Date___/_____/_____
                             (Attention: This form must be completed and approved before closing.)
General Membership Application 2022 - Royal Wood Golf ...
Royal Wood Members
         In our continuing effort to maintain our records, we are requesting your assistance.
      We need one (1) person per sheet. If you have two member s in your household,
      please have the secondary member fill out a second sheet with their information. Please
      note: This form is informational only, it is not for adding a Member nor is it a sign-up sheet.
      please check       the box next to the desired address where you would like your mail from Royal Wood to be

      Primary Member Name: ________________________________________Member #: _____________

                    Royal Wood Address:                                      Alternate Address:

               Unit: ________________________________                  Unit: ________________________________

               Street: _______________________________                 Street: _______________________________
Please PRINT

               City: ________________________________                  City: ________________________________

               State: _______________________________                  State: ________________________________

               Zip: _________________________________                  Zip: _________________________________

               Landline Phone: _______________________                 Landline Phone: ________________________

                                                                          2nd Alternate Address:
               Cell Phone: __________________________
                                                                      Unit: ________________________________
                                                                      Street: _______________________________

                                                                      City: ________________________________
Will Not be Posted in Roster.                                         State: ________________________________

Birthday: ______/______/______                                        Zip: _________________________________

                                                                      Landline Phone: ________________________
Wedding Anniversary:_____/_____/_____

        Do you wish for your monthly statements to be emailed to you? YES                         NO

        Do you wish for your contact information to be published in the roster? YES                    NO

                Ultimately it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the information provided is correct.
                                   Please notify the Administration Office of any changes.
              or (239) 774-2213
Royal Wood Members
    In our continuing effort to maintain our records, we are requesting your assistance.
 We need one (1) person per sheet. If you have two member s in your household,
 please have the 2nd member fill out a second sheet with their information. Please note:
 This form is informational only, it is not for adding a Member nor is it a sign-up sheet.
 please check           the box next to the desired address where you would like your mail from Royal Wood to be

 Secondary Member Name: _____________________________________Member #: _____________

                      Royal Wood Address:                                      Alternate Address:

                 Unit: ________________________________                  Unit: ________________________________

                 Street: _______________________________                 Street: _______________________________
Please PRINT

                 City: ________________________________                  City: ________________________________

                 State: _______________________________                  State: ________________________________

                 Zip: _________________________________                  Zip: _________________________________

                 Landline Phone: _______________________                 Landline Phone: ________________________

                                                                               2nd Alternate Address:
                 Cell Phone: __________________________
                                                                         Unit: ________________________________
                                                                         Street: _______________________________

                                                                         City: ________________________________

Will Not be Posted in Roster.                                            State: ________________________________

                                                                         Zip: _________________________________
Birthday: ______/______/______
                                                                         Landline Phone: ________________________
Wedding Anniversary:_____/_____/_____

               Do you wish for your contact information to be published in the roster? YES                NO

                  Ultimately it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the information provided is correct.
                                     Please notify the Administration Office of any changes.
                or (239) 774-2213

Custodial Minor Children

Name ____________________ Age ____Name ____________________ Age ____

Name ____________________ Age ____Name ____________________ Age ____

Name ____________________ Age ____Name ____________________ Age ____

Name ____________________ Age ____Name ____________________ Age ____

College or Graduate Student

Name ____________________________             School Attending________________________________

Name ____________________________             School Attending________________________________

Name ____________________________             School Attending________________________________

Name ____________________________             School Attending________________________________

Signed _____________________________
       Owner / Primary Occupant / Tenant

Dated ______/______/_______
**Please provide a copy of children’s birth certificate.

If no children under 18, please write N/A and Sign.
Once the Golf Application is completed, please send directly to Royal Wood Master Assoc. at
4300 Royal Wood Blvd., Naples, FL 34112. Note: Resale Capital Contribution check can be collect-
ed at closing.

For the appropriate fees and applications in each community, please contact the applicable Manage-
ment Company as follows:

                      The following Condominium Associations are managed
                             by Precedent Hospitality & Management
                      3001 Executive Drive, Suite 260, Clearwater, FL 33762
                                     Phone (727) 573-9300
                                    CRANBROOK COLONY

                      The following Condominium Associations are managed
                              by Sandcastle Community Management
                        9150 Galleria Court, Suite 201, Naples FL 34109
                           Phone (239) 596-7200 • Fax (239) 593-4812
                                    COBBLESTONE COURT

          The following Condo Association is managed by Newell Property Management
    5435 Jaegar Road, Suite 4, Naples, FL 34109 • Phone (239) 514-1199 • Fax (239) 331-7178
                                        AMBERLY VILLAGE
                                 SINGLE FAMILY HOME OWNERS

                    The following Condominium Associations are managed by
                                    Anchor Associates, Inc.
                           3940 Radio Rd., Unit 111, Naples, FL 34104
                           Phone (239) 649-6357 • Fax (239) 649-7495
                                       AMHERST COVE

                     The following Condominium Association is managed by
                      Property Management Professionals of Southwest FL
                            75 Vineyard Blvd., Naples FL 34119-4748
                           Phone (239) 353-1992 • Fax (239) 353-1901
                                        ANDOVER SQUARE
                                       BLOOMFIELD RIDGE

                NOTE: Owners may rent their units no more than four times per year
                        Per the Associations’ Declaration of Covenants.
Royal Wood Golf & Country Club
                              Fiscal Year 2022 Fee Structure

           Maintenance fees $5,210 per year - Billed semi-annually November 30ͭʰ & May 31ˢͭ .
               ** Please note that the Maintenance Fees are not income tax deductible**

                                         New Property Owners:
          Resale Capital Contribution: $4,200 collected before or at closing, Estoppel Fee $150

                               Owners who purchase additional property:
      The Resale Capital Contribution Fee will be charged. The only exception will be if the Owner
          purchases an additional unit and sells their "original" property within 1 calendar year.

                                    Change of Primary Occupants
                             Administrative Fee: If name is on Deed: No charge
          If name is not on deed fee $50.00 (This change is permitted once per 1 calendar year)

                       Tenant Administrative Fee: Non-taxable & Non-refundable
                              One month lease ( 1 -31days) fee is $160.00
                            Two months lease ( 32-61 days) fee is $220.00
                            Three months lease ( 62-91 days) fee is $270.00
                       Four to twelve months lease ( 92-365 days) fee is $370.00

                        Non Member Social Fee: Non-taxable & Non-refundable
                               Includes Restaurant, Pool, & Fitness Ctr
                                 One month ( 1 -31days) fee is $50.00
                              Two months ( 32-61 days) fee is $100.00
                             Three months ( 62-91 days) fee is $150.00
                         Four to twelve months ( 92-365 days) fee is $250.00

                        Summer Golf Program Fee: $850+ tax & Non-refundable
                                     April 15ͭʰ to December 31ˢͭ

Please note if a Tenant purchases property within four months of the Expiration date of their lease period,
                           their rental administrative fee will be credited the fee.

Tennis Dues: $30.00 Per Person $10.00 Social Fee Per Person - Tennis season is November 1ˢͭ - April 30ͭʰ
2022 Golf Fees

           Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr      May      Jun     Jul    Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov      Dec

18 Holes   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75    26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75    26.75
9 Holes    14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98    14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98    14.98
Walkers     6.42    6.42    6.42    6.42     N/A     N/A    N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A     6.42     6.42
18 Holes    72.76 72.76 72.76 72.76         37.45   37.45   37.45   37.45   37.45   37.45    72.76    72.76
9 Holes    40.66 40.66 40.66 40.66          20.87   20.87   20.87   20.87   20.87   20.87   40.66    40.66
Walkers    27.82 27.82 27.82 27.82           N/A     N/A    N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A    27.82    27.82

18 Holes   82.39   82.39   82.39   82.39    42.80   42.80   42.80   42.80   42.80   42.80   82.39    82.39
9 Holes    46.01   46.01   46.01   46.01    24.08   24.08   24.08   24.08   24.08   24.88   46.01    46.01
Walkers    33.17   33.17   33.17   33.17     N/A     N/A    N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A    33.17    33.17
18 Holes   94.16   94.16   94.16   94.16    44.94   44.94   44.94   44.94   44.94   44.94   94.16    94.16
9 Holes    52.43   52.43   52.43   52.43    24.88   24.88   24.88   24.88   24.88   24.88   52.43    52.43
Walkers    38.52   38.52   38.52   38.52     N/A     N/A    N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A    38.52    38.52
18 Holes   N/A     N/A     N/A     72.76    26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   26.75   72.76    72.76
9 Holes    N/A     N/A     N/A     40.54    14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   14.98   40.54    40.54
Walkers    N/A     N/A     N/A      26.75    N/A     N/A    N/A      N/A     N/A     N/A    26.75    26.75
Attention Royal Wood Members
                                   Website Instructions
                    Royal Wood’s website
       Once you type in the website, you need to register as a member, here are the instructions.
                        Click to go to registration page type the following:
             Note: All member numbers start with 0 and are 4 characters long, ex 0980

                     First Name:

                     Last Name:

                Member Number:



              Confirm Password:

                  Password Hint:

         All Member Numbers are 4 digits & start with zero, The Spouse’s Member
         Number are the same 4 digits but with an A at the end ex. 0101A

Once you register you can see:
 Your statement on line.
 The roster on line (you are able to update it yourselves and it will notify the office of the changes.)
 The current Newsletter.
 The Reciprocal List.
 The calendar
 There will be a real estate section for anyone interested in renting or selling their unit. There will be
   forms in the office and you can also download the form from the website.
 Royal Wood Tenant Packages and New Owner Packages to transfer golf privileges are available on line.
  Also all Association Tenant and New Owner Applications will be on line as they become available
 The Weather Outlook for Naples is a nice feature.
 The 18 holes golf course is set up. There are pictures of every hole with a description.
  There are helpful sites on the Royal Wood web page you can just click and be linked to other sites
 There will be a restaurant section.

   If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office and ask for
   Debbie or Jessica (239) 774-2213 or stop by and we’d be happy to set it up for you.
 We have a very active tennis club at Royal Wood. It costs $30.00 to join. Fill out the
 attached form with your name, address, telephone number and your playing ability.
 Mail it in with your Tennis Application and the $30.00 fee.

  Every week there are sign up sheets posted on the bulletin boards at the Club tennis
 courts. Women play on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – Men play on Tuesdays
 and Saturdays and Mixed Doubles are played on Thursday mornings. All the courts
 in all of the villages and at the club house are reserved from 8:00AM to 10:00AM for
 club play. Sign-up on the separate sheets for the days you would like to play that
 week. We have several different schedulers who set up the matches. The day before
 you are scheduled to play, check back at the board to see where you are playing and
 with whom. In fairness to the other players, please make sure that if you sign-up and
 are scheduled, that you show up.

  Our tennis club also has several tennis social events during the year. There is a
 $10.00 fee for all non-tennis members who would like to attend. Again, the sign-up
 sheet for these parties, which are held at the Royal Wood Clubhouse, are posted on
 the bulletin boards at the club tennis courts. They will give you information about the
 theme of the party, the menu and cost.

We are looking for people who want to have fun, get exercise and meet new friends at
Royal Wood.

The Royal Wood Tennis Association has much to offer.


If you haven’t played tennis for awhile or want to learn,                    we have
lessons & matches with similar abilities etc. available.


Come join us and see what we’re bragging about.
                       Must be Owner or Renter

MEMBER NAME: _______________________ ________________ M / F
             (First)                 (Last)        Please circle one

MEMBER NAME: _______________________ _________________ M / F
           (First)                   (Last)        Please circle one

RW ADDRESS:   __________________________________________________

MEMBERSHIP #: _______________                MEMBERSHIP #: ___________________
Must have a Member Number to play
LOCAL PHONE NO.: (        )                      Email Address:

   A: Player with good to excellent mobility and tennis skills
     B: Player with good tennis skills and mobility
     C: Player with fair tennis skills or new to the game

Tennis dues are $30.00 per person, we kick off the season with a Tennis Breakfast on
November 5th. Note: If spouses do not play tennis but wish to attend the Tennis
Functions, a $10.00 fee will be charged for the season, note spouse must have an estab-
lished member number.

We request that all players include their phone number on the various sign-up sheets.
Out of courtesy to the other players, if you are not able to play after signing up, please
arrange for a substitute or call the other players.
          Charge my account for Dues $___________ Charge my account for Spouse Tennis Social $___________

          PHONE (239) 774-2213 • FAX (239) 774-4104 • WWW.ROYALWOODGCC.COM
For those who wish to join us for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, complete a separate card
                                     for each golfer joining an association.

                                     For the Men’s 18 - Make checks payable to Royal Wood Men's Golf Assoc., (RWMGA 18)
                                     For the Ladies’ 9 – Make checks payable to Royal Wood Ladies’ Golf Assoc., (RWLGA 9)
                                     For the Ladies' 18 and Men’s 9 - Please fill out cards and return, your account will be charged.

Dues include administration, the cost of our GHIN Handicap System, Men’s scheduled lunches, tournament schedules, individual
prizes, entry into weekly play and a chance to win Pro Shop credits! If the stay is two months or less, they can play for a daily rate of
$10.00. All players must have a USGA Handicap established at Royal Wood for $25.00.

                                   4300 ROYAL WOOD BLVD., NAPLES, FL 34112

                                      Royal Wood Golf Association – Registration card
            Men’s 18 Holers…………………..$100.00 Member # __________
            Men’s 9 Holers …………………...$50.00 Member # __________
            Ladies’ 18 Holers …………………$95.00 Member # __________
            Ladies’ 9 Holers …………………..$75.00 Member # __________
            Members Full Name:_______________________________________________
            USGA HANDICAP: _______________________________________________
            Royal Wood Address: ______________________________________________
            Bldg. #: _________ Unit #: ________ Phone #: _________________________
            E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________
            Important: Please complete one (1) card for each member, separate checks for each.

                                      Royal Wood Golf Association – Registration card
            Men’s 18 Holers…………………..$100.00 Member # __________
            Men’s 9 Holers …………………...$50.00             Member # __________
            Ladies’ 18 Holers …………………$95.00 Member # __________
            Ladies’ 9 Holers …………………..$75.00 Member # __________
            Members Full Name:_______________________________________________
            USGA HANDICAP: _______________________________________________
            Royal Wood Address: ______________________________________________
            Bldg. #: _________ Unit #: ________ Phone #: _________________________
            E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________________
            Important: Please complete one (1) card for each member, separate checks for each.
Royal Wood Master Association, Inc. Auto-Debit Enrollment Form
 1.   Complete the information required below.
 2.   Please check with your bank for the correct ACH
      routing number.
 3.   Attach a voided check to the back of this form.
 4.   Sign and date the form.
 5.   Mail your completed form in the envelope

Account Number           0

Name: (Please print legible)

                                                                   Naples              34112
Royal Wood Address:
                                 State:                     Zip:

Bank Name:

ABA Transit routing number:

Account Number:

Please note: At this time RW’s bank                      is only able to accept domestic checks.

I hereby authorize Royal Wood Master Association to debit my account for all charges on my
account. I understand that the debit will occur on the last Friday of every month. Auto debit will
continue until I provide Royal Wood Master Association with written notification to stop the
service. Also to verify your account information is correct, Royal Wood Master Association will
be debiting your account ¢.01

Authorized signature(s)______________________________ Date: ___________

                             ______________________________ Date: ___________

4300 Royal Wood Boulevard, Naples, FL 34112* PHONE (239) 774-2213* FAX (239) 774-4104
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