Welcome to SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary's Catholic Churches

Page created by Lloyd Gomez
Welcome to SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary's Catholic Churches
Welcome to SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary’s
           Catholic Churches
             Mailing: 600 Locust Street, Atlantic, IA 50022
 www.sspeterpaulandmary.org | Office hours: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM (Mon-Fri)
              Office: 712-243-4721| Rectory: 712-243-7708

Welcome to SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary's Catholic Churches
 Parish Priest………………... Rev. Trevor Chicoine                 Office Manager.……………….………….………Kris Wernimont
 Bookkeeper…...………...……..Maureen Doherty                     Faith Formation Coordinator..……………..Julie Williamson
                                       LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS
           Confession 3:30 PM Saturday, 4:30 PM Tuesday (SSPP) 7:45 AM Sunday (St. Mary’s)
              Adoration Tuesday 4:15 PM –5:15 PM, First Friday 7:30 AM—8:30 AM (SSPP)
      Weekend Masses 4:30 PM Saturday (SSPP) 8:30 AM Sunday (St. Mary’s) 10:30 AM Sunday (SSPP)
             Weekday Masses 5:15 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM Wednesday 7:00 AM Friday (SSPP)
                                    9:00 AM Thursday (St. Mary’s)
           10:30 AM Sunday Mass has Livestream available at www.sspeterpaulandmary.org
              WEEKLY READINGS                                                MASS INTENTIONS
                    APRIL 25TH:                                         Saturday, April 24th 4:30 PM (SSPP)
          FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER                                                  Special Intention
          Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18                             Sunday, April 25th 8:30 AM (SM)
                  Monday, April 26th                                             People of the Parish
                 Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10                         Sunday, April 25th 10:30 AM (SSPP & Livestream)
                                                                             + Irma and Marvin Sander
                  Tuesday, April 27th
               Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30                                Tuesday, April 27th 5:15 PM (SSPP)
                                                                           Adoration 4:15 PM—5:15 PM
                Wednesday, April 28th                                       + Logan Matthew Muhlbauer
          Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr;
                                                                       Wednesday, April 28th 8:00 AM (SSPP)
         Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest
                                                                              Bill and Linda Ebbinga
            Acts 12:24—13:5a/Jn 12:44-50
                                                                       9:30 AM Heritage House Residents’ Mass
                  Thursday, April 29th                                  Thursday, April 29th 9:00 AM (SM)
 Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church                        + Robert Kelly
               Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20
                                                                         Friday, April 30th 7:00 AM (SSPP)
                  Friday, April 30th                                         + Louis and Julia Greteman
                   Saint Pius V, Pope
                                                                       First Saturday, May 1st 9:00 AM (SSPP)
                Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6
                                                                                 + Trevor Frederickson
                   Saturday, May 1st                                      Saturday, May 1st 4:30 PM (SSPP)
                 Saint Joseph the Worker                                            + Roger Black
                Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14
                                                                          Sunday, May 2nd 8:30 AM (SM)
                      MAY 2nd:                                                 People of the Parish
                                                                    Sunday, May 2nd 10:30 AM (SSPP & Livestream)
          Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8
                                                                                   + Lois Yarger
                       TITHING                                          PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS
                          2020                 2021             Today is the World Day of Prayer, also known as “Good
April 18th               $3996.81            $3670.75           Shepherd Sunday”. Please pray that our young men and
                                                                women hear and respond generously to
    The Parish Office will be open to take calls                the Lord’s call to serve in the priesthood
      8:00 AM—1:00 PM Monday — Friday.                          and religious life.
                                                                   "Pray the Lord of the harvest to
   Bishop’s request for mask coverings on all campus
                                                                    send laborers into his harvest".
              activities has been extended.
                                                                           (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2)
Welcome to SS Peter & Paul and St. Mary's Catholic Churches
                CALENDAR OF EVENTS                                   SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
Monday, April 26th       CCW meeting 6:00 PM in PC         My Jesus,
                                                           I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacra-
Tuesday, April 27th      High School Development           ment. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
                         Committee 7:00 PM Triple Rm       You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment
                                                           receive You sacramentally, come at least
Wednesday, April 28th First Communion Rehearsal
                                                           spiritually into my heart. I embrace
                         SSPP 5:30 PM                      You as if You were already there and
Wednesday, April 28th Return to the Eucharist              unite myself wholly to You. Never
                                                           permit me to be separated from You.
                         7:00 PM Holy Hour SSPP
Thursday, April 29th     St. Mary’s Council Meeting                      FIRST COMMUNION
                         7:00 PM Parish Hall               There are14 children in our parishes who have been
Saturday, May 1st        Confession at SSPP                preparing to receive Jesus for the first time in Holy
                         3:30 PM—4:00 PM
                                                           Communion. With our current guidelines, we will only
                                                                          celebrate with two to three children, and
                         4:30 PM Mass                                     their families, at the weekend Masses of
Altar Servers            Makenna and Keaton Schroeder                     May 1 & 2 and May 8 & 9. We will also
                                                                          celebrate First Communion at St. Mary’s
Usher                    Taylor Schroeder
                                                                          in Anita and St. Timothy’s at Reno.
Lector                   Jeff Morenz                                      Please keep these children in your prayers.
Communion Minister       Cathy Baragary                                 FOOD PANTRY NEEDS
Sunday, May 2nd          Confession at St. Mary’s
                                                              The Atlantic Food Pantry is in need of brown paper
                         7:45 AM—8:15 AM                    sacks. Please drop them off inside the west door of the
                         8:30 AM Mass SM                            church or at the Food Pantry. Thanks!!
Lector                   Jeff Gregersen                         COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN
Sunday, May 2nd          10:30 AM Mass SSPP                All CCW Chairpersons and other women of the parish
Altar Server             Katie Birge                       are highly encouraged to attend our CCW meeting on
                                                             Monday, April 26th 6:00 PM in the Parish Center
Usher/Pat McCurdy        Val Gifford
                                                                        Pizza will be served at 5:30 PM
Lector                   Jim Field                             Fundraisers and funeral luncheons will be discussed.
Communion Minister       Jolene Roecker
                                                                               THANK YOU
Livestream               Andy and Haley Fewson Family
                                                           Many thanks to the CCW and KC’s for the wonderful
             LC CLINIC GARAGE SALE                         meal honoring our graduating seniors and their families
                                                           last Sunday. May God continue to bless these youth!
The LC Clinic is planning to hold their annual Garage
Sale on May 28 and 29 at the E-Free Church in Atlantic.       ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH
Please keep them in mind as you begin your spring
cleaning. They are accepting toys, sports equipment,                             TITHING
furniture, as well as household and other non-clothing                               2020                2021
items. Call Dottie Krogh (249-9084) with questions.        April 18th               $460.00             $385.00
                              PRAY FOR PARISHIONERS IN CARE FACILITIES
           Clara Baggenstoss, Mary Faust, Cindy Hensley, Lynn Lawson, Martha Piper, Marie Suhr, Jim Murphy
          Merlin & Mary Lou Kraus, Brenda Norman, Donna Rourick, Irene Rydl, Florence Thelen, Ron Wittrock
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