"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club

Page created by Barry Fitzgerald
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
AUGUST 2021                   NUMBER 266

      “William Lyon Mackenzie” Salutes
           TH&SC 70th Anniversary
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Toronto Hydroplane and
                                     Circle of Life Race—Saturday 7th August—An unusual but great race. Try it out.
Sailing Club Executive Board         Summer Blast Regatta—Saturday 21st August—See Race Notice for details.
                                     Summer Blast Dinner—Saturday 21st August—See email notice for details.
             John Morris
                                     Bill Martindale Celebration—Sunday 29th August—1–4—Family and friends will
            (416) 963-3222           celebrate Bill Martindale’s life. Everyone is invited.
     email: commodore@thsc.ca        Bluffer’s Challenge Race—Saturday 4th September—A challenge to find the mark.
                                     Corn Roast—Saturday 4th September—See email notice for details.
             Greg Smith
             (416) 261-9569          Frostbite Race—Saturday 25th September—The last weekend race of the season.
   email: past-commodore@thsc.ca
                                     Election Meeting—Monday 27 September—7:00 p.m.—More info in September.
          VICE COMMODORE             Election positions are Commodore, Rear Commodore and Property.
          Miranda Wheatstone
                                     Cradle Placing Day—Saturday 9th October—No cars in the lot please.
   email: vice-commodore@thsc.ca     HAUL OUT—Saturday and Sunday 16th & 17th October—Boo hoo, but we got some
        REAR COMMODORE               good sailing in our short summer.
           John Greenham
            (416) 998-4106           Annual General Meeting—Sunday 5th December—1:00 p.m.—Watch your email
   email: rear-commodore@thsc.ca     for details.
              Paul Evans
            (416) 854-5334
    email: harbourmaster@thsc.ca
             Chris Craigen
             (647) 377-9607

                                               A Thank You Bouquet
   email: property-manager@thsc.ca
               Helen Rigler
             (647) 989-8509
         email: treasurer@thsc.ca                           As the disruptions from COVID slowly
               Joan Willson                                 wind down I want to commend the
             (416) 707-8314
         email: secretary@thsc.ca                           members of the Executive Board AND the
           Martin Osborne                                   appointed positions of the TH&SC on
            (416) 561-1100
     email: race-captain@thsc.ca                            their dedication and attention to the
           Albert Kerek                                     various needs of the clubhouse, grounds
          (416) 879-0483
      email: cruising@thcs.ca                               and members. Noted too there were other
           WAYS AND MEANS
             Jeff Hocking            members who stepped up for work parties when called upon.
    email: waysandmeans@thsc.ca
                                     From mostly behind the scenes but with emails to keep members
          email: social@thsc.ca      up-to-date, those volunteer members kept our club going.
              Peter Martyn
             (416) 822-4345          A huge bouquet to all those who have stepped up and have kept
            Richard Taylor
                                     our club afloat. They are the epitome of a “working club”!
            (416) 293-4340
          email: rwt@total.net       Richard Taylor, Editor
            TH&SC WEBSITE
                                     TH&SC—20 Ashbridge’s Park Road, Toronto, Ontario M4L 3W6—(416) 694-6918
                                     EDITOR—Richard Taylor, 51 Brigadoon Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario M1T 3C2—(416) 293-4340

PAGE 2         SPAR AND PROP            AUGUST 2021
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
first party was a gentle blowout. Club       stamina and navigation skill to do that
COMMODORE’S                                  racing has resumed (including the            kind of event; if you stray into US
COMMENTS                                     windless Wednesday tradition) and the        waters these day you’re DSQ or
    John Morris                              patio and barbecues have seen a return       possibly worse.
                                             to action.                                      Special thanks to the Executive and

       IKE a butterfly emerging
       from a cocoon, like an                    With the province’s move to Step 3,      Committee people as well as the many
       exotic flower opening in              the clubhouse has opened with limited        who have taken on work party projects.
slo-mo on the Discovery                      capacity including the washrooms more        As a small club, we need everyone to
Channel, like a snoozing                     fully (hooray!), the kitchen and other       man the ropes. And btw, keep your eyes
sailor getting up from an afternoon          areas. Contact tracing information is        out for the notice of our annual election
siesta in the vee-berth, TH&SC is            still required and you the members           meeting (could it be live?)
coming back to life.                         have been conscientious about checking          The docks are getting busier, people
   It has been a grueling 20 months and      in—thanks to you for cooperating on          are talking about cruising and libations
it may not be quite over yet, but we can     that and special thanks to Lynda and         are making the rounds. It’s not yet back
again enjoy our fine club to a large         Peter for doing the endless recording.       to normal, but I only vaguely recall
extent. The visit from the William Lyon          Special note of congrats to our two      what ‘normal’ looks like. Let’s hope the
Mackenzie to celebrate our 70th anniver-     offshore racing representatives, the         fourth wave doesn’t get us and we can
sary was a perfect kick-off to reality and   crews of Break Free and Split Second who     continue to enjoy good health, friend-
things have blossomed since. Thanks to       duked it out in some LOOR overnight          ship and sailing. _
our Rear Comm Fun Guy’s team, our            marathons. It takes a combination of

                                             people willing to help and make each            I would like to thank the wonderful
REAR COMMODORE                               day more fun. KB and the band were a         membership for making a COVID
  John Greenham                              great hit and returning for Summer           restricted season seem much more
                                             Blast so if you missed them last time be     normal even though we still need to

          HAT a summer we
          are having, we are                 sure to watch your email and grab your       stay safe. stay safe! _
          seeing some signs of               tickets quickly because it's going to be
normalcy at the club with                    another great night. Many members
respect to racing, cruising                  made sure the Social Team knew they
and events.                                  enjoyed the food provided by Delina’s.
    The membership has done an                  We will be looking for set up and
amazing job so far of respecting the         take down helpers for Summer Blast
COVID restrictions and for that I thank      and Corn Roast, so for those of you that
all of you. The racers owe a lot of          want some light work, and a few hours
thanks to the race committee for             watch your emails.
allowing us to enjoy the water and the          The 70th Anniversary Amazing Race
little wind that we have seen, thank you     has had a few surprise appearances and
RC team! Richard, Reza and Peeter have       I'm looking forward to more and more
been a very dependable group with the        people sailing to these destinations. If
help of Phil and Michael.                    you have any questions please reach
    We added a fun division for the          out, as many of us on the social team
weekend races and our first race of the      would be happy to help with getting
season had many fun participants that        you the details. We've had some young
we look forward to seeing again at this      energetic support on the social side at
weekend’s Circle of Life. Stay tuned for     the club which is very encouraging, and
the updates of Summer Blast, Bluffers        I hope all of you can join us for a party
Challenge, and the Frostbite Race.           or two.
    Our social team put on the event of         We are still working on the details               The patio is open
the season so far a few weekends back        for a “movie night” at the club that we
with the Race des Voyageur. This club        can all enjoy social distancing on the
still surprises me with the number of        lawn. We are also planning the last few
                                             details of a relaxing evening to
                                             remember and recognize all the
                                             contributions of the great members,
                                             over the 70 years with a little light jazz
                                                Our club cruising is currently still on
                                             hold, however many members are
                                             enjoying relaxing cruises to other clubs
                                             around the lake please remember to
                                             check your destination club for their
                                             COVID restrictions and protocols. We
                                             do encourage you to cruise your boats         Please respect
                                             and remain safe.                                 the rules

                                                                    AUGUST 2021                    SPAR AND PROP          PAGE 3
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Malvern Alban Martindale; aka Bill; aka Rubber Boat Bill                         WAYS AND MEANS
                              (1930 – 2021)                                         Jeff Hocking

                                                                                       EVERAL projects are
                                                                                       underway and thank you
                                                                                       to everyone that has been
                                                                                 working to complete them. For
                                                                                 those looking for work, there will be
                                                                                 wider lists coming of the projects that
                                                                                 need to be completed at the club, please
                                                                                 look for them through email.
                                                                                    If your membership requires work
                                                                                 hours you should have received an
                                                                                 email from me at the beginning of July
Bill Martindale was born in England between the wars. He grew up in              testing a new tracking system. If for
London and told of hunting down shrapnel as a childhood game with his            some reason you did not receive that
mates. Such was the life and reality of children through those years. At         email, please let me know so that I can
14 years of age, he left England and joined the Merchant Marine, just before     make sure your email address is correct.
the end of WW 2. It seems incomprehensible to us today, but the Merchant             If you have completed hours that
Marine instilled in Bill, a lifelong passion for the sea and travel.             have not yet been reported, feel free to
                                                                                 send me an email at
After leaving the Merchant Marine he returned to England where he married        waysandmeans@thsc.ca and please
Irene the mother of his three children: Nigel, Lesley, and Peter. He kept in     copy the executive member that
touch with them and they with him over the years, even though he had left        supervised your project so they can
England and emigrated to Canada in 1973 to be a sales Manager for an             confirm your hours. This will save one
electronics company.                                                             email in the chain as I can only track
                                                                                 hours submitted by executive members
In the 70s he worked for Bell Canada. In 1974 he was part of the team that       and if you self-report to me, I will
added the broadcasting antenna to the CN tower. Later in the 70s he accepted     respond by copying the relevant
a position in Saudi Arabia supervising the installation of their                 executive member requesting that they
communication system. At about that time, he had met “his Joan” and a            confirm.
romance began that never ended, even after her death in 2001. He would              I would also like to reiterate that if
return to Canada from Saudi periodically to reunite with her. Joan (my mom)      your hours are not correct, there is no
had six children (Anne Marie, Dora, Siobhan, John, Linda, David). Bill, after    reason for panic. The purpose of the
their marriage in 1981, took on the role of stepfather.                          tracking system is to give everyone a
                                                                                 chance to rectify their reported hours
Upon returning to Toronto in 1985, they bought a house in the Upper Beach        before the end of the year. Sometimes
and Bill joined the Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club in1991. He loved         the hours are reported slowly and the
this Club. He loved that it was a working man’s club and that it was             point of the notification is so that
financially obtainable because the members worked to keep expenses down.         everyone can make the necessary
                                                                                 corrections while everyone's memory is
He kept a sailboat docked there but for sure his greatest love was his Zodiac    fresh.
boat that he would take across Lake Ontario to Rochester on occasion. He had        Nothing is set in stone and it is very
some harrowing experiences in that boat and was pulled from the drink more       easy to confirm hours worked with the
than once! He went everywhere in that boat and earned his nickname,              supervising executive member and
Rubber Boat Bill.                                                                make the correction. Thanks! _

He met some of his greatest friends at the club. They had fun times and great
stories. Some were even with him at the end this year. Their sadness at seeing
their pal down was very touching and reinforced their strong bond.

Bill loved a good Rusty Nail and was very specific on how it should be made.
So, here’s to Bill, a one-of-a-kind man, an adventurer and a romantic. Cheers!

By: Anne Marie Keogh (21-07-29)

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"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
HARBOUR MASTER                              PAST                                       VICE COMMODORE
   Paul Evans                                                                            Miranda Wheatstone
         REETINGS everyone.                   Greg Smith

                                                                                          T’S hard to believe that it’s
         Things are close to being

                                                     APPY boating to all!                 already August. It was a
         back to normal finally.                     Finally, the summer                  slower start to the season
Visiting boats are coming in.                        feels somewhat                    than we may have wished for,
We are asking them to pre-                  normal. It’s good to see                   but things are in full swing
register but that message is still          familiar and new faces on the              now. People are down at the club daily
getting out there, so we are still          docks; a reminder to enjoy as much         and the docks are looking much better
accepting visiting boats with the           time on the water and at the club as you   than they did last year with new boards
addition of having them complete a          can in the coming weeks!                   and more boats.
covid screening form.                          Your Executive has been working            The membership committee, headed
   The OOD program is up and                hard behind the scenes to ensure the       by Rebecca, has been hard at work all
running. If you missed getting a time       club offers a safe environment for both    spring and summer. They have
slot, I have some tasks that will take      members and guests. We ask that            interviewed a number of people, who
four hours instead so send me a note        everyone continue to follow the current    we were happy to welcome as new
with your availability.                     provincial, municipal, and health          members. Owing to the fact that
   You may have noticed that work has       regulations to keep our club healthy on    COVID limited gathering numbers, we
been happening on replacing dock            all accounts.                              have been unable to conduct the usual
boards. An amazing crew of folks have          With the arrival of August and many     new member orientation until this
been coming out Wednesday's to do           of the COVID restrictions lifted, it has   month. I would like to thank Rebecca
this work and then go racing. I want to     allowed Club Committees to move            for all her work in organizing and
say a huge Thank You to all of them.        forward with club projects. Most of the    running such a successful evening to
   Thanks to COVID-19, we have gone         club projects involve the club             welcome our (new) members and
a couple of years now without cleaning      infrastructure. Our clubhouse,             familiarize them with the club, facilities
up around the yard and it looks like it.    workshop, garage and launch ramp           and responsibilities and a good time
   I am asking everyone to please           requires attention and dollars to          was had by all.
identify your personal property on and      address the issues. The pandemic              As we partake in the many activities
around the dingy rack, on the mast          created many obstacles for the             that are now available to us, such as
racks and in the lean-to on the east side   Committees, too many to address in         racing and cruising, I hope you enjoy
of the workshop.                            this report. However, we are finally       your time on the water and stay safe.
   There seems to be a growing amount       getting some traction to move forward.                                            _
of stuff gathering dust.                       Over the next few weeks, the
   There are some very old dinghies         Committees will be working with the
that are in very sad shape that likely      5 Year Planning Committee to create the
need to be disposed of so if you have       best path forward for the projects.
anything on or beside the dingy rack,       Committee reports to the Executive will
please identify it asap.                    be made available in September.
   Anything not identified by                  Our much-anticipated washroom
August 21 will be considered                renovation project report will now take
abandoned and will be disposed of. If
you have something on or beside the
                                            place on August 19th.                      RACING CAPTAIN
                                               A reminder about our Club election         Martin Osborne
dingy rack but cannot get to the club to    on September 27th, the Executive

label it, then send me a note describing                                                   SIMPLY want in this
                                            positions of Commodore, Rear                   newsletter to ask you to
your property. I will send you a picture    Commodore and Property Manager end
so you can confirm that it is yours.                                                       take your time to thank our
                                            December 31st, 2021. Club members          awesome race committee that
   Many thanks                              interested in running for the above
   Paul                                                                                get us out racing on the water
                                            TH&SC positions are encouraged to          every Wednesday and many weekends
   Harbourmaster@thsc.ca _                  talk to a member of the board. They can    as well, let them know their efforts are
                                            provide details and responsibilities of    greatly appreciated.
                                            the different portfolios.                      I also want to extend huge kudos to
                                               Should you decide to run for a          the support crews for the ABYC-Opti
                                            position on the Executive, you must        weekend. Thank you on behalf of all the
                                            submit your intention in writing to the    youth that benefited from your efforts.
                                            attention of the Past Commodore.           It was amazing to see all the boats out.
                                               See you around the club!                   Thanks too, to Jamie for his support
                                               Greg Smith                              in keeping the PHRF measurements up
                                               Past Commodore _                        to date and of course Andrea for her
                                                                                       timely results and record keeping.
                                                                                          On behalf of all the skippers at
                                                                                       TH&SC, I can’t express enough thanks,
                                                                                       your volunteer contributions to the
                                                                                       racing at our club is truly appreciated
                                                                                       by every skipper and crew.
                                                                                          Thank you,
 PAGE 6         SPAR AND PROP                  AUGUST 2021                                Martin _
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Rebecca Golden (Membership Committee                                                  MY CIRCLE OF LIFE RACE
     Chair, a.k.a. ‘Membership Muse’)
                                                                                                  by Skookumchuk

          I everyone!                      newbies, please drop me a line at
             Hope you are enjoying deep    membership@thsc.ca and I’ll get you on

          summer at TH&SC.                 the list. To John Edwards (the Pump-out               Y crew gathered on the morning
    It’s been an eventful summer so far    King) and Claude Soulodre (the                        of Saturday August 4th and
for the Membership Committee, as we        Troubadour Tour Guide), thank you for                 prepared me for the “Circle of
have managed many applications for         helping our new Members to establish a      Life” race. This is a very unusual race
membership, and can now welcome            great foundation for their membership       where I start in the middle of the circle of
nine new Crew members to our lovely        at TH&SC!                                   race marks and then travel to a
club. Of particular note is the ushering      And lastly, with OOD back in full        windward mark where I turn left leaving
in of a new era—the allowance for Crew     swing, we’ve been able to resume our        the mark to port and then travel counter
members to bring a kayak into the club!    OOD Shadowing program for new               clockwise around the race course circle
This is an exciting new initiative that    Sailing members. This program               leaving all marks to port before traveling
the Board is continuing to develop at      partners new members with an                back to the centre and finish.
the request of the City of Toronto; more   experienced member on their OOD                The details were thrashed out at the
news to come as it becomes available.      shift, so that New Members are              skipper’s meeting but my crew has been
It is my pleasure to welcome the           prepared to fulfil the OOD role when        in many Circle of Life races and knew
following new Crew members:                their shift comes up. The program has       what to do.
                                           received great feedback, so perhaps one        I took my crew out to mark zero on
Sharon Comstock (Sponsored by                                                          the race course for the 12 noon start.
Sylvie Lavoie)                             day soon you will be called on to
                                           mentor a new Sailing member to be a         There were eight friendly boats out for
Cliff Walkington (Sponsored by Chris                                                   the race this year: Split Second, Blue
                                           great OOD! Many thanks to those
Osborne)                                                                               Magic, Blue Sky, Skookumchuk (that’s me),
                                           Sailing members who have been OOD
Robin Smith-Stephens (Sponsored by         mentors so far this year, or have           Connemara, Gingersnap and Celaya. All of
Michael Smith)                             upcoming OOD mentoring shifts: KB           them are friends of mine but we do try
                                           Bradley, Michael Smith, Keith Willson,      and beat each other on the race course.
Billy Craigen (Sponsored by Geoff
                                           Scott Parsons, Tony Labatt, and Alan           The wind was light and my crew
                                           Jones. And thank you to Lynda de            made a good start for the beat to mark 4.
Anne Marie Miki (Sponsored by Bill                                                     After that we were strung out with Split
Comerford)                                 Jonge van der Halen for facilitating the
                                           program!                                    Second in the lead, Blue Magic next, Blue
Clara Pasieka (Sponsored by Terry             Thank you as always to the               Sky, Connemara, Skookumchuk, Celaya and
Pasieka)                                   Membership Committee: Dave and              Gingersnap. This didn’t mean too much
Daniel Volpe (Sponsored by Steve           Rosemary Johnston, Bill Comerford,          because the handicaps will determine the
Brown)                                     Laurie Chan, Bob Prosper, Glen Eddie,       finishing order at the end of the race. My
                                           Andy D’Silva, Andrea Barkley and            crew concentrated on catching up to
    And a special welcome to our very                                                  Connemara and after a bit of a tussle
first Crew members with kayaks:            Claude Soulodre for your time and skill
                                           in interviewing and recommending            getting by I managed to slowly slide by
Jane Campbell (Sponsored by Jim                                                        her.
Shutsa)                                    new members. And thank you to
                                           Miranda Wheatstone, our trusty VC, for         The wind had picked up by the time
George Arras (Sponsored by Tom                                                         we approached the last mark of the circle
                                           facilitating and supporting the process.
Monson)                                                                                so the crews all decided to take us on
                                              Alright friends, this is me sailing
    Each of these new members has been     away! Happy August to you all.              another trip around. Things went well
vetted by your TH&SC Membership                                                   _    for about three marks then the wind
Mavericks (aka the Membership                                                          decided to go away. My crew were
Committee). New Members, please                                                        frustrated but the committee boat
don’t hesitate to make yourselves at                                                   captain decided to make mark 8 the
                                           generated my crew and I were in third
home, and to all the TH&SC veterans                                                    finish line and it was only two marks
out there, please say hi to the newbies                                                away. But in spite of my crew’s efforts in
                                              I heard thunder booms around this
and help them to feel welcome!                                                         trying to make my sails work properly
                                           time and it started to rain lightly. My
    In more Membership Committee                                                       with next to no wind my speed went
                                           crew got the sails down and fired up my
news: we conducted a New Member                                                        lower and lower. I finally got past mark 1
                                           motor—we didn’t want to be caught in
Orientation evening on August 3rd,                                                     but at 0.4 knots mark 8 was a long way
                                           a thunder storm. Fortunately the
which was enthusiastically attended by                                                 away. My crew looked behind and found
                                           thunder storms split and one went
16 new members. They learned all                                                       Connemara and Gingersnap gaining—
                                           south and the other side went north.
about the Club, from meeting the                                                       somehow.
                                              After I docked the crew put a few
Executive Board in person, to tutorials                                                   My slow motion sail to the finish line
                                           things away but left me with some
masterfully led by John Edwards on                                                     ended up with Connemara creeping up
                                           things to dry out tomorrow. My crew
using the mast crane and the pump-out!                                                 on my port side close enough to allow
                                           then went up to the patio for libations
We intend to run another orientation in                                                my crew to almost touch her. I crossed
                                           and to tell stories about the race. I was
September, and any Member is                                                           the finish line 11 seconds ahead of
                                           quite content to rest during the evening
welcome to attend, so if you are curious                                               Connemara and when the scores were
                                           with another Circle of Life race in my
about how we are indoctrinating the        wake. _                                     ⬅
                                                                  AUGUST 2021                    SPAR AND PROP           PAGE 7
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Blessing of the Fleet—10 July 2021



     Drone Shot
     21 July 2021

"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
Launch day—5 –- 6 June 2021

             AUGUST 2021   SPAR AND PROP   PAGE 9
"William Lyon Mackenzie" Salutes TH&SC 70th Anniversary - AUGUST 2021 - Toronto Hydroplane and Sailing Club
B                                                                                           B

                                           August 2021                                                                   September 2021

              1 Civic        2 Executive
                               Board     3 Race              4    5    6 Circle of      7                                             Race          1             2    3 Bluffer’s
                                                                                                                                                                         Challenge 4
                  Holiday        Meeting        Series I                   Life Race                                                  Series II                            Race—Corn
                                                Race 6                                                                                Race 5                               Roast

              8              9             10 Race          11   12   13               14        5 LABOUR        6 Executive
                                                                                                                   Board     7 Race                 8             9   10          11
                                                Series II                                            DAY             Meeting          Series II
                                                Race 1                                                                                Race 6

           15               16             17 Race          18   19   20 Summer
                                                                         Blast  21              12          13                   14 Race           15           16    17          18
                                                Series II                  Regatta—                                                   Series III
                                                Race 2                     SB Dinner                                                  Race 6

           22               23             24 Fall
                                                         25      26   27               28       19          20                   21                22           23    24 Frostbite 25
                                                Series II                                                                                                                  Race
                                                Race 3
           29               30             31 Race                                              26 TH&SC 27                      28                29           30
Celebration                                     Series II                                            ELECTIONS
                                                Race 4


                                                                                            B                                                                                           B

                                           October 2021                                                                   November 2021

                                                                       1                2                   1        Executive
                                                                                                                     Board        2                 3             4    5               6
        NO CARS ON CRADLE PLACING DAY                                                                                Meeting

              3              4 Executive
                               Board     5                   6    7    8 Cradle
                                                                         Placing        9        7               8                9                10 Remem- 11       12           13
                                 Meeting                                   Day                                                                          berance Day

        10                  11             12               13   14   15               16       14          15                   16                17           18    19           20
                  Thanksgiving                                             HAUL OUT
        17                  18             19               20   21   22               23       21          22                   23                24           25    26           27

        24                  25             26               27   28   29               30       28          29                   30

Hallowe’en                       7 a.m. START ON YOUR HAUL OUT DAY                                WILL WE BE ABLE TO HAVE DARTS THIS WINTER?
You can also read