What Can We Learn from the GameStop Short-Selling Drama? - Jentner Wealth Management

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What Can We Learn from the GameStop Short-Selling Drama? - Jentner Wealth Management


           Wealth Management Strategies from Jentner Wealth Management

                                                         What Can We Learn from the
                                                         GameStop Short-Selling Drama?
                                                         Hedge funds are alternative               broker and then sell the shares. Then
                                                         investments using pooled funds to         they wait until the stock drops in
                                                         employ different strategies to earn       price, buy the shares back, return the
                                                         active returns, or alpha, for their       shares to the broker with interest,
                                                         investors. Some of those strategies       and keep the profit. Essentially, they
                                                         are to sell stock short, use leveraged    inverse the winning formula for
                                                         and structured investments, and use       stock picking: sell high and buy low.
                                                         derivatives. There are stories of great
                                                         success but also some spectacular         Here’s the risk. If the speculators
                                                         implosions. The recent controversy        cannot buy the shares back at a
INSIDE THIS ISSUE                                        surrounding a retail video-game           lower price, they are forced to
                                                         store adds several more hedge funds       buy the shares for more than they
                                                         to the list of those who have lost        sold the borrowed shares for. This
                                                         billions of dollars. For the long-term    is called a short squeeze. Enter a
                                                         investor, this situation shows how        little-known chat room on a blog
What Can We Learn                                        quickly information gets priced into      site called Reddit. Here, millennial
from the GameStop                                        stocks and how the active stock           investors grew angry that hedge
                                                         picker can be taken by surprise.          funds were targeting GameStop and
Short-Selling                                                                                      collaborated to buy the stock in
Drama? .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1-2   Around August of 2019, GameStop           mass. They used a favorite trading
                                                         announced its plan to restructure         app among younger investors
                                                         its organization. It would close          called Robinhood to begin buying
                                                         numerous locations and lay off            up GameStop stock. This drove
Is This Time                                             120 employees to regain solvency          the price significantly higher and
Different?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3   and return to a profitable business       squeezed hedge funds out of their
                                                         model. Investors cheered, and the         positions for losses. It began a
                                                         stock rose in price. However, several     few months ago, but the squeeze
                                                         large hedge-fund managers were            crescendo peaked in late January.
New Standards of                                         skeptical of the struggling retailer      Some hedge-fund managers lost
Conduct for Certified                                    being able to turn things around, and     billions and were forced to turn to
Financial Planners  .  .  . 4                            they began to short the stock. This       banks and other investment houses
                                                         is essentially when stock speculators     for loans.
                                                         borrow shares of a stock from a                         continued on page 2

 The Jentner Report is published periodically by Jentner Wealth Management.
 3677 Embassy Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333 | 330-668-1000 | 1-866-JENTNER
What Can We Learn from the GameStop Short-Selling Drama? - Jentner Wealth Management

                                                                                                WINTER 2021

What Can We Learn from the GameStop Short-Selling Drama?
(continued from page 1)

What makes the story notable is       appeared brokerage firms were in       limits for buying GameStop stock,
the David versus Goliath aspect:      cahoots with hedge-fund managers.      the price crashed. When they
the little guy seeking to save the    In its defense, Robinhood said         announced the restriction had
retailer and punish the wealthy       it created the limit to protect        been lifted, the price exploded
hedge-fund investors. In a stunning   investors from taking on significant   upwards. While not to these
and surreal moment, hedge-            losses in GameStop once the            extremes, this happens to all
fund managers went on national        frenzy died down and the stock         stocks every day. Information about
media outlets and decried these       returned to a more normal price.       stocks is quickly priced in, often
millennials for manipulating stock    It will be up to the SEC to sort       at breathtaking speed. This is why
prices without any self-awareness     it out; lawsuits have already been     most mutual-fund managers, even
of their own manipulation through     filed.                                 hedge funds, don’t outperform
shorting. Brokerage firms heard                                              their index. The lesson here is to
the cries and began to limit how      In our opinion, the take-away from     avoid the drama, hold stocks for
much GameStop stock small             the whole ordeal is understanding      long-term growth, and stay out of
retail investors could buy. The       how fast information gets priced       the frothy world of day traders.
Robinhood app set the limit at one    into a stock position. Once
share. This infuriated traders. It    brokerage firms announced the

                                What is Short Selling?
                 Short seller borrows 10            Short seller sells 10 shares
                  shares of ABC stock.                of ABC stock for $500.

                           1                                      2

       BROKER                           SHORT                                MARKET                      3

                           5                                      4
             Short seller returns 10 shares         Short seller buys 10 shares
              of ABC stock, keeping $100.             of ABC stock for $400.
What Can We Learn from the GameStop Short-Selling Drama? - Jentner Wealth Management

                                                                                                 WINTER 2021

Is This Time Different?
Is the current crisis all that different from the other crises of the last century? How should we respond?
With 2020 ending, we wanted            story. It shows us that people         also see significant breakthroughs
to take time to review an              have rallied to better their lives.    in medicine and technology. We
unprecedented year. We were            In the last century, the world         do not have a crystal ball to tell
hopeful going into 2020 with           has weathered two World Wars,          you who the next Steve Jobs will
significant equity-market gains,       the Spanish-flu pandemic, a cold       be or what the next hot tech
and the U.S. economic outlook          war, the 9-11 terror attacks, and      stock is. We will not be able to
was bright. Unemployment had           the subsequent war on terror.          predict the next crisis. Instead,
hit lows not seen since the great      Despite it all, humans have sought     what we do is provide our clients
recovery on the heels of WWII.         to recover and rebuild. That same      with sound investment advice
Wages were up, and consumer            tenacity resides in us today. It is    using diversification to capture
confidence saw record highs.           the human condition.                   market gains during good times
                                                                              and provide downside protection
Unfortunately, shortly into 2020,      History also demonstrates that         for when markets fall. The reason
the COVID-19 pandemic spread           free people making financial           we have such confidence is
globally. The social and economic      decisions create significant wealth.   because despite what the media
impact drove investment markets        Henry Ford’s decision to take          may tell you, this time is not all
lower and brought unprecedented        a fledgling idea of gas-powered        that different.
governmental action to contain         buggies to the masses created
the virus. Due in part to the quick    the assembly line and changed
passage of an economic stimulus        manufacturing forever. The idea
bill to the tune of several trillion   of placing a computer in every
dollars, the markets recovered at      home drove International Business
such a rapid pace that many were       Machine (IBM) to create the
caught flat footed. In addition to     personal computer, and technology
the chaotic economic year, the         never looked back. Today, we have
Presidential campaign drove an         more computing power in our
already-divided country further        cell phones than the engineers at
into the trenches.                     IBM could have imagined possible.
                                       While these inventions created
Despite the uncertainty, stock         significant wealth for some, they
markets continued to hit all-time      also destroyed the livelihoods
highs. Growth stocks like Amazon,      of others as Kodak and the
Apple, and Google rebounded            manufacturers of buggy whips can
quickly from March’s lows to soar      attest. It is the ebb and flow of
to record highs.                       free-market economies.

We are often asked how stocks          As we move into the next decade,
could recover so quickly. The          the possibilities are boundless.
temptation during a crisis is to       Yes, we will see significant market
think, “This time, it’s different.”    disruptions, political rancor, and
However, history tells another         unexpected events. But we will
                                                                                                         Seth Jentner, CFP®
                                                                                                    Vice President and COO
Jentner Wealth Management
3677 Embassy Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333
330-668-1000 1-866-JENTNER


                                                                                                             WINTER 2021


     Wealth Management Strategies from Jentner Wealth Management

New Standards of Conduct for
Jentner Wealth Management has             other professional service advisors;
acted as a fiduciary for 100% of its      and exercising discretionary author-
clients 100% of the time for decades;     ity over a client’s assets. There are
however, this has not been true for       specific disclosure requirements
all financial advisors. We are pleased    under the new Code and Standards
that the CFP® Board has released a        that dictate the information a CFP®
new Code of Ethics and Standards          professional must communicate to a
of Conduct that all CERTIFIED FI-         client when providing either financial     THE JENTNER REPORT
NANCIAL PLANNER™ profession-              advice or financial planning.
als must comply with. The revised                                                    The Jentner Report is published quarterly by
Code and Standards require CFP®           Under the new requirements, there          Jentner Wealth Management, 3677 Embassy
professionals to act as a fiduciary at    are 15 duties fiduciary advisors owe       Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44333, 330-668-1000.
                                                                                     © 2021 Jentner Wealth Management. All rights
all times when providing financial ad-    to their clients. A CFP® profes-           reserved. Information has been obtained from
vice to a client. The prior standards     sional’s fiduciary obligation includes     sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy
required CFP® professionals to act        acting in the best interests of the        and completeness and the opinions based there-
as fiduciaries only when they were        client by putting client interests first   on are not guaranteed, and no responsibility is
                                                                                     assumed for errors and omissions. Nothing in
providing financial-planning services,    (duty of loyalty); acting with the         this publication should be deemed as individual
not when they were selling invest-        professional skill, care, prudence,        investment advice. Call Jentner Wealth Manage-
ment products without providing           and diligence a prudent professional       ment for consultation before making an invest-
                                                                                     ment decision. Any performance data published
financial advice.                         would exercise based on client’s           herein are not predictive of future performance.
                                          circumstances, goals, objectives, and      Investors should always be aware that past
A fiduciary is a person or company        risk tolerance (duty of care); and a       performance has not been shown to predict
                                                                                     the future. Jentner Wealth Management is not a
with a legal and ethical relationship     duty to follow client instructions         certified public accounting, tax, or legal firm. We
of trust with someone. In financial       even if the advisor did not recom-         do not engage in the preparation of tax returns
services, this definition includes        mend the actions the client chooses.       or provide legal advice. If in doubt about the tax
always acting in the best interest        Included in the duty of loyalty are        or legal consequences of an investment decision,
                                                                                     it is best to consult a qualified expert.
of clients.                               changes in the requirements for
                                          CFP® professionals to disclose             The Jentner Report is printed for our clients
Financial advice can be developing        material conflicts of interest, obtain     and select investors. If you have received this by
                                                                                     mistake, please contact us to have your name
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about financial assets, investment        manage the conflicts.
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