How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam

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How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
FORCAM – We Deliver Results in Productivity.

increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and
                   257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS

                          S U C C E S S S T O RY | A P RIL 2020
How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
“With the use of FORCAM‘s
   Manufacturing 4.0 technology with MES
   functionality, we increased productivity
   by >50% within 12 months.“
   Bill Metz, Vice President Operations
   Richards Industrials

AT A GLANCE                         Overview                                               Managing Peaks & Valleys
Name: Richards Industrials          Richards Industrials is the parent company of six      The American economy is undoubtedly one of
Industry: Automotive, Me-           distinct industrial product lines: regulators and      the largest in the world. Although there is an
dical Device, Energy / Oil &        control valves from Jordan Valve; sanitary regu-       assortment of factors that kindle its growth, the
Gas Equipment Supplier              lators and control valves from Steriflow Valve;        contribution of energy must not be overlooked.
Location: Cincinnati, OH            ball valves and automated products from Marwin         Energy consumption is closely associated with
Size: SMB                           Valve; high pressure - extreme low flow regu-          economic growth and manufacturing activity.
Employees: 150                      lators from LowFlow Valve; instrument valves           The unprecedented decline of crude oil, the key
                                    and manifolds from Hex Valve; steam traps and          source of energy, has created opportunities and
                                    steam specialty equipment from Bestobell Steam         threats for American manufacturing. As spending
                                    Traps. Richards meets customer needs with a            on energy remains a key determinant of standard
                                    wide range of new and proven manufacturing             of living and a crucial component of manufactu-
                                    technologies. Complete in-house CNC machining,         ring expenses, the impact on the bottom line for
                                    painting, assembly and testing, along with mate-       publically traded and smaller privately owned
                                    rial traceability and extensive quality procedures     businesses is noticable. While smaller firms are
                                    assures that Richards Industrials products exceed      much more susceptible to these factors many
                                    expectations.                                          firms in related industries experience less robust
                                                                                           business given the current circumstances faced
                                    Richards Industrials focuses on new product            in the energy sector.
                                    development, process improvements, lead time
                                    reduction, on-time shipments and quality. Using        Richards Industrials‘ business has been slowed by
                                    proven techniques such as Lean Manufacturing,          the Oil and Gas reductions but has continuously
                                    Richards is dedicated to finding ways to improve       invested in new product development, process
                                    manufacturing processes, existing products, cre-       improvements, lead time reduction, ontime ship-
                                    ating new products, reaching new markets and           ments and quality. By using proven techniques,
                                    responding faster to customers.                        such as Lean Manufacturing methodologies,
                                                                                           productivity is expected to pickup with increased
                                    Key markets include chemical, petrochemical,           sales per employee and per hour worked.
                                    pharmaceutical and food processing industries.
                                    Other sectors include paper products, tire and
                                    rubber, machinery and electrical equipment,
                                    transportation equipment and energy industries.

                           FORCAM Inc. | 4030 Smith Rd. | Cincinnati, OH 45209 | USA | +1 844 236-7226 |
How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
Solutions in use:

      Data               Performance           Document            Schedule &            ERP Adapter
      Collection         Analysis              Control             Dispatch              Mapics (Infor)

BENEFITS                               Goal                                                   Multi-Phase Project
 ■ Objective process and               The company is dedicated to finding ways to            Phase-1: Machine Data Collection (MDC),
 machine monitoring                    improve manufacturing processes, existing              Visu-alization, Reporting, and Alerts
 ■   Productivity increases of         products, creating new products, reaching new
 +50%                                  markets and responding faster to customers.            As technological advances accelerate, markets
 ■ Processes                           Richards global network of representatives and         expand, and economies become increasingly
 synchronization and                   distributors is their own and their customers’         knowledge-based, it is imperative that businesses
 standardization                       most valuable resource. With over two hundred          become adept at collecting, analyzing, and making
 ■ Transparency for                    representatives throughout the world, there is         decisions based on data. Richards Industrials,
 production orders and                 a local representative who will provide hands-on       headquartered in Cincinnati, started by imple-
 machine cycles                        assistance with any application. Richards Indust-      menting the FORCAM FORCE™ Manufacturing 4.0
 ■ Bottlenecks identification          rials practices Lean Management philosophies for       solution with MES functionality, which included
 and analysis                          almost two decades. Investment in training and         setting up real-time machine data collection,
 ■ Standardized key                    technology is key to retain talent and control cost.   web visualization and alerting. This first phase
 performance indicators (KPIs)                                                                included a 10-machine pilot helping operators to
 ■ Target-oriented                                                                            become familiar with the user interface and data
 performance measurement               Manufacturing 4.0                                      in the FORCAM FORCE™ product suite. Phase 1
 and benchmarking                                                                             was rolled out to the remaining machine park
 ■ Visual management                   Old-fashioned methods to collect production and        of an additional 21 machines 5 months after the
 ■ Overall plant efficiency            machine data, which are time consuming and po-         deployment of the pilot in late 2015.
 continuously measured and             tentially poised to human error, become obsolete
 improved                              with modern Shop Floor Management technology.          Phase-2: Order Data Management (ODM) with
                                       Its purpose is to measure and visualize the perfor-    Personnel Data, Product Data Management
                                       mance of machines and assets ideally web-based         (PDM) with DNC
                                       and in real time. In result this leads to a transpa-
                                       rent factory in which errors and waste can be eli-     Richards’ computer numerical controlled (CNC)
                                       minated immediately because production can be          machine tools like simple lathes and Multi-Axis
                                       virtually mirrored on any connected device. This       machines with live tooling among others are
                                       system allows companies like Richards Industrials      equipped with a screen and keyboard for writing
                                       to analyze the performance, availability and quali-    and editing NC-programs at the machine that
                                       ty of assets and optimize them instantly in a real     connect to the in-house ERP system, MAPICS
                                       world setting.                                         from Infor.

                              FORCAM Inc. | 4030 Smith Rd. | Cincinnati, OH 45209 | USA | +1 844 236-7226 |
How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
“The biggest surprise: The ‘real numbers‘ on shop productivity
and machine utilization were not as high as managers thought.
We figured that our machines were cutting metal about 50% or
so over two shifts. It was more like 40% when monitoring first
started. It is now higher than 55% and climbing.”

Bill Metz,
Vice President Operations at Richards Industries

                              Results for Operators                                  Order Data Management gives a comprehensive
                                                                                     overview of the orders in production, thus provi-
                              This significantly e nhances t he e ffectiveness       ding the shop floor with order related infomation
                              of the launch process and lowers the risk of hu-       to and from the Infor ERP system. Managers,
                              man error during program transfer. Automatic           supervisors and workers are able to easily iden-
                              reports enable the company to receive data             tify orders in production and status in the order
                              on product costs, operating states, and time.          queue.
                              PDM is FORCAM’s technology tool within the
                              PLM process that is responsible for the ma-            The central database also manages metadata
                              nagement and publication of the product data.          including owner of a file and release status of the
                              The management of version control ensures that         components. The package controls check-in and
                              everyone is on the same page and that there is no      checkout of the product data to multi-user; carry
                              confusion during the execution of the processes        out engineering change management and release
                              and that the highest standards of quality controls     cotrol on all versions/issues of components in a
                              are maintained. Product Data Management also           product; build and manipulate the product struc-
                              serves as a central knowledge repository for pro-      ture bill of materials (BOM) for assemblies; and
                              cess and product history, and promotes integra-        assist in configurations management of product
                              tion and data exchange among all business users        variants — throughout the development. Phase-2
                              who interact with products — including project         was rolled out to the remaining machine park
                              managers, en-gineers, sales people, buyers, and        of an additional 21 machines 5 months after the
                              quality assurance teams on Richards’ shop floor.       deployment of the pilot in late 2015.

                              Typical information managed in the PDM module

                              ■   Part number and description
                              ■   Supplier/vendor
                              ■   Vendor part number and description
                              ■   Unit of measure and cost / price
                              ■   Schematic or CAD drawing
                              ■   Material data sheets

                     FORCAM Inc. | 4030 Smith Rd. | Cincinnati, OH 45209 | USA | +1 844 236-7226 |
How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
Solutions in use:

Data         Performance        Document            Schedule &           ERP Adapter
Collection   Analysis           Control             Dispatch             Mapics (Infor)

                        MTConnect® & Productivity                              Workforce Empowerment
                        MTConnect® is a manufacturing industry stan-           Empowerment of employees is a key strategy in
                        dard to facilitate the organized retrieval of pro-     next-generation leadership to affect engagement.
                        cess information from numerically controlled           The key to workforce engagement is information.
                        machine tools. MTConnect® is a protocol similar        And the key to information today is technology.
                        to languages with vocabulary or a dictionary. Mul-     Monitoring the shop floor with technology means
                        tiple devices that all speak MTConnect® provide        that all operators become an integral part of
                        similar data tags, which all mean the same thing.      the production process for the reason to detect
                        Richards Industrials’ Mazak QTN400 quick turn          errors and initiate correction of any deviation
                        400 lathe with live tooling is equipped with MT-       from the target to ensure a more efficient and
                        Connect® and allows for an easy way to increase        leaner production process. Empowerment of
                        productivity.                                          these important employees is a key strategy for
                        Enough information is provided throughout              manufacturing businesses as these translate
                        the production process, which allows for the           directly into bottom line business results. The
                        calculation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness         key component to this strategy is engagement
                        (OEE) which in turn helps evaluate how effectively     through the power of information. And the key to
                        a manufacturing operation is utilized.                 information is technology.

               FORCAM Inc. | 4030 Smith Rd. | Cincinnati, OH 45209 | USA | +1 844 236-7226 |
How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam How RICHARDS INDUSTRIALS increased OEE BY 50% IN 12 MonThs & and - 257% ROI IN 5 MONTHS SUCCESS STORY | APRIL 2020 - forcam
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