Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church

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Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
A place where the love of Jesus is alive!

Welcome Home!

   Church Information
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
A place where the
  love of Jesus is alive!

         Sunday Worship Services

Traditional Worship: 8:30am & 11:00am in the Sanctuary
The Forge Modern Worship: 9:45am in the Faith Center




Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
                           UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
                           A PLACE       WHERE THE LOVE OF            JESUS IS ALIVE

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The love of Jesus Christ is alive at Montgomery United Methodist Church, and I am so glad
that this congregation has become your home. This is a place where we can grow, connect,
and serve God; so that we become a part of a plan that is larger than ourselves. This is a
congregation where you can become a part of larger vision: to be “a place where the love of
Jesus is alive.”

You will quickly discover opportunities to live out this mission through Bible studies, fellowship
groups, and outreach ministries. Our staff along with our lay leadership, look forward to helping
you find a place. I thank God for leading you to this church.

Welcome Home!

Pastor David Lindwall
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
Introducing our Pastors
Senior Pastor, David Lindwall
                       David is originally from Atlanta, GA and graduated from the University
                       of Georgia and Asbury Theological Seminary. He and his wife,
                       Stephanie have been married since June, 1986. They have four adult
                       children: Jack (Morgan); Grace; and twins, Hannah and McKinley (Will).
                       David worked 15 years in the chemical industry before answering God’s
                       call to pastoral ministry. Stephanie teaches science at Montgomery Jr.
                       High School. They lived in the Woodlands during the 90’s and their twins
                       were born at Herman Memorial Hospital, so moving to Montgomery
was like coming home! David and Stephanie enjoy spending time with their children, exercising,
reading, and watching college football.

Associate Pastor, Cabe Matthews
                        Cabe grew up north of Houston in the Klein area and has degrees from
                        The University of Texas at Austin, The Seattle School of Theology and
                        Psychology, and Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of
                        Theology. Since 2016, Cabe has been married to Stephanie Coleman, a
                        professor of psychology at University of Houston-Downtown. In 2019,
                        God blessed them with their first child, Anna June Matthews.
                         Cabe loves drinking good coffee and cooking complicated recipes – but
his favorite food is probably breakfast tacos. When he is not at church or in the kitchen, you will
most likely find him reading a book, writing, or trying to make his daughter laugh. In addition to
his other responsibilities at MUMC, Cabe leads The Forge, our modern worship service at 9:45
am on Sunday mornings.

Associate Pastor, Nancy Kellond
                        Rev. Nancy Kellond has served many United Methodist churches as
                        pastor in the Houston area. She is currently at MUMC working in
                        pastoral care and nurturing ministry. Nancy taught Spiritual Formation
                        at Perkins School of Theology and was a mentoring pastor to seminary
                        students. She served the United Methodist Church worldwide as a
                        delegate to General Conference, and has participated in many mission
                        trips including Africa, Haiti and Mexico.
Nancy enjoys teaching, writing, preaching, and leading retreats. She is a facilitator of the
Conference Ministry called “Unleashed” for lay persons who want to further explore God’s call
in their lives. She is an artist and enjoys traveling with her husband Bill and visiting their seven
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
The Meaning of Church Membership
“We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though
there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other.” Romans 12:4-5
“You are the body of Christ and parts of each other.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 CEB
Church membership is not like membership in a club, it is more like membership in a body.
Clubs exist to serve their members, but the members of our bodies (arms, eyes, feet, noses, etc.)
work together toward a common goal: furthering the life of the body. When the body is healthy,
the members will be healthy too -we all need each other in the Body of Christ to be able to
“Grow in Christ and Share His Love” together!
The Church all around the world is the Body of Christ; MUMC is just one little local part of
that. If God is calling you to be a member of this local body, we’re going to ask you to make a
commitment to support it with your Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness, so that the
body can thrive!
Prayers - Prayer is the way that Christians talk to God. In prayer we put the things that we
care about at God’s feet, and we ask God to help us to care more deeply about the things that
He cares about. As a member of MUMC, we ask you to commit to pray daily: pray for one
another and pray for the world on behalf of the church.
Presence - Christians don’t follow Jesus alone; we gather together and follow Him as a
community. As a member of MUMC, we ask you to commit to be present in Sunday worship
at least 90% of the time when you are in town. We also ask you to commit to regularly attend
some kind of discipleship group (community group and/or Sunday school).
Gifts - Christians are called to live generously: since we serve a God who has been so generous
with us we can always afford to be generous with others. As a member of MUMC we ask you to
commit to tithing 10% of your income in support of the ministries of the church, and we ask
you to live generously toward the poor and those in need. If you are not in a position to tithe
10% at this point, we ask that you submit a giving pledge and regularly give as you are able, with
the hope that you are working your way toward a tithe.
Service - As Christians, we don’t live for ourselves. God has given each of us what we call
Spiritual Gifts. These are gifts given by the Holy Spirit such as service, teaching, leadership, and
prophecy that we are called to use in the service of the Body of Christ and for the furthering
of its mission in the world. As a member of MUMC we ask you to commit to find a way to use
your Spiritual Gifts -whatever they might be –to serve at least one ministry of the church, and
we invite you to also use your gifts to serve through your regular day to day life on behalf of the
Witness - Christians serve a God who wants everyone to know His love. God came to the
world in Jesus Christ to make that love available to us, and as members of the Body of Christ
we are an extension of God’s offer of His great love for the whole world. As a member of
MUMC we ask you to commit to live your everyday life in your job, at home, at school, and
everywhere you go as an ambassador of God’s love and to evaluate at least once a week how
you are growing in Christ’s love, especially for people you have a hard time loving.
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
Our Beliefs
United Methodists share a common heritage with all Christians. According to our foundational
statement of beliefs in The Book of Discipline, we share the following basic affirmations in
common with all Christian communities:
Trinity - We believe in one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is loving,
and He makes known to us His love and grace.
Creation - God created the world and all that is in it. God is sovereign; that is, God is the
ruler of the universe.
Jesus - Jesus was human. He lived as a man and died when he was crucified. Jesus is divine. He
is the Son of God. God raised Jesus from the dead, and the risen Christ lives today. Jesus is our
Savior. In Christ we receive abundant life and forgiveness of sins. Jesus is our Lord, and we are
called to pattern our lives after his.
The Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit is God with us. The Holy Spirit comforts us when we are
in need and convicts us when we stray from God. The Holy Spirit awakens us to God’s will and
empowers us to live obediently.
Human Beings - God created human beings in God’s image, but humans can choose to accept
or reject a relationship with God. All humans need to be in relationship with God in order to be
fully human.
The Church - The church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in
the world today. The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The church is
“the communion of saints,” a community made up of all past, present, and future disciples of
Christ. The church is called to worship God and to support those who participate in its life as
they grow in faith.
The Bible - The Bible is God’s Word. The Bible is the primary authority for our faith and
practice. Christians need to know and study the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Reign of God - The kingdom or reign of God is both a present reality and future hope.
Wherever God’s will is done, the kingdom or reign of God is present. The reign of God is both
personal and social.
With many other Protestants, we recognize also the two sacraments in which Christ himself
participated: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Welcome Home! A plAce where the love of Jesus is Alive! - Church Information - Montgomery United Methodist Church
How the Methodist              church works

Texas Annual Conference:
  Governs all churches in East and Southeast Texas.
Central North District:
 Governs churches more local to Montgomery & Conroe.
Local Church (Montgomery UMC):
  Our local church is governed by these administrative committees:
The Administrative Council:
  The administrative council oversees all the programming of the church. It meets monthly to
  review activities of the church and provide oversight of the overall church. This is a group of
  most of the chairpersons of committees in the church.
Staff Parish Relations Committee
  This committee is the HR department of the church. They are responsible for the oversight
  of the staff and pastors in the church.
  The Trustees are responsible for the church facilities and property of the church. They
  are primary contract signers, work with insurance and function as the church building
  administrators of the property.
  The purpose of the Montgomery United Methodist Church Finance Committee is based on
  the biblical mandate of stewardship and the meaning of being a good steward. We start with
  the understanding that there is no “my money” or “church money”. It is all God’s measure
  with which the church and its representatives are entrusted as stewards. Stewards do not own
  the money; they manage it responsibly and prudently. The Committee is charged with this
  important job.
Lay Leadership
  This committee nominates church members to other administrative committees and
  positions. These positions are approved at the annual charge conference of the church.
General MUMC Church Info

Office Hours:
 The church office is open Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
To submit a prayer request:
 If you have a prayer need, you can call the office at 936-597-6862, email the office at
 mumc@mumctex.org or text it to 936-587-6862. Please let us know if you would like your
 concern shared with the congregation or a pastor to contact you.
To access the church directory:
 The church directory is for members and is online. Visit members.instantchurchdirectory.com
 to create an account with the email address provided when you joined the church.
To request a room for a meeting or event:
 To get your event on the church calendar, please contact Melinda Young at 936-597-6162,
 melinda@mumctex.org or click the link on the calendar page of the church website. Please
 let her know the day, time, room(s) requested and what they are to be used for. Also, please let
 her know the contact person for the event.
To request childcare for an event:
 If your event needs nursery, please contact Nicole Torrez, ntorrez@mumctex.org to schedule.
To request something in the bulletin or messenger:
 First, please make sure your event is on the calendar. Send an email to Michelle Dabney,
 michelle@mumctex.org & Melinda Young, melinda@mumctex.org to have your event
 advertised in the weekly communications.
The Vision of Montgomery United Methodist Church is to be:
                “A place where the love of Jesus is alive”.

We work toward this goal using our core values in the ways we connect, grow and serve
our church and community.

           Family Ministries: Family Ministries provides various events and resources to help
           families become centers of faith formation. We hope to help families achieve a better
           quality of life in a physical, emotional, and spiritual sense. From birth to grandparents
           and in between, Family Ministries has a place for you!
           Events: Throughout the year Family Ministries host events to help our families grow
           together as a community with Christ as the center. Events include: Church Picnics,
           Advent Festivals, Family Retreats, Luncheons, Bingo Nights, Movie Nights, Game
           Nights, Splash Days, and Service Opportunities. We are always looking for volunteers
           to assist in planning, setting up, cleaning up, or sharing special talents at events (crafting,
           balloon art, painting, cooking, game coordinating, etc…)
           Tiny Toes Ministry: Provides a welcome gift with mentor support and guidance for
           new and expecting mother’s. Please contact us if you know anyone who would benefit
           from this ministry.
           Faith Walkers: A group of individuals who exercise in the comfort of the Faith
           Center. Come walk with us on Monday and Wednesdays between 2:30-3:30 pm. All ages
           and abilities are welcome!



           E 5:21 Ministries is a ministry for married couples, whether you’ve been married 1 day
           or 100 years, we want you to join us!

           Marriage Studies are hosted on Friday evenings at various points throughout the school
           year, as well as other couples events like date nights in conjunction with Kids Min for
           childcare. Couples can have a night out or playing games with other couples.

                                         nicole@e521.org; jacob@e521.org
Our Student Ministry serves all youth 6th - 12th grade. It is a community of
unstoppable individuals running full-speed together towards all that God has for them.
We are teaching our youth how to live a life that reflects the values, principles and truth
of the Bible. We are building a generation who are ready to go out and spread the
Gospel. We want them to Be Different instead of just talking about it. We have the
privilege to run along side these amazing students, sharing our faith, doubts, questions
and the love of Christ. Our desire is for our students to thrive in a healthy community
and grow with one another.
• Bible Study: 5:00 - 7:30pm - A weekly Bible study during the school year. Students
  are split by age (6-8th & 9-12th grades) Join us in the middle of the week to hang
  out, worship and study the Bible, with a community of Junior High and High School
  Students. The Den is an atmosphere for students to encounter Christ and allow them
  to grow deeper in their relationship with God and each other as a community of
  believers. Tackling scripture, spiritual truths and how the word of God impacts our
  lives and culture.
• Sunday School: 9:45am or 11:00am




Kids Min

           MUMC Kids strives to create a safe environment that engages children through song,
           bible stories, and crafts so they feel encouraged to ask questions and learn to have
           passion for loving and serving Jesus. Children are precious and they play an important
           role in the church. Their abundance of energy and joy encourages the congregation to
           be filled with excitement to explore our faith and find ways to become involved in the
           community and share the love of God.

           With open arms, we welcome all children to attend the programs offered at MUMC.

           We can’t wait to meet you! Feel free to call or stop by for more information.

           • Wednesday Wisdom: 5:30-5:45 - Pizza, 5:45 - 7:00pm - A weekly Bible study
             during the school year. (3yrs - 5th grade). Nursery is available for children under 3
           • Nursery: available for under 3 during worship.
           • Sunday School: 9:45 & 11:00am




           We always need volunteers to help facilitate our kids ministry - rocking babies, cutting
           out materials, teaching classes, etc. If you’d like to help or need info, please contact
           Nicole Torrez.
Tomorrow’s Promise Preschool
Tomorrow’s Promise Preschool is a faith based preschool program at Montgomery
UMC. Our classrooms are rich in opportunities that will lay the foundation for lifelong
learning. Our Program provides a nurturing community where children learn through
developmentally appropriate activities. Each student gains the knowledge and skills
necessary to cultivate the confidence for accomplishing new challenges.
We offer:
• Programs for ages 18 months - Pre-K (4&5 year olds)
• Low teacher to student ratios
• Weekly Chapel
• Developmentally Appropriate, Faith Based Curriculum
• Diversified lessons to meet the needs of each child
• 2, 3, & 4 day schedules available for each age group
• Outdoor Playground
• Indoor Play area

For inquiries, contact Michelle Rickman, 936-597-6862




Tomorrow’s Promise Preschool would love volunteers to read in our classrooms (You
will have to agree to a background check).
We are also welcoming any garden help through the year. This includes the prayer garden.
Adults   Sunday Morning Small Group Opportunities:
         Friendship - Meets Sundays at 9:45am in room 110
         This is a Senior class who welcomes all. We value the history of our church, founded in 1838
         at the Pond Street location, and some members attended there until the church moved to its
         present location in 2006. The class is comprised of about 14 members, singles and couples. We
         open with prayer and concerns, and use books and videos of well-known Christian authors.
         We enjoy visiting with each other at the close of the lessons. Class contact is Ann Hastings
         Lost & Found - Meets Sundays at 9:45am in room 207/208
         This class consists primarily of retirees, who are active, involved in various church ministries,
         and very social. Typical attendance is 60 – 70. Due to the large class size, we break into rotating
         small groups outside of the Sunday School hour to get to know each other better. After opening
         prayer and announcements, we have a lesson the group has selected with a video and books
         by popular Christian authors. A cadre of class members volunteer to serve as facilitators. A
         summary of key items from each session is emailed to all members. We study God’s Word and
         seek His will in our lives, sharing the Good News with others, and supporting the church by our
         prayers and stewardship. The class is led by Ron Gilbert: rong@bytel.com
         Sojourners - Meets on Sundays at 9:45 in room 210.
         This class is open to all ages and walks of life and is for anyone interested in beginning or
         growing their relationship with Christ through study of the Bible. Devoted to fellowship and
         discussion of topics and matters from biblical times to our world today. Typical class attendance
         is around 25. Past studies have included: Sandra Richter’s “Epic of Eden”; Dr. Tony Evans’
         “The Power of Knowing God”; and Matt Chandler’s “Psalm 119”.
         Class contact: Candy Zibilske canzibilske@gmail.com
         Three of a Kind - Meets on Sundays at 10:00 am via phone.
         Three of a Kind class celebrates learning about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as three of a
         kind. We are meeting by phone due to concerns about COVID. Just text your phone number
         to 832-212-2600 and Deborah Geddes will pull you into class any Sunday at 10am. We are
         currently studying ‘The Women of the Bible Speak’ by Shannon Bream. We welcome all. Class
         contacts: Deborah Geddes, droberts11511@gmail.com
         Multi-generational Class - Meets on Sunday at 9:45am in Room 205
         This is a new class started in July 2021 that is still developing its’ membership and format. It has
         no specific age-group target and is intended to achieve a high level of member participation and
         ownership of lesson selections, class operations and leadership. Studies completed so far are
         Tim Tebow’s “This is the Day” and Larry Osborne’s “Knowing God” - both from Right Now
         Media. Attendance has been 15-20 with an age range from high school senior to grandparent.
         The lessons have involved a short video on Christian living topics, followed by a significant
         amount of lively class discussion. Future topics already selected include lessons from Right
         Now Media on “How to Read the Bible” and “Two Roads”, and Adam Hamilton’s “Half
         Truths”. We invite new members and current members who are not now attending Sunday
         School to come give us a try.
         Contacts are Rich Raun rraun60@gmail.com and Don Dillard dwdilla@sbcglobal.net
Week Day Small Group Opportunities:

Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study: Mondays at 7:00am
Men who meet for coffee and great conversation.
Gene Hastings, lehastings@juno.com
Women of the Word: Mondays at 6:15pm
A Bible study for women who want to grow in their faith. Come 30 minutes early for social time.
(offered seasonally)
Moms Group: Wednesdays, 6:00pm, come early (5:30) for fellowship.
Drop your kids off with our Student Ministry or Children’s Ministry on Wednesday nights and
come dig into the Bible with us! (meets during the school year 6:00-7:00pm)
Morning Glories: 9:30am 2nd Wednesday of each month
This group of ladies meet each month in the Faith Center. They engage in social time and have
various speakers/activities each month. Contact: Susie Turner, 936-597-5077
Fishers of Men: 9:30am 2nd Wednesday of each month
This group of men meet each month in the Fellowship Room. They engage in fellowship and
Bible Study each month. Contact: Gene Hastings, lehastings@juno.com
Lunch & Learn & Evening Bible Studies:
Adult Bible Studies are offered periodically throughout the year during the lunch hour and in the
evening. These are usually a book study led by Pastor Cabe Matthews. Contact: Church office:
936-597-6162 or cabe@mumctex.org.
Vision of the Adult Education Council:
All MUMC members, both current and prospective, are connected in relationships with other
seekers in a life-long journey of spiritual growth.
RightNow Media
Our church has partnered with a group called RightNow Media to give you a gift. RightNow
Media is kind of like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies and video entertainment for
kids. There are thousands of videos that you are able to stream for your individual spiritual
enrichment, for your Discipleship Group or Sunday School class, or just for your family. And
because our church has an account with them, the service is totally free for you to use - no strings
Visit our website: www.mumctex.org/rightnow, to sign in or create a new account, and in just
a few minutes you will be up and running.
Nurture Ministries   At Montgomery UMC, our Nurture Ministry cares for our congregation in many ways:
                     Bereavement: Helps coordinate the reception and activities associated with a memorial or
                     funeral at the church as well as provides nourishment for those who are grieving at the loss of a
                     loved one
                     Bible Study/Communion/Worship: Takes communion and visits our shut-ins at local
                     homes. Contact: Joe Whisenant, jwmaud@aol.com.
                     Caring Ministers/Stephen Ministers: One-on-one confidential care through Christ,
                     Contact Beverly Bauer, beverlybr99@gmail.com
                     Confidential Care: Prays and sends cards to those needing extra support. Contact: Connie
                     Smith, connie@wascds.com
                     Grief Share: A 13 week program of love, help and understanding for those grieving. Contact:
                     Beverly Bauer, beverlybr99@gmail.com
                     Homebound/Card Ministry: Visitation and Telecare to homes, an assisted living facilities.
                     Cards are sent monthly. Special prayer requests are answered with cards. Contact: Linda
                     Kemnitz, glkemnitz@consolidated.net
                     Hospital/Hospice/Rehab Visitation Team: Visiting area homes, hospitals and rehab
                     facilities including downtown Medical Center. Contact: Pastor Nancy Kellond,
                     New Member Connections: This committee helps a new member integrate into our church.
                     On the day they join, a picture of the new member is taken, membership information is filled
                     out, ministry information is given and a meeting is scheduled with Pastor Nancy. They are
                     assigned a Mentor to invite them to small groups and connect them with ministries in which
                     they might have an interest. Contact Lucille Johnson, lucillejppj@aol.com.
                     Prayer Ministry: Prayers for all people, congregation, community, our county and world.
                     Contact: Connie Hoisington, conniehoisington42@yahoo.com
                     Soup Ministry: Provides hot meals to those needing food after surgery or other event..
                     Contact: Joy Frazier, joyfrazier500@gmail.com
                     Whatknots: Knitting, crochet, crafting for homebound, and others that need prayer blankets,
                     shawls or other forms of encouragement. Contact: Susan Levine, susanlevine76@gmail.com

                     If you are in need of someone to help you and walk with you through a difficult time, please
                     email or call Pastor Nancy at nancy@mumctex.org, or 936-597-6162

                     The Nurture Ministry has a special place for you. We welcome anyone who would like to join
                     our team and be a part of a heartfelt, all loving, and very busy ministry.
At Montgomery UMC, we share His love. Here’s an overview of some of the Outreach

                                                                                                     Outreach Ministries
ministries and Mission projects we participate in throughout the year.

AA: Weekly meetings are held Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 6pm. Contact: Carahan
Pullen, carenpullen@gmail.com
AlAnon: Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7pm and Thursdays at 6pm. Contact: Laurie
Ille, laurieille09@hotmail.com.
Angel Tree: We “adopt angels” from MISD to provide Christmas presents for these children.
Contact: Stephanie Lindwall, sdlindwall@gmail.com
The Carpenter’s Helpers: These volunteers repair homes and construct needs at no cost for
those who can’t afford the repairs. Contact: Tom Sheahan, trsheahan@suddenlink.net
Commit for Life Blood Drive: In conjunction with the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center,
we host 4 blood drives annually. Contact: Dr. Bob Boyd, dogcatteeth@gmail.com
Children’s Clothes Closet: We accept Children’s clothes and provide them to the patrons
of our Food Pantry. Contct: Suzanne Lindsay, suznmi@aol.com
Family Promise: Periodically throughout the year, we are a host church, serving as a
home for homeless families. Contact:: Nellis Dye, nelliedye@reagan.com or Dave Martin,
Food Pantry: Our Pantry serves residents of Montgomery County and is open monthly on
the 1st & 3rd Friday and Saturday following. Contact: Larry Weisbrook, lfweisbrook@gmail.com
God’s Garage: Working with single mothers to become independent. Contact: Jill Chadwick,
Mexico Children’s Project: Each year, we collect toilet paper cores, stuff and wrap them to
send to children in Mexico for Christmas. Contact: Mike Landes, veritas@cebridge.net
MUMC Cookers: Our cookers provide food for disaster relief, or at the request of other
ministries, churches & communities. Contact: Steve Freeman, fresteve@gmail.com
National & International Missions: We have periodically hosted missionaries, taken
mission trips & supported missionaries around the world. We are partnered with a church in
the Dominican Republic through Compassion International. Contact: Aleta Doddema,
Upward Basketball: Each spring we have an Upward Basketball league for K-6th Grades.
Registration begins September 1, the season concludes before Spring Break. Many Volunteers
are needed. Contact: LaTaunya Romanazzi: taunyap15r@gmail.com
YES Montgomery: The “YES” stands for “youth enrichment services”. Our mission is to
assist the development of MISD children by providing additional resources and compassion to
make a positive impact on their lives. Our goal is to assist in finding solutions to MISD needs;
support teachers and school administrators to achieve exemplary rating for MISD students;
supply resources to satisfy family needs of under served children to improve their opportunity
to succeed and their self-esteem; and finally, to bring compassion and hope. Our vision is for all
MISD children to succeed and become productive members of their community.
If you would like to learn more about or become involved with any of these outreach ministries,
please visit our website, www.mumctex.org or contact Aleta Doddema, aleta_marie@yahoo.com.
Worship   Traditional Worship: 8:30am & 11:00am
          Our Traditional Worship services are Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary. Services offer
          elements of traditional worship including the old favorite hymns, gospels and current
          praise and worship music. Our services begin with a warm “Welcome home!” The
          resounding response is, “It’s good to be home!” Special services include, but are not
          limited to, seasonal events such as Holy Week and Christmas. Holy Communion is
          celebrated monthly on the first Sunday. As Methodists, we have an “open table”- we
          invite all who desire to live the Christian life to the table. Our church family embraces our
          youth and children and encourages participation within our weekly services. We have a
          worship committee that works with the pastors to ensure a great worship experience.

          The Forge Modern Worship: 9:45am
          The Forge Modern Worship service is Sunday mornings in the Faith Center. You’ll
          enjoy worshiping and have fun meeting people just like you, ordinary people who have
          encountered an awesome God. You don’t have to dress up. You don’t have to pretend
          your life is perfectly in order. You’ll find a friendly, relaxed place where you can truly be
          yourself. You’ll be encouraged, challenged, and given the tools to connect with God.
          You’ll hear teaching you can apply to your life today. You might even experience worship
          in a way you never have before. We want people to see Jesus for who he really is and
          to begin a relationship with him. As a church, we want to do life together as we seek to
          grow and understand what God has in store for each of us. You are not simply welcome
          to MUMC, you are wanted. Come expecting to find real people who are learning every
          day how to serve God by serving and loving each other. The Forge Worship committee
          works with the pastor and musicians to create a warm and new worship experience.

          Chancel Choir: 6:30pm Wednesdays
          Our Chancel Choir sings at the Traditional services on Sunday mornings as well
          as Special Services throughout the year. They usually have an Easter Cantata and a
          Christmas Cantata. They practice each week on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm, with a
          break for the summer and resume after Labor Day. Anyone is welcome to join the choir.
          For information, contact Kathy Hutson, kathy@mumctex.org
Office Hours
                                      Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm
                                           Church Staff

     David Lindwall                          Cabe Matthews                             Nancy Kellond
      Senior Pastor                          Associate Pastor                         Associate Pastor
dlindwall@mumctex.org                      cabe@mumctex.org                         nancy@mumctex.org

       Nicole Torrez                        Michelle Rickman                            Jacob Torrez
Interim Children’s Director        Tomorrow’s Promise Preschool Director              Executive Pastor
  ntorrez@mumctex.org                    mrickman@mumctex.org                       jacob@mumctex.org

    Kathy Hutson                                 Brent Young                        Gideon Bustamante
    Music Director                Pastor of Creative Arts & Communications       The Forge Worship Leader
 kathy@mumctex.org                           brent@mumctex.org                   thepainter.gb@gmail.com

     Tina South                               Michelle Dabney                          Melinda Young
Financial Coordinator         Communications, Membership & Financial Assistant       Church Secretary
 tina@mumctex.org                         michelle@mumctex.org                     melinda@mumctex.org
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                               Web link to
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   Our Church Directory is powered by Instant Church Directory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        MEN      WOMEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    KITCHEN              STORAGE
                                                                                              PLAYGROUND                                 PLAYGROUND                                                                                                                          Emergency
                                                                                                                                                                                                STORAGE                                        CUST.
MONTGOMERY UNITED                                                                                                                   CHILDREN’S 2
                                                                                                                                                                                     Emergency                                                                              MECH
                                                                                                        CHILDREN’S 6
 METHODIST CHURCH                                                                                          117A
  Sanctuary Building                                                                                                                RR
                                                    104                                                 CHILDREN’S 1                CHILDREN’S 3
                                                                                                               115A                       116A                                                                                                                           STAGE
                                                                                                               (112)                      (122)
            Media Office      Work                                                                      MEN       WOMEN
                   100        Room                                       WELCOME       KITCHEN           115           117
                               101                                                                                                  CHILDREN’S 4       CHILDREN’S 5
                                                                          HOME               108                                          125A            125B
 EXIT                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Faith Center
                             Assoc                                                                                                                RR
                                       Finance                            JAN.                     RR                                                            ELECT.
                             Pastor                                                                                                                               126                        WOMEN
                   143A                                        OFFICE              NURSERY 1            NURSERY 2                    CONFERENCE           “DEN”
                                                                135                  106A                  107A                         ROOM               127
   Communication    ASSOC
                                                                         CLOS.       (132)                 (130)             EXIT          110
                                                                                                                                                                                              MEN                             202
      Finance       PASTOR                                                                                                                                                                                               YOUTH CENTER
                     143C      PASTOR
                                 140              EXIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            204                205                 206
                                                                                                                                                                                 MUSIC MINISTRIES
                                                                                                                                                                                   CHOIR ROOM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                208                207
                                                                                                                                                                                                        RR               FELLOWSHIP
                                                                                                                                                                                   MUSIC OFFICE         CUST.
                                                                                                                                                                                    & LIBRARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MONTGOMERY UNITED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               METHODIST CHURCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Eduction Building
                                                                                                                                                                                            Children &
                                                                                                                                                                                         Student Ministry
Montgomery United Methodist Church
                      P.O.Box 1330
                22548 HWY 105 W
            Montgomery, TX 77356

                       Rev. 10/18/21
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