Combining in-school and community-based media efforts: reducing marijuana and alcohol uptake among younger adolescents
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HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH Vol.21 no.1 2006 Theory & Practice Pages 157–167 Advance Access publication 30 September 2005 Combining in-school and community-based media efforts: reducing marijuana and alcohol uptake among younger adolescents Michael D. Slater1,7, Kathleen J. Kelly2, Ruth W. Edwards3, Pamela J. Thurman3, Barbara A. Plested3, Thomas J. Keefe4, Frank R. Lawrence5 and Kimberly L. Henry6 Abstract sults suggest that an appropriately designed in- school and community-based media effort can This study tests the impact of an in-school reduce youth substance uptake. Effectiveness Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 mediated communication campaign based on does not depend on the presence of an in-school social marketing principles, in combination prevention curriculum. with a participatory, community-based media effort, on marijuana, alcohol and tobacco uptake among middle-school students. Eight Introduction media treatment and eight control communities throughout the US were randomly assigned to Despite some encouraging downward trends, use condition. Within both media treatment and of substances including marijuana and alcohol media control communities, one school received remains widespread among American adolescents. a research-based prevention curriculum and Early initiation is commonplace, with 14.6% of one school did not, resulting in a crossed, split- eighth graders reporting marijuana use and 38.7% plot design. Four waves of longitudinal data reporting alcohol use in the past year (Johnston were collected over 2 years in each school and et al., 2002). Reducing the rate of early uptake is were analyzed using generalized linear mixed especially important given evidence that early models to account for clustering effects. Youth initiation is predictive of a variety of negative in intervention communities (N 5 4216) showed outcomes (Grant and Dawson, 1997). fewer users at final post-test for marijuana A premise of the present study, consistent with [odds ratio (OR) 5 0.50, P 5 0.019], alcohol a social-ecological framework (Berkman and (OR 5 0.40, P 5 0.009) and cigarettes (OR 5 Kawachi, 2000), is that the norms and expectations 0.49, P 5 0.039), one-tailed. Growth trajectory that influence substance uptake among younger results were significant for marijuana (P 5 adolescents are formed through a variety of social 0.040), marginal for alcohol (P 5 0.051) and experiences, including experience in school and in non-significant for cigarettes (P 5 0.114). Re- the larger community. Reinforcement of non-use norms and expectations, therefore, should ideally be echoed and reinforced across these social envi- 1 School of Communication, The Ohio State University, ronments (Flay, 2000). In the present study, we test Columbus, OH 43210-1339, USA, 2Department of an intervention that includes an in-school media Marketing, 3Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research and campaign reinforced by participatory, community- 4 Department of Environmental Health, Colorado State based media efforts. This intervention is crossed University, 5HDD Methodology Center, The Pennsylvania with implementation of a research-based prevention State University and 6Institute of Behavioural Science, University of Colorado curriculum in selected schools. 7 Correspondence to: M. D. Slater; There is evidence that carefully designed, E-mail: community-wide anti-drug advertising efforts can Ó The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.1093/her/cyh056 For permissions, please email:
M. D. Slater et al. reduce youth marijuana (Palmgreen et al., 2001a) roaches, their record is mixed (Merzel and D’Afflitti, and cigarette (Farrelly et al., 2002) use, and that 2003). Participatory community efforts focused community-wide anti-smoking advertising in on mobilizing media, events and other commun- conjunction with in-school prevention curricula ication strategies have the potential to reinforce can reduce smoking uptake (Flynn et al., 1992, in-school communication efforts. We therefore 1994). There are two primary challenges to the expected a main effect for the combined community/ effectiveness of such media-based prevention ef- in-school media treatment on reducing increase in forts: obtaining sufficient exposure to the messages substance uptake. to achieve measurable impact (Hornik, 2002), and Similarly, we expected the prevention curricu- identifying and executing message strategies that lum intervention to reduce substance uptake as well can achieve such impact given adequate exposure (Tobler and Stratton, 1997). As Flay (Flay, 2000) (Worden, 1999; Pechmann et al., 2003). notes, however, prevention curriculum effects tend Ensuring exposure to anti-drug messages is typ- to decay and may require reinforcement (e.g. via Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 ically expensive, requiring paid advertising to en- media) elsewhere in the environment. Therefore, sure delivery of the message to the desired audience. we also examined interaction effects of the media However, the school environment provides a unique intervention and the school prevention curriculum. opportunity to inexpensively ensure a relatively high level of exposure to anti-use communication. In Methods addition, focusing communication efforts within a school may influence youth perceptions of the norms and expectations within an environment in which Design, participants and data collection they spend much of their day. This study utilized a randomized community design A variety of message strategies have shown some to assess the effects of the community/in-school success in influencing substance use-related atti- media intervention, with eight media treatment and tudes and behaviors (Flynn et al., 1994; Palmgreen eight control communities. Communities random- et al., 2001a; Pechmann et al., 2003). In this study, ized to the media treatment condition received both we emphasized non-use as an expression of per- community- and in-school media prevention ef- sonal identity and the consistency of non-use with forts. Data were collected in two middle or junior youth aspirations (Slater and Kelly, 2002), in the high schools in each of these 16 communities. In belief that such messages would not be redundant each community (media treatment or media con- with already existing information regarding sub- trol), one of the two schools also received an stance risks, more likely to reinforce non-use norms and less likely to generate reactivity (Ringold, 2002). Another advantage of this strategy is that 8 Media 8 No Media Communities the same messages could address a variety of (Community Communities (No coalition substances (i.e. marijuana, alcohol and tobacco), coalition or media) media efforts) whereas risk messages are typically substance specific. Given the limited resources of most communities and schools, developing effective cross-substance prevention strategies is advanta- Curriculum 8 Curriculum geous (Griffin et al., 2003). Treatment Comparison 8 Curriculum 8 Curriculum The school is nested within the larger commu- Treatment Comparison Schools (In- Schools (In- Schools Schools (no nity (Flay, 2000): participatory, community-based school school (All Stars treatment of media plus media/ no approaches may help change youth substance be- All Stars) All Stars) only) any kind) haviors (Aguirre-Molina and Gorman, 1996; Perry et al., 2002), although, like media prevention app- Fig. 1. Study experimental design. 158
Combining in-school and community-based media efforts in-school prevention curriculum and the other did been prohibitively lengthy. Treatment and control not, creating a crossed design (see Figure 1); as communities were located in each of the four major noted below, assignment of schools receiving the regions of the US (northeast, southeast, midwest prevention curriculum was not fully randomized. and west). Because of the complexities of imple- Four waves of data collection were conducted: the menting and managing this 2-year intervention, first prior to initiating the in-school curriculum, recruitment and implementation were staggered the second immediately following the last session, over a 4-year period, following an initial start-up the third early in the fall of the second school year, year. The first communities began intervention and the fourth and final wave in late spring of the activities in the fall of 1999 and the last commu- second year. Data collection in the control schools nities completed the intervention in spring 2003. was matched as closely as possible to data collec- Communities that entered the project were randomly tion times in the schools receiving the prevention assigned to condition using a group-matching curriculum. strategy to minimize the potential for confounded Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 Students (N = 4216) were recruited to the study effects due to random differences between treat- using active consent procedures, required in this ment and control communities. Data on community study given the provision of identifying informa- income, region, size, ethnic make-up, junior high tion. Sixty-six percent of eligible students returned versus middle school configuration and readiness signed consent forms and participated in at least one to engage as a community in prevention efforts survey. A total of 68.6% of these participating (Edwards et al., 2000) were gathered from NCES students provided data at all four measurement and other databases as well as from data collection occasions; 16.8% provided data on three, 10.9% within each community. All possible assignment provided data on two and 3.7% provided data on combinations were generated in the latter 2 re- just one of the measurement occasions. Missing data cruitment years, including those communities pre- were primarily the result of absence from school on viously assigned in earlier years (in the first year the day of the survey or missed survey items. In pure random assignment was used for three com- addition, the data for individual students who had munities). Treatment or control assignment was indicators of inconsistent responding or exaggera- based on random selection of one of the combina- tion at a given measurement occasion were removed tions in which no variables were different at P < from the dataset. At any one measurement occa- 0.15 (from two such combinations in recruiting sion, this equated to the removal of less than 2% of year 2 and from 10 such combinations in the the students. The sample was approximately equal crucial recruiting year 3). by gender (52% female/48% male). The majority of The two schools within each community were, the sample was white (83.3%); 10.4% of respond- when possible, randomly assigned to either the ents were African-American, 2.9% were Hispanic curriculum or no curriculum condition. However, and 3.4% were of some other ethnic background. problems of scheduling and staffing in seven of the As we were concerned with assessing students in 16 communities precluded assignment of a school their first year of middle or junior high school, we to the curriculum treatment condition (usually be- recruited sixth graders from the former and seventh cause key school staff members were new hires graders from the latter (mean age at baseline = 12.2 and administrators were unwilling to burden them years). As noted below, we balanced school/grade with a new curriculum). In such cases, school ad- type between treatment and control conditions. ministrators provided written documentation to assure Communities were recruited using the National us that assignment was not based on perceived Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) database, need. As assignment to school condition, unlike excluding the two largest census groupings, as the the media treatment, was not fully random, infer- time required to gain approval for inclusion of a ences about prevention curriculum effects are qual- prevention curriculum in larger districts would have ified accordingly. Because school curriculum was 159
M. D. Slater et al. of secondary concern (i.e. we wanted to examine tion, as discussed below, and adaptations were made possible interactions of curriculum and media as needed. intervention effects), this limitation does not One set of materials was developed for distri- affect our analyses of primary interest. bution in the first year, with another set for the second year in order to keep the campaign fresh. Intervention design In the last year, schools in the media treatment Social marketing principles were used to guide the communities were also offered the opportunity to development of the media campaign to ensure a localize a poster with the campaign slogan for their focus on influencing behavior change (Goldberg school by featuring a diverse group of students et al., 1997; Kotler and Zaltman, 1971). Specifi- from that school. Typically, a school counselor cally, primary and secondary research was used to or administrative support person was respons- better understand adolescents’ attitudes, values and ible for distributing these media/social marketing behaviors regarding substance use, and this knowl- materials. Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 edge guided the message strategy for the in-school The community-based, participatory communica- media campaign, ‘Be Under Your Own Influence’. tion effort had several components. First, half-day Additionally, through focus groups and personal community readiness workshops were conducted, interviews we learned what types of promotional involving people active in prevention efforts in the items (the products) and media channels (the community as identified using a snowball recruit- places) were valued and attended to by the adoles- ment approach (Thurman et al., 2003; Slater et al., cent audience. These materials accordingly included 2005). In these workshops, trained project staff print materials such as a series of posters as well as reviewed results of the community readiness assess- promotional items such as book covers, tray liners, ment that had already been conducted to facilitate T-shirts, water bottles, rulers and lanyards. assignment of communities to treatment condition The central premise of our message strategy was and worked with community prevention leaders to that the primary task of adolescence is attaining identify prevention strategies appropriate to their greater independence and autonomy. A principal community’s level of readiness. This was followed benefit of substance use therefore is likely to be the by a half-day session focused on community media accompanying feeling of rebellious noncompliance by providing training in the use of campaign media and independence. A principal cost is the risk to materials (including brochures, press releases, ideas aspirations associated with greater maturity and for special events, posters and radio public service autonomy. Our campaign was intended, therefore, announcements) (Hansen, 1996). Community pre- to emphasize the inconsistency of drug (primarily vention leaders developed their own strategies for marijuana) and alcohol use—and to a lesser extent this media effort and used whatever materials they tobacco use—with one’s aspirations (Oman et al., either chose or developed on their own. Our in- 2004). In addition, the campaign sought to reframe tention was that community efforts would reinforce substance use as an activity that impaired rather in-school efforts for youth by underscoring an anti- than enhanced personal autonomy (Williams et al., drug community norm. A part-time project staff 1999). person developed new materials and provided on- We thereby sought to decrease the cost and going support as needed for these community increase the benefit of the non-use choice by ado- media efforts. lescents. We also often used images such as rock- The in-school intervention was a research-based climbing and four-wheeling that were appealing to cross-substance prevention curriculum, All StarsTM, risk-oriented, sensation-seeking youth (Palmgreen which emphasizes non-use norms, commitment not et al., 2001b). The campaign was monitored via to use and school bonding (Hansen et al., 1996; qualitative and quantitative process evaluations Harrington et al., 2003). The curriculum involved several times throughout campaign implementa- 13 sessions in the first year and seven booster 160
Combining in-school and community-based media efforts sessions in the second year; teachers were trained procedure incorporated in SAS version 9.0 (SAS by experienced All StarsTM staff. Institute, Cary, NC). The imputation model was as rich as our analytic Measures model (Schafer, 1999), reducing the chance that the For the lifetime incidence of alcohol intoxication imputation would bias the results. In addition, the score, students responded to three questions: ‘‘Have imputation model included auxiliary items that you ever gotten drunk?’’, ‘‘How old were you the were not used in the analyses, but were useful in first time you got drunk?’’, ‘‘How often in the last predicting missing values (i.e. attitudes, normative month have you gotten drunk?’’. For the lifetime beliefs, demographic variables, etc.) The parameter smoking score, students responded to three ques- estimates reported below reflect combined esti- tions: ‘‘Have you ever smoked cigarettes?’’, ‘‘Do mates from analyses done on 10 imputed data you smoke cigarettes?’’, ‘‘In using cigarettes are sets. The 10 data sets yielded a relative efficiency you a ... (non-user, very light user, light user, estimate of 95% for our parameter estimates Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 moderate user, heavy user or very heavy user)?’’. (Rubin, 1987). For the lifetime marijuana score, students responded to five questions: ‘‘Have you ever tried mari- Statistical analysis juana?’’, ‘‘How often in the past month have you The unit of randomization in our design (the used marijuana?’’, ‘‘How old were you the first time community) was used to compute degrees of you used marijuana?’’, ‘‘Have you ever used mar- freedom for the test statistics (Murray et al., 1998, ijuana when alone?’’, ‘‘In using marijuana are you 2004). This approach permits relatively unqualified a ... (non-user, very light user, light user, moderate assertions of support for causal claims, in that the user, heavy user or very heavy user)?’’. Items were degrees of freedom reflect a true community- from the American Drug and Alcohol SurveyTM, randomized experimental design. used by permission of the Rocky Mountain Behav- The model used was a four-level (measurement ioral Science Institute. occasion within individual within school within An affirmative response to any of the items community) random-intercept model. Random- resulted in a score of ‘‘1’’ for that particular lifetime slope models were initially attempted, but failed use score, while students who indicated in all the to converge because the variance among slopes items that they had never tried the substance re- approached zero. Slopes were therefore treated as ceived a score of ‘‘0’’. As one would expect, given fixed (global tests of model fit indicated the fixed that students experimenting with use might endorse slope model fit the data better than a random slope past trial but not past month use, reliability across model). Two-stage analyses were not used to permit these items was quite good, but not perfect. The estimation of random slopes because such analyses a values for the lifetime marijuana use measure ignore variability in subordinate cluster sizes varied from 0.88 to 0.92 across the four waves; (school size was quite variable in this study, so a varied from 0.83 to 0.88 for lifetime intoxication, this limitation would have distorted results in a non- and from 0.88 to 0.90 for lifetime cigarette use. trivial way) and because of problems associated The timing of the data collection varied among with estimation of standard errors in two-stage participants. Therefore, our model was constructed analyses (Verbeke and Molenberghs, 2000). To to allow for intervals of different lengths between address non-linearity issues, over-dispersion (i.e. measurements (Brown and Prescott, 1999; Wallace conditional variance larger than implied by the and Green, 2002). model) and the clustering effects, we used gener- alized linear mixed models (McCullagh and Nelder, Missing data 1989; Rotnitzky and Jewell, 1990; Hastie and For our study, missing data were treated using Pregibon, 1993; Lee and Nelder, 1996; McCulloch multiple imputation (MI). We employed the MI and Searle, 2001). 161
M. D. Slater et al. The intra-class correlations (ICCs) indicated that One test of our hypothesis regarding effects at relatively little variation in the outcome variables the conclusion of our intervention is a test of the (0.01% for marijuana, 0.02% for alcohol and 1.3% treatment’s main effect on Wave 4 intercepts; the for cigarettes) was explained at the school level. model intercept was placed at the last measurement Clustering at the community level accounted for occasion (Raudenbush and Bryk, 2002). This test 5.7% of the variance for marijuana, 8.5% for has the advantages of superior statistical power and alcohol and 19.5% for cigarettes; all analyses in- easily interpreted odds ratios (ORs). The treatment 3 corporated the random intercepts for individual, time interaction provides useful additional infor- school and community. mation regarding the effect of treatment on the The fixed-effects portion of the model treated linear rate of change. It also provides a more rig- substance use as a function of media treatment, orous, although less statistically powerful, test of curriculum treatment, time and treatment interact- hypotheses, because it is not subject to baseline ing with time. Other interactions (e.g. media treat- differences in outcome measures. (However, it Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 ment 3 school curriculum treatment and the should be noted that these baseline differences did various higher-order interactions) were also as- not approach statistical significance). sessed. Only those interactions that were significant We report one-tailed tests of significance because for at least one substance outcome were included in our hypotheses are directional and because we the final model (summarized in Table I). conducted preliminary examination of the data Table I. Fixed effects for four-level random effects models using Murray et al. d.f. recommendations Log-odds SE t d.f. P OR Marijuana intercept ÿ1.528 0.214 ÿ7.14 14
Combining in-school and community-based media efforts prior to project completion to ensure that our inter- treatment communities at the last measurement vention was not causing iatrogenic effects. Had occasion, i.e. substance use uptake for youth in we observed such effects, the experiment would treatment communities was half or less than that have been terminated. Therefore, use of two-tailed of control communities by Wave 4. The Wave 4 tests for these data is superfluous as effects results for the media treatment were clearly signif- opposite the hypothesized direction would not icant for marijuana [t (14) = 2.30, P = 0.019] and have had the opportunity to be assessed in this alcohol [t(14) = 2.72, P = 0.009, one-tailed]. Even model. though the Wave 4 effects for cigarettes were statistically significant, they were less robust than were effects on the other substances [t(14) = 1.90, Results P = 0.039]. The percent of youth using each sub- stance by study condition at Time 4 is shown in Process evaluation and exposure Figure 1. Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 manipulation check The treatment 3 time interaction, as noted above, Qualitative results using in-depth interviews with provides a more rigorous though less statistically key community coalition and school district partic- powerful and less easily interpreted test of treatment ipants indicated that the community and in-school effect. For the media treatment 3 time interaction media interventions were successfully implemen- on marijuana, effects were significant [t(14) = 1.89, ted, although with some variation in intensity, in all P = 0.040]. The media treatment 3 time interaction treatment communities. The mix of media and was marginally significant for alcohol [t(14) = 1.75, communication approaches used varied based on P = 0.051] and was not statistically significant for community interest, capabilities, resources and cigarettes [t(14) = 1.26, P = 0.114]. Figure 2 needs, consistent with a participatory model. Quan- illustrates the media treatment effect on rate of titative assessment of treatment versus control ex- change in marijuana, alcohol and cigarette use. posure differences was possible only with respect to Effects of the curriculum were statistically sig- a sampling of advertisement-type messages that nificant at Wave 4 for each of the three substances were used primarily in the in-school media in- tervention. Three such messages were reproduced in the evaluation instrument along with a foil (a fake) message intended to reduce false recognition, response set and research demand bias problems associated with recognition measurement (Slater and Kelly, 2002). After adjusting for recognition of the foil, students exposed to the media campaign were more likely to report recognition of selected campaign messages at all post-test waves (Time 2, OR=4.70, P < 0.0001; Time 3, OR=6.80, P < 0.0001; Time 4, OR=10.13, P < 0.0001). Intervention effects Results using community as the unit of random- ization (Verbeke and Molenberghs, 2000) in a four- level random effects model were supportive of hypothesized community and in-school media ef- fects (see Table I). The OR for using marijuana was Fig. 2. Percent of youth using each substance by study 0.50, for alcohol 0.40 and for cigarettes 0.49 for condition at final Wave 4 post-test. 163
M. D. Slater et al. as illustrated by Figure 2, culminating in the relatively large Wave 4 treatment effects. Media intervention effects on reducing cigarette initiation were more problematic, as the analysis of traject- ory effects was not significant. Effects on cigarette uptake were less robust, perhaps because only some messages included tobacco use, while all mentioned drugs (or marijuana specifically) and alcohol. A particularly encouraging dimension of this intervention is that it appeared to influence several substance outcomes, in particular marijuana and alcohol use. The focus on autonomy and aspirations (‘Be Under Your Own Influence’) was equally Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 applicable to both substances. Such multi-substance approaches are particularly advantageous given the limited resources and time available in most school Fig. 3. Community treatment effect on rate of change in marijuana, alcohol and cigarette use (averaged growth curves settings (Griffin et al., 2003). as a function of elapsed time baseline data collection). The apparent effectiveness of this media inter- vention may be attributed to several factors. One is (P < 0.005; Table I). These effects must be inter- the message strategy, emphasizing the ways that non-use meets immediate adolescent needs re- preted with caution given the imperfect randomiza- garding autonomy, and both personal and social tion of the curriculum treatment described above; success. Another possibility is that the media in- moreover, post hoc analyses suggested significant tervention had the advantage of ubiquity. Among baseline differences favoring treatment schools. young teens, beliefs and attitudes are highly dy- Curriculum 3 media treatment interactions were namic and changes in beliefs and attitudes tend to not statistically significant, indicating that the effect decay (Resnicow and Botvin, 1993), even when the of curriculum was additive rather than synergistic. The curriculum 3 time interactions also were not interventions that trigger such changes are rela- tively intensive. If so, a media intervention in the statistically significant. school which remains continuously visible may serve to keep desirable attitudes salient, accessible Discussion and more likely to influence behavior (Fazio et al., 1989), even though the intervention at any one time Results provide support for the effectiveness of in- cannot be considered an intensive one. school media efforts combined with participatory Inferences regarding the school curriculum can- communication efforts at the community level by not be confidently drawn given problems with final post-test—the odds of uptake at Time 4 were random assignment of the curriculum. However, approximately twice as high for previously non- this is not a significant concern with respect to our using members of the control group compared to primary objective of testing the media intervention. their counterparts in the community-based and in- The pattern of results in Figure 1 suggests treatment school media treatment group. strategies are not contingent nor synergistic (i.e. These effects were confirmed by the treatment 3 effectiveness of neither the media nor the curricu- time interaction for marijuana and were marginally lum treatment depended on the presence of the supported (at P = 0.051) for alcohol, testing differ- other treatment), although as one would expect ences between slope trajectories. Initially smaller the strongest effects appeared to be in the com- treatment/control differences grew larger over time, bined condition. Study results are also qualified by 164
Combining in-school and community-based media efforts possible selection bias associated with use of active We also found, based on coding a minimum of consent, as some research suggests that at-risk six pre- and post-test interviews with community youth disproportionately do not provide parental key informants, that there were impacts of the consent (Unger et al., 2004). Also, as noted earlier, media intervention on community knowledge of the data structure was most appropriately analyzed the substance use issue and marginally on com- with random intercept rather than random slope munity climate (Slater et al., 2005). We are con- models, which could not be estimated due to the ducting further research to identify paths of influence minimal variability of these slopes. While the small for the in-school and community campaigns, and ICC for slope variability (less than 1% of variance) to determine the relative contributions of the in- suggests this should have little impact on results, school and the community campaign components. it is a limitation on inference, as random slope In the meantime, these results suggest that analyses provide the most complete analyses of appropriately designed in-school and community- group randomized trials (Murray et al., 2004). based media efforts can significantly reduce youth Downloaded from by guest on May 9, 2015 During the period of this research the Office of substance uptake, and that such efforts can be used National Drug Control Policy was engaged in an independently of, or in addition to, classroom active media campaign on national television prevention curricula. focused primarily on marijuana use prevention, and the latter years of this effort also overlapped with national advertising by the Legacy Foundation and the truthTM campaign to discourage youth smoking. Acknowledgements The effects of these national campaigns on both treatment and control communities should make for This research was supported by grant DA12360 a more conservative test of hypothesized intervention from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to the impacts, but should not create any systematic bias. first author. The authors thank the research staff of Another limitation of the present study is that the the Tri-Ethnic Center, Colorado State University, relative contributions of the in-school media/social and project manager Linda Stapel for their efforts marketing effort and the community-based commu- in executing this research project, William Hansen nication efforts are impossible to disentangle within and Tanglewood Research for providing and the media treatment condition. Clearly, the combi- implementing the in-school curriculum, and the nation has considerable potential. However, costs administrators, teachers, students, and community for taking the in-school intervention to wide-scale prevention leaders in study communities who made dissemination would probably be much lower than this research possible. for the community media effort. From a research perspective, too, it is important to establish the relative contributions of each pro- References gram component (Flay, 2000). We do have evi- dence that amount of exposure to the media Aguirre-Molina, M. and Gorman, D.M. (1996) Community- materials within the treatment schools is predictive based approaches for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. Public Health, 17, 337–358. of treatment outcomes (Slater and Kelly, 2002). In Ajzen, I. and Fishbein, M. (1980) Understanding Attitudes particular, we found that students from a subsample and Predicting Social Behavior. Prentice Hall, Englewood of schools early in the study who recognized having Cliffs, NJ. Berkman, L. and Kawachi, I. (2000) Social Epidemiology. seen more of the campaign’s messages had greater Oxford University Press, New York. aspirations inconsistent with marijuana use and that Brown, H. and Prescott, R. (1999) Applied Mixed Models in that the effects of aspirations on marijuana use were Medicine. Wiley, Chichester. Edwards, R.W., Thurman, P.J., Plested, B.A., et al. (2000) mediated by intentions, consistent with the Theory Community readiness: research to practice. Journal of of Reasoned Action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Community Psychology, 28, 291–307. 165
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