Ournext century of service - Lions Clubs Australia

Page created by Luis Garza
Ournext century of service - Lions Clubs Australia
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   Lions Clubs International
                                            Australia / Papua New
                                              Guinea edition – $1
                                           August - September 2017
   Registered by Australia Post Publication No. pp100002889

                                                                     Our next century of service
                                                                         International President’s call to action
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Ournext century of service - Lions Clubs Australia
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               ‘We serve’

    “To create and foster a spirit of understanding
     among all people for humanitarian needs b y
     providing voluntary services through
     community involvement and international
                                                                                                         August - September 2017 Volume 132 No. 4
    Lion – Australia and PNG
    Lion - Australia and Papua New Guinea edition is
    published bi-monthly for the Multiple District 201
                                                                      Connections, influence, friendship, philanthropy
    Council of Lions Clubs International and circulated to
    all members.
    Published by MD201 Council of Governors and printed by
    PMP Print, 37-49 Browns Road, Clayton Victoria 3168.                                                                COVER: As the leader of an
    An official publication of Lions Clubs Interna tional, the Lion                                                     organisation directing the
    magazine is published by authority of Board of Directors in
    21 languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, French,                                                                   efforts of 1.4 million
    Swedish, Italian, German, Finnish, Korean, Portuguese,                                                              volunteers worldwide,
    Dutch, Danish, Chinese, Norwegian, Icelandic, Turkish,
    Greek, Hindi, Polish, Indonesian and Thai.                                                                          Naresh Aggarwal (pictured
    Editor: Tony Fawcett, Fawcett Media                                                                                 here with his wife Navita)
    20 Millett Road Gisborne South VIC 3437                                                                             knows the task won’t be
    Phone: (03) 9744 1368
                                                                                                                        easy. Yet, as his story
                                                                       Our cover

    Email: tony.fawcett@bigpond.com
    Advertising Enquiries: Lions National Office                                                                        reveals on page 10, he has
    31-33 Denison St, Newcastle West, NSW 2302
    Phone: (02) 4940-8033                                                                                               more than enough muscle
    Lions Australia website: www.lionsclubs.org.au                                                                      for the job. Read of his
    Deadlines: 1st day of month before co ver date.                                                                     plans for the coming year,
    MD201 Council of Governors: C1 Megan Butler, C2 Judy                                                                on page 11.
    Glastonbury, N1 Michael (John) Da vis, N2 Chris Howard,                           Page 10 - Our new President
    N3 Glenn Byrnes, N4 Annemarie Jones OAM,
    N5 Ron Gattone, Q1 Ann Reed, Q2 Robert (Bob) Roberson,
    Q3 Engelbert Krampl, Q4 Rod Somerville, T1 Hester van
    Niekerk, V1-4 Malcolm Qualtrough, V2 Trevor Hirth, V3
    Andrew McMahon, V5 Pat Mills, V6 Norm Walkington, W1
    Sue Lowe, W2 Grant Hewett.
    Council Chairman: Malcolm Peters
    Distribution of Magazine: Clubs and Members
    Additions to distribution list, deletions, changes of address
    and of club will be made only when advised through the
    Club Membership and Activities report. Non-Lions, libraries
    and other organisations who wish to advise changes should
    contact Lions National Office, Locked Bag 2000
    NEWCASTLE NSW 2300, Tel: 02 4940 8033 email:
    USA Editor-In-Chief - Sanjeev Ahuja
    Managing Editor - Christopher Brunch, Lions Clubs
    International 300 W 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-
    8842 USA
    Executive Officers: President Chancellor Robert E. “Bob”
    Corlew, Milton, Tennessee, United States; Immediate Past
    President Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, Minokamo-shi, Gifu-ken,
    Japan; First Vice President Naresh Aggarwal, Delhi, India;
    Second Vice President Gudrun Yngvadottir, Gardabaer,                              Page 5 - Birthday celebrations    Page 7 - ANZI Pacific in Ballarat
    Iceland; Third Vice President Jung-Yul Choi, Busan City,
    Directors First Year: Bruce Beck, Minnesota, United States;
    Tony Benbow, Vermont South, Australia; K. Dhanabalan,                                                   CONTENTS
    Erode, India; Luiz Geraldo Ma theus Figueira, Brasílía, Brazil;
    Markus Flaaming, Espoo, Finland; Elisabeth Haderer,                 5          International President speaks      24   Council Chairman’s report
    Overeen, The Netherlands; Magnet Lin, Taipei, Taiwan; Sam
    H. Lindsey Jr., Texas, United States; N. Alan Lundgren,             5          Flying the Lions birthday banner    26   Lions across Australia
    Arizona, United States; Joyce Middleton, Massachusetts,
    United States; Nicolin Carol Moore, Arima, Trinidad and             7          ANZI Pacific Forum                  28   Executive Summary
    Tobago; Yasuhisa Nakamura, Saitama, Japan; Aruna Abhay
    Oswal, Gujrat, India; Vijay Kumar Raju Vegesna,                     8          Meet our new Council Chair man      29   Committee vacancies
    Visakhapatnam, India; Elien van Dille, Ronse, Belgium;
    Jennifer Ware, Michigan, United States; Jaepung Yoo,                10         New President’s dream               30   Leos in action
    Cheongju, Korea.                                                                                                   31
    Directors Second year: Melvyn K. Bray, New Jersey, United           11         International President’s program        Youth of the Year program
    States; Pierre H. Chatel, Montpellier, France; Eun-Seouk
    Chung, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; Gurcharan Singh Hora, Siliguri,
    India; Howard Hudson, California, United States; Sanjay
    Khetan, Birgani, Nepal; Robert M. Libin, New York, United                                   Presidential issue & deadlines
    States; Richard Liebno, Maryland, United States; Helmut               As this is a special issue containing our new Interna tional President’s 2017-18
    Marhauer, Hildesheim, Germany; Bill Phillipi, Kansas, United
    States; Lewis Quinn, Alaska, United States; Yoshiyuki Sato,          program, some features have been held over. Contributions for the Oct-Nov 2017
    Oita, Japan; Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli, Genova, Italy;            issue should be submitted by September 1 to The Editor, Lion magazine, Tony
    Jerome Thompson, Alabama, United States; Ramiro Vela                 Fawcett, Fawcett Media, 20 Millett Rd, Gisborne South, Victoria 3437 or emailed
    Villarreal, Nuevo León, Mexico; Roderick “Rod” Wright, New                                      to tony.fawcett@bigpond.com.
    Brunswick, Canada; Katsuyuki Yasui, Hokkaido, Japan.

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                                              By Naresh Aggarwal,
                                              Lions Clubs
                                              International President

                                            UPGRADING OUR SERVICE TO YOU – AS A LION
           Namaste! The divine in me salutes the divine in you. Welcome to              will also train Lions on ho w to convert a normal project into a Legac y
           our new century. My goal over the next 12 months is ver y simple –           Project via Lions branding and public rela tions.
           to reach a new level of ser vice to Lions and from Lions. Before I              The third stage is aspiring for leadership. While I enjoyed rising up
           ask you to reach a new level of ser vice, Lionism will reach a new           the Lions’ ladder, I sometimes wished tha t our leaders focused more on
           level of service to you.                                                     work than on long speeches. A new awards system will incentivise the
              So how can I serve our 1.4 million Lions? I cannot give ever yone         efforts of Lion leaders in the right direction. We plan to reward retention
           senior positions. I cannot give you money. I cannot meet all of you.         of members, hence keeping the focus on you – our existing members.
           However, I plan to touch all of your lives with the po wer to serve.         New awards will also be given for involving over half the c lub in service
              So let’s examine every stage of one’s Lionistic career and ho w I can     and for creating the most Legacy projects.
           help. The first stage is becoming a new member. When I became a new             As a global leader of Lionism, I want to keep ever y Lion connected to
           member 43 years ago, I suddenly felt as if I had left my hometo wn and       Lionism. Our new Welcome Home program is an interna tional online
           become a man of the world. This year, I want every member to                 club for members unable to a ttend club meetings. Meetings and fee
           download our new mobile a pp. This will connect all our members on           payments are conducted entirely online.
           one global platform.                                                            The last stage is now. I want to give ever y Lion the same goal for the
              The next stage is beginning to ser ve. As a member of the Ba tala         next 12 months. My dream is tha t every Lion will serve 10 people each
           Smile Lions Club in Punjab, India, I was proud of ho w the community         month. If this happens, we will serve 170 million people this year – a
           began to respect me. This respect depended on the number of people I         big increase from our current level of 100 million and a big step to ward
           served and how many people were aware of this service. We now have           our goal of serving 200 million annually by 2020. This is the focus of all
           a new Global Service Team. Your District GST leader will identify projects   my meetings around the world.
           that serve the maximum number of people per dollar and per hour . They          All the best. See you as I tra vel around the world.
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      Flying the Lions BIRTHDAY BANNER
      Queensland’s Sunshine Coast residents are in no doubt Lions is having             Another focal location for several flyovers was a Lions birthday barbecue
      a birthday.                                                                    at Coolum Beach.
         The Lions Clubs of Mooloolaba, Maroochy North Shore, Palmwoods and             Mooloolaba Lions and Lionesses also held a shopping centre barbecue
      the Lions and Lionesses of Coolum announced it in the sky .                    with two huge cakes, cooked and iced by P almwoods Woombye President
         On a recent sunny Sunday, the clubs arranged for a 100-year birthday        Dawn Hepplewhite, which were shared with shoppers.
      banner to be towed behind a light plane over the urban strip of to wns along      At the same time, Maloolaba’s Leos celebrated on a luncheon cruise.
      the coastline.
         The plane circled the Lions Fishermans Road Market site where, on           PARTY MOOD: The birthday fly-past (above) was a Gold Coast highlight,
      average, 5000 shoppers attend each Sunday morning.                             although Maloolaba’s Marie Horan and Di Quilty (below left) and the club’s
                                                                                     Swanies Leo club members (below) managed their own fun.

      August - September 2017
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         Many clubs
         start a Lions
         park but
         Kyogle has a
         LIONS ROAD
         Regarded as one of the most scenic drives in Australia, the road offers           wooden bridges, the lush pine forests, the panoramic valley views and
         rolling hills, sharp curves and stunning scenery.                                 occasional glimpse of wildlife such as wallabies.
            It takes you through hidden valleys and subtropical rain forests. If you          The club decided to build the road in 1969 after local governing bodies
         time it right, you can see a train or two emerge from tunnels tha t are part of   could not agree on details of a road project. Lions spent weekends not only
         the grand Spiral Loop rail line.                                                  building but also installing culverts and fencing, to keep cattle away from
            Nearby Kyogle Lions Club built the 11km Lions Road in 1970. Members            drivers. Machinery, materials and even gas were dona ted. Beaudesert Lions
         still maintain Lions Road, mowing the grass, repairing weathered signs,           joined the project in 1971.
         cleaning up picnic areas and regularly collecting the dona tions placed in a         Emptying the donation box and monitoring its three security cameras take
         toll box.                                                                         a considerable amount of time and manpo wer. “To get the money one
            Drivers are generous with dona tions. For security reasons, the club does      person has to lie on the ground, and the other two are there for traffic
         not disclose the amount. But coupled with ma tching government grants over        control,” says President Col Griffiths.
         the past several years, funds allowed the sealing of the road, formerly a            The fourth Lions club in Australia, Kyogle chartered in 1952. The club has
         narrow gravel road, its widening in stretches and periodic pa tching.             gotten a lot of milea ge out of the road. For its 40th anniversary a book by a
            More than 100,000 vehicles annually use Lions Road, a shortcut between         charter member on the beloved road raised $45,000, donated to a rescue
         Kyogle and Beaudesert in Queensland. Travellers delight in the one-lane           helicopter.

                                                                 Travel cards
                                                                 to the rescue
                                                                 South Australia’s Noarlunga-
                                                                 Morphett Vale Lions recently came
                                                                 up with a novel way of supporting
                                                                 local youth and families.
                                                                     It purchased Adelaide Metro Travel
                                                                 Cards that it donated to a local school
                                                                 for use by students who through
                                                                 illness or family situations were
                                                                 unable to afford travel costs, thus
                                                                                                                                              ON THE CARDS:
                                                                 avoiding interrupted attendance.                                             Noarlunga-Morphett Vale’s
                                                                     The cards became the                                                     Project Officer Rob Winter
                                                                 property of the school,                                                      presents the travel cards to
                                                                 Morphett Vale East R-7 School,                                               the school’s Pastoral Care
                                                                                                                                              Worker Judy Jones.
                                                                 to be issued to families on a
                                                                 needs basis, to be used only for                                          journey.
                                                                 school travel and returned when the                                      “Not only has this dona tion
                                                                 need no longer existed.                                            eased the burden on struggling
                                                                     The school took on the responsibility of             families and given their children the best
                                                                 recharging the cards with the help of school         opportunity to engage in education, through
                                                                 families and community benefactors.                  regular attendance at school, it has also put
                                                                     Along with student travel cards, concession      locally donated funds back into the local
                                                                 cards were also provided for use by adults who       community,” said the club’s Club Project Officer
                                                                 needed to accompany young children on their          Rob Winter.
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      Ballarat offers many attractions, such
      as the historic Sovereign Hill.
                                                                                  COME FIND YOUR POT OF GOLD
            Photo: Visit Victoria/Robert Blackburn                                  Looking forward to another 100 golden years
      ANZI PACIFIC FORUM AWAITS YOU IN HISTORIC BALLARAT                                   Lodge. Visit www.visitballarat.com.au for a full accommoda tion listing.
      – SEPTEMBER 1- 3, 2017.                                                                 All accommodation should be booked directly with venues and a list of the
      REGISTER NOW TO ENSURE YOUR SPOT                                                     preferred and recommended venues are listed on the website. Preferred sites
      It’s only a month now until the Lions of Australia and Host District 201V2           have set aside space and are offering significant discounts. When booking,
      welcome visitors to Ballarat for the seventh ANZI P acific Forum in the l00th        please quote the code which can be loca ted on the Accommodation &
      Year of Lions Clubs International.                                                   Information Form.
         The forum’s theme is “Looking Forward to Another 100 Golden Years”.                  All events will be held a t the Mercure Ballarat Hotel & Convention Centre.
         Ballarat is a vibrant city about 70km from the Melbourne CBD, and about a         TRANSPORTATION
      45-minute drive from Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport.                                   If arriving by air (Tulliamarine Airport only), there will a Meet & Greet for both
      VENUE                                                                                domestic and international flights (provide details on your registra tion form).
         All events are at the Mercure Ballarat Hotel & Convention Centre, an upscale      Transportation will be provided to and from the airport to your accommoda tion
      hotel and conference venue set among three acres of gardens complete with an         and any shuttles required whilst a t the Forum are at the very reasonable cost of
      ornamental lake. It is opposite the a ward-winning Sovereign Hill with close         $50. We want to make your experience a t ANZI Pacific Forum 2017 as
      proximity to the historic centre of Ballara t.                                       pleasurable as possible.
      FORUMS & PRESENTERS                                                                  INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT
         The full forum program is a vailable on the ANZI website –                           Attending will be the new Interna tional President Naresh Aggarwal (India),
      www.lionsanzipacificforum.com.                                                       Immediate Past International President and LCIF Chairman Chancellor Bob
         We can guarantee a program of 28 forums tha t will be Exciting, Dynamic,          Corlew (USA) and First Vice President Gudrun Yngvadottir (Iceland). We are also
      Inspirational & Practical. Keynote speakers and presenters of the highest calibre    fortunate that PIP Dr Wing Kun Tam will be attending and presenting on a new
      will present on a range of topics inc luding Change for the Future, What does your   Lions initiative in volunteer service. There will also be a fantastic opportunity to
      Community want?, New members – New Ideas, Childhood Cancer Research and              meet with Lion Gudrum Yngvadottir who will become the first female
      Diabetes Research.                                                                   International President in 2018/19. Also there will be Lions Clubs Interna tional
         There will be an open forum facilita ted by Lions Clubs Interna tional on LCI     staff, and LCI will be running the forum on LCI F orward.
      Forward, and an exciting new direction for Lions Clubs Interna tional to lead us     GOLF DAY
      into the next century. So get your registra tion in, and don’t forget to send your      The “KJ” HABANANANDA Golf Day is all go and will be held a t the Midlands
      selection forms to guarantee your place a t the forums of your choice.               Golf Club Ballarat. This is a championship course and we are inviting local Lions
      ACCOMMODATION                                                                        clubs and the public to enter teams in wha t will a fundraiser for our new ser vice
         The accommodation form is available at                                            challenge – Diabetes.
      http://www.lionsanzipacificforum.com/accommodation.html.                                It will be an Ambrose event with an 11.00am shotgun start, a fantastic day to
         Accommodation at the Mercure is no w full, however, there are ample nearby        raise the profile of Lions and to ha ve a lot of fun.
      accommodation providers including the Big4 Caravan Park, Sovereign Hill Hotel,          Lions teams can compete for the “KJ” Habanananda Cup. Just indicate your
      Sovereign Park Motor Inn, Ballarat Suites Accommodation and Barkly Motor             interest on the registration form and full details will be forwarded to you.

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                   T here’s
         Snow doubt about our
                                       He might have made his mark on the high seas but when the weather
                                       turns cold our new Council Chair man loves nothing better than heading
                                       for the slopes.
                                           Born in Sussex,    heading for Victoria’s alpine ski resort of Mount    surpassed, and at our District Changeover at the
                                           UK in 1949, it     Buller with the RAN Ski Club.                        end of May both beard and hair were shaved off,
                                           was inevitable        Having joined Lions in 1980, being a member       with the District raising close to $23,000.
                                           that our new       of both Victoria’s Lions Clubs of Balnarring            The funds were divided equally between
         Council Chairman Malcolm Peters would go             (formerly Hastings) and Mt Eliza at various          Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research,
         to sea.                                              times, he resigned altogether from Lions in 2007     Lions Prostate Cancer Research and The
            Raised in the naval port of Portsmouth and the    due to work commitments. In 2010, when he            National Breast Cancer Foundation.
         middle son of five boys, he had seen both his        and Narelle moved from Victoria to Valla Beach,
         father and older brother serving in the Royal        NSW after his retirement, he rejoined with the       Where do you see Lions heading in the
         Navy and the signs were there from an early age.     Valla club where he has twice been President.        future?
            By 15 he had enlisted in the Royal Navy too,          Although a long way from the snowfields,            Lions are moving forward and we have a
         transferring to the Royal Australian Navy in 1967    Malcolm and Narelle today get out on the slopes      great team of people working hard on getting
         after his parents migrated here.                     whenever they can. And they still have a Navy        the message out and providing support and
            After more than two decades at sea and            connection, their son Neal having followed in        encouragement to the districts and clubs.
         deployment to locations far and wide, Malcolm,       their footsteps with a career as a Navy Marine          Membership is always an issue; whilst we
         then a Chief Petty Officer Electronics Technician,   Engineer Officer.                                    recruit new members, we are losing other
         left the Navy ... but not before acquiring a wife,                                                        members for various reasons.

                                                              Q & A with CC Malcolm
         Narelle, a WRAN he met at the Navy's training                                                                Hopefully with the new initiatives from Lions
         establishment HMAS Cerberus in Victoria in                                                                International Global Action Team – the new
         1975 and married in 1976.                            What are your feelings on becoming Council           MyLion App launched by International President
             A job with a scientific instrument importation   Chairman?                                            Chancellor Bob Corlew at the Chicago
         company followed, yet the lure of maritime life         I feel proud and honoured to have been            Convention and our own Multiple District Long
         was still there and he became a technical            elected as our Multiple District Council Chairman    Range Planning Team Initiative to be put forward
         instructor under contract to the Royal Australian    for the 2017-18 Lions year.                          at the Townsville Convention – we will be able to
         Navy – although along the way his horizon of            Thank you to all the current District Governors   grow our organisation and keep it strong to
         white caps broadened to include snow caps.           for having the trust and confidence in me to be      serve and support our communities.
             He and Narelle became keen skiers, regularly     their Council Chairman.
                                                                                                                   How do you plan to juggle being CC and
                                                              Do you have any pet projects for your CC             family life?
                                                              year?                                                   It is fortunate that I am retired, although it
                                                                 Apart from promoting support for Lions Clubs      may take time out of my golf game.
                                                              International Foundation, the Australian Lions           I have the full support of my Partner in
                                                              Foundation, and our Youth projects, all of which     Service, my wife Lion Narelle.
                                                              are equally important, I am passionate about            Our son Neal is a Lieutenant serving in the
                                                              cancer projects.                                     Royal Australian Navy and his wife Carlie is a
                                                                 Many of us Lions have either been affected by     Flight Lieutenant serving in the Royal Australian
                                                              at least one form of cancer or another, whether      Airforce. They are both based in Sydney, and as
                                                              it be a family member, a friend, work colleague      we have yet to be blessed with grandchildren, I
                                                              or a member of our Lions family.                     do not think it will be a major issue.
                                                                 Last year as District Governor for 201N1, I          Lion Narelle will travel with me to Council
                                                              challenged the clubs of the District to raise        meetings and some of the other Lions events
                                                              money for cancer. My goal was to raise $6,000        and functions we are invited to.
                                                              for three cancer charities, Childhood Cancer,
                                                              Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer, by offering       What has been your most mo ving/favourite
                                                              to have my beard shaved off; if they reached         moment in Lions?
                                                              $20,000 I would also have my head shaved. I             There have been several, from when I was
                                                              thought that would be a challenge; it was            asked to join the Lions Club of Balnarring
                                                                                                                   (formerly the Lions Club of Hastings), when I
                                                                                                                                                            The Lion
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new CC

                     SKI HEAVEN: Malcolm and
                     Narelle on the slopes at Mt Buller.

      sponsored Lion Narelle into the Lions c lub of       What are your favourite pastimes away from               Narelle and I were honoured to be a warded life
      Valla, to being elected Council Chairman – a night   Lions?                                                membership of the RAN Ski Club for our
      I will never forget. However, the most memorable        Dabbling in a little bit of woodturning, playing   contribution to the Club, and yes, we will manage
      moving moment in Lions for me was when the           at golf, and our family pastime ha ppens in winter    to have a ski before ANZI. Hopefully we will arrive
      Lions Club of Balnarring honoured me with a          when we venture to the RAN Ski Club Lodge a t         in Ballarat in one piece.
      Melvin Jones Fellowship, for service to              Mount Buller in Victoria for some time in the
      the club and our community.                          snow and a bit of snow skiing.
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         New International President’s dream for Lions
         As a new Lion in a small
         village in India nearly a half
         century ago, Naresh
         Aggarwal dreamt of leading
         Lions Clubs International.
         Now he dreams of taking
         Lions toward an
         unprecedented service
                       Adapted from a story by Jay Copp

         Ask a dozen people who are c lose to Lions’
         new International President to describe him
         and the same words keep popping up .
         According to his wife, three children, fellow
         Lions and business associates, Naresh
         Aggarwal is compassionate, energetic and
            And he’s fond of singing. Without prompting,       LEADING THE WAY: Our new International President loves children – and children at Lions Vidya Mandir
                                                               School, built by the Lions in Delhi, love Lions. Photo: Amanda Rae Ratliff
         Aggarwal will break into song. In high school he
         was celebrated for his singing ability. But he’s
         not a professional or practising for a gig. He just   hours of service,” says Aggarwal, convinced           club, and was elected leader of an important
         likes to sing, a habit indicative of his being a t    Lions can reach our goal of ser ving 200 million      school group. His take-charge persona, self-
         peace with himself and his life’s chosen path.        people annually by 2021.                              confidence and respect for others made him a
            Yet aside from all tha t there’s no denying                                                              natural for leadership roles. The Batala Lions
         Aggarwal’s basic groundedness, his rootedness                                                               Club chartered when he was 21, and despite his
         in practicality.                                        “Many times I have heard him say                    youth he was selected to be vice president.
            That surely comes from a lifetime of                 that for every problem there is a                      He knew from the start tha t he wanted to
         entrepreneurial success, from working at and            solution. You should never lose                     climb the ladder to the ver y top. It was not a
         growing the family foundry as a young man and           heart. You should come forward and                  matter of ego; it was about a golden chance to
         then building a railroad s witching system              find a solution.”                                   change the world for the better. “Ever since I
         business and a rice processing enterprise. You                 – Viszma Mitter, a longtime Lion in          joined Lions club I dreamed to head the
         can’t develop businesses in India or an ywhere                                              Batala          organisation,” he recalls. “I saw this big
         else without paying attention to details,                                                                   opportunity in front of me. When I joined, that
         grappling with hard facts and clearing the way          “He’s a visionary person. A person                  really made me understand I can make a
         to achieve objectives.                                  who has a magnetic smile. He’s                      difference. Together Lions can make a difference
            So when Lions in India wanted to help                someone who brings everybody                        to make a city a better place, the country a
         children succeed in school, indeed, to come to          together. He has great leadership                   better place and, as Lions of the world, the world
         school regularly, Aggarwal and other Lions              skills. He has a heart for ser vice.                a better place.”
         leaders in India knew in their gut tha t what was       And that great smile of his.”                          Aggarwal married Navita in 1974. They have
         or wasn’t in the stomachs of students was key .                 – Hastings Eli Chiti, a past district       three children and seven grandchildren. Navita
         “So if your stomach is full, your brain works             governor in Zambia and longtime friend            has been his mainstay. “She’s my lifeline. She’s
         better,” asserts Aggarwal with a warm smile.                                                                my biggest strength,” he says. “People say that
         More than 25,000 schoolchildren no w receive          A life of service                                     behind every man is a successful woman. I
         meals thanks to Lions and a partner.                     Aggarwal was born in Ba tala in northern India,    believe she’s not behind me – she’s always right
            The 64-year-old Aggarwal, a Lion for 43            a small town with its share of wrenching              beside me.”
         years, took the oath of office as our 101st           poverty. A Rotarian, his father also quietly             His tenure as President will enable him to
         International President on July 4 in Chica go at      pursued a personal charitable a genda. He made        help harness the enthusiasm for ser vice of 1.4
         the 100th International Convention, and it’s clear    sure shopkeepers would provide food to those in       million Lions worldwide. “If each Lion plays a
         his presidency will be free of an y dreamy ideals     need but too proud to ask for help. “I learned        proportional part, we can make a huge
         and instead rooted in meticulous planning.            from my father not only that earning (a living) is    difference. But everyone has to participate. It’s
         Service comes from the heart. But the precision       important but that giving is equally important,”      the power of we,” he says. “There’s one thing
         of mathematics can help channel the impulse to        he says.                                              stronger than all the armies in the world. It’s an
         serve. “If our 1.4 million members give one hour         As a teenager, Aggarwal became the charter         idea whose time has come. So the power of we
         of service a week, that gives us 73 million man       president of a Rotaract club, similar to a Leo        is how we make a difference.”
                                                                                                                                                              The Lion
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      Thanks to Lions, LCIF’s grants top $1 billion
      Pregnant and suffering from trichiasis, a dangerous eye condition,                    people lost their homes. LCIF awarded US$5,000 to help the community
      Mariam, a young woman in Chad, was not sure she could take proper                     rebuild. Lions were among the first on the scene to provide help to the
      care of her baby. However, thanks to Lions Clubs International                        devastated community, beginning a legacy continued today.
      Foundation (LCIF), her eye problem was corrected shortly after giving                    Since then, LCIF has provided funds to projects all over the world.
      birth. Mariam’s happy outcome is just one of millions from LCIF’ s first              Communities are supported both around the globe and around the corner .
      half century.                                                                         LCIF’s four major areas of focus, sight, youth, disaster, and humanitarian efforts,
         This particular year marks a historic milestone for Lions and LCIF . In January,   have ensured help goes to the areas most critically in need of assistance.
      the LCIF Board of Trustees approved grants that put LCIF over the US$1 billion           Lions and LCIF have accomplished great things by working together , but
      mark. Since its founding in 1968, LCIF has                                                                                there is still so much that needs to be done.
      awarded more than 13,000 grants. Millions of                                                                              As Lions and LCIF begin a new centur y of
      people around the world have been given                                                                                   service, we will focus our efforts on
      hope and comfort in their times of need.                                                                                  supporting the new global ser vice
         LCIF restored sight for parents who could                                                                              framework: diabetes, environment, hunger
      not see their children. It rebuilt communities                                                                            relief, pediatric cancer and vision. As our
      devastated by earthquakes and wildfires. It                                                                               world continues to change, we must change
      fed hungry children and empowered youth to                                                                                with it to address new concerns and best
      become healthy, productive adults. With the                                                                               serve our communities and future
      support of LCIF, Lions built water wells and                                                                              generations. Lions can get involved by
      latrines that are helping to control the spread                                                                           supporting LCIF. Whether you make a
      of blinding diseases. People who were once                                                                                donation or join a ser vice project, you can
      hidden from the world because of a disability ,                                                                           make a difference both locally and globally.
      denied education and companionship, now                                                                                   Talk to your club’s LCIF Coordinator for
      attend school and contribute to their                                                                                     information on how you can support LCIF.
      communities. This US$1 billion has shown the                                                                                 With continued support from Lions, LCIF
      world that Lions care and LCIF helps.                                                                                     can make a positive change for those who
         The first grant LCIF ever awarded was                                                                                  need it.
      disbursed to the community of Rapid City,                                                                                 MIRIAM’S GRATITUDE: “When I was told
      South Dakota, after a catastrophic flood. The                                                                             that a (trichiasis) surgery camp would be
      year was 1972. Due to conditions that the                                                                                 organised, I was pregnant,” says Miriam, a
      National Weather Service says only happen                                                                                 young woman from Chad. “Two days after the
      once every 100 years, a storm hovered over                                                                                delivery, I decided to get the oper ation and my
      the Black Hills and sent down disastrous                                                                                  husband brought me to the health centr e on
                                                                                                                                our donkey. Now my eye doesn’t make me
      amounts of rain. More than 200 people lost
                                                                                                                                suffer and I can take care of my baby.”
      their lives to the floods, and more than 5,000

         Robbie’s a world champion secretar y
         Lions clubs are full of champions but the Secretar y of the Kambah Lions Club in
         Canberra is a world champion.
            Earlier this year Lion Robbie Costmeyer took part in the World Masters Games in Auckland. He
         competed along with nearly 30,000 athletes from more than 160 countries in the biggest multi-
         sports event in the world.
            In the Men’s 70 years Division Robbie entered four track and field events plus a cross countr y
         run against athletes from Brazil, French Polynesia, India, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Russia and
         the USA. He crossed the finish line to win three gold medals plus silver and bronze.
            Robbie has been in Apex and now Lions for over 30 years and is the current Secretar y of the
         Kambah club. His lifelong passion has been athletics. Even on icy Canberra mornings he’s out
         and about training before breakfast and on the weekends he competes in cross countr y, track
         and field and park run events throughout the national capital.
            Robbie believes Lions and athletics are similar because both offer the opportunity to develop,
         keep active and succeed.
                                                                                          – Bob Crawshaw

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                                                                                       FROM THE MULTIPLE DISTRICT
          From Council Chairman Malcolm
                                                                      September 3rd. It is a great opportunity to gather         our clubs.
                                                                      with fellow Lions from Australia, New Zealand,                As Lion Narelle and I continue into this Lions year ,
                                                                      Indonesia and the Pacific Islands for fellowship and       we are looking forward to meeting and working with
                                                                      learning. A great program is planned and I                 you and representing you over this period. We are
                                                                      encourage you to go onto the ANZI Forum website            looking forward to being part of another successful
                                                                      to find out more and register.                             year for our Multiple District 201.
                                                                          Planning for the Multiple District Convention in          Take Care and Travel Safe.
                                                                      Townsville, Northern Queensland in May 2018 is                           – Lions Malcolm and Narelle Peters
                                                                      well under way. More details will be published soon.
                                                                          This year we will continue to focus on supporting      From Executive Officer Rob
         Greetings to all the members of our Lions                    our GMT and GLT coordinators at District and
         family throughout Australia and beyond.                      Multiple District Levels. This is all aimed at making
             I am very proud and honoured to have been                sure we remain global leaders in community and                                          Congratulations to the
         elected as your Council Chairman for the next 12             humanitarian service.                                                                   many Lions who were
         months. Thank you to the 2017-18 District                        A new initiative of Lions Clubs International is the                                able to attend the
         Governors for having the trust and confidence in me          formation of the “Global Action Team”. Empowering                                       Centennial Convention
         to be the Council Chairman.                                  clubs through the Power of Action. The new Global                                       in Chicago, USA.
             Together with Lion Narelle, we are quickly coming        Action Team was built with a vision that one day                                            As expected, the
         to appreciate the role that the Council Chairman             every need in the world will be ser ved by a Lion,                                      Convention celebrated the
         plays in our Multiple District; it is nothing like that of   Leo or Lioness. It brings together the three key                                        very proud history of our
         District Governor. I would like to congratulate Past         areas of Lions: leadership, membership and service.                                     organisation. Importantly,
         Council Chairman Rodd and Lion/Lioness Wendy for                 By unifying the Global Leadership Team (GLT),                                       a number of
         their support and leadership in the past year and            Global Membership Team (GMT) and Global Ser vice           announcements were made about innovations to
         during the handover process. I am looking forward            Team (GST) as the Global Action Team, we will create       carry the organisation forward into our next
         to working with the Council of Governors, the                synergy and new opportunities for clubs to grow and        Centenary of service.
         Management Team, Executive Officer Rob                       serve so we can achieve our goal of impacting 200             We are all aware of our Global Membership Team
         Oerlemans and the office staff in Newcastle.                 million lives per year. That’s Lions in action.            and Global Leadership Team structures that are
             It is my role to work with and assist each of our            Clubs are at the centre of action. The new Global      focussed on attracting and developing the quality of
         District Governors to have a successful year and             Action Team puts the entire Lions network to work          our most important resources; our people. Lions
         achieve the goals that they have set for themselves.         for your club. And teamwork is the key – it brings         Clubs International announced the implementation
         They will also need the assistance of ever y Lion, Leo       the entire GLT, GMT and GST together to support            of the third plank of our structure, the Global
         and Lioness in their District to achieve those goals,        your club. It’s a bottom up, whole-club approach           Service Team (GST). It is a timely reminder at our
         and I encourage you all to provide that support. The         that can energise every one of your clubs. Help is         Centennial that the continued success of our
         Council of Governors is a team that works together           all around you.                                            organisation is very much dependant on the quality
         in an open and friendly manner to make decisions                 You’ll see the GLOBAL ACTION TEAM difference.          of our service initiatives, and these will be driven by
         so that our organisation can move forward.                   The Global Action Team can help energise your              our GST.
             In this coming year, we have a great opportunity         members and take your club to the next level.                 The three planks will come together as a “Global
         to work together and ser ve our communities, which               • Find great service resources and dynamic             Action Team”, recognising that our ser vice, our
         is in accordance with my theme “Lions – Carers for                  project support                                     people and our leadership are all critical to the
         the Community”. I believe that when we care for our              • Identify leadership development opportunities        success of our organisation. I would encourage all
         communities, whether it be local, national or                       to empower all Lions                                members to read more about the Global Action
         international, we can learn a great deal about                   • Recruit compassionate new members and keep           Team on the Lions Clubs International website at
         ourselves as human beings. We become involved                       current Lions coming back                           http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/lions/global-
         and learn more about people we ser ve, and in                    You can do more good for more people when you          action-team/structure.php.
         particular we can learn a great deal about the               have some extra help. That’s your Global Action               The Convention also announced the development
         community we serve. How true the caption currently           Team. At the end of the day, it’s all about service.       of a new “app” for our association, and MD201 is
         being used as we build up to the finale of our                   We will also continue to support our Youth             one of the test markets for this app. “MyLion” is
         centennial celebrations – “Where there is a need             Programs and projects through Youth of the Year,           available, for free, on your Apple or Android mobile
         there is a Lion”.                                            Youth Exchange, Youth Camps, Leos and Peace                device and will bring our organisation into the digital
             An opportunity to gather as the Lions family will        Poster to name a few of our youth initiatives. We          age. The app will allow a member to create their
         take place in Ballarat at the 2017 ANZI Forum from           must continue to believe that we can build our             own profile, earn badges for ser vice work, plan new
         Friday, September 1st through to Sunday,                     clubs, retain members and charter new clubs. This          service activities and retain a histor y of service
                                                                      will require the commitment of all Lions members in        activities, find out what activities are being run by
                                                                                                                                                                               The Lion
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      other clubs, search for volunteers and so           To that end, a new model has been
      much more. Information about the app, how        prepared to share the workload and improve
      to download and video presentations              our management processes. The model will
      explaining features are available on the         be explained in coming editions of the LION,
      MyLion microsite at www.mylion.org.              through our monthly e-mail newsletters and in
         If you use a mobile device, please            presentations at our District Conventions. I
      download the app and tr y it out.                would encourage you to explore this
         Your Multiple District Council has been       information as you receive it as it will form the
      reviewing a better way to manage the Multiple    basis of a recommendation to the Townsville
      District. We are challenged by the annual        Multiple District Convention, for consideration
      turnover in our leadership each year, the        by delegates.
      increasing workload from our valuable               One of the exciting new opportunities will
      Multiple District projects and foundations and   be for members with skills in leadership and
      now, the new challenge to implement the          governance to contribute to the growth of our
      Global Action Team. We have also been            Multiple District. Stay tuned for more
      considering how we can better assist the         information.
      Council to focus on the most important part of      Finally, congratulations to the new Council      100 UP: Australian Lions joined other proud Lions from around
                                                                                                           the globe in celebrating our 100th anniversary in Chicago.
      our organisation, the people who deliver our     and my best wishes to them and Council
                                                                                                                              Photos: Rob Oerlemans & ArchitectureChicago PLUS
      projects, services and humanitarian outcomes     Chairperson Malcolm Peters for the coming
      – our members.                                   year.                         – Rob Oerlemans
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           ROSS AU
                                                                       Women’s workshop opens the way
                                                                    Expect to see women taking a greater role in Australian Lions following a lively
                                                                    Regional Women’s Workshop following May’s National Convention in Hobart.
                                                                       The workshop covered everything from
                                                                    strategies to bring more women and families
                                                                    into Lions to encouraging women to take a
                                                                    greater part in leadership. Thirty-five Lions
                                                                    attended and presenters included PID Sher yl
                                                                    Jensen, New Zealand Council Chairman Nalini
                                                                    Bhaskar, PDG Ann Eldridge, PDG Lesley Lyons,
                                                                    PDG Rosemary Wenham and Lion Robyn
                                                                       “So many Lions who attended were unaware
                                                                    of leadership opportunities available to them in
                                                                    Australia,” said PDG Brenda Henderson, a
                                                                    workshop facilitator.
                                                                       It’s likely more workshops will follow after the
                                                                    success of this one.The program was put
                                                                    together with the support of PDG John Muller
         MEET THE MASCOTS: As part of a campaign to
         encourage youth, Victoria’s Minyip club has                and PDG Wayne Oakes.
         appointed two mascots, Taylor and Sebastian. Both
         attend meetings and now their husband-and-wife
         Lions parents can also both attend meetings.

        Mega swim bonanza                                      Spinal Cord
         More than 130 swimmers dived into the                 Fellowship
         record books, raising more than $41,600 for
         multiple sclerosis sufferers in this year’s 24-       thanks Lions
         hour Wollongong Mega Swim marathon.
            Figtree Lions provided administrative assistance   Since its creation in 1998, the
         and a free 24-hour barbecue for the annual event.     Australian Lions Spinal Cord
         Club spokesman Bill Wright said the past seven        Foundation has supported
         Mega Swims had raised more than $275,000, with        StepAhead Australia in funding
         proceeds used to fund special Go for Gold             Australian scientists or
                                                               clinicians to study the latest          The head of the Spinal Cor d Regeneration Program Dr Stephen Davies
         scholarships for MS sufferers.
                                                               techniques of spinal cord               with (from right) senior researcher Dr Jeannette Davies, graduate
                                                               injury, both within Australia           student Yeompyo Lee PhD and research assistants Maddy McCarthy,
                                                                                                       Rachel Powell and Natasha Pracejus.
                                                               and elsewhere, with the
                                                               intent that the knowledge
                                                               and experience be made
                                                               available to the Australian public.
                                                                   Since inception great progress has been made with Lions clubs helping to raise more than $1.8
                                                               million .
                                                                   The research is rapidly reaching its ultimate goal with vital work being done at Melbourne’ s Florey
                                                                   “Lions Australia Spinal Cord Fellowship support has enabled the Spinal Cord Regeneration Program
                                                               at the Florey to attract Department of Health funding for development of a new Decorin protein-infusion
                                                               treatment for spinal cord injur y,” said Prof. Stephen Davies.
          POOLED RESOURCES: Lionsonoz Immediate
          Past President Bernie Donchi is a man of action.
                                                                   “Federal funding has in turn allowed the recruitment of three research scientists, Natasha Pracejus,
          So when he and his wife Lion Jan visited NSW’ s      Rachel Powell and Maddy McCarthy, to the Florey SCR team.
          Barmedman mineral pool and discovered it                 “The rapid translation of discoveries into therapies is best served through international collaborations.
          needed a clean he got to w ork. He and Jan           Scientists at UK government-sponsored trauma research centres have reproduced the Florey SCR
          assisted volunteers in removing algae weed from      team’s results with Decorin treatment of neurotrauma and expressed keen interest in starting clinical
          the surface of the pool.                             trials next year.”
                                                                                                                                                                   The Lion
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      Pod promises emergency aid for young
      Youth services within Victoria’s
      Surf Coast Shire are $8000
      better off thanks to local Lions
         District Governor Terry
      Heazlewood recently handed over a
      cheque as part of Lions Clubs
      International’s centenary
         The money will go to improving
      health and wellbeing for local youth.
         In particular, plans are underway
      for a pod or mobile container that
                                                                                                                          ROARING GOOD TIME: The clock turned back
                                                                                                                          to the Roaring Twenties for a high tea staged b y
      will visit towns in the shire to aid                                                                                NSW’s Lioness Club of Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest
      young people who require                                                                                            to aid the Prostate Cancer Resear ch project. The
      emergency support.                                                                                                  event raised $1000.
         “When we asked Council for           $8000 DONATION: Celebrating Lions International Centennial are
                                              Surfcoast Shire Councillors (from left) Martin Duk e, Heather Wellington,
      some projects we might work with
                                              Brian McKitterick (Mayor) and Rose Hodge with Torquay Lions
      them on, it was natural we would be     President Brian Keane and V2 DG Terry Heazlewood. A cheque for
      attracted to the mobile youth unit,”    $8000 from Torquay and other Lions clubs within the shir e was handed
      said Torquay Lions President Brian      over to fund a mobile youth pod to help youth.

      Assisting victims
      Sydney’s West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook
      club did its bit to combat domestic
      violence with a recent $7170 donation.
         The money, raised via a masquerade ball
      supported by the local community and sponsors,
      was given to The Lisa Harnum Foundation that
      assists abused victims of domestic violence in
      Sydney’s northwest and Hills area.
          The foundation supports families affected by                                                                    PARTY TIME: N5 Lions Ken Nimmo, Dennis
                                                                                                                          Halpin and Ray Cook had knives at the r eady to
      domestic violence while striving to end the cycle                                                                   cut a special 100th birthday cak e for Lions
      of abuse through education and social change.                                                                       International. The cake was made by Nick Street,
         Lisa Harnum was 30 when she died tragically                                                                      the son-in-law of a Lugar no Lion. Bankstown,
                                                            Secretary Paul De Alwis (right) and President Sunil           Carlingbah, Kogarah, Chatswood Business,
      in 2011 as a result of her then fiance throwing
                                                            Aramatunga (next to him) hand over the cheque to Lisa         Sydney Waratah, Lugarno, Oatley and St George
      her from the 15th floor balcony of their              Harnum representatives.The money will be used for
      apartment. She had long been intimidated and                                                                        Lions and Georges River Lionesses were all
                                                            casework, family support, education and counselling           represented.
      controlled by this man.                               services to assist women and child victims.

                                                  THANKS: Nyoka              Buddy benches
                                                  Hatfield, a descendant     V5’s Wheelers Hill Lions
                                                  of the Darumbal            purchased and assembled 12
                                                  nation, is thanked by      “Buddy Benches” at 12 local
                                                  Brian Dorey on behalf
                                                                             primary schools as part of their
                                                  of Queensland’s
                                                  Yeppoon Lions and          Centennial project.
                                                  Lionesses following            They will be able to be utilised
                                                  her “Welcome to            by students for many years to
                                                  Country” address at a      come.
                                                  parade of flags event.        The benches are aimed at
                                                  The event marked           easing bullying, enabling students
                                                  Lions’ International
                                                  Centenary as well as
                                                                             to find a friend amongst their fellow
                                                  the Yeppoon club’s         students to talk to if they feel lonely .
                                                  50th anniversary.             The purchase cost of $8,406 was funded jointly by the club and an Australian Lions
                                                                             Foundation grant of $4203.
      August - September 2017
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         AUDIT COMMITTEE                                          International Convention to amend Article II, Section     facilitating learning for an English-speaking
         1. Approved a resolution to hire two internal            4 of the International By-Laws to change the validity     classroom group.
         auditors to perform internal audit for LCI and LCIF      period of an international officer endorsement from       2. Revised Chapter XIV, Paragraph A.1.-3. of the
         and that the auditors will report directly to the        two (2) to three (3) succeeding international             Board Policy Manual so that the mission statement,
         international president and the chairperson of the       conventions and to require a three-year waiting           goals, and program objectives are in alignment with
         Audit Committee.                                         period for an international director candidate to         LCI Forward.
         CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS COMMITTEE                       seek another endorsement after the initial period         LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE
         1. Denied the final decision of the Multiple District    and to require a three-year waiting period for an         1. Authorized on a pilot project-basis the formation
         317 (India) Conciliation Committee, upheld the           international vice president candidate after two          of an international club related to the two-year
         complaint and declared the Multiple District 317         succeeding endorsements.                                  Centennial Celebration that will be overseen by the
         international director endorsement of Past District      CONVENTION                                                Membership Development Committee.
         Governor Valwalker null and void. Deemed all             1. The following cities were selected for the 2022,       MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
         matters raised and relating to the complaint of          2023 and 2024 International Conventions:                  1. Approved the new Global Action Team to be
         Bangalore West Lions Club concluded and final and        • 2022 – New Delhi, India                                 implemented during the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
         binding on all parties.                                  • 2023 – Boston, Massachusetts, USA                       2. Approved the implementation of a Large Scale
         2. Denied the Constitutional Complaint filed by          • 2024 – Melbourne, Australia                             Grant Program to support membership growth to be
         District 24 D (Virginia, USA) disputing the approval     DISTRICT AND CLUB SERVICE COMMITTEE                       implemented in 2017-18.
         of the Multiple District 24 redistricting proposal.      1. Revised the Club Excellence Award requirements         3. Approved the New and Emerging Countries
         Deemed all matters raised and relating to the            and the District Excellence Award requirements to         Committee to continue in the 2017-2018 fiscal
         complaint of District 24-D concluded and final and       more closely support LCI Forward.                         year.
         binding on all parties.                                  2. Granted the Juba Host Lions Club of South              4. Approved the continuation of the Family and
         3. Removed District Governor Tien Kuei Weng from         Sudan protective status.                                  Women Action Team in Japan.
         the office of district governor of District 300-C1       3. Appointed Lions to serve in the position of district   5. Approved the Specialty Club Program to be
         (Multiple District 300 Taiwan) for failure to comply     governor for provisional districts for the 2017-2018      implemented in the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
         with the International Constitution and By-Laws and      fiscal year.                                              6. Discontinued the requirement for District
         policies of the International Board of Directors.        4. Appointed Second Vice District Governor Alba           Governor approval to add 30 plus members to a
         Declared that Tien Kuei Weng shall not be                Guadalupe Del Duke De Hidalgo to ser ve as the            club.
         recognized in the future as a past district governor     2017-2018 district governor for District D-2 (El          MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE
         by Lions Clubs International or any club or district,    Salvador).                                                1. Approved all centennial grant applications from
         and that he shall not be entitled to any privileges of   5. Revised board policy to correct the badge policy       multiple and single districts.
         such title. Declared that First Vice District Governor   for the position of immediate past international          2. Approved the redesign of the International
         Lion Yu-Jien Yeh serve as Acting District Governor       president.                                                Leadership Medal.
         for the remainder of the 2016-2017 fiscal year and       6. Revised board policy to require only one Guiding       3. Amended Chapter XVI of the Board Policy Manual
         be eligible to serve as district governor for the        Lion on a new club application and encouraged any         to align with the requirements of the digital LION
         2017-2018 fiscal year.                                   club that would benefit from having a Guiding Lion        Magazine initiative.
         4. Revised Chapter XV of the Board Policy Manual         to request the assignment of a Guiding Lion.              4. Increased the availability of Presidential Award
         to require prior authorization for the use of the        7. Revised the Standard Form Club Constitution and        and Leadership Award designations to 2,500 each
         association’s trademarks by Lions in mobile              By-Laws to introduce new club officer positions,          for fiscal year 2017-2018 only.
         applications.                                            expand the position of club vice president, and           SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE
         5. Revised Article III of the Standard Form District     modernize the practices of Lions clubs.                   1. Approved the Diabetes Strategic Plan.
         By-Laws in Chapter VII of the Board Policy Manual        8. Revised the Standard Form District By-Laws as it       2. Aligned optional Multiple District and District
         to correct a typographical error.                        relates to the District Governor’s Advisory               Programmatic Chairperson positions with the new
         6. Revised Article VI of the Standard Form District      Committee to include the club vice president and          service framework.
         By-Laws in Chapter VII of the Board Policy Manual        other club officers when appropriate.                     3. Appointed members for the 2017-2019 Leo Club
         for clarification purposes.                              FINANCE AND HEADQUARTERS OPERATION                        Program Advisory Panel.
         7. Revised Exhibit D, Exhibit E and Exhibit F of the     COMMITTEE                                                 4. Appointed alternates for the 2017-2019 Leo Club
         Standard Form District Constitution and By-Laws in       1. Approved the FY 2017 3rd Quarter Forecast,             Program Advisory Panel.
         Chapter VII of the Board Policy Manual for               reflecting a deficit.                                     5. Awarded the 2015-2016 Top Ten Youth Camp
         consistency with previously adopted changes              2. Approved amount not to exceed US$2.2 million           and Exchange Chairperson Awards.
         related to when delinquent dues may be paid.             for the combined budget of the October/November           6. Extended the Youth Ad Hoc Committee term to
         8. Revised Exhibit A of the Standard Form District       and March/April 2018-2019 board meetings.                 2017-2018.
         Constitution and By-Laws in Chapter VII of the           3. Revised the Executive Officer Travel and Expense       7. Amended the title of Chapter I of the Board Policy
         Board Policy Manual for consistency with previously      Reimbursement Policy to permit the total expense          Manual from “Activities” to “Service.”
         adopted changes related to the composition of the        budget of the Vice President Board Meeting budget         8. Updated Chapter I of the Board Policy Manual to
         nominating committee.                                    to exceed $2,000,000 in the event economic and            align with the new ser vice framework.
         9. Adopted a resolution to be reported to the 2017       currency factors of the vice president’s home             9. Added Leo Area Forum policy support to Chapter
         International Convention to amend Article II, Section    country warrants such increase.                           XXII, Paragraph A. of the Board Policy Manual.
         5(c) of the International By-Laws to permit an           LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
         international director and executive officer from the    1. Approved Past International Director Stephen              For information on any of the above
         same district to serve on the International Board of     Glass (West Virginia, USA) to replace Past Council        resolutions, please refer to the LCI website at
         Directors simultaneously.                                Chairperson Dr. Dato Nagaratnam (Malaysia) as a           lionsclubs.org or contact the International
         10. Adopted a resolution to be reported to the 2017      2017 District Governors-Elect Seminar group leader        Office at 630-571-5466.
                                                                                                                                                                        The Lion
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         South Perth Lions come to the party for courageous kids
         It was smiles all round when the Lions Club of South P erth held a courage certificate night for four local
         children with special needs.
            The night was organised after the annual Children of Courage Awards, a State-wide event of 201W1 and W2, had to be
         cancelled. The club felt it needed to do something for the four children so it sponsored the event.
            Certificates were prepared and gifts purchased. Catering was arranged and the South Perth Lions Youth Band played.

      August - September 2017
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         Learning the joy of giving through LEOS

         Drouin Secondary College Leo Club in District          many ways Leos show Leadership, Experience and              Awards in recognition of their outstanding ser vice to
         V3 is just one of the school-based Leo c lubs          Opportunity, living up to the values of being a LEO.        Leos over the past 11 years and 10 years
         across the country that is making a real                                                                           respectively. Although they are now Lions, as Leo-
         difference in the lives of the members and
                                                                Handovers with a youthful twist                             Lions they will continue to be actively involved with
                                                                In Tasmania, LEO
         their wider community.                                                                                             their Leo club for some years yet.
                                                                Alyssa Bryan
            In May 2013, the Year 8 “Hands on Learning”                                                                        Monaro High School Leo club (N2) organised
                                                                (LOTY entrant
         boys’ class was the first group inducted into Leos                                                                 their own changeover dinner in Cooma recently. At
                                                                from Tasmania)
         as a new club. Within the Leo Club, the students                                                                   the dinner, which was catered by the Cooma Lions
                                                                was the installing
         were required to establish their own committee with                                                                and Leos’ family members, the outgoing Leo
                                                                officer at the
         a President, Secretary and Treasurer and have                                                                      President, Pierre Wall, presented a cheque to the
         fortnightly meetings. There was no cost involved                                                                   Cooma Lions for the Lions Save Sight Community
                                                                dinner for the
         and the benefits were substantial to the growth of                                                                 Challenge.
                                                                Lions Club of
         the boys. Through the Leos, the boys learnt the
         skills of negotiation, budgeting, fundraising,
                                                                Mersey                                                      Leo program continues to grow
                                                                Devonport. What a great opportunity for Alyssa to           Welcome to the Leos who have joined our
         community service and the strength of working as a
                                                                build on her public speaking success! And the               organisation in the 2016-17 Lions year, both as
         team. The aim was to teach them the wonderful gift
                                                                following week she was installed as President of the        members of existing clubs and as original members
         of giving to people who are in more need whilst
                                                                Penguin Leo Club in front of a large gathering of           of newly formed clubs. In May and June alone, eight
         having fun.
                                                                Leos, Lions and family members. Well done to the            new Leo clubs have started up, bringing us to a
            Drouin Lions are the backbone of the new club,
                                                                Lions for demonstrating such support and                    total of 15 new clubs formed in the 2016-17 Lions
         with Ros Ough and Don Sinclair attending all
                                                                encouragement for our Leos!                                 year. Congratulations to all these new Leo clubs:
         student meetings, supporting the students’
                                                                    Townsville Northern Suburbs Lions Club (Q2)                 July 2016 - Melbourne Sino-Innovation (V1-4);
         fundraisers and offering opportunities to work side-
                                                                always has a combined handover night with their             September 2016 – Roma (Q3), Korumburra (V3),
         by-side with the community at major events such as
                                                                ‘Lions family’, consisting of Northern Suburbs              Cumberland (N5); March 2017 – Farrer (N1),
         the Lardner Park Garden and Home Expo weekend.
                                                                Lioness Club, Twin Cities Leos and The Cathedral            Sydney Asian Himalayas (N5); April 2017 –
         Other activities have included Bunnings and Coles
                                                                School Leos. This year the chairman for the night           Crestwood (N5); May 2017 – Sunshine Coast
         barbecues, cleaning up the Drouin Station and
                                                                was Leo-Lion Nathan Toll who dressed in a Lions             University (Q3), Merewether High School (N3),
         setting up the Warragul Show, school BBQs and fun
                                                                ‘onesy’ to get into the spirit of celebration for Lions’    Healesville (V5), Warrandyte (V5); June 2017 –
         days. Through these experiences the students gain
                                                                100th birthday. At the dinner, Nathan and fellow            Dunedoo High School (N3), Griffins (Q4), Whitford
         confidence, self-respect and a sense of worth. It is
                                                                                                           Leo-Lion         (W1), Shepparton (V5).
         wonderful to see their confidence and positive
                                                                                                           Sophie               Well done to the Lions clubs and Districts who
         interactions with the community grow over the year.
                                                                                                           Seaden           have supported the growth of our Leo program, and
            Over the past four years, the Leo club has been
                                                                                                           (pictured left   to all new members for seeking Leadership,
         successful in fundraising and donating to
                                                                                                           with Leo         Experience and Opportunities through Leos. We are
         organisations such as The Royal Children’s Hospital
                                                                                                           Committee        still aiming to have at least one new Leo club
         ($2500), Variety Bash ($1000 each year), Drouin
                                                                                                           Chairperson      formed in each District each Lions year – so start
         CFA and many smaller recipients. In 2016 the DSC
                                                                                                           Toni             now to reach our target in the 2017-18 year!
         Leos Club raised an impressive $4000 to donate.
                                                                                                           Lanphier)            Leos and Lions – ser ving together
            In 2017 for the first time, Year 9 students from
                                                                                                           were each                                           Lion Toni Lanphier
         the Duke of Edinburgh class were also inducted into
                                                                                                           presented                        MD201 Leo Committee Chairperson
         the Leos Club. Now the college has 50 active
                                                                                                           with Leo
         members, both boys and girls, and it is exciting to
         see the possibilities for such a big club. There are
                                                                                                                                                                        The Lion
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