Page created by Robert Holt
Winslow Parish
News February 2021
1. Table of Contents
    2. Table of Contents continued
    3.    Church Calendar
    4.    Winslow Benefice Mothers Union
    5.    Christian Fellowship & Tabernacle Adverts
    6.    St Laurence Church & St Albans RC Adverts
    7.    Winslow C of E School
    8.    Winslow C of E School – The Star Polisher
    9.    Winslow Town Council
    10.   Winslow WI Early Birds
    11.   Winslow WI
    12.   Rotary
    13.   Police Notice – Beware of Scammers….
    14.   Big Society – Getting out and about
    15.   Big Society & Notices
    16.   Breathe Easy
    17.   Winslow & District Community Bus
    18.   Royal British Legion
    19.   Royal British Legion
    20.   Winslow & District Gardening Society
    21.   Rev’d Mark’s Gardening page – Snowdrops in Spring
    22.   Rev’d Mark’s Gardening page – Jobs for February
    23.   A Gardeners Hymn
    24.   Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE
    25.   Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE
    26.   Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE
    27.   Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE
    28.   Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE
    29.   Poem – May 1915
    30.   Winslow History – O – the Old Crown
    31.   Winslow History – P - The Plough
    32.   Wordsearch
    33.   Karl’s Quiz
    34.   Recipe – Parmesan Spring Chicken
    35.   Recipe - Vegan Chocolate Pudding
    36.   Winslow Players
    37.   Winslow and District Art Society (WADAS)
38.   Winslow in Bloom
         39.   Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity
         40.   Winslow Wheelers Cycle Club
         41.   Winslow Wheelers Cycle Club
         42.   Useful Information Pages
         43.   Useful Information Pages
         44.   Useful Information Pages
         45.   Useful Information Pages
Dear Reader
We are pleased to bring you an electronic version of Winslow Parish News again. We
have had to make the necessary decision to make February and March’s copy
electronic to protect our fabulous volunteers who usually deliver your magazine each
month, to respect the government guidance in relation to necessary journeys only
and wanting to keep our community safe. We thank you for your continued support
and understanding and hope to be back in print once again soon.
In the meanwhile please if you are a subscriber to WPN please do email me at and I will ensure you get your monthly magazine
emailed to you as soon as it is ready. The good news with an electronic version is we
can accept copy almost up to the date of ‘print’. Also we have an exciting new
element and Andrew has recorded his monthly message to us and you can listen to it
by clicking here. It is saved to the church YouTube channel here, and here you can
see any of our series, Faith Talks, Little Acorns, Assemblies and Middayish Prayer and
so much more – dip in and have a look.
Finally, I would love to publish some of your inspirational
stories and thankyous to those who have made a difference
to you, please do send them to us at
Keep safe
Katy & the WPN team

Church Calendar

     Rev’d Andrews monthly message is in the attached
            video for you to enjoy or press here.

Winslow Benefice Mothers’ Union

The Worldwide Mothers’ Union is about ending
violence, ending poverty, ending injustice. These
are great aims which can start in small ways as we
can all begin with what we see around us every
day. Sometimes it is worth remembering what our membership is all about. The
happy Ugandan members pictured are wearing dresses displaying the MU logo; it
is common for African members to wear some kind of MU uniform, two
members joined us from there a few years ago and we all admired their uniforms
which were blue dresses with the MU logo on the top. However, as a Mothers’
Union member, (uniform or not!) you can “Strengthen communities all over the
world, Help the most disadvantaged at home, Shape how we
advocate for the rights of families, Build supportive, loving
relationships and Develop your own relationship with God”.
(quotation from MU Website)
The current MU badge also celebrates the worldwide aspect
of MU When we meet together whether as a face-to- face
group or through our personal or joint prayer we aim to
share the love of Christ, nurture our own families, and reach out to others.
Getting alongside those in need in both big and small ways is what Christianity is
about; the Aims and Objectives of Mothers’ Union are clearly in step with this….
Not only are members in some areas able to sew masks for key workers, but MU
has also secured funding to provide activity hampers, experience days and short
breaks for Key Workers and their families. We all wish to thank those who have
made sacrifices of quality family time to support others during these difficult
days.     Locally we are sadly still unable to meet and look forward to a time
when “lockdown” really will end, and we can see each other properly again.
Currently hope (with help of a little technology!) seems to be the only light at the
end of the tunnel! We are still able to contact one another by email and
telephone, I hope my next round of calls will still find members as well as
possible because, despite the pandemic, we still hope to share God’s love. AB

First Saturday of the Month: Vigil Mass at 6pm
    St      Weekends
       Laurence            ofpublic
                is closed for the Month:
                                    worship, Sundays     at 11:45am
                                             St Alban’s therefore has
              No   Weekday     Mass    for the  time  being
    no services or confessions. Parishioners need to view the St
    Alban’s website and newsletter for full details.
      Confessions First Saturday of the Month: 5.30pm
                and at any time by appointment

January 2021 Snapshot from Winslow Church of England School

I think many of us find the darker days of January and February difficult to
cope with! Watching ‘Winterwatch’ earlier this week, I was struck by the
colour the presenter was able to find in otherwise gloomy surroundings,
which he said lifted his spirits.

You will all know our vision at Winslow Church of England School is ‘Let your
light shine’. The pure white light is refracted into many colours and I’m
conscious that in this lockdown, our light might be shining in different ways,
different colours if you like, than when we are all in school. But, our focus
continues to be in supporting our pupils and families to the best of our
One member of staff shared a wonderful poem, which sums up beautifully
why so many teachers love their job:
                Please read the beautiful poem on the next page……

We are star polishers, committed to doing all we can so that they are

           ‘the brightest, shiniest stars in the sky’

Helping them to shine their lights as brightly, so that the world is a better
place because of them.

Cazz Colmer, Head Teacher
Winslow Church of England School

            28 High Street, Winslow, MK18 3HF - Tel 01296 712448
                  Email -

Winslow Farmers Market

The Farmers Market continues to operate and will be in the Market
Square every first Sunday of the month from 10am until 1.00pm.
during lockdown.

It is however on a limited scale to ensure that we adhere to
government guidelines. The layout is also different to ensure the
market is safe.

Do come along to visit many of the usual traders who will welcome
your support in these difficult times but we do ask that you observe all
the current safety guidelines and observe social distancing. Stewards
will be on hand to ensure that numbers on the square are limited so
please wait for their guidance when entering the market from the High
St. and please only enter and leave at the marked entrance and exit.

We hope that before long the market will be back to normal but in the
meantime look forward to welcoming you in this transition period.

Town Council Services during the pandemic

While the office is closed to the public during lockdown and staff will
work from home much of the time we continue to operate all services.
Please leave a message on the answerphone (but allow time for the
message to be picked up before we can respond) or if possible send an
email as above.
Winslow Early Birds WI
By the time you read this dark January will be over and we can hope that
slightly longer days will help us all to feel a little more cheerful.

Our January Speakers via zoom were Rachel and Emily, Engineers from Durham
University; Emily is a Mechanical Engineer and Rachel an Aeronautical

This month (Tuesday 17th February at 10 am) there will be an entirely different
focus – and a chance to do virtual travel to the Artic.

As I have said before - amazing what you learn about when you are part of WI!

Members don’t forget to get your patchwork flowers to us before 1st March.
We don’t know when our craft group will be able to join them up into a cloth
(or cloths) but it will be done. Remember to include your name as we will
produce a list of all those who contributed to form part of our archive
documents going forward.

We meet every third Tuesday of the month at 10 am either via Zoom or in The
Public Hall. We hope to see as many of you as possible at our virtual meetings
- if you want to come along but don’t know how just ask and one of us will be
more than happy to help.
For further details contact Sue Pearson, the secretary by telephone
01296714775 or email


A Big thank you to all who entered Karl's Bakery Hamper raffle. The Luxury
Hamper was won by Mrs H Hobbs, East Claydon ticket 65. A cheque for
£215.00 was sent to Cancer Research UK. Happy New year to you all.

Regards Karl and team

Winslow WI
Before Christmas we were pleased to be able to send a large car boot full of
presents for the women and children at Aylesbury Women’s Refuge. We
support the refuge regularly, and are all aware that this year has seen an
increase in demand as the numbers of those affected by domestic abuse has
risen. The gifts were gratefully received and we hope they helped a little.

Our January speaker was Lacey Bonham from the Pace Centre in Aylesbury
who told us about their work to transform the lives of children and young
people with motor disorders, such as cerebral palsy. Pace is a ground-
breaking charity that supports children from a few weeks old, working with
families and other agencies and providing outstanding therapy and education.
She shared a video of their work, discussed how they are funded and then
talked about the many ways in which the community can support them.

As well as our monthly meetings, some of our Interest Groups are thriving
online. The 2 book groups, discussion group, games group and photography
group meet each month – something to put in the diary! Walking and craft
groups have been temporarily suspended but will resume as soon as it is safe
and the gardening group has plans ready and waiting to resume visits to
gardens as soon as possible.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd February at 7.30pm, when we are very
pleased to be welcoming Ginny Davies who is presenting a talk called ‘Mad
Englishwoman, Three Dogs and the Midday Sun’. In 2012 Ginny had a life-
changing encounter with three dogs on the Greek island of Crete. This
informative and entertaining talk describes how the meeting came about and
what happened after that. This is not just a “I rescued a dog story” – but
includes interesting facts about dogs, their history and how they have gained
the status they now hold in modern civilised society.

We have opened this meeting up and would be delighted to welcome visitors.
Please get in touch if you would like to join us and we will send the Zoom link.

For the February meeting link or for more information about joining us please
contact our secretary on 07894 665025 or email
Rotary helps keep Christmas Alive

The restrictions imposed by the need to
combat Covid 19 have had a major effect
on the activities of all charities. But
despite the restrictions Winslow Rotary
many aspects of its service to the
community going, for example donating
£400 for Christmas presents for children
in local refuges at Milton Keynes and
£500 toward specialist medical
equipment for Global Mercy, a new
Mercy Ship taking vital medical services to places that really need it.

One of the most important Rotary events of the year locally, however, is the
Christmas Santa Float. Not only has this always raised significant amounts for
local charities, but even more than this it has become an important part of
Christmas for young and old in Winslow and the surrounding villages.
“Given all the Covid restrictions, it was at several points touch and go as to
whether we could go ahead at all” said President Neil Smith, “ but thanks to a
lot of hard work and ingenuity by a group of our members we managed to
carry out our Santa visits (albeit with social distancing) to most of our normal
areas.” “We really wanted to do this mainly so as not to disappoint the
children. We were prepared for a much reduced fund raising” he added “but
in the event we were astounded by people’s generousity! Even though
several village routes had to be cancelled as the lockdown tightened we still
managed to raise nearly £6,000, not that much down on last year. And in
many of the villages – Little Horwood, Mursley, Twyford, Chardon, Poundon,
North Marston and Granborough the collections were a record high! Thank
you all so much for your support. We’ll be back again in full force next

Further information about Winslow Rotary and its activities can be seen on
its new website

Queries to:
Paul Cresswell, Winslow Rotary Press Office
12 (07484 331459)
Residents have been targeted by bogus Police Officers who contact them
 by phone and state that there bank account has been compromised and
 they need to withdraw all their money to hand over to the Police. The
 Police will never ask anyone to handover their money in any instance.

Getting out and about in Winslow:

So as promised in our last edition, here is one of our popular walks:

From St Laurence Room where we meet, go left up the High Street, and turn
right down Greyhound Lane and into Tomkins Park. The arboretum has some
rare species of tree in it, all labelled for you to see. Sir Edward Tomkins who
owned Winslow Hall some while ago was, amongst many things, an expert
and a lover of trees. Each tree in his garden was planted with thought, and we
are now able to enjoy the fruits of his labours in the Park.

Crossing over into Cricketers Row and on in a straight direction into Lowndes
Way, named after William Lowndes, who had Winslow Hall built, continue on
down in to Magpie Way, so named after Magpie Farm which was the
farmland on which the estate was built in the 1980s.

Turn right into Leaping well Lane, named after Dr Arthur Leapingwell, 1879-
1981, who was a local GP, born originally in India. Interestingly, many of the
Winslow roads are named after people who have made a significant
contribution to the town. See how many you can find, and who these people

Following this curved road round to the right, and out across the grass, you
can return via the Fledglings, a small path, into Station Road. Opposite you as
you reach Station Road is the old Railway Inn, now a private house, and
behind which goods trains could be heard till the late 1970s. Soon trains will
be heard along here again!

Returning to the High Street up Station Road, you pass Courthouse Close,
where the old police station stood, well into living memory, and a terrace of
houses just before the Swan pub which used to be the home for children of
the workhouse families.
An interesting walk, especially for those new to the town.

Gentle Walks will resume again weekly on a Wednesday as soon as
Government permits us to walk in a group.

  Find out more about our Gentle Walks from Malcolm on 01296 713686.

Granborough Senior Citizens Club

All members of the Club received a card and gift from the Club including
members who live in Winslow. The Winslow member’s gifts were kindly
delivered by Maureen French a committee member.
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and hoping that it won's
be too long before we are able to meet again and enjoy a chat and a cuppa
and do the the things that we enjoy doing.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Christingle collection
especially Sue for making the wonderful Christingle in church and Chris for
counting and bagging the money so efficiently. So far there is over £200 to
date with some boxes still to be returned. If you still have a Children's Society
box to be counted - please return to me or Ring 714678 for it to be collected.
With many thanks for your support from the Winslow Children's Society

Alma Dawson (Huntley) Deceased

“ Jackie & Sheila would like to express their thanks and gratefulness for
everyone’s kind words & cards received on the passing of their Mother Alma.
Many thanks to the Carers and Staff at Swan House, the Doctors and Nurses
at Norden House, Heritage of Winslow and Rev Andrew”
Breathe Easy Winslow and Buckingham!
              We are still meeting monthly via Zoom
     For our December meeting we were taught the words
     to Shakin Stevens “Merry Christmas Everyone” in BSL
                     (British Sign Language)
       Everyone thouroughly enjoyed themselves and now
         I can wish everyone a merry Christmas without
                       opening my mouth.
      We also learnt how to say Happy New Year, so if you
       see weird hand signals I am not being rude just
               practising my newfound knowledge
         If you would like to join our friendly meetings,
         which are held on the last Wednesday of each
         month, from 2.00pm, then please let me know
                        (see contact details below)

      On January 27th we will be joined by someone who will
     chat to us about how to be a better driver, (not that any
            of us are driving very far at the moment).
     We would be happy for you to join us. We already have a
      member from Oxford so if you have family members
     elsewhere then please feel free to pass the details on.
          With Zoom it doesn’t matter where you live.
 Breathe Easy groups are a patient led voluntary organisation that
 aims to support and provide information to patients affected by
     respiratory conditions, their friends, carers, and family.

                         Everyone is welcome.
          For more information please call Zoe on 07732 867864
                              Charity no.326730
07483 336440

            Winslow and District Community Bus
              Coronavirus Update January 2021
As the Government has put us into a further lockdown, and
with the increasing numbers of COVID cases, in the interest
of the safety of our passengers and our volunteer drivers, it
is with regret that we have taken the decision to suspend all
services until further notice.
We will provide an update prior to the resumption of our
We all hope that you stay well during this difficult period..

Lynne King
WDCB Co-ordinator

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Poppy Appeal in
Winslow and the surrounding villages, since the launch last October.
Together we have raised £15,697.06, this represents a fantastic
achievement. Especially in the difficult times we are living through
at the moment.

I would like to say a big thank you to the Winslow WI & Winslow
EarlyBirds WI. Who made poppy face coverings, which we have had
great feedback on.

If you feel like a challenge. We do have had some Winslow War
Memorial jigsaw puzzles. If you would like to obtain one, please
contact me on the blow number.

Winslow and District Gardening Society

                     Tuesday February 9th 7.30pm
                               On Zoom
                           Eythrope Gardens
                    A talk by Francesca Page-Smith
For details of what is going on for 2021 and membership phone Liz on
                             01296 713112
                   Or email
 2020 members will carry through their membership for 2021. If you
did not renew last year or if you wish to join us please contact Liz, see
Please note that the Garden Discount Card for Buckingham Nurseries
has now to be renewed annually at a cost of £10. However, members
    of WADGS can renew at £5 per annum on presentation of the
                 WADGS current membership card.
 Liz will email 2021 membership ‘card’ on application. Free for 2020
                £6 to renew for 2021 or new members.

Snowdrops in February

                               When I was a professional gardener, I used to
                               love my job, absolutely love it…….…..most of
                               the time. Whether I was outdoors getting stuck
                               in or pottering around the greenhouse I used to
                               stop every now and again and just revel in the
                               idea that this was what I called work. For 10
                               glorious months of the year I would do this, but
                               during February and March it would be quite
different, I’d desperately spend my days looking for signs of the marching on
of time. For something, anything, to indicate that the corner had been turned
and watching for new growth to emerge.

And old habits die hard, even though I am now a priest I still end up looking
for some S.O.S’s (signs of spring). At this time we’ll find that the volume of
birdsong seems to be increasing, every day we are blessed with 2 minutes
extra daylight, nature responds to it all in the only way that it can, by pushing
and forcing on. Meteorological winter is almost over, it finishes at 1 minute
to midnight on the 28th, although I am not sure if anyone will have told the
weather that.

February, being the shortest month, can
also be the cruellest. We are somewhere on
the threshold of 2 seasons in this month,
especially towards the end there will be
characteristics of both Winter and Spring
but with the whole of neither. A dance,
backwards and forwards of weather fronts,
always moving, always changing patterns of
frost, rain, sunshine. Sometimes Spring, sometimes Winter, but the relentless
march goes on. It can be infuriating but this in-between time is just filled with
hope, with longing and potential.
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), have gone by many names in the past,
Candlemas bells, Mary’s taper, February fair-maids and my favourite, Dingle-

dangle. They just own this time, seeing them in large drifts never fails to lift
my spirits high. In Goudhurst, Kent the churchyard is carpeted in them, in
vast constellations. Thousands, tens of thousands, I’ve never tried counting,
that would just ruin the magic. Pretty in their own right but when they are
packed with others the effect is stunning. Like a clear, star-filled sky away
from streetlights, it has the ability to stop you dead in your tracks,
dumbstruck. What they lack in size the make up for in beauty. Their fragile
exquisite appearance hiding the tough as old boots reality.

I hope that we can all take some time this month to notice the small things,
because it is in there that we find beauty in our lives, no matter what season
it is.

Gardening Jobs for this month

Sow tomato, aubergine and chilli seeds
indoors – they are all in the same family
(Solanaceae) and need a long season to
properly fruit, they will be fine on a sunny
windowsill until the weather warms.
Order dahlia tubers just now, get in early to
get the best. You will be rewarded later.
Prune Clematis that flower from high
Summer onwards down to 30cm (12
inches), no lower because the slugs love
the new growth. Spring flowering ones
should be pruned after they have finished flowering.
Weed and hoe your beds, get them ready for the new spring surge that is
going to happen, but only if your soil is not waterlogged.
Stay warm, drink lots of tea and enjoy going through the catalogues.
Sometimes that is the best thing that you can do!

Rev’d Mark Nelson
Assistant Curate in the Benefice of Winslow, Great Horwood and Addington

The Gardener’s Hymn
                 All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small
                 All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all
                 But what we never mention, though gardener’s know it’s
                 Is when He made the goodies, He made the baddies too

                   All things spray and swattable,
                   disasters great and small
                   All things paraquatable, the Lord
                   God made them all
                   The greenfly on the roses, the
                   maggots on the peas
                   Manure that fill our noses, He also gave us these

The fungus on the goosegogs, the club root on the greens
The slugs that eat the lettuce, and chew the aubergines
The drought that kills the fuchsias, the frost that nips the buds
The rain that drowns the seedlings, the blight that kills the spuds

The midges and mosquitoes, the nettles and the weeds
The pigeons in the green stuff, the sparrows on the seeds
The fly that gets the carrots, the wasp that eats the plums
How black the gardener’s outlook, though green may be his thumb

But still we gardeners labour, midst vegetables and
And pray what hits our neighbours, will somehow
bypass ours.
All things bright and beautiful………………..

Alex Stanyer MBE, Puzzle Preschool to
Autism Early Support 2001 to now…

When Alex left school she trained as a nurse,
prior to this training a friend suggested they
got some experience first and Alex spent a
life defining 3 months volunteering at a
MENCAP children’s home in Kent.

Alex said ‘it was a definitive moment in life
and the first time I had any experience of
young people with learning difficulties. In
1975 attitudes and approaches to young
people with disabilities and learning
difficulties were very different from today – there were children in the home
aged from as young as 2 years – 18 years old, living in the same building as
us. Initially I found the work very challenging but I grew to love it, although felt
frustrated that very little was done for these young people, few facilities, few
toys and activities very functional. I wanted to find out more about how to
provide support and education’.

Alex went on to qualify as a nurse, but knew, from the experience in the
children’s home, that teaching children with learning difficulties was what she
really wanted to do as a career. So after her nurse training she took a
specialist teaching degree course in ‘Psychology and Education of mentally
handicapped children’ which we would refer to now as ‘Psychology and
Education for children with learning difficulties’. She qualified to teach
children with learning difficulties and didn’t look back. Alex got her first job
teaching in London – children with what was then called ‘severe learning
difficulties’ and some children with autism, which was starting to become a
more recognised condition.

Some years later she took the opportunity the take a Masters degree in
America at George Washington University, Washington DC in ‘the education
and early intervention of very young children with a range of developmental
difficulties, this was pivotal in her next steps….

 ‘I was really interested in communication and early development. After 3
years in America we returned to the UK in 1986 and I started to look around

for relevant work, teaching in a variety of schools and other services, I knew I
wanted to specialise in younger children and early intervention…. largely
stemming from the MENCAP work experience back in 1975. Now in the 1980s
more children were at home with their families but they often had little back up
or support. A lot is expected of families to support their child with little
expertise and help, this spurred me on to want to do more to help families as
well as teaching children…. ‘

‘We moved to Buckinghamshire in early 1990’s and I worked in a number of
schools, and with Bucks Local Authority working with preschool children with
special needs in Aylesbury - often working with families in their homes…. ‘

Through that work Alex worked with the child development team at Stoke
Mandeville Hospital, at that time they were seeing a lot of children on the
Autistic Spectrum with very little post diagnosis support offered to families.
Alex and the Clinical Psychologist at that time wanted to do more to support
these parents and families and in the late 1990’s developed a pilot project
which supported families giving advice and helpful activities. At the end of the
pilot they tried to get statutory services to continue with the programme but
that was very difficult and unfortunately not successful.

After this work Alex decided she now had the experience, knowledge and
skills and wanted to continue this work so, with the support of her family, (and
at the same time as moving to their now family home in Horn Street, Winslow
in 1998), She decided she wanted to set up an innovative and supportive
facility for children early diagnosed with autism and communication difficulties
and looked for a venue.

The environment was really
important for the children,
unfortunately she couldn’t find
anything suitable locally, luckily they
had an annexe in their house with two rooms and, with the support of her
family, they started planning. In September 2001, John Bercow who had
supported the applications and was interested in their work opened Puzzle
Preschool, in Horn Street (now called Circle Centre and part of the Autism
Early Support Trust).

‘The essence of why the service was started and what it stands for is still the
same now as then. At the core of the work in the nursery a Specialist
Teacher, a Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist work
in close collaboration to support children and families and give advice. These
professionals are still at the forefront of the expertise we provide, alongside
trained learning assistants working directly with the children. The Circle
Centre nursery has a high ratio of staff to children so we can really support the
child and develop social interaction skills, communication and play. There are
no more than 8 children at every session as they can often have enormous
difficulties with large groups and big environments which may be
overwhelming. We design an environment which is calm and structured with
few visual distractions so we can help our children to focus and learn to
interact and play – things which we may take for granted with typically
developing children but which doesn’t tend to come naturally to children on
the autism spectrum’.

‘At the end of 2004 with the support of local people and parents we managed
to get the organisation registered as a charity and this allowed us to start
applying for grants. The nursery needed to grow as it had started to get a
waiting list of children and was having to turn families down due to a lack of
space, which was awful.’

‘Once we were successful with our grant applications it enabled Puzzle to
move to rented premises in Middle Claydon in 2006. The nursery was able to
take more children for more sessions and also started to deliver more training
courses for other practitioners for Buckinghamshire County Council as well as
continuing to deliver our important training for parents and carers.’

Puzzle, or Autism Early Support, as it is now known, continues to grow its
outreach services alongside its specialist nursery (now called the Circle
Centre). The outreach service offers training to professionals across the
region and the country and supports families and schools with specialist
assessments, skills, knowledge and training. Families from across Bucks,
Beds, Northants and Oxon come to the centre because it is innovative and
unique. The outreach reaches across the UK, so in that way it is both a local
charity but with a national reach, and who knows where, with the new global
virtual world, it will reach. Autism Early Support keeps in tune with research,
new skills, new developments and evidence and uses that to inform teaching

and educational practice. Leading the way by holding a number of National
Conferences sharing their knowledge and learning with others.

In 2007 Alex got involved with a national organisation called the Autism
Education Trust and for 7 years she sat on their expert reference group, as an
adviser in early years and autism. This led to feeding in, as a consultant, to
their development of a national programme of training for early years
practitioners and a series of training materials still used and available now

Fundraising is an ongoing challenge for the charity. It needs to raise over
£320,000 a year to deliver their services. Autism Early Support Trust are very
grateful to all the charitable trusts, companies, community groups and
individuals who support them. Much support has come from within Winslow
whose local groups such as Rotary, Lions and Masons as well as local shops
and businesses have supported them from the outset. Alex and all of the team
is indebted to that support year on year. Fundraising is a ‘mountain to climb’
each year and she continues to be very much involved with this aspect.
Exciting things are planned for when we can all get together again - indeed in
May 2022 she is helping to plan a fundraising ball to celebrate the Charity’s
20th anniversary - for more information please do contact the team via their
website or 01296 711547 or

Over Lockdown there have been particular challenges in common with many
organisations. However, currently the nursery is open with extra precautions in
place to keep everyone safe, unfortunately home visits are currently not
available but a lot of online support has been developed, such as online family
support groups. When the nursery did have to close during the first lockdown
staff remained in contact with families and created online activities and stories
to maintain some familiar activities for the children.

In 2019 Alex received an envelope in the
post from Buckingham Palace and she
was gobsmacked to see she had received
an MBE in the Queen’s June 2019 birthday
honours for ‘services to young people with
autism’. In December 2019 she went to the
palace alongside her family and received the
award from Prince William, she says …’ it
was the most wonderful day and a complete
surprise to receive this honour – only made
possible because of the fantastic team of
trustees who give so much of their time
freely, and without whom the charity could
not exist, as well as the hard work of the staff team within the Circle Centre
specialist nursery, our outreach services and the charity operations…’

Alex stepped down from her role as CEO of the charity and ‘semi-retired’ in
October 2019 although she is continuing to design and deliver some training
for Autism Early Support to parents and professionals, in addition to
supporting the charity’s fundraising efforts.

‘The first year of ‘semi-retirement’ was very strange, especially as it coincided
with the start of the pandemic and lockdowns!’

‘ However, looking back, starting what has become ‘Autism Early Support
Trust’ and the Circle Centre, 20 years ago in my home in Winslow, has been
the most rewarding part of what I have found to be a fascinating and enjoyable
career in special education. I remain involved with, and totally committed to,
the charity but it is wonderful to see it carry on and develop without me at the
helm. Parents continue to tell us they highly value our help support and
guidance at a time when they may be feeling very concerned about their
child’s future. I feel privileged to have been able to support families at a
vulnerable time in their lives, to have worked with hundreds of children who
have given me so much joy over many years and to work with such a great
team who make this all happen’.

If you would like to read more about the amazing work of the Autism Early
Support team or how you can support them or get involved please go to their
web page or call them on 01296 711547.
MAY 1915

Let us remember Spring will come again
To the scorched, blackened woods, where the wounded trees
Wait with their old wise patience for the heavenly rain,

Sure of the sky: sure of the sea to send its healing breeze,
Sure of the sun. And even as to these
Surely the Spring, when God shall please,
Will come again like a divine surprise

To those who sit to-day with their great Dead, hands in
their hands, eyes in their eyes,
At one with Love, at one with Grief: blind to the
scattered things and changing skies.

Of course, there was a pandemic to follow in 1918 - so two horrendous
events for people to cope with.
But spring did come again - 'like a divine surprise'.

Charlotte Mew


                             O: THE OLD CROWN

The Old Crown (11 Market Square) is first recorded as an inn in 1520. It
was probably running well before then, and the surviving building, with
internal wattle-and-daub walls, has developed from a medieval hall-
house. The adjacent no.13 was part of it until the 17th century, and it was
probably bigger still in the 16th. Its early owners included the Edmunds
and Gyles families.

An inventory from 1708 shows
that it had a hall, kitchen, cellar,
great chamber, little chamber
and three garrets. There were 13
beds. At this date it was only
known as the Crown; it became
the Old Crown in the 1750s.
When it was advertised for sale
in 1806 it had “convenient
Brewhouse, Stable, Cellarage”.
By 1864 it had “stable for Four
Horses, Chaisehouse,
Brewhouse, Pigsties, and Yard”.

The Old Crown eventually came
into the ownership of the
Aylesbury brewers Wroughton & Threlfall. They closed it in 1895 when it
was sold to the builder Thomas Walker and renamed Perseverance House.
Its older features were concealed by Victorian alterations and only
rediscovered during renovations in the 1970s.
Read more on the Winslow History website (
     or in How One Man Transformed a Town: Winslow 1640–1770.

                              P: THE PLOUGH

The Plough (26 Horn Street) is a 17th-century timber-framed building.
The first reference to a Plough Inn comes from 1682 but it is described as
being in the “Beast Market” so it might not have been the same building.
The Plough in Horn Street was certainly running by 1753 when Richard
Scott was the landlord. His widow Elizabeth (nee Eden) insured it for
£100 in 1777 including £12 for utensils and stock. The Scott family sold it
in 1799 to a brewer from Ivinghoe.

In 1827 the Plough had “seven
sleeping rooms, parlour, tap
room, small grocer's shop,
kitchen, wash-house, cellar,
stable, large shed and yard”. It
was acquired by James Field of
the Tring Brewery. From 1839
to 1845 the landlord Roseman
Toms renamed it the Red Lion.
In 1869 one of the customers
died after falling into an open cesspit next to the path to Parsons Close.

The Cripps family took over in 1872 but their main business was as
builders. After Thomas Cripps died in 1903 the trade seems to have
declined, and in 1909 the Plough was declared redundant under the
provisions of the Licensing Act. Compensation was fixed at £324, of which
£40 went to the tenant and the rest to the Aylesbury Brewery Company.

Read more on the Winslow History website (
     or in How One Man Transformed a Town: Winslow 1640–1770.
Karl’s Quiz
1. Who wrote the novels Jurassic Park, Sphere & The
   Andromeda Strain?

2. Which company operates the Trafford Centre in Manchester
   & Eldon Square in Newcastle?

3. US TV presenter Alex Trebek died in November 2020 aged
   80; which quiz show did he present for 36 years?

4. What is a third of three quarters of a half?

5. Who are the only British group to have a top 20 hit sung
   entirely in Latin?

6. How much in New Pence did 14 shillings and sixpence
   become when the UK went decimal in February 1971?

7. In which US State is the city of Charleston?

8. Spelter is a metal alloy used to imitate bronze – what 2 metals
   is it made from?

9. Which disease is commonly known as the "kissing disease"?

10. Which classic sauce is used on Eggs Benedict?

Parmesan Spring Chicken
        1 egg white
        5 tbsp finely grated parmesan
        4 chicken breasts
        400g new potatoes, cut into small
        140g frozen peas
        Good handful of baby spinach
        1 tbsp white wine vinegar
        2 tsp olive oil


   STEP 1

    Heat grill to medium and line the grill pan with foil. Beat the egg white
    on a plate with a little salt and pepper. Tip the parmesan onto another
    plate. Dip the chicken first in egg white, then in the cheese. Grill the
    coated chicken for 10-12 mins, turning once until browned and crisp.

   STEP 2

    Meanwhile, boil the potatoes for 10 mins, adding the peas for the final
    3 mins, then drain. Toss the vegetables with the spinach leaves,
    vinegar, oil and seasoning to taste. Divide between four warm plates,
    then serve with the chicken.

Vegan Chocolate Pudding - Quick,
easy and positively delicious
    1x Avocado
    1 x Banana
    1 oz (25g) Cocoa powder -
    Maple Syrup or other sweetener
    Vanilla ½ - 1 tsp to taste…
    Optional flavours – orange juice,
     cinnamon, coffee, raspberry’s…..
     Whatever you fancy…


        1. Simply cut the avocado in half, remove seed, pinch and
           squeeze the halves of avocado into the cup of a blender.
        2. Peel the banana, break into chunks and add with the avocado.
        3. Add the cacao/cocoa powder, pure maple syrup, vanilla, and
           optional flavours into the blender, and blend until nice and
           creamy, stopping to scrape down the sides as needed.
        4. Add liquids as needed for desired consistency.
        5. Taste for flavour adjusting to your liking.
        6. Serve chilled or at room temp

Quiz Answers
1. Michael Crichton            6. 72½ New Pence
2. Intu                        7.South Carolina
3. Jeopardy!                   8.Zinc and lead
4. One eighth                  9. Glandular fever
5. Steeleye Span (Gaudete)     10.Hollandaise

Panto Memories

We are so sorry we haven’t been able to bring the joy of panto to Winslow
this year. We are all missing panto season, and can’t wait to be back in
rehearsal and on the stage. In the meantime, please enjoy some photos of panto
through the years.

                                           P.S. Our December
                                           competition received no
                                           entries, so the prize hamper
                                           was instead donated to the
                                           food cupboard.
                   After a grim 2020 we move into what we all hope will be a much
                   better 2021. Our members have been getting on with their lives
                   and looking forward to a time when we can get back together
                   and share our interest in the arts.

                    With no opportunities to meet up and share skills, and a ban on
                    holding demonstration and social evenings, we are not able to
plan for 2021 yet, so we are unable to book speakers and arrange the workshops
that our members so enjoy. Most of our members paint in one medium or another
(or several different media), though our speakers are frequently drawn from widely
different skills. Over the past year or so we have enjoyed talks from both traditional
artists using paint and pastel, and also the art of musical instrument making,
embroidery and print making. Workshops have given members the opportunity to
paint along with skilled artists favouring portraits and landscapes as well as still life.

Our weekly painting groups in Winslow, Padbury and briefly, Great Horwood (until
covid rules forced closure) have enabled members to work in a favourable and
non-home environment for a few hours each week and concentrate on their art
skills with support from other members who can give advice when needed.

In the past, we have enjoyed warmer weather painting opportunities outside at
interesting locations and while winter weather precludes such enthusiasms at the
moment we are hopeful of a summer to come with sociable plein-air chances.

All this is currently on hold, of course, but the Society is poised to restart operations
just as soon as the current covid rules allow, and our members are at present
enjoying a reduced subscription period until activities restart.

The Society is open to all adults with an interest in art and the arts, and welcomes
new members. All our members have the opportunity of showing their work in the
two exhibitions we hold each year (in a normal year) at the Winslow Public Hall in
May and November. We are optimistic that we will be able to hold a show in May
2021, but that will depend so much on the way the rules on public meetings go.
Our online exhibition this last November attracted a lot of interest and picture sales
and that could be repeated if required in 2021.

We are still open for new membership, even though we cannot offer a great deal
at the moment and you are welcome to contact our Treasurer, Jackie Chambers,
for more information on 01296 713607
Save the date!
                          Sunday 20th June, 10-5pm.

 Gardeners, please begin to think about whether you could open your garden,
                   and maybe do some planting planning?

                          More news in future editions.

     Contact Vron Corben on if you’d like to register your

  For anyone who has not participated or visited Winslow in Bloom, it is a town
event, usually with about 12 gardens open to the public for one day. The gardens
 come in all varieties from the very popular tiny garden that gives people plenty
of opportunity for ideas of what to plant in their own garden, to the larger more
                     formal gardens which are a joy to look at.
 At this stage, we just need to hear from gardeners who would consider sharing
their garden with others for the day. They do not have to be perfect, but may be
                   interesting simple or with a particular focus.
 We also provide lunches and teas on the day, so you can make it a real day out.
                           Proceeds go to local charities.

Take the challenge to reflect in 2021

Three siblings are encouraging
Buckinghamshire residents to join them in an 80-mile hike
across the Chilterns to remember loved ones and raise
much needed funds for Florence Nightingale Hospice
By walking from Swindon to Aylesbury, Adam Dalwood and
his family will be taking literally thousands of steps to
remember their father who died at Florence Nightingale
Hospice in 2018.
Adam, his sisters Kelly and Hannah, and one of their
partners David, will be undertaking the four-day guided
hike along The Ridgeway, Britain’s oldest road, on behalf of
the Hospice, where their father Robin was cared for before
he passed away.
“We will be eternally grateful and taking part in the
Ridgeway Hike is something positive to do to remember our
dad and a small way to support the Hospice to provide
such an amazing service.”
The guided hike will be starting at Swindon on Thursday 3rd
June and finish at Florence Nightingale Hospice in
Aylesbury on Sunday 6th June.
You can find out more about the Ridgeway Trek and details
of how to sign up at, or
call 01296 429975 for more information.


Almost as soon as the Club resumed group rides the country was
put on lockdown again so it's once again back to solo or duo
rides. The recent Government restrictions allow two people from
different households to exercise together so with over 40
members signed up since the Club began back in August, many
new friendships have formed, so there is always a cycle buddy to
pair up with. The recent freezing temperatures hasn't deterred
the die-hard cyclists of the club - layering up and equipped
with balaclavas, thermal gloves etc., the wheels have kept in

Cycling has really boomed since Covid-19 first appeared - it is a
great way of boosting physical and mental health and can help
shed any excess pounds!! Many more people took to their bikes
last year, whether it be a trip to work, the shops, local park, or to
join a Club like the Winslow Wheelers. Many bike shops reported
running completely out of stock due to the sudden huge demand.

With the Covid vaccines rolling out we are confident we will be
back in full action over the summer months and hopefully the
Club can resume organised group rides and even arrange some
nice cycling weekends away together.

Anyone interested in finding out more information about the Club
can do so by emailing or visit our
Facebook/Website page - Winslow Wheelers Cycle Club or call
07743974349 (after 6pm).

Here are some photos of some of our members cycling
adventures over the last couple of months.

Police Emergency                                                                              999
        Non-Emergency - Central Police Enquiry Centre                                         101
Norden House Surgery                                                                       713434
Doctors: Dickson, Straker, Mason and Ramasamy
          Surgery Hours: Mon – Fri            9.00 – 12.00     3.30 – 6.00
Emergencies at night and weekends The answerphone gives you instructions
Winslow Health Centre                                                                      714777
     Open Mon – Thurs 8.45 – 12.40, 1.50 – 5.15         Fri 8.45 – 12.40, 1.50 – 4.45
           Health Visitors                  Answer phone                                   712975
           Mental Health Team                Answer phone                                  711340
           John Hampden Unit (65+Mental Health)                                            712511
           Podiatry/ chiropody                                                             714777
           District nurses                                                                 711307
           Speech & Language Therapy                                                       714777
Chemist                   Lloyds Pharmacy, 82 High Street                                  712061
Counselling               Dr Reeves, PO Box 1823 Winslow                                   715001
Dentists                  Dr Ketan Karlekar 4a, High Street                                712548
                          The White House Dental Studio, 34 High Street                   712264
Optician                  Brian Clark, 42 High Street                                     712043
Funeral Director          Heritage & Sons, 63 High Street                       (24 hours) 713341
Age UK              Information & Advice Helpline                                          431911
Alzheimer’s Society                                                                        331722
Parkinson’s UK                                                                      0344 225 3773
Citizens Advice                                                                     0344 245 1289
Crossroads                 Care Attendant Scheme                                    01908 260444
Winslow Activity Club Fran West                                                            713952
Buckingham Day Care Buckingham                                                      01280 815400
St John Ambulance          Event First Aid Cover                                           744360
Flowfood (formerly Meals on Wheels)                                                 01908 665976
SSAFA-Forces Help          Mr Edward Pepper                                               712513
Shaftesbury Court          Care Home                                                       714858
Swan House                 Care Home                                                       711400
Relate                     Marriage Guidance                                               427973
Breathe Easy              Support for those with respiratory problems               07732 867864
Veterinary Surgeon         Windmill Veterinary Centre                                      715660
Rogers Educational Trust contact Jo Anderson                                               712650
Post Office – Counter services (as at 09/08/20)                                            712990
            Opening hours Mon – Fri 9am – 5.30pm             Sat 9am – 12.30pm Thursday closed
     The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by contributors in this
       Magazine do not necessarily reflect those held by Winslow PCC.
          Printed by MRM GRAPHICS LTD, Winslow Tel. 712364
Winslow Town Council 28 High Street MK18 3HQ                                         712448
Council Meetings at 7.00 pm on 1st Thursday of each month in the Council Chamber
Winslow Farmers Market - 1st Sunday of Every Month 10-2 (contact WTC)
Visit our Noticeboard or website: for more information
Aylesbury Vale District Council                                                01296 585858
                       Winslow Market - Every Wednesday (contact AVDC)
Winslow Community Library                        Library enquiries                   382415
Library Park Road Opening hours: Mon and Wed 10am -1pm (subject to change)
Winslow Church of England School                                                     712296
Rainbows Nursery 3 – 4 year olds (based at school)                                   712296
Great Horwood CE School                                                              712622
Great Horwood Acorns Nursery 3-4 year olds                                           712622
Furzedown                                                                            711380
Sir Thomas Fremantle School                                                          711853
Buckingham County Secondary                                                   01280 812206
The Cottesloe School                                                                 688264
Royal Latin School                                                            01280 813065
Buckingham, Winslow & District Citizens Advice Bureau                        01280 816787
Groups for Young People
Winslow Baby & Toddler Club                      
Great Horwood Toddlers Group (Thursday AM during term time)                          712622
Puzzle Centre              Mandy Lawer                       733900
Nanny & Hettys Preschool & Rising Stars            Sophie Wakeman              07999 890018
 – out of school care 4yrs -12yrs- 7am – 6pm        Amanda                    07864 989059
Treehouse Pre-School                               Admin Officer                     712333
Buckingham & Winslow Young Carers                  Margot Parfitt              01280 817772
1st Winslow Scout Group
Group Scout Leader Jon Green                   01908 501743
Scouts Leader                                      Jonathan Cordes                   714212
Cub Scout Leader                                   Sarah Cordes                      714212
Beavers Leader                                     Jon Green                   01908 501743
New Applications    Follow links for local groups
Girl Guiding
1st Buckingham Rangers                             Mrs M Pringle               01280 817838
1st Winslow Guides                                 Sharon Albone                     715626
1st Winslow Brownies                               Emmie Pearson               07704 581193
3rd Winslow Brownies                               Ms F Sturley                      714770
1st Winslow Rainbows                               Mrs B Miller                      714192
New Applications                    0800 1695901
Other Groups
Edgcott & Winslow Young Farmers                    James Tree                  07989 367247
Winslow Countrysiders (Jnr Young Farmers)          Mrs P Claridge                    730235
Air Training Corps 1563(Buck’m)Sqdn      

Winslow Teens – Social & Sporting Activities    Jacquie Anderson              07413 460906

Winslow Bowls Club                              Mr Victor Griffiths                   714026
Winslow Croquet Club                            Mrs Jill Lord                         715519
Winslow & District Fishing Club Clive 0759 659 5309
Winslow Wheeler Cycle Club                07743 974349 (after 6pm)
Winslow United Football Club                   Mr Gareth Robins                 07791 598346
Winslow Judo Club                               Ms Julia Helstead               07720 715853
Winslow & District Ramblers Group              Mr Peter Alsford                       713569
Winslow Rugby Club                             Mr Duncan Wigley                       713136
Winslow Sports Club Secretary                   Mrs Jane Keys                   07713 073438
Winslow Centre Lawn Tennis Club                Mr Guy Grierson                  0783 1110789
Gt. Horwood Football Club                      Steve Bennett                          712068
Voluntary & Community Groups
Contact the Elderly                             Miss Tessa Perry                      713256
Freemasons Claydon Lodge No. 9178              John King                        07740 166305
Winslow & District Art Society                 Peter Weatherill                 01908 675146
Winslow Bridge Club                            Mrs Ann Lynch                          720742
Winslow & District Community Bus                Lynne King                            715786
Winslow & District Chamber of Trade            Mr Trevor Goosey                       713010
Winslow Concert Band                           Fiona Storey                    0845 459 1994
Winslow Garden Society                         Liz van de Poll                        713112
Friends of Winslow Health Centre               Mrs Sue Keane                          713106
Lions Club of Winslow                          Mr Colin Bradford                03458 337817
Men in Sheds - Winslow                      Dave Saunders 714164
Winslow Players Drama Association              Miss Derry French                      715185
Recorded Music Society                         Mr W Cole                        01280 816911
British Red Cross-Public Duties                                                       739300
        Volunteers & Juniors                   Mrs Debbie Brooks                01280 817096
Rotary Club                                    Mr Chris Brown                         713606
Royal British Legion - Branch                  Mr Graham Read                         670231
                   - Club                      The Secretary                          713287
                  - Poppy Appeal Organiser Mr Mark Randall                            714906
Winslow Show Association                       Mrs Sue Keane                          713106
Winslow Anglo French Twinning Association Mr Dennis Corben                            712460
Willen Hospice (fund-raising)                  Mrs Veronica Cockman                   713420
Winslow Big Society Group Vron Corben                 712460
Community Car Scheme                           WCCS Co-ordinator                07508 330750
Community Wheelchair Vehicle                   Administrator                   07508 976917
Winslow Women’s Institute            
Winslow Early Birds WI                         Mrs Sue Pearson                        714775
Winslow History Project                        Dr David Noy                           711683
Hall Hire
St. Laurence Room & Public Hall                Miss Derry French                         715185
Scout Hut                                       Mrs Denise Ward                          713202
Royal British Legion Hall                       Paula Russell                            713287
Parish Priest                            Rev Andrew Lightbown (Day off – Monday) 712564
St Laurence on the Web          /winslow
St Laurence on Facebook        
Wardens                               George Hooper                   713667
                                          Chris Ryalls       712029
Warden Emeritus                           Richard Hills                                 712786
PCC Hon. Secretary                       Sharon Stevens
PCC Hon Treasurer                        Terry Capstick                                  714592
Covenant Secretary                       Mark Walmsley                                   713499
Benefice Administrator                   Emma Thompson    
Bells Tower Secretary                    Jan Lewis                                      715106
Car Service – assistance for the elderly or disabled to attend Church George Hooper     713667
Children’s Society                       Angela Bowe                                     714678
Church Flowers                           Joyce Hill                                      713458
St Laurence 100 Club                     George Hooper                                   713667
Mothers Union                            Angela Bowe                                     714678
Director of Music                        Derry French                                    715185
Social Secretary                         Judy Robbins                                    715484
St Laurence Room Bookings                Derry French                                    715185
Church Floodlighting                     Chris Chapman                                   712139
Time for Toddlers (Wed 10am -11am) Barbara Preston                                       712441
St. Mary’s Church, Addington
Warden                                   Robert Cronk                                    713813
PCC Hon Secretary                        Helen Roos                                      715850
St. James Church, Great Horwood
Wardens                                  David Brazier                                   714712
                                         June Margerrison                                714554
PCC Hon Secretary                        Chris Finnemore                           01908 501936
PCC Hon Treasurer                        Russell Margerrison                             714554
Other Churches
St. Alban’s RC Parish                    Parish Priest, Fr Anton Webb              01908 309720
Winslow Tabernacle                       Church Office 714460         Tom Harrison 07875 080844
Winslow Christian Fellowship        Colin Poyntz 07305 437799
Keach’s Meeting House                  (keys) Hermione Longton                           712202
Winslow Parish News
Editor     Katy Slade                   07799 406 828
Finance                                  Angela & Graham Bowe                            714678
Advertising Emma Thompson-Thompson 07803 833 944
Distribution                             Avril Bates                               07702 814213
Subscriptions                            Sue Keane                 713106

COPY DEADLINE FOR March 2021 issue is 5:30 pm 20th
        February send to

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