ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club

ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
             148 YEARS

                   3 - 2021

                                         ISSN 0384-952X
      January 2022                          Nr. 605

    Concordia Club,
    429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener,
    Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6
    (519) 745-5617
     Fax 745-5141

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club

                                                                    Group Events
Front Office		                                                101
Membership		                                                  101
                                                                    Halle        7.00-8.30         Gemischter Chor – Mixed Choir
Banquet Inquiries                                             101
                                                                                 8.30-10.00        Männerchor – Men’s Choir
Manager		                                                    102
                                                                    Jaegerstube 6.00-7.00          Kinderchor – Children’s Choir
Payroll		                                                    103
                                                                                 7.00-8.00         Jugendchoir – Youth Choir
Accounting		                                                 104

Reservations		                                               105
General Inquiries                                            105
                                                                    Halle        5.30-8.30         Kinder & Junoir Garde,
Ticket Sales		                                               105    		                             Senoiren Garde – Children,
                                                                    		                             Junior and Senior Guard
Portier/Doorman                                              106
                                                                    Jaegerstube 8.00-10.00         Narrenzunft – Mardi Gras
                                                                    Schenke      7.00-10.00        Skat Gruppe
You can call the extensions or announcements by using any
                                                                            Beach Volleyball Evening from May - August
touch tone telephone


                                                                    Halle        6.00-10.00        Enzian Group

  KLUB VORSCHAU/CLUB                                                Jaegerstube 7.00

                                                                                                   Ladies Group
                                                                                                   (1st Wed. of Month)
  EVENTS                                                            Weinstube 19.00                Tennisgruppe
                                                                    		                             (Jeden 2. Mittwoch
Due to the current COVID-19 virus outbreak, many events may
                                                                    		                             im Monat/
not be permitted until such time that Public Health will allow      		                             2nd Wed. of Month)
for these events to occur. However, in an effort to keep every-
one aware of potential upcoming events should we receive
approval to move forward please check our website:                  THURSDAY                                                    Halle        8.00-10.00        Table Tennis Group
                                                                    Jaegerstube 7.00-1.00          Schach/Chess
and/or postings at the club.
                                                                    Eisstock     7.00-10.00        Eisstock-Gruppe


                                                                    Victoria Bowl 6:30             Bowlers
                                                                    Jagerstube   8.00              Treffpunkt
                                                                    		                             (2nd Fri. of Month)
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
Happy New Year                                                Wir hoffen, daß die Concordia
                                                              Gruppen ihre Tätigkeiten aufneh-
Prost Neujahr
                                                              men können sobald wir das OK
Das wünsche ich Allen, mit Gesundheit und Glück!              der Regierung haben. Wir werden
                                                              die Gruppen Präsidenten sofort
Wenn Sie Vorsätze haben, ein Versuch diese zu erfüllen,       informieren! Auch hoffen wir, daß
lohnt sich immer! Das vergangene Jahr hat uns viele           die Klub Veranstaltungen wieder
Veränderungen gebracht, wie schon im Jahr 2020! Ver-          aufgenommen werden können!
suchen wir eine positive Seite zu erleben!
                                                              Wenn Sie interessiert sind im
Der Weihnachtsmarkt war sehr erfolgreich. Es wurden           Hauptvorstand mitzuhelfen
viele schöne weihnachtlichen Ideen zum Verkauf                bewerben Sie sich. Unterlagen
geboten! Auch der Klub hatte dadurch regen Besuch in          erhalten Sie im Büro oder bei
der Schenke, es wurden insgesamt ca. 2000 Personen            einem Vorstandsmitglied!
geschätzt! Auch der Verkauf war sehr gut! So war der
Weihnachtsmarkt im Klub zu aller Zufriedenheit!               Leider war im Dezember Nachrichtenblatt etwas schief
                                                              gelaufen und wir hoffen, daß dieses mal kein Ver-
Ich hoffe, daß Sie unser festliches „Duck Dinner „ mit        größerungsglas benötigt wird!
Familie und Freunden genießen!
                                                              Danke an alle Mitglieder für das Verständnis der letzten 2
Der Vorstand wird für das Jahr 2022 den Haushaltsplan         Jahren und die Mithilfe, um den Klub zu erhalten!
erstellen. Es wird nicht einfach sein, da wir nicht wissen,
was noch auf uns zukommt. Die Geschäftsführung wird           Ich hoffe, daß wir in unserem „normalem„ Klubgeschehen
bemüht sein, die Kosten so niedrig wie möglich zu halten,     bald weiter machen können!
da keine weiteren finanziellen Hilfen, von der Regierung      Ihr Klubpräsident
zu erwarten sind. Sollten nun die „schlechten Tage„
kommen, so sind wir gezwungen, unsere Reservegelder           Rob Kerr
in Anspruch zu nehmen.
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                        again. This market was also very good for the business
                                                           in the restaurant as many of the people that attended
 Happy New Year to all of you and I wish you much          were able to enjoy our German cuisine.
health and happiness as we start this year. If you have
made any resolutions I hope that you will stick with        I hope that you were able to experience the duck

them. This past year has been as trying and challenging    dinner or a festive dinner with friends and family at the

as 2020 and every time we see a glimmer of hope there      club. We thank all of you for your continued patronage

always seems to be a shadow that is cast on that light.    of the Concordia Club.

It is you the members that take that negative energy
                                                            In looking forward to the coming year the board will
and transform it to a positive and lift each other’s
                                                           be meeting to set the budget and plan events for 2022.
spirits. Please continue to reach out to one another and
                                                           It will be hard once again to set the budget, as we are
spread that positive vibe.
                                                           not sure what type of restrictions will be imposed and
 The Weihnachtsmarkt was very successful. The ven-         where the Corona virus will take us. We will look at
dors that we had provided some great gift ideas, and       preparing a few options for the budget plans to make
they were very impressed by the positive energy that       sure we have the correct figures to guide us in the
the staff and patrons exuded. They were very happy         next year. We will once again be keeping all expenses
with the sales for an event that was assembled in such     to a minimum and there will be no major projects
a short time frame. The people that attended the event     scheduled.
(and we had 2000 people pass through) were happy to
                                                            We have not been able to have Oktoberfest for the
be able to get out and experience an in person event
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
past few years and this has put a financial strain on the    change in all of our lives.
Concordia Club. The profit that we make during Okto-
berfest allows us to offset the shortfall of everyday club   I wish to thank all of the members and guests that
revenues as well as allows us to perform capital expen-
                                                             came to the club to enjoy Christmas with family and
diture projects. The grants that we have been able to
get from the government agencies have stopped and            friends. It was definitely a much busier season than
we are going to have to start using the investments          last year. Your ongoing support for the club is appreci-
that we had saved for the rainy days.
                                                             ated so much! Thank you all.
 We are looking at the events for the coming year
and will update everyone once we have some plans             With the uncertainty of what the coming months will
finalized. We are also hoping that we will be able to        bring us, we will continue to adapt and pray for a more
commence with group events at the club in 2022 and
                                                             stable financial position for 2022. The board of direc-
will inform the group presidents once we have confir-
mation that we can do these in a safe environment.           tors will be meeting this month to provide a budget for
We are constantly reaching out to the government             the coming year. My hope is that this year we will be
agencies and like sports/entertainment facilities to
                                                             able to host our annual Oktoberfest celebrations which
ensure that we are following proper protocols as they
become updated.                                              will definitely help us to accomplish our goals.

 The club is looking for people to join the board and        MEMBERSHIP FOR 2022
help steer this club in the upcoming years. If you feel
that you can help us with this endeavour please stop
                                                             As we enter the New Year the club would like to kindly
by the office and grab an application. We will accept
applications until Saturday, January 22/2022 at noon. If     remind you that membership fees are due at the
you have any questions please feel free to reach out to      beginning of each new calendar year.
myself, or any of the board members.
                                                             Below is a list of the membership rates including HST:
  I apologize for the December bulletin as we had many
technical difficulties in preparing the new look (and we     Family Membership $150.25
have heard your concerns) and I hope that this edition
is better and you are all able to read it without the use    Single Person $104.50
of a magnifying glass.
                                                             Student w. Student Card $ 26.00
  Thank you to all of the members for understanding
what we have had to do over the past 2 years as we
                                                             Senior Citizen after 5 years of membership $ 41.75
have had to change and pivot given the circumstances.
I hope that as we progress through this year we will be
                                                             Please ensure that you have your membership pay-
able to get back to a new normal.
                                                             ment to the office before Tuesday, January 11th as the
Your president,
                                                             grace period ends on that day. After that time, the use
Rob Kerr                                                     of your 2021 membership card will no longer be valid
                                                             for the members discount to be applied in the Schenke.
                                                             BRIDAL OPEN HOUSE 2022
Happy New Year 2022 to all of
our Concordia Club family! With                              With the return to come kind of normal, we will once
the beginning of a new year,                                 again be hosting our Bridal Open House on Sunday,
comes the hope that this coming                              January 16th from 1:00p.m. to 3:00p.m.
year will bring us much health
and happiness. I am sure that                                This afternoon has proven to be a very successful
everyone is hopeful that this year
                                                             way to promote the Club to so many newly engaged
will bring us back to some kind
of balance and more of what we all consider a normal         couples looking for a wedding reception venue. Chef
life again. The ongoing pandemic has caused so much
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
Jeff and his staff will be preparing some wonderful
                                                                       KG NARRENZUNFT
appetizers to showcase what we have to offer as well as                CONCORDIA
some select vendors who will also be here to promote       Happy New Year! We wish all the best for 2022!

their wedding business. The hall will be beautifully       We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with
decorated by Decorating Dreams. If you know of             loved ones!
                                                           The Narrenzunft Concordia Group traveled by bus
anyone that is still looking for a wedding venue, please
                                                           to Zurich, Ontario for a wonderful meal at the Hes-
let them know that they are welcome to join us to see
                                                           senland Inn and Schatz Winery. We look forward to
what we have to offer!                                     more adventures together!
                                                           Keep your Calendar open for our Maskenball on
                                                           February 26, 2022! We hope to be back in our nor-
With the ongoing trends for outdoor wedding ceremo-
                                                           mal routine and close our 55th Season with a great
nies over the past few years, our location has become      Costume party!

even more attractive to prospective couples! We have       The Narrenzunft members wish everyone a wonder-
hosted some amazing wedding ceremonies by our              ful month

beautiful waterfalls !                                     Alaaf und Helau!

                                                           On behalf of the Narrenzunft Group
Until next month,
                                                           Joan Trautrim
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club

      HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, hope you all had
                                                          HAPPY JANUARY BIRTHDAY TO THE FOLLOWING
a wonderful Christmas with family and friends, and
                                                          CHOIR MEMBERS
stayed healthy and safe. It was wonderful to see so       Ilse Gessner Danuta Grigaitis Helen Majunke
many of you at our Christmas Dinner. It was a great       Congratulations on 90 marvelous years. Martin
evening to catch up with friends and talk about our
future as a choir. As of this writing Dec.2021 we still   Hope we will sing together soon in the meantime
have not had a definite date for our return to regu-      keep a song in your heart .Take care stay safe,

lar choir practices. As you now know Martin will not           Beverley.
be returning as our conductor until it is safe to do      Edeltraut Krans Bohnstingl
so. Marissa has graciously agreed to conduct to get
                                                                Eine werte Sängers Freundin seit beginn des
us started(if we are permitted). We will continue to      Concordia Gemischten Chores starb im Riverside
                                                          Glen, Guelph
reassess our situation as we go along.
                                                              November 2, 2021.
Some Baby Boomer Humor - Songs you may
remember - HaHa                                                 Wir Sänger möchten uns mit diesen Worten
                                                          von Ihr verabschieden und mit Ihrer Familie das
Hermans Hermits — Mrs. Brown you’ve got a lovely
walker                                                    Leid teilen.

BeeGees     —— How can you mend a broken hip?             A TREASURED FRIEND
                                                                  In the corner of our heart happy memories
 Bobby Darin ———— Splish Splash I was having a
flash.                                                    grow, of many things so dear to us,
                                                          of many special friends we know, as our life unfolds
Ringo Starr ——————— I’ll get by with the help of          so swiftly we learn to realize anew,
my Depend
                                                           how to embrace each special moment, remember-
Marvin Gaye—————Heard it from the Grape Nuts.             ing a treasured friend like you.
                                                                 Who will live on in our hearts for ever, with
Johnny Nash——————— I can’t see clearly now.
                                                          love your Concordia Choir Friends
Helen Reddy————         I Am woman hear me snore.
                                                          Submitted by Danuta Grigaitis
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
Please send all Group reports to
Please have your reports submitted by the 8th of
                   the month.
         If you have any questions, you
             can contact me directly.
               Kathryn Malcolm
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
ISSN 0384-952X January 2022 - Concordia Club
CONCORDIA BOWLERS                                         Everyone brought a Christmas ornament that was special to

                                                                    them and told the story that went with each ornament. This was

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas
                                                                    all rather touching moment. Later we played a card game in
and I hope this report finds all of you still in good health. Our
                                                                    order to pick out a gift. After a few jokes and stories we ended
Turkey Roll took place on December 10th. The winners will be

announced in the next bulletin. We were also very fortunate to      the lovely evening.

be able to have our Christmas Banquet at the Club on December       Our first meeting of the year will take place on January 12th at 2

19th. It was a lovely afternoon and we are all grateful we could    pm. Also, our group membership dues will be due then and also

celebrate with our fellow bowlers as well as social members.        our club membership.

Don’t forget our Annual General Meeting on January 14th!
                                                                    As January is more or less soup month, I thought the following

                                                                    recipe would be a good and easy recipe.

January 14th                                       Annual Meeting
                                             (at Bowling Alley)     SLOW-COOKER ITALIAN MEATBALL SOUP
February 11th                		                       Fun Night     16 oz frozen cooked Italian meatballs, thawed
April 29th				                        Last Day of Bowling           1 3/4 cups beef flavoured broth
                                                   (32 weeks)
                                                                    1 cup water
May 6th			                        		             Closing Banquet
				                              (this is a Friday - 5:30p.m.)     1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes with basil, garlic and oregano,

                                                                    1 can (19 oz) cannellini beans, drained – P.S: I rinse my beans

Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a    1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
birthday this month:
                                                                    1. Spray 3- to 4-quart slow cooker with cooking spray (or use
14. Helen Majunke
                                                                    2. Mix all ingredients except cheese in cooker.
15. Wilma Schmidt
                                                                    3. Cover and cook on low heat setting for 8 to 10 hours.
Until next time,
       Monica Kauck                                                 4. Garnish individual servings with cheese.

                                                                    Throw everything together in the morning and enjoy at supper.
          LADIES GROUP                                              So easy.

Happy New Year! The Ladies Group celebrated with a Christmas        Elisabeth Rowsel

Party last month and had a wonderful time. We first had a dinner

starting with a Spinach Salad, followed with Chicken Cordon

Blu, Herbed Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans Almandine. This

delicious meal was washed down with the silk flow of good wine.

To end our meal we had a lovely dessert of Rote Grütze. We would

like to thank Chef Jeff for the perfectly cooked meal and Martina

for the excellent service.

Wilma Schmidt was presented with a “40 Year Membership Certif-

icate” in the Ladies Group. Congratulations Wilma.

Thank you Maria and Ursula for the lovely treat boxes and the

Christmas cards that you both made so lovingly for us. They were

all so beautiful.
                                                               b) you can set up an account by selecting :log in and
                                                               follow the instructions to set up an account for free.
                                                               Once you are on the website, you can enter a table of
The Skat Group wishes everyone a very Happy New Year.
                                                               players listed on the left (a dash represents an open
The Skat Group enjoyed a well attended Christmas
                                                               seat) or you can start a “new game table” by clicking
dinner at the Club this year November 28th. A Merry
                                                               the icon at the top left of the page. You can select
Christmas to all.
                                                               the number of hands and the minutes of play when
We hope everyone is keeping well, staying safe and
                                                               setting up a game table. If it is your first time playing
staying healthy.
                                                               on line, I would suggest that you choose a (15m, 12
                                                               hands) game to start.
Upcoming events:
                                                               For those who would like to play Skat with other
The annual Skat meeting is Saturday,January 8th at 1:00
                                                               members of our Skat group, you can arrange a time to
p.m. in the Jaegerstube.
                                                               play with each other. Or, you can play with other Skat
We do not have any news from the Concordia Club
                                                               players from Germany, Poland, USA, Canada etc..
regarding when we can start playing Skat at the club.
                                                               If you are interested in playing on-line Tuesday
                                                               evenings at 7:00, please email me at nancykessler@
                                                      and I can help organize the event. If this
As we enter the New Year, your club membership fees
                                                               becomes popular, we can meet virtually weekly. If you
are once again due. In order to be a member of any
                                                               are having trouble setting up an account, you can call
individual group, including the Skat group, you must be
                                                               me at 519-747-9012 and I can help you get started.
a member of the club. You can pay your club member-
                                                               Gut Blatt
ship by phoning the office at 519-745-5617 with your
                                                               Nancy Kessler-Agnew, Secretary
credit card information. Alternatively, you can arrange
to come by in person (please call in advance to make
sure the office is open) or you can mail in a check.

Playing Skat online:
                                                                 CONCORDIA 150TH
Just a reminder, while we are waiting to play Skat in            ANNIVERSARY
You can practice online for free at Playok is
a website of classic board and card games that allows          The 150th Anniversary of the Concordia Club is fast
you to play online against live opponents in real-time.        approaching (2023) and we are considering putting
There are 28 different games including Skat, Chess,            together a cookbook book with recipes from our
Checkers, Euchre and many more.                                members! So, we are going to be running a contest
                                                               to get your favorite recipes into our 150th Anniversary
                                                               cookbook. If your recipe is chosen your name and
How to begin playing these games:                              recipe will be included in the cookbook!

1.   Type “” in your browser                         To enter please submit your recipe by sending an
                                                               email to:
2.    Select the game you want to play
                                                               Be sure to include ingredients, instructions, and a
3.    You can now either select:

a) guest - you will enter the list of players with a generic
name, or
Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season as the weather
has changed and snow has fallen. Over the past month,
Treffpunkt has welcomed the holiday season and found
opportunities to safely gather to spread some cheer and
comradery amongst the group .

What a great success the first year of our club’s
Weihnachtsmarkt was! It was so great to see so many
people out to support local vendors and gather safely
to spend time amongst friends. Thinking back on how
our world changed so much over the past year due to
the unforeseen pandemic, it has taught us resiliency,
adaptation and a stronger sense of community, through
opportunities like this.

In December, like many others, Treffpunkt was fortunate
to gather as a group at the club to enjoy a phenomenal
meal prepared by the amazing staff at our club. Many
thanks go to all for their tireless effort in planning,
organizing and preparing such a beautiful event in The
Weinstube. Photos to be shared in the next newsletter.

Lastly, as always, our group continues to reach out to the
club at large and request your help with reaching our
blood donation goal of 40 donations for the 2021 year.
Thus far we have successfully secured 31 donations and
continue to climb and we can’t do it without your help.
Our Partners for Life number is CONC010846 or you can
just say you are donating on behalf of the Concordia Club.
We look forward to surpassing this goal, but cannot do it
without your help. Please consider making a trip out to
your closest donation center and contributing, if you feel
safe to do so.

bis zum nächsten mal

President:               Rob Kerr            Entertainment            Michelle Zimmer
                                                                      Kathryn Malcolm
1st Vice President:      Mike Matich                                  Alexandria Thoene

2nd Vice President:      Alexandria Thoene   Farm Committee           Mike Matich
                                                                      Peter Bergen
1st Secretary:           Monica Gaertner                              Rob Krauskopf

2nd Secretary:           Rita Eisbrenner     Finance Committee        Harald Schwegel
                                                                      Rob Kerr
1st Treasurer:           Harald Schwegel                              Peter Bergen
                                                                      Holger Fischer
2nd Treasurer:           Peter Bergen
                                             Float Committee          Rob Krauskopf
Directors:               Kathryn Malcolm
                         Michelle Zimmer     German Culture           Monica Gaertner
                         Martin Patzold
                         Robert Krauskopf    Honorary Member          Martin Patzold
                         Holger Fischer                               Alexandria Thoene

Manager:                 Ruth Rajna          Long Range Planning      Harald Schwegel
                                                                      Rob Kerr
Committee Members:                                                    Mike Matich
Arbeitsgemeinschaft      Rob Kerr                                     Martin Patzold
                         Mike Matich
                                             Membership               Michelle Zimmer
Archives                 Alexandria Thoene
                         Rita Eisbrenner     Miss Concordia           Alexandria Thoene

Bulletin                 Kathryn Malcolm     Nominations and Bylaws   Karl Braun
                         Rita Eisbrenner                              Rob Kerr
                                                                      Mike Matich
Christkindlmarket        Peter Bergen                                 Alexandria Thoene
                         Michelle Zimmer
                         Martin Patzold      Oktoberfest Chair        Mike Matich

Club Buildings           Rob Krauskopf       Oktoberfest Inc.         Harald Schwegel
                         Holger Fischer                               Rob Krauskopf
                                                                      Holger Fischer
Club Historian           Monica Gaertner
                                             Sales and Marketing      Mike Matich
Club Ombudsman           Mike Brasch                                  Martin Patzold

Club Rental Properties   Rob Krauskopf       Security                 Alexandria Thoene
                         Holger Fischer                               Rob Kerr

Concordia Seniorenhaus   Mike Matich
                         Peter Bergen

Employee Liaison         Monica Gaertner
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