Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

Page created by Philip Crawford
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University
Suffolk University

 Over 100 Involvement
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University
Table of Contents

        Welcome Letter

   Student Organization List

  Student Organization Details

    Performing Arts Groups

       Office Information

      Start Your Own Club
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University
Welcome Back, Rams

        COVID has made it challenging to function as a student organization and hold events on campus. Despite those
challenges, our student organizations have been resilient and persevered. They have contined to hold meetings and
events both virtually and in-person; and in accordance with COVID safety guidelines. Suffolk is a place where people seek
to get to know one another and build lasting personal relationships. Multiple events throughout the year are designed
to keep you involved, active, and engaged in our vibrant campus community. In a time that requires us to socially distant
and prevents large events, it is more important than ever to meet other students and make friends by joining student
organizations and getting involved.
        We encourage you to get involved in student organizations and leadership roles on campus. The range and
diversity of student organizations on campus reflect the rich community at Suffolk University. Involvement in a student
organization will complement what you are learning in the classroom and create opportunities for friendship and
support. You will also gain valuable leadership skills and professional preparation through your experience to succeed in
your next steps after graduation.
        Student Involvement enriches the social and intellectual life at Suffolk University. As a student, you contribute

                                                                                                                             INTR ODUC TION
significantly to the process by not only supporting these activities through your attendance but by actively engaging
in them as a planner, coordinator, volunteer, or facilitator. Whatever form it takes, be it in an elected position in SGA,
member of a cultural organization, involvement in community service programs, or attending campus events sponsored
by Program Council, these are essential steps to becoming a more connected and engaged college student.
        If you have questions or need more guidance regarding getting involved at Suffolk, please do not hesitate to
contact the Student Leadership and Involvement office located in the Sawyer Building, Suite 320, in person or by any
virtual medium you prefer, all listed below.

Stay safe and healthy,
David DeAngelis
Assistant Dean, Division of Student Affairs
Director, Office of Student Leadership and Involvement
(617) 573-8320 | | @SuffolkSLI | 8 Ashburton Place, Suite 320 Boston, MA 02108

                                Keep an eye out for our key to know
                                   how student organizations are
                                  functioning this academic year.

                                           This icon means that the listed student
                                           organization is utilizing virtual mediums such as
                                           zoom, to meet.

                                          This icon means that the listed student
                                          organization is offering in-person meetings and/
                                          or events.

                              If both icons are listed, the student organization is using a
                            combinaton of both virtual and in person meetings and events.
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University
Fraternity/Sorority Life                 •   TedX Suffolk University               •   Prisoners Rights Club
•   Alpha Sigma Alpha (ΑΣΑ)              •   Talking about Regional, Global,       •   Suffolk Pro-Choice
•   Sigma Alpha Epsilon (ΣΑΕ)                Educational Topics (TARGET)           •   SU College Democrats
•   Suffolk University Panhellenic       •   Unspoken Feelings                     •   Suffolk Republican Club (GOP)
    Council (SUPA)                       •   Youth Empowerment Ministry            •   Turning Point USA at Suffolk
•   Suffolk University Greek Council         (YEM)                                     University (TPUSA)
•   Theta Phi Alpha (ΘΦΑ)                                                          •   Women in Government (WIGS)
                                         Academic Interest
Programming/Governing Boards             •  Criminal Justice Council
•  Commuter Student Council (CSC)        •  AIESEC                                 Cultural
•  Program Council (PC)                  •  American Marketing Association         •   Arab Student Association
•  Student Athletic                         (AMA)                                  •   Armenian Students’ Association
   Advisory Committee (SAAC)             •  American Chemical Society (ACS)            (ASA)
•  Student Government Association        •  American Society of Biochemistry       •   Ascend
   (SGA)                                    and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)          •   Asian American Association (AAA)
                                         •  Beta Alpha Psi (BAP)                   •   African Student Association (ASA)
Social Justice/Community                 •  Beta Beta Beta (TRI-BETA)              •   Black Student Union
Service                                  •  Cancer Awareness Club                  •   Caribbean Student Network (CSN)
•   Best Buddies                         •  Finance Club                           •   Chinese Student Scholar
•   College Diabetes Network             •  Formula Squad                              Association (CSSA)
•   Dance Marathon (SUDM)                •  Forensic Science Society               •   Intercultural Association (ICA)
•   Fundamental Brotherhood Society      •  Future Investors of Real Estate        •   Japanese Student Association
•   Fundamental Sisterhood Society       •  Health Careers Club (HCC)                  (JSA)
    (FSS)                                •  International Business Club (IBC)      •   Korean Culture Club (KCC)
•   Paper Bag Mask Club                  •  Information Systems Club               •   LatinX
•   Pink Swear Pack                      •  Mock Trial                             •   Mexican Student Association
•   Ramily Matters                       •  Model United Nations                       (MSA)
•   Suffolk University’s Healthy         •  National Association for Black         •   Persian American Students
    Minds Alliance                          Accountants                               Association (PASA)
•  Suffolk Women’s Advocacy Club         •  National Society of Leadership         •   Queer Student Union
    (WAC)                                   And Success (NSLS)                     •   Russian Speakers Community Club
•  UNICEF                                •  Physics Club                           •   South Asian Student Association
                                         •  Public Health and Nutrition Club           (SASA)
Special Interest                            (PHNC)                                 •   Southeast Asian Student
•  American Society of Interior          •  Society of Physics Students (SPS)          Association
   Designers (ASID)                      •  Sports Marketing and Business          •   Taiwanese Students Association
•  Arts & Crafts Club                       Club                                   •   Venezuelan Student Union
•  Board Game Club                       •  Suffolk Economics Association          •   Vietnamese Student Association
•  Chess Club                               (SUEA)                                     (VSA)
•  Cubing Club                           •  Suffolk Entrepreneurship Club
•  Drone Club                            •  Suffolk Investments Club (SUIC)        Media Groups
•  Her Campus (HC)                       •  Suffolk University Computer            •  Suffolk Free Radio (SFR)
•  Intertextual Club                        Science Club                           •  Suffolk Journal
•  Interior Design Organization (IDO)    •  Suffolk University Legal               •  Suffolk Voice
•  Pilates Club                             Association (SULA)                     •  Venture Literary Magazine
•  Ram Readers                           •  Suffolk University Mathematics
•  Student Veterans Organization            Society (SUMS)
•  Suffolk Environmental Club (SEC)      •  Women in Business                      Club Sports
•  Suffolk Fashion                                                                 •  Club Hockey
•  Suffolk Historical Society (SHS)      Political                                 •  Suffolk Running Club
•  Suffolk Photography Club              •   Marxist Student Association (MSA)     •  Suffolk University Cheerleading
•  Suffolk University Index Traders      •   Politics, Philosophy, Economics       •  Suffolk University Dodgeball Club
•  Suffolk Video Gamers Army                 Suffolk Political Union (PPE)         •  Suffolk University Esports Division

                                         List Updated On: September 22, 2020

          Don’t see the club of your dreams? Contact SLI to find out how you can start your own organization!
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

African Student Association                                        Armenian Students’ Association
(ASA)                                                              (ASA)
MEETING: Once a Month                                              CONTACT INFO:
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolk_asa                                         PURPOSE: We at the Armenian Students’ Association
CONTACT INFO:                            strives to preserve and enhance the Armenian culture. We
PURPOSE: The African Student Association is a club that brings     cherish and remember our history and try to build on that
together students of all races who identify with the diversified   as the young and coming generation. We hope to include
rich culture and heritage of Africa. A space where we can share    anyone and everyone who has an interest in the Armenian
experiences and insights about our roots in order to educate       culture and lifestyle. Our club is open to all, and we hope
                                                                   to spread knowledge to those who are ill-informed about
AIESEC                                                             the Armenian people.
PURPOSE: AIESEC is an international youth-run, non-
governmental and not-for-profit organization that provides         ASCEND
young people with leadership development, cross-cultural any       CONTACT INFO:
internships, and volunteer exchange globalist experiences. The     PURPOSE: To create a community to empower Pan Asian
organization focuses on empowering young people to make a          Students by providing resources for the development of their
Progressive social impact.                                         professional skill sets

                                                                   Asian American Association
Alpha Sigma Alpha                                                  (AAA)
                                                                   MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period Bi-Weekly
Iota Alpha Chapter (ASA)
                                                                   ZOOM ID: 681 216 3156
MEETING: Mondays at 7:30 p.m. (Members Only)
                                                                   SOCIAL MEDIA: @aaa.suffolk
SOCIAL MEDIA: @asa_suffolku
                                                                   CONTACT INFO:
                                                                   PURPOSE: The Suffolk University Asian American Association
PURPOSE: The purpose of Alpha Sigma Alpha is to foster close
                                                                   invites all students regardless of race, background, or heritage
friendships between members and to develop women of poise
                                                                   to join and take part in activities that promotes a fun, healthy,
and purpose. Along with our purpose, we envision to cultivate
                                                                   and social atmosphere. We strive to ensure that all members
values and ideals in women who are known for their character
                                                                   feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe as if they were part of an
                                                                   extended family. We would like to educate all members who
American Chemical Society (ACS)                                    are interested about the various degrees of Asian culture, how
CONTACT INFO:                       it has integrated and adapted to American culture, and how it
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Suffolk University chapter of          defines “What it means to be Asian American”.
the American Chemical Society is to allow an opportunity for
students of chemical and biological sciences to become better      Best Buddies
acquainted and to enjoy the intellectual stimulation that arises   MEETING: Once a Month, themed by Holiday
from being a member of a professional association.                 CONTACT INFO:
                                                                   PURPOSE: Best Buddies is an international non-profit that
                                                                   works with people with intellectual and developmental
American Marketing Association (AMA)                               disabilities. We hold monthly events on campus to
SOCIAL MEDIA: @amasuffolk                                          promote inclusion and build one on one friendships.
PURPOSE: We provide students with marketing opportunities
through guest speakers, company headquarter tours, and
career development workshops.                                      Beta Alpha Psi (BAP)
                                                                   CONTACT INFO:
                                                                   PURPOSE: BAP is a national honor society for accounting,
American Society for Biochemistry and                              finance, and information systems students. Its mission and goal
Molecular Biology(ASBMB)                                           is to educate and guide students interested in securing jobs
CONTACT INFO:                             and careers in these industries. Meetings usually consist of firm
PURPOSE: We are the Suffolk chapter for the American Society       representatives coming to recruit and speak about a relevant
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Our goal is to help         business topic.
students to learn more about current scientific research and
connect with professionals in the biology, biochemisty and
microbiology field                                                 Black Student Union (BSU)
                                                                   CONTACT INFO:
                                                                   SOCIAL MEDIA: @SU_BSU
Arab Student Association (ASA)                                     PURPOSE: Black Student Union’s mission statement is to
MEETING: Scheduled As Needed
                                                                   educate, expand, and enhance cross-culture communication
                                                                   between students of African descent throughout the African
SOCIAL MEDIA: @yala.suffolk
                                                                   DiasporaUnited States, Caribbean, Latin American, Africa, Asia,
PURPOSE: The purpose of the ASA shall be to offer an inclusive
                                                                   Europe, Australia, and students from diverse ethnic identities,
community for all Arabs and those interested in the culture,
                                                                   cultural distinctions and lifestyle choices.
aiming to promote and foster leadership skills and give back to
the community.
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

                                                                  College Republicans (SUGOP)
Boardgame Club                                                    CONTACT INFO:
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suboardgameclub                                    PURPOSE: The Suffolk University College
CONTACT INFO:                          Republicans seek to promote conservatism and
PURPOSE: To be an inclusive organization that brings people       Republican politics on campus through weekly meetings,
together to play board games                                      campus outreach, debates and discussions, election events,
                                                                  and educational panels. We promote individual freedom
                                                                  and individual responsibility, with a limited but energetic
Cancer Awareness Club                                             government, economic opportunity, and strong national
                                                                  defense. We invite like-minded individuals grounded in the
PURPOSE: Cancer awareness club brings students together for
                                                                  American traditions of Independence, Integrity, and Innovation
volunteering opportunity and fundraising events that benefit
                                                                  to join us!
cancer patients and survivors in our local community.

                                                                  Commuter Student Council CSC)
Caribbean Student Network (CSN)                                   SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolk_csc
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkCSN                                         CONTACT INFO:
MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period                               PURPOSE: The Commuter Student Council is a group of
CONTACT INFO:                               commuter students supporting other commuter students in
PURPOSE: Divided by Water, United by Culture. CSN holds open      their journey at Suffolk. We strive to seal the gap between the
discussions about Caribbean culture, throws events to support     involvement from on-campus and off-campus students by
and or showcase Caribbean culture, and love to interact and       creating unique and fun events, hosting weekly meetings and
speak about Caribbean culture with its members. ALL ARE           much more!
WELCOME!                                                          Computer Science Club
                                                                  CONTACT INFO:
Cheerleading Club                                                 SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkcsclub
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkcheer                                       MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period
CONTACT INFO:                        ZOOM ID: 794 156 5211
PURPOSE: Suffolk Cheerleading is focused on increasing school     PURPOSE: A platform providing Computer Science focused students
spirit on campus. We are looking for dedicated individuals        professional development opportunities through networking, visits
who work just as well in groups. We are both a game and           to the Greater Boston’s tech companies, Hackathons and relevant
competition team.                                                 Criminal Justice Council
                                                                  MEETING: Tuesday during Activities Period
Chess Club                                                        CONTACT INFO:
CONTACT INFO:                            SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkcsclub
PURPOSE: A place for students to play chess.                      PURPOSE: Suffolk’s Criminal Justice Council aspires to be an
                                                                  inclusive resource for all those interested in pursuing a career
                                                                  in the criminal justice field. We provide the opportunity for
Chinese Students and Scholar Association                          our members to discover or further develop career interests
(CSSA)                                                            that they may have in the criminal justice system; and do so by
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkcssa
CONTACT INFO:                     Dance Marathon (Rammython)
PURPOSE: Suffolk University’s Chinese Student and                 MEETING: Wednesday Evenings
Scholar Association (CSSA) aims to enhance the                    SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkdancemarathon
communication and interaction in the Suffolk CSSA                 CONTACT INFO:
community and help all the Chinese students to quickly            PURPOSE: Suffolk Dance Marathon is an organization that
adapt to their new study environment.                             holds various fundraisers and events throughout the year,
                                                                  ending with their largest and main event, Rammython: a
                                                                  12 hour, overnight dance marathon. All proceeds raised
Club Ice Hockey                                                   throughout the year go directly to Boston Children’s Hospital.
PURPOSE: Organized mens ice hockey team competing                 Dodgeball Club (SUDB)
in the ACHA. We play a 20 game schedule and practice              CONTACT INFO:
twice a week out of our home rink in Winthrop. We strive          PURPOSE: Suffolk University Dodgeball Club is an organization
to generate camaraderie along with developing leadership          in which students gather to play dodgeball and enjoy friendly
skills through a team based environment.                          play.

College Democrats                                                 Drone Club
SOCIAL MEDIA: @sucdemocrats                                       CONTACT INFO:
CONTACT INFO:                                  PURPOSE: To facilitate knowledge and safety of drone
PURPOSE: The Suffolk University College Democrats provides        flying and for the skills exchange for drone photography/
students with the opportunity to get involved in Democratic       videography beginners and enthusiasts alike.
Politics firsthand, at the local, state, and national level. We
discuss and debate party ideals, register and mobilize voters,    Environmental Club (SEC)
attend party events, and most importantly, campaign for our       SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkenviro
fellow Democrats.                                                 CONTACT INFO:
                                                                  PURPOSE: The Suffolk Environmental Club (SEC) is passionate
                                                                  about the earth. Everyone is welcome to come, hang out, and
                                                                  help us develop ways that we can do our part to protect the
                                                                  planet and our local community!
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

eSports Division                                                    Future Investors of Real Estate (FIRE)
CONTACT INFO:                              CONTACT INFO:
PURPOSE: The Suffolk eSports Division aims to bring the             SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkfire
competitive scene of gaming to Suffolk’s campus. Our mission        PURPOSE: The objective is to connect students with
is to become a top 10 collegiate eSports team in the Boston         professionals/executives in the industry and teach students
area.                                                               about different topics/ trends in the real estate industry.

Fashion                                                             Greek Council
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkfashion_                                      SOCIAL MEDIA: @su_greekcouncil
CONTACT INFO:                   PURPOSE: Suffolk University Greek Council is an
PURPOSE: This club who welcomes everyone with different             organization that oversees all of Greek Life on Suffolk’s
styles. We are here to inspire people to finding their own          campus. SUGC works together with the Student
sense of style and educate them on how to dress for certain         Leadership and Involvement Office to build a community
occasions.                                                          between the 3 Greek organizations and Suffolk. Greek
                                                                    Council is made up of members from Suffolk’s Greek
Finance and Investing Club                                          organizations including two sororities, Alpha Sigma Alpha
MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period                                and Theta Phi Alpha and one fraternity, Sigma Alpha
SOCIAL MEDIA: @sufinanceclub                                        Epsilon.
PURPOSE: Finance and Investing Club is a student lead               Healthy Minds Alliance
organization that is geared towards helping students explore        SOCIAL MEDIA: @suhealthyminds
further careers in finance and business. As well as advancing       CONTACT INFO:
their knowledge in financial services, money management.            PURPOSE: Healthy Minds Alliance aims to be an all inclusive
                                                                    resource and support system for people struggling with mental
Football Club (SUFC)                                                health. We want to provide a safe space and help students feel
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolk_fc                                           less alone with what they are going through. Our club also
CONTACT INFO:                                 works to educate our members and the suffolk community
PURPOSE: SUFC’s mission is to provide the opportunity for           about all different mental illnesses as well as coping
everyone to enjoy the beautiful game and play soccer. Doesn’t       mechanisms. Healthy Minds Alliances’ main goal is to end the
matter what your skill level or experience is, we come together     stigma around mental health, and the first way to do that is to
to play pick-ups, watch Professional games like UCL, compete        start these conversations.
competitively, and play fifa. There is a place for everyone to
enjoy this sport at SUFC!                                           Her Campus Suffolk
                                                                    SOCIAL MEDIA: @hcsuffolk
                                                                    CONTACT INFO:
Forensic Science Society                                            PURPOSE: Her Campus is an online magazine for women
CONTACT INFO:                              in college that allows college campuses to have their own
PURPOSE: We are a group dedicated to exploring all types            chapters where they can produce their own content and
of forensic science. Our goal is to make forensics fun and          post it on the website!
accessible for everyone to learn (even the nitty gritty science).
From fingerprinting to toxicology to forensic accounting, we        Historical Society
discuss it all!                                                     MEETING: Thursday during Activities Period
                                                                    ZOOM ID: 986 0298 7980
                                                                    SOCIAL MEDIA: @suhistorical
Fundamental Brotherhood Society (FBS)                               CONTACT INFO:
                                                                    PURPOSE: The Suffolk Historical Society is a club to represent
                                                                    the history nerds of the university. It’s a place for any history
PURPOSE: We are young professional undergraduate
                                                                    buff to join and discuss ancient, modern, or any era from
students, built on a solid foundation striving to make
                                                                    the past. Our passionate members create a fun and creative
a positive impact in other young men and women.
                                                                    environment. History Nerds Unite!
We motivate our young members to exercise their full
potential here at Suffolk and beyond. We learn the values
of our fellow members and share common issues we face
and struggle with in today’s society. We are here to show
everyone that they are great and is competent to do the
impossible. We are on a mission to regain a voice that will
lead us into greater heights.

Fundamental Sisterhood Society
PURPOSE: The purpose of Fundamental Sisterhood Society is
to empower and build exemplary women and positively impact
young women through service and education within diverse
communities women empowerment.
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

Index Traders (SUIT )                                                     Intertextuals: The Suffolk English Society
CONTACT INFO:                                         MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period Bi-Weekly
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Suffolk University Index Traders shall be     CONTACT INFO:
to create a team of students who are motivated in learning skills on      PURPOSE: The Intertextuals is an English club designed to
how to read graphs and incorporate those graphs on making educated        foster interest and passion in all things literature. We are
choices. Our goal is to encourage all students who want to learn about    not a book club, and our understanding of literary culture
trading, even those that believe they might not be ready for it.          is very broad; we hold events from movie screenings, to
                                                                          museum visits, to trips to the theater to see live plays in
Information Systems and Business Analytics                                the Boston area. Having an interest in any of these things
Club                                                                      is enough to get involved--you do not have to be an
                                                                          English major to share in our passion for literature in all of
                                                                          its forms!
SOCIAL MEDIA: @isbaclub.suffolk
PURPOSE: The Information Systems and Business Analytics
(ISBA) Club at Suffolk University is a student organization               Japanese Students Association
that hosts interactive workshops and events every semester                (JSA)
for students to learn about new tools, techniques, and                    CONTACT INFO:
methodologies in I.S & B.A                                                PURPOSE: The Japanese Student Association (JSA) unites
                                                                          all nationalities to explore and understand Japan and
Intercultural Association                                                 Japanese culture by working with other schools, other
CONTACT INFO:                      culture groups, and student organizations. We provide
SOCIAL MEDIA: @Suffolk_ICA                                                Japanese food, enjoy Japanese movies, and have a
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Intercultural Association is to               traditional event such as tea party.
provide educational, social and recreational opportunities for
international and local students to interact with one another,            Suffolk University LatinX Association
to explore and share their cultural heritage and to build                 CONTACT INFO:
connections with the university and its communities.                      SOCIAL MEDIA: @sulatinxa
                                                                          PURPOSE: We are a culture club that celebrates LatinX people,
Interior Design Organization                                              history, food, and culture. Our mission is to provide a safe
CONTACT INFO:                                     space for LatinX people on campus as well as educate others
PURPOSE: This undergraduate design club is open to all majors             about out cultures.
and focuses on connecting what we learn in the classroom
to future employers and outside experiential learning
                                                                          Suffolk University Legal Association
                                                                          MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period
International Business Club (IBC)                                         ZOOM ID: 927 2871 7082
CONTACT INFO:                                       CONTACT INFO:
SOCIAL MEDIA: @Suffolkibc                                                 PURPOSE: SULA strives to give students interested in the
PURPOSE: The Suffolk International Business Club strives to provide       the legal field the opportunity to explore the dynamics
students with the opportunity to interact and learn from the experience   of law through a series of rewarding activities. Among
of international organizations and their leaders. We provide networking   the many, these activities include guest speakers from
opportunities with our guest speaker events and we offer the chance for   the LSAT to practicing Lawyers and Paralegals, field
students to learn business protocol around the world.                     trips, legal conferences, case studies, and law simulation

                                                                          Mexican Student Association
                                                                          CONTACT INFO:
                                                                          SOCIAL MEDIA: @msasuffolku
                                                                          PURPOSE: The purpose of the Mexican Student Association
                                                                          shall be to connect Mexican students to other Mexican
                                                                          students, provide them with support through the Consul
                                                                          General of Mexico. We will identify students who are interested
                                                                          in learning about Mexican culture by hosting different
                                                                          events throughout the year and staying current with events
                                                                          happening in Mexico. We will also act as a network for
                                                                          Mexican students by providing professional advice and career
                                                                          opportunities, this will be possible by collaborating with other
                                                                          student organizations.

                                                                          Suffolk University Mock Trial (SUMT )
                                                                          CONTACT INFO:
                                                                          PURPOSE: Suffolk University Mock Trial competes in the
                                                                          annual American Mock Trial Association tournament in hopes
                                                                          of winning the gold. With the additional goal to expand the
                                                                          legal knowledge of our members and craft them into expert
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

Suffolk University Model United Nations                                      Pro-Choice
(SUMUN)                                                                      CONTACT INFO:
                                                                             SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkprochoice
MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period                                          PURPOSE: We petition for greater reproductive rights in
ZOOM ID: 976 1473 0976                                                       Massachusetts
PURPOSE: SUMUN is an award-winning team of politically                       Program Council (PC)
savvy students who attend Model United Nations conferences.                  MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period
Our team consists of students from culturally diverse                          
backgrounds, which creates an environment conducive to                       CONTACT INFO:
political awareness.                                                         SOCIAL MEDIA: @SuffolkPC
                                                                             PURPOSE: Program Council is Suffolk University’s general
National Association of Black Accountants
                                                                             programming board. We will create, facilitate, and collaborate
(NABA SU)                                                                    on events to provide community and inclusivity on and off
                                                                             campus. These events will be social, educational, and/or
                                                                             cultural in nature with a focus on having a positive impact
PURPOSE: NABA SU is a National Association focusing on finding
                                                                             on the student body. As an organization we are dedicated
opportunities for minority students studying accounting, finance
                                                                             to leadership, growth, and involvement. All events are to be
and other business related fields. Through monthly meetings,
                                                                             executed in the utmost professional fashion and kept highly
NABA SU wants to make sure students develop networking skills
                                                                             organized. Program Council makes the good stuff happen!
on and outside of campus as well as have access to internship and
scholarships opportunities.
                                                                             Public Health and Nutrition Club
National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)                            CONTACT INFO:
CONTACT INFO:                                      PURPOSE: PHNC is focused in international public health
PURPOSE: The NSLS is a leadership based honor society                        issues. Main events include conferences, workshops etc
at Suffolk that hosts events throughout the year such as
speaker broadcasts, leadership training days, orientations,                  Queer Student Union (QSU)
                                                                             MEETING: Monday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
success networking teams, and a final induction ceremony.
                                                                             CONTACT INFO:
                                                                             PURPOSE: The Queer Student Union works to provide
Suffolk University Panhellenic                                               an environment of support and visibility for the LGBTQ+
                                                                             students at Suffolk University. The organization provides
Sign up for Recruitment at
                                                                             socialization and acclimation to and within the LGBTQ+
PURPOSE: The object of the Panhellenic Association shall be to
                                                                             community of the University and the Boston area. As an
develop and maintain women’s sorority life and interfraternity
                                                                             organization, we are dedicated to educating the campus
relations at a high level of accomplishment
                                                                             community regarding LGBTQ+ issues. Suffolk University’s
                                                                             Queer Student Union is both for members and allies
Paper Bag Mask Club                                                          of the LGBTQ+ community. We have weekly meetings
                                                                             along with many events per month. Meetings consist of
SOCIAL MEDIA: @paperbagmask_su
                                                                             planning events and discussing news stories involving
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Paper Bag Mask club shall be
                                                                             LGBTQ+ people that happened over the past week. All
offer classes & events to improve the mental health of students.
                                                                             are welcome at any time.
PBM also plans to coordinate community outreach programs

Photography Club                                                             Running Club
MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period                                          CONTACT INFO:
CONTACT INFO:                               PURPOSE: For Suffolk students with a passion or interest in
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkphotoclub                                              running.
PURPOSE: Our club provides weekly meetings to teach students
photography skills and to actively practice them. We also provide free       Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE)
photography for any clubs on campus who may need it for their events         MEETING: Monday Nights (Members Only)
or any other needs.                                                          Sign Up for Recruitment at
Pinky Swear Pack                                                             CONTACT INFO:
CONTACT INFO:                                     PURPOSE: The mission of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is to
PURPOSE: The purpose of Suffolk University Pinky Swear Pack shall to raise   promote the highest standards of friendship, scholarship,
awareness of pediatric cancer on campus as well as in the community,         leadership and service for our members based upon
support children battling cancer and their families, fundraise in order to   the ideals set forth by our Founders and as specifically
support pediatric cancer, and otherwise support the mission of the Pinky
Swear PACK Program.
Involvement Guide 2021 - Suffolk University

Society of Physics Students (SPS)                                                The Suffolk Journal
CONTACT INFO:                                             MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period
PURPOSE: The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a                              ZOOM ID: 596 079 7701
professional association explicitly designed for students and                    CONTACT INFO:
their advisers. Membership is open to anyone interested in                       SOCIAL MEDIA: @TheSuffolkJournal
physics. The only requirement for membership is that you be                      PURPOSE: The Suffolk Journal serves the university community
interested in physics. Besides physics majors, our members                       by producing a weekly newspaper for Suffolk. Each Wednesday,
include majors in astronomy, chemistry, computer science,                        the 16-page paper can be found around campus filled with
engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other fields.                   news, international, arts and entertainment, opinion, and
                                                                                 sports stories that serve the campus. and attend political
South Asian Student Association
                                                                                 The Suffolk Voice
PURPOSE: Sasa is a cultural student club aimed to bring                          CONTACT INFO:
together the South Asian student body.                                           SOCIAL MEDIA: @SuffolkVoice
                                                                                 PURPOSE: The Voice is Suffolk University’s student-run 24-
                                                                                 hour online news resource. Since 2006, the Voice has been
Student Government Association (SGA)                                             committed to covering and uncovering stories that inform and
MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period
                                                                                 pique the interest of Suffolk students, faculty, and the greater
ZOOM ID: 686 146 7369
                                                                                 Suffolk community.
PURPOSE: Through the adoption of this constitution and bylaws, the               Taiwanese Student Association
undergraduate student body of Suffolk University hereby establishes the          CONTACT INFO:
Student Government Association (SGA) as its official representative to           SOCIAL MEIDA: @SUTSA.TW
University shared governance. The SGA represents the undergraduate               PURPOSE: We aim to provide a ‘home’ for Taiwanese students at
student body in voicing concerns, promoting interests, and advocating for        SU and introduce our culture and country to the public by the
student life and academic concerns at Suffolk University. The SGA will be        annual Night Market Event.
responsible for the management and distribution of funds collected through
the University Student Activities Fee. As the representative governing body
for all Suffolk University undergraduate students, we’re the voice of students   T.A.R.G.E.T. (Talking About Regional, Global,
on campus. We act as a bridge between the student body and all levels            Educational Topics)
of the administration to address and solve student issues and concerns.          CONTACT INFO:
We’re committed to ensuring that students are well represented and feel          SOCIAL MEDIA: @target_suffolku
comfortable at Suffolk University, and we work diligently to make that           PURPOSE: Our club promotes formal, and informal discussions
happen.                                                                          about relevant trending local, regional, and global events.
                                                                                 Our main goal is to find and act upon problems that affect an
Student Veterans Organization (SVO)                                              individual or a group of people.
PURPOSE: Suffolk University Student Veterans
Organization is open to all interested students, faculty,                        TEDxSuffolkUniversity
and alumni. The purpose of the SVO is to help fellow                             CONTACT INFO:
student-veterans acquire access to their entitled benefits                       SOCIAL MEDIA: @tedxsuffolkuniversity
and to share our war stories as we now transition into a                         PURPOSE: Our program hosts unique talks about the latest and
classroom.                                                                       most revolutionary ideas in the world today. It is a great way to
                                                                                 bring our Suffolk community together to share and learn new
Suffolk University American Civil Liberties Union                                ideas.
Massachusetts Chapter (SU-ACLUM)
SOCIAL MEDIA: @su_aclum                                                          Theta Phi Alpha
PURPOSE: The purpose of the SU-ACLU shall be to inform club members              CONTACT INFO:
of their civil liberties and to promote the greater goal of creating a more      SOCIAL MEDIA: @thetaphialpha_suffolk
educated                                                                         PURPOSE: Theta Phi Alpha’s mission and extraordinary vision
                                                                                 is to build character at Suffolk University and create a powerful
                                                                                 and knowledgeable group of women who embody what it
Suffok University South-East Asian                                               means to form a sisterhood. We value justice, wisdom, loyalty,
Student Association (SUSEASA)                                                    faith, truth, and honor to ensure that we will succeed with
CONTACT INFO:                                            upholding our memberships within Theta Phi Alpha.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Suffolk University South-
East Asian Student Association shall be to promote
community, awareness, and understanding, towards
nations in the South-East Asian region of Asia.

Suffolk Free Radio (WSFR)
MEETING: Tuesday, Activities Period, Bi-Weekly
PURPOSE: WSFR is Suffolk University’s online radio station.
Since 1949, we have provided quality on-air content 24/7,
while giving students the skills they need to thrive in the radio
industry post-graduation.

Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society                                                 Suffolk Volleyball Club
                                                                                  SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkvolleyballclub
PURPOSE: Tri Beta Biological Honors Society is a club that welcomes
all members with an interest in biology but offers eligible students a
                                                                                  PURPOSE: Suffolk Volleyball Club provides the resources, knowledge,
membership to an elite society of scientists with special opportunities.
                                                                                  and environment for people to play volleyball together, socialize, and
We focus on all corners of biology and partake in conferences, alumni
                                                                                  get exercise through organized games and events.
talks, publishing opportunities and more.

                                                                                  Women in Business
Turning Point USA at Suffolk University                                           CONTACT INFO:
                                                                                  SOCIAL MEDIA: @wib_suffolku
SOCIAL MEDIA: @tpusa_su
                                                                                  PURPOSE: The purpose of the Women in Business Club is to empower,
PURPOSE: To educate students about the importance of fiscal
                                                                                  unite, and support female leaders at Suffolk University through
responsibility, free markets, and limited government.
                                                                                  business education and experience within the workforce by promoting
                                                                                  skills to create a generation of leaders who achieve and inspire others.
CONTACT INFO:                                             Women in Government
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkunicef                                                      CONTACT INFO:
PURPOSE: Suffolk UNICEF is a student-run club that focuses on                     SOCIAL MEDIA: @suwigs
humanitarian issues that are prevalent in U.S and internationally. Some           PURPOSE: Women in Government was created to unite all students
issues include Child Trafficking, Child Marriage, and the lack of water           motivated to advance, those identifying as a woman, in government.
and hygine in vulnerable communities. Our mission is to educate and               This organization will deliver career-advancing tools, experiential
inform the student body about these issues and fundraise to help those            government opportunities, and a coalition of students supporting one
who need it the most.                                                             another to get more women into government positions.

Unspoken Feelings                                                                 Women’s Advocacy Club
CONTACT INFO:                                            MEETING: Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
PURPOSE: Our mission is to foster the professional                                CONTACT INFO:
development of poets and writers, to promote communication                        SOCIAL MEDIA: @su_wac
throughout the literary community, and to help create an                          PURPOSE: Suffolk University’s student advocates for women of
environment in which literature can be appreciated by the                         all identities, backgrounds, circumstances and beliefs.
widest possible public.                                                           Women’s Club Lacrosse
                                                                                  CONTACT INFO:
Venezeuela Student Union                                                          SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkwlax
                                                                                  PURPOSE: This clubs purpose is to bring together a group of women
SOCIAL MEDIA: @vsu_suffolku
                                                                                  who share the love for lacrosse. We will be holding practices, workouts,
PURPOSE: To bring venezuelans, and people who are interested about the
                                                                                  scrimmages, and team bonding activities.
country, together, doing meetings to get to know eachother and to find
ways to help our country                                                           Youth Empowerment Ministry (YEM)
                                                                                   CONTACT INFO:
Venture Literary Arts Magazine                                                     SOCIAL MEDIA: @yeministry
CONTACT INFO:                                            PURPOSE: The Youth Empowerment Ministry better known as YEM is a
PURPOSE: Venture is a club that focuses on literature and                          nondenominational empowerment group with the goal to empower the
art, which results in a published magazine at the end of the                       youth to live and serve God. We provide students with a community and
academic year. Also, we do open mics monthly and are hoping                        network of people who have experience in ministry, education and various
to expand into more events throughout the year.                                    careers to help guide/mentor students of faith. We go beyond just the local
                                                                                   Suffolk campus as we hold empowerment events drawing people from
Video Gamers Army ( VGA)                                                           across the country. YEM provides students with opportunities (preaching,
                                                                                   singing, poetry, dance etc. ) to be active in their faith by using their gifts,
MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period
                                                                                   talents, and abilities at various programs... Acts 1:8.
ZOOM ID: 967 5397 8314
SOCIAL MEDIA: @suffolkvga
PURPOSE: The purpose of the Video Gamers Army is to bring                  The Interfaith Center
together Suffolk University students, alumni, staff and guests to
build a close-knit community that can play, discuss, and relax             The Suffolk University Interfaith Center provides a variety of
with each other through the medium of video games both                     religious, secular, and spiritual events and organizations.
on- and off-campus, while instilling important values such as
communication, cooperation, and fair play.                                 These include:
Vietnamese Student Association                                             Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics, and Antitheists (AHAA!)
                                                                           Yoga Practice
( VSA)                                                                     Christians Gathering for Justice
MEETING: Thursday, Activities Period
                                                                           Zazen Buddhist Meditation
                                                                           Divine Connections
PURPOSE: The Vietnamese Student Association is not only an
                                                                           Muslim Conversations
organization, but a family, a family with a purpose to provide
                                                                           Questioning Catholics
opportunities for the community to explore Vietnamese
                                                                           Suffolk Hillel
culture, traditions, and customs. Our purpose is to promote
                                                                           And more!
better communication between Asian students and students
from other countries, as well as encourage members to assist
each other in the difficulties of college life.                            Sign up for a weekly email newsletter at
                                                                           Follow us on instagram @su_interfaith
                                AUDITIONS SCHEDULES AT SAWYER 310

                                             DAN C E G R OU P S
Suffolk University Dance Company                             Fusion Dhamaka
All Dance Styles                                             Bollywood & K-Pop fusion
CONTACT INFO:                        CONTACT INFO:

Pasíon Latina                                                The Aura
All Latin Styles                                             Korean Dance
CONTACT INFO:                     CONTACT INFO:

Suffolk Jazz Dance Company                                   TrXbe
Jazz Dance Group                                             African Hip Hop
CONTACT INFO:                     CONTACT INFO:

Tip Tap Toe                                                  W!cked
Tap Dancing Group                                            Hip Hop & Various Dance Styles
 CONTACT INFO:                   CONTACT INFO:

                                               M US IC G R OU P S

                                                                                                             PERFORMANCE AR TS GR OUPS
 Jazz Ensemble                                               Ramifications
 Instruments & Vocals                                        Co-Ed Acappella
 CONTACT INFO:                        CONTACT INFO:

 Rampage Show Choir                                          The Common
 Vocals & Dancing                                            Rock: Instruments & Vocals
 CONTACT INFO:                          CONTACT INFO:

 Soulfully Versed                                            Musicians Network
 Co-Ed Acappella                                             Affinity Group for all Music & Musicians
 CONTACT INFO:                     CONTACT INFO:

                                               COM E DY G R OU P S

Seriously Bent                               Who’s Askin’?
Improv Comedy                                Sketch Comedy

                                             T E C HN IC A L TH E ATR E
Union of Designers Operators & Technicians
Technical Theatre & Design Group

 Take part in a Suffolk tradition,
 					Dinner Theatre!
   To sign up for a time for audition or tech interview
   utilize the PAO SignupGenius at

   To see the audition info packet:

Advancement                                                The Interfaith Center
Chris Flad			               (617) 305-1914                 Amy Fisher			                    (617) 573-8325		 73 Tremont - 13th Floor       		           Sawyer 8th Floor

Archives                                                   Jumpstart
Michael Dello Iacono		           (617) 305-6255            Molly McCafferty 			             617-305-6306 73 Tremont - 2nd Floor        Sawyer 8th Floor

Athletics                                                  Library
Jeff Juron			                     (617) 573-8379           Sarah Griffis			                 (617) 573-8535 		             Ridgeway Building 		          73 Tremont - 2nd Floor

Center for Community Engagement                            Office of Marketing Communication
Dennis Harkins			                 (617) 573-6306           Alex Martin			                   (617) 305-1977 		          Sawyer - 8th Floor 		          73 Tremont - 11th Floor

Career Development Center                                  Orientation & New Student Programs
Joanna Lazarek			                 (617) 573-8336           Zoya Quraishi			                 (617) 573-8321 		           73 Tremont - 9th Floor		          Sawyer 8th Floor

Counseling Health & Wellness                               Performing Arts Office
Dr. Nicholas Scull			             (617) 573-8226           Antoine Gagnon			(617) 573-6307		              73 Tremont - 5th Floor Sawyer 3rd Floor

Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion                   Campus Card Services
Cameron Breither			               (617) 573-8613           Hannah Sweet 			                 (617) 994-4252 		          Sawyer 8th Floor		             Ridgeway 4th Floor

Disability Services                                        Student Affairs
Andrew Cioffi			(617) 573-8039                              Steve Perroni			                (617) 573-8329		 73 Tremont - 9th Floor       		         73 Tremont 12th Floor

International Services                                     Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI)
Viviana Leyva			                  (617) 725-4151           Casey Mulcare			                 (617) 573-8320 		             73 Tremont - 9th Floor 		          Sawyer 3rd Floor
                                                                        Commuter Programs (Under SLI)
Residence Life
Danielle Remigio		     (617) 573-2500                                   Kelsey Johansen, 		         73 Tremont - 7th Floor

Suffolk University Police Department
Jameson Yee			(617) 573-8333			 Ridgeway 4th Floor

Career Services
Lauren Gray			                   (617) 573-8034 		            73 Tremont - 11th Floor

Center for Learning and Academic Success
Orla Downey			                   (617) 573-8034			              73 Tremont - 9th Floor


A new student organization is one that is                5. Select a faculty or staff advisor and
completing the registration process for                    submit a letter of confirmation for his/
the first time, or one registering after a                 her willingness to serve in this capacity
period of inactivity of one semester or                    (an Advisor Consent Form can be used
longer. Prior to completing a registration                 for this purpose).
packet for the first time or reactivating a
club or organization, a student should:                  6. Complete all the necessary paperwork in
                                                           the registration packet.
1. Meet with the Associate Director of SLI
 or designee to discuss plans and review                 7. Make sure that the President and
 the process.                                             Treasurer attend a Programming 101
                                                           training workshop.
2. Appoint an acting chairperson and
 secretary to conduct initial meetings and               Once these steps are completed, a new
 record meeting proceedings.                             club is ready to be registered.

3. Certify in writing that at least 6 Suffolk            Official notification of completed
  University students are interested in                  registration will be given by a designee of
  becoming active members of the                         the Student Leadership and Involvement
  proposed organization.                                 Office. Once an organization completes all
                                                         the required steps they will be assigned a
4. Draft a constitution for the proposed                 Program Advisor. They will be expected to
  organization, including the                            follow all rules and regulations of a Suffolk
  organization’s official name, purpose,                 University Student Organization.
  and the rules under which it will operate,
  and the names of any local, state or
  national organizations to which the
  proposed organization will be affiliated.
Student Leadership & Involvement Office

Sawyer 320
Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM

Tel (617) 573 - 8320             Sawyer Building: 3rd Floor
Fax (617) 573 - 8584             8 Ashburton Place                  Boston, MA 02114
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