Page created by Irene Alexander
Number 626 1-23 December 2020

                             VILLAGE HALL REOPENING
                             The second lockdown has moved the goalposts as far as reopening the Village Hall goes,
                             and our planned timescales have gone out of the window. Guidance from ACRE makes
it clear that village halls should be closed during lockdown unless they house what are deemed essential services.
More importantly for the reopening of Blewbury Village Hall, lockdown restrictions prevent us completing our
work to test all the new systems and put in the necessary COVID safety measures. This will have to restart when
lockdown ends in December. The good news is that the refurbishment work is nearly finished. The major work
remaining is outside, improving drainage and the surface of the car park. Weather permitting this work should
be finished by the end of November.
In view of all the above the Village Hall Management Committee has reluctantly decided that the Village Hall
cannot be reopened until the New Year and we will now make every effort to ensure that the Hall will be open
for some activities in the first full week of January, within prevailing COVID restrictions. We have discussed the
reopening of the Blewbury surgery with Woodlands Medical Practice and they are also working towards
reopening the surgery early in the New Year. The Post Office remains open and Karen will keep everybody
informed of opening hours. Blewbury Village Hall Management Committee
Some villagers have noticed that the church clock is not running as perfectly as usual. We think this is due to the
changes associated with the removal of the casing around the pendulum, and therefore we are looking at the effects
of temperature on the pendulum movement. We are continuing to try and resolve the problem, please bear with us!
                                                                                     Dick Street & Andrew Forman
                                       VALE COVID ASSISTANCE GRANT
                         Has Coronavirus affected your income?? If so, please read on…
We are pleased to let you know that the United Charities have been successful in obtaining a grant from the Vale to
assist residents who have suffered financially as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. The grant is modest, only
£5000, but we hope that this fund can be used to give some support to residents whose income has been impacted
by the virus. The United Charities are administering the grant and are very keen to receive applications from residents
of Blewbury, Upton & Aston Upthorpe.
If you would like to apply for support from this fund there is a short application form which has to be completed.
These can be picked up from the Post Office or requested by email to Help can be
provided to complete the form if necessary and all applications will be dealt with confidentially. We do urge people
to apply as the money has to be distributed by March 2021 and we would like to ensure that all of the grant is used.
We would also like to remind you that we are able to issue grants for reasons other than Covid from our own
charitable fund so please do apply if you, or someone you know, is in need of some financial support. The application
process is the same as for the Covid fund. We look forward to receiving your applications.
                                        UNITED CHARITIES OF THE ANCIENT PARISH OF BLEWBURY
                                                  Registered Charity No: 203538
With regret, our proposed event ‘The Spirit of Christmas’ has become another casualty of the Covid virus. With the all the
latest guidelines and regulations, it was impossible to put into place so apologies for the disappointment. Pat Mattimore
For all of you who remember my adorable Harry (Jack Russell ) who spent many years in the Barley Mow, I am writing to
let you know that he sadly passed away on Friday 30th October. He was quite a character and was well loved by the
customers - especially the children - but after seventeen and a half years I guess it was time to say goodbye. A special "thank
you" to Alan who took him for many walks and looked after him when I couldn't. Many thanks Marie Hughes
If you would like to receive urgent village news and information by email, you can sign up to the Bulletin Stop Press service
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We’d like to send 2020 out with a bang (and tell it to never come back!), so the BVS are
organising two (hopefully) Christmas events to help us all feel a bit more merry and bright.
Let’s make a festive Window Wonderland! Create a Christmas window scene to be included
on a Blewbury Window Wonderland Walk, on the theme of “What Christmas Means to You”.
You can set up your window any time before Christmas so that it is visible without entering your property. Let us
know you’re participating by emailing your address to or texting/calling 07790 566754 by
7 December in order to be listed on the map. No entry fee, no competition, just a fun community project!
To enjoy the Window Wonderland walk, simply grab a copy of the map from the BVS Facebook page or physical
copies at the post from mid-December.
Is Santa Claus coming to town? We won’t be able to hold our usual Santa’s Sleigh event this year, but do keep your
eyes peeled, as Santa is trying to find a way to visit on Christmas Eve without having to quarantine. If he can make
a socially-distanced appearance, we’ll post the details on the BVS Facebook group as soon as we know.
We would welcome more ideas for pandemic-appropriate events for the first part of 2021, so get in touch
at if you have any!
I’m delighted to announce that my book of cartoons called The First 100 Days of Lockdown has just appeared on
Amazon. If anyone's looking for a fun Christmas present all they have to do is go to and dong
in '100 days by Elphin Lloyd-Jones’ and hopefully it should come up at £12.99p a copy. Alternatively, if anyone has
five or more friends who deserve a treat (which in my case is stretching it slightly!) they can email and get the benefit of a discount for five or more copies. The ‘Eve’ of that email address
is Eve Wilson, some of whose books I am currently illustrating, and it was she who decided that this should be
published and did all the hard graft of getting it into print. Elphin Lloyd-Jones
As many of you know Creative Catering started as a new start-up business in Blewbury around 25 years ago. It was
set up to cater for Weddings, Pig Roasts, Salters Steamers, Christmas Lunches in Care Homes and many other
events. A lot of this work has been for the village of Blewbury and people living locally. The other part of our
business was catering for local business lunches and corporate events. Everything was going well and our order
books were pretty full for this year until Covid 19 struck! By late March in the week before the first lockdown all of
our bookings for the next three months had been cancelled, and the remainder of our bookings since then have
either been cancelled or postponed for the foreseeable future.
During the first lockdown until the end of June, we made and delivered into the JR Hospital and the Nuffield in
Oxford thousands of boxed meals for the staff which was organised through the charity “Food For Heroes”. We
were very pleased to be able to help and to put our kitchens to good use, but then it became time for us to try and
save our business, which was by then struggling to stay afloat. We, like many other thousands of small businesses,
particularly those working within the events industry, have had to reinvent what we do. Creative Catering has done
this by setting up a new food delivery service straight to people’s homes. If you like the idea of dining out while
staying safe at home here is what we are now offering:
Friday Night: Gourmet Burgers, Rustic Chips and Coleslaw (Delivered Hot)
Saturday Night: A delicious two course home cooked meal delivered chilled to your door ready for you to warm
through at your convenience. (Delivered chilled)
Sunday Lunchtime: A Traditional Roast Dinner with all the trimmings (Delivered Hot).
Children’s portions and vegetarian options are also available
If you would like more information about our menus and delivery times, or would like to book one of our meals
please visit the website: or telephone Sheila on 07743 368373
All working practices and deliveries are COVID SAFE
Undeterred by coronavirus, Max and Charlie Varvill will be holding their annual celebration of Christmas lights at
Carpenters, Church End on Saturday 12th December between 4.30 and 8.00pm. Assuming gatherings will not be
permitted, we are inviting Blewburians to enjoy our winter wonderland Christmas lights trail, around the garden in
groups of 6 or less. If Boris allows us, then mulled wine and mince pies will also be served! We will be raising money for
charity, so please bring along some change to help us raise as much as possible. We look forward to seeing you on 12th!
In the event of rain, the event will be postponed to the following night, Sunday 13th December. All children under 16 to
be accompanied by an adult. For further information, contact


          Hello everyone. Another month gone by! Hope you all are keeping well and safe.
          We have one scheduled event this time.
          Wednesday, December 2nd. Lyn’s Walk. Meet at the Village Hall at 9.30am. The state of the footpaths
might be difficult, so we will walk with a difference round the village. Make sure you have a pen with you and maybe
something small to lean on.
Groups of 6 of us are hoping to arrange a Christmas lunch in December. Some Members are going to arrange coffee
& mince pies & cake mornings. Also we are considering delivering “a little something” to each Member with
Christmas Greetings. I have, jokingly, sent my letter, via the Post Office, to Santa Claus saying, “ All I want for
Christmas is that our new Village Hall will be able to open and we will be able to book our Main meeting in January
2021” Well you never know, he might read it?
For more details please contact our Secretary, Joy Boness, on 01235 850543 or visit our web page, where you will find more information.            Love from Cilla.
Due to the recent lockdown no 2, we have reduced our hours to Monday to Thursday mornings 8.30 to 12 noon.
However, resurfacing work in the Village Hall car park will mean that we will be closed on Thursday November 26th.
From Wednesday 2nd December we should be back to normal opening times, including Saturday mornings.
The Royal Mail network is under huge stress at the moment. Mail to Australia and New Zealand, in particular, is
taking up to seven weeks to arrive, and many other countries are affected too. Letter post in the UK also has delays,
so post extra early for Christmas. Please make sure that you have already filled out the customs forms for all large
letters and parcels outside of the EU before you get to the counter, and put airmail stickers and your home address
on all international items, otherwise you may be asked to go to the back of the queue if there are lots of other
customers behind you.
As another high street bank closes in Didcot and Wallingford, please remember that we offer free cash withdrawals
& cheque/cash deposits into most banks.
The Bellringers’ “postboxes” will be in several locations in Blewbury and Upton, 25p a card, all proceeds to St
Michaels or St Mary’s. Pop the cards & your donation straight into the box.
We have two new trainees about to ‘fly solo’, so please be patient with them, there’s lots to learn!
Love from Karen, Katrina, Michael & Maggie
                        We’re planning a Blewbury Pre-School Lottery for 2021 – marking our 50th year! Anyone
                        aged 16 or over will be able to take part. For just £5 per month you’ll be entered into a
                        monthly lottery with a chance to win one of three cash prizes. The lottery money will be
split 50:50 between fundraising and prize money. The proceeds going to the village pre-school will help fund
equipment and resources, and to meet any other funding needs. We’re asking people to sign up for a whole year
as annual members.
We plan to sell a maximum of 200 lottery numbers each year. If all 200 lottery numbers are sold, the prizes each
month would be: 1st prize £250, 2nd prize £150, 3rd prize £100. The remaining £500 per month would go to the
pre-school. With only 200 lottery numbers up for grabs, don’t miss out – be one of the first to receive a sign-up
form. Please email and we’ll be in touch with all the details.
The Blewbury Pre-School Lottery will be a great way to support the village pre-school – especially as we’ve not been
able to do our normal fundraising events due to COVID restrictions. So please do consider joining the lottery and
having a flutter – GOOD LUCK!
Our AGM was held by Zoom this year, on Tuesday 17th November. As well as approving the Accounts for 2019 and
re-electing the committee (with one change), we agreed not to increase our subscriptions; as a thank you to
members who paid full fees for this year's reduced season. 2021 fees will therefore remain at £150 for individual
adult membership, £35 for under-25s, or £270 for family membership (any number of people living at the same
address). We also have a "Distant Member" rate of £80 per person, for members living more than 30 miles away.
And we're currently running a winter offer: if you join us at any time before the start of next season, your initial
subscription will last through this winter as well as all next membership year – i.e. until end-March 2022. We
normally keep our courts open for play throughout the winter, unless waterlogged or covered by snow/heavy frost.
Although now closed during lockdown, we expect to be allowed to open them again at the same time as other such
outdoor sports facilities (e.g. tennis and golf).


                                                           Quite a few Blewbury residents have moved house within
                                                           the village numerous times. However, whether any of them
                                                           have relocated as many times as our Post Office must be in
                                                           It isn’t known exactly when the Blewbury Post Office first
                                                           opened, but it was certainly operating in Carramores, on
                                                           Church Road, by 1887, and we have a photograph (left) to
                                                           illustrate that. If you look closely at the front of Carramores
                                                           today you can still see the bits of metal protruding where
                                                           the Post Office sign used to be displayed. In 1914 it moved
                                                           to Upstone’s Shop (see below) in Treble House Terrace on
Carramores as the Blewbury Post Office in the early 1900s  London Road, where no doubt it benefitted from more
passing trade. In 1924 it then moved to Fir Tree Cottage, on the other side of London Road, where a new purpose
built extension had been created for it by Jesse Dunsden, and the village telephone exchange was located in the
Dunsden’s living room! After Jesse Dunsden retired in
1943 it then crossed London Road again to take up
residence in Laurel Bank where it was run by George &
Rose Smith. George was a relative of Jesse Dunsden and
Rose was an Upstone, and together they were the
parents of Derek Smith, whose book A Blewbury Life is
the source of much of the information in this article.
Then in 1968 the Post Office moved to Old Wheelwrights
for 24 years with Ann Edwards and then Marion
Armstrong in charge. After 74 years of trading and
crossing the London Road, the next move, in 1992, was
to Prior’s Village Shop, in Chestnuts in Church End. With
the eventual closure of Prior’s Shop the Post Office Upstone’s Shop and Blewbury Post Office in Treble House Terrace in the 1920s
moved to the Village Hall, where it has lived ever since October 18th 2001.
Will there be further twists to this tale of exploration around Blewbury? Who knows? If you can add further details
or indeed corrections to this account the Local History Group would be pleased to hear from you.
Roger Murphy on behalf of the Blewbury Local History Group
         BLEWBURY AND UPTON VILLAGE PRODUCE ASSOCIATION – Your village gardening club
           If you’re reading this before the 12th December you still have time to enter our BANKSIAN MEDAL
          COMPETITION. Details are available at Blewbury Post Office, through Maggie in Upton on 01235 850126
or send me an email on and I’ll send you the details.
I can’t believe we’ve almost reached the end of 2020 and what a year. A wet, wet spring and a hot, hot summer,
with windy storms in between. I won’t mention the stressful months caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. My
allotment site was kept open whilst conforming to strict coronavirus rules. My allotments are my ‘green gym’. I
don’t know how far I walked each day carrying two 2-gallon watering cans backwards and forwards from the trough!
At the end of the season most of what I planted survived. Surprisingly the main crop potatoes (Cara) were superb
and I’m now enjoying lovely baked jacket potatoes with plenty of butter. But the sweetcorn was a disaster – I don’t
know why – I kept them watered and weed-free, they produced cobs but dried out and died for no apparent reason.
The hens did really well despite the hot summer. Their inner run is enclosed and keeps surprisingly cool in the
summer and warm in the winter. It also gives them a dry run in the wet weather. I did have to take Holly (she’s
nearly 7 years old!) to the vet recently. She had lost feathers around her face. She was given a complete overhaul
and guess what – the vet decided it was her hormones, given her age. However, since then all the hens (Shallot,
Pumpkin and Bortlotti) have received lots of tonics for their feathers, bones and general health. They all look in fine
form and are still laying well. They’ve also had lots of treats including water melon!!
Just a reminder that we have cancelled our annual social which was due in December. Even if the lockdown-2 is
lifted at the beginning of December it is unlikely that we will be allowed large gatherings and I’m sure, like me, you
would rather stay safe. Maybe we can plan an Easter Social in 2021.
DID YOU KNOW? Battersea Park in London was once the site of a giant asparagus field, with over 260 acres set
aside for its cultivation. HAPPY GARDENING - KEEP WELL AND SAFE. Eileen


The next dates for donations to the Didcot Food Bank are Saturday 28th NOVEMBER – until Monday 7th DECEMBER.
There will be a collection box as usual during these dates outside the Charity School House (opposite the
Church) Please do not leave any donations if the box is not there.
Blewbury continues to be very generous in its support of the Food Bank which is needed more than ever in these
very hard economic times. If you can give even one item of dried goods, tins, UHT milk, toiletries or household
cleaning items, soap and toiletries, pet food or items for babies - all donations are sincerely appreciated As this
will be the last time Blewbury will send to the Food Bank before Christmas it would be really good if we can
include some Festive items – particularly for children - not too late for Advent calendars or Selection boxes and
any Christmassy Food.
There is always a Food Bank donations box at the Post Office.
Thank you for your continued support. St Michael’s Church Action Group and Didcot Food Bank.
NEW: Donations on line: A reminder that you may now make a cash donation on line which means that if the
Food Bank is short of any particular items, they use this cash to purchase goods locally. Here is the link: When you visit this site, please select the "Foodbank" option and,
if appropriate, you can also opt to include Gift Aid to reclaim tax.
 Bernard’s Blewbury Calendar is now on sale at the Post Office or reserve direct from or 01235 851088. Price £8. It is a coincidence that we have two months with
 donkeys: the charming Doodle Donks posed for us in the Churchyard and then Polly Vacher, celebrated aviator,
 brought her donkeys over to Blewbury on a practice run for her Donkathon in June next year and we couldn’t
 resist taking a photo of them. Blewbury scenes and lots of space for appointments, etc. A treat for yourself or
 a lovely gift .
                  You may be puzzled as to what a Donkathon is. It is like a Marathon but with donkeys! In June
                  2021, Polly Vacher will take her two donkeys, Wizard and Muffin, pulling a donkey carriage, and
                  Nelson her black standard poodle on a 200 mile journey from here to North Wales. They will
                  travel approximately 8 miles a day and the journey will take one month. She is doing this to raise
funds for Multiple Sclerosis – see for all details
Congratulations to Hilary Strang and Jane Boszormenyi who were the top ranked Blewbury pair, nationally, in the
recent Thursday night Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs charity event. Well done to them.
It has been agreed to suspend the £5 membership fee for the new playing year which commenced on November
1st. All club competitions have also been suspended - while face-to-face bridge is not possible all Tuesday and
Thursday evening sessions will be played as Match-pointed Pairs on Bridge Base Online. Please contact the
Chairman if you would like to take part and are not already registered. Club Funbridge sessions will also continue
to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Fridays for novices, over extended hours of 10.30am to 10.30pm for
maximum flexibility.
There will also, unfortunately, be no Bridge Club Christmas Party this year. However, the Wessex League has re-
commenced, also on line. Blewbury has lost its first match in Division 3 to Wantage. Michael Allen 851870
One of the Bulletin’s distributors reports that her daughter-in-law and grand-daughter have developed a simple but
effective response to the growing levels of anxiety and other mental health issues experienced by children during
the Covid pandemic and associated lockdowns. Inspired by the widely-acknowledged need to talk to children about
how they are feeling in these stressful times, the mother and daughter team – now known by their business name
of Believer Achiever – have come up with the PepTalk®Pillow, a specially designed pillowcase whose text and
graphics make it easy to start a bedtime conversation between parents and children and help families reconnect.
Already receiving excellent reviews, including several from professional child psychologists, the PepTalk®Pillow
looks set to play a small but important part in supporting children’s mental health and helping parents build their
kids’ self-confidence. More information can be found at, or by contacting Alex Brown
direct on 07856 696769 or at

News from St. Michael’s
                                                  Rector - The Revd Jason St. John Nicolle
                                                  BENEFICE OFFICE - 01235 850267

                          During the current situation provisional bookings for Weddings, Baptisms
                          etc. may be made by contacting the office via email.

                          You can contact the clergy & staff on: -
                                 Revd Jason        01235 850267    
                                 Revd Louise       07837 009730    
                                 Dawn              07434 686044    

                                 The Benefice Administrator, Dawn Saunders, is in the office from
                                      12pm – 4pm Monday & 9am – 5pm Tuesday to Friday.

        Please note: all Services and Events are subject to last minute changes or
         cancellations if Government social restrictions change due to Covid 19.

           Food Bank Collections         Saturday 28 November - 7 December
           St. Michael’s Action Group regularly collect items for the Didcot Food Bank. Drop off at the Old School
           House between these dates or at the Post Office anytime.

         18 November at South Oxfordshire Crematorium             Lal Gunawardena                        Aged 67
         16 November at St. Andrew’s Hagbourne                    Jessie Hill                            Aged 56
                                                                              May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

                           Carol                              Christmas Eve
                                                              Sadly, there will be no crib service

                          Service                             but please drop in through the
                                                              day. Adults, please wear a face
                         by Candlelight
Revised Date - Sunday 6 December                              Blewbury Church will be open from
                                                              10am - 3pm
  St. Michael’s Blewbury - 6pm                                    • Visit the CRIB
                                                              Collect your own nativity picture
Important: To ensure there is social distancing in
                                                                  • Pause at the MEMORY TREE
the church, you must notify the Benefice Office if
                                                              Choose a STAR OF HOPE to decorate the branches
you wish to attend and avoid the disappointment of
                                                              Write a name, message or prayer (please bring a
being turned away at the door. Face coverings must
be worn. Contact:,
                                                                           Donations are welcome for
850267 or the Administrators mobile 07434 686044.
                                                                    The Children's Society and Help the Aged

                     Christmas Pram Service
                        Hosted by The Churn Mothers Union
                  Wednesday 9 December at 12.30pm
                      in St. Michael’s Blewbury

A short service to include the nativity story, a Christmas activity, prayer and
music for all pre-school children. Bring a RUG to mark your safe space and
your own lunch or order HAPPY MEAL lunch boxes from Revd Louise
078387 009 930. Adults, please wear a face covering.

December Services in Blewbury Church
                               Blewbury Church welcomes you to their candlelit services

                              Sunday 20 December at 4pm - Nine Lessons & Carols for Christmas
                              Thursday 24 December, Christmas Eve at 11.30pm - Midnight Mass
Important: To ensure there is social distancing in the church, you must notify the Benefice Office if you
wish to attend and avoid the disappointment of being turned away at the door. Face coverings must be
worn. Contact:, 850267 or the Administrators mobile 07434 686044.

                            Private Prayer in St. Michael’s Blewbury
                                 St Michael's Blewbury continues to be open twice a week
                                      for Private Prayer. Please wear a face covering.
                                Wednesdays: 10am - 12 noon           Saturdays: 2pm - 4pm
                                     Here there is space to rest, contemplate or pray.
      There is also an opportunity to light a candle for a loved one or a situation close to your heart.

              Midweek Communion                              Online Services
              at Blewbury Church
                                                               Sundays at 10.30am
              This will take place on the 3         rd       login or connect at 10am
              Thursday of the month at 10am.                to chat before the service.
                                                               Weekday evenings - Compline at 8pm
The next service is on Thursday 17 December.
For the safety of others, please wear a face                 Please see the website or the Churn if you
covering.                                                    receive it for the service access codes and
                                                                full details of how to join each week.

A Writer from Long Ago
On 7th December, the Church remembers St Ambrose of Milan, a Christian bishop and writer who lived
back in the 4th Century. As well as being a writer, he was an administrator and a diplomat. He had a
strong sense that it was the Church’s duty to hold the secular authorities to account. He even imposed
public penance on Emperor Theodosius for having punished a riot in Thessalonica by a massacre of its
        Ambrose combined decided opinions with a gift for language. For example, Ambrose thought it
better to remain unmarried, as he regarded virginity as a crowning virtue. But how could society
continue, if people didn’t get married, have children, and so raise the next generation? Apparently, some
families were reluctant to let their daughters of marriageable age attend Ambrose’s sermons, in case he
persuaded them not to get married at all!
        Looking at the life and opinions of someone who lived in a different time and culture can help us
as we face the challenges and questions of our own day. It is not that we will necessarily agree with what
Ambrose said or thought. Life has moved on since the 4th Century! But the life and thought of someone
from the past can raise questions for us today and help us to examine our own assumptions.
        For example, in our Country today most Church leaders would probably not see it as their role to
hold the Government to account. And most preachers would probably shy away from direct instruction on
questions of sexual ethics and family life. Some people might say that the Church has lost its confidence
and its courage. But others might say that the Church has re-discovered its humility and compassion.
        I’m wondering to myself: would anyone ever be reluctant to come to listen to one of my
sermons, not because they considered it irrelevant or boring, but because they thought it would be
        I think it is good for us to be challenged in our assumptions and our thinking, because without
challenge, we do not really understand why we believe what we do believe. And without challenge, we do
not grow in our understanding of the truth - the truth about ourselves, and the truth about our world.
                                                                                                  Fr Jason

Annual footpath leaf clearing – DIY this year! A big thank you to all the people who have been “exercising in twos” by
clearing leaves from footpaths. By coincidence we started during the Vale’s official Recycling Week, so the brown bin
men took away many of the black bags piled up around the village. BUT they probably won’t take extra bags next time!
For over 20 years Sustainable Blewbury, the BVS and the Parish Council have organised an annual leaf clearance of the
footpaths in the centre of the village: These are the footpaths we use most. The council’s leaf-sweeping lorries do not
clear them. Helpful people have already completely cleared Bennetts Lane, around the Cleve, and across the PlayClose.
As I write this the only really bad footpaths left to do are Watts Lane, Curtoys Lane and along the west side of St. Michaels
church. Also a few patches along Watery Lane and Footpath 24 (from Bessels Lea to London Road). If you do clear up
leaves from these footpaths please stack the bags at the road end of the footpath and post where you have left them on
BVS Facebook so that people who want leaves for mulching know they are there. The Parish Council will clear any bags
remaining, but want people to help themselves first as David Hollick and the PC tractor cannot clear the entire village!
Please help to keep Blewbury beautiful! Jo Lakeland
National Tree Planting Week, 30 Nov. to 4 Dec.: Thames Water had planned to plant a hedge around the site of the old
sewage works on Thurs. 3rd Dec, with help from local volunteers. However, they have decided to pull all their
volunteering activities until next year, due to the pandemic. They now hope to do the planting in March. We suggest that
you register your interest by emailing or phone John Ogden at 01235 850372.
Thermal imaging of houses: Get your home thermally imaged for free in January
Seeing where heat is leaking out can help you make your home more comfortable, save you money and reduce your
carbon footprint by showing what can be done to improve your insulation. Sustainable Blewbury volunteers have imaged
and provided short reports about well over 200 homes in Blewbury since 2009. To be on our list, or for more information,
email or phone Eric at 07935 232 296. (We need more helpers. It’s interesting work
and little experience is needed to help take the images. Just contact us as above.)
  BLEWBURY FREECYCLE:FREE ITEMS TO A GOOD HOME                                         E-MAIL                  TEL NO.
  Humax LGB-22DRT television - working last time it was tried...A                  Peter Saunders
  donation to Oxfam would be welcome.                               
  New 28cm, non-stick carbon steel wok. Can only be used on a GAS                    Lyn Blackie
  HOB or BURNERS.                                                  
                                                                                     Vanessa Fox
  Sony DVD player with Scart lead. Full working order.                                                          850701
  *One pair Karrimor ‘weathertite’ walking Boots Size 8.5
                                                                                    Jean Richards
  * One pair Karrimor ‘watertite’ walking Boots Size 5.5                                                        851123
  Both in very good condition. Photo available on request.
  Chicken keeping materials for collection:
  1 x large plastic feed dispenser; 1 x large plastic water dispenser; 1 x
  medium plastic water dispenser; 1 x small plastic water dispenser; 1 x
  1lt & 1 x 750ml container “Poultry Shield”; 1 x large and 1x medium
                                                                                        Sarah                   851488
  container “diatom” powder; 1 large, handmade, timber/wire chicken
  enclosure (L300cm x W150cm x H150cm) fully wired, opening human
  door on two sides & opening chicken door on two sides; 1 handmade
  timber chicken coop (L130 x H130 x W80cm), front and rear entrances.
    If you have any items to freecycle please email a short description, plus your email and phone number, to Lydia Inglis
                                   ( using ‘freecycle’ as your subject.
Getting involved in Sustainable Blewbury can contribute to the village and its environment. To participate, or to
receive our free bi-monthly Newsletter, email or phone 01235 850372.
             1066 or 1914-18 are dates we all know but when did you last chat in a room full of people, hug a friend,
             or visit a pub or a cinema on a whim? How has your life been different in 2020 from before? We hope
             that some of us have been keeping diaries either in words or pictures or sounds. Let people in the
             future know what life was like during this pandemic. The group would like to keep records of peoples
             lives during this strange period so if you’ve been recording it in some way please let us know; you can
send anonymous items if you would prefer. For example I’ve noticed neighbourliness, a couple of unexpected acts
of kindness, lovely birdsong which might have simply passed by in normal times. Contact any of us listed below.
Next meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 8pm by Zoom. Contacts: Audrey 850427 or
and Mary, and Roger Murphy at


The Blewbury Players would like to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas
                                        and a healthy and happy New Year.
                       We are on still on track to perform Romeo and Juliet in the Summer
 Creative Labs
                 We continue to meet once a month by Zoom for an hour or so. The aim is to keep in touch, and
                 to support each other with writing and workshopping new ideas for performance or for our own
                 creative needs. It is informal and fun. We are pleased to say that the first few sessions have
                 gone well with all participants having either written some poetry (haikus and limericks), some
                 sketches and/or ideas for sketches. We have also performed some of these – virtually of course.
                 It is lovely to see everyone. The group consists of local people, familiar faces from universities
                 and as far away as Sweden! As is typical of Blewbury Players’ activities it is proving to be a lovely
                 mix of ages, and varying levels of confidence and experience. It is all about ‘dipping your toe in’
                 and giving it a go in a safe environment with friendly people. More details on our website. If you
 would like to join us at 8pm on the first Thursday of each month please contact us at and we will send you a link for the next session.
 For an idea of what we got up to over the summer you are welcome to watch ‘Romeo and Juliet The Lockdown
 Prologue’ and/or the ‘Blewbury Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Online Revue’ on our website

Blewbury School has had a busy and enjoyable month in November with lots of productive collaborative learning
going on throughout the school. There were some special events to commemorate Remembrance Day with some
striking poems and a Poppy Pavement which we were able to share with the local village community. There were
also some special activities to mark International Kindness Day 2020. The children made special posters and went
around the school collecting evidence, which showed ways in which we as a school community find creative ways
to be kind to each other. Well done everyone – keep this up!
We are now busy planning ahead for Christmas and the children are going to share Christmas presentations in
creative ways, despite the current restrictions. The younger children are going to perform a play that will be
videoed, so that it can be seen by a wider audience of parents and community members.
We have also been liaising closely with the new Parent Teacher Association (PTA) members and as a result are now
starting some exciting work across the school on developing the reading environment. Children will be helping us
design book corners in each classroom. The children and staff have also been sharing information about their
favourite books and stories.
There has been an amazing amount of wonderful creative work going on across the school; Klimt Class are making
some fantastic Egyptian artefacts, Banksy Class have been performing Romeo and Juliet, having debates, and
learning a dance from West Side Story. In Da Vinci class the children are learning about staying healthy. In
Goldsworthy Class the children have been reading `To market! To market!’ and have set up a shop to practice using
money and giving change.
We are also now holding remote parent meetings for prospective parents who are considering sending their
children to our school. We are always happy to welcome families to come in to meet us and see what our school
can offer.
An important letter will have gone out to all parents by the time you read this article with significant news about
our plans for 2021, including some new leadership structures. If you are a member of the village community and
would like to see that then you will be able to find it on the school website at
Keep well and safe. Lisa Howson, Consultant Headteacher
The decisions being made now about how to reboot after coronavirus will shape our economy, society and climate
for decades to come. This we believe is a crucial moment in the fight against climate change, which is affecting lives
everywhere and pushing some people further into poverty. A new local action group, the Churn Churches Climate
Action Group (CCCA), has been formed to campaign and coordinate a programme of activities designed to address
environmental issues and the problem of climate change. It includes people associated with the six Anglican
churches in the Churn Benefice, along with others living in the Churn area who have a range of religious affiliations.
                                                                                                  continued on p 17

This perennial root vegetable that looks like an oversized dock can be a really useful addition to the vegetable
garden, but don’t relegate it to a shady corner where it can spread and become a real pest, grow it instead in a
sunny well-nourished spot and you will be delighted with the tasty roots it produces.
To get the best out of it, dig it up each year in October or November, storing the smaller “thongs” in sand to replant
in Spring, and process the larger unblemished ones for culinary purposes. Wash and peel them carefully and store
in the refrigerator wrapped in plastic until required; they will keep for 4-6 weeks there, or can be frozen and pulled
out when required.
The best flavour is to be had from freshly dug, large white roots; wash and peel the roots and then shred - have a
care because powerful fumes are emitted when the root is grated or blended, and one tip is to put cold water or
ice cubes in the blender first, blend, then drain off the excess water, thus avoiding stinging eyes and nostrils! Also,
do this in a well-ventilated room! Another tip if preserving the grated roots is when to add the vinegar – if added
straight away the vinegar cancels out the enzymatic effect and makes for a milder end product, whereas leaving it
a few minutes will intensify the flavour. A little pepper, salt and mustard rounds out the taste. Lemon juice can be
used instead of vinegar for a milder result. Store in small screw topped jars. Use this prepared horseradish to make
a delicious sauce by adding whipped cream or sour cream, a little mayonnaise and mustard.
For using fresh, simply grate or shred the cleaned root and fold into whipped cream or mayonnaise and serve with
chicken or beef dishes, add to BBQ sauce, use it to flavour beef stock or creamy mashed potatoes (or my favourite,
creamed potatoes AND parsnip!), or mix with cooked grated beetroot (a Polish favourite).
In March, pull out the reserved thongs and plant them deeply in an area that has had compost or manure added to
it, leaving just the tops showing. Keep well watered.
Horseradish (part of the brassica family) contains glucosinolates and isothiocyanates and has been used for
centuries to protect against cancer, fight bacterial and fungal infections and improve breathing issues – it certainly
clears your sinuses!! ANGELA HOY (
It’s dark out there and already we’re getting reports of close encounters between motorists and individuals walking
or cycling around the village in the early mornings, afternoons and evenings, in dark clothes and no reflective gear
or lights. Brighten up, people!

continued from p 15
Sign the Climate Coalition’s Declaration
CCCA is starting by encouraging as many people as possible to sign the Climate Coalition’s declaration, which calls on the
UK government to lead the world in delivering a healthier, greener, fairer recovery by limiting warming to 1.5°C. If you
are interested in signing this, you can view it at
The Future of our Food
CCCA is working together with other local groups who are concerned to address environmental issues and will be holding
its first public event very soon – probably in December. The Future of our Food will focus on the issue of UK Food
Standards. The reason for choosing this topic for the first CCCA public event is because as part of the Brexit Transition
process the government is having to negotiate new trade deals outside the EU. Such deals are being brokered with
countries such as the USA, which have very different food standards and animal welfare requirements to those followed
in EU countries.
The outcome of such deals will determine where our food comes from for years to come, and the lower standards that
may be imposed on us. This will impact upon the environment, consumers, and also our farmers, who in order to compete
may come under pressure to lower the food standards that they currently apply.
This event will be an on-line discussion involving Jeff Powell, a local Hagbourne farmer and a representative from Sustain,
the national alliance for better farming that campaigns for food and agricultural policies and practices that enhance the
health and welfare of people and animals. The date of this event will be announced very soon. To register interest in
CCCA and/or be sent the log-in details for its first event please email
                                            Registered Charity No: 203538
                                              Guardian of the Almshouses
The Charity is looking for someone to be directly responsible to the Trustees for managing and coordinating the
maintenance and upkeep of the almshouses. Reimbursement would be in the form of an annual honorarium or a one-
year fixed term contract. The Guardian must demonstrate and maintain integrity, impartiality and confidentiality and
work independently, organise time, manage deadlines and maintain accurate records and files
Duties would include
• Liaise with residents re general upkeep of almshouses and liaise swiftly with Trustees and Clerk in any emergency
• Attend Trustee meetings, committee meetings and interim meetings as required
• Act as a key holder to the almshouses
• Arrange annual gas safety inspections and boiler services
• Liaise with the local council regarding maintenance of the surface water drain
• Co-ordinate six-monthly property inspections, circulating completed checklists to Trustees
• Co-ordinate actions resulting from property inspections
• Carry out odd jobs, those too small to employ someone
• Organise work to be carried out on either property as and when needed • obtain quotes • order and take delivery
    of materials if appropriate • arrange access • supervise work • sign off work and arrange payment
• When necessary apply online for Listed Building Consent or Planning Permission for work to take place
• Liaise with neighbours regarding any work or actions that may impact upon them
For further details please contact the Charity’s chair, Sheila Loy:, 01235 850537, 24 Grahame Close,
by Sunday 20th December. The intention is to hold interviews early in the New Year.
This comes from an email to online library customers ... so tell your friends who do not have internet access!
Libraries are not open for browsing. But some libraries (including Didcot) offer other services:
Click & Collect: Complete a short form on the library’s website, or call 01865 897811 to tell us what sort of books you
like to read. Our experienced staff will handpick up to six books that fit your interests. Find out more at:
Pre-booked Public Computer Access: Sessions (30 minutes max.) must be booked by calling 01865 897811 or via our
website. Printing will be available.
Collection of reservations and reading group orders: Click & Collect, other reservations and reading group orders can be
collected from the library during opening hours.
Return of books and other library loans: Current library loans can be returned via letterboxes (where available), and to
the library during opening hours. All existing loans have been extended to January 2021: This means that you do NOT
need to return or renew your loans before then. There will be plenty of notice before reintroducing fines, and no fines
will be applied as a result of lockdown or individual circumstances if you are unable to return loans. Jo Lakeland

Covid 19 continues to dominate the news and our lives. We were fortunate to be able to ring four bells for the All Souls
Service on Sunday November 1st before the latest lockdown. Sadly, the bells are silent once again, but we are hoping
that restrictions are lifted to enable us to ring for the traditional services during Advent and Christmas. Time will tell.
Hopefully there will be more positive news for the December Bulletin.
This group is working with the Prince’s Trust with the following pledge:
We want to offer every child and young person in the United Kingdom, whatever their background or interests, the
opportunity to learn from – and connect with – other people in the UK and around the world. The UK’s future will be
shaped by our international links and the way we work with partners to tackle the challenges facing us all. We pledge to
do what we can to give our young people the understanding, skills and confidence to make those connections for
themselves – to enrich their lives and the lives of everyone in the UK.
As an educator interested in global awareness and internationalism I am proud to be part of this group as an executive
member of the Global Learning Association. I am on the working group which is building a central evidence base around
the impact and benefits to young people of their past international experiences, and this is a call out to all of you, possibly
via parents, to write down how visits to foreign countries while at primary or secondary school have built up a lasting
effect on your lives. Has it made you a more resilient person? More open minded? Less judgemental? More curious? The
list is endless.
I would really like to hear how it may have changed you, or helped set your goals for the future. Especially if you have
some really good examples of university / career choices. Please pass this on to families that live in Didcot, Upton or
elsewhere and email any responses to Thank you. Marion Mills
Here we describe the types of farming spraying activities that are typically carried out by the farms surrounding
Blewbury, taking the BeeswaxDyson farm as the main example. Our focus is on the ways in which we can work
together to reduce any exposure risks for the local community, along the bordering public footpaths, to the
substances that may be being sprayed. All products used are approved for EU and UK use.
1. What is being sprayed?
There are four main types of application:
a. Basic weed control: This involves two applications: firstly, cultural control with glyphosate before drilling; and
    secondly, after drilling, a residual herbicide whose active ingredients are pendimethalin and flufenacet
b. Fungicides to control disease, as needed: Septoria and Yellow Rust are bad diseases for crops locally due to
    weather and altitude (triazole and SDHI are applied)
c. Fertiliser, applied via sprayer but is not sprayed, it is dribbled via dribble bars. This involves nitrate type
    products (Nitrogen phosphate and potash (NPK)), as needed. Soil samples in early spring indicate what is
    needed for the crop, also use of N sensors for green area index, and deposits fertiliser where needed. Chicken
    muck, compost as available, to build up organic matter and bacteria build up, more worms, more nutrition and
    sequester more carbon. Winter cover crops include legumes for nitrogen fixation.
d. Trace element minerals such as manganese and magnesium are needed to protect young crops against stress
    when weather is warmer earlier in the year: Global warming is influencing the need for such responses).
2. When will spraying take place?
Whilst it would be great to be able to specify exactly what will be sprayed and when, it just isn’t realistic as different
applications have different environmental requirements and timings, many of which are affected by the weather.
For example:
• it must not be too hot
• we need to spray when the wind drops (so in the mornings and evenings mostly)
• sometimes it can’t be damp, or the application runs off the leaf
• sometimes it must be damp, as moisture activates the active ingredient
• if it’s raining, even more runs off the leaf!
3. How do I stay safe?
The spray operator will stop when he sees anyone along the footpath, when working near footpaths. Any doubts,
give him a wave! He will acknowledge you by giving you a thumbs-up. (Be nice if you return the thumbs-up!)
Then you know you have both caught each other’s attention, and you can both proceed safely. He will not spray
near you if he knows that you are there. Also, be aware that some crop farming activities use the same sprayer
machinery but aren’t actually spraying. For example, seed drilling may look like spraying, but it isn’t! And then some
crop farming activities use different machinery, such as muck spreaders and cultivators.

Notes of the Parish Council meeting held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 11 October by e-conference.
Present: Chris Lakeland (Chair), Mark Blythe, Jane Gibson, Lydia Inglis, Michael Penington, Miriam Jacobs, Mark Shayler,
Vaughan Humphries and Phil Kilroe. Also present Elizabeth Cooper (Clerk), David Hollick (Lengthman), District Councillor
Hayleigh Gasgoigne and County Councillor Mike Fox Davies.
We as a Council are very grateful for the work of the Blewbury Good Neighbours and know that many residents have
received valuable support. However we also know that the effects of the pandemic on people's lives and livelihoods can
be invisible and private. Please be aware of how your neighbours and friends are doing and remember that help is
available. The PC can point the way as can the District Council Community Support Team (phone 01235 422600 Monday
to Thursday 8.30-5pm and Fridays 8.30-4.30pm or email Do remember that
there are grants for those who are self-isolating and unable to work and that supermarket vouchers are available by
contacting Citizens Advice on 0300 3309042. This is a temporary difficult time but it will pass so please do ask for help if
you need it. You will be able to help others in the future.
The Clubhouse at the Recreation Ground is now under the management of the PC and will be open again in the New
Year. Work on the thatch of the Curtoys cob wall will take place in due course and the Council will be updating its Winter
Resilience and Emergency Plan. Training for the Blewbury Speed Watch group is still delayed by Covid restrictions.
All Blewbury planning applications, decisions and Parish Council responses, including items under consideration, can be
found in the ‘Parish’ section of the Blewbury website (, which is updated once a
month. Links are also provided to the main Vale Planning site, where full details can be obtained.
Responses to the District Council:
P20/V2824/HH 21 Bridus Mead - Garage conversion. Blewbury PC has no objection.
P20/V1580/HH 4 Chailey Gardens - Change integral garage into habitable accommodation. BPC has no objection.
P20/V2640/HH 3 Berry Lane - Amendments to rear hipped portions of roof to convert to gable. Alterations and replacement
of external windows & doors. New porch. Associated internal reconfigurations. BPC has no objection.
P20/V2583/HH & P20/V2584/LB Humfreys London Road - Single storey extension including link to the outbuilding plus
internal alterations. Blewbury PC has no objection.
P20/V2215/HH & P20/V2216/LB The Dower House London Road - Replacement of old roof lights plus addition of new heritage
roof lights within the rear roof elevation. Blewbury PC has no objection.
Decisions from the District Council:
P20/V2270/HH 3 Chailey Gardens - (Amended plans submitted 21/10/20) Two storey rear extension, conversion of part of
garage into habitable room, insertion of new window to side elevation of main house and internal alterations. Granted.
Enquiries regarding planning in the parish may be sent to
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 9 December by e-conference.
  Mark Blythe, The Manor, Berry Lane                                 Phil Kilroe, Middle Paddock, Berry Lane
  Jane Gibson 5 Westbrook Green                                      Chris Lakeland, 4 Westbrook Green
  Vaughan Humphries, 3 Cossicle Mead                                 Michael Penington, Cleve Cottage, Chapel Lane
  Lydia Inglis, Chapmans, Nottingham Fee                             Mark Shayler 2 Eastfields
  Miriam Jacobs, Tudor Cottage, London Rd                            Elizabeth Cooper (part-time Clerk) 07968 772935
You can also email the part-time Parish Clerk at
Hello! We hope that you and your families are still staying safe and well, whilst staying home as much as possible during
this second COVID-19 lockdown. For many reasons, this winter lockdown is extra tough on many residents and
businesses, so we would like to remind everyone that district council and other local support services are available for
anybody who needs help. These include:
• Covid-19 Community Support Hub – see PC Notes above for contact details.
• A web page for district council Covid support and changes to services:
• Supermarket vouchers via Citizens Advice (0300 3309042 and Wantage Independent Advice Centre (01235 765348).
• Self-isolation grants available for those who can’t work – see our website at
• Business support – guidance on available support services is available at
Unsure if you need help, or if you’re unsure if the councils can help? If in doubt, get in touch.
For details on all the above, along with other topics such as the Didcot Gateway, community tree planting and potential
changes to the planning system, please check the full version of this article on the Local Government News page of the
Blewbury website. And finally, please do not hesitate to get in touch with any issues or concerns - our email addresses
are and

                                 7.30 PM WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9th
Autumn Leaves All Autumn Leaves activities are on hold until further notice. In the meantime keep well and stay safe.
For any further information call Norman Webb (850700) or Doreen Tyrrell (850332).
Free and friendly help for computer users every Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 12:00. We provide help remotely
using telephone, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp or whatever is best for you. Book a 30 minute appoint-
ment by emailing or by phoning 07780 958249. Join in an online meeting 10:30 –
11:15 on Tuesday 8 December to exchange ideas about Christmas online including carol services, pantomime, Zoom
Christmas lunch, shopping and seasonal scams. Book via email address above. for more info.
                                            BLEWBURY GOOD NEIGHBOURS
If you live in Blewbury and are self-isolating due to COVID-19 we can help with: • Urgent supplies • Picking up
shopping • A friendly phone call • Other essential errands • Help (by phone if necessary) with setting up Skype,
WhatsApp, Facetime etc – just ask! Please text/call one of the following three phone numbers and a volunteer
will arrange to help you: 851777 (Blewbury Post Office), 07825 154842, 07801 932393. If you would like to
register as a volunteer, please also call these numbers or visit the Blewbury Good Neighbours page on Facebook.
                                    *** NEW! FREE MEAL DELIVERY SERVICE ***
Moves are afoot to organise a village-wide free hot meal delivery service for those that need it. The way it will
work and how often deliveries will be made depends on demand, so if you’re interested please call Karen, in
confidence, as soon as possible on 851777 (Blewbury Post Office) or 07825 154842.

                 BLEWBURY FLYING SQUAD The Flying Squad service is suspended until further notice.
                                       BLEWBURY POST OFFICE OPENING HOURS
 Until the end of lockdown: Mondays to Thursdays 8.30 am to 12 noon except one-day closure on Thursday Nov 26th
                                 From Monday 2nd December (Covid permitting):
                      Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 8.30 am - 12 noon and 2.30 - 5 pm
                                         Wednesdays: 8.30 am - 12 noon
                                           Saturdays: 9.30 am - 12 noon
 December 1st – 23rd Bin Collection Days: Food waste bin: every Tuesday. Grey bin or pink sack: Tuesday 1st & 15th.
 Green bin or sack, and brown bin: Tuesday 8th & 22nd. For Christmas and January collections see next issue.
HOW TO ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN The Bulletin welcomes advertisements from organisations and individuals based
in Blewbury and immediately neighbouring villages. Space permitting, we also welcome ads from further afield if they
do not duplicate existing local services, are not widely advertised elsewhere and are likely to be of interest to residents.
Display advertisements must be submitted in one of three rectangular sizes:
   • 60mm wide x 40mm high (cost: £2.00) • 60mm wide x 85mm high (£4.00) • 90mm wide x 65mm high (£6.00)
Artwork should be in black and white only. You can also send plain text for us to fit into an appropriately sized box. If you
are advertising a village event you can also present it as plain editorial, i.e. not highlighted in a box, for no charge.
All advertisements should be submitted to the Editor in the first instance, either emailed to as
a Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, JPEG or PDF attachment, or typed/handwritten and delivered to Swallows,
Church Road, Blewbury OX11 9PY. If your advertisement is accepted you will be advised when and how to make
payment. Please note that payment must be received before the Bulletin goes to press. If you require repeat insertions
over multiple months, you will be referred to the Advertising Manager to make the appropriate arrangements.
WRITTEN CONTRIBUTIONS We are always happy to receive editorial contributions. Text and images can be submitted in
the same way as advertisements – see above. Anyone supplying information for publication must be responsible for its
accuracy. We require name and contact details in all cases, although if requested these will not be published. The editor
reserves the right to reject submissions. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Bulletin.
                                  To see the Bulletin online visit
The Blewbury Bulletin is published at Swallows, Church Road, Blewbury, OX11 9PY. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of
published information, the Editor and Officers accept no responsibility for the consequences of any errors. Problems receiving your
Bulletin? Call 01235 850337.
Editor: Chris Whatmore, Swallows, Church Road, OX11 9PY tel 851055 Local Distribution Manager: Kathy
Edmunds, Wayside Cottage, Westbrook Street, OX11 9QA tel 850337 Postal & Email Distribution
Manager: Helen White, Southbourne, Bessels Way, OX11 9NJ tel 850483 Advertising Manager: Elizabeth Murphy, The
White House, London Road, OX11 9PD tel 851244 Treasurer: Paul Letchfield, Penbury, Bessels Lea tel
850916 Webmaster: Peter Willison, Fleetwith, Nottingham Fee, OX11 9PG tel. 850936

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