2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

Page created by Roland Schneider
2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia
                                                     OAR  S NCE

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia
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2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                        OAR  S NCE


WELCOME FROM THE NSW GOVERNMENT............................................................................................ 4
ROWING AUSTRALIA ................................................................................................................................. 5
ROWING AUSTRALIA COUNCIL................................................................................................................ 5
ROWING AUSTRALIA BOARD.................................................................................................................... 5
MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT OF ROWING AUSTRALIA......................................................................... 6
SUMMARY OF RACING.............................................................................................................................. 8
AUSTRALIAN OPEN ROWING CHAMPIONSHIPS .................................................................................... 8
AUSTRALIAN OPEN SCHOOLS ROWING CHAMPIONSHIPS ................................................................. 9
THE KING’S AND QUEEN’S CUPS INTERSTATE REGATTA...................................................................... 9
AUSTRALIAN SPRINT ROWING CHAMPIONSHIPS.................................................................................. 9
HISTORY OF THE KING’S AND QUEEN’S CUP REGATTAS.....................................................................10
REGATTA INFORMATION..........................................................................................................................14
         REGATTA RULES ...............................................................................................................................14
         THE DRAW..........................................................................................................................................14
         VENUE OPENING HOURS AND TRAINING.......................................................................................14
         TRAFFIC RULES ................................................................................................................................14
         ATHLETE AND BOAT WEIGHING.......................................................................................................14
         MEDALS .............................................................................................................................................15
         DRAW AND RESULTS ........................................................................................................................15
         LIVE WEBCAST...................................................................................................................................15
         CREW LISTS.......................................................................................................................................15
THE WAY TO THE FINAL ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
SPECTATOR INFORMATION......................................................................................................................17
         CAR PARKING....................................................................................................................................17
         FOR YOUR SAFETY............................................................................................................................17
         LUNCHTIME LEARNINGS..................................................................................................................17
         SCHOOLS BARBEQUE......................................................................................................................17
CONTACT DETAILS AND MORE INFORMATION......................................................................................18
REGATTA EVENTS.....................................................................................................................................19
CLUB AND SCHOOL COLOURS.............................................................................................................. 24
MAPS ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

Welcome to Penrith, Sydney’s hub for outdoor adventure and adrenaline-charged activities and the fitting home of
the 2019 Aon Sydney International Rowing Regatta.

This week-long regatta is a great celebration of athletic excellence, team work, camaraderie and leadership with the
country’s top rowers competing in over 100 events.

The SIRR is a significant event for Western Sydney. Since its inception in 2013 the event has attracted nearly 100,000
attendees from around Australia and the globe, generating tens of millions of dollars in overnight visitor expenditure for NSW.

The NSW Government, through its tourism and major events agency Destination NSW, is proud to support this dynamic
and much-loved event for 2019, and as recently announced again in 2020.

Comprising a full competition schedule, the regatta welcomes athletes of all ages for the prestigious Australian Open
Schools Rowing Championship, Australian Open Rowing Championships and more.

In 2019, the esteemed King’s Cup celebrates its centenary – a wonderful milestone for the event and the sport too -
and will be marked with a special breakfast during this year’s festivities.

Penrith has hosted the regatta since its establishment and the local community embraces visiting competitors, officials,
volunteers and supporters each year.

Just an hour from Sydney’s CBD and a gateway to the World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains, Penrith is the perfect place to
begin exploring NSW.

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

    Australian Capital Territory             David Bagnall
    Rowing New South Wales                   Sarah Cook
    Rowing Queensland                        Emma Brown
    Rowing South Australia                   Greg Melbourne
    Rowing Tasmania                          James Gibson
    Rowing Victoria                          The Hon. Patrick McNamara
    Rowing Western Australia                 Craig James

    President and Chairman                   Rob Scott
    Director, Deputy Chairman                Flavia Gobbo
    Director                                 Merrick Howes
    Director                                 Andrew Rowley
    Director                                 Bryan Weir
    Director                                 Carmen Wearne
    Director                                 Ben Dodwell
    Director                                 Andrew Guerin
    Director, Athletes’ Representative       Hannah Every-Hall
    Chief Executive Officer (ex officio)     Ian Robson

Rowing Australia (RA) is the national governing body for the sport of rowing.

Rowing is one of the Australia’s oldest and most successful sports, recognised as much for its tradition and appeal to
athletes of all ages as for its fantastic health benefits. Rowing is a cornerstone Olympic sport and Australian rowing has
a long and proud history of success, consistently returning multiple medals at major international competitions.

Rowing is a part of Australia’s national sporting and cultural heritage, with international success dating back to 1867 when
Edward “Ned” Trickett won Australia’s first ever sporting World Championship. Rowing continues to play an important
part in Australia’s sporting culture, providing safe, fun and healthy opportunities for Australians of all ages and abilities
to participate in a sport that provides unparalleled health benefits.

Rowing is a sport for life, accessible to people of all ages, genders, fitness and skill levels, and currently enjoyed by over
60,000 participants and 25,000 active members ranging from young rowers at school through to those at universities
and in the wider community right through to masters rowing.

Rowing Australia member associations operate in seven states with over 185 schools and 156 clubs offering
rowing programs.

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

On behalf of the Board and Council of Rowing Australia, it is with great pleasure that I welcome athletes,
coaches, sponsors, officials, guests and supporters to the 2019 Aon Sydney International Rowing Regatta.

It is a great honour for Rowing Australia to once again host this magnificent event, the pinnacle to the domestic rowing
calendar in Australia. We are delighted to welcome teams from across the globe to compete this year, athletes from
Japan, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Bangladesh and Hong Kong to name but a few. It will be fantastic to have a variety of
local and international rowers in action at the Aon Sydney International Regatta Centre and we hope that everyone
competing are warmly welcomed and enjoy the racing and facilities.

The number of events continues to grow at the regatta, when we started in 2013 it was 110 events, while as of last year
we had 125 events with over 1600 competitors and over 23,000 spectators attending across the whole week. This year is
particularly special, with the Centenary of the King’s Cup set to be celebrated throughout the week.

The weeklong competition will of course see both the Australian Open and School Championships, as well as the King’s
and Queen’s Cups Interstate Regatta. The whole of Australia is no doubt very excited to see what the racing holds in the
hotly contested Interstate Regatta, which brings out the best in interstate rowing rivalry.

There is plenty happening throughout the week to commemorate the 1919 King’s Cup winning crew – including a
specially curated exhibition at the back of the Grandstand detailing the history of the 1919 Henley Royal Peace Regatta,
the King’s Cup and the AIF No. 1 Crew.

This week will also see the launch of Bruce Coe’s book, Pulling Through – The story of the King’s Cup, and promotion of
Scott Patterson’s film, The Oarsmen which tells the story of the 1919 crew. Both of these wonderful initiatives would not
have been possible without the support of RA Board Director and historian, Andrew Guerin and the wider community.
On behalf of the RA Board and Australian rowing community I would like to thank Bruce, Andrew and Scott for their
ongoing commitment to documenting the history of the King’s Cup and the Centenary.

We continue to enjoy a strong relationship with our presenting partner, Aon and will continue to develop the
Championships further alongside them. With their support, we are hosting a number of initiatives this week, including
our Lunchtime Learnings and a Schools’ Barbecue.

As always, we thank the NSW Government for its continued support of the event, Hancock Prospecting and our Patron
Mrs Gina Rinehart for her significant investment into our sport as well our other event partners including Croker Oars,
Tempur and 776BC.

Sincere thanks must also be extended to the Rowing Australia staff for their expertise and professionalism in working
tirelessly to organise this highly successful and enjoyable event.

Finally, an event such as the SIRR would simply not be possible without the steadfast support of the army of volunteers
whose enthusiasm and tireless efforts epitomise the great spirit of cooperation that exists within the Australian rowing
community and beyond. We have had another fantastic year of volunteer sign up this and I thank you all for your
invaluable assistance for the pinnacle event in Australia’s rowing calendar.

                           I would like to wish every participant the very best of luck for their races throughout the
                           week and hope all the spectators have a wonderful week watching the competition. I look
                           forward to witnessing some great racing and enjoying the spectacle of the 2019 Aon Sydney
                           International Rowing Regatta.

                           Rob Scott
                           President and Chairman, Rowing Australia

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

The 2019 Aon Sydney International Regatta combines four regattas into the nation’s premier rowing event - the
King’s and Queen’s Cup Interstate Regatta, the Australian Open Rowing Championships, the Australian Open
Schools Rowing Championships and the Aon Sydney International Rowing Regatta Sprints. Competitors of all ages
will contest more than 100 events in almost 500 races over seven days of competition.

The King’s and Queen’s Cup Interstate Regatta is the ‘blue ribbon’ of Australian rowing limited to one representative crew
or sculler in each of the ten Interstate events.

The Australian Open Rowing Championships and Australian Open Schools Championships are open to all competitors
who are members of clubs or schools affiliated to Member Associations or members of clubs or schools affiliated to other
National Rowing Federations recognised by Rowing Australia. On this occasion we are pleased to welcome competitors
from Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and Vanuatu.

These events will be conducted over the 2000 metre course in an 8 lane progression of heats, repêchages, semi-finals
and finals.

The Aon Sydney International Rowing Regatta Sprints are open to competitors in the Open, School and University
categories competing over a ‘flying’ 500 metres.

The Rowing Australia Cup will be presented to the Member Association which secures the highest overall score for events
conducted in the Interstate Regatta. States will be awarded points in each event on the following basis:

First place                8 points
Second place               6 points
Third place                5 points
Fourth place               4 points
Fifth place                3 points
Sixth place                2 points
Seventh place              1 point

CLUB POINTS SCORE                                                 SCHOOL POINTS SCORE
A ‘club points score’ will be in operation in addition to         A ‘school point score’ will be in operation in addition to
the medal table, for all events within the Australian             the medal table, for schools competing in events within
Open Rowing Championships (not Open Schools                       the Australian Open Championships and Open Schools
Championships). The points score will be published on             Championships. The points score will be published on
the event website - points will be awarded on the following       the event website - points will be awarded on the following
basis:                                                            basis:

 BOAT                           FIRST     SECOND    THIRD          BOAT                        FIRST      SECOND      THIRD

 Eight (8+)                          24     18         12          Eight (8+)                    24          18          12

 Fours (4-/+)/Quad (4x)              16     12         8           Fours (4-/+)/Quad (4x)        16          12          8

 Pairs (2-)/Doubles (2x)             12     9          6           Pairs (2-)/Doubles (2x)       12          9           6

 Singles (1x)                        8      6          4           Singles (1x)                   8          6           4

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

The following events will be contested at the Australian Open Rowing Championships:

 Under 17 Men (U17M)                          1x    2x     4x+

 Under 17 Women (U17W)                        1x    2x     4x+

 Under 19 Men (U19M)                          1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   4+      8+

 Under 19 Women (U19W)                        1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   4+      8+

 Under 21 Men (U21M)                          1x    2x     2-      4x        4+

 Under 21 Women (U21W)                        1x    2x     2-      4x        4+

 Under 21 Lightweight Men (U21LM)             1x

 Under 21 Lightweight Women (U21LW)           1x

 Under 23 Men (U23M)                          1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   8+

 Under 23 Women (U23W)                        1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   8+

 Under 23 Lightweight Men (U23LM)             1x    2x     2-      4-

 Under 23 Lightweight Women (U23LW)           1x    2x     4x

 Open Men (OM)                                1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   8+

 Open Women (OW)                              1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   8+

 Open Lightweight Men (OLM)                   1x    2x     2-      4x        4-   8+

 Open Lightweight Women (OLW)                 1x    2x     4x

 Club Men (CM)                                2x    4-     8+

 Club Women (CW)                              2x    4-     8+

The Para-rowing events to be contested are:

 PR3 Men                                      1x         Mix2x          2-        Mix4+

 PR3 Women                                    1x         Mix2x          2-        Mix4+

 PR2 Men                                      1x         Mix2x

 PR2 Women                                    1x         Mix2x

 PR1 Men                                      1x         Mix 2x

 PR1 Women                                    1x         Mix 2x

Please note that all Para-rowing events are to be conducted over 2000m.

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia
The following events will be contested at the Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships:

Schoolboy Under 17 (SBU17)            8+

Schoolgirl Under 17 (SGU17)           8+

Schoolboy (SB)                        1x    4x+      4+         8+

Schoolgirl (SG)                       1x    4x+      4+         8+

The following events will be contested at the King’s and Queen’s Cups Interstate Regatta:

Men’s                 PR3 1x         1x     L4-        Youth8+       8+

Women’s               PR3 1x         1x     L4x        Youth8+       8+

The following race categories will be contested at the Australian Sprint Rowing Championships:

 Open Men’s                    4x+         8+

 Open Women’s                  4x+         8+

 Schoolgirls                   4x+         8+

 Schoolboys                    4x+         8+

 University Men’s              4x          8+

 University Women’s            4x          8+

 Men’s                         PR3 1x

 Women’s                       PR3 1x

2019 EVENT PROGRAM - EXPERIENCE - Rowing Australia

          Inter-colonial racing in eight-oared boats commenced in 1878 when the Victorian Rowing Association
          invited New South Wales oarsmen from the Sydney and the Mercantile clubs to boat crews for a race on
          the lower Yarra River over about four miles. Since 1921 the crews have competed for the King’s Cup. The
          trophy had been won by a First Australian Imperial Force crew at the Royal Peace Regatta held in London
          in 1919 and was provided by King George V and presented to Captain H. Disher on behalf of the victorious
          crew by Princess Arthur of Connaught. In time, and in against dogged resistance from the Australian War
          Memorial, the Victorian Rowing Association petitioned the King to express his intention for the Cup, and
          at his command it became the perennial trophy to be presented to the winning state representative men’s
          eight at the annual Australian Rowing Championships.

          The premier interstate event for women was the ULVA trophy which from 1920 till 1998 was a fours event.
          The trophy had first been presented by the United Licensed Victuallers Association (ULVA) of Queensland,
          and is affectionately known as Bertha. In 1999 the women’s interstate race was changed to an event for
          VIIIs. In 2003, the trophy became officially known as the Queen Elizabeth II Trophy, or the Queens Cup.
          The original ULVA trophy remains the perpetual trophy.

          An intercolonial sculling race between New South Wales and Victoria was first held in 1868 and then
          annually from 1895 with Queensland also racing. Tasmania has consistently been represented since 1903.
          South Australia and West Australia have entered scullers with some regularity but not consistently until
          the 1960s. The first President of the Australian Amateur Rowing Council, Mr E.C. Watchorn, donated
          the President’s Cup in 1925 as the perpetual trophy for the annual Australian Interstate Single Sculling

          The first interstate championship for the Women’s Single Scull was not conducted until 1963 in Brisbane
          and has continued annually since that date. The Nell Slatter Trophy was presented by the Queensland
          Women’s Rowing Association in 1963 to be the perpetual trophy for the event as a tribute to the then
          Queensland President Nell Slatter.

          The Interstate Lightweight Four Championship was introduced in 1958 after a long history of lightweight
          rowing within Australia. The Penrith Cup was presented to the Australian Amateur Rowing Council in
          1958 by the Penrith City Council as the perpetual trophy for the event. The event was the pinnacle of a
          lightweight oarsman’s career until 1974 when the first FISA Championships were conducted.

               The first Women’s Interstate Lightweight Four-Oared Championship was contested on the Yarra River in
               Melbourne on 28th April, 1968. The Victoria Cup, presented by the Victorian Ladies’ Rowing Association,
               is the perpetual trophy for this event. In 1999, the change was made from coxless four to quad scull as
               most lightweight women’s rowing was in sculling boats due to the introduction of an Olympic women’s
               lightweight double scull.

               The first Championship was conducted in Victoria in 1974, and in that same year, the Australian Rowing
               Council accepted an offer by Noel Wilkinson to provide a perpetual trophy for the event. Noel was a great
               fundraiser for both Australian rowing teams and Australian Olympic teams. He was also a long serving
               Treasurer of the Council.

               A women’s youth event was commenced in 1988 (the year of Australia’s Bicentenary) in coxed fours. The
               event became an eight oared event in 1994 due the continued growth in women’s rowing. The Cup was
               presented by the NSW Rowing Association.

The PR3 Men’s Single Scull (formally the LTA Men’s Single Scull) made its debut in the Interstate Regatta in 2016. In its
inaugural year it was won by Kevin du Toit of New South Wales. The race results contribute to the overall States’ point
scores and help to decide who may win the Rowing Australia Cup at the conclusion of the Regatta.

The PR3 Women’s Single Scull (formally the LTA Women’s Single Scull) made its debut in the Interstate Regatta in 2016.
In its inaugural year it was won by Paralympian Kate Murdoch of New South Wales. The race results will contribute to the
overall States’ point scores and help to decide who may win the Rowing Australia Cup at the conclusion of the Regatta.

For more detailed histories please visit: www.rowinghistory-aus.info


In 1919, following the end of World War I, the Allied forces were stationed in London, patiently awaiting to be returned home.
Sport was a great way to keep the troops healthy and mentally engaged, and in this spirit and in celebration of peacetime, the
Henley Royal Regatta ran as the 1919 Henley Peace Regatta.

The blue riband event of the regatta was the eight’s race. Two Australian crews raced in this event however, Australian Imperial
Force Number 1 beat the competition and took out the prized King’s Cup.

After numerous attempts to bring the trophy home to Australia, it was not until King George V through the advice of Winston
Churchill finally gifted the trophy to Australia that the Cup arrived down under. From 1922, The King’s Cup has been awarded
annually to the Interstate Men’s Eight Champions of Australia, and has become the most coveted national rowing prize.

    Sgt Archie Robb (Derwent RC, TAS)
    Lieut Fred House (Derwent RC, TAS)
    Lieut Tom McGill (Leichhardt RC, NSW)
    Gunner Arthur Scott (Murray Bridge RC, SA)
    Lieut Henry Hauenstein (Leichhardt and Balmain RCs, NSW)
    Major Sidney Middleton (Glebe and Sydney RCs, NSW)
    Gunner George Mettam (West Australian RC, WA)
    Captain Clive Disher (Melbourne University BC, VIC)
    Sgt A. E. Smedley (Sydney RC, NSW) coxswain

How many times has each state won the interstate regatta,
since the Kings Cup return in 1922?

 Victoria                               40 wins
                                        31 wins                                  Western
 New South Wales                                                                 Australia
 Western Australia                      9 wins                                                  South
                                                                                    9           Australia
 South Australia                        6 wins
                                                                                                                 NSW        31
 Queensland                             2 wins
 Australian Capital Territories         1 win                                                                              ACT   1
 Tasmania                               1 win                                                                         40

                                                                                                                      TAS   1



   Mon 25 to Sun 31 March - A special free exhibition about the history of the King’s Cup

   Fri 29 March - Centenary of the King’s Cup Breakfast Celebration

   Fri 29 to Sun 31 March - Commemorative Book by Bruce Coe on sale

   Sat 30 March - Military row-past involving members of the Australian Defence Force Rowing Team

   Sun 31 March - Last Post Ceremony and family members of the original King’s Cup crew in attendance


   Fri 5 to Sun 7 July - The Australian Defence Force Rowing Team to race in a Military VIIIs event at Henley
                         Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, France, USA, Germany & The Netherlands will compete.
                         All crews will feature a minimum of two women in their Eight.

   Tue 2 July - Rowing Australia to host King’s Cup Centenary lunch at the Australian High Commission in London
                 Buy tickets here

                CENTENARY OF THE K ING’S CUP
                Join us on Tuesday 2 July 2019 at the Australian
                High Commission in London.
                Celebrate the Centenary of the King’s
                Cup and the start of the 2019 Henley
                Royal Regatta.

                Special Guest Speaker to be confirmed shortly.

                To book tickets visit:


The Australian Open Rowing Championships, Australian Open Schools Rowing Championships and the Interstate Regatta
will be conducted according to the rules and regulations of Rowing Australia, including for lightweight and coxswain
weight restrictions and weighing-in times.

The JURY for the event:

    President of the Jury and Referee: Tina Maher (TAS)

    Assistant President of the Jury: Geoff Northam (ACT)

    Alan Butorac (ACT), Mary Birch (NZ), Janette Christian (NSW), Peter Crane (NZ), Paul Diggerson (VIC), Catherine
    Garrington (ACT), David Grubits (VIC), Merran Holmes (NSW), Rene Klupacs (VIC), Bruce McCarthy (QLD), Karen
    Mills (QLD), John Murdoch (WA), Brian Nash (WA), Lesley Skevington (VIC), Chris Symons (TAS), Chris Tucker (NSW),
    Victor Walter (NSW), Bill Webster (VIC), Brett Woolfitt (WA), Greg Young (QLD).

A complete list of entries into each event can be found on the event website: sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au

The draw for all Australian Open and Open Schools Rowing Championship events will be conducted after the Athletes
briefing to be conducted in the Grandstand on Sunday 24th March at 3.00pm.

The Aon Sydney International Regatta Centre will be open at 6.00am each day for athletes and coaches, and 7.00am for
spectators; and will close at 7.30pm.

The course will officially open for training at 3.30pm on Saturday 23rd March, and 7.00am Sunday 24th March.

The course will open for training on competition days at 6.40am and shall close 15min prior to the first race of the day (i.e.
Crews must be past the Finish Line on the course at this time). Crews may hit the water for post-racing training from the
start of the last race of the day but shall not be allowed onto the course until 15min after the last race. The course shall
close for training at 7.00pm each day.

Maps relating to the traffic rules during training are included in this program and will be displayed around the venue.

Boat weighing shall take place in Boatshed 2 for big boats, and the eastern side of Boatshed 3 for small boats. Entry into
the weighing bays shall be from the eastern side only, and shall be one way only.

Athlete weighing shall take place in the western end of Boatshed 3. Boat and athlete scales shall be available for test
weighing from Sunday 24th March.

Where there are four or more starters in an event, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals shall be awarded. Where there are
three starters, 1st and 2nd place medals shall be awarded. Where there are two starters, 1st place medals only shall be
awarded. Where there is one starter, 1st place medals are awarded following a row-over.

The draw for each day’s racing will be posted on all noticeboards at the venue as soon as possible and no later than 60
minutes prior to the commencement of each session. It will also be available on the website sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au/

Results of each race will be available on as each race progresses.
Go to sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au/competitors/results/sirr-results-2019

A live webcast of racing on the morning of Friday 29th and Saturday 30th and on Sunday 31st March, including the A-Finals
of the School events and the Interstate Regatta, will be accessible through the SIRR website: sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au
Spectator access to the water’s edge will be prohibited during these sessions for pedestrian safety and to avoid blocking
the coverage of the TV cameras.

Go to ra.rowingmanager.com/regattas/4434

                                                                                            Celebrate 100 years
                                                                                               with 100 Oars
                                                                                               Donate $1,000 to support our
                                                                                           pathway program and have your name
                                                                                          placed on an oar currently in use at the
                                                                                                 National Training Centres.


 CREWS               RACE TYPE           NO CREWS             PROGRESSION

                     1 Heat              Up to 8              Selection events: Compulsory Preliminary
 1..8                                                         Round As outlined on Day Sheets
                                                              All other events: First and Final
                     1 Final
                     2 Heats             4 to 6               1..2 -> Final A, Rest Repechage
 9..12               1 Rep               5 to 8               1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     up to 2 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     2 Heats             6 to 8               1..2 -> Final A, Rest Repechage
 13..16              2 Reps              4 to 6               1..2 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     up to 2 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     3 Heats             5 to 7               1..4 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     1 Rep               5 to 8               1..4 -> Semi A/B, Rest Eliminated (or Final C)
                     2 Semis             8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     up to 3 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     3 Heats             7 or 8               1..4 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     2 Reps              4 to 6               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Eliminated (or Final C)
                     2 Semis             8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     up to 3 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     4 Heats             6 or 7               1..3 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     2 Reps              6 to 8               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Eliminated (or Final C/D)
 25..28              2 Semis A/B         8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     2 Semis C/D         4 to 6               1..4 -> Final C, Rest -> Final D
                     up to 4 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     4 Heats             7 or 8               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     4 Reps              5 or 6               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Eliminated (or Semi C/D)
 29..32              2 Semis A/B         8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     2 Semis C/D         6 to 8               1..4 -> Final C, Rest -> Final D
                     up to 4 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     6 Heats             5 to 8               1 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     5 Reps              5 to 8               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Elim (or Semi C/D or Final E)
 33..39              2 Semis A/B         8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     2 Semis C/D         6 to 8               1..4 -> Final C, Rest Final D
                     up to 4 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     6 Heats             5 to 8               1 -> Semi A/B, Rest Repechage
                     5 Reps              5 to 8               1..2 -> Semi A/B, Rest Elim (or Semi C/D or E/F)
 40..46              2 Semis A/B         8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     2 Semis C/D         7 or 8               1..4 -> Final C, Rest Final D
                     2 Semis E/F         4 to 8               1..4 -> Final E, Rest Final F
                     up to 6 Finals      Finals of up to 8
                     8 Heats             5 to 8               1 -> Quarter Finals, Rest Repechage
                     8 Reps              5 to 7               1..3 -> Quarter Finals, 4,5 to Semi E/F (or eliminated), Rest Eliminated
                     4 Quarters          8                    1..4 -> Semi AB, Rest Eliminated (or Semi C/D)
 47..64              2 Semis A/B         8                    1..4 -> Final A, Rest Eliminated (or Final B)
                     2 Semis C/D         8                    1..4 -> Final C, Rest Final D
                     2 Semis E/F         8                    1..4 -> Final E, Rest Final F
                     up to 6 Finals      Finals of up to 8

 The Fairness Commission may alter the progression at any time. In such cases ample notice will be given to competitors.
 The Technical Delegate(s) in consultation with the Organising Committee & President of the Jury will determine the
 Progression system to apply to each event/category.
    The Australian Open Schools Rowing Championship events will use an exhaustive finals progression – B, C, D etc.
    Race for Lanes / Preliminary Races will not be conducted at the regatta for any events where an event has less than
    9 entries, with the exception of school events and events which are being used for selection purposes (U21 1x, U21
    LW1x, U21 2-, U23 1x, U23 LW1x, U23 LW 2x, U23 2x, U23 2-, U23 L2-). For these selection events, the race for lanes
    will be compulsory; if you do not row in the race for lanes you will not be allocated a lane in the final.


All car parking at SIRR will be free of charge. All public entry to the Aon Sydney International Regatta Centre will be
through Gate A. Please follow the directions of all venue parking staff and volunteers.
A shuttle bus will operate between the south side car parks and the Island from 7.30am on each competition day. A shuttle
bus will also run between the Penrith Train Station and SIRC on Friday 29th, Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st March

Athlete and team drop off and pick up only will be permitted to the Island via Gate A.

Emergency medical care for spectators and competitors during racing is located in the Dr Bill Webb Medical Centre
located approx. 50m beyond the Finish Tower. The Regatta Doctor will be located here along with emergency paramedics.

NO BARE FEET: Wear shoes, sandals, scuffs when walking around the venue.
KEEP HYDRATED: SIP, SIP, SIP and then SIP some more.
BLOCK OUT THE SUN: Apply sun screen and re-apply every two hours.
STAY OFF YOUR FEET: Limit the amount of walking you do.

Sit back and enjoy some interactive information sessions on all things rowing, presented by Rowing Australia technical
staff. Sessions are Wednesday 27th March to Saturday 30th March in the Olympic Room (situated at eastern end of the
Grandstand) 10 minutes into the lunch break. Attendance is free however places are limited.
Please register via sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au/competitors/whats-on-in-2019-register-for-events

The Schools Welcome BBQ is being held on Wednesday evening from 5:30pm behind the grandstand at SIRC. All school
athletes, coaches and parents are encouraged to join for a free BBQ, and to hear from some of the Senior Australia Rowing
Team athletes on their journey from school rowing to the national team.
Registration is essential - sirr.rowingaustralia.com.au/competitors/whats-on-in-2019-register-for-events

You will be able to purchase alcohol at the venue, however, as it is a ticketed event, you will not be able to bring alcohol
into the venue. Random bag checks will be carried out by security marshals. People who have brought alcohol into the
venue will have this confiscated: intoxicated people will be asked to leave the venue.

A variety of food and drink options will be located around the venue.

The Lakeside Restaurant is also available should you wish to pre-order meals/catering direct with the venue caterer.
Catering options can be discussed and arranged directly with the venue caterer.
Email: info@lakesiderestaurant.com.au

There will be an ATM available at the venue, located in the Regatta Village area to the west of the Grandstand.


  Aon Sydney International Rowing Regatta
  c/- Rowing Australia
  P.O. Box 7147, YARRALUMLA ACT 2600
  Email: aevans@rowingaustralia.com.au
  Website: sirr.rowingaustralia.com

                                            ROWING IN AUSTRALIA
                                            FORUM 2019
Join the conversation
Rowing Australia CEO Ian Robson and a RA Director will be in attendance
to share information on key national initiatives to grow our sport, and also hear
from you on what you see as the opportunities and challenges.

More details can be found on the Rowing Australia website


OPEN TO ALL - School and Clubs, Umpires, Parents, Rowers, Coaches, and Masters.

 Event #   Event    Mon 25/3      Tue 26/3      Wed 27/4       Thu 28/3       Fri 29/3   Sat 30/3   Sun 31/3

                     AU S T R A L I A N O PE N R OW I N G C H A M PI O N S H I P S

  101      OW1X       Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

  102      OW2X        **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  103      OW4X                                                   **             **       Final

  104       OW2-       **           Heat           Rep           Final

  105       OW4-                     **           Heat           Rep            Final

  106      OW8+                                                   **             **       Final

  107      OM1X       Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

  108      OM2X        **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  109      OM4X                                       **         Heat           Rep       Final

  110       OM2-       **           Heat           Rep           Final

   111      OM4-                                      **          **            Final

  112      OM8+                                                   **             **       Final

  113      OWL1X      Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

  114      OWL2X       **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  115      OWL4X                                                  **             **       Final

  116      OML1X      Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

   117     OML2X       **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  118      OML4X                                      **         Heat           Rep       Final

  119      OML2-                     **               **         Final

  120      OML4-                                                  **             **       Final

  121      OML8+                                      **          **            Final

                                          UNDER 23 EVENTS

  122      U23W1X     Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

  123      U23W2X      **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  124      U23W4X                                                 **             **       Final

  125      U23W2-     Heat          Rep                          Final

  126      U23W4-                                     **          **            Final

  127      U23W8+                                                 **             **       Final

  128      U23M1X     Heat          Rep           Semi           Final

  129      U23M2X      **           Heat           Rep                          Final

  130      U23M4X                                                 **             **       Final

  131      U23M2-     Heat          Rep                          Final

  132      U23M4-                                     **          **            Final

Event #    Event    Mon 25/3   Tue 26/3        Wed 27/4       Thu 28/3    Fri 29/3   Sat 30/3   Sun 31/3

 133      U23M8+                                                   **        **       Final

 134      U23WL1X     Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 135      U23WL2X      **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 136      U23WL4X                                                  **        **       Final

 137      U23ML1X     Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 138      U23ML2X      **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 139      U23ML2-                 **               **             Final

 140      U23ML4-                                  **              **      Final

                                       UNDER 21 EVENTS

 141      U21W1X      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 142      U21W2X       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 143      U21W4X                                   **             Heat      Rep       Final

 144      U21W2-      Heat       Rep                              Final

 145      U21W4+                Heat              Rep                      Final

 146      U21M1X      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 147      U21M2X       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 148      U21M4X                                   **             Heat      Rep       Final

 149      U21M2-      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 150      U21M4+                Heat              Rep                      Final

 151      U21WL1X     Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 152      U21ML1X     Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

                                       U N D E R 19 E V E N T S

 153      U19W1X      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 154      U19W2X      Heat       Rep              Semi                     Final

 155      U19W4X-                                 Heat            Rep        **       Final

 156      U19W2-      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 157      U19W4-       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 158      U19W4+       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 159      U19W8+                                  Heat             **       Rep       Final

 160      U19M1X      Heat       Rep              Semi            Final

 161      U19M2X      Heat       Rep              Semi                     Final

 162      U19M4X-                                 Heat            Rep      Semi       Final

 163      U19M2-      Heat       Rep                              Final

 164      U19M4-       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 165      U19M4+       **       Heat              Rep                      Final

 166      U19M8+                                  Heat             **       Rep       Final

Event #    Event     Mon 25/3        Tue 26/3      Wed 27/4        Thu 28/3       Fri 29/3   Sat 30/3   Sun 31/3

                                          U N D E R 17 E V E N T S

 167      U17W1X        Heat           Rep            Semi           Final

 168      U17W2X        Heat           Rep            Semi                          Final

 169      U17W4X+                                     Heat           Rep            Semi      Final

 170      U17M1X        Heat           Rep            Semi           Final

 171      U17M2X        Heat           Rep            Semi                          Final

 172      U17M4X+                                     Heat           Rep            Semi      Final

                                              C LU B E V E N T S

 173       CW2X                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 174       CW4-                                                       **            Heat       Rep       Final

 175       CW8+                                                       **            Heat       Rep       Final

 176       CM2X                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 177       CM4-                                                       **            Heat       Rep       Final

 178       CM8+                                                       **            Heat       Rep       Final

                       AU S T R A L I A N PA R A R OW I N G C H A M PI O N S H I P S

 181      PR1W1x                                                                    Final

 182      PR1M1x                                                                    Final

 183      PR1Mix2x                                                   Final

 184      PR2W1x                                                                    Final

 185      PR2M1x                                                                    Final

 186      PR2Mix2x                                                   Final

 187      PR3W1x                       Heat           Rep            Final

 188      PR3W2-                                                                    Final

 189      PR3M1x                       Heat           Rep            Final

 190      PR3M2-                                                                    Final

 191      PR3Mix2x                                                                  Final

 192      PR3Mix4+                                                                            Final

                     AU S T R A L I A N S C H O O L S R OW I N G C H A M PI O N S H I P S

 201       SG1X                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 202       SG4X+                                                     Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 203       SG4+                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 204      SGU17 8+                                                    **            Heat       Rep       Final

 205       SG8+                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 206       SB1X                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 207       SB4X+                                                     Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 208       SB4+                                                      Heat           Rep       Semi       Final

 209      SBU17 8+                                                    **            Heat       Rep       Final

 210       SB8+                                                       **            Heat       Rep       Final

Event #    Event         Mon 25/3       Tue 26/3      Wed 27/4      Thu 28/3       Fri 29/3      Sat 30/3   Sun 31/3

                      T H E K I N G’S A N D Q U E E N ’S C U P I N T E R S TAT E R EG AT TA

 301      ISWPR31X                                                                                           Final

 302      ISMPR31X                                                                                           Final

 303       ISW1X                                                                                             Final

 304       ISM1X                                                                                             Final

 305       ISWL4X                                                                                            Final

 306       ISML4-                                                                                            Final

 307       ISWY8+                                                                                            Final

 308       ISMY8+                                                                                            Final

 309       ISW8+                                                                                             Final

 310       ISM8+                                                                                             Final

            AO N SY D N E Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L R OW I N G R EG AT TA 5 0 0 M E T R E S PR I N T S

 401      PR1W1x                                                                                   H&F

 402       PR1M1x                                                                                  H&F

 403      PR2W1x                                                                                   H&F

 404      PR2M1x                                                                                   H&F

 405      PR3W1x                                                                                   H&F

 406      PR3M1x                                                                                   H&F

 407       UW4X                                                                                    H&F

 408       UW8+                                                                                    H&F

 409       UM4X                                                                                    H&F

 410       UM8+                                                                                    H&F

 411       SG4X                                                                                    H&F

 412       SG8+                                                                                    H&F

 413       SB4X                                                                                    H&F

 414        SB8+                                                                                   H&F

 415       OW4X                                                                                    H&F

 416       OW8+                                                                                    H&F

 417       OM4X                                                                                    H&F

 418       OM8+                                                                                    H&F


CLUB TITLE                             CREW TITLE                STATE   COLOURS

ACT High Performance                   ACT                       ACT     Blue, gold & white

ANU Boat Club                          ANU                       ACT     White with 2 blue bands

Adelaide High School                   Adelaide High             SA      Black with white facings

Adelaide Rowing Club                   Adelaide                  SA      Black, red and gold hoops, black shorts

Adelaide University Boat Club          Adelaide Uni              SA      White with black "V", black shorts

All Hallows' School                    All Hallows'              QLD     Light blue and navy

Anglican Church Grammar School         ACGS                      QLD     Blue and grey
Australian Defence                     Aust Defence
                                                                 ACT     Light blue with red and navy hoops
Force Academy - ACT                    Force Academ
Australian Defence Force Rowing Club   ADF Rowing                ACT
                                                                         Navy blue shorts, white top, navy blue diagonal stripe
Bairnsdale Rowing Club                 Bairnsdale                VIC
                                                                         from left shoulder to right waist
Ballarat Clarendon College             Ballarat Clarendon        VIC     Black shorts, red top, gold side panels

Ballarat Grammar School                Ballarat Grammar          VIC     Royal blue shorts brown top with gold and blue yoke

Ballarat High School                   Ballarat High             VIC     Navy blue shorts, royal blue and navy blue striped “V”

Balmain Rowing Club                    Balmain                   NSW     Gold and black hoops
                                                                         Navy blue, pink stripes, club motif on front, letters BANKS
Banks Rowing Club                      Banks                     VIC
                                                                         in pink across back
Barker College                         Barker College            NSW     Red with navy sleeved raglan t shirt BARKER

Barwon Rowing Club                     Barwon                    VIC     Blue and white hoops

Black Mountain Rowing Club             Black Mountain            ACT     Red

Brighton Grammar School                Brighton Grammar          VIC     Navy blue with red vertical centre stripe

Brigidine College                      Brigidine College         QLD

Brisbane & GPS Rowing Club             Brisbane & GPS            QLD     Blue and aqua

Brisbane Boys College                  Brisbane Boys             QLD     Green, black and white

Brisbane Girls Grammar School          Brisbane Girls GS         QLD     Navy blue and white

Brisbane Grammar School                Brisbane Grammar          QLD     Light blue and dark blue

Buckingham Rowing Club                 Bucks                     TAS     Gold with green hoops

Bundaberg Rowing Club                  Bundaberg                 QLD     Black and gold

Canberra Girls Grammar School          Canberra Girls Grammar    ACT     Green, red and white

Canberra Grammar School                Canberra Grammar          ACT     Sky blue/navy blue

Canberra Rowing Club                   Canberra                  ACT     Blue to black gradient with yellow dot swirl

Canterbury College                     Canterbury                QLD     White, navy and red

Capital Lakes Rowing Club              Capital Lakes             ACT     Green, red, blue & white

Carey Grammar School                   Carey Grammar             VIC     Black shorts, gold top, blue and gold triangle side panels

Centenary Rowing Club                  Centenary                 QLD     Red, white and blue

CLUB TITLE                             CREW TITLE                    STATE   COLOURS

Christ Church Grammar School           Christ Church                 WA      Navy blue yellow
                                                                             Royal blue with navy, white and navy vertical side stripes.
Colo High School                       Colo High                     NSW
                                                                             Crest on front. COLO on back
Commercial Rowing Club                 Commercial                    QLD     Light blue and dark blue

Corio Bay Rowing Club                  Corio Bay                     VIC     Purple , gold trimmings

Corowa Rowing Club                     Corowa                        VIC     Bright red, black and white hoops

Cranbrook School                       Cranbrook                     NSW     White with royal blue, white, red bands

DRC Rowers                             Drummoyne                     NSW     Bottle green, gold and black vertical panel

Damascus College                       Damascus                      VIC     Navy, maroon and gold

Don College                            Don                           TAS

Essendon Rowing Club                   Essendon                      VIC     Black, red sash

Firbank Grammar School                 Firbank Grammar               VIC     Green and white, green and gold horizontal stripes

Footscray City Rowing Club             Footscray City                VIC     Red, white and blue

Fremantle Rowing Club                  Fremantle                     WA      Cambridge blue and white
                                                                             Black shorts, light blue top, gold & light blue vertical side
Geelong Grammar School                 Geelong Grammar               VIC
Genazzano FCJ College                  Genazzano                     VIC     Navy blue, white yoke, maroon & white horizontal stripes

Gippsland Grammar                      Gippsland Grammar             VIC     Green with white, green & black horizontal panels

Glebe Rowing Club                      Glebe                         NSW     Maroon with white v on back and white trim w/crest
Griffith University Surfers Paradise   Griffith Uni Surfers
                                                                     QLD     Red & black
Rowing Club                            Paradise
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club                 Hawkes Bay                    NZL

Hawthorn Rowing Club                   Hawthorn                      VIC     Blue and white hoops

Hobart College                         Hobart                        TAS

Hunter Valley Grammar School           Hunter Valley Grammar         NSW     Navy blue with yellow, green, light blue bands

Huon Rowing Club                       Huon                          TAS     Blue, yellow and red

Ignatius Park College                  Ignatius                      QLD     Royal blue and white

Kand Rowing Club Inc                   Kand                          QLD
                                                                             Royal blue with burgandy side panels, school logo on
Kardinia International College         Kardinia Int'l College        VIC
                                                                             centre of chest
Kinross Wolaroi School                 Kinross Wolaroi               NSW     White with sky and navy hoops
                                                                             Charcoal grey suit with cherry red yoke and white/cherry
Korowa Anglican Girls School           Korowa AGS                    VIC
                                                                             red side stripes, white Korowa across the back
Launceston Church Grammar School       Grammar                       TAS     White and blue vertical stripes

Lauriston Girls' School                Lauriston Girls'              VIC     Navy suit, white side panel, 'Lauriston' across back

Leichhardt Rowing Club                 Leichhardt                    NSW     White with red and royal blue “V”

Loreto - Toorak                        Loreto - Toorak               VIC     Hyacinth blue

Loreto College - Ballarat              Loreto - Ballarat             VIC     Royal blue, gold side strip w fleur de lys crest

Loreto College Marryatville            Loreto Marryatville           SA      Sax blue and gold

Loreto Kirribilli                      Loreto Kirribilli             NSW     Royal blue, yellow diagonal sash, school crest

Loreto Normanhurst                     Loreto Normanhurst            NSW     Navy blue, white bib with school crest and gold sleeves

CLUB TITLE                               CREW TITLE                   STATE   COLOURS
Loreto Old Scholars and Community
                                         LOS & CRC                    SA
Rowing Club
MLC School                               MLC School                   NSW     Navy blue with half white, half sky blue side panels

Mannum Rowing Club                       Mannum                       SA      Green, gold boomerang, black shorts

Marist College Canberra                  Marist College               ACT     Dark blue/light blue

Melbourne Girls' Grammar School          Melbourne Girls' GS          VIC     Navy blue body, gold breast “V” with sky blue shoulders

Melbourne Grammar School                 Melbourne GS                 VIC     Navy blue

Melbourne High School                    Melbourne HS                 VIC     Maroon

Melbourne Rowing Club                    Melbourne RC                 VIC     Navy blue with light blue and navy blue stripes

Melbourne University Boat Club           Melbourne University         VIC     White & blue

Mercantile Rowing Club                   Mercantile                   VIC     White, Cambridge blue trim, motif & badge

Mersey Rowing Club                       Mersey                       TAS     Red, royal blue, light blue trim

Methodist Ladies' College                MLC Kew                      VIC     White diagonal green stripe top, green shorts emblem

Mosman Rowing Club                       Mosman                       NSW     White and red hoops
                                                                              Pale blue w navy blue facings; navy shorts, maltese cross
Murray Bridge Rowing Club                Murray Bridge                SA
                                                                              on chest
Nepean Rowing Club                       Nepean                       NSW     Light blue with royal blue vertical stripe with crest

Nestles Rowing Club                      Nestles                      VIC     White and maroon

New Norfolk Rowing Club                  New Norfolk                  TAS     Gold with black maltese cross

Newcastle Grammar School                 Newcastle Grammar            NSW     White with blue/white/red sash, side stripes
                                                                              Maroon with white shoulders and white and maroon side
Newcastle University Boat Club           Newcastle Uni                NSW
                                                                              stripes. Black shorts. Crest on chest and logo on back
Newington College                        Newington                    NSW     White with black vertical stripe, black wyvern crest

North Esk Rowing Club                    North Esk                    TAS     Sky blue and white

Norwood-Morialta High School             Norwood Morialta High        SA      Navy blue, red & gold facings

Pembroke School                          Pembroke School              SA      Green, gold and navy trim

Penrith Rowing Club                      Penrith                      NSW     Yellow with pink side panels and trim, PENRITH on back

Phoenix Rowing Club                      Phoenix                      SA      White, burgundy and dark blue

Pine Rivers Rowing Club                  Pine Rivers                  QLD     Green and white

Port Adelaide Rowing Club                Port Adelaide                SA      Black and white hoops. Black shorts

Power House Rowing Club                  Power House                  VIC     Black, white & green vertical stripe and coronet
                                                                              Red top with black trim. White and black swipes across
Presbyterian Ladies College              PLC Sydney                   NSW
                                                                              chest. PLC Sydney on back. Black shorts
Presbyterian Ladies' College - Perth     PLC                          WA      Green top with navy blue and white diagonal stripes

Presbyterian Ladies' College Melbourne   PLC Melbourne                VIC     Gold & blue horizontal top, black pants

Pulteney Grammar School                  Pulteney Grammar             SA      Navy and white, gold "V", navy shorts

Pymble Ladies College                    Pymble Ladies                NSW     Navy blue with white side panels, red triangle centre

Queenwood School                         Queenwood                    NSW     Charcoal red side panel with stars, "Q" on back

Radford College                          Radford College              ACT     Maroon, navy & sky blue

Redlands                                 Redlands                     NSW     Navy blue and gold vertical stripes

CLUB TITLE                             CREW TITLE                  STATE   COLOURS

Riverway Rowing Club                   Riverway                    QLD     Navy and leaf green

Rockhampton Grammar School             Rockhampton Grammar         QLD     Red and black

Rowing New South Wales                 New South Wales             NSW     Sky blue

Rowing Queensland                      Queensland                  QLD

Rowing South Australia                 South Australia             SA

Rowing Tasmania                        Tasmania                    TAS

Rowing Victoria                        Victoria                    VIC     Navy blue with a white “V”

Rowing WA                              Western Australia           WA
                                                                           Navy shorts, white top with navy and gold side panels,
Ruyton Girls' School                   Ruyton Girls'               VIC
                                                                           emblem on centre of chest.
Saint Ignatius' College - Adelaide     St Ignatius SA              SA      Red, navy and gold

Sandy Bay Rowing Club                  Sandy Bay                   TAS     White, maroon and green

Scotch College - Adelaide              Scotch College ADEL         SA      Gold with navy facings. Blue trim

Scotch College - Vic                   Scotch College VIC          VIC     Cardinal

Scotch Oakburn College                 Scotch Oakburn              TAS     Gold

Seymour College                        Seymour College             SA      Green, navy and white

Shelford Girls' Grammar                Shelford GS                 VIC     Navy, light blue and white

Shepparton Rowing Club                 Shepparton Rowing Club      VIC     Maroon with gold band and black shorts

Shoalhaven Rowing Club                 Shoalhaven                  NSW     Mineral green with two gold “V” bands

St Augustines College                  St Augustines               NSW     Mineral green with gold, red, gold side panel

St Catherine's School                  St Catherine's              NSW     White with red, yellow, blue hoops & side panel

St Catherine's School                  St Catherine's              VIC     Light blue, dark blue with yellow stripe & crest

St Clares College                      St Clares College           ACT     Maroon
St Columba Anglican School Port                                            White top with red trim plus a blue and maroon "V",
                                       St Columba Anglican         NSW
Macquarie                                                                  navy shorts
St George Rowing Club                  St George                   NSW     White with red band with crest

St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls   St Hilda's                  WA      Bottom blue, grey top yellow/pale blue side stripe

St Hilda's School                      St Hilda's                  QLD     Navy, red and gold

St Ignatius College                    St Ignatius                 NSW     Royal blue with white trim,centre school crest

St Joseph's Nudgee College             Nudgee                      QLD     Royal blue and white

St Joseph's College                    St Josephs                  NSW     Cerise with royal blue trim

St Kevin's College                     St Kevin's                  VIC     Navy blue with green and gold hoops

St Mary's College                      St Marys                    TAS     Blue with green and brown hoops

St Michael's Collegiate School         Collegiate                  TAS

St Patrick's College                   St Patrick's College        VIC     White green trim & shamrock

St Paul's Grammar School               St Paul's Grammar           NSW     Green with white side patches, school crest.

St Peter's College                     St Peter's College          SA      Royal blue with white facings

St Peter's Girls College               St Peters Girls             SA      Blue/white

St Virgil's College                    St Virgils                  TAS     Blue, gold side panels

CLUB TITLE                           CREW TITLE                  STATE   COLOURS

Strathcona BGGS                      Strathcona                  VIC     Royal blue with gold side stripes and back panel

Stuartholme School                   Stuartholme                 QLD     Red and yellow

Swan River Rowing Club               Swan River                  WA      Navy blue with white edge

Sydney Girls High School             Sydney Girls                NSW     Chocolate brown with yellow & white sash

Sydney Grammar School                Grammar                     NSW     Black with gold side panels

Sydney Rowing Club                   Sydney                      NSW     Sky blue with crest
                                     Sydney Secondary
Sydney Secondary College                                         NSW
Sydney University Boat Club          Sydney University           NSW     White with gold and royal blue band

Tamar Rowing Club                    Tamar                       TAS     Navy blue and white

Tara Anglican School for Girls       Tara School                 NSW     Navy blue with sky blue/navy/sky blue sash

Tasmania University Boat Club        TUBC                        TAS     Gold and black, red trim

Team Bangladesh                      Team Bangladesh             BAN

Team Hong Kong                       Team Hong Kong              HKG

Team Japan                           Team Japan                  JPN

Team Vanuatu                         Team Vanuatu                VAN

The Cathedral School                 Cathedral                   QLD     Dark blue, brown and white

The Friends School                   Friends                     TAS     Red

                                                                         Black shorts, white and blue diagonal panels,
The Geelong College                  Geelong College             VIC
                                                                         green centre panel

The Hutchins School                  Hutchins                    TAS     Black with magenta trim

The Kings School                     Kings                       NSW     Sky blue with white cross, crown on back

The Scots College                    Scots                       NSW     Gold with navy blue band, school crest

The Shore School                     Shore                       NSW     White with navy blue trim

The Southport School                 The Southport School        QLD     Red, white and blue

Toowong Rowing Club                  Toowong                     QLD     Blue and gold

Torrens Rowing Club                  Torrens                     SA      Red and white hoops; black shorts

Townsville & JCU                     Townsville JCU              QLD     Blue and white

Trinity Grammar School               Trinity                     VIC     Green with yellow

UTS Rowing Club                      UTS                         NSW     White and black vertical stripes

University of Queensland Boat Club   Uni of QLD                  QLD     Maroon and light blue

University of WA Boat Club           UWABC                       WA      White with blue, green and gold

Waikato Rowing Club                  Waikato                     NZL

Walford Anglican School              Walford Anglican            SA      Sky blue, gold facings, navy shorts
                                                                         Red, white star, 1 wide white band flanked by 2 narrow
Wendouree - Ballarat Rowing Club     Wendouree Ballarat          VIC
                                                                         white bands
Wesley College - Perth               Wesley                      WA      Green singlet with yellow and black horizontal stripe

Wesley College                       Wesley College              VIC     Purple & gold

West Australian Rowing Club          WARC                        WA      Cardinal and gold

West End Rowing Club                 West End                    NZL

Xavier College                       Xavier                      VIC     Black, red trim

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               If it’s on in Sydney, it’s on sydney.com
                  Please note that events are subject to change or cancellation (check relevant website for further details prior to the event).
             Destination NSW acknowledges and appreciates all photographic images supplied by each event owner for use in this advertisement.
Rowing Australia wishes to thank all 2019
event partners, suppliers and supporters.
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