Skyline Gila River Grades 5 - 12 Enrollment Packet

Page created by Harold Goodwin
Skyline Gila River Grades 5 - 12 Enrollment Packet
Skyline Gila River
 Grades 5 - 12
 Enrollment Packet
 School Year 2021 – 2022

 255 E Riggs Rd. Chandler, AZ 85249
 Phone: (480) 750-0024
 (877) 225-2118
 Fax: (520) 315-3233
 Report Absences by Email:
Skyline Gila River is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by the Gila River Indian Community.

 • Birth Certificate or other reliable proof of the student’s age and identity, such
 as a baptismal certificate.

 • Residency Form with Required Documents

 • Primary Home Language Other Than English Home Language Survey


 • Immunization Records – (immunization for enrollment is not a condition of
 enrollment but must have prior to attendance.)

 • Title One Compact

 • All other forms (if applicable) on the following page

 ❖ Arizona is a “school choice” state and to help parents make an informed decision about whether Skyline Gila
 River is the right school for their child, Skyline Gila River uses an interview process; however, a student or
 parent attending an interview is not a condition of enrollment. We use the information provided to get to
 know our potential students better. Required Documents to be turned in prior to enrollment:
  Birth Certificate or other reliable proof of the student’s age and identity, such as a baptismal
 certificate, an application for a social security number or original school registration
 records and an affidavit explaining the inability to provide a copy of the birth certificate
  Residency Form with Required Documents
  Immunization Records
  IEP if applicable (must be reviewed through the SpEd Department before enrollment)
 o IEP information is used for placement and continuity of services, not as a determinate of enrollment
  Withdrawal Form (required before a student can start) from last school attended
  Notarized Legal Documentation of custody or placement if Guardian, Foster, or Group
 Home Parent
  Tribal Enrollment Documentation (if applicable)

  Parent and student meet with the administrator.
 o A student or parent attending an interview is not a condition of enrollment

 (completion of packet does not constitute actual enrollment)
 ❖ Intentional omissions or misrepresentations may result in refusal of enrollment (see policies

 *Payment of fees is not a condition of enrollment. Additionally, parents may request a waiver of student fees
 for financial hardship. Please contact the Principal.

 Enrollment Policies
 A.R.S. § 15-184 (A, B, E)
 Skyline Gila River does not limit admission based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition,
proficiency in English language, or athletic ability.
 Skyline Gila River has a fair and equitable policy to enroll all eligible students, who submit a timely application, unless the
number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the school facility. Skyline Gila River gives enrollment preference only to those students
who are returning to the school for the second or any subsequent year of operation and to siblings of pupils who are already enrolled
in Skyline Gila River. Should the number of eligible enrollment applications exceed the capacity of a grade level, Skyline Gila River
will utilize a lottery system. The lottery will also determine waiting list order for any unselected applications. Applications received
after the open enrollment window closes will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
 Skyline Gila River may refuse to admit any pupil who has been expelled from another educational institution or who is
withdrawn while in the process of being expelled from another educational institution.
 *A registrar will contact you and follow up with payment process if fees are applicable.

 Students Name: ____________________________________________________________


 School ID, computer lab fee, and classroom lab equipment costs.
 *Each student must purchase their own earphones.

 ➢ Bus Transportation Reservation FEE (SEE ROUTES) FREE
 Students ID’s will be required for ALL bus riders.
 A one-time reservation fee to assure your status is required.
 Bus transportation is a first-come, first-serve service

 ➢ Competitive After School Fee FREE
 One-time fee of $35.00 for uniforms, equipment, and other related costs.
 For Football, Basketball, Soccer, Girl’s Volleyball, and other sports.

 ➢ School Breakfast and Lunch Meals for students FREE
 ➢ Meals for adults: $2.25/breakfast and $3.25/lunch

* Payment of fees is not a condition of enrollment. Parents may request a waiver of student fees for reasons of
financial hardship. Please contact the Principal.



 Check Number_________________________ Receipt Number:_________________
 Monday through Thursday
 • Regular Schedule: 7:15 am to 2:45 pm

 Early Release (and Friday) Schedule
 • Early Release Days (See School Calendar): 7:15 am-12:00 pm

 We are a closed campus
Once students arrive at school they are to stay at school until they have been released by their last
teacher, or a parent has been contacted for early dismissal. Students are not allowed to go to the
parking lot or unsupervised area during school or breaks for any reason.

 Signing Out of School:
 • Students who are 18 years of age or older living with a parent or guardian, cannot sign
 themselves out of school on their own consent. Only a parent or guardian can sign a
 student out early from a school day. Students are still under the guardianship of their
 parents for school purposes, even if they are 18 years or older.

 Grading Period: 180 Days
 • First Block (43 days): August 2 to October 1
 • Second Block (46 Days): October 11 to December 17
 • Third Block (47 Days): January 3 to March 11
 • Fourth Block (44 Days): March 21 to May 20

Please Print→____________________________________________________________________
Student Name (First) Last Name MI Legal Last Name
Physical Address City State Zip Code
Mailing Address City State Zip Code
Entering Grade Level Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Age Last Grade
State Born In
Male/ Female Entry Date (official only) Entry Code (Official Use

*Ethnic Group (Please Circle One) White African-American Hispanic Asian Native American
**Race (Please Circle One) White African-American Asian Native American

Name (First, Middle, Last) Relationship to Student
Address Apt/Suite City State Zip Code
Home Phone Business Phone Cell Phone
E-mail Address
Name (First, Middle, Last) Relationship to Student
Address Apt/Suite City State Zip Code
Home Phone Business Phone Cell Phone
E-mail Address

Guardian A Guardian B
Special Education Category & Service Type (if applicable): ___________________________________________
1. What is the primary language used in the home regardless of the language spoken by the student?_________
2. What is the language most often spoken by the student? _______________________
3. What is the language that the student first acquired? ____________________________________

Has Your Child been Expelled or are they currently in the process of being Expelled from ANY school? YES N)
Native American Certificate #(Tribal ID Number) (if applicable): _____________________
(Please fill out Native American Form)


REQUESTED FROM: _________________________________________________________
(Last School Attended) (Name) (City) (State)

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

❑ Official Transcript
❑ Withdrawal Form
❑ Immunization Records/Hearing & Vision Report
❑ Test Scores (State Assessments, AZELLA)
❑ Specialized Student Data/504 Accommodation Plan
❑ Special Education Data including the most recent:
 □ Psychological Evaluation
 □ MET with eligibility determination
 □ IEP
 ❑ Discipline Records
 ❑ ECAP’s

 Attn: Registrar
 255 E. Riggs Rd. Chandler, AZ 85249
 Fax: (520) 315-3233

SCHOOL REGISTRAR OR AUTHORIZED PERSON: _____________________________

DATE: 1ST REQUEST. _______________ 2ND REQUEST.__________________

***ARS 15-116 B - The nonpayment of fees charged by a public school may not prevent a pupil from enrolling
in, applying to or remaining enrolled in a public school.
***New Federal Law 99.3 - No parent signature required to be sent to another educational agency .

In order to serve our students’ educational needs, it is important that we are informed of any special
educational services received or needed by your student.

Please print
STUDENT NAME:____________________________________DATE OF


Please CHECK ALL BOXES below that apply to your student’s situation:

 My student has never participated in any Special Education Programs.

 My student has been tested or evaluated for Special Educational Services.
 (Please attach the evaluation)

 My student currently has in Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
 (Please attach the current IEP)

 My student currently has a 504 Accommodation Plan.
 (Please attach the current 504 Accommodation Plan)

**Failure to disclose factual information could hinder your student’s educational process.

Please Print

SIGNATURE (PARENT/GUARDIAN)_____________________________________


This questionnaire is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C.11431 et.seq. The
answers to this residency information help determine the services the student may be eligible to
receive. This is not to be taken as an exhaustive list. Other factors may be involved which are not included
but may meet the student status for McKinney-Vento.

1) Is your current address a temporary living arrangement? Yes No
 If you answered Yes to question #1, please continue.
 If you answered No to question #1, return this unsigned form to the Data Manager.

2) Is this temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing, economic hardship or
 similar reason? Yes No

3) Where is the student presently living? (Please check one box.)
 In a Motel ______ In a Shelter ______ Awaiting Foster Placement ______
 With more than one family in a house or an apartment ______
 With a Parent or Guardian ______ Moving from Place to Place _______
 With a Parent or Guardian in the residence of a friend or relative _______
 In a place not designed for ordinary sleeping accommodations such as a car, park
 or campsite ______

4) With whom is the student living? (check one box)
 One Parent or Legal Custodian _______ Two Parents ______ Friend ______
 Relative (Not Parent or Legal Custodian) _______ Unaccompanied Adult ______
 An Adult (Not a Parent or Legal Guardian) ______ Alone _______

Current School ________________________________________________________

Last School Attended ___________________________________________________

Name of Student ______________________________________ Male Female
 Last First Middle

Birth Date ____ / ____ / ______ Age _______ NCWISE # ___________
 Month Day Year

Name of Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) ________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

Student Enrollment Date: _________ M-V-Liaison’s Name: _____________________
Signature of DSS Case Manager ____________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian _________________________________________

Presenting a false record or falsifying records is an offense under Section 37.10, Penal Code, and
enrollment of the child under false documents subjects the person to liability for tuition or other costs. TEC
Sec. 25.002(3)(d)
Arizona Department of Education
 Arizona Residency Documentation Form

Student________________________________ School_________________________

School District or Charter Holder _________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian__________________________________________________________

As the Parent/Legal Guardian of the Student, I attest that I am a resident of the State of Arizona
and submit in support of this attestation a copy of the following document that displays my name
and residential address or physical description of the property where the student resides:

___ Valid Arizona driver’s license, Arizona identification card or motor vehicle registration
___ Valid U.S. passport
___ Real estate deed or mortgage documents
___ Residential lease or rental agreement
___ Water, electric, gas, cable, or phone bill
___ Bank or credit card statement
___ W-2 wage statement
___ Payroll stub
___ Certificate of tribal enrollment or other identification issued by a recognized Indian tribe
 that contains an Arizona address.
___ Documentation from the state, tribal or federal government agency (Social Security
 Administration, Veteran’s Administration, Arizona Department of Economic Security)

___ I am currently unable to provide any of the foregoing documents. Therefore, I have
 provided an original affidavit signed and notarized by an Arizona resident who attests that I
 have established residence in Arizona with the person signing the affidavit.

____________________________________ ______________

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date

Arizona Department of Education
 Office of English Language Acquisition Services

 Home Language Survey

 The responses to this Home Language Survey (HLS) are used by the school to provide the most
 appropriate instructional programs and services for the student. The answers below will
 determine if a student will take the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment
 (AZELLA). Please respond to each of the three questions as accurately as possible. If you need to
 correct any of your responses, this must be done before the student takes the AZELLA Placement

 1. What language do people speak in the home most of the time?

 2. What language does the student speak most of the time?

 3. What language did the student first speak or understand?

 Student Name District Student ID_

 Date of Birth SSID

 Parent/Guardian Signature Date

 District or Charter


These HLS questions are in compliance with Arizona Administrative Code (R7-2-306(B)(1),(2)(a-c). (Revised 01-2020)

 Office of English Language Acquisition Services
 1535 West Jefferson Street • Phoenix, Arizona 85007 • (602) 542-0753 •
Estado de Arizona
 Departamento de Educación
 Servicios de Aprendizaje del Inglés

 Idioma Principal en el Hogar excluyendo el inglés (PHLOTE)
 Encuesta sobre el Idioma en el Hogar
 (Efectivo el 4 de abril de 2011)

Preguntas en conformidad con R7-2-306(B)(1), (2)(a-c) del Reglamento de la Junta Directiva.

Las respuestas que proporcione a las preguntas siguientes serán usadas para determinar si se evaluará la
competencia en el idioma inglés de su hijo(a).

1. ¿Cuál idioma se habla principalmente en su hogar sin considerar el idioma que habla el
 estudiante? ________________________________________________________________

2. ¿Cuál idioma habla el estudiante con mayor frecuencia? __________________________

3. ¿Cuál fue el primer idioma que aprendió el estudiante? ___________________________

Nombre del estudiante ___________________________ Núm. de identificación _____________

Fecha de nacimiento __________________________ Núm. de SAIS ______________________

Firma del padre o tutor ____________________________________ Fecha _________________

Distrito o Charter _______________________________________________________________

Escuela _______________________________________________________________________

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Please provide a copy of the Home Language Survey to the ELL Coordinator/Main Contact on site.
In SAIS, please indicate the student’s home or primary language.
1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007 • 602-542-0753 •
OMB Number: 1810-0021
 U.S. Department of Education
 Office of Indian Education
 Washington, DC 20202

 Parent/Guardian: This form serves as the official record of the eligibility determination for each
 individual child included in the student count. You are not required to complete or submit this
form. However, if you choose not to submit a form, your child cannot be counted for funding under
the program. This form should be kept on file and will not need to be completed every year. Where
 applicable, the information contained in this form may be released with your prior written consent
 or the prior written consent of an eligible student (aged 18 or over), or if otherwise authorized by
 law, if doing so would be permissible under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20
 U.S.C. § 1232g, and any applicable state or local confidentiality requirements.

Name of the Child ______________________________ Date of Birth ___________ Grade ______
(As shown on school enrollment records)
Name of School
Name of the individual with tribal enrollment: __________________________________________
(Individual named must be a descendent in the first or second generation)
The individual with tribal membership is the: ____ Child ____ Child's Parent ___ Child's Grandparent

Name of tribe or band for which individual above claims membership:__________________________
The Tribe or Band is (select only one)
 _____ Federally Recognized
_____ State Recognized
 _____ Terminated Tribe (Documentation required. Must attach to form)
_____ Member of an organized Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act
of 1988 as it was in effect October 19, 1994. (Documentation required. Must attach to form)

Proof of enrollment in tribe or band listed above, as defined by tribe or band is:
 A. Membership or enrollment number (if readily available)
_____________________________________________________ OR
B. Other Evidence of Membership in the tribe listed above (describe and attach)

Name and address of tribe or band maintaining enrollment data for the individual listed above:
Name _________________________________ Address __________________________________
City _______________________________State ______Zip Code ____________

I verify that the information provided above is accurate.
Name Parent/Guardian ___________________________ Signature _______________________
Address ______________________________________
City ____________________________State ______Zip Code __________
Email Address ________________________________________ Date _______________
OMB Number: 1810-0021

 PURPOSE: To comply with the requirements in 20 USC 7427(a), which provides that: “The Secretary shall require
that, as part of an application for a grant under this subpart, each applicant shall maintain a file, with respect to each
Indian child for whom the local educational agency provides a free public education, that contains a form that sets forth
information establishing the status of the child as an Indian child eligible for assistance under this subpart, and that
otherwise meets the requirements of subsection (b)”. MAINTENANCE: A separate ED 506 form is required for each
Indian child that was enrolled during the count period. A new ED 506 form does NOT have to be completed each year.
All documentation must be maintained in a manner that allows the LEA to be able to discern, for any given year, which
students were enrolled in the LEA’s school(s) and counted during the count period indicated in the application. FOR
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: DEFINITION: Indian means an individual who is (1) A member of an Indian tribe or band,
as membership is defined by the Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940, and any tribe
or band recognized by the State in which the tribe or band resides; (2) A descendant of a parent or grandparent who
meets the requirements described in paragraph (1) of this definition; (3) Considered by the Secretary of the Interior to
be an Indian for any purpose; (4) An Eskimo, Aleut, or other Alaska Native; or (5) A member of an organized Indian
group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect on October 19, 1994. STUDENT
INFORMATION: Write the name of the child, date of birth and school name and grade level. TRIBAL
ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: Write the name of the individual with the tribal membership. Only one name is
needed for this section, even though multiple persons may have tribal membership. Select only one name: either the
child, child’s parent or grandparent, for whom you can provide membership information. Write the name of the tribe or
band of Indians to which the child claims membership. The name does not need to be the official name as it appears
exactly on the Department of Interior’s list of federally-recognized tribes, but the name must be recognizable and be of
sufficient detail to permit verification of the eligibility of the tribe. Check only one box indicated whether it is a
Federally Recognized, State Recognized, Terminated Tribe or Organized Indian Group. If Terminated Tribe or
Organized Indian Group is elected, additional documentation is required and must be attached to this form. • Federally
Recognized- an American Indian or Alaska Native tribal entity limited to those indigenous to the U.S. The Department
of Interior maintains a list of federally-recognized tribes, which OIE can provide you upon request. • State Recognized-
an American Indian or Alaska Native tribal entity that has recognized status by a State. The U.S. Department of
Education does not maintain a master list. It is recommended that you use official state websites only. • Terminated
Tribe-a tribal entity that once had a federally recognized status from the United States Department of Interior and had
that designation terminated. • Organized Indian Group- Member of an organized Indian group that received a grant
under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect October 19, 1994. Write the enrollment number establishing
the membership of the child, if readily available, or other evidence of membership. If the child is not a member of the
tribe and the child’s eligibility is through a parent or grandparent, either write the enrollment number of the parent or
grandparent, or provide other proof of membership. Some examples of other proof of membership may include:
affidavit from tribe, CDIB card or birth certificate. Write the name and address of the organization that maintains
updated and accurate membership data for such tribe or band of Indians. ATTESTATION STATEMENT: Provide the
name, address and email of the parent or guardian of the child. The signature of the parent or guardian of the child
verifies the accuracy of the information supplied. The Department of Education will safeguard personal privacy in its
collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information about individuals and make such information available
to the individual in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. PAPERWORK BURDEN STATEMENT
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information
unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information
collection is 1810-0021. The time required to complete this portion of the information collection per type of respondent
is estimated to average: 15 minutes per Indian student certification (ED 506) form; including the time to review
instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information
collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this
form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have comments or
concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: Office of Indian Education,
U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., LBJ/Room 3W203, Washington, D.C. 20202-6335. OMB
Number: 1810-0021 Expiration Date: 02/28/2022.

 Student Name:
In case of an emergency or if I cannot be contacted to pick up my student, I hereby authorize the
following person(s) to pick up and/or authorize release of my student:

1. Name ___________________________ 3. Name ___________________________

Home #____________________________ Home #____________________________

Work #____________________________ Work #____________________________

Cell #_____________________________ Cell # ______________________________

Relation ___________________________ Relation ___________________________

2. Name ___________________________ 4. Name ___________________________

Home #____________________________ Home #____________________________

Work #____________________________ Work #____________________________

Cell # ______________________________ Cell # _____________________________

Relation___________________________ Relation ____________________________

The following person(s) may not remove my student from the school: (Please supply the school
with custody papers).

Name ___________________________ Custody papers on file _____yes _____no

Name ___________________________
Emergency Information (cont.)

Medical Information
Is student allergic to any foods or other substances? (If so, name foods or substances to be avoided
and procedure to follow if reaction occurs.)

Is student usually susceptible to infections and if so, what precautions need to be taken?

Is student subject to convulsions, and what should be the schools procedure if one occurs?

Is there any physical condition that the school should be aware of, and what precautions or
procedures should be taken?

Has your student had the chicken pox or received the chicken pox vaccination (varicella)?

If you have checked yes above, what was the date of disease or the vaccination?


Additional Comments

Other Special Instructions

The above emergency information is provided by

 Parent/ Guardian Signature Date
Student’s Name:

Insurance/Group # Name/ I.D. # of Primary Holder

Doctor Office Phone

Hospital Phone
Please Explain Any Medical Alert:
Does your student have any of the following conditions? If so, please explain.

Glasses: Asthma:

Hearing Problems: Allergies:

Diabetes Medication: Convulsions Food Allergies:

The above medical information is provided by: _________________________________________________________
 Parents/Guardian Signature Date

 Please Print

I,_________________________________, (Parent/Guardian name) hereby give
consent for________________________________, (Student) to receive the
following over-the-counter first aid from School Staff. School Staff will administer
over-the-counter first aid only as needed.
 _______Band-Aids _______Antiseptic _______Ice Pack

Note: The school is not allowed to dispense any over-the-counter drugs
(i.e., aspirin, Tylenol, cough drops, etc.).

Signature (Parent/Guardian) Date
Field Trip Release

My student____________________________ has permission to
participate in field trips that are authorized by the school and have school
transportation. All and any activities that the student participates in would
be the student’s responsibility and not the liability of the school.

Parent’s signature Date

 Model (Picture) Release

My student ____________________________ has permission to be in pictures and
publicity including school yearbooks, school advertising and other school pictures
that are needed and used by the school. The student/parent/guardian will receive no
compensation for the photos. The photos and materials become the exclusive
property of Skyline Education, Inc.

I, legal parent or guardian of the student described above, consent to the foregoing.

Parent’s signature Date
Dear parents or guardians,

As you are aware, the use of computer technology in today’s classroom is part of the educational
process. During the regular school experience your student will have access to computers and the
internet. Internet filtering and monitoring are in place to comply with applicable laws and to
provide students a safe technological environment. Students are neither to use nor to attempt to use
“proxy” websites to get around the school’s content filter. Below are the rules for use at the school.
It is required that you and your student read the rules and sign, indicating your approval and
understanding of the rules.

Rules and Guidelines for Computer and Internet Usage:
 • All students must have this signed agreement in their file to use school computers and
 access the Internet.
 • Respect for the equipment and the school’s network is a condition for use. Vandalism,
 theft, graffiti, or other detrimental actions will not be tolerated.
 • Uploading or downloading files or programs onto school workstations without prior consent
 from the Network Administrator or a school administrator are prohibited.
 • Usage of computers and the Internet is for official school work only.
 • Hacking is a very serious violation of the usage agreement and the consequence is zero
 tolerance, carrying a referral to the Board of Trustees for expulsion.
 • Students are to notify the teacher immediately of any material they find disturbing on the
 • Students are not to give out personal information like name, address, phone numbers, or e-
 mail addresses to anyone on the Internet.
 • All discs or other removable media brought to the classroom for use in the computers must
 be scanned for content and viruses by the teacher.
 • In addition to these rules, teachers may have additional related classroom policies to
 facilitate learning in their classes.
 • Simply stated, the computers and the Internet are provided to students to achieve learning in
 today’s technological environment. They are to be used for official school work, not
 personal use.

Violation of any of these rules may result in forfeiture of use and may include appropriate
disciplinary action as presented in the school policies and procedures.

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________ Date__________
I have read and understand the above technology and internet usage agreement.

Student Signature _________________________________________Date__________
I have read and understand the above technology and internet usage agreement.
I. Required School-Parent Compact Provisions Under Title I
A. School Responsibilities:

South Phoenix Prep, South Valley Prep, Skyline Prep, Skyline Gila River, AZ Compass, Vector Prep will:

 1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning
 environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student
 achievement standards as follows:
 ❖ Provide teacher training that includes classroom management skills and teaching
 ❖ Provide a classroom environment that is warm and conducive to learning.
 ❖ Ensure class sizes are conducive to student learning.
 ❖ Provide administrative support for teachers in the classroom.
 ❖ Provide AZ College and Career Standards (AZCCR) based curriculum at all grade
 ❖ Teach academic skills in the classroom based upon the AZCCR standards.
 ❖ Assess student knowledge of the AZCCR standards skills regularly.
 ❖ Provide interventions for students in the areas of reading and math in preparation
 for the State assessment of the standards.
 ❖ Provide high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective
 learning environment.
 ❖ Ensure that parents are aware when the state assessment of the standards will be
 given and encourage parents to work on academic skills with their children.
 ❖ Ensure that all students participate in state assessment of the standards.
 ❖ Provide information to parents regarding their children’s performance on the state
 assessment of the standards.
 ❖ Provide support for parents at school through conferences and workshops.
 ❖ Encourage parent involvement in their children’s education.

 2. Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) during which
 this compact will be discusses as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
 ❖ Parent-teacher conferences are annually scheduled in October of each school
 ❖ Parent-teacher conferences may be scheduled during the year as needed.

 3. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress.
 ❖ Progress reports are sent to parents in the middle of each grading period.
 ❖ Progress may be mailed to parents upon request.
 ❖ Weekly progress reports are available to students and parents upon request.
 ❖ Parents may view student’s grades at any time using the Parent Web-based Portal.

 4. Provide parents reasonable access to staff.
 ❖ Parents may meet with administration of the school and district whenever they are
 ❖ Teachers are available to meet with parents after school with prior notice.
 ❖ Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers to keep informed of their
 child’s progress.

 5. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to
 observe classroom activities.
 ❖ Parents may schedule a time with the teachers when they may visit the classroom.
 ❖ Parents are encouraged to participate and volunteer at all school activities and
 sporting events.
B. Parent Responsibilities:
We, as parents, will support our children’s learning by:
 1. Monitoring attendance.
 2. Making sure that homework is complete.
 3. Monitoring amount of television my child watches.
 4. Volunteering in my child’s classroom.
 5. Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my child’s education.
 6. Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.
 7. Staying informed about my child’s education by properly reading all notices from the
 school or school district either received by my child or by mail and responding as
 8. Communicating with the school and/or classroom teacher about any questions,
 comments, or concerns I may have
 9. Serving as a parent representative on the school’s School Improvement Team, the Title I
 Policy Advisory Committee, the district-wide Policy Advisory Council, the State’s Committee
 of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy groups.

II. Optional Additional Provisions
A. Student Responsibilities:
 We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve
 the State’s high standards by:
 1. Doing my homework every day and asking for help when I need to.
 2. Reading for at least the recommended minutes every day outside of school time.

 • Kindergarten: 15 minutes reading plus 15 minutes in other academic areas
 • First Grade: 15 minutes reading plus 20 minutes in other academic areas
 • Second Grade: 15 minutes reading plus 30 minutes in other academic areas
 • Third Grade: 20 minutes reading plus 30 minutes in other academic areas
 • Fourth Grade: 20 minutes reading plus 45 minutes in other academic areas
 • Fifth Grade: 25 minutes reading plus 45 minutes in other academic areas
 • Sixth Grade: 30 minutes reading plus 45 minutesin other academic areas

 3. Giving my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information
 received by me from my school every day.
 4. Doing my best in all academic areas and in all my classes.
 5. Conducting myself as a leader would in and out of classroom.

III. Additional Required School Responsibilities (requirements that schools must follow, but
optional as to being included in the school-parent compact.)
A. South Phoenix Prep, South Valley Prep, Skyline Prep, Skyline Gila River, AZ
Compass, Vector Prep will:
 1. Involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parent
 involvement policy, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way.
 2. Involve parents in the joint development of any school wide program plan, in an organized,
 ongoing, and timely way.
 3. Hold an annual meeting to inform parents of the school’s participation in Title I, Part A
 programs, and to explain the Title I, Part A requirements, and the right of parents to be
 involved in Title I, Part A programs. The school will convene the meeting at a convenient
 time to parents, and will offer a flexible number of additional parent involvement meetings,
 such as in the morning or evening, so that as many parents as possible are able to attend.
 The school will invite all parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs to this
 4. Provide information to parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform
 format, including alternative formats upon the request of parents with disabilities, and, to
 the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
5. Provide to parents of participating children information in a timely manner about Title I, Part
 A programs that includes a description and explanation of the school’s curriculum, the
 forms of academic assessment used to measure children’s progress, and the proficiency
 levels that students are expected to meet.
 6. On the request of parents, provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to
 formulate suggestions, and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the
 education of their children. The school will respond to any such suggestions as soon as
 practicably possible.
 7. Provide to each parent an individual student report about the performance of their child
 on the State assessment in at least math, language arts, and reading.
 8. Provide each parent timely notice when their child has been assigned or has been taught
 for four (4) or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified within the
 meaning of the term in section 200.56 of the Title I Final Regulations (67 Fed. Reg. 71710,
 December 2, 2002).

 B. Optional School Responsibilities:
 To help build and develop a partnership with parents to help their children achieve the State’s
 high academic standards, Skyline Schools, Inc. will:
 1. Recommend to the local educational agency (LEA), the names of parents of participating
 children of Title I, Part A programs who are interested in serving on the State’s Committee of
 Practitioners and School Support Teams.
 2. Notify parents of the school’s participation in literacy and specialized programs.
 3. Notify parents of the School’s participation in Early Reading First, Reading First, and Even
 Start Family Literacy programs operating within the school, the district, and the contact
 4. Work with the LEA in addressing problems, if any, in implementing parental involvement
 activities in section 1118 of Title I, Part A.
 5. Work with the LEA to ensure that a copy of the SEA’s written complaint procedures for
 resolving any issue of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation of Title I, Part A programs
 is provided to parents of students and to appropriate private school officials or

Parent Signature Date

Student Signature Date

Your signature indicates you have read the Title One School-Parent Compact and understand the
shared responsibilities of the parents and the school.
Please return this signed page to the Registrar at School
Annual Notification to Parents Regarding Confidentiality of Student Education Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of
student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education
records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond
the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."

- Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained
by the school within 45 days of a request made to the school administrator. Schools are not required to
provide copies of records unless it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records
without copies. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
- Parents or eligible students have the right to request in writing that a school correct records that they
believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible
student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the
record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her
view about the contested information.
- Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any
information from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records,
without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions:
 School officials with legitimate educational interest
 A school official is a person employed or contracted by the school to serve as an
 administrator, supervisor, teacher, or support staff member (including health staff, law
 enforcement personnel, attorney, auditor, or other similar roles); a person serving on the
 school board; or a parent or student serving on an official committee or assisting another
 school official in performing his or her tasks;
 A legitimate educational interest means the review of records is necessary to fulfill a
 professional responsibility for the school;
 o Other schools to which a student is seeking to enroll;
 o Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
 o Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
 o Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
 o Accrediting organizations;
 o To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
 o Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
 o State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
 Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone
number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, sports participation (including height and weight of
athletes) and dates of attendance unless notified by the parents or eligible student that the school is not to
disclose the information without consent.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that protects the rights of students with disabilities. In
addition to standard school records, for children with disabilities education records could include evaluation and testing materials,
medical and health information, Individualized Education Programs and related notices and consents, progress reports, materials
related to disciplinary actions, and mediation agreements. Such information is gathered from a number of sources, including the
student's parents and staff of the school of attendance. Also, with parental permission, information may be gathered from additional
pertinent sources, such as doctors and the health care providers. This information is collected to assure the child is identified,
evaluated, and provided a Free Appropriate Public Education in accordance with state and federal special education laws.
Each agency participating under Part B of IDEA must assure that at all stages of gathering, storing, retaining and disclosing
education records to third parties that it complies with the federal confidentiality laws. In addition, the destruction of any education
records of a child with a disability must be in accordance with IDEA regulatory requirements.
For additional information or to file a complaint, you may call the federal government at (202) 260-3887
 (voice) or 1-800-877-8339 (TDD) OR the Arizona Department of Education (ADE/ESS) at (602) 542-4013. Or you may contact:
 Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Arizona Department of Education
 Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. Exceptional Student Services
 20202-5901 1535 W. Jefferson, BIN 24
 Phoenix, AZ 85007
Skyline Education, Inc. School Bus Guidelines and Rules
The conduct of students aboard a school bus must be controlled in order to provide safe and efficient
transportation. The students aboard a bus are under the authority of the bus driver and directly responsible
to the driver. The attached articles are provided for driver guidance in maintaining student discipline.
In the enforcement of student discipline, the drivers should work closely with school administrators. In the
event of unresolved problems aboard the bus, after consulting with the school administrator, drivers should
bring the matter to the attention of the Director of Transportation.

1. DRIVER’S AUTHORITY: Students in a school bus are the complete responsibility of the bus driver
 and under his/her direction; students must always be courteous and show respect for the driver and obey
 the driver’s instructions.
2. BUS STOP ASSIGNMENT: Students may not get on or off the bus at any location other than their
 regularly scheduled stop. Parents must submit in writing a bus change 24 hours in advance. When an
 emergency occurs, a parent may arrange for an alternative authorized bus stop on a limited
3. BUS DEPARTURE TIMES: Students should be at their bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the
 scheduled pick up time; buses must operate on a definite schedule and drivers will not wait for late
 arrivals. Students are not to arrive at the stop more than 10 minutes prior to the departure time.
 Excessive late arrivals to the bus stop will result in disciplinary action.
4. BOARDING THE BUS: As the bus approaches, students must form an orderly single-file line and
 stand no closer than 10 feet. Students shall not move towards the bus until it has come to a complete
 stop. Students must enter the bus one at a time, with no pushing or shoving in line.
5. SEAT ASSIGNMENT: Students are to take the seat indicated by the driver; they may not exchange
 seats without the driver’s permission.
6. STUDENTS MUST REMAIN SEATED: Students must sit upright, face the front of the bus, keep
 feet out of the aisle, and in no way obstruct aisles or bar progress of other students moving in or out of
 the bus. Standing, walking, or any movement out of seats while the bus is in motion is prohibited.
7. BUS WINDOWS: Windows may not be lowered without the driver’s permission and at no time may
 they be lowered below the second notch (the window should never be open more than 6 inches).
8. *HANDS/BODY OUT OF WINDOWS: Students may not extend hands, arms, head or any other part
 of the body out of the window at any time on the school bus. Unauthorized exiting from emergency
 doors and windows is prohibited.
9. *TAMPERING WITH BUS EQUIPMENT: Tampering of any kind with bus doors, emergency exits,
 radio, or controls is prohibited.
10. *SMOKING NOT ALLOWED: Smoking, use of any tobacco product, lighters, or lighting of any
 material is prohibited and is against the law.
11. EXCESSIVE NOISE/DISORDERLY CONDUCT: Students a prohibited from creating disturbances
 such as whistling, playing musical instruments, yelling or talking loudly, throwing articles, shooting
 rubber bands, scuffling, etc. Students shall quietly converse only with those students sitting in the same
 seat they occupy. Distractions and noise levels inside the bus must be kept to a minimum so the driver
 can hear and observe approaching emergency vehicles, horns, or other impending hazards.
12. *PROFANE LANGUAGE/GESTURES: Using profane language or obscene gestures is prohibited.
13. LITTERING: Littering or throwing of objects of any kind is prohibited.
14. *FIGHTING: Students may not interfere with others, nor destroy the property of others; they may not
 intimidate or threaten anyone on the bus. Students must keep their hands to themselves; fighting,
 slapping, hitting, poking, shoving, pulling hair, etc., in the bus or at the stop, is prohibited.
15. EATING/DRINKING: Drinking, items other than water, or eating, including gum and candy, is
 prohibited at any time.
16. PROHIBITED OBJECTS: Items such as glass containers and large or dangerous objects are not
 allowed on the bus. Transporting live animals, fish, reptiles, or insects on the bus is prohibited.
17. *DAMAGE TO THE SCHOOL BUS OR BUS STOP: Students may not vandalize or damage the
 school bus or bus stop. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be required to pay for damage done by their child
 to either the school bus or to private property at the bus stop location.


The school bus driver will issue:
 • At least 2 verbal warnings, then
 • One written warning, then
 • If the student’s behavior does not improve, the driver will make a recommendation of denial of bus
 privileges to the school administrator
 o on occasion, a school administrator may request the driver to request a parent conference or a
 bus driver may request to attend. In either case, arrangements to attend and participate should
 be coordinated through the Director of Transportation. School administrators will be
 responsible for informing the Director of times and dates.

The situations listed below, and asterisked under the Bus Guidelines and Rules, are serious offenses and are
regarded as Disorderly Conduct. The Discipline Flow Chart will not be followed; an immediate recommendation
to deny transportation will be given:
 • Unauthorized jumping out or entering the bus through windows and emergency exits
 • Tampering with bus equipment e.g. emergency door, brakes, switches or other devices used in the
 operation of a school bus
 • Smoking in the school bus
 • Lighting lighters, matches or other materials; exploding firecrackers or burning papers on the bus
 • Degrading, vulgar or profane speech or gestures directed at the driver or other students on the bus
 • Use of physical force upon the driver or inflicting injury upon other students through the use of
 physical force
 • Intentional destruction or defacing of seats or paneling within the bus
 • Refusal to remain seated while the bus is in motion after verbal warnings.

Charter Schools are not reimbursed for transportation, therefore Skyline Education, Inc. transportation
is a courtesy to our students. We must follow pre-determined routes. The reservation is (first come first
serve) so we do not overpopulate the bus. Due to this you may not get a seat on the bus to school and
it is not the school’s responsibility to transport your student to and from school. Charter Schools are
schools of choice and the ADE does not reimburse the school for transporting any student.




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