WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018 - INFO FOR MORE - Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield

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WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018 - INFO FOR MORE - Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
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                                            IN 2018

WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018 - INFO FOR MORE - Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018   WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018                                                                      1

WESTFIELD                                         2018 is a landmark year for Westfield
                                                  London and for retail. Westfield
                                                  London has undergone its most

                                                  significant transformation since it
                                                  opened in the capital 10 years ago and
                                                  unveiled an expansion which marks
                                                  its latest phase in revolutionising the
                                                  face of British and European retail.

                                                  With the expansion, Westfield London      Westfield London features the best
                                                  is now the largest retail centre in       in fashion, dining, leisure, events,
                                                  Europe and consolidates its position      services   and   technology    with
                                                  as the go-to retail and entertainment     customer experience at the heart.
                                                  destination for Londoners, UK and
                                                  international tourists.                   The further investment in Westfield
                                                                                            London, in the centre’s 10th
                                                                                            anniversary year, is testimony to
                                                                                            the strength of the centre, which
                                                                                            experiences high retail demand for
                                                                                            space from luxury and high street
                                                                                            brands looking to house their flagship
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      he     £600m       expansion  sees       provides a major focus on dining
     Westfield London become the                and experience. Westfield Square
     largest shopping centre in Europe,         has hosted events including live
     bringing its total footprint to 2.6m       screenings of the Royal Wedding
     sq. ft. of lettable space.                 and Wimbledon, Eid festival, The
                                                House With A Clock In Its Walls’
      he expansion launched on 20th            premiere and a summer series of
     March 2018, six months ahead of            arts and culture events.
     schedule, signalling the start of a
     phased opening and culminating            •W
                                                 estfield London has attracted
     with its 10th anniversary celebrations     over 30 first-to-UK retailers since
     on 30th October 2018.                      opening in 2008, and continues
                                                to do so with the expansion,
      ore than 100 new shops, cafes,           welcoming:
     restaurants    and    entertainment                                                                         Westfield London
     destinations will open as part of the      -E
                                                  urope’s largest (17,400 sq. ft.)
     740,000 sq. ft. expansion.                  Japanese Food Hall, Ichiba.
                                                                                                              is a 50:50 joint venture
                                                                                                              between Westfield and
      he world-class new retailers,            -U
                                                  rban Revivo, the Chinese fashion
     flagship stores and restaurants will        brand’s first store outside Asia                           Commerz Real, a subsidiary
     bring the total number of outlets to
     450 upon completion.
                                                 which will be opening soon.
                                                                                                               of Commerzbank AG.
                                                  he first in a new generation of
    Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield listened           boutique bowling venues for All
    to its customers, and as a result:           Star Lanes.

      ohn Lewis & Partners celebrated          -P
                                                  uttshack, the world’s first super
     the opening of its 50th UK store            tech indoor mini-golf experience.
     with 230,000 sq. ft. of exciting retail
     concept space, offering a total of         -F
                                                  irstLight Cycle, a brand new
     23 services through a concierge-            fitness concept and revolutionary
     style Experience Desk. This was the         indoor cycling experience.
     number one store on the list of what
     customers wanted.                          -P
                                                  remium bar and restaurant, Maple
                                                 in Westfield Square.
      rimark debuted a 70,000 sq. ft.
     new store. This was the second            •W
                                                 estfield London has become a
     most requested retailer by Westfield       key homes and interiors destination
     London customers.                          offering superior service. Retailers
                                                already include John Lewis &
      djacent to the Dimco Building,           Partners, West Elm, BoConcept,
     which hosted Burberry’s AW18               Habitat, Heal’s, Raft and will be
     London Fashion Week event, is              joined by H&M Home, DFS and
     Westfield Square. A new dedicated          Natuzzi Italia.
     outdoor events space, which
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                                              10 YEARS OF
                                              IN LONDON
                                              For 10 years, Westfield London has
                                              made an unparalleled contribution
                                              to London’s economic, business and
                                              retail landscape. Despite difficult
                                              global economic times, Unibail-
                                              Rodamco-Westfield committed to
                                              opening Europe’s largest urban
                                              shopping centre in 2008 as it was
                                              confident in the resilience of the
                                              London economy and the potential
                                              market opportunity. Today, with
                                              footfall of 27.5m and sales of £1.01bn, it
                                              is defined as an international retailing
                                              centre under the London Plan town            Its proven sales results have provided
                                              centre hierarchy.                            world-leading retailers with the
                                                                                           confidence and platform to choose
                                              In 10 years, Westfield London has            Westfield London and the UK for
                                              welcomed nearly 270m* visitors,              the launch of their brands. A range
                                              driven a 28% rise in footfall and            of top name retailers have launched
                                              generated over £9.2bn in sales.              their first UK stores within the centre
                                                                                           including Aspinal of London, Coach,
                                                                                           Tesla, Skagen and UGG Australia.
                                                                                           Westfield London has also acted as
                                                                                           an incubator for new brands who
                                                                                           have operated small kiosks and then
                                                                                           expanded to multi-stores including
                                                                                           Model’s Own and Kikki-K.

                                              *October 2008 – August/September 2018
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    Westfield London has also had a                                                                                                                        at a
    major impact on the food scene.                                                                                                                      glance
    Since opening in 2008, it has
    transformed the dynamic of dining
    inside a retail destination, comprising
    the largest dining offering inside a
    UK shopping destination with over
    50 dining locations ranging from                                                     Westfield London has a unique                                Westfield London has
    restaurants to small food outlets.                                                   offering anchored by four major

                                                                                                                                                        welcomed over
    Today, it has over 80 options, which                                                 department stores including John
    will expand. The success of the food                                                 Lewis & Partners, M&S, Debenhams
    offering is evidenced by names such        It also launched a hotel-style            and House of Fraser, along with major
    as Comptoir Libanais, which opened         concierge service – never before seen     retailers including Waitrose, Next and                 visitors and generated a 28% rise
    its first store in Westfield London        in a UK shopping centre – with services   Primark, the UK’s only luxury quarter                       in footfall over that time

    and now boasts over 20 stores in the       from valet to handsfree shopping and      inside a shopping centre, The Village,
    UK. Food and beverage sales since          home and hotel deliveries. It has the     as well as the UK’s number one
    opening have grown by 90%, with            largest indoor events space of any        cinema, Vue.

    annual sales approaching £110m.            shopping centre and was the first
                                               retail centre to stage film premieres     Westfield London is unique, having
    Westfield London has pioneered a           and major events.                         been at the heart of one of London’s
    series of major retailing firsts for the                                             most       important      regeneration                       in sales since opening
    UK. It was the first shopping centre       Westfield London has been proud to        projects: injecting a fresh vibrancy
    to open a quarter dedicated to luxury      welcome some of the biggest stars in      to West London to restore it to a
    retailers – featuring over 40 high-        the world, playing host to the most       cultural predominance akin to that
    end stores including Louis Vuitton,        coveted events in London including:       of the 1908 London Olympic Games.
    Burberry, Gucci and Prada. Sales in        movie premieres for The House             Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield has been
                                                                                                                                           The first shopping     The first concierge
    The Village have grown by 50% since        With A Clock In Its Walls, Prince of      a catalyst to London’s latest landmark             centre to stage         service in a UK
    opening.                                   Persia, The Avengers and Captain          development area – the £8bn                         a world movie         shopping centre
                                                                                                                                               premiere              - speaking 22
                                               America; The Kardashians’ clothing        regeneration of White City.                                                   languages
                                               line launch and Fashion for Relief
                                               with Naomi Campbell. A-list icons to      U n i b a i l - R o d a m c o -We s t f i e l d      The first UK shopping centre to open
                                               have switched on Unibail-Rodamco-         celebrates its 10th anniversary in                   a luxury precinct, The Village, which

                                                                                                                                                     has seen sales growth of
                                               Westfield’s Christmas lights include      the capital with the culmination of
                                               Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, Rita         its £600m expansion of Westfield
                                               Ora, Rihanna and Gwen Stefani –           London – showcasing its expertise
                                               with Lady Gaga also giving a music        borne from a decade at the forefront of
                                               performance in a snow globe atop          retail innovation, located at the centre                       since opening
                                               Westfield London’s famous roof.           of a now vibrant local community.
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                                              Between Westfield London and
                                              Westfield Stratford City, the two
                                              centres showcase more than 550
                                              retailers across high street and luxury
                                              fashion, leisure and entertainment,
                                              and 125 places to dine - attracting
                                              the best UK and international stores.
                                              Nearly 160 retailers have chosen to
                                              open in both locations, recognising       Close to 90 retailers have opted to
                                              the benefit of bookending London          debut stores as first-to-market at the
                                              to attract customers and grow retail      two centres since opening, including
                                              sales. Major brands such as H&M           names such as Missguided, Ikea,
                                              and Zara have also chosen Unibail-        Smiggle, Lindex, Armani Jeans and
                                              Rodamco-Westfield centres to house        NYX.
                                              their largest stores in the UK.
                                                                                        During its 10 years in London, Unibail-
                                              Over 10 years, the two centres have       Rodamco-Westfield has acted as a
                                              attracted over 590m shoppers and          true pioneer in retail – bringing new
                                              generated over £16.7bn in retail sales    categories and experiences to retail
                                              which has helped attract some             destinations.
                                              of the world’s greatest retailers to
                                              stage their UK launch in Westfield        Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield’s concept
                                              centres.                                  ‘Destination 2028’ was created based
                                                                                        on insights from a panel of experts.
                                                                                        Imagery      showcases    how    retail
                                                                                        destinations might look in the next 10
                                                                                        years as Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
                                                                                        celebrates a decade of pioneering
                                                                                        retail in the UK capital.
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     Another first for Unibail-Rodamco-        The major leisure sector encompassing
     Westfield is introducing car showrooms    the cinemas, gyms, casino and Westfield
     inside a shopping centre. Unibail-        London’s flagship space Kidzania now                                                                   at a
     Rodamco-Westfield was the first           accounts for 5% of revenue across both                                                               glance
     to create the auto category for           centres.
     shopping centres bringing brands
     such as Tesla, Seat, Bentley, Jaguar      And it’s not only the retail experience
     Land Rover, Hyundai and Mercedes          that Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield has
     Benz, which is worth close to £100m       transformed – it has also helped
     in annual retail sales.                   regenerate two key areas of London
                                               in Shepherd’s Bush and Stratford, with
     Food and beverage has been a              Croydon coming soon. The Unibail-
                                                                                                                Westfield London and            Westfield London and           Zero waste is sent to
     solid success story within the two        Rodamco-Westfield centres have                                   Westfield Stratford City        Westfield Stratford City    landfill at both Westfield’s
     centres, with sales growing 50% since     acted as catalysts to the revitalisation                          have attracted over              have seen almost             flagship centres, with
     opening and now accounting for 12%
     of total sales across both centres. The
     number of food and beverage outlets
                                               of the wider areas. There is currently
                                               over £32bn worth of investment
                                               surrounding its three London sites
                                                                                                                590m 50%
                                                                                                               visitors and generated over        growth in food and
                                                                                                                                                                                of waste recycled and
     has flourished from 128 outlets to        which will bring new jobs, homes,                               £16.7bn sales since arriving     beverage and over 60%               13% converted
     150 outlets generating over £253m in      offices, retail as well as cultural and                                   in London               in health and beauty                 to energy
                                                                                                                                                  sales since opening
     sales between them.                       learning institutions. Investment in
                                               infrastructure within the public domain
     Health and beauty sales have risen        is critical to successful regeneration.
     58% since opening – growing from          U n i b a i l - R o d a m c o -We s t f i e l d
     35 to 50 retailers, with brands such      alone has injected £350m worth of
     as Charlotte Tilbury, Urban Decay,        investment to improve transport                                     Unibail-Rodamco-            The centres have won over          The two flagship

     Morphe, MAC, NYX and Smashbox,            connections and public facilities.                                   Westfield has a                                               London centres

                                                                                                                                                                                    deliver over
     all recognising the benefit of having
     their own standalone store outside
     of a department store. Health and
                                               Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield is helping
                                               to rejuvenate local communities in                                  UK/Europe pipeline
                                                                                                                                                   sustainability awards
                                                                                                                                                   and commendations
     beauty sales generate over £137m in       London through the creation of new                             comprising further residential                                     in annual sales and
                                                                                                                                                    including Westfield
                                                                                                                and retail development at                                         receive over 77m
     annual retail sales as a category, and    jobs and new homes. It now supports                                                               Stratford City being the
                                                                                                                 Westfield Stratford City                                          customer visits
                                                                                                                                                first UK shopping centre
     sales are up by 265% across both          30,000 jobs in London and will create                             and new destinations in                                              each year
                                                                                                                                                  to receive a BREEAM
                                                                                                                   Croydon and Milan             Excellent design rating
     centres.                                  a further 7,000 with the expansion of
                                               Westfield Stratford City and a new
                                               development in Croydon. In addition,
                                               U n i b a i l - Ro d a m co -We st f i e l d h a s
                                               created over 100,000 construction
                                               jobs through its developments across
                                               the UK. Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
                                               will build close to 4,000 new homes
                                               in London.
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     This year, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield     Adwoa      Aboah,    alongside     the    The ‘Meet the New Neighbours’
     is working with a range of icons who     Muppets’ leading lady, Miss Piggy. The    campaign launched in press, digital,
     each personify the breadth of offer at   striking campaign was directed and        social, OOH, PPC and in-centre,
     the centres including entertainment,     photographed by Andreas Sjodin.           running until the end of November
     food, fashion and family.                                                          2018.
                                              The collaboration supports the new
     Its ‘Meet the New Neighbours’            retail, leisure and dining offering       •T
                                                                                          he new retailers are among
     campaign stars James Corden OBE,         moving into the W12 neighbourhood          more than 100 new shops, cafes,           •A
                                                                                                                                       brand new fitness concept,
     TV cook and food writer Nigella          during its expansion throughout 2018,      restaurants    and    entertainment        FirstLight Cycle has launched.
     Lawson and model of the moment           Westfield London’s 10th anniversary        destinations that opened across the
                                              year. It runs above the line, across       course of the year including John         • In addition, H&M, adidas, Boots, Lush,

                                              digital, social channels and in-centre.    Lewis & Partners, adidas, H&M, West          The White Company, Monsoon,
                                                                                         Elm, Currys PC World, Boots, Space           Guess, UGG , Pull & Bear, Bershka
                                                                                         NK, Mango and The White Company.             and River Island launched bigger or

                                                                                                                                      better stores within the expansion.
                                                                                          ohn Lewis & Partners opened a
                                                                                         new state-of-the-art 230,000 sq. ft.      • Westfield London has become a key

                                                                                         full line department store over four         destination for homes and interior
                                                                                         levels in response to being Westfield        lovers offering superior service.
                                                                                         London customers’ number one                 Retailers include John Lewis &
                                                                                         requested store.                             Partners, West Elm, BoConcept,
                                                                                                                                      Habitat, Heal’s, Raft, H&M Home,
                                                                                          ew fashion retailers joining the           DFS and Natuzzi Italia.
                                                                                         expansion include Primark, Chinese
                                                                                         brand     Urban   Revivo,    Boden,       •A
                                                                                                                                     new dedicated outdoor events
                                                                                         Bravissimo, Stradivarius, Frencheye,       space, Westfield Square, which is one
                                                                                         Monki,    Emperor     and    Charles       of the focal points of the expansion
                                                                                         Tyrwhitt.                                  adjacent to Wood Lane and White
                                                                                                                                    City tube stations, provides a major
                                                                                          rimark opened a 70,000 sq. ft.           focus on dining, entertainment
                                                                                         store that features the latest trends      and      experience.    It   features:
                                                                                         in women’s, men’s and children’s           - Europe’s largest (17,400 sq. ft.)
                                                                                         fashions including footwear and               Japanese Food Hall, Ichiba;
                                                                                         accessories as well as lingerie,           - The first in a new generation of
                                                                                         beauty and homeware, while the                boutique bowling venues for
                                                                                         design and layout of the store builds         All Star Lanes (16,910 st. ft.);
                                                                                         on Primark’s latest contemporary              Puttshack - the world’s first super
                                                                                         retail concept.                               tech indoor mini-golf experience
                                                                                                                                       co-created by Adam Breeden,
                                                                                          ther retailers in the line-up include       Founder of Bounce; Premium bar
                                                                                         luxury beauty brand Space NK (820             and restaurant, Maple.
                                                                                         sq. ft.), innovative beauty store
                                                                                         Urban Decay (1,856 sq. ft.), Miller       •O
                                                                                                                                     n 30th October, Westfield London
                                                                                         Harris, Penhaligon’s and Blink Brow        will be celebrating its 10th year
                                                                                         Bar.                                       anniversary.
14      WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018   WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018                                                            15

WHITE CITY                         Westfield London has been a catalyst
                                   for the £8bn redevelopment of

                                   the wider White City Opportunity
                                   Area in the London Borough of
                                   Hammersmith and Fulham. Unibail-
                                   Rodamco-Westfield       will    directly
                                   contribute over £200m to support the
                                   successful development of the White
                                                                              WIDER WHITE
                                   City Opportunity Area in particular        CITY OPPORTUNITY
                                   improvements       to    infrastructure,   AREA ACROSS ALL
                                   education, skills and public realm.        STAKEHOLDERS
                                                                              A strong partnership has been built
                                                                              between Westfield London, Imperial
                                                                              College London, the BBC, Stanhope
                                                                              and Berkeley St James, who are
                                                                              together driving forward a shared
                                                                              vision for the regeneration of the
                                                                              area. White City uniquely brings
                                                                              together retail, education, science,
                                                                              creative,   business,     leisure and
                                                                              residential partners, all committed to
                                                                              reinvigorating the area.
16                                                    WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018   WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018                                                    17

Westfield London                                                                 Wider White City

                        Up to

                                                                                            up to

       ​new permanent jobs are being created        new homes in the first
      at Westfield London – bringing a total of      affordable housing
       up to 20,000 new permanent positions         block, which is almost              high quality
                 created since 2008                        complete                     new homes                 shops, restaurant, bars and cafés

                                                                                   Members Club and
                                                                                   Hotel - Soho House

        an additional
                                    invested to
                                support transport
                                                        a total of over

                                                    £200m                                   Circa            20
                                   including rail    invested to support                                      cinema screens            A new park, open
                                  infrastructure,     infrastructure and                                                                spaces and public

     jobs created during          increased bus       public realm in the                                                              squares, comprising
       the construction         capacity and road     borough over the                                                                       around
            phase                 improvements             10 years
                                                                                     total investment

                                                            Over                       Creating over
                                                                                                             Excellent transport

         A commitment between the Council
                                                    £600k                         19,000                      connections with
                                                                                                              four underground
                                                                                                            stations connecting         acres, the equivalent
       and Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield to work         has been invested                new jobs, with         to three tube lines,      to 5 Trafalgar Squares
       together to create training, employment      to support local jobs            opportunities for         two bus stations          - to be enjoyed by
        and procurement opportunities for the           and training                   training and         and the Overground            new and existing
                   local community                                                   apprenticeships                 line                   communities
18      WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018   WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018                                      19

                                                          The Westfield London expansion
                                                          opened on 20th March, signalling

                                                          the start of a phased opening of
                                                          the vast project throughout 2018.
                                                          Welcoming new retailers to the

                                                          UK and London, creating flagship
                                                          stores, celebrating new concepts
                                                          and crafting new spaces, it’s a
                                                          year that is filled with exciting
                                                          launches, news and events that
                                                          truly cements Westfield London’s
                                                          position as Europe’s largest retail,
                                                          dining and leisure destination.
20                                                WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018   WESTFIELD LONDON IN 2018                                                    21


                       The world-class new retailers, flagship stores                                   The

       at a
                       and restaurants will bring the total number to

                                                                                                                                   additional parking
                                                                                                                                  spaces being created

                                                                               expansion sees Westfield London become
                                                                             the largest shopping centre in Europe, bringing

                                                                                           its total footprint to
                                 outlets upon completion


                            John Lewis & Partners celebrated
                                   the opening of its

                                                                                            sq. ft. of lettable space                parking spaces

       anniversary                                                                          More than                     Primark has opened a

     on 30th October

                                                                                   1 0 0
          2018                    UK store as it unveiled

                         230,000                                                  new shops, cafes, restaurants         sq. ft. new store - its latest
                               sq. ft. of exciting new space                     and entertainment destinations             contemporary retail
                                    in Westfield London                              will open as part of the                     concept
                                                                                    740,000 sq. ft. expansion
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