Welcome to Gibb House 2022 - Scots College

Page created by Gloria Ruiz
Welcome to Gibb House 2022 - Scots College
Welcome to
Gibb House           2022

        Welcome to Gibb House 2022   1
Welcome to Gibb House 2022 - Scots College

                                   A warm welcome from Gibb House, the Scots College
                                   Boarding House. We are delighted to have you join our
                                   family. Gibb House, like Scots College, is a vibrant, friendly,
                                   family orientated unit and a very important part of the fabric
                                   of Scots.

                                   The onsite bed facilities offer a home away from home where
                                   five and seven day boarders are cared for by our superb team
                                   who make every effort to ensure you feel safe, happy, healthy
                                   and motivated.

                                   We believe there are many advantages to boarding. It’s a great
                                   way to develop important life skills, greater independence
                                   and maturity and make lifelong friendships. Boarders learn to
                                   manage their time, and experience living with others from around New Zealand and the world.
                                   In Gibb House you will benefit from a supportive homework system and the availability of extra
                                   tutoring. We encourage you to enjoy the wide range of sporting, cultural, service and leadership
                                   opportunities available in Gibb House and within the school.

                                   Please have a read through this handbook, I do hope you find it useful. It is full of information
                                   on life in Gibb House including key contacts, information on some of the fun activities and
                                   useful FAQs. I encourage reading this through with your parents or guardians and if you have
                                   any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

                                   Matt Bertram
                                   Director of Boarding

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He Waka Eke Noa                                                                                   Key Dates 2022

      Gibb house is a diverse and inclusive culture which we recognise and celebrate through our        Term 1 (Summer Term)
      Whakatauki, He Waka Eke Noa (All together, on the journey). This is an environment                Monday 24 January                       Wellington Anniversary Day
      where all students and staff celebrate working together and are proud to be a part of. Being in   Monday 31 January                       Gibb House opens for new students (see pg. 9)
                                                                                                        Tuesday 1 February                      Gibb House/College opens this week:
      Gibb House means you are a part of a family, and although we trek different paths, this journey
                                                                                                                                                Year 13, Year 10, Year 6 Leaders
      is travelled together.                                                                                                                    and all new students begin
                                                                                                        Wednesday 2 February                    All remaining students Years 1–13 begin
                                                                                                        Sunday 6 February                       Waitangi Day (observed Monday 7 February)
                                                                                                        Monday 14 – Friday 18 March             EOTC Week (Week 7 of Term)
                                                                                                        Monday 28 March – Friday 1 April        Summer Tournament Week (Week 9 of Term)
                                                                                                        Thursday 14 April                       Final day of Term 1 (Gibb House closes)
                                                                                                        Friday 15 – Monday 18 April             Easter Break, College closed
                                                                                                        Monday 25 April                         ANZAC Day, College closed

                                                                                                        Term 2 (Autumn Term)
                                                                                                        Sunday 1 May                            Gibb House opens (3pm)
                                                                                                        Monday 2 May                            Classes resume for all after Term 1 holidays
                                                                                                        Monday 6 June                           Queen’s Birthday, College closed
                                                                                                        Tuesday 7 June                          Staff Professional Development Day,
                                                                                                                                                College closed
                                                                                                        Friday 24 June                          Matariki holiday, College closed
                                                                                                        Friday 8 July                           Final day of Term 2 (Gibb House closes)

                                                                                                        Term 3 (Winter Term)
                                                                                                        Friday 29 July                          Staff Professional Learning Day
                                                                                                        Sunday 31 July                          Gibb House opens (3pm)
                                                                                                        Monday 1 August                         Classes resume for all after Term 2 holidays
                                                                                                        Saturday 27 – Tuesday 30 August         Founders Break begins after sport,
                                                                                                                                                College closed
      Gibb House emblem                                                                                 Monday 29 August – Friday 2 September   Winter Tournament Week
                                                                                                        Wednesday 31 August                     Classes resume after Founders’ break
      All Gibb House students are presented with a                                                      Friday 30 September                     Final day of Term 3 (Gibb House closes)

      Gibb House badge.
                                                                                                        Term 4 (Spring Term)
      The emblem’s design is known as a pikorua,                                                        Sunday 16 October                       Gibb House opens (3pm)
      traditionally a pikorua is a representation of                                                    Monday 17 October                       Classes resume for all after Term 3 holidays
      the enduring and infinite connection with                                                         Monday 24 October                       Labour Day, College closed
      others that are formed over our lives.                                                            Tuesday 22 November                     Senior School Prize Giving (final day for Y11-13)
                                                                                                        Thursday 8 December                     Middle School Prize Giving (final day for Y7-10)
                                                                                                                                                Gibb House closes for the year
                                                                                                        Friday 9 December                       Junior School Prize Giving (final day for Y1-6)
                                                                                                                                                End of Year
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Gibb House Directory                                                                     Weekend Matron
                                                                                               Roni James
                                                                                               Phone: +64 43880850 Ext.579
                                                                                               Email: jamesr@scotscollege.school.nz
      Duty phone: 027 559 1398

                         Director of Boarding
                         Matt Bertram                                                          Chaplain and pastoral network
                         Phone: 04 380 7655 (Office) or 04 388 9046 (A/H)                      David Jackson
                         027 645 5597                                                          Phone: 04 388 0850 Ext. 619 (Office)
                         Email: directorofboarding@scotscollege.school.nz                      Email: jacksond@scotscollege.school.nz

                         Assistant Director of Boarding
                         Scott Giffin                                                          School Nurse
                         Phone: 64 4 388 0850 ext 897                                          Jo Smith
                         0212068216                                                            Phone: 04 388 0852
                         Email: giffins@scotscollege.school.nz                                 Email: smithj@scotscollege.school.nz

                         Kate Jones                                                            Executive Chef
                         Phone: 64 4 388 0850 ext 517                                          Mike Dennis
                         Email: jonesk@scotscollege.school.nz                                  Phone: 04 43880850 Ext. 587
                                                                                               Email: catering@scotscollege.school.nz

                         Gerald Yang                                                           School Counsellor
                         Phone: 04 388 0850 Ext. 506 (Office)                                  Jackie Calder
                         0210341232                                                            Phone: 04 4 388 0850 Ext. 862
                         Email: yangg@scotscollege.school.nz                                   Email: calderj@scotscollege.school.nz

                         Housemaster                                                           Head Boarders
                         Imogen Neil                                                           Ietitaia Campbell and Amelia Wilson
                         Phone: 04 388 0850 ext 653
                         Email: careers@scotscollege.school.nz
                                                                            Absences from College             School sports lines                Duty Master on call
                                                                            Phone: 04 380 7588                Phone: 04 380 7588                 Phone: 027 559 1398
                         Matron                                             Ext. 830 (Middle & Senior)        Ext. 831 (Middle & Senior)
                         Tania Steadman                                     Ext. 832 (Junior)                 Ext. 833 (Junior)                  To contact students
                         Phone: 04 388 7655 (Office)                                                                                             in Gibb House
                         027 588 0875                                                                                                            Phone: 04 380 8391
                         Email: steadmant@scotscollege.school.nz

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Welcome to Gibb House 2022 - Scots College
First Day Schedule

                                   Monday 31 January
                                   3.00pm All new Boarders arrive (dressed in No.1’s – white shirts) Students will be met by
                                   –5.00pm: boarding staff and House Leaders at main entrance of Gibb House
                                              Students will be shown rooms and parents can help with unpacking (bring some
                                              hangers for clothes). Beds will be already made (no linen or duvets etc required)

                                   3.45pm:     Afternoon tea available in common room of Gibb House for parents, students and
                                              A good chance to meet one another. Students can get changed into mufti for an
                                              activity and orientation with the House Prefects.

                                   6.00pm:    Welcome dinner for all new boarders and families, with the boarding staff in
                                              Chartres Hall.

                                   7.15pm   Students will go and play games on front field and time to say good bye
                                   –7.30pm: to parents.

                                   8.30pm:     House meeting in Chartres

                                   9.15pm:    Bedtime for Middle School Boarders

                                   9.30pm:     Bedtime for Year 11 Boarders

                                   9.45pm:    Bedtime for Year 12 Boarders

                                   10.00pm: Bedtime for Year 13 Boarders

                                   Tuesday 1 February
                                   8.45am – 3.00pm: New student orientation

                                   From 3.00pm: Gibb House opens for all boarders

                                   6.00pm: Gibb House Chapel (students and boarders)

                                   7.00pm: Gibb House BBQ

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Daily Routine                                                         Prep:
                                                                         Middle School Prep (supervised in prep room)                                    6.45 – 8.00pm
                                                                         Senior School Prep (Years 11-12: supervised / Year 13: independent)             6.45 – 8.15pm
   Wake up/Roll call                                     7.15am          >   Prep times are to be observed by all members of the House.
   Breakfast                                             7.45 – 8.10am
                                                                         >   Prep books must be filled in daily and signed by the MOD or Tutor on Duty.
   Room inspections completed                            8.15am
   Lunch                                                 1.15pm          >   First half hour is SILENT individual study.
   Co-curricular/Activities                              3.30pm          >   During the second hour students may gain permission to attend the art and music rooms
   Dinner/Roll call                                      5.45pm/6.15pm       provided they have a written note from the relevant teacher to show the MOD.
                                                                         >   NO phone calls are to be made or received during Prep.
   Personal time                                         6.00 – 6.45pm   >   Prior to examinations additional Prep sessions may be organised.
   Middle School Prep                                    6.45 – 8.00pm   >   Year 13 will lose their right to independent Prep if they are not fulfilling the Prep
   Senior School Prep                                    6.45 – 8.15pm       expectations of their teacher(s), are given a school detention for a lack of homework or
   Activities                                            From 8.30pm         are unable to settle.


       Meeting             Frequency            Responsibility
       Roll call/Breakfast Daily (7.45am)       MOD
       House Meeting       Weekly (Sunday)      Director of Boarding &
       		                                       Head Boarder
       Gibb Council        Week A (Tuesday)     Head Boarder/House
       		                                       Master of Activities
       Prefect Meeting     Week B (Tuesday)     Assistant Director
       		                                       of Boarding
       Staff Meeting       Weekly (Wednesday)   Director of Boarding

   Lights Out from:
   Middle School                                         9.00pm
   Year 11                                               9.30pm
   Year 12                                               9.45pm
   Year 13                                              10.00pm

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Uniform List

   Middle and Senior School (Option A)                                                                 Additional gear
   1 blazer                                          2 long-sleeved grey shirts                        3 towels                                          Suitable mufti clothes
   1 Middle or Senior School Tie                     1 black School bag                                Shoe cleaning kit                                 Clothes hangers
   2 pairs of short trousers (optional)              1 woollen jersey                                  3 padlocks                                        Toiletries (including deodorant)
   1 black raincoat or soft shell jacket             1 cap (Middle School)                             Laundry bag (purchased from uniform shop)
   1 pair of long trousers                           3 pairs of long socks (for short trousers)
   1 pair black ankle socks (for trousers)           1 black leather belt
   1 long-sleeved white shirt                        1 pair black leather shoes*                       No bedding is required. The College provides all bedding for boarders.
   1 scarf/beanie (optional)                         1 Ie Faitaga (optional)                           However, the Boarding House supplies one pillow and students can bring extra if preferred.

                                                                                                       All clothing items need to be clearly named.
   Middle and Senior School (Option B)               1 scarf/beanie (optional)
   1 blazer                                          2 white or grey blouses                           Parents may want to carry personal effects insurance for the protection of their child’s items at
   1 Middle or Senior School Tie                     1 black School bag                                school, as the College does not cover this.
   1 skirt or trousers                               1 woollen jersey or cardigan                      Please contact the Matron, (Tel: 04 388 0875) if you have queries concerning uniform.
   1 black raincoat or soft shell jacket             1 cap (Middle School)
   1 pair of short trousers (optional)               3 pairs of socks (for skirts or short trousers)
   1 pair black ankle socks (for trousers)           1 pair black leather shoes*

   Black stockings may be worn with the skirt during Terms 2 and 3

   Middle and Senior School Sportswear
   1 black (PE) shorts                               1 training tee
   1 black sports bag                                1 pair white sports socks
   1 polo shirt (House colour)                       1 sport tee
   1 tracksuit pants                                 1 sport shoes – non marking sole*
   1 hoodie
   Additional sportswear items may need to be purchased for certain sports teams

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   Leave is given on trust and should not interfere with school or house responsibilities or         •   Requests for Local Leave must be completed though the Orah app. Leave will be
   obligations except in cases of emergency. Leave is considered anytime a student is off school         allowed each afternoon (3:30pm – 5:45pm) and during weekends (9:30am – 5:45pm).
   grounds, outside of normal school hours (Monday to Friday 8:45am – 3:30pm). For any leave         •   Year 7-10 students must be accompanied by at least one other student.
   from Gibb House students must sign out using the Orah app and sign back in on return. A           •   Students must sign back in using Orah on return.
   failure to adhere to the rules around different types of leave below with incur consequences,
   refer to Student Behaviour Management.                                                          Activity Leave
                                                                                                     •   Activity Leave is for all school related (or other approved non-school) activities where
   Special Leave (including Weekend Leave for 7 day boarders)                                            students are required to leave the school grounds
   Special leave is:                                                                                 •   Requests for Activity Leave must be completed though the Orah app.
       •   Overnight stays away from the Boarding House (non school activities)                      •   Students must sign back in using Orah on return.
   Permission must be submitted to the Master on Duty and confirmation received, prior to
   departure. Parental confirmation is required for all special leave, which must include          Returning 5-day Boarders
   the contact name, phone numbers and address of where the student is staying. Permission for       •   5-day boarders must ensure they sign out via Boardingware prior to departure on
   ‘Special leave’ is more readily granted for Year 12 and 13 students but is dependent on good          Friday.
   behaviour.                                                                                        •   Students returning to Gibb House must arrive back to attend Sunday roll call (8:30pm)
   All leave must be accompanied by a request from the student, this is done via the Orah app.           and sign back in using Boardingware.
   When you return to Gibb House you must sign back in, in person with the Master on Duty and        •   Any variations to normal departure and arrival times must communicated in writing to
   via Orah.                                                                                             the Director of Boarding.

   City Leave
   City leave includes:
       •   Dinner/Evening leave up to 9:30pm in the evening (this will mean absence from Prep).
       •   Travel into Wellington City or beyond after school or during weekends to any
           destination NOT covered by Local Leave or Activity Leave.
       •   Permission must be submitted via the Orah app with parental confirmation prior to
           acceptance by from the Master on Duty before departure.

   Local Leave
       •   Local Leave is from 3:30pm – 5:45pm each afternoon; it includes anywhere on the
           Eastern Suburbs (Strathmore shops, Miramar shops, Seatoun, Airport area, Lyall Bay
           and Kilbirnie).
       •   It does not include unsupervised risk activities e.g. swimming. If you wish to
           undertake such activities, it must be planned with the Master on Duty in advance and
           will be a House activity.

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Gibb Cup                                                                                              Weekends

   Within Gibb House you will be allocated to one of two teams; Monorgan or Strathmore. These            Saturdays are free for you to attend sporting and cultural commitments. All boarders are
   teams compete for the Gibb Cup through friendly competition. Each Wednesday there is an               welcome to stay Friday nights to meet these.
   event to participate in from tug o’ war, football, touch rugby and everyone’s favourite bubble ball
   where you play football while wearing large inflatable balls!                                         The Director of Boarding must be notified of weekend arrangements by Thursday morning at
                                                                                                         the latest. Weekends not spent with parents/caregivers must be advised by the parent/through
                                                                                                         the Orah leave system.

                                                                                                         Only seven day boarders are permitted to stay in the Boarding House on Saturday evenings.
                                                                                                         If away for the weekend all boarders must return by 8.30pm Sunday night or 8am Monday
                                                                                                         morning. If a five day boarder wishes to stay over the weekend the application must be made
                                                                                                         by email to the Director of Boarding by the Thursday morning prior and acceptance is at the
                                                                                                         Director’s discretion.

                                                                                                         For seven day boarders the regular Sunday activities are an important part of boarding life.
                                                                                                         These activities help grow the life-long relationships and positive culture within Gibb House.
                                                                                                         These weekend activities can include wharf jumping in Seatoun, rock climbing, walks to Red
                                                                                                         Rocks, Makara beach, movies, ten-pin bowling, attending sport matches, laser tag and much
                                                                                                         more. There is no monetary cost to be involved.

                                                                                                         Service Initiatives

                                                                                                         An important aspect of the all-round student at Scots College is service. Boarders help in the
                                                                                                         community of Strathmore, Miramar and Scots on a number of service initiatives and projects.
                                                                                                         Gibb House has helped provide labour at a number of projects for the local Primary schools
                                                                                                         and kindergartens including school fairs, functions and grounds maintenance. In the past they
                                                                                                         have helped collect for charities such as Plunket and cook and serve breakfast at the local
                                                                                                         primary school.

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Boarding Life

   Contacting Home & Boarding Communications                                                          made meals that meet the Fuelled4life guidelines and support students in getting the best
   Contact with home is important. You are encouraged to contact your family regularly and will       balanced diet that will help them not only in meeting their educational needs but their sporting
   have access to email and your cell phone. Parents/caregivers are able to contact you before        needs also. Managed by the Heart Foundation, Fuelled4life is a collaborative initiative involving
   school and dinner and after Prep. If parents/caregivers need to get in touch in an emergency       the education, health and food industry sectors working together to supply healthier food in
   please call the Gibb House Duty Master on 027 559 1398.                                            schools and early learning services.

   A termly update with notices, news and upcoming events is sent out.
                                                                                                      Contact: Executive Chef Mike Dennis
   Parents/caregivers are always welcome to visit. Please enter through the main Gibb House           E: catering@scotscollege.school.nz
   entrance off Strathmore Ave and sign in with a staff member or contact the duty phone.

   Should you get hungry between meals a small kitchenette is provided in the common rooms to
   make yourself a small snack.

   Laundry is completed daily. Washing bags are to be taken to the laundry before school and
   picked up at 3:30pm.

   Gibb House buildings all have their own common rooms with a TV. Boarders are also able to
   use the College facilities such as music rooms and sports buildings to practise. Boarders are
   expected to leave areas as they were found and to have respect for these spaces at all times.

   Continued homesickness is a genuine difficulty when adjusting to a new environment. This
   can mean feeling lonely or cut off from your regular support system, confusion or problems
   understanding a new environment, and even a perceived lack of control over what’s happening
   around you. Everyone will be affected by and work through homesickness at their own pace,
   and it’s not a process you can rush. Remember that it’s very normal and it’s okay to miss home.
   Homesickness is a completely understandable reaction to your change of environment and
   living in a different place. If you want to talk to anyone, any of the Gibb House staff would be
   very happy to talk.

   Chartres Hall is the Dining area for students and boarders. It is committed to only offer fresh

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Map and Emergency Procedures

                                                                                                                                                                 • Go inside, stay inside. Lock doors and
                                                                                     GATE3                WALDEN STREET BACK FIELD                                 windows. Turn lights off and electronic
                                                                                                                                                                   devices onto silent.

   We have one emergency practice                                                                                                                                • Ensure windows remain unobstructed,
                                                                                                                             If an emergency                       do not close curtains or blinds.
   each term. Students will meet with                                       UNIFORM
   staff in front of the North wing,                                                                     BLOCK               is occurring outside                • Lie face down on the floor in the centre of
   next to the Director of Boarding’s                                                                                                                              the room away from doors and windows.
                                                                                                                             of a building
   house and the Minivans.                                                                                                                                       • Minimise noise and movement, be patient,
                                                                                                                                                                   communication will be established shortly
                                                                                                                                                                   via email.
                                                                                                                                                                 • Staff will clear all toilets hallways and
                                                                                                                                                                   other rooms within their vicinity.
                                                                                                                             Only a member of the senior
                                                                                                                             management, executive or property
                                                                                                                             management team will announce
                                                                                                                             the all clear.



                                                  ROOM                                G06    G07

                                                                                                                                                                   If you discover smoke or fire:
                                                                                                                                                                 • Activate the nearest fire alarm.
                                                                                                   INNER QUAD                                                    • Shut all doors and windows and use
                                                                                                                                                                   fire extinguishers only if safe to do so.
                                                                                                                             If an emergency
                            MAIN      LOWER
                                                                                                                ?            is occurring inside                   When the fire alarm sounds:
                                                                                                                             of a building
                            GIBB       GIBB
                ENTRANCE   (BOYS)     (GIRLS)
                                                   NORTH WING                                                                                                    • Evacuate all school buildings immediately,
                                                                                                                                                                   take the Accident Response card with you.
                                                                                      SL01                                                                       • Assemble in the Prep School Quad,
                                                                                                       AITKEN BUILDING                                             lined up in house groups.
                                                                                                                                                                 • Do not re-enter any buildings.

                                                                ASSEMBLY                                                                                         • Await instructions patiently.
                                                                  POINT                                                      Only return to the building if a
                                                                                                                             member of the senior management,
                                                                                                                             executive or property management
                                                                                                                             team announce the all clear.

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                                                                                                      What happens at meal times?
                                                                                                      Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in Chartres Dining Hall at the times listed on page 8.
   I’m feeling sick, who do I contact?                                                                Uniform must be worn at weekday breakfast and lunches.
   If you are feeling sick contact the Matron or Duty Master (on cell phone) or Director of
   Boarding. Rosters are located on noticeboards.                                                     What happens if I have another commitment during meal times?
   Matron Hours (Duty times 7.30am – 4.30pm, on-call 4.30pm – 12.00am) and Duty                       You can request a meal away from the Duty Master. The meal will be collected from the kitchen.
   Master 24 hours.

   Who do I contact about dietary requirements?
   You can email the Chief Executive Chef, Mike Dennis and Matron or Director of Boarding.

   I have medication that I need to take, where do I keep this?
   Matron will collect in medication and these will be stored in the Gibb House office.

   How do I get to afterschool practices or weekend sporting games?
   Depending on your sports and locations – many of the team sports coaches will take you in the
   minivan or you may need to catch a bus.

   I want to visit a friend’s house, can I do this?
   See page 14 and 15 about leave.

   Why am I in Gibb House and another House?
   During the 30s Gibb House became a College House in its own right, solely for the boarders.
   Then during the 60s, Gibb House was dispanded as a College House, however the name has
   remained reflecting the boarding house whanau.
   While it is referred to as a ‘House’, it is not a House that competes in the College inter-house
   competition. The eight Houses Aitken, Fergusson, MacKenzie, Mawson, Plimmer, Smith and
   Uttley are made-up of Year 7-13 students both day and boarding. Each House competes
   through events such as House Music, Haka, Tug of War and Cross Country towards winning
   the coveted Caradus Shield every Tuesday.

   Where are the noticeboards located?
   Noticeboards are located by the entrance doorways. Each noticeable has Emergency
   Procedures, staff and student duties and room listings. We have a Microsoft Teams page
   for all Gibb House student information.

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Rules and

                                    Lower Gibb

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The Gibb House Charter                                                                              Guidelines and Routines

   Rights                                                                                              These guidelines exist in conjunction with the College’s Rules and Expectations. They are
   Students have a right to:                                                                           intended to facilitate the effective management of Gibb House.
   > learn in a safe, friendly and helpful environment that challenges all students to reach their
       academic potential and enables them to develop as an individual                                 General Conduct
                                                                                                       1. Behave to others as you would have them behave to you.
   Boarding Masters, Matrons, Tutors and other Staff have a right to:
                                                                                                       2. Manners maketh the all round student.
   > work in a safe, friendly and satisfying environment

   Parents and Caregivers have a right to:                                                             Buildings & Facilities
   > feel welcome at all times                                                                         >   Respect the House facilities.
   >    know that their children are learning and living in a safe, friendly and helpful environment   >   Vandalism is unacceptable.
                                                                                                       >   Pins, staples and stickers are not to be used on woodwork, paintwork or papered surfaces.
   Responsibilities                                                                                    >   Nothing is to be suspended from ceilings or windows.
   We all have the responsibility to:
                                                                                                       >   No outdoor ball games or similar activities are permitted inside the House.
   > show respect for ourselves by taking a pride in our appearance and by always doing the
                                                                                                       >   Food and drink may only be consumed in the Common Room areas and these should be
       best we can
                                                                                                           cleaned afterwards.
   >    show respect to others by speaking positively, by being co-operative and helpful and by
                                                                                                       >   No food is to be eaten in the bedrooms.
        respecting others’ property
                                                                                                       >   Dirty, muddy or wet shoes are to be removed before entering the House.
   >    show respect for our school and boarding house by looking after property and equipment
                                                                                                       >   Access to and from the House is through the main doors; not through the fire escape
        and by following our school dress code
                                                                                                       >   Do not climb through the windows at any time.
                                                                                                       >   Littering is not acceptable.
                                                                                                       >   Any damage must be reported to the Master on Duty (MOD)/Matron immediately.

                                                                                                       >   Gibb House is ‘out of bounds’ during normal school hours for Years 7 – 13 students.
                                                                                                       >   TV and pool is banned during school hours.
                                                                                                       >   Students may not lend their keys/swipe cards to any student.
                                                                                                       >   Security cameras are in operation to ensure the safety of all students.
                                                                                                       >   Doors should not be ‘wedged’ open.

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Valuables and Money                                                                              Medical
   >   These are the responsibility of the individual. Valuable items must be handed in to the      >    If a student is on medication they must hand the medication to the Matron (for safety
       Director of Boarding or Matron for security purposes.                                             reasons).
   >   Larger amounts must be handed to the Director of Boarding for safekeeping.                   >    Any student who feels ill or needs first aid must report to the Matron. If, for any reason
   >   It is recommended that students do not bring very valuable items to the Boarding House. If        during school hours, the Matron is not available the student is to report to the school nurse
       they do they must be securely locked away when not in use.                                        and/or reception.

   >   Loss or theft should be reported immediately to the Director of Boarding, MOD or Matron.     >    The school nurse is available at all times during school hours.

   >   All students should have padlocks on lockers and lockable cupboards.                         >    Information regarding Doctor/Dentist appointments must be relayed to the Matron.

   >   Passports and other valuable papers must be kept in the school safe.                         >    Students must arrange all transport for medical visits through the Matron.
                                                                                                    >    Other problems of a non-physical nature will be referred to, or through, the Director of
                                                                                                         Wellbeing, Chaplain or College Counsellor who are responsible for monitoring student
   >   Laptops will be confiscated if students are caught using them inappropriately after lights        welfare.
   >   Years 7-10 laptops and phones will be collected in by 8.45pm and handed out after 8.00am
                                                                                                    Pastoral Care
       by the Matron
                                                                                                    >     There are a number of options available to students for support and assistance within the
   Meals                                                                                                  school community.
   >   It is compulsory to take all meals in the Dining Room.                                           •    Academic matters are usually directed through the appropriate Dean, spiritual matters
   >   Acceptable table manners and general behaviour are expected and enforced.                             through the Chaplain and personal matters through the Director of Boarding, Matron
                                                                                                             or Mentor.
   >   Uniform must be worn to breakfast and lunch during weekdays. Year 13s may wear mufti to
                                                                                                        •    The Chaplain and the College Counsellor provide a confidential service to students
                                                                                                             and parents. Any matter may be referred at any time.
   >   Tidy mufti with collar or the school tracksuit is to be worn at evening meals; footwear is
                                                                                                    >    If a student has a concern about any boarding staff member this should be referred to the
       compulsory. No singlets.
                                                                                                         Director of Boarding or, if this is not appropriate, the Chaplain, House Dean or a Senior
   >   During examinations when seniors are on study leave, they may attend meals in tidy mufti.         Management member.

   Clothing & Laundry
   >   All items on the school clothing list are required by all students.
                                                                                                    >    Mobile phones may be kept at school at the owner’s risk. Students are required to lock
   >   All clothing and footwear must be clearly named.                                                  these away when they are not in use.
   >   Laundry is completed everyday.                                                               >    NO phone calls may be made or received during Prep (6.45 – 8.15pm), after lights out or
                                                                                                         during meals.
   Showers & Energy Usage
                                                                                                    >    Parents who need to contact their child urgently during Prep or after lights out are
   >   All students are required to shower daily.
                                                                                                         requested to contact the Master on Duty, on the duty phone.
   >   Showering time should be sufficient to ensure a high standard of personal hygiene is
                                                                                                    >    Years 7-10 phones and electronic devices will be collected by Duty Master at 8.45pm each
       maintained and brief enough to ensure adequate hot water for all.
   >   Radios and lights must be turned off when leaving rooms.
   >   Stereos are allowed in the House at the discretion of the Director of Boarding.
   >   No cooking equipment or heaters are permitted in the rooms.

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Student Behaviour Management                                                                     Respect for others

   Boarding students are at all times at the College bound by the Scots College Rules and           What is Bullying?
   Expectations. It should be noted, as a general rule, that there is a clear separation between    Bullying is repeated incidents involving a bigger, stronger or more powerful child on a smaller
   behaviour and punishment in the Boarding House and the College but consequences should           or weaker child, or a group of children on a single child.
   be consistent. Students are deemed to be under College Rules when travelling to and from the
   College and come under boarding jurisdiction when they enter the Boarding House.                 These might be:
                                                                                                    > Verbal – the child is called names, put down or threatened
   The following points clarify the College Rules and Expectations in relation to Boarding:
                                                                                                    >    Physical – the child is hit, tripped, poked, kicked, or belongings are stolen or damaged
   1. Positive behaviour:
   This will be recognised and rewarded as appropriate by affirmation or the ‘Busted Being Good’    >    Social – the child is left out, ignored, or rumours are spread
   system.                                                                                          >    Psychological – the child is stalked or given dirty looks
                                                                                                    >    Electronic – the child receives emails or text messages that threaten or put down or
   2. Minor offences:
                                                                                                         spread rumours. This can include txt’ing and emailing other children about the child being
   These are generally to do with routines and procedures around the Boarding House
                                                                                                         bullied, or posting unhelpful or malicious information on a website.
   (punctuality, tidiness, dress, manners, obedience, etc). Note: repeated minor offending would
   constitute continual disobedience.                                                               Bullying is different from ordinary teasing, rough and tumble or schoolyard fights. What makes it
                                                                                                    different is that the incidents are ongoing and there is usually an imbalance of size, strength and
                                                                                                    power between the children involved. The bully might have power not only because he or she is
   > A ‘Tardy’ (which will be a job or physical activity of 45 minutes with MOD) will be
                                                                                                    bigger and stronger, but because other children side with the bully often to protect themselves.
      administered as soon as practicable after the infraction; this will be supervised and
      recorded. Students who fail to attend Tardy or have continual disobedience will be referred   Research shows:
      to the Director of Boarding.                                                                  > Boys are more often bullied by a single individual, girls more often by groups. There is not
                                                                                                        much difference between the number of boys and girls who suffer from bullying.
   3. Other offences:
                                                                                                    >    The size of the school, or whether the school is single-sex or co-educational or
   These relate to more serious matters for which the punishment may be greater than a ‘Tardy’.
                                                                                                         government or non-government, makes no significant difference to the amount of bullying
   Consequence                                                                                           that goes on.
   > These will be investigated and recorded. Parents will be contacted in line with the school’s
                                                                                                    >    Children are most often bullied when they are in their first few years of primary school and
                                                                                                         again in their first few years of secondary school.
   > Consequences will be consistent for similar infractions in the College.
                                                                                                    What are the signs?
   4. Leave offences:                                                                               Bullying may be very hard to see. Victims may already be having trouble getting on with other
   ‘Breaking bounds’ or the abuse of Boarding House leave rules is deemed very serious.             children or with teachers. They are often picked on by bullies for this reason. Bullying usually
   Consequence                                                                                      happens out of sight away from teachers or other adults. The people who are most likely to
   > This will depend on the factors such as the time of day and the level of risk the student      know what is going on are other children. Children who are being bullied often don’t like to
      placed themselves, or others, in and will involve communication with home.                    tell anyone because they feel weak or ashamed, or are frightened that it will only make things
   >    Gating is a consequence. Depending on the seriousness of the offence referral to the        worse. They also feel it is wrong to ‘dob in’ or tell tales on other children. If they tell anyone, it
        Headmaster for further action may be warranted.                                             is most likely they will tell their parents – usually their mother – or their friends before they will
                                                                                                    tell a teacher.

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Some tell-tale signs are:
   > bruises, scratches or cuts that your child can’t really explain
                                                                                                        Complaint procedure according to Education
                                                                                                        (Hostels) Regulations
   >    torn or damaged clothing
   >    damaged or missing belongings
   >    headaches, stomach aches and other pains that the child can’t put a finger on                   Complaints about:
                                                                                                        Non-compliance with these regulations or conditions of the licence.
   >    unexplained tears or depression
   >    unusual outbursts of temper                                                                     Complaints may be from:
   >    not wanting to go to school                                                                     Students, Parents, Staff members and Board members.

   >    not wanting to play with friends
                                                                                                        Complaints need to be:
   >    wanting changes in the way he or she travels to and from school                                 In writing or put in writing by the Board or a person representing the Board as soon as
   >    school work falls off in quality                                                                practicable if the complainant is unable to put it in writing.

   >    wanting extra money without giving a reason
                                                                                                        Procedure for resolving complaints
   There are things you can do to help your child if he or she is being bullied.                        Within 5 working days after acknowledging receipt of the complaint:
                                                                                                        The Board or the person representing the Board will
   What can you do?
                                                                                                        >   send an acknowledgement letter of receipt to the complainant
   By the time children tell their parents they are being bullied they may have tried everything they
   can to deal with it on their own. Telling parents is often a very hard step to take.                 >   inform the complainant of any relevant internal complaint procedures
                                                                                                        >   send a copy of all information held by the Board that is or may be relevant to the
   Children need to:                                                                                        complaint
   > feel believed and listened to
                                                                                                        >   decide whether the complaint is justified in accordance with regulation 69
   >    develop trust in how parents will handle the problem
   >    talk more openly about what has happened                                                        Within 10 working days after acknowledging receipt of the complaint:
                                                                                                        The Board or the person representing the Board will
   >    gain some control over what is happening
                                                                                                        >   Decide that the complaint is or is not justified or
   >    learn things they can do to protect themselves
                                                                                                        >   Decide that additional time is needed to investigate the complaint. In this case the Board
   >    regain self-confidence
                                                                                                            must determine how much additional time is needed and decide as soon as practicable
   Please encourage your son/daughter report such incidents. The Director of Wellbeing,                     whether the complaint is justified. If the additional time required to investigate the
   Chaplain or Counsellor are all available to you.                                                         complaint is more than 20 working days, the Board must inform the complainant as soon
                                                                                                            as practicable of the fact of, and reasons for, the determination and that the Board is
                                                                                                            required to decide as soon as practicable whether the complaint is justified.

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Gibb House Harassment/Bullying Incident Report Form                                               Gibb House Medical Incident Report Form

   Date:                        Time:                          Location:                             Date:                         Time:                   Location:

   Student(s) initiating Bullying/Harassment:                                                        Description of Accident/Incident causing Injury/Ailment:

                                             Year:             House:
                                             Year:             House:
                                             Year:             House:

   Student(s) affected by Bullying/Harassment:
                                             Year:             House:
                                             Year:             House:
                                             Year:             House:                                Student(s) Injured or sick and requiring medical assistance:
   Type of harassment alleged:                                                                                                             Year:           House:
       Racial     Sexual    Physical      Religious   Other:                                                                               Year:           House:
   Check all spaces below that apply. At Scots we identify any of the following forms of behaviour                                         Year:           House:
   as inappropriate:
                                                                                                                                           Year:           House:
       Name Calling                    Spitting                            Stalking
                                                                                                     Nature of Accident/Ailment/Injury:
       Demeaning comments              Inappropriate Gesturing             Stealing
                                                                                                     Check all spaces below that apply.
       Writing/graffiti                Shoving/pushing                     Threatening
       Hitting/kicking                 Taunting/ridiculing                 Flashing a weapon           Fainting                                    Epilepsy
       Inappropriate touching          Intimidation/extortion              Other:                      Accident                                    Assault
                                                                                                       Diarrhea and vomiting                       Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
                                                                                                       Diabetes                                    Meningitis
   Describe the incident:
                                                                                                       Glandular fever                             Middle ear infection (otitis media),
                                                                                                       Fractures/sprains and strains               Tuberculosis

   Witnesses present:
                                                                                                     Witnesses present [if any]:
   Physical Evidence:
       Graffiti   Notes     Email      Txt     Websites   Video/audio tape                           Staff Signature:                              Date:                          Time:

   Other:                                                                                            Parent(s) contacted:                          Date:                          Time:

   Staff Signature:                                        Date:                     Time:           Medical Assistance Required: Yes/No
   Parent(s) contacted:                                    Date:                     Time:
                                                                                                     Medical Officer:                                      Contact Number:

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P: +64 4 388 0850 E: enquiries@scotscollege.school.nz

		36   Welcome to Gibb House 2022
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