A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)

Page created by Kevin Robinson
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)

A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
                     4   Message from the Chair of the Board
                         and the President and CEO

                     8   Board Members and Management Team

                    10   Vision, Mission, Values

                    12   2017 Highlights

                    18   YQB 2018: Now Delivering
                         a World-class Experience

                    24   YQB: A Key Driver of Economic Development

                    26   2017 Projects

                    30   Finance Team on the Front Line

                    32   Financial Highlights

                    35   Independent Auditor’s Report
                         and Summary Financial Statements

                    43   Board of Directors
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
MESSAGE FROM                                                                                           Aéroport de Québec inc. (AQi) is the private
                                                                                                       non-profit organization that has managed,
THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD                                                                                 operated, maintained, and developed Québec
                                                                                                       City Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB)
AND PRESIDENT AND CEO                                                                                  since November 1, 2000.

TO SUSTAIN GROWTH                                            YQB 2018: ON TIME AND ON BUDGET                                 ANOTHER YEAR AND STILL GROWING
December 11, 2017, marked a milestone in the history of      YQB 2018 represents a $277 million investment in over a         We are pleased to report that 1,670,880 passengers
Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB) as       dozen building and runway construction and upgrade              passed through YQB in 2017—a 3.4% increase over 2016,
its new international terminal welcomed its first            projects and technological innovations, to offer our            despite the fact that our main runway was closed for
passengers. It was a historic moment—the realization of a    passengers the best possible experience. This includes          upgrades for 80 days and we had major construction
shared vision conceived a decade ago, and designed and       four new loading bridges, self-service check-in kiosks,         projects going in the same period. By working with airlines,
executed by talented professionals and workers intent on     self-service automated bag drops, electronic device             we welcomed 55,000 more passengers this year than in
delivering a facility that would exceed our passengers’      charging stations, larger dining areas with a wider array of    2017 for an increase of 1,060 passengers per week—
expectations.                                                options, a duty free shop four times the size of the previous   a pleasant surprise given the construction.
                                                             one, a user-friendly and better-designed customs area,
Inspired by our Passenger First® philosophy, we made         automated border clearance self-serve kiosks, a larger          In fact, the number of passengers at YQB has grown by
the decision to upgrade our facilities to accommodate        capacity baggage claim area, more baggage carousels             leaps and bounds in recent years. In 2017 we had over one
the expected increase in air travel and meet the needs       for international flights, and state-of-the-art                 million passengers more than in 2002, representing annual
of travelers everywhere.                                     communications and dynamic display systems.                     growth of about 7% for 15 years running.

According to a number of credible sources, including         Years of preparation and hard work and the talent of hundreds   Domestic traffic also soared in 2017. Flights between
Boeing, Airbus, and the International Air Transport          of people have gone into delivering a monumentally complex      YQB and the hubs of Montreal and Toronto were
Association (IATA), the airline industry will grow by some   and strategically important facility on time and on budget.     especially popular. On the international side, we added
4.7% per year over the next 20 years. YQB needed             There was an obvious need to invest at Québec City Jean         direct flights to the airports of La Romana in the
to be able to meet the increasing demand in this             Lesage International Airport because facilities were            Dominican Republic, and Roatán in Honduras.
booming market.                                              stretched to the limit during peak periods.
                                                                                                                             On June 15, 2017, WestJet substantially expanded its
December 11, 2017, will also be a day to remember for the    The first phase of YQB 2018 (construction of the new            offering with 70 additional flights per week in and out of
vendors that set up shop in the new terminal. We are proud   international terminal) is now complete and the second          YQB, upping the total number of flights from 350 to 420
to be working with respected local and international         phase (refurbishing of the former international area) kicked    a week. This has not only enhanced service to Montréal
business partners, all of whom share the same                off in January 2018.                                            (four daily flights) and Toronto (one more flight a day),
commitment to delivering quality products and                                                                                but also made it easier to connect to airline partners
services to our passengers.                                                                                                  serving Europe and Asia.
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
Gaëtan Gagné
President and CEO

                    André Fortin
                    Chair, Board of Directors
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
It has been Québec City Jean Lesage International                 Our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at                The 12th annual Routes Americas forum will also give
Airport’s goal for more than a decade to become a                 Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport were               representatives of airports in Canada and the Americas an
world-class airport. Mission accomplished! Our                    rewarded this year with Level 1 Airport Carbon                   opportunity to meet industry decision makers and build
enthusiastic, hard-working employees embrace new                  Accreditation (ACA), a global carbon accreditation               invaluable relationships with some of the world’s most
technologies and are trained on best industry practices           program affiliated with Airports Council International (ACI).    influential airline professionals. We are proud that we were
so we can offer passengers a unique experience on par             This accreditation speaks to our pledge to limit emissions       selected to host the forum and know that it will put Québec
with the world’s best airports.                                   from our own energy consumption and become an                    City more prominently on the map. We would also like to
                                                                  industry leader in the fight against climate change.             thank the team at the Québec City Convention Centre for
YQB was voted North America’s favorite airport in the             The goal for 2018 is to further reduce our greenhouse            helping us put together our bid and promote the forum
Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey in 2010, 2011, and           gas emissions and obtain Level 2 accreditation by                internationally.
2013 (in the 0–2 million passenger category) and ranked           implementing an air emissions management plan across
highly in other years. Another accolade worthy of mention:        the organization. Our 2020 goal is to get our emissions          NEXT CHALLENGE: U.S. PRECLEARANCE CENTER
Priority Pass members nominated our VIP lounge as the             5% below base-year (2016) levels.                                On March 10, 2016, Canadian Prime Minister Justin
best in North America in 2015 and 2017 and gave it a                                                                               Trudeau and then-U.S. president Barack Obama
“Highly Commended” mention in 2016.                               ROUTES AMERICAS 2019 AT YQB                                      announced an agreement to build a U.S. preclearance
                                                                  YQB gained further international recognition when it was         center at YQB—a move that 95% of local residents
Representatives from various international airports               selected to host the Routes Americas 2019 conference             support, according to a SOM survey. The center will have
(LaGuardia, Marseille, etc.) toured our facilities during the     after Québec City’s bid beat out five other North and South      a huge impact on the Québec City area, generating
year to learn more about our cutting-edge IT systems and          American cities.                                                 sizeable economic benefits, cutting connection times to
seek inspiration for their own facilities. These visits clearly                                                                    the U.S., creating new business opportunities for Canadian
illustrate that we are now a big league player recognized         In February 2019 Québec City Jean Lesage International           and U.S. carriers, and unquestionably boosting our region’s
around the world for our expertise.                               Airport will host Routes Americas 2019, one of the world’s       tourism potential.
                                                                  largest airline industry forums. Québec City will be the first
YQB spares no effort in seeking to limit its environmental        Canadian host of the annual conference, which will draw          We will be able to offer more U.S. destinations, especially
footprint. As part of YQB 2018, we dug 54 geothermal wells        over 1,000 aviation professionals representing some              those with limited or no customs facilities. The economic
of an average depth of 167 m (550 ft.) and now boast one          85 airlines, 300 airports, and 50 tourism authorities to         spinoffs of a preclearance center will be felt by the
of the best energy consumption ratios per m2 among                work out and negotiate the future of air travel.                 business community and the tourism industry overall.
Canadian airports according to two outside sources.
Some 55% of our waste materials and 40% of the glycol             The Québec City area will follow in the footsteps of past        Bill C-23, An Act respecting the preclearance of persons
we use is recycled. We also donated 3,000 trees to the            host cities like Denver, Las Vegas, San Juan, and San            and goods in Canada and the United States, was adopted
community over three years to offset the environmental            Salvador—carving out a strong position and promoting its         on December 12, 2017. The next phase of negotiations is
impact of the construction. To protect the bee population         tourist attractions and economic incentives with an eye to       kicking off with stakeholders working to ensure that
in our wooded areas and encourage the pollination of              further airline industry development.                            residents of the Québec City area get the same treatment
neighboring crops, we raise some 600,000 bees in eight                                                                             as in other preclearance locations in Canada.
highly productive hives. The premium honey they produce
will be sold to the public and the proceeds donated to
charity. These efforts show that YQB is committed to doing
everything it can to protect its environment.
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)

POISED FOR TAKEOFF                                            ON SOLID FINANCIAL FOOTING
With the number of passengers on the rise and plans for       Expanding an airport requires long-term planning and          We could not have done it without the invaluable support
new destinations in the works, YQB’s teams are more           a solid financial foundation, which is why sound              of our partners, many of which have successfully
motivated than ever. The potential for growth is undeniable   management is a key priority at YQB. Since we are a           navigated operational challenges requiring creative
and the possibility of adding regular direct connections      non-profit organization, all our surpluses are reinvested     solutions in recent years.
between Québec City and Europe looks increasingly             in airport facilities, for the benefit of travelers in the
feasible. The emergence of more powerful aircraft, better     Québec City area and visitors.                                Our sincere thanks also to our board of directors and
equipped to handle our region’s potential and able to fly                                                                   senior management and to our employees who shape the
direct transatlantic routes, should also work to our          We are proud to announce that YQB posted a net                narrative at YQB every day. The success our organization
passengers’ benefit.                                          revenues of $8.6 million in 2017 with $61.9 million in        has enjoyed in recent years is a direct result of your drive
                                                              revenues. Our net assets are now valued at an enviable        and energy. We are proud and grateful to have one of the
The ideal model for expanding air travel according to best    $125.4 million— a clear sign of our organization’s sound      highest employee engagement rates.
industry practices is to build a strong partnership between   management and financial strength.
the airport authority, airlines, and community members                                                                      A special thanks to the site construction professionals
active in economic and tourism development.                   In keeping with its mission, Québec City Jean Lesage          and workers, our vendors, and all those who
                                                              International Airport plays a decisive role in the economic   contributed—from near or far—to completing the
YQB’s role is to build airport facilities that will meet      development of our region and the country as a whole. In      mission-critical project that is YQB 2018.
tourism demand and the needs of key economic players          fact, according to the Conference Board of Canada, YQB
in the region.                                                airport operations generate $628 million in gross domestic    Lastly, we would also like to extend our warmest thanks
                                                              product (GDP) for Canada and supports over 5,600 jobs         to our 1,670,880 passengers for their loyalty and
In 2017 we hired a European consulting firm with global       around the country.                                           appreciation. By choosing to fly through Québec City Jean
reach to help us better target and approach carriers.                                                                       Lesage International Airport, you are contributing to our
This and other business development initiatives will allow    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT                                    region’s economy, helping us fulfill our role as an economic
us to serve more passengers in and out of YQB.                To become a world-class airport, YQB must be able to          driver, and above all, boosting the sense of pride in our
                                                              offer premium service, which is why we upgraded our           community!
PASSENGERS STILL OUR FOCUS                                    facilities to meet industry growth and accommodate more
Making passengers our top priority has always been our        airlines and passengers. We are especially proud of our
core value at YQB. The primary goal of our expansion over     new international terminal, which clearly delivers on our
the past few years has been to offer more destinations at     promise to offer Québec City residents and visitors alike
the lowest possible fares. Adding much-needed capacity        an experience on par with the world’s leading airports.
fuels competition among airlines, driving down ticket
prices in the process.

Case in point: the arrival of a new Québec City–Montréal
carrier this year slashed fares on this leg by 71%—and our
passengers were the ones reaping the rewards! Since we
went private in 2000, each of our success stories,
including our recent expansion, has been rooted in our
Passenger First® philosophy.                                                      André Fortin, CPA, CA, ASC, Lawyer        Gaëtan Gagné, C.D., LLIF, C. Dir., ASC
                                                                                  Chair, Board of Directors                 President and CEO
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
                             President, Imafa Inc.                                         President and CEO                         Vice Chair                              Co-owner and General
                             Board Chair                                                   Director, AQi                             Ex-officio Member                       Manager, Le Bonne Entente
                             Ex-officio Member                                             Board Member from 1997                    of All Committees                       Audit Committee Member
                             of All Committees                                             to 2010 then from 2013                    Appointed by                            Appointed by
                             Appointed by                                                  until now                                 the Government of Québec                the City of Québec
                             the City of Lévis                                                                                       Board Member since 2011                 Board Member since 2012
                             Board Member since 2010
ANDRÉ                                                        GAËTAN                                                     JEAN-                                   ALAIN
FORTIN                                                       GAGNÉ                                                      CLAUDE                                  APRIL
CPA, CA, ASC, Lawyer                                         C.D., LLIF, C. Dir., ASC                                   L’ABBÉE                                 ASC, Adm.A

                             Nominating, Governance,                                    Associate Director,                          Nominating, Governance,                 President, Lortie Aviation
                             and Human Resources                                        Accès Capital Québec                         and Human Resources                     Planning and Development
                             Committee Member                                           Audit Committee Chair                        Committee Chair                         Committee Member
                             Appointed by                                               Appointed by                                 Appointed by                            Appointed by
                             Chambre de commerce                                        Chambre de commerce                          Chambre de commerce                     Chambre de commerce
                             et d’industrie de Québec                                   de Lévis                                     et d’industrie de Québec                et d’industrie de Québec
                             Board Member since 2016                                    Board Member since 2012                      Board Member since 2010                 Board Member since 2013
FRANCE                                                   LISE                                                           LILIANE                                 ANDRÉ
BILODEAU                                                 LAPIERRE                                                       LAVERDIÈRE                              LORTIE
FICA, CFA, ASC, Actuary                                  FCPA, FCA, ASC                                                 MBA

                             Board Member of companies                                     Risk Management                           Risk Management                         President and CEO, Coveo
                             Planning and Development                                      Committee Member                          Committee Member                        Planning and Development
                             Committee Chair                                               Appointed by the Board                    Appointed by                            Committee Member
                             Appointed by                                                  of Aéroport de Québec inc.                the City of Québec                      Appointed by the Board
                             the City of Québec                                            Board Member since 2013                   Board Member since 2016                 of Aéroport de Québec inc.
                             Board Member since 2012                                                                                                                         Board Member since 2013

JEAN-GUY                                                     PIERRE                                                     RENÉ                                    LOUIS
PAQUET                                                       PELLETIER                                                  ROULEAU                                 TÊTU
C.C., G.O.Q., ASC, P. Eng.                                   Lawyer                                                     MAP

                             Founder, Québec City                                          Corporate Secretary
                             Marathon                                                      and Compliance, AQi
                             Risk Management
                             Committee Chair
                             Appointed by
                             the City of Lévis
                             Board Member since 2010
DENIS                                                        SOPHIE
THERRIEN                                                     LEFRANÇOIS
CPA, CA                                                      ASC, Lawyer
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)
                           President                                Vice-President,                        Vice-President,                      Vice-President,
                           and CEO Director                         Operations                             Finance                              Infrastructure

GAËTAN                                                 SERGE                                 FRANÇOIS                            DANIEL
GAGNÉ                                                  ST-LAURENT                            BILODEAU                            PERREAULT
C.D., LLIF, C. Dir., ASC                               M.Sc., IAP                            CPA, CA                             P. Eng., IAP

                           Vice-President,                          Vice-President,                        Corporate Secretary
                           Marketing and Development                Information Technology                 and Compliance

BERNARD                                                MARC-                                 SOPHIE
THIBOUTOT                                              ANDRÉ                                 LEFRANÇOIS
BAA                                                    BÉDARD                                ASC, Lawyer
A NEW FUTURE FOR THE TERMINAL 2017 - Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec (YQB)

         AIRPORT A                    AIR TRAFFIC TO FULFILL OUR ROLE
         WORLD-CLASS                  AS A MAJOR SOCIOECONOMIC
         FACILITY.                    FORCE IN THE GREATER QUÉBEC
                                      CITY AREA.


         PASSENGER FIRST ®                        RESPECT

         - GEORGE ALLEN Sr.

             It was another year of growth for Québec City             U.S. regulations prioritizing airports with a
             Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB) in 2017.          preclearancecenter, and the fact that aircraft are
             Against all odds, we saw a 3.4% increase in the           getting larger all the time so there are more
             number of passengers over 2016—for a total of             passengers per flight.
             1,670,880—despite repairs to the main runway
             that limited access to major carriers May 23 to           In Q1 2017, we hired ASM, a Manchester
             August 9, 2017.                                           England–based consultants firm, to help us identify
                                                                       carriers interested in offering direct service to Europe.
             Domestic air passenger traffic was up once again          We also attended a number of airline industry
             this year. With WestJet Encore adding four new daily      development conferences and stepped up meetings
             Québec City-Montréal (YQB-YUL) flights June 15, 2017,     with Canadian and European carriers.
             and one new flight to Toronto Pearson (YYZ),
             passengers could choose from 70 additional domestic       UBM, one of the world’s leading airport meeting
             flights per week. This has not only enhanced service to   and event organizers, selected YQB to host the 2019
             these destinations, but also opened up new options for    Routes Americas aviation forum. It will take place in
             air travelers through WestJet code-share agreements.      Québec City in February 2019—a first for Canada.
             The new flights make it easy to connect with WestJet’s    Our teams are already hard at work organizing the
             European and Asian airline partners, which include Air    event, which will draw some 1,000 participants
             France, KLM, Emirates, China Southern, and Korean Air.    representing more than 80 airlines, 300 airport
                                                                       authorities, and 50 tourism authorities to work out
             On the international side, Delta left the playing field   and negotiate the future of air travel in the Americas.
             because its regional carrier filed for bankruptcy.
             But with United Airlines continuing to serve New York’s   A regional committee was formed last fall to expand
             Newark Liberty International Airport, our passengers      air service from Québec City Jean Lesage
             have been largely unaffected. As it did at most           International Airport. The committee met for the first
             Canadian airports, with the exception of a few hubs,      time on December 11, 2017.
             cross-border traffic decreased at YQB. This can
             be explained by a pilot shortage, a change in

With the ongoing construction, the Passenger                 as part of the Operational Readiness and Airport           Much of 2017 was spent preparing for the opening of
Experience team had its work cut out for it in 2017.         Transfer (ORAT) program. The goal was to put the new       the new international terminal. The department took
Through its efforts we substantially reduced the             terminal through its paces before the opening on           part in the ORAT process, overseeing preparedness
project’s impact on passengers while continuing to           December 11, 2017.                                         testing and key areas of operation. We are proud of our
deliver service worthy of our Passenger First                                                                           work with the other departments in the organization.
philosophy. We are continuing to gauge passenger             Changes were made to airfield signs and markers this
satisfaction through an Airport Service Quality (ASQ)        year, making YQB one of Canada’s first airports to fully   The Operational Control Center started off the year by
survey so we can take feedback into account with a           comply with the latest requirements set out in the         creating a flight planning agent position. The planning
view toward continuous improvement. Communication            5th edition of Aerodrome Standards and Recommended         agent’s role is to optimize coordination of available
with passengers is always a priority, and we plan to         Practices (TP312).                                         resources over the medium and long term.
continue conducting the survey in years to come.
                                                             YQB also became the first airport in North America         Since runway 06-24 was closed for 80 days during
Thanks to the outstanding work of the management             to take a Schmidt airside snow removal equipment           summer 2017, the Projects team had to work closely
team, YQB’s VIP lounge was recently nominated North          out for a trial run. Knowing the proven expertise of our   with the many different stakeholders to manage
American Lounge of the Year by Priority Pass program         managers, snow removal teams, and mechanics, the           operations. With this cooperative approach, we
members, beating out 45 other airport lounges. YQB won       European manufacturer selected YQB to help put the         successfully met all deadlines and maintained the
the same award in 2015 and received a “Highly                finishing touches on the North American version of         security of day-to-day operations while keeping other
Commended” mention last year. VIP lounge traffic             its product.                                               operational impacts to a minimum. The Operational
continues to grow. We made several minor changes                                                                        Control Center will also help coordinate the June 2018
to the services available and expanded capacity.             A continuous improvement project was completed             G7 Summit. The coming years looks especially
                                                             with Technical Services to fine-tune our snow removal      promising, with construction of a new Operational
A video was produced during the year to raise                techniques and runway light installation procedures so     Control Center.
awareness within the airport community of the                there are fewer breakages.
importance of our Passenger First® philosophy.                                                                          For the Aircraft Firefighting Service, 2017 was a year
The video, featuring representatives of various airport      AIRPORT SECURITY                                           of change and progress. Our fleet—one of the most
partners, was a big part of the new terminal orientation     In 2017 we consolidated the roles and responsibilities     efficient in the country—was expanded with the
process for YQB employees. This was only the first           of the three Airport Protection Division departments:      addition of a third Oshkosh Striker truck. This makes
phase in a more extensive Passenger First® training          the Operational Control Center, Airport Security           us much more response-ready and improves
program planned for 2018.                                    Service, and Aircraft Firefighting Service.                passenger safety. The Aircraft Firefighting Service also
                                                                                                                        acquired new state-of-the-art equipment, including a
AIRPORT OPERATIONS                                           From February 8 to 11, 2017, Division managers             thermal camera, powerful rescue tools, and a nozzle
The Operations team had a lot on its plate in 2017.          received emergency response management training            that can pierce the fuselage of an aircraft and
Not only did it have to maintain tight security while        with a view to improving efficiency and team synergy.      extinguish a fire from the outside. Officers and
continuing to offer first-rate customer service, it had to   As it turned out, the training came in very handy in a     firefighters received training on the new tools.
contend with two major work sites as the new terminal        number of emergency situations during the year.
was being built and repairs were being made to the           We put our evacuation plan to the test when a suspicious   The Aircraft Firefighting Service carried out exercises
main runway. Although the runway project involved            package was discovered on September 10, 2017.              to improve coordination with Airport Security and the
hundreds of workers and trucks, it was completed             The incident prompted us to revisit certain procedures,    Operational Control Center in an emergency.
safely, with no incidents or flight delays. The team took    but the operation was successful nonetheless and           These proved very instructive and have led to marked
over operations at the new terminal on October 13, 2017.     once again provided the opportunity to demonstrate         improvements in procedures. As a further step in our
Airport Operations then conducted three basic and            that passenger safety is our top priority.                 emergency response preparedness, we plan to
three advanced tests involving more than 500 volunteers                                                                 acquire tabletop exercise software in the near future.
2017 Highlights
                                                                  ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE
Our Emergency Response Plan (ERP) was in need of a                YQB spares no effort in ensuring all operations are        • Environmental assessment of new projects and effort to
complete revamp, so our Division head enthusiastically            environmentally friendly. One of the requirements of         reduce energy and water consumption for new structures
tackled the task of charting the roles and responsibilities       YQB’s lease with Transport Canada is that it have an       • A wildlife management program
of all internal and external stakeholders. A number of            environmental management system (EMS) based on
meetings and discussions were held to ensure solid                ISO 14001. The following points are all part of our EMS    The noise management committee met three times
coordination between stakeholders in the event of an              and an integral part of activities:                        in 2017 to discuss the concerns of residents living near
emergency. Our new EMP should be ready in early 2018.             • A recycling program for hazardous and non-hazardous      the airport.
                                                                    waste materials
We also reviewed our first aid program in 2017 with a view                                                                   HUMAN RESOURCES
to improving passenger service. The Airport Security team         • A maintenance and inspection program for oil tanks
is now responsible for administering first aid in the terminal.     and oil interceptors on airport property                 At Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport, you
Our team now includes patrol/first aid officers equipped          • Environmental offset measures:                           regularly see employees going above and beyond the call
with portable kits and Segways, making them more mobile                                                                      of duty in assisting coworkers and passengers. That’s why
                                                                   - Annual donation of 1,000 trees to a non-profit          YQB’s recognition committee created the BRAVO
and ready to provide the highest standards of service to
                                                                     organization to be distributed free to residents plus   CHARLIE program—so these good deeds do not go
employees and travelers.
                                                                     $1,000 to run the program                               unnoticed. YQB employees simply log on to the intranet
YQB developed an active shooter incident awareness                 - Maintenance of eight beehives on airport property       to recognize colleagues who have gone the extra mile.
campaign in response to the events at the Fort Lauderdale            and sale of honey with proceeds going to charity
airport on January 6, 2017. The program, which includes an           (four more hives will be set up in 2018)                YQB also developed an individual employee training plan
informative video filmed at YQB, is aimed at all airport                                                                     this year. It will allow us to more accurately define each
                                                                   - Preliminary sustainability report as per Global
community employees.                                                                                                         employee’s day-to-day tasks and responsibilities and also
                                                                     Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines (report drafted
                                                                                                                             measure the effectiveness of technical training, which will
                                                                     in 2017 based on 2016 data and audited by
Lastly, YQB is proud to be one of eight airports                                                                             be evaluated by the trainer and manager after the fact.
                                                                     Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton)
participating in the Canadian Aviation Security Awareness                                                                    The plan covers Transport Canada regulations, airport
Program (CASAP), a national initiative to provide                 • Accreditation by Airport Carbon                          operational obligations, and the requirements of
consistent guidelines to new employees. Candidates                  Accreditation, a global organization                     each position.
applying for a Restricted Area Identity Card (RAIC) must            affiliated with Airports Council
take the training, which includes a general section                 International (ACI) World, whose                         In April an orientation video was produced to explain
applicable to all Canadian airports and one specific to             mission is to promote measures                           YQB’s three core values and three strategic objectives
Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport.                      to reduce carbon emissions at                            to new employees. The video presents the organization’s
                                                                    airports. YQB was awarded Level 1                        overall vision and helps creating a sense of belonging in
SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM                                            certification in 2017 and will pursue Level 2 in 2018    new employees.
YQB implemented all required measures (risk                       • Management of waste snow (two onsite snow dumps),
                                                                    de-icing products, and halocarbons                       We also revamped the YQB 101 training given to new
management, equipment and facility inspection,                                                                               employees. It covers the airport community, the YQB
process auditing) to ensure safe operations in 2017.              • An effective accidental spill management procedure       environment, and the impact each employee has on the

                                                                                                                               REAL ESTATE AND COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                               AND DEVELOPMENT
organization’s long-term success. The training is now         In January 2017 YQB launched a mobile app designed               In addition to its regular revenue agreement management
delivered by a group of employees from different              to facilitate air travel before passengers even get to the       activities, the Real Estate and Commercial Management
departments.                                                  airport. The app uses location-based technology to send          and Development Division proceeded with the selection of
                                                              passengers notifications, instructions, and other real-time      the shops and restaurants that would be part of YQB 2018.
The theory course for members of the airport community        content, with the option of contacting a member of the           We received a number of great proposals through private
seeking to obtain an Airside Vehicle Operator’s Permit        Passenger Experience team directly. Friends and family           contract negotiations and the request for proposals issued
(AVOP) is now available online and can be taken at their      can also check the status of a flight and the whereabouts        in early 2017. We are confident that the local, national, and
convenience.                                                  of the person they are picking up.                               international partners we have selected will deliver
                                                                                                                               services that meet the needs of passengers, their travel
For the third straight year, Security, Safety & the           On November 30, 2017, YQB was awarded the grand prize            companions, and YQB employees.
Environment Month was held in May and was a                   in the “site or application – service of the year” category at
resounding success. Starting in September, YQB also           the 23rd annual Boomerang Awards. The app is available
began organizing monthly activities to address these          on the App Store and Google Play. It has been
key issues more consistently throughout the year.             downloaded by over 10,000 users since its launch in Q1
                                                              2017. We plan to make a number of updates in 2018 to
We shared our health and safety know-how again this year      improve the level of service to passengers.
by participating in the Safety Round Table in September
2017. As a matter of fact, the 2018 meeting will be held at   Since a good many of YQB’s management and operating
YQB. We look forward to hosting the best and brightest        activities are now cloud-based, considerable effort was
from Canada’s airports. Université Laval also invited YQB’s   put into strengthening our data exchange infrastructure to
health and safety advisor to give a talk to its industrial    improve interoperability among airport-based systems,
relations students about YQB’s practices and procedures.      cloud-hosted systems, and our outside partners’ systems.
                                                              This data movement together with the added vulnerability
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                        of the cloud prompted us to put more of an emphasis on           YQB MANAGES 8 HIVES
The Information Technology team had little downtime in        cybersecurity. We thus completed a number of projects            TO HELP POLLINATE
                                                              designed to give users more flexibility without                  NEIGHBOURING CROPS
2017, with the opening of the new international terminal
and installation of all the requisite technology, including   compromising our best-in-class security.
automated border clearance self-serve kiosks and
communications and dynamic display systems. The team          We also kicked off a collaborative platform project this
had to test the new tools and then train employees on how     year. Slated for rollout next year, the central platform will
to use them so everyone would be ready when the doors         facilitate interaction among employees and partners in
opened on December 11.                                        various ways. It will also be made available to the airport
                                                              community as a whole to make collaboration that
                                                              much easier.
2017 Highlights
                                                                MARKETING AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT                              AIRPORT PLANNING
Four new concepts and vendors were unveiled in July 2017,       In 2017 the Marketing and Development Department                  The Airport Planning Division worked on a number of
including a new duty free shop operated by Aer Rianta           finished rolling out the new YQB brand image, with input          projects over the year, including developing a master plan,
International, a central bar and a café/restaurant run by       from other concerned departments.                                 an airport road access study related to a potential highway
Nourcy, two Relay stores, and two International Currency                                                                          entrance at the airport, an overhaul of the airport’s
Exchange counters. In November 2017 it was announced            In August 2017 Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC)           operations manual, the launch of Phase 1 of the
that a Starbucks was on its way. The Loop duty free             announced a plan to create Route 6 to establish regular           geographic information system (GIS) application for
shop—four times the size of its predecessor—has the look        service between the airport, Québec City tourist                  airport employees.
and feel of the leading international chains and a broad        attractions, and the Sainte-Foy hub
selection of luxury goods and exclusive products. It has        (Laurier-Lavigerie-Hochelaga area). RTC has not yet               As part of the terminal expansion, the Airport Planning
been offering a one-of-a-kind shopping experience to            specified in what year the shuttle will be put into service.      Division also provided input on the design of the new
passengers since it opened in December. The Nourcy                                                                                check-in hall, passenger check-in simulations, and
central bar also opened in December. Located in the center      The number of taxi fares continues to grow even though            Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT)
of the new international terminal, the eatery serves up local   Uber service is now available at YQB. We also worked on           activities in preparation for the opening of the new
fare in a relaxed and delightful setting. The compass rose      developing a taxi system management tool. The purpose             international terminal.
suspending above the central bar, combined with the view        of the pilot project is to test a platform for managing
of the runways and mountains, makes a striking impression       queues and automating the passenger pickup process at             The team also collaborated progress on other projects,
and will surely be a real differentiator for YQB. Other food    the airport. Unlike traditional physical booths and kiosks        such as paving 9e Rue and the RCMP parking lot,
service vendors will be announced in 2018.                      widely used to manage taxi flow, YQB has had a custom             developing the southwestern sector, reconfiguring the
                                                                interface developed that will fully integrate with the            Charlie taxiway, and an analysis for future runway end
By popular demand, the terminal now boasts massage              dispatch system already in use by 95% of taxis at the             safety area (RESA).
chairs and a Best Buy electronic vending machine to             airport. Taxi drivers will automatically be added to a virtual
improve the passenger experience.                               queue when they arrive at the taxi waiting area and will be
                                                                assigned fares in order of arrival. The solution will be tested
Through partner agreements, passengers are now able             in early 2018 for rollout later in the year.
to use the search engine on the YQB website to find
and book a rental car at a discounted rate.                     With YQB 2018 construction underway, a number of
                                                                display ads had to be moved or taken down. New spaces
YQB brought on a new refueling operator this year,              will become available in Q3 2019. Despite these
Harnois Groupe pétrolier. Several building projects are         challenges, advertising revenues continued to climb
also being explored with current and potential tenants.         in 2017.

YQB also purchased a building that was constructed and
has been operated by Hélicoptères Canadiens since 2005.
The building, which was rented to a partner operating at
YQB, had been used as an aviation training and equipment
storage facility.

It was certainly a banner year for Technical Services,            tools, clearly reflects our commitment to provide
whose specialists attended over 800 hours of training and         end-to-end service, cut down on travel time, and
information sessions in recent months to be ready to take         streamline the reporting process (performance indicators,
over the new facility and equipment delivered in Phase 1          regulatory compliance, data integrity, etc.).
of the terminal expansion and rebuild.
                                                                  Lastly, 2018 will mark the final stage in the digital revolution
The number of assets managed by Technical Services                introduced by Technical Services two years ago as
nearly doubled with the addition of the YQB 2018                  implementation of the new integrated platform draws to
infrastructure, not to mention the size of the new terminal,      a close. This last phase will focus on digital document
which is now 50,000 m2. The team oversees the                     management, integration of occupational health and
day-to-day operation of no less than 110,000 m2 of facilities     safety measures (lockout procedures, work in confined
to ensure quality, efficiency, and security. In pursuit of this   spaces, etc.), inventory management, and energy
mission, we completed some 12,000 targeted                        efficiency of YQB facilities.
interventions in 2017 to support YQB operations.

We also ramped up our efforts to incorporate Technical
Services into the computerized maintenance
management system (CMMS), which has become the
backbone of our operations. Our approach, based on a
single, unified user experience and new application-based
This year marked a major           YQB 2018 has several objectives: increase capacity           growth in air travel expected over the next 20 years.
                                   to meet the needs of passengers, fuel competition            The new terminal opened to the public on
milestone in the growth            among carriers, and offer lower fares to the traveling       December 11, 2017.
                                   public as a result.
of Québec City Jean Lesage
                                   Above and beyond the 550,000 hours of work it has
International Airport (YQB)        necessitated since 2015, YQB 2018 is the linchpin of a
with the opening of its new        strategy to position YQB as a world-class facility able
                                   to compete with the best and ready for the substantial
international terminal—
the largest construction project
in its history. Worth a total of
$277 million, this investment
and its parallel projects have
required years of preparation,
months and months of hard
work, and the talent of hundreds

and on budget—a monumentally
complex and strategically
important facility.

                                   RIBBON CUTTING BY THE VERY FIRST PASSENGERS ON DECEMBER 11th, 2017

        THE PROJECT                                             YQB 2018 encompasses more than 10 individual
                                                                projects, including construction of a new
                                                                                                                              YQB 2018 is also like a dauntingly challenging
                                                                                                                              puzzle—a jigsaw you have to put together while

                                                                state-of-the-art international terminal, upgrades             keeping the airport open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
                                                                runways and aircraft traffic lanes, and development           but whose pieces form a vital part of the Québec City
                                                                of premium shopping anddining options.                        picture. When it came to managing some of the largest
                                                                                                                              construction sites in the Québec City area, careful
                                                                                                                              planning and close oversight were keys to success.

OCTOBER 2015                            JANUARY 2016                          JUNE 2016                                    SEPTEMBER 2016                          MAY 2017


        YQB 2018 was highly innovative in its design approach   • Over 100 professionals from six different firms met in      The project was divided into two phases to make it
        based on Building Information Modeling (BIM)—a first      the same project office for months working toward           easier to keep day-to-day operations running
        in Québec for a project of its size. The design also      a shared goal.                                              smoothly during construction and have enough
        reflected a desire to raise the bar for sustainable     • A BIM-based design was used to detect and correct           loading bridges for the number of flights, which kept
        construction by leveraging geothermal energy,             planning errors immediately, make informed                  right on going up!
        automatic lighting, heat exchange, and fresh air flow     decisions, and control future maintenance costs.
        control technology.                                                                                                   The first phase of terminal expansion kicked off in
                                                                • A virtual 3D mockup showed the project taking               spring 2015 and was completed on time and on
        From the beginning, it was clear the project was an       shape in real time and integrated building                  budget. The second phase will involve upgrades to the
        opportunity to follow an outside-the-box, sustainable     maintenance data to track the lifespan of the               current terminal. These began in January 2018 and will
        approach:                                                 individual components, their warranties, and their          wrap up in 2019 when the two terminals will be
                                                                  technical specifications.                                   permanently joined.
        • An aviation hangar adjacent to the work site was
          converted into a project office.                      • There was a heady and contagious sense of
                                                                  excitement and enthusiasm about being involved
                                                                  in the construction of the new terminal and
                                                                  ancillary facilities.
The heart of the new terminal features plenty of natural    There is also an impressive mobile light fixture that   The geometric fixture was designed specifically for
light and windows offering views of the runways and         hangs overhead. If you stand on the blue spot, the      YQB 2018 by Art Design Novation (ADM) under the
Mount Bélair. It has an open, comfortable feel to it.       40 panels transform into a stunning compass rose—       artistic direction of sculptor Éric Lapointe.
The design evokes the St. Lawrence River and all            a nod to the mosaic that used to grace the floor of
things Nordic, like its benches in the shape of glaciers.   the old terminal.

And what about operations? To bring the new facility   ORAT includes six phases:                             The general public was invited to take part in the
online as seamlessly as possible, we looked to the     1. Development of the guide and operational concept   simulation exercises. The response was immediate:
highest industry standards, opting to follow the                                                             500 available slots were filled within days.
Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT)      2. Operational meeting in key sectors                 The volunteers took their role seriously and shared
method to smoothly transition to public use. ORAT is   3. Familiarization, training, and mobilization        constructive feedback to help us improve the
a time-tested German approach that has been used                                                             experience and exceed passenger expectations.
                                                       4. Simulations
to open many an airport around the world over the
past 20 years.                                         5. Operational transfer of activities
                                                       6. Post-opening follow-ups

YQB continued to grow in 2017, welcoming          Today we are even better prepared to handle
1.7 million passengers despite construction.      the boom in international air travel, attract
YQB’s passenger traffic has grown at a            new stakeholders, and give passengers a
compound annual rate of 7% for ten years          memorable Québec City experience. Now for
straight and the airport now offers 420 flights   the next challenge: the U.S. preclearance
a week, some 30 direct destinations, and          center to speed our growth and position us
global access. Its operations also generate       among the country’s top airports. Our objectives
thousands of jobs and major economic              are clear: continue working to make Québec
spinoffs.                                         City easier to get to, strengthen its connections
                                                  to the rest of the world, and enhance its
                                                  economic growth and visibility for the benefit
                                                  of our passengers.

                                                  ”I would like to give a special thanks to my
                                                  team and the hundreds of employees who
                                                  have brought our vision to life. Talented and
                                                  dedicated, you are driven by excellence
                                                  and consistently go above and beyond.
                                                  I am honored to work with you.”
                                                           Gaëtan Gagné, CD., LLIF, C. Dir., ASC
                                                                          President and CEO
YQB is a catalyst for growth   Over the years Québec City Jean Lesage International
                               Airport (YQB) has become a powerful engine of
                                                                                      Airport operations at Québec City Jean Lesage
                                                                                      International Airport generate $628 million in gross
in the region, generating      economic development in the region.                    domestic product (GDP) for Canada and generate
                                                                                      5,674 full-time jobs around the country.
$628 million in economic       A 2017 study by the Conference Board of Canada
                               offered a neutral, third-party assessment of the
benefits and 5,674 jobs.       economic benefits generated by YQB. The Conference
                               Board’s findings speak for themselves.

                               Airport                      Québec City Rest of            Other Canadian Total
                               operations                   area        Québec             provinces
                               GDP (in current thousands) $260,000          214 000 $      $153,694               $627,694
                               Jobs                       1,863             2,384          1,427                  5,674

These numbers clearly show that YQB is a key             • Visitors who pass through YQB spend nearly
economic driver in the region and plays a decisive         $210 million in the Québec City area every year—
role in Canada’s prosperity. The spinoffs are so great     an average of $630 each
that they benefit not only the local economy, but the
provincial and national economies as well.
                                                         AND THAT’S NOT ALL!
The Conference Board of Canada also found that:          From 2005 to 2019, YQB will have invested just
• YQB generates $114 million in employment income        over half a billion dollars in infrastructure (terminal,
  in the Québec City area                                buildings, runways, and more). According to
                                                         Conference Board of Canada estimates, this
• The various levels of Canadian government collect      construction work will generate $506 million in
  some $63 million in indirect taxes and levies as a     GDP and generate just over 6,000 jobs across
  result of YQB’s operations alone                       the country.

Construction                  Québec City Rest of             Other Canadian Total                                  PRIDE, DRIVE,
work                          area        Québec              provinces
                                                                                                                    AND CONFIDENCE
GDP (in current thousands) $214,591             $212,568      $78,830                  $505,989
Jobs                       2,802                2,335         877                      6,014                        ARE THE KEYS TO
                                                                                                                    PROSPERITY: FOR YOU,
                                                                                                                    FOR US, AND FOR THE
                                                                                                                    PEOPLE WE SERVE.
Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB) continued
                              to make infrastructure improvements over the past year—
                              the most important being completion of the new international
                              terminal and repair of runway 06-24. Read on to learn more.
                              NEW INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL
                              The terminal expansion project (Phase 1) began in    New furnishings in the boarding areas (seats,
                              April 2015 and was completed on December 11, 2017.   benches, lounge space, work counters, etc.)
                              The YQB 2018 team pulled out all the stops to get    add to passenger comfort and convenience.
                              the new facility built and equipment installed on    About 80% of seats now have electrical and USB
                              time, on budget, and according to plan. We are       outlets for passengers to charge their devices.

                              very proud to have completed the biggest
                              expansion in YQB history.                            CONSTRUCTION OF HEATING AND COOLING
                                                                                   PLANT AND GEOTHERMAL FIELD
                              The design of the new terminal was inspired by       Construction of the new heating and cooling plant
                              Québec winters. It features modular shapes that      and geothermal field near the control tower kicked
                              evoke snow and ice, offset by warmer materials.      off in April 2016 and was completed in fall 2017.
                              Cool colors and interesting lighting further         YQB facilities are now primarily powered by heat
                              accentuate the space and make a striking             exchange and geothermal energy—an investment
                              impression as passengers walk in the door.           that is both environmentally friendly and

New terminal by the numbers
112 smoke detectors     1.33 km of cabling
5,035 sprinkler heads   12.5 km of ventilation ducts
3,325 LED lights        86 km of pipes
                        (heating/cooling, plumbing,
216 cameras             and fire protection) roughly
166 electric panels     9.6 times the height of
                        Mount Everest
742 speakers

YQB has always placed great importance on emerging       A few steps away, existing YQB vendor Paradies               Work has also begun on a Starbucks, which will sell
technologies and continues to be a technology            Lagardère Travel Retail (Relay) operates a completely        coffee, beverages, baked goods, breakfast, lunch, and
trendsetter. For the terminal expansion and upgrade,     revamped and expanded convenience and travel                 protein boxes starting in summer 2018. The new store
our teams used an innovative project management          store. When work is completed in 2019, there will also       will be 100 m2 in size and located in the sterile area
model known as building information modeling (BIM).      be a Relay newsstand in the public area.                     where passengers emerge from security.
There is a video on the YQB 2018 website
(www.yqb2018.com) describing the BIM approach            International Currency Exchange, a long-standing             COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS
and how it was used at YQB. YQB applied BIM up to        fixture at YQB, has two new custom-built exchange            MANAGEMENT
and including the sixth dimension (6D), which            counters—one in the public area and one in the               We have put a lot of effort into conveying the YQB 2018
concerns sustainability (e.g., energy assessments).      sterile area.                                                experience to passengers and stakeholders over the
                                                                                                                      past year, even before the new facilities were open.
We are frequently invited to speak on our                The new terminal also has a real local feel with the         We worked on a virtual model of the new terminal early
forward-looking approach at conferences and              arrival of noted Québec City delicatessen operator           in the year. The goal of platform 360.yqb2018.com was
seminars and we receive a lot of site visit requests.    Nourcy, with its striking, asymmetrical bar centrally        to be able to show a virtual rendering that was as
YQB representatives serve on various committees          located in the sterile area. Alcove booths around the        lifelike as possible. Obviously the platform was
advocating for the adoption of BIM, and team             bar beckon to passengers seeking a quiet place to            Web-based, but the project also included an
members attend seminars on the topic.                    relax and enjoy something to eat or drink. The menu          innovative, on-the-ground experiential marketing
                                                         includes meals, alcoholic beverages, and Nourcy’s            component. A squad was sent out on a YQB 2018
Going forward, YQB plans to harness the full potential   famous pastries and gourmet chocolates.                      promotional tour, visiting different events and public
of BIM in managing and maintaining these buildings.      Once renovation of the old facility is complete in           places in the Québec City area to let people take a
                                                         2019, Nourcy will also operate the café/restaurant           virtual tour of the new terminal. The initiative included
RENTAL SPACE BUILD-OUT AND ARRIVAL                       in the public area.                                          a big promotional campaign and a contest.
                                                         A dazzling mobile light fixture designed by sculptor         We also conducted a number of site tours for our
Work was done in 2017 to build-out retail space for                                                                   partners, and the general public was able to explore
four new vendors that opened their doors in the          Éric Lapointe of Art Design Novation (ADN) hangs
                                                         over the bar. Called Tous Azimuts (All Out), the unique      the new terminal through the YQB 2018 simulation
new terminal on December 11, 2017.                                                                                    game. There was a series of announcements in 2017
                                                         piece is inspired by YQB’s vision of an exciting, digital,
                                                         interactive future. It is made up of 40 aluminum panels      about YQB 2018, including one about our new shops
The new duty free shop operated by Aer Rianta                                                                         and services. It all culminated in two historic dates:
International quadrupled in size, from 100 m2 to         covered with taut fiber optic fabric powered by built-in
                                                         LED lights. The shapes and colors of the fixture             the unveiling of the new terminal on November 16
400 m2. It carries an extensive selection of luxury                                                                   attended by elected officials and members of the
goods, including makeup, perfumes, sunglasses,           change depending on the time of day and your
                                                         perspective. From one spot, the structure looks like a       business community, and the grand opening on
and accessories, as well as an array of tobacco                                                                       December 11 when we welcomed our first passengers.
products, wines, and spirits.                            compass rose—a nod to the mosaic that used to be
                                                         on the floor of the old terminal. Now this compass rose
                                                         2.0 looms large over the heart of the new terminal in a
                                                         glittering tribute.
2017 Projets
Major updates were made to the explosives detection               number of measures as part of the Operational                  100 members from six different companies and multiple
system from June to October 2017 as part of the Hold              Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) method, including        disciplines has been meeting in an aviation hangar near
Baggage Screening Recapitalization Program coordinated            operational testing, training sessions, site familiarization   the construction site. Working closely together like this has
by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority’s                tours, and more. As a result, we were more than ready to       allowed team members to coordinate in real time and be
(CATSA). The system now features three levels of                  welcome the first passengers to the new terminal on            flexible and agile in carrying out their respective tasks.
detection, including two high-speed tomography systems            December 11, 2017.
(eXaminer XLBs) for levels 1 and 2 and a manual search for                                                                       RENOVATION OF THE OLD TERMINAL
level 3 to ensure more detailed imaging and faster handling       NEW TECHNOLOGIES                                               The focus in 2018 and 2019 will be on upgrading the 1996
of checked bags.                                                  Last year also saw introduction of all the technology and      and 2008 buildings and standardizing services (phases 2
                                                                  equipment needed for the expansion, including seven new        and 3). The retrofits present a considerable logistical
Also part of YQB 2018, two carrousels and a delivery dock         telecommunications rooms. We added wireless access             challenge since the building is still in use—a little like inviting
for oversized baggage and special items from international        points, cameras, and networking equipment. We also             friends over for dinner when you’re still renovating the
arrivals were installed in anticipation of the official opening   boosted the capacity of our access control, public             kitchen. An interior passageway has been built to allow
of the new terminal in December 2017. Plans to add a              announcement, and dynamic display systems. And today           passengers to safely access the boarding gates in the new
second baggage sorting room and storage system that               we are already seeing the benefits of these upgrades and       international terminal during construction. A heated
had been in the works since 2016 were updated in summer           advancements.                                                  exterior passageway has also been constructed under
2017 to increase checked baggage capacity and cut costs.                                                                         the canopy in front of the new terminal so international
The new baggage handling system will comprise two                 New check-in kiosks and automated luggage bag-drops            passengers can get to the old terminal.
independent subsystems to ensure redundancy and                   were added to streamline the passenger departure
greater flexibility for future updates. Work will begin in 2018   process. New primary inspection kiosks at customs were         RUNWAY REPAIRS
and continue through late 2019.                                   also unveiled at the official opening on December 11, 2017.    YQB had to make runway repairs to ensure the long-term
                                                                  The new kiosks will streamline the customs process             viability of its facilities.
NEW LOADING BRIDGES                                               for passengers.
Five new loading bridges were installed in 2017 for gates                                                                        After years of planning, the second and final phase of repairs
33 to 37. The new bridges connect securely to a broader           One of our main telecommunications rooms was also              on runway 06-24 ran from May 23 to August 9, 2017.
range of aircraft and improve the passenger experience.           moved from the 1996 building as it was located in an           This was also an opportunity to redo the surface drainage
The bridges have been designed for efficiency and                 area slated for retrofitting in 2018. We also moved the        system to prevent water build-up. Navigation aids were
durability in local weather conditions. In future they will       16 antennas on the roof in preparation for the work.           replaced to improve aircraft guidance, and runway lighting
also be connected to the building management system               The systems in the building being upgraded will be             systems were upgraded. This latest upgrade ensures
for automatic temperature control. The bridges will also          standardized in 2019 for the new equipment and                 redundancy with two light circuits alternately connected
emit alerts to allow for remote troubleshooting and faster        technology.                                                    allowing the runway to stay open even should one of the light
response times.                                                                                                                  circuits fail. Runway 11-29 stayed open during the repairs,
                                                                  YQB RECOGNIZED FOR YQB 2018                                    continuing to deliver top quality service to passengers.
Working closely with Operations, we did everything we             The YQB 2018 team was honored to accept the Élixir             The first phase of the project—repairing the area where
could to minimize the impact of construction on our               Award from PMI-Montréal on December 4, 2017, for its           the two runways intersect and the remaining stretches of
passengers and partners in 2017 and reduce the risks              outstanding management of YQB 2018 and the YQB 2018            runway 11-29—was in summer 2016. YQB now has two fully
inherent in a project of such size. We implemented a              project office. For nearly four years, a team of over          refurbished runways.
You can also read