Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia Catherine ...

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Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia Catherine ...
Web 2.0-Based E-Learning:
Applying Social Informatics for
Tertiary Teaching

Mark J.W. Lee
Charles Sturt University, Australia

Catherine McLoughlin
Australian Catholic University, Australia

                     InformatIon scIence reference
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Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia Catherine ...
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Web 2.0-based E-learning : applying social informatics for tertiary teaching / Mark J.W. Lee and Catherine McLoughlin, editors.
    p. cm.
 Includes bibliographical references and index.
  Summary: "This book deals with Web 2.0 and how social informatics are impacting higher education practice, pedagogical
theory and innovations"--Provided by publisher. ISBN 978-1-60566-294-7 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-60566-295-4 (ebook)
1. Education, Higher--Effect of technological innovations on. 2. Web-based instruction--Social aspects. 3. Web 2.0--Social
aspects. 4. Learning-- Physiological aspects. I. Lee, Mark J. W., 1981- II. McLoughlin, Catherine.
 LB2395.7.W434 2010

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Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia Catherine ...

                                                             Chapter 2
   Understanding Web 2.0 and its
    Implications for E-Learning
                                                                Tony Bates
                                                       Tony Bates Associates, Canada

A whole new range of web-based tools and services now provides learners with the opportunity to create
their own digital learning materials, personal learning environments, and social networks. What are the
implications for the design of learning materials, workplace training, and accreditation of learners?
This chapter focuses on integrating educational principles of virtual learning with the application of
these new technologies. The argument is made that these tools provide an opportunity for new design
models for education and training that will better prepare citizens and workers for a knowledge-based
society. It rejects, though, the notion that these tools of themselves will revolutionize education and make
formal institutions redundant.

INTRODUCTION                                                                         Stephen Downes (2006), have argued that with
                                                                                     these new tools,
A whole new range of web-based tools and
services, including but not limited to blogs, e-                                     Learning is centered around the interests of the
portfolios, virtual worlds, massively multiplayer                                    learner … Learning is immersive—learning by
online games (MMOGs), Really Simple Syndi-                                           doing—and takes place not in a school but in an
cation (RSS), podcasting, and synchronous tools                                      appropriate environment (such as a living arts
such as Skype and Elluminate, now provides                                           centre). (Slide 27)
learners with the opportunity to create their own
digital learning materials, personal learning en-                                       Downes argues that so far, the mainstream
vironments, and social networks. Some, such as                                       education system has either tried to ban these
                                                                                     tools outright, or has tried to do what traditional
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-294-7.ch002                                                 educators have always done with technology,

Copyright © 2011, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Web 2.0-Based E-Learning: Applying Social Informatics for Tertiary Teaching Mark J.W. Lee Charles Sturt University, Australia Catherine ...
Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

namely incorporate them into a classroom-based           some of the social philosophy implicit in many
environment.                                             discussions of Web 2.0, the focus is primarily on
    Although agreeing in many ways with Downes’          the educational functionality and implications of
position and arguments, this chapter recognizes the      these new tools, and an attempt is made to situate
diversity of approaches to teaching and learning,        them not only in a socio-philosophical context,
and therefore offers an approach to the use of Web       but also in the context of economic development,
2.0 tools that focuses on choice for both teachers       and educational theory and practice.
and learners. The argument is made that these                While the terms “Web 2.0” and “E-learning
tools could facilitate new models of design for          2.0” suggest a clean break from earlier applications
education and training that will better prepare citi-    of the Web, in education the differences, although
zens and workers for a knowledge-based society.          significant, are due more to a gradual development
The chapter rejects, however, the notion that the        and evolution of tools and teaching practice than
tools of themselves will revolutionize education         a sudden “big bang.” Indeed, there is cause for
and make formal institutions redundant, because          concern that the term “Web 2.0” has been hijacked
many learners require structure and guidance.            to describe one particular application of second-
Furthermore, whatever organizational arrange-            generation web tools, while excluding other new
ments are made (or not made) to support learning,        web tools equally of value to education. Thus some
these new technologies need to be integrated with        understanding of the history of the application
a variety of educational approaches if all learners      of information and communications technolo-
are to be accommodated.                                  gies (ICTs) in education is important in order to
    The term “Web 2.0” was coined by Tim                 provide the necessary context for understanding
O’Reilly in 2004. Wikipedia defines Web 2.0 as           Web 2.0 in education.
                                                         E-LEARNING 1.01–1.02 (1978–2005)
the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web
technology and web design that aim to enhance            One of the first recorded uses of the Internet for
creativity, communications, secure information           teaching is the use of computer-mediated com-
sharing, collaboration and functionality of the          munication systems (CMCS) at the New Jersey
web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the develop-           Institute of Technology in the 1970s (Hiltz &
ment and evolution of web culture communities            Turoff, 1978; Hiltz, 1986). This was a “blended”
and hosted services, such as social-networking           learning model, combining classroom teaching
sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folk-      with online discussion between students and
sonomies. (“Web 2.0,” 2008, para. 1)                     teacher. A variety of software programs to support
                                                         computer-mediated communication (CMC) were
    Web 2.0 is a neat term, reflecting a new ver-        developed in the 1980s. One of the most used at
sion of the Web in the language of computer sci-         this time was CoSy, developed by the University of
ence. However, although the term describes new           Guelph in Canada. An important feature of CoSy
technologies that have emerged over the last few         was that it enabled threaded discussion, that is,
years, “Web 2.0” reflects as much a social as a          postings were linked directly to a specific previ-
technological development. At the same time, Web         ous posting to which the student or teacher was
2.0 has been given an educational twist, through         replying, rather than just being listed by the timing
the parallel term “E-learning 2.0” (Downes, 2005),       of the posting. In 1988, the author of the present
which involves e-learning based on Web 2.0               chapter used CoSy as an instructor on DT200:
tools. Therefore in this chapter, while addressing       An Introduction to Information Technology, a

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

second-year distance education course developed           It took post-secondary education about three
by The Open University in the UK, with 1,500          years to understand how the Web could be used
students a year (see Mason, 1989). This again         for teaching and learning. Initially professors cre-
was a blended model, but delivered wholly at a        ated their own web pages or online courses using
distance, with content provided mainly through        hypertext markup language (HTML), then very
specially designed printed material, audiocas-        quickly commercial products became established,
settes, and broadcast television programs. CoSy       providing teachers with “off-the-shelf” online
was used to provide students with the opportunity     learning environments that included “pages” for
to discuss issues raised in the other medium. Thus    online course materials, tests and assignments,
the use of computers for collaborative learning       discussion forums, and access to other web-based
through discussion forums is not new. This could      resources. These are now called learning man-
be described as “E-learning 1.01.”                    agement systems (LMSs). WebCT was designed
    Up until 1990, educational applications of the    originally by Murray Goldberg at the University
Internet were limited mainly to email and discus-     of British Columbia (UBC), and was one of the
sion forums such as CoSy. It was difficult to store   first LMSs. Subsequently, UBC sold WebCT to
or send large amounts of content over the Inter-      an American venture capital conglomerate, and
net, because of the narrow bandwidth available        in 2005 WebCT was bought over by its leading
at the time to most users (56 Kbps using dialup       competitor, Blackboard. Over 90% of two- and
modems), and the difficulty and cost of creating      four-year colleges in the USA had an LMS system
and transmitting large amounts of textual material.   in 2007 (Lokken & Womer, 2007).
This limitation was removed by the development            At the same time, and partly in response to
of the World Wide Web, the Wikipedia entry for        Blackboard’s near monopoly now of commercial
which states:                                         LMSs, there has been a move, particularly by large
                                                      research universities and some government agen-
Using concepts from earlier hypertext systems, the    cies, towards the development and implementa-
World Wide Web was begun in 1989 by English           tion/use of open source LMSs, such as Moodle and
scientist Tim Berners-Lee, working at the Euro-       Sakai. Gartner Research, based on the results of
pean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)         their 2007 Higher Education E-Learning Survey,
in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1990, he proposed          estimated that open source LMSs constituted 26%
building a “web of nodes” storing “hypertext          of the market and that this was likely to grow to
pages” viewed by “browsers” on a network, and         35% by the end of 2008 (Lowendahl, Zastrocky,
released that web in 1992. Connected by the exist-    & Harris, 2008). Open source LMSs have the ad-
ing Internet, other websites were created, around     vantage of being free, in that, unlike commercial
the world, adding international standards for         LMSs, there are no user license fees. However,
domain names & the HTML language. (“World             by the nature of open source software, there are
Wide Web,” 2008, para. 1)                             so far undetermined but nevertheless, according
                                                      the 2007 Gartner survey, very real costs in instal-
    Initially, the importance of the Web was that     lation, adaptation, and maintenance of open source
it allowed large amounts of content (in particular,   LMSs, which have not yet been clearly identified.
text and graphics) to be created, stored, searched        Just as important as the use of LMSs has been
for, and transmitted cheaply over the Internet, by    the way the Web has been used to deliver teaching.
breaking down the information into tiny packets       In the classroom aids model, the teacher decides
and reassembling them again at the destination        on the use of the computer, and uses it mainly to
computer.                                             add to the classroom experience, for instance, by

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

Figure 1. Different forms of e-learning (from OECD, 2005; Bates & Poole, 2003)

providing a list of readings, lecture PowerPoints,       were making it compulsory for a student to take
assignment questions, and URLs to additional             at least one of their courses online before graduat-
online resources.                                        ing (Lokken & Womer, 2007). Across the North
    With laptop programs (where the students             American post-secondary system, fully online
bring their own or a leased computer to class), or       programs have been increasing by an average of
programs using computer labs, where the institu-         20% per annum since 2002 (Allen & Seaman,
tion provides the computers, the students and the        2008).
teachers are active users of the computer, but still         Thus by and large we have two main forms of
in a fixed-time-and-place classroom.                     e-learning in post-secondary education, both based
    In the mixed-mode (or hybrid) model, students        on the use of LMSs: blended learning—using a mix
still spend some time in class, but class time is        of classroom and face-to-face teaching (although
reduced to give students more time for online            the proportion may vary substantially)—and fully
study. There are several versions of mixed-mode          online learning. However, whether the Web is used
teaching, from dropping from three class sessions        as a classroom aid, or for blended learning, or for
a week to one, with the rest done online, to the         fully online courses, nearly all these applications
Royal Roads University (http://www.royalroads.           are based on the use of an LMS. An LMS these
ca/) model, where students study online before           days, whether commercial or open source, is a
and after a semester spent on campus.                    “heavy” piece of software, with a million lines
    Lastly, there are courses where the student          of code or more. It is institutionally driven, link-
studies entirely online, which of course is one          ing teaching with administration. The teaching
form of distance education. Figure 1, then, shows        through an LMS is controlled by the instructor,
e-learning as a continuum. Note that blended             who chooses content and activities, including the
learning can be any one of the three “middle”            organization of the asynchronous online discussion
modes (Bates & Poole, 2003).                             forums. This is what Stephen Downes (2005) is
    By far the greatest use of computer and commu-       referring to when he talks about “E-learning 1.0.”
nications technologies is to support—rather than
replace—classroom teaching (80% of e-learning
applications, according to Allen & Seaman, 2008).        THE TOOLS OF WEB 2.0 (2005–)
However, what is important here is the trend. More
and more universities and colleges are now adding        Around 2005, a new range of web tools began to
fully online courses. A study conducted for the          find their way into general use, and increasingly
American Association of Community Colleges               into educational use. These can be loosely de-
found that 24% of all students were taking at least      scribed as Web 2.0 tools, as they reflect a different
one fully online course in 2007. Some colleges           culture of web use from the former “centre-to-

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

Table 1. Examples of Web 2.0 tools

 Type of tool                                   Example(s)                                        Application
 Blogs                    • Stephen’s Web                                      Allows an individual to make regular postings to
                          (http://www.downes.ca/)                              the Web, e.g., a personal diary or an analysis of
                                                                               current events
 Wikis                    • Wikipedia                                          An “open” collective publication, allowing people
                          (http://en.wikipedia.org/)                           to contribute or create a body of information
 Social networking        • Facebook                                           A social utility that connects people with friends
                          (http://www.facebook.com/)                           and others who work, study, and live around them
                          • MySpace
 Multimedia archives      • Podcasts                                           Allows end-users to access, store, download, and
                          • YouTube                                            share audio recordings, photographs, and videos
                          • Flickr
                          • iTunes
                          • e-portfolios
 Synchronous communica-   • Skype                                              Allows free “real-time” audio and visual commu-
 tion tools               • Elluminate                                         nication over the Web
                          • Adobe Connect
 3-D virtual worlds       • Second Life                                        Real-time semi-random connection/ communication
                          (http://secondlife.com/)                             with virtual sites and people
 Multiplayer games        • Lord of the Rings Online                           Enables players to compete against or collaborate
                          (http://www.lotro.com/)                              with each other or a third party/parties represented
                                                                               by the computer, usually in real time
 Mobile learning          • Mobile phones                                      Enables users to access multiple information formats
                          • Ubiquitous computing devices and applications      (voice, text, video, etc.) at any time, any place
 Open content             • MIT OpenCourseWare                                 Digital learning materials available free over the
                          (http://ocw.mit.edu/)                                Internet, for use either by instructors or learners

periphery” push of institutional websites. Table                    emerging, and their use is either free or very low
1 shows some of the tools and their uses (this is,                  cost. However, not all the new tools developed
of course, by no means an exhaustive list—there                     since 2005 are social software tools, and not all are
are many more possible examples).                                   free or low cost (e.g., many commercial games).
    The main feature of Web 2.0 tools is that                           Web 2.0 tools have proved increasingly popular
they empower the end-user to access, create, dis-                   in both social and business applications. One fea-
seminate, and share information easily in a user-                   ture of such tools is to empower the end-user—the
friendly, open environment. Usually the only cost                   learner or customer—to self-access and manage
is the time of the end-user. There are often few                    data (e.g., online banking) and to form personal
controls over content, other than those normally                    networks (e.g., through Facebook).
imposed by a state or government (such as libel
or pornography), or where there are controls, they
are imposed by the users themselves. Some have                      EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS:
called Web 2.0 the “democratization” of the Web.                    E-LEARNING 2.0?
    In general, Web 2.0 tools are based on very
simple software in that they have relatively few                    Web 2.0 tools are so relatively new to education
lines of code. As a result, new tools are constantly                that educators have yet to find new designs for

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

teaching and learning that fully exploit such tools.     Multimedia Archives
Most uses to date have been within the framework
of a teacher-controlled model of instruction. For        Multimedia archives such as YouTube, Flickr, and
instance, teachers may add their own blog to an          Google Video, and the increasing access to cheap
online course, or encourage students to chat or          digital video cameras or integrated video and audio
work offline then post their work back in the            recording in mobile phones, now enable learners
“teaching” area. They may use Elluminate to              to create their own digital e-portfolios of work,
deliver a live lecture with slides, or a podcast         incorporating text, graphics, audio, and video.
to catch an update from a visiting expert, or to         These tools again are relatively simple to use.
transmit a recorded classroom lecture. Note that         YouTube, for example, provides a video toolbox
Web 2.0 tools can be used quite independently of         (see http://www.youtube.com/video_toolbox/)
an LMS (although they can also be made available         that includes a set of guidelines for producing
within or in parallel to an LMS). Nevertheless,          good-quality video material. Posting video to sites
there are now an increasing number of examples           such as YouTube is free, quick, and easy.
of teaching and learning using Web 2.0 tools that            This means that learners can now go out and
exploit the learner’s capacity to access, create,        do local fieldwork, and create digital multimedia
and publish materials.                                   web-based portfolios of their work, either individu-
                                                         ally or collaboratively (see Lorenzo & Ittelson,
Social and Collaborative Networking                      2005). This raises questions regarding online
                                                         assessment as well as the design of teaching and
The first Internet educational tool, well preced-        learning experiences (see Joint Information Sys-
ing the invention of the Web, was discussion             tems Committee [JISC], 2007; see also Chapter
software that allowed multiple users to discuss          17). Learners can demonstrate what they are able
asynchronously online in a common, if virtual,           to do and what they have learned, record their
area (CMC—see Hiltz, 1986). This technology              experiences, and allow others—such as potential
has gradually evolved through discussion forums          employers—to access their work.
into community-based collaborative networks.
Social software, such as discussion forums, allows       Synchronous Technologies
students to test, question, and construct their own,
personalized knowledge.                                  The case could be made that tools such as El-
    In the personal networking areas, there are          luminate that allow synchronous two-way com-
several tools that “are fostering collaboration          munication (mainly audio, supplemented with
webs that span almost every discipline … [Col-           graphics such as PowerPoint) and Skype are not
laborative workspaces] are easy to create, and           “authentic” Web 2.0 tools. This is because they
they allow people to jointly collaborate on com-         are most commonly used to reflect the “old” para-
plex projects using low-cost, simple tools” (New         digm of an instructor giving a lecture, and are also
Media Consortium, 2008, p. 14). These collab-            more expensive to use than social software such
orative workspaces serve as hubs where groups            as blogs, wikis, or social networking sites (e.g.,
of people with common interests can gather and           Facebook). However, synchronous communica-
share resources—such as relevant references or           tion tools take advantage of improved compression
publications—related to their interests.                 technology and wider bandwidth capacity, and can
                                                         also be organized and managed by end-users or
                                                         learners for communication. Certainly for certain
                                                         educational tasks such as learning a language,

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

these tools provide much more flexibility than         consultations (Takahashi, 2008). There are several
the previous generation of web tools.                  projects in SL in the language learning domain,
                                                       involving the creation of environments where
Virtual Worlds                                         learners can practice languages and meet other
                                                       foreign language speakers. Several architectural
Virtual worlds (or Massively Multiplayer Vir-          projects have used SL for collaborative design
tual Worlds—MMVWs) are complex digital                 (see, for instance, Studio Wikitecture at http://
environments that allow participants to project        studiowikitecture.wordpress.com/). Robert C.
a non-physical presence of themselves—an ava-          Amme, a research professor of physics, and his
tar—into a generated three-dimensional (3-D)           colleagues at the University of Denver received a
reality, and within that reality to interact with      $200,000 grant from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
other participants. Users can build and modify this    Commission to build a simulated nuclear reactor
world to a large degree. Second Life (SL) is the       to train the next generation of environmental as-
best-known virtual world with the largest number       sessment specialists (Guess, 2007).
of users. Senges, Praus, and Bihr (2007) reported          The relative novelty of SL means that there
six million accounts in SL in 2006. By June 2008,      are as yet no well-established educational designs
this had grown to 14 million accounts (Parsons,        for exploiting the uniqueness of the virtual world.
2008), although active accounts are much fewer.        Some merely replicate traditional classroom prac-
    Senges et al. (2007) identified a number of edu-   tice. It is also not yet possible to build a business
cational applications of SL (see Kay & FitzGerald,     model that will set costs against benefits. It is
2008 for a detailed list of educational applications   thus still very much an experimental environment
of SL). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric           for learning (Senges et al., 2007). Nevertheless,
Administration has built immersive environments        especially with such a large potential number of
where participants can virtually experience tsuna-     participants, a learner in SL is presented with a
mis and simulated weather fronts, combined with        wide array of learning opportunities, enabling
explanations about the causes and strategies to        knowledge to be constructed through a combina-
reduce harm (see Earth System Research Labora-         tion of social interaction, collaboration, explora-
tory, 2008). Hydro Hijinks, developed by students      tion, and experimentation, in real time.
at Montgomery College, USA, is a diplomacy
adventure game set in a scenario where farmers         Digital Games
are suffering a water shortage, and players have
to discover the cause of the water shortage (see       There have been major advances in games tech-
morebrainsmedia, 2006).                                nology over recent years. A few games have
    More recently, Cigna Healthcare has created        been designed or adapted for educational pur-
a virtual environment in SL to educate people          poses (“serious gaming environments”), mainly
on how to improve their health. Like many              for the K-12 sector (Prensky, 2006). However,
insurance companies, Cigna offers healthcare           educational games to date have had limited ap-
advice to those it insures as an attempt to keep       plication and utility, mainly because of the high
its long-term costs lower and its insurance rates      cost of development and lack of appropriate and
more affordable. The Cigna Virtual Healthcare          sound instructional design (Burgos, Tattersall, &
Community is an “island” in SL where users can         Koper, 2007).
walk through 3-D interactive displays with their           Nevertheless, there is strong potential for
avatars, play educational games, listen to seminars    taking some of the building blocks of games
on nutrition and health, and receive virtual health    technology, such as “off-the-shelf” software for

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

scenery animation, hand–eye coordination, and            copyright management sites such as Creative
crowd behavior, and adapting them to educational         Commons (http://www.creativecommons.org/),
purposes, thereby cutting down the cost of build-        which allows instructors to make available con-
ing all software from scratch.                           tent with some protection against improper or
                                                         commercial use.
Mobile Learning                                              The move to more open content has several
                                                         implications. Teachers and learners now have
Worldwide, more people have mobile phones                an increasing range of quality-assured learning
than personal computers. Green (2007) reports            materials that they can access, free of charge, for
that more than two-thirds of all classes in North        educational purposes. Teachers no longer need to
American colleges now have wireless access.              create all their own material online; learners are
The rapid expansion of wireless technology has           no longer restricted to the content and curriculum
stimulated interest in mobile learning—delivery          provided by the university or college at which
of education and training to people on the move.         they are enrolled. Thus one can imagine an “open
    Mobile learning has been developed in a              content” approach to a subject, where the instructor
number of ways. The simplest is the use of RSS           is a guide, providing goals and criteria for assess-
feeds to alert students to course news and informa-      ment, but where the students track down, assess,
tion, such as the imminent deadline for the next         and organize appropriate learning materials.
assignment. However, as mobile technology has
become more sophisticated, with larger, clearer          Educational Implications of
screens, touch-controlled keyboards, and motion-         the New Web 2.0 Tools
controlled navigation, the potential for educational
applications has also increased.                         Learners now have powerful tools for creating
    One major application is to use mobile phones        their own learning materials or for demonstrat-
for student data collection, in the form of real-time    ing their knowledge and skills. Courses can be
polling and interviews, photographs, and video for       structured around individual students’ interests,
project work, etc. that students can then organize       allowing them to seek appropriate content and
and post on a class website (Alexander, 2004;            resources to support the development of negoti-
JISC, 2005). (See also Chapter 10 in this book,          ated competencies or learning outcomes. Content
on “Mobile 2.0.”)                                        is now open; learners can go and seek, use, and
                                                         apply information beyond the bounds of what a
Open Content                                             professor or teacher may dictate. Increasingly,
                                                         quality educational content will become free, open,
Another major development has been the move              and abundant. Students can create and customize
to digital open content. Institutions such as the        their own online personal learning environments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (see the           (see also Chapter 5 in this book).
MIT OpenCourseWare initiative at http://ocw.                 This represents a major power shift from
mit.edu/) and The Open University in the UK              teachers to learners. Some commentators (e.g.,
(see the OpenLearn website at http://openlearn.          Downes, 2006) have argued that traditional institu-
open.ac.uk/) have been making available their            tions such as schools and universities are now no
educational content free of charge for educational       longer needed for learning purposes, as the tools
purposes. Intellectual property management, and          of Web 2.0 allow learners to control what and
recognition of instructors’ contribution to content      how they learn. The idea of abolishing schools
creation, has been managed through cooperative           of course is not a new idea—Ivan Illich (1973)

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

wrote about deschooling and learning webs long        are not changing their teaching method sufficiently
ago—but the Internet multiplies infinitely the        to make full use of the new Web 2.0 tools. One
number of connections an individual may now           reason is that institutions are locked into support-
make to the point where it becomes much easier        ing LMSs such as Blackboard or Moodle. Even
for those who wish to learn this way to do so.        more importantly, most instructors are locked into
Supercool School (http://www.supercoolschool.         a classroom-based, 9:00–4:00, five-days-a-week,
com/) now uses Facebook to network learners           13-weeks-a-year semester system—essential
with a common interest who teach themselves:          for classroom teaching, but meaningless in a
no curriculum, no formally appointed teachers,        fully online environment. For many students, this
and no examinations.                                  structured education is necessary, even when they
    However, although the technology continu-         begin to move online, and such tools as LMSs
ally changes, some things do not. Many of the         also have administrative advantages like linking
services that educational institutions currently      student records to teaching activities. Neverthe-
provide—such as guidance, learner support, and        less, this mode of teaching does not empower
accreditation—will still be needed. Many students     learners in the way that some of the newer Web
are not, at least initially, independent learners     2.0 tools can. Downes (2006) argues that these
(see Candy, 1991), and many deliberately seek         new tools allow for immersive learning—learning
guidance and help from teachers and institutions.     everywhere and at any time, within all aspects of
One reason we have educational institutions that      life, without the need for formal, time-and-place-
are supported by the public is because, to quote      dependent institutions.
former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rums-             The use of Web 2.0 tools raises the inevitable
feld (2002), “there are known unknowns; that is       issue of quality. How can learners differentiate
to say we know there are some things we do not        between reliable, accurate, authoritative informa-
know.” This is one reason why students choose         tion and inaccurate, biased, or unsubstantiated
to go to university, or why parents send children     information, if they are encouraged to roam
to school. Many students come to a learning task      free? What are the implications for expertise and
without the necessary skills or confidence to study   specialist knowledge, when everyone has a view
independently from scratch (Moore & Thompson,         on everything? As Andrew Keen (2007) has com-
1990). They need structured support, structured       mented, “we are replacing the tyranny of experts
and selected content, and recognized accreditation.   with the tyranny of idiots.” Not all information
The advent of new tools that at last give students    is equal, nor are all opinions. Unless we are to
more control over their learning will not change      descend into subjective, quarreling beasts (the
their need for a structured educational experience.   tyranny of idiots, as expressed by Keen), expertise
However, learners can be taught the skills needed     remains critical for progress. Many students look
to become independent learners (Moore, 1973;          for structure and guidance, and it is the responsi-
Marshall & Rowland, 1993). The new tools will         bility of teachers to provide it. A middle ground
make this learning of how to learn much more          is therefore needed between the total authority
effective, but still only, in most cases, within an   and control of the teacher, and complete anarchy
initially structured environment.                     as seen in the children roaming free on the desert
    At the same time, research by the Sloan Con-      island in the novel Lord of the flies (Golding,
sortium, which found that over 80% of online          1954). The new Web 2.0 tools allow for such a
teaching in the USA was performed to support          middle ground, but only if teachers have a clear
traditional classroom teaching (Allen & Seaman,       pedagogy or educational philosophy to guide their
2006), suggests that most teachers working online     choices and use of the technology.

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

    The point here is that the choice of technology     tation of historical sources such as the Bible or
and the design of the learning experience is an         Qur’an), and constructivism.
academic decision that will vary depending on               A theory of teaching or learning will be strongly
the type of students being taught and the nature of     influenced by one or more epistemological posi-
the subject. However, perhaps the most important        tions. However, an epistemology does not in itself
factor determining choice of the actual tools to        address issues of teaching or learning. Learning
be used in online learning will be the educational      or teaching theories are applications of a more
theory or approach (the pedagogy, for want of a         general set of epistemological positions or beliefs
better term) most favored by those responsible          about the nature of knowledge. Thus behaviorism
for the teaching or learning.                           is an approach to teaching and learning reflect-
                                                        ing an objectivist epistemology, but then so are
                                                        some forms of cognitive psychology or artificial
DIFFERENT PEDAGOGICAL                                   intelligence.
APPROACHES TO WEB-                                          Three epistemologies will be dealt with here—
BASED LEARNING                                          objectivism, constructivism, and connectivism—
                                                        that are relevant to the application of Web 2.0
There are many different theories of learning,          tools. It should be noted, however, that there are
and most of these theories reflect underlying but       other epistemologies that could be applied. The
different philosophical beliefs about the nature        point here is that it is important for teachers to be
of knowledge (epistemologies). This is a large          aware of different epistemologies and to be sure
and complex topic and can be dealt with only            that their use of Web 2.0 tools is consistent with
briefly in this chapter. For a good discussion of       their own preferred epistemological positions.
the overall epistemological issues raised by ICTs,
see Lyotard (1979/1984) and Lankshear, Peters,          Objectivism
and Knobel (2000).
    It is necessary here to make a distinction be-      An objectivist view of knowledge is that truth
tween epistemologies and theories of learning.          exists outside the human mind. In particular, there
An epistemology basically describes the basis on        are undeniable facts, concepts, and principles that
which we know or believe something to be true.          are constant, reflecting an unchanging reality, and
This can be illustrated by the famous debate be-        independent of personal beliefs (Popper, 1972).
tween Thomas Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce in           Scientific laws are examples of an objectivist ap-
1860 on the origin of man. Huxley argued that man       proach to knowledge. Whatever one may happen
was descended from the apes, based on Darwin’s          to believe, there is a law of gravity. The apple will
work on the origin of species. Huxley’s argument        fall downwards, at a certain speed that is predict-
was in the form of a scientific theory grounded         able with enough known “facts.”
in empirical evidence. Wilberforce argued that              For teachers who hold an objectivist position,
man was created by God, based on evidence from          there is a body of knowledge to be learned and
the Bible. The basis for their beliefs were by and      defined by experts. This is organized into subject
large irreconcilable, because they started from         disciplines or content areas. The job of the teacher
fundamentally different views of what consti-           is to transmit that body of knowledge. Teaching
tutes “evidence” for their belief. There are many       is about moving knowledge from those that know
different epistemologies, including rationalism         to those that do not know. The learner’s task is
(based on logic), objectivism (empirically tested       to understand, memorize, reproduce accurately
knowledge), scholasticism (authorized interpre-         what has been learned, and perhaps apply that

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

knowledge to specific, well-defined contexts.               For constructivists, teaching is about ob-
Good teaching is authoritative, correct, well or-       servation, comparison, questioning, reflection,
ganized, clear, and not to be questioned. Learning      discussion, and above all, the assimilation and
is assessed by the production of correct answers        accommodation of new experiences with previ-
and efficient reasoning based on the facts and          ous forms of understanding. This is done through
concepts taught in the course. Objectivist teaching     reflection (internal contemplation) and discussion.
can be found in all subject areas, but for obvious      Discussion, in particular, is important, because this
reasons it is particularly strong in the natural sci-   is how we test and challenge new ideas or unfa-
ences, computer sciences, engineering, and law.         miliar concepts. Thus learning is both a personal
Objectivist instructional design is based strongly      and a social activity.
on behavioral approaches, systems thinking, and             The teacher’s job is to create an environment
quantitatively measured outputs (see, for instance,     in which questions are raised, problems are pre-
Dick & Carey, 1996).                                    sented for solution by the learners, and discussion
                                                        and argument can take place. In this environment,
Constructivism                                          learners are more equal in that they are encour-
                                                        aged to challenge not only other learners but also
Constructivists believe that all knowledge is a         the teacher. Assessment is based on the quality of
human construct (Gould & Brown, 2003). Even             argument or reasoning, not the reproduction of
the laws of science are what scientists believe         facts or concepts. Constructivist approaches to
at a particular time, and are open to change as a       teaching and learning are also found in all subject
result of not just new facts, but also new ideas,       areas, but are more common in the humanities,
and agreement is reached through discussion.            social sciences, and education. (See Jonassen,
Particularly important to constructivists is that       Davidson, Collins, Campbell, & Bannan Haag,
all knowledge is relative, personal, and dynamic.       1995 for a discussion of how constructivism can
For instance, the concept of heat is understood         be applied to online learning.)
early in life through sensation. A baby learns
about heat by touching something hot, like a            Connectivism
stove. As the child grows older, he or she real-
izes that heat is relative, and can be quantified.      Connectivism is a theory advanced by George
For a child in Vancouver, a daily temperature of        Siemens (2005). A connectivist view of knowledge
30 degrees Celsius is hot, and a temperature of         is that the nature of knowledge is radically trans-
minus 30 is cold. However, this is not true for         formed by the technology of the Internet. Lyotard
a child in Riyadh or one in Iqualuit, where the         (1979/1984), for example, has argued that the
concepts of a hot or cold day are quite different.      nature of knowledge derived from the use of in-
As the child gets older, he or she may learn that       formation technologies is radically different from
heat is the transfer of energy between two objects      the knowledge derived through scientific thinking.
due to temperature differences. Thus the concept        According to Lyotard, knowledge derived from
of heat is dynamic, relative, and personal. One         science and rationalism has an intrinsic value,
person’s understanding of heat will be different        whereas knowledge in the information society
from that of another, because their experiences         has a commercial or utilitarian value. Siemens
are different. There may be enough shared un-           argues that knowledge is advanced and trans-
derstanding of heat for them to agree on what           formed by the contributions of those connected to
it is, but their understandings of it will not be       particular networks, which are in turn connected
quite the same.                                         to other networks (collective intelligence). The

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

interconnectedness of people through the Internet         the design of teaching will be influenced by the
allows for the learning that occurs overall to be         dominant epistemological position of teachers,
greater than the learning of each individual con-         and this will need to “match,” to some extent, the
nected (the “wisdom of crowds”—Surowiecki,                needs of learners. It is important, then, to ensure
2004). For Siemens, it is more important to be            that learners are developing the skills and com-
connected to the “right” nodes to “catch” new             petencies they will need in the “outside world,”
knowledge than to be outside the network with             which brings the discussion to the teaching and
“old” knowledge, or connected to networks that            learning needs of a knowledge-based society. In
are less “useful”. According to him, “Nodes that          particular, this will provide some guidance on
successfully acquire greater profile will be more         the appropriate choice and use of Web 2.0 tools.
successful at acquiring additional connections”
(p. 6); “The pipe is more important than the
content within the pipe” (p. 8). Thus knowledge           LEARNING IN A KNOWLEDGE-
is constantly shifting and changing. Recognizing          BASED SOCIETY
patterns within the chaos of shifting knowledge
is a core skill to be learned, as is recognizing the      In any country, there are at least three somewhat
networks of connections that matter.                      different economies operating at the same time
    Although he describes it as a theory of learning,     (Porter, 1990):
and his ideas certainly have profound implications
for teaching and learning, Siemens’ position is           •     Resource-based economies: These are
more of an epistemology—a view of the nature                    primarily land- and sea-based economies:
of knowledge—than a theory of teaching and                      agriculture, mining, fishing. Increasingly
learning. Thus there are hints of possible actions              over time, they have become more knowl-
to be taken, but at this stage of development, there            edge-based, but the majority of workers in
are no clear guidelines for teachers and learners.              these industries have learned their skills in
However, Web 2.0 tools and practices will likely                traditional ways, either from relatives or
be critical elements of any teaching or learning                on the job. The numbers working in these
that is consciously built around the concept of                 industries in economically advanced coun-
connectivism.                                                   tries has rapidly declined, even though in
                                                                countries such as Canada and Australia
Choosing Epistemological Positions                              resource-based economies still are ma-
                                                                jor contributors to gross national product
Teachers are always making choices about how                    (Smith, 2007). Nonetheless, they employ
to teach based on their views of what constitutes               relatively few workers, because the num-
knowledge, and the best means to help learners                  ber of workers in relation to economic out-
acquire that knowledge. Frequently teachers                     put is very low, due to innovation, mecha-
will use a variety of approaches, depending on                  nization, and the high value of the goods
the nature of the subject matter and the needs of               produced per worker.
individual learners. For instance, an objectivist,        •     Industrial-based economies: These are
didactic approach—delivering information in a                   based primarily on manufacturing, that
well-structured and organized way—may be nec-                   is, converting the raw materials of the re-
essary to get learners quickly to a position where              source-based industries into goods through
they can start asking questions or solving problems             factories. Such economies are mainly ur-
in a more constructivist manner. Nevertheless,                  ban. Labor is a major cost, and economies

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

     of scale—manufacturing the same product                bine, and disappear very quickly, although
     many times—is essential, because of the                in some areas there are dominant industry
     high fixed cost of equipment. The organi-              players (e.g., Microsoft, Google).
     zation of labor is mainly hierarchical, with
     owners, managers, supervisors, skilled               Over time, there has been a significant shift in
     workers, and unskilled workers. Skilled          economies (Porter, 1990). Because labor is a major
     workers are relatively narrowly trained          cost in industrial organizations, manufacturing
     within a specific occupation; only the own-      has been moving from high-cost labor markets to
     ers and managers require advanced levels         lower-cost labor markets. To retain their global
     of education, although as manufacturing          competitiveness, economically advanced coun-
     becomes more automated, labor costs are          tries have been switching from industrial-based
     reduced and knowledge and skill levels           to knowledge-based economies. Their advantage
     for some workers increase. In spite of the       is that knowledge-based industries require work-
     above, even industrial-based companies           ers with high levels of education and knowledge,
     now are relying more and more on knowl-          which countries such as Canada and the USA,
     edge-based products and services. For in-        with over 50% of an age group going on to some
     stance, Volkwagen estimates that 70% of          form of post-secondary education, have in abun-
     the value of a modern car is knowledge-          dance. It should be noted though that the skills of
     based, mainly in the form of its electronic      knowledge-based workers are markedly different
     systems and the costs of research and de-        from those of industrially based workers, except
     sign. In the past, manufacturing provided        at the senior management level. Thus the shift
     large numbers of workers with steady work        to a knowledge-based economy is dependent on
     and relatively high wages.                       large numbers of highly educated workers with
•    Knowledge-based economies: These are             different skills from those of industrially based
     primarily based on the production, trans-        workers (Conference Board of Canada, 1991).
     mission, management, and organization                The shift in economies has been quite dramatic.
     of information, mostly digital information       Figure 2 and Figure 3 show this effect on employ-
     (Drucker, 1969). Typical knowledge-based         ment in Canada. Figure 2 shows the division of
     industries are telecommunications, finan-        the workforce between the three economies from
     cial services (banking, insurance), health       the middle of the 19th century to the present
     services, entertainment (movies, games),         day. Before 1850, nearly 80% of jobs in Canada
     biotechnology, information technology            were based on working the land and sea. As the
     companies (computing, etc.), and educa-          Industrial Revolution impacted on Canada, many
     tion. These economies are “virtual,” that        people left the countryside and migrated to jobs
     is, they are not dependent on a particular,      in factories. Between the 1930s to around 1985,
     single location (although companies oper-        nearly 75% of employed Canadians worked in
     ating in them may have headquarters), they       manufacturing (Marcus, 1952).
     are global, and they require workers with a          Figure 3 shows a dramatic change in Canadian
     high level of education and multiple skills.     employment from 1985 onwards. Manufacturing
     Often, knowledge-based companies are             jobs in Canada have dropped from nearly 75% in
     small, with between two and 100 employ-          1985 to under 15% by 2007. They have almost
     ees. They are networked to other organi-         entirely been replaced by jobs in the service sector.
     zations, highly flexible, and emerge, com-       The service sector hides, though, the important dif-

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

Figure 2. Shifting jobs: Canada

Figure 3. Percentage share of Canadian industrial employment (Source: The Globe and Mail, April 27,
2006, B9)

ferences between high-paying knowledge-based            in many other economically advanced countries
jobs and low-paying, unskilled or semi-skilled          (according to the Financial Times in the UK, for
service jobs (e.g., shop assistants). Nevertheless,     example, the British economy reached the “cross-
despite this huge drop in manufacturing jobs,           over” point between employment in goods and
Canada’s unemployment rate is at an all-time            services in 2008 [Laitner, 2008]). The reason is
low, and its economy has been booming (Note             that manufacturing jobs have migrated to countries
that the figures reflect the proportion of jobs in      with low labor costs. However, much of the value
each sector, not the proportion of gross domestic       of goods produced in low-labor economies is
product [GDP]. The resource sector—mining               created (and retained) in economically advanced
and oil in particular, which are land-based—is a        countries. For instance, the Conference Board of
major contributor to Canada’s GDP, but employs          Canada (2008, p. 2) states that
relatively few people.)
    Although the timing and magnitude of the            Every US$300 Apple iPod adds $150 to the of-
change may vary, similar patterns will be found         ficial U.S. imports from China, but only $3 of its

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

value is actually created in China. About $147 is        knowledge in these areas, such as mathematics,
created in the rest of Asia, and another $149 in         accountancy, anatomy, etc. Furthermore, skills
the United States.                                       such as problem solving are not generic: problem
                                                         solving in medicine is different from problem
    The point here is that economically advanced         solving in business. The skill needs to be embed-
countries are increasingly depending on knowl-           ded within the content area. This means teaching
edge-based workers to maintain and increase              content and designing learning activities in such
their standard of living. In an industrial society,      a way as to develop these skills.
less than 15% of those in the workforce (mainly              A second feature of knowledge-based work
owners, managers, and those working in financial         is that knowledge workers must continue to go
services) needed post-secondary education. In            on learning (Senge, 1990). The knowledge bases
knowledge-based economies, more than 50% need            of medicine, IT, and biotechnology, for example,
post-secondary education (the Alberta Provincial         are constantly changing. To stay competitive,
Government, 2008 has put this figure at 62.7%            knowledge-based companies and their employ-
of all jobs by 2011).                                    ees must continually change and adapt through
    Education therefore needs to be focused par-         a process of lifelong learning. Thus universities
ticularly on the knowledge and skills required           and colleges face two challenges: with regard to
in knowledge-based companies. What are those             those entering from high schools, how to develop
skills? The Conference Board of Canada (1991)            the thinking skills identified as needed within
surveyed employers in knowledge-based compa-             a knowledge-based society within a traditional
nies and identified the following:                       undergraduate program; and equally as important,
                                                         how to provide ongoing opportunities for learning
•     good communication skills (reading/                for those who have already graduated and are in
      writing/speaking/listening);                       the workforce.
•     ability to learn independently;                        This is where the epistemological basis for
•     social skills: ethics, positive attitudes,         teaching and learning becomes critical. Con-
      responsibility;                                    structivism, with its emphasis on learner-centered
•     teamwork;                                          teaching, discussion, and communication between
•     ability to adapt to changing circumstances;        learners, and connectivism, with its emphasis on
•     thinking skills: problem solving; critical/        Internet-mediated knowledge construction and
      logical/numerical;                                 digital literacy, seem to provide a better basis
•     knowledge navigation: where to get/how             for developing the skills needed in knowledge-
      to process information;                            based economies than what is possible with a
•     entrepreneurial skills: taking initiative to       predominantly objectivist approach. Noteworthy,
      seize an opportunity;                              however, is Lyotard’s (1979/1984) observation
•     IT and computing skills.                           about the changing nature of knowledge as hav-
                                                         ing commercial rather than intrinsic value in a
    It might be argued that these are not very dif-      knowledge-based society.
ferent from the kinds of skills one would expect
from any traditional liberal arts program. The
catch, though, is that these skills are required in      CHANGING STUDENTS
addition to specialist qualifications in engineer-
ing, management, health sciences, business, etc.         In discussing the topic of changing students, it
It will still be essential to build the foundations of   may be useful to begin with a warning from a

Understanding Web 2.0 and its Implications for E-Learning

study commissioned by the British Library and              stage that the skills digital natives have developed
JISC, the UK universities’ computer network                in their personal and social lives carry over into
organization. The study used log file analysis of          academic work. Laurillard (2002, p. 218) points
actual search behavior of a wide range of users of         out, for instance, that
different ages (Centre for Information Behaviour
and the Evaluation of Research [CIBER], 2008):             academic knowledge is distinct from experiential
                                                           knowledge. It is a reflection on experience, rather
There are very, very few controlled studies that           than being synonymous with experience per se. It
account for age and information seeking behavior           also includes knowledge of how that knowledge
systematically: as a result there is much misinfor-        came to be known.
mation and much speculation about how young
people supposedly behave in cyberspace. (p. 14)                The British Library/JISC study (CIBER, 2008)
                                                           looked at the “Google generation,” defined as those
     Nevertheless, Marc Prensky (2001) claims:             born after 1993, and asked the following ques-
                                                           tion (among others) in relation to this generation:
Our students have changed radically. Today’s               “[Are they] searching for and researching content
students are no longer the people our educational          in new ways and … [is this] likely to shape their
system was designed to teach … today’s students            future behaviour as mature researchers?” (p. 5).
think and process information fundamentally dif-           This study reported that
ferently from their predecessors. (p. 1)
                                                           young people scan online pages very rapidly (boys
    He argues that students now entering univer-           especially) and click extensively on hyperlinks—
sity have grown up all their lives with technol-           rather than reading sequentially. Users make very
ogy—mobile phones, computers, video games,                 little use of advanced search facilities, assuming
and so on—and therefore are “digital natives.”             that search engines “understand” their queries.
As a result of this exposure to technology, digi-          They tend to move rapidly from page to page,
tal natives access and process information more            spending little time reading or digesting informa-
quickly, multitask more easily, prefer graphics to         tion and they have difficulty making relevance
text and random to sequential access, thrive on            judgments about the pages they retrieve. (p. 14)
instant gratification and rewards, and prefer games
to serious work. This makes them different from               Although this somewhat supports Prensky’s
“digital immigrants,” that is, people who did not          position, the CIBER study goes on to challenge a
grow up with this technology, but have learned             number of apparent myths about “digital natives,”
to adapt to it later in life. As a result, according to    with varying degrees of confidence. However, one
Prensky, educational institutions need to change           point they do make clearly is that
their approach to accommodate the needs of such
learners, but it is difficult for most teachers to do      the evidence indicates that more people across
this, since they are digital immigrants, not natives.      all age groups are using the Internet and Web 2.0
    It is certainly true that many digital natives are     technologies widely and for a variety of purposes.
early and heavy adopters of Web 2.0 tools such             The young... may have been the earliest adopters
as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.                but now older users are fast catching up... the so-
These mesh well with their prior experience and            called Silver Surfers. In many ways the Google
needs. However, there is little research or sys-           generation label is increasingly unhelpful. (p. 21)
tematically collected empirical evidence at this

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