Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper

Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
Monday May 30, 2022                 Volume 56, Issue 11


Diving in /
The team divers on board HMCS Montreal conduct diving procedures
in Aksaz, Turkey during Operation Reassurance on May 02. HMCS
Montreal is currently deployed with Standing NATO Maritime Group

L’équipe de plongeurs à bord du NCSM Montréal exécute des
procédures de plongée à Aksaz, en Turquie, au cours de l’opération
REASSURANCE, le 2 mai. Le NCSM Montréal est actuellement déployé
au sein du 2e Groupe maritime permanent de l’OTAN.

                                                CPL BRADEN TRUDEAU
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 30, 2022

HMCS Harry DeWolf busts add to
smugglers’ blues
By Peter Mallett,
The Lookout

  HMCS Harry DeWolf and its crew           Eastern Pacific.                          recovered 165 kilograms of cocaine.         combined operations proves allied
continue to protect North America            The first drug bust took place on          Arrested suspects were processed         navies can work together to realize a
from illegal narcotics in the high seas.   April 19 when Harry DeWolf intercept-     by the U.S. Law Enforcement system.         common goal.”
  The Arctic and Offshore Patrol           ed two vessels containing 231 kilo-       The seized drugs were collected as             LCdr Bell says the Harry DeWolf
Vessel recently participated in two in-    grams of cocaine, with the help of U.S.   evidence for court proceedings and          class is designed with a variety of
terdictions and seized a combined 386      Coast Guard (USCG) Law Enforce-           will then be destroyed at a facility in     capabilities that are not present with
kilograms of cocaine with an estimat-      ment Detachment (LEDET) and Unit-         the U.S.                                    other classes of ships, such as the two
ed street value of USD $15 million. The    ed States Navy vessel USS Wichita.           This is Harry DeWolf’s second Op         Multi Role Rescue Boats that provide
busts were made as part of Operation         Then, in the early-morning hours of     Caribbe deployment in six months.           flexibility in operations.
Caribbe 2022. The multinational cam-       May 1, the ship noticed a suspicious         In December of last year, while op-         “When we had two boats pursuing
paign targets transnational criminal       vessel and conducted an interdiction      erating in the Eastern Pacific, Harry       the vessel simultaneously, one was
organizations and illegal narcotics        using the ship’s two Multi Role Rescue    DeWolf worked alongside USCG staff          able to keep up the pursuit while the
shipments in the Caribbean Sea and         Boats. This time Harry DeWolf’s crew      in two drug interdictions, seizing a        other was able to recover the jettison,”
                                                                                     combined 2,589 kilograms of cocaine.        said LCdr Bell.
                                                                                     The ship began operating on its second         During this deployment, Harry
                                                                                     Op Caribbe deployment on April 4,           DeWolf and crew will also participate
                                                                                     making its third and fourth seizures of     in U.S-led exercise Tradewinds 2022.
                                                                                     illegal narcotics.                          The annual exercise involves inter-
                                                                                        Harry DeWolf’s Executive Officer,        national and regional partners and
                                                                                     LCdr Ryan Bell, says the ship’s crew        focuses on strengthening security and
                                                                                     worked diligently before interdicting       safety in the Caribbean region, with
                                                                                     the vessels.                                an emphasis on humanitarian aid,
                                                                                        “The successful interdiction is a tan-   disaster relief and counter-narcotics
                                                                                     gible way of demonstrating we are pro-      operations. A special focus this year
                                                                                     tecting and safeguarding North Amer-        will be on an amphibious landing of
                                                                                     ica and society from illegal narcotics,”    disaster relief support.
                                                                                     he said. “Achieving this success in

                                                                                        Attn: Transitioning Military

                                                                                        WE RE
Crewmembers carry out their duties on the bridge of HMCS Harry DeWolf during
Operation CARIBBE, while sailing in the Atlantic Ocean on May 3.
                                                                        CAF PHOTO
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A Royal Canadian Navy member drives HMCS Harry DeWolf’s Multi Role Rescue Boat
with members of the U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment (LEDET) on
board in the Atlantic Ocean on April 18.
                                                                        CAF PHOTO
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS          MAY 30, 2022                                                                                                                                             3

Connecting to her Indigenous
culture: PO1 Cheyanne Delaronde
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

                                                                                              “My parents were taught to be           early on. She turned to her mother for
                                                                                            ashamed of being Indigenous,” she         help — and came up with an arrange-
                                                                                            said. “They experienced unthinkable       ment that has worked better than she
                                                                                            trauma that they did not want us to       ever could have imagined.
                                                                                            experience.”                                 “My mom had a hard time growing
                                                                                              PO1 Delaronde joined the CAF as         up. She always worked hard to sup-
                                                                                            a reservist in Vancouver in 2005 as a     port us kids the best she could, and
                                                                                            Naval Communicator before becoming        she was still working hard… I gave
                                                                                            a full-time member in 2009. Now work-     it a lot of thought and convinced her
                                                                                            ing at CFB Halifax as a Human Re-         to leave her job and move in with us
                                                                                            sources Administrator (HRA) in Base       so we could be together and she could
                                                                                            Administration, PO1 Delaronde first       help look after the kids. I’ve taken her
                                                                                            got involved with the DAAG when she       along to all of my postings ever since.
                                                                                            was posted to Ottawa and met Master       I feel so blessed as she’s one of the best
                                                                                            Warrant Officer Moogly Tetrault-          people I know.”
                                                                                            Hamel, Aboriginal Advisor to the CAF         It’s an arrangement that has helped
                                                                                            Chaplain General.                         provide some healing too, as PO1
                                                                                              “He would pass on teachings and         Delaronde’s mother is teaching the
                                                                                            always encouraged me to speak up.         girls to speak Cree — a language her
                                                                                            Meeting him was my first connection       mother almost lost.
                                                                                            with the DAAG; it really helped open         “My mom understands both Sault-
                                                                                            the door for me to be proud of my heri-   eaux and Cree. Before she went to
                                                                                            tage,” said PO1 Delaronde.                school she didn’t speak any English
                                                                                              While the DAAG is a key support for     but once she went to school, she would
PO1 Cheyanne Delaronde is a Human Resources Administrator at CFB Halifax and a
                                                                                            Indigenous military members, it also      be disciplined if she spoke in her own
member of the Atlantic Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group.
                                                                                            has an important role to play in pro-     language,” said PO1 Delaronde. “It
                                                      MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PUBLIC AFFAIRS     moting positive culture change across     took a long time for my mom to accept
                                                                                            the CAF, PO1 Delaronde added.             that you can be proud of your Indig-
  Growing up, Petty Officer 1st Class         family has faced — no matter how big            “The military is very much a poli-      enous heritage, but she’s proud of it
(PO1) Cheyanne Delaronde didn’t talk          or small — play a role in who they are        cy-based institution. The policies are    now.”
a lot about her culture, but now as a         today, and they are an important part         changing to become more accommo-             Understanding and change comes
member of the Defence Aboriginal              of the RCN,” said PO1 Delaronde.              dating, but there is still much work to   from hearing each other’s stories of
Advisory Group (DAAG), she’s proud              She speaks from personal expe-              be done. It will take us time to get to   struggle and success. Being involved
to stand up for Indigenous members of         rience. In her own family, both her           where we need to be, but the changes      with the DAAG gives people a space
the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) —             grandmothers attended residential             that are happening will benefit every-    for that kind of conversation, said PO1
supporting others as they speak up to         schools, and her mother was part of           one.”                                     Delaronde.
tell their stories.                           what’s known as the Sixties Scoop, the          A career in the military can be            “People often feel afraid to step
  “A lot of Indigenous people have had        period from the mid 1960s to the mid          challenging on a number of different      forward and speak up. We’re all afraid
their culture ripped away from them.          1980s in which thousands of Indige-           levels, but for PO1 Delaronde, by far     of judgment, but when we join togeth-
Most of us feel that we are not Indige-       nous children were taken from their           the hardest part is when her work         er we have a louder voice, a stronger
nous enough to represent our families         families by child welfare authorities         takes her away from her family. As        voice… that’s where we find the op-
or our communities. This couldn’t             to be placed in foster care and put up        a mother to three young daughters,        portunity to make real changes.”
be farther from the truth. Their
                           ​​     lived       for adoption to go to non-Indigenous          PO1 Delaronde realized that challenge
experience and the traumas their              families.

Blanket Exercise
kicks off Indigenous
Awareness Week at
CFB Halifax
Led by Hon Capt (N) Debbie Eisan, members of MARLANT took part in a blanket
exercise on May 20. Intended as a learning opportunity, the Blanket Exercise explores
the shared history between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada through
eye-opening, interactive group activity. The exercise was open to any interested mili-
tary or civilian employees on the base and took place in the drill hall at building S120.

                                                                  MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                                        TRIDENT NEWS          MAY 30, 2022


                                                            Workshop focuses on design
                                                            for future Canadian Surface
                                                            Combatants (CSC)
Editor: Ryan Melanson
Reporter: Joanie Veitch
 joanie.veitch@psphalifax.ca                                By Joanie Veitch,
 902-721-8624                                               Trident Staff
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway
 margaret.conway@forces.gc.ca                                                                                                    Forces Mari-       constant, the ships will be sailing into
 902-721-0560                                                                                                                    time Warfare       an ever-changing geopolitical environ-
Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah                                                                                             Centre (CFM-       ment, with new threats and rapidly
 Ariane.Guay-Jadah@forces.gc.ca                                                                                                  WC) at CFB         evolving technological advancements.
 902-721-8341                                                                                                                    Halifax. It was       In bringing together such a diverse
                                                                                                                                 facilitated by a   group of participants, RAdm San-
www.tridentnewspaper.com                                                                                                         team from Tac-     tarpia said the workshop offered an
                                                                                                                                 tical Advance-     opportunity to “leverage outside views
Trident is an authorized military publication                                                                                    ments for the      and expertise” in a way not previously
distributed across Canada and throughout the
world every second Monday, and is published with                                                                                 Next Genera-       done before.
the permission of Rear Admiral Brian Santarpia,                                                                                  tion (TANG), a        Before breaking into smaller groups,
Commander, Joint Task Force Atlantic. The Editor
reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy,
                                                                                                                                 program from       the TANG team gave a brief over-
photographs or advertising to achieve the aims                                                                                   Johns Hopkins      view of research carried out last fall,
of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim                                                                                  University Ap-     when some members of their team
Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April
11, 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10                                                                                plied Physics      spent time aboard HMCS Toronto and
a.m., 11 business days prior to the publication date.                                                                            Laboratory.        interviewed more than 70 personnel —
Material must be accompanied by the contributor’s
name, address and phone number. Opinions and                                                                                       The CSC          learning more about how a warship’s
advertisements printed in Trident are those of the                                                                               will replace       design details can affect the crew, both
individual contributor or advertiser and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions or endorsements of
                                                                                                                                 Canada’s           in their use of the physical space and
the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.                                                                                            Halifax-class      its impact on communication flow and
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le
                                                                                                                                 frigates, and      operations.
contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force                                                                               the retired           For the next two days, participants
opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est                                                                              Iroquois-class     discussed a variety of different “fu-
distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis         CPO1 Tom Lizotte, Formation Chief for MARLANT and JTFA,
toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve                                                                           destroyers;        ture” scenarios in their small groups,
                                                            spoke to participants during a workshop at the CFMWC in
le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les                                                                              plans are for a    working under the guidance of work-
articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires           Halifax on May 16.
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire
                                                                                                                                 new fleet of 15    shop facilitators who encouraged them
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des                                                                             warships. With     to think about “all the ways design can
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée                                              RYAN MELANSON, TRIDENT STAFF
                                                                                                                                 an estimated       support the crew and mission perfor-
des annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée
à 1000 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication.          How do you design a warship with                                   project budget     mance.”
Les textes peuvent être soumis en français ou en
                                                            its future sailors in mind, given that      of approximately $60 billion, it is set        At the end of the three-day event,
anglais; ils doivent indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le
numéro de téléphone du collaborateur. Les opinions          many of those future sailors are just       to be the largest investment in the         Jeff Hutt, one of the project planners
et les annonces publicitaires imprimées par le Trident
                                                            ten years old, or even younger?             Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) since the         at the CSC Project Management Office,
sont celles des collaborateurs et agents publicitaires                                                  Second World War.
et non nécessairement celles de la rédaction, du              That’s the challenge that was put to                                                  said the TANG team did a great job
MDN ou de l’éditeur.                                        a group of about 55 personnel — sail-         The first of the 15 ships is expected     of encouraging innovative ideas from
                                                            ors, air force personnel and industry       to begin construction in 2023, with         participants, in particular on the
                                                            representatives — at a facilitated          anticipated delivery in the early 2030s.    theme of information sharing capabil-
Courier address:                                                                                        Delivery of the remaining ships will        ities and how technology can eventu-
                                                            workshop looking to draw a diverse
Canadian Forces Base Halifax                                                                            continue into the 2040s.                    ally improve that process in the new
Building S-90                                               range of perspectives on the design
                                                            for the Canadian Surface Combatant            In his opening remarks, RAdm              ships.
Suite 329
P.O. Box 99000                                              (CSC) project.                              Brian  Santarpia, Commander Mari-              “The work now is to break these
Halifax, N.S.                                                 Organized by the CSC project              time  Forces Atlantic and Joint Task        down into actionable items in terms of
B3K 5X5                                                     planning personnel, the workshop            Force Atlantic, noted that while many       design,” Hutt said.
                                                            ran from May 16 to 19 at the Canadian       aspects of maritime operations remain

                                                                                                       Royals visit with
                                                                                                       Canadian Rangers
                                                                                                        Prince Charles is presented with the first 75th Canadian Ranger Anniversary coin by
                                                                                                        a Junior Canadian Ranger from Fort Resolution, which is part of 1 Canadian Ranger
                                                                                                        Patrol Group in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories on May 19. The Prince of Wales
                                                                                                        and The Duchess of Cornwall were visiting as part of their 2022 Royal Tour in Cana-
                                                                                                        da, marking the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. The visit also included stops
                                                                                                        in Newfoundland and Labrador as well as the National Capital Region.

                                                                                                                                                                            MCPL JAX KENNEDY
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 30, 2022                                                                                                                                         5

New leadership at Maritime Forces Pacific:
RAdm Christopher Robinson assumes command of MARPAC/JTF(P), while VAdm
Angus Topshee prepares for Commander RCN role
By Peter Mallet,
The Lookout
  The winds of change swept through         the fleet and the formation did well in     RAdm Robin-
Esquimalt’s dockyard on May 16 as the       challenging times.                          son will also
reins of command for the Maritime             VAdm Topshee joined the Canadian          oversee the
Forces Pacific (MARPAC) passed from         Armed Forces in 1990. He has held           Canadian Sub-
one leader to the next.                     several other prominent positions           marine Force,
  Newly promoted Vice-Admiral               throughout his career, including            Naval Re-
(VAdm) Angus Topshee handed over            Director of Afghanistan National            serves, search
command of MARPAC and Joint Task            Police Training Operations in 2010,         and rescue
Force Pacific (JTF(P)) to Rear-Admiral      Commander of Canadian Forces Base           (SAR) opera-
(RAdm) Christopher Robinson at Dun-         Halifax (2012-2015), and Deputy Direc-      tions for the
tze Head in Esquimalt on May 16.            tor of the Strategy, Policy and Plans       West Coast,
  Holding the in-person event was           Directorate North American Aero-            as well as the
a major change from the past two            space Defense Command (NORAD).              naval training
years. Last year’s MARPAC Change            He assumed command of Canadian              system.
of Command Ceremony, which saw              Fleet Pacific in 2018, and in May 2021        RAdm Rob-
RAdm Topshee replace VAdm Bob               assumed command of Maritime Forces          inson began
Auchterlonie, was held virtually due        Pacific and Joint Task Force Pacific.       his military ca- Left to right: VAdm Angus Topshee, VAdm Bob Auchterlonie,
to health and safety regulations sur-         VAdm Topshee will replace VAdm            reer in the Ca-    VAdm Craig Baines, and RAdm Christopher Robinson sign the
rounding COVID-19. This year’s event        Craig Baines, who will then retire.         nadian Army        Change of Command certificates for Maritime Forces Pacific at
saw the return of the traditional naval       A New Commander                           Reserves as a      Duntze Head in HMC Dockyard on May 16.
pageantry, usually reserved for such          Recently arriving on the West             Combat Engi-
ceremonies.                                 Coast after serving as Commander of         neer with the                                                     S1 KENDRIC GRASBY
  After a little more than one year in      Canadian Fleet Atlantic in Halifax,         3rd Field Engi-
command of MARPAC, Vice-Admiral             Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher             neer Regiment                                “It’s an immense privilege for me
(VAdm) Topshee moves on to Ottawa           Robinson’s new role as head of MAR-         in Montréal. He subsequently joined       to follow in the footsteps of such great
to his new job as Commander of the          PAC comes with great responsibility,        the Royal Canadian Navy and under-        leaders   and have the opportunity to
Royal Canadian Navy.                        noted Vice-Admiral (VAdm) Craig             went Naval Warfare Officer training       enable the success of the west coast
  He, along with other speakers, noted      Baines, who presided over the ceremo-       aboard patrol craft, mine-sweepers,       team. We all have much work to do
many challenges the formation has           ny.                                         and destroyers before volunteering        and I am looking forward to building
dealt with over the past year, includ-        “It should be highlighted that this       for the silent service of submarines.     on the work done by VAdm Topshee,
ing a global pandemic and the ongoing       formation is one of the most unique         In 2017, he was appointed Command-        by engaging with all the members of
climate change. More locally, MAR-          and challenging formations in the Ca-       er Canadian Submarine Force and           the formation to continue to make
PAC dealt with environmental disas-         nadian Armed Forces and it is a lot to      Commander 4th Maritime Opera-             MARPAC a respectful and great place
ters such as forest fires, floods, and      put on one’s plate,” VAdm Baines said.      tions Group, before being appointed       to work,” RAdm Robinson said.
personnel shortages. Despite all the          He noted that, aside from his lead-       Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic
pressing issues, VAdm Topshee said          ership role for MARPAC and JTF(P),          between 2021 and 2022.

La MND annonce l’envoi d’une                                                            MND announces additional
aide militaire supplémentaire                                                           military aid for Ukraine
destinée à l’Ukraine                                                                    By DND


  Le 24 mai, la ministre Anita Anand        consacrée à l’Ukraine depuis février          Defence Minister Anita Anand              nadian-made drone cameras, funding
a annoncé que le Canada donnera plus        2022, y compris des contributions           announced on May 24 that Canada             for high-resolution satellite imagery
de 20 000 obus d’artillerie de munitions    d’artillerie, des caméras de drones         will donate more than 20,000 artillery      and more. Canada has also dedicated
standard de 155 mm de l’Organisation        de fabrication canadienne, des fonds        rounds of 155 mm NATO standard am-          two tactical airlift aircraft that have
du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN),      pour l’imagerie satellitaire à haute        munition, including fuses and charge        so far carried over 2 million pounds of
y compris des mèches et des gargouss-       résolution et plus encore. Le Canada        bags, to further support Ukraine’s          military aid to support Ukraine.
es, pour soutenir l’armée ukrainienne       a également consacré deux avions            military in their response to Russian         Following the announcement of $500
dans sa réponse à l’invasion illégale et    de transport tactique qui ont jusqu’à       leadership’s illegal and unjustifiable      million in new funding for military
injustifiée des dirigeants russes.          présent transporté plus de 2 millions       invasion.                                   assistance to Ukraine in Budget 2022,
  Ces munitions seront tirées à par-        de livres d’aide militaire pour soutenir      This ammunition will be fired from        through which this latest shipment
tir de canons, y compris des obusiers       l’Ukraine.                                  guns, including M777 howitzers that         of ammunition is funded, the Govern-
M777 que le Canada et ses alliés ont          Depuis l’annonce de l’octroi de 500       Canada and its allies have donated to       ment of Canada continues to pursue
donnés aux forces ukrainiennes et           millions de dollars en aide militaire       Ukrainian forces, and for which Cana-       additional military support to meet
pour lesquels les membres des Forces        à l’Ukraine sous forme de nouveaux          dian Armed Forces members provided          Ukraine’s immediate and longer-term
armées canadiennes ont fourni une           fonds dans le budget de 2022, grâce au-     training to their Ukrainian Security        requirements while working in coordi-
formation à leurs homologues des            quel cette dernière expédition de muni-     Forces counterparts. This ammuni-           nation with allies and partners.
Forces de sécurité ukrainiennes. Ces        tions est financée, le gouvernement du      tion has been sourced from the United
munitions ont été obtenues auprès des       Canada continue d’ajouter des mesures       States at a cost of up to $98 million and
États-Unis à un coût qui pourrait aller     de soutien militaire supplémentaires        work is underway to get this much
jusqu’à 98 millions de dollars et des ef-   pour répondre aux besoins immédiats         needed aid expedited and delivered to
forts sont déployés pour que cette aide     et à long terme de l’Ukraine tout en tra-   Ukraine as quickly as possible.
indispensable soit expédiée et livrée à     vaillant en coordination avec les alliés      This military assistance builds on
l’Ukraine le plus rapidement possible.      et les partenaires.                         the military aid that Canada has dedi-
  Cette assistance militaire s’ajoute                                                   cated to Ukraine since February 2022,
à l’aide militaire que le Canada a                                                      including contributions of artillery, Ca-
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
6                                                                                                                                                          TRIDENT NEWS           MAY 30, 2022

La Marine royale canadienne                                                             Royal Canadian Navy launches
lance un nouveau programme de                                                           new Mentorship Program for all
mentorat pour tous                                                                      By RCN

                                                                                          Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) sailors                         These group sessions will be held
  Les marins de la Marine royale can-        Ces séances de groupe auront lieu          at all ranks and civilian employees at                    monthly and everyone is encouraged
adienne (MRC) de tous les grades et les    tous les mois et tout le monde est           all levels now have a mentorship pro-                     to actively participate, share their
employés civils de tous les niveaux ont    encouragé à y participer activement, à       gram to call their own.                                   insights and ask questions.
maintenant un programme de men-            communiquer ses idées et à poser des           “The program is designed to create                        Although this program was devel-
torat qui leur est propre.                 questions.                                   a space where individuals – regardless                    oped with RCN military and civilian
  « Le programme vise à créer un             Bien que ce programme ait été              of their rank or experience – can share                   personnel in mind, it is open to all
espace où les personnes – quel que soit    élaboré en pensant au personnel              their knowledge and expertise with                        Canadian Armed Forces members and
leur grade ou leur expérience – peuvent    militaire et civil de la MRC, il est         others who want to learn and grow in                      Department of National Defence em-
communiquer leurs connaissances et         ouvert à tous les militaires des Forces      a personal and professional capacity,”                    ployees at all ranks and levels.
leur expertise à d’autres personnes qui    armées canadiennes et aux employés           says program director Dennis Witzke.                        “It is important to facilitate the
souhaitent apprendre et se perfection-     du ministère de la Défense nationale,          Initially the program will consist of                   transfer of knowledge between Defence
ner sur les plans personnel et profes-     quels que soient leur grade et leur          group sessions led by a subject matter                    Team members to prepare them for
sionnel », a expliqué le directeur du      niveau.                                      expert on topics of interest to RCN                       the complex roles they’ll be expected to
programme, Dennis Witzke.                    « Il est important de faciliter le         Team members. These sessions will be                      perform as their careers progress. This
  Au départ, le programme consistera       transfert de connaissances entre les         available to all on MS Teams.                             way we can ensure that important les-
en des séances de groupe dirigées par      membres de l’Équipe de la Défense afin         The first session took place on May                     sons and skills that have been learned
un expert en la matière sur des sujets     de les préparer aux rôles complexes          26 and focussed on the question of                        are passed on and support the devel-
d’intérêt pour les membres de l’équipe     qu’ils seront appelés à assumer au           why mentorship is important for the                       opment and preparation of sailors and
de la MRC. Ces séances seront accessi-     cours de leur carrière. De cette façon,      Navy. The session featured a number                       officers for future challenges, as well
bles à tous sur MS Teams.                  nous pouvons nous assurer que les            of speakers and participants, including                   as our civilian colleagues,” says CPO1
  La première session a eu lieu le 26      leçons et les compétences importantes        Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1)                      Tara White, the Navy’s occupation
mai et s’est concentrée sur la question    qui ont été acquises sont transmises et      Alena Mondelli, Canadian Forces Base                      manager for boatswains and clearance
de savoir pourquoi le mentorat est         qu’elles soutiennent le perfectionne-        Halifax Base Chief Petty Officer, For-                    divers, and member of the program
important pour la Marine. Un certain       ment et la préparation des marins et         mation Master Sailor Kevin Dave from                      development team.
nombre de conférenciers et de partic-      des officiers pour les défis futurs, ainsi   Maritime Forces Atlantic, Command                           For more details on the program,
ipants ont pris la parole, notamment       que de nos collègues civils », a déclaré     Master Sailor Maude Lauzon, and                           including the information and links for
le premier maître de 1re classe (PM 1)     le PM 1 Tara White, gestionnaire de          Formation Master Sailor Stephanie                         upcoming meetings, visit the Mentor-
Alena Mondelli, premier maître de la       groupe professionnel militaire pour les      MacAndrew from the Naval Reserve.                         ship Program’s intranet site. Questions
base des Forces canadiennes Halifax, le    manœuvriers et plongeurs-démineurs           The session was opened by Rear-Ad-                        can be emailed to P-OTG.RCNMen-
matelot-chef de formation Kevin Dave       de la Marine et membre de l’équipe           miral Casper Donovan, Acting Deputy                       torPD@intern.mil.cahe.
des Forces maritimes de l’Atlantique,      d’élaboration du programme.                  Commander RCN.
le matelot-chef de commandement              Pour plus de détails sur le pro-
Maude Lauzon et le matelot-chef de         gramme, y compris l’adresse de la
formation Stephanie MacAndrew de la        réunion MS Teams, visitez le site
Réserve navale. La séance a été ouverte    intranet du programme de mentorat.
par le contre-amiral Casper Donovan,       Les questions peuvent être envoyées
commandant adjoint par intérim de la       par courriel à P-OTG.RCNMentorPD@
MRC.                                       intern.mil.cahe.

Maintenance course
graduates at 406 Squadron

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                                                                                                       recogn ime the spou nd found a p
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The members of the recent CH-148 Aviation Air Operations Element on Aircraft Main-
tenance Course at 406 Squadron are seen together following a graduation ceremony at
12 Wing Shearwater on May 24.
                                                                 S1 MELISSA GONZALEZ
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 30, 2022                                                                                                                                            7

Excellence in Health Promotion Award Recipient : LCdr Erica Rogers
By PSP Health Promotion Services
                                                                                          Health Promotion Services had the           mer 2021 until spring 2022. We aimed
                                                                                        pleasure to present the annual Excel-         to see if a progressive physical activity
                                                                                        lence in Health Promotion Award to            program, supported and encouraged
                                                                                        LCdr Erica Rogers at Trinity MOSIC            by leadership, combined with targeted
                                                                                        on May 12.                                    health and lifestyle programming, can
                                                                                          The award is given to individuals or        improve overall health-related status.
                                                                                        groups for significant contributions in       This project had the participation of
                                                                                        the field of health promotion, for being      three units at CFB Halifax, including
                                                                                        passionate and dedicated to health and        Trinity MOSIC.
                                                                                        wellness, and for embodying the core            LCdr Rogers was instrumental in
                                                                                        values, beliefs, and ideals of Health         helping the unit navigate the project
                                                                                        Promotion. The ideal candidate for            and communicate information to the
                                                                                        this award has gone above and beyond          unit. In addition to being a role model
                                                                                        in their efforts, whether through a           within the unit, the enthusiasm LCdr
                                                                                        project, initiative, or day-to-day ongo-      Rogers used to motivate members,
                                                                                        ing support of others. Each year we           and her creativity to develop and
                                                                                        solicit nominations from within the           implement relevant initiatives and
                                                                                        Defence Community for members who             challenges, were key to the success of
                                                                                        represent these qualities.                    this project with the overarching goal
                                                                                          LCdr Rogers was nominated by Cdr            of increasing physical activity, health
LCdr Erica Rogers was presented with the Excellence in Health Promotion Award on        Rory Dolan for her efforts with the Go        outcomes, and increasing morale
May 12. Making the presentation was Joy Geizer, a Health Promotion Specialist with      For Green project. Go For Green is a          within Trinity. Congratulations LCdr
Health Promotion Services at CFB Halifax.                                               pilot project that ran from late sum-         Rogers!
                                                                    CPL SIMON ARCAND

                            La chronique de l’aumônier: Principes directeurs
                            Par Capt (Aumônier) Michael Bowyer

                                 Si je      ment. Le partage permet de forger des       Pour les autres, je m’efforce donc d’être     tion, qui ont vaincu une dépendance
                              réfléchis     traits très forts de notre personnalité     une personne consciente de son envi-          ou un sentiment de solitude, ou qui
                              à ce qui      qui favorisent la compassion. Ainsi,        ronnement, m’arrêtant pour expéri-            ont survécu aux abus ou à un stress
                              m’oriente     même si je suis une personne affreuse-      menter la vie et contribuer à celle des       post-traumatique, que l’égocentrisme
                              le plus au    ment égoïste absorbée par ses propres       autres autour de moi. Nous pouvons            ne renforce pas la résilience, mais
quotidien, je dois répondre franche-        envies, besoins et souhaits, je veux        mener une vie égoïste en raison de nos        engendre seulement la solitude. Quels
ment que c’est l’autoconservation ou        aussi être aimé et vivre l’amour avec       mauvaises expériences, de l’embarras          que soient les principes directeurs qui
l’égoïsme. Sans rien pour me guider,        les autres.                                 que nous ressentons, des difficultés qui      vous guident le plus dans votre vie, les
je suis pour le moins distrait par mes        Ce désir de contact que nous avons        nous assaillent, du stress ou même de         personnes autour de vous les verront
propres envies, besoins et souhaits.        pour les autres se traduit par des rela-    la souffrance que nous éprouvons. Un          et elles répondront comme vous leur
Toutefois, mener une vie égoïste est        tions et suscite en nous un sentiment       bon principe directeur pour la vie est        répondez. Je vous encourage donc à
plus difficile qu’il n’y paraît, en plus    de compassion. Cette compassion l’em-       d’accepter que nous soyons tous dans le       faire preuve de bonté sans réserve et
d’être problématique. Au fond, nous         porte sur l’égoïsme en éveillant notre      même bateau, que la plupart du temps          à aimer les autres de la manière dont
ressentons tous un énorme et profond        conscience et en nous sensibilisant,        nous ne puissions pas vivre dans un           vous souhaitez être aimé et respecté.
besoin d’amour.                             notamment, à la perte, à l’amour, à la      isolement égoïste et que nous ayons
   Pourtant, des tensions surviennent       peur, au deuil, à la tristesse, aux abus,   besoin les uns des autres.
au moment où l’on doit donner de            à la pauvreté, à la marginalisation,          J’ai appris, tout comme ceux qui ont
l’amour pour en recevoir régulière-         au racisme, à la faim et à l’itinérance.    connu la pauvreté ou la marginalisa-

Padre’s Corner: Guiding principles
By Padre Capt Michael Bowyer

  Reflecting on what guides me most         turns into relationships and devel-         doesn’t build resilience, it builds loneli-   encourage you to be kind without hesi-
in day-to-day life, I would have to be      ops compassion for others that then         ness. Whatever guiding principles lead        tation, and to show love and respect the
honest and say that it is self-preserva-    invades the selfishness with an aware-      you most in life will be known by those       way you want to be loved and
tion. or selfishness. If not guided, I’m    ness – perhaps of loss, of love, fear,      around you, they will often respond to        respected.
at the very least distracted by my own      grief, sadness, abuse, poverty, margin-     you the way you respond to them. So, I
wants, needs, and desires. Yet living a     alization, racism, hunger, or homeless-
selfish life is harder than it looks, and   ness. So publicly I strive to be a person
problematic. We all have a massive,         of awareness, pausing to experience life
deep-down need for love.                    and the lives of others around me. We
  Yet, the tension is that at some point    may live this way because of previous
we need to share love and give love in      negative experiences, embarrassment,
order to receive it back on a regular       or difficulties, stress or pain. A good
basis. Sharing builds powerful aspects      guiding principle for life is to accept
of our character that can lead to com-      that we are all on a journey, and we
passion – So even though I’m tragically     cannot for the most part live in selfish
a selfish person caught up in my own        isolation, we need one another.
wants, needs, and desires I also want         I’ve learned, with those that have
to be loved and experience love with        survived poverty, marginalization,
others.                                     addictions, abuse, loneliness and
  This want of personal interaction         post-traumatic stress, that selfishness
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
8                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS            MAY 30, 2022

Meet our Corporate Partners: Metro Self-Storage
continues to support the CAF
By PSP Corporate Services

  Metro Self-Storage has been op-          er aspects of Canadian Armed Forces
erating in Halifax for more than 30        life mean that storage space is a com-
years, and with thousands of military      mon need for our people. In addition
and defence personnel in the region,       to discounts for CAF members and
members of the DND community have          veterans, staff at Metro Self-Storage
always been an important part of their     say they always try to be flexible when
clientele.                                 schedules change on short notice, and
  But their relationship with the          even plan ahead for posting seasons or
defence team goes beyond just busi-        major deployments to be ready for an
ness. Metro Self-Storage has been a        influx of customers.
Corporate Partner with PSP Halifax            The support for our members from
and a supporter of CAF events and          Metro Self-Storage, both through their
initiatives in the area for more than a    business offerings and as a corporate
decade, including at the annual DND        sponsor, continues to be appreciated.
Family Days, which last took place in         “They’re one of our partners who
2019 due to COVID-19 restrictions.         have been with us for years and who
  “Through our partnerships with           have stayed with us through the
PSP over the years, being involved         COVID-19 period, continuing their
with Family Days and other events,         support as we were forced to pivot
we’ve been able to broaden this            away from our large annual events,”
relationship even further with the         said Missy Sonier, PSP Halifax Corpo-
military, and make it clear that this is   rate Services Manager.
a community we’re here to serve and           “We’re so thankful to have Metro
that we can help,” said Aaron Flynn,       Self Storage supporting our Canadian      The newest Metro Self Storage location on Chain Lake Drive in Halifax.
Metro Self-Storage’s Operations Man-       Armed Forces members and families,
ager.                                      and we can’t wait to welcome them
  Postings, ship deployments, and oth-     back to our DND Family Days in 2023.”

                    Who we serve                              À qui s’adressent nos services
                    All veterans, military, RCMP,             Tous les vétérans, les militaires,
                    and their families.                       les membres de la GRC et leur famille.

                    What we do                                Ce que nous faisons
                    • Review and address complaints           • examiner les plaintes et y répondre
                    • Provide information and referrals       • fournir des renseignements/références
                    • Advocate for fairness                   • promouvoir l’équité

                    Where you can go for help                 Pour obtenir de l’aide
                    Submit a complaint online:                Présenter une plainte en ligne :
                    veterans-ombudsman.gc.ca                  ombudsman-veterans.gc.ca
                    Call: 1-877-330-4343                      Téléphonez : 1-877-330-4343

                 @veteransombudsman /@ombudsmanveterans
                 @vetsombudsman / @ombudveterans                                             ombudsman-veterans.gc.ca/en
                 @veteransombudsmancanada / @ombudsmanveteranscanada                         ombudsman-veterans.gc.ca/fr
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 30, 2022                                                                                                                                         9

Recruitment campaign underway for
‘The best job in the Navy’
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

                                                                                       ment, providing submarine search             es available. You have to be able to
                                                                                       and rescue support, recompression            handle that and keep going. You have
                                                                                       treatment and carrying out salvage           to be able to manage yourself.”
                                                                                       operations.                                    After successfully making it through
                                                                                         Becoming a Clearance Diver                 the selection process, clearance divers
                                                                                         After the initial application and          go through a rigorous year-long train-
                                                                                       screening process, potential candi-          ing program. Beyond learning about
                                                                                       dates are invited to “selection”, where      diving and how to operate the various
                                                                                       they are put through a variety of            apparatus and support equipment, the
                                                                                       mentally and physically challenging          course offers instruction in a range of
                                                                                       exercises to determine if they have the skills, including underwater demoli-
                                                                                       right skills and abilities required for      tion, basic explosive ordnance dispos-
                                                                                       the job.                                     al, underwater welding and cutting,
                                                                                         S1 Claire Bortolotti, a clearance          as well as navigation and small boat
                                                                                       diver with Fleet Diving Unit (Pacif-         operation.
                                                                                       ic), remembers how stressed she felt           Both the West and East Coast diving
                                                                                       back in 2018, anxiously awaiting to          units maintain a high operational
                                                                                       hear whether she had made it through tempo, with divers typically working
                                                                                       selection. “Finding out I was selected       in small teams of two to ten people.
                                                                                       was exciting, and also a huge relief.”       Deployments usually align with exer-
                                                                                         A former paramedic, S1 Bortolotti          cises and operations and are typically
                                                                                       knew she wanted to be a clearance div- between two to six weeks.
                                                                                       er even before she joined the military         Like S1 Clark, S1 Kyle Rondeau is a
Clearance Diver S1 Kyle Groinus (left) working with PO1 Marcel Croteau. Originally     in 2014. To make sure she was in top         new clearance diver at FDU(A) and a
from Beausejour, MB, S1 Groinus joined the CAF as a reservist in 2008 and became a     physical condition, she worked out as        former combat engineer turned clear-
clearance diver in 2014.                                                               much as possible, focusing on swim-          ance diver. He likes the diversity the
                                                                                       ming and running.                            trade offers, as well as how teamwork
                                                                                         “I worked with Personnel Support           plays such a big role at the unit —
  When asked what he loves about his         sole in the ops room all the time,” he    Programs (PSP) to develop a custom           both on and off the job.
job, Master Sailor (MS) Mark Littler,        says. “Being able to go out there and     training plan, which was very benefi-          “This is a small unit, which gives
a clearance diver at Fleet Diving Unit       do what we do every day, every week,      cial,” she says.                             you so many opportunities to try dif-
(Atlantic) (FDU(A)), doesn’t skip a          every month… It’s a blessing. Every         With diving equipment weighing as          ferent things… and we all spend a lot
beat.                                        day is interesting.”                      much as 150 lbs, fitness is an extreme-      of time together and feel like part of a
  “It’s the best job in the Navy. Div-         MS Littler is heading up a recruit-     ly important part of the job, says MS        team. Every day you’re doing some-
ing is just incredible,” he says. “It’s a    ment campaign to get more people          Littler. “Working hard on the surface        thing different,” he says.
whole other world under there.”              applying to the trade from across the     is one thing, but conducting exhaus-           A Canada Forces General Message
  MS Littler has worked as a Royal Ca-       Canadian Armed Forces. The applica-       tive work underwater is another.             (CANFORGEN) memo will be released
nadian Navy Clearance Diver for the          tion process is open to all regular and   Stamina and endurance are of the             in July with information on how to ap-
past ten years. A former Naval Com-          reserve force members.                    utmost importance.”                          ply to be a clearance diver. For more
bat Information Operator (NCIOP), he           In recent years the clearance diver       While top physical fitness is a must,      information about the clearance diver
took his first dive course back in 2009      trade has seen a decline in numbers,      being able to handle the mental com-         trade, email: GoClearanceDiver@
and found his true calling.                  due to a large number of retirements      ponent of the work is just as important forces.gc.ca.
  “As an NCIOP, I’d enjoyed sailing,         and the challenge of recruiting in a      — both for making it through selection
but I didn’t really like sitting at a con-   COVID-19 environment. Part of the         and on the job, says S1 Aaron Clark,
                                             problem, MS Littler says, is a lack of    who joined the
                                             knowledge about the trade outside the     CAF as a combat
                                             Navy.                                     engineer in 2015
                                               “Within the RCN, people know what       and completed
                                             we do, but across the rest of the CAF     his clearance
                                             our trade is largely unknown. A big       diver training
                                             part of what this campaign is about is    last fall.
                                             getting the word out that we’re look-       “You have to
                                             ing for new recruits.”                    be good at prob-
                                               The application process is open to      lem solving,” he
                                             all CAF members, no matter their          says. “Things
                                             trade or experience — a change from       don’t always
                                             past years when applicants had to         go according to
                                             already be certified as either a ship’s   plan.”
                                             diver or combat diver.                      S1 Kyle Groi-
                                               A highly-specialized and versatile      nus agrees. A
                                             trade, clearance divers handle mine       clearance diver
                                             detection and disposal, explosive ord-    since 2014, he
                                             nance disposal (including land-based      says having
                                             bomb disposal as well as unexploed        “mental tough-
                                             wartime military ordnance), under-        ness” is a crucial
                                             water ship repair and force protection    part of the work.
After working as a clearance diver for                                                 “A lot of the
the past 10 years, MS Mark Littler is now    support.                                                       Divers say they want to raise awareness about their trade as a
                                               Additional responsibilities include     time you’re in a
helping to recruit new members to the                                                  situation where      potential career move for all CAF members who are interested
trade.                                       training all CAF divers, maintaining                           and up to the task.
                                             CAF diving and life support equip-        you don’t have
                                SUBMITTED                                              outside resourc-                                                            SUBMITTED
Diving in / Plongée sous-marine - Trident Newspaper
10                                                                                                                                       TRIDENT NEWS          MAY 30, 2022

Navy Bike Ride - Halifax Shadow Ride set for June 16
By PSP Halifax

  The Halifax Shadow Ride is a free       Trail, Salt Marsh Trail, and Atlantic       respectful of other individuals using        are groomed crushed dust and gravel,
recreational bike ride along the Shear-   View Trail to Lawrencetown Beach            the trail and if there are accidents on      but may have some rougher areas due
water Flyer, Salt Marsh and Atlantic      and return.                                 the trail, stop to help.                     to weather.
View Trails in support of the Navy          Registration is free but participants       FAQ                                          Q4. Will my ride automatically be
Bike Ride. Participants can choose        must register in advance, and check-in        Q1. Will there be jerseys for sale at      logged with the Navy Bike Ride?
one of four distance options that         on event day at the Start/Finish area.      the event?                                     A4. No. We will send a summa-
depart from the Shearwater Fitness &      Route Map for the event can be viewed         A1. No. Jerseys can be purchased           ry report to the Navy Bike Ride but
Sports Center at 10 a.m. on June 16.      by clicking HERE.                           online through the Navy Bike Ride            participants must create an account
  1. Approx. 6 km - A short ride to          Safety Notes                             site                                         and individually log their rides with
Caldwell Road along the Shearwater          -Helmets must be worn at all times.         Q2. Does PSP have mountain bikes           the Navy Bike Ride to be entered into
Flyer Trail and return.                     -Riders must be prepared to main-         and/or helmets available to rent?            their free community event. Individu-
  2. Approx. 15 km - Shearwater Flyer     tain their own bicycles on the course.        A2. No, not at this time.                  als may also choose to register for one
Trail to Bisset Road and return.            -These public trails cross major            Q3. Can I ride my road bike on the         of the Admiral Challenges, purchase
  3. Approx. 30 km - Shearwater Flyer     roadways and will remain open during        trail?                                       a jersey or make a donation online
Trail, Salt Marsh Trail and return.       the event. Participants must stop to          A3. Yes. Additional caution may be         through the Navy Bike Ride site.
  4. Approx. 37 km - Shearwater Flyer     yield to traffic on roadways. Please be     required to avoid a flat tire. The trails

                                                                                      HMCS Oriole in
                                                                                      Montreal on Great
                                                                                      Lakes Deployment
                                                                                      HMCS Oriole has completed some of the first port visits as part of its 2022 Great Lakes
                                                                                      Deployment, and recently came alongside in Montreal on May 25. The ship was then
                                                                                      open for visits and upper deck tours on May 26. From Montreal, Oriole headed to
                                                                                      Ontario, with 16 stops through that province in July and August. HMCS Oriole is the
                                                                                      Royal Canadian Navy’s sail training and public outreach vessel and longest-serving
                                                                                      commissioned ship.

                                                                                                                                                                  HMCS ORIOLE

Pink Shirt Day sponsors thanked after another successful year
By Trident Staff

  Pink Shirt Day 2022 was a hit at          “It’s become something that’s set in
CFB Halifax, with nearly $4,000 raised    our schedule that we look forward to
through shirt sales and plenty of par-    every year. We know when it’s spring
ticipation around the base on Febru-      time, we’ll be in touch with the base
ary 23.                                   about pink shirts. We’re glad to be
  The campaign encourages people          involved,” Clerk said.
to wear a pink shirt as a way to take       Capt(N) Williams said the addition
a stand against bullying and promote      of online ordering for this year’s shirts
compassion. It started in Nova Scotia     allowed more people to participate
in 2007, and has since gone worldwide.    and kept things orderly, making for
At CFB Halifax, this year’s custom        the most successful year yet for the
shirts had the message “Be a force for    campaign at CFB Halifax.
kindness.”                                  “We just wanted a chance to say           Representatives from the main sponsors behind CFB Halifax’s Pink Shirt Day initia-
  With this year’s campaign wrapped       thank you to the people that helped us      tive visited the base earlier in May for a thank-you from Base Commander Capt(N)
up, Base Commander Capt(N) Sean           out,” he said.                              Sean Williams for their support. On the left, Charlie Clerk from Fundy Textile &
Williams invited representatives from       “It’s getting more popular each           Design, and on the right, Bill Cullen from SANMAR.
the two main sponsors behind Pink         year that we do it, and we start to get
Shirt Day at the base for a special       concerned that there actually won’t be                                                                                    SUBMITTED
thank-you and presentation in recog-      enough shirts for the people that want
nition of their support. Charlie Clerk    them, so we very much appreciate the        the third straight year, and for an          which foster healthy self-esteem,
President & CEO of Fundy Textile          help in making it happen so smooth-         opportunity to get behind an import-         which is why we continue to donate
& Design and Bill Cullen, Atlantic        ly.”                                        ant cause while also supporting the          to the Pink Shirt Day fundraiser at
Canada Regional Sales Manager with          In an emailed statement, SANMAR           military community.                          Canadian Forces Base Halifax.”
SanMar Canada both stopped by Base        Canada also expressed gratitude for           “We realize the importance of sup-
headquarters in early May.                being involved in Pink Shirt Day for        porting a cause that funds programs
TRIDENT NEWS         MAY 30, 2022                                                                                                                                       11

              Sports & Fitness
Stadacona Band takes base curling titles
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

  The Stadacona Band’s unit office         Curling Tournament. The unit typi-           one of the few sporting activities that      Now, with more base sports being
in Windsor Park is just steps away         cally fields teams for base curling, and     was able to take place consistently.       revived and schedules and rosters
from the CFB Halifax Curling Club,         they credited a positive attitude and          “It’s been great for us and I hope for   starting to come together, PSP Fitness
which makes for plenty of chances for      commitment from their curlers, along         other units as well. We’ve seen more       and Sports Coordinator Isaac Habib
band members to pick up the sport or       with some good luck, for helping them        than ever over the last couple of years    said he’s encouraging everyone to get
get some quick practice in on the ice      come out on top.                             how work-life balance and physical         involved, regardless of experience or
during curling season. And the results       “This just happened to be our year,        activity are so crucial for our mental     skill level.
from this year’s base curling events       we had some great games and a lot of         health,” S1 Morton added.                    “It’s not about wins or losses or
suggest they’ve been making the most       fun,” said S1 Mark Morton.                     This year’s Intersection league was      points or anything like that right now.
of those opportunities.                      While this year’s league and tour-         also paired with weekly open hours of      We just want to see people out par-
  Stad Band teams were recently            naments were smaller than previous           ice time for military members – hopes      ticipating and enjoying themselves,”
awarded championship trophies after        years, curlers and organizers with           are to bring back that initiative next     Habib said.
winning both the Base Intersection         PSP both described curling as a bright       year to keep the game as accessible as
Curling League and the separate Mega       spot through the pandemic period, as         possible.

The Stadacona Band curling team was presented with the championship trophy after        Members of the team are seen on the ice at the Mega Curling Tournament at the CFB
coming out on top in Base Intersection Curling. They also won the recent Mega Curling   Halifax Curling Club on April 22.
Tournament. From left, S1 Matt Henry, PO2 Greg Moffat, S1 Mark Morton, and S1
Josh Penney.                                                                                                                                  RYAN MELANSON, TRIDENT STAFF

12                                                                                                                                        TRIDENT NEWS          MAY 30, 2022

The big chill: Sailor credits cold-water
swimming for help with injury recovery
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

                                                                                         heal,” she said.                            being right there, in that moment,” she
                                                                                            By the end of August, S1 Dupuis-Car-     said.
                                                                                         bonneau had recovered enough to take          As fall turned to winter, she would
                                                                                         the path down to Bell Lake — first still    go to the ocean, not to swim, but to dip
                                                                                         on crutches and later with a cane —         in for as long as she could for her ‘cold
                                                                                         where she would meet up with some           water fix.’
                                                                                         members of the Navy Tridents Triath-          In April, S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau got
                                                                                         lon Club doing their training swims.        back on her bike for the first time since
                                                                                            “I would tag along with them. I had      the accident. After cycling with her
                                                                                         a pool buoy between my legs and just        family on the Salt Marsh Trail in Cole
                                                                                         used my upper body to pull me along….       Harbour, she knew could also get back
                                                                                         but I could feel that I was beginning to    to occasionally cycling her former 12-
                                                                                         build up my strength again,” she said.      km commute to work.
                                                                                            Summer turned to fall and the lake         “It’s the same route I used to ride. It
                                                                                         got colder. Her triathlon swim buddies      felt a bit weird the first time I went past
                                                                                         stopped their outdoor training swims        the spot where the accident happened,
                                                                                         but S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau carried on.        a bit emotional… I used to feel invin-
                                                                                         Already swimming with an inflatable         cible when I was on my bike. I had no
                                                                                         swim buoy for safety, as the tempera-       fear. I don’t feel like that any more.”
                                                                                         tures dropped, she added extra gear           Before the accident S1 Dupuis-Car-
                                                                                         — a wetsuit, a neoprene swim cap and        bonneau had her sights set on doing a
                                                                                         surf gloves.                                Half Ironman — a 113-km event consist-
                                                                                            Back at work part-time, she’d often      ing of a 1.9-km swim, a 90-km bike and
                                                                                         go to Chocolate Lake in Halifax on          21.1-km run — by the time she turned
S1 Marie-Neige Dupuis-Carbonneau, a member of the Stadacona Band, has been               her lunch break, where she met up           40.
recovering both physically and mentally after being struck by a vehicle while on her     with other “cold-water swimmers”.             “Now… I set small goals, short-term
bicycle last year. She says swimming in cold water has been a highly effective           Swimming wasn’t just making her feel        goals so I don’t get disappointed,” she
recovery tool.                                                                           stronger physically, the cold water was     said. “I would like to be able to run a
                                                                                         helping in other ways too.                  slow 5-km by the end of the summer. I
                                                                                            “After the accident I felt anxious and   think I can do it, but I’ll have to take it
  Last June, S1 Marie-Neige Du-              shoulder injury that may still require      I was grieving the loss of my fitness.      gradually.”
puis-Carbonneau, a clarinetist with the      surgery to repair.                          I still feel that, but swimming in cold       In August, S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau
Stadacona Band, was hit by a pick-up           “I had to be immobilized for two          water has helped me so much. It’s pain-     and her family will be moving to
truck while riding her bike home from        weeks,” she said. “I felt so tired; I was   ful when you first go in so you have to     Ottawa for her new posting with the
work. Before that, she was captain of        sleeping 16 hours a day. It was hard,       go slow, and you have to relax. It’s like   Central Band.
her unit’s Navy Bike Ride team, and          both mentally and physically.”              meditation because it forces you to fo-
would regularly ride 300 kilometres            S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau grew up in           cus on your breathing while your body
or more most weeks, but the accident         Saint-Hubert, Quebec and joined the         adapts to the water. All you can think
changed everything.                          Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 2004         about is regulating your breathing and
  Just minutes away from home in             as a reservist in Montreal. She became
Dartmouth, S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau              a regular force member after suc-
was cycling alongside Lake Banook on         cessfully auditioning for the musical
Prince Albert Road in June 2021 when         branch, taking her first posting with
the truck hit her. There was road work       the Stadacona Band in 2016.
occuring in the area at the time and the       Living in Dartmouth with her hus-
driver of the truck was with one of the      band, who works as a paramedic, and
work crews.                                  their two children, S1 Dupuis-Carbon-
  “I was going straight and he made          neau was fit and active. She cycled to
a left turn; he didn’t see me at all. I      the band office at Windsor Park most
was clipped in… my bike got pulled           days, often adding an extra 50 to 60 kms
under the bumper with me still on it. I      to her commute by riding to and from
grabbed onto the bumper so I wouldn’t        work via Cow Bay. A lifeguard in her
get pulled under the wheels. I was yell-     youth, in the summer months she’d
ing, but he couldn’t hear me,” she said.     regularly swim up to 2.5 kms in Bell
  A bus driver behind the truck called       Lake, near her home. A runner too,
out to some people on the work crew          she’d qualified for CAF nationals in
and together they got the truck driver’s     both swimming and triathlon.
attention.                                     After her accident, S1 Dupuis-Car-
  “He had no clue that I was there,”         bonneau could barely move. Her
said S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau.                   mother came to help and stayed for five
  Shaken, bleeding and covered in            weeks. By the time her dad arrived in
“road rash” on her right side, S1 Du-        mid-July, she was able to walk a little,
puis-Carbonneau was taken by ambu-           using crutches and wearing an articu-
lance to hospital. While scans showed        lated leg brace. Knowing her love of the
“no major damage”, she was in a lot of       water, he promised to take her to the
pain and spent four days in hospital.        beach.
Among her many injuries, she had torn          “I couldn’t do much but it was            Using a safety buoy allowed S1 Dupuis-Carbonneau to get back in the water with her
ligaments in her left leg and damaged        enough just to be able to sit on the        Triathlon teammates without putting stress on her injuries.
cartilage in her chest. Later, it became     beach and be outside. That was the first
clear that she also had a significant        time I had a sense that I was going to                                                                                  SUBMITTED
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