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Mid-Year 2018 Newsletter Windows on the A publication of Desert Stream Ministries Water By Andrew Comiskey With pleasure, I submit to you the best of my blogs, in the eyes of the DSM/LW staff. The following may help distill what we are about—what best defines our ‘water’ world. I could not be more pleased that my colleagues made these selections out of hundreds of choices. I will briefly summarize their import. Enjoy. The first selection—‘Love’—is a simple meditation on Jesus’ self-giving. Love Himself gave all to gain us. We have hope because God made Himself known to us in Jesus. Our response to ‘Love’ is prayer, so the next selection is fittingly: ‘Why Pray?’ Desert Stream is essentially a prayer ministry. We as a staff start each day in prayer, often end our day together in prayer, and sponsor two 40-day prayer/fasting times annually. All our pastoral care efforts begin and end with prayer. Prayer conveys the truth that without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). We pray that we might reflect Jesus in our sexual lives, namely the beauty and strength of His holiness, or chastity. ‘Beauty Trumps Brokenness’ highlights how beautiful Jesus calls all persons, regardless of their starting points, onto chastity. That levels the playing field (no- one greater than another) on which Jesus meets us in an intimate bond of love. United with Him, we begin to integrate our longing for meaningful human connection with our hunger for God. ‘Contending for the Bride’ is a prophetic declaration of our mission: we are called to champion her—the Church—as the purveyor and provider of chastity through helping her members find godly freedom in their sexual and relational selves. The world is getting more fractured all the time; we the Church must become radiantly whole in our embrace of the broken. An example of that ‘embrace’ lies in ‘Letter to a Vulnerable Friend’ in which I advise Christian friends of the ‘transgendered’ to love with reason and truth those tormented by popular lies. This is the Church’s hour to shine for the dignity of a generation at-risk. ‘Struck Down, Deployed’ describes how God uses loved ones’ bad choices to convert us: to render us both candidates and conduits of Living Waters for others. Lastly, ‘The Nations Return’ describes God’s severe mercy in breaking apart the old world of Living Waters in order to give us a smaller yet truer one. We as a ministry died and now live to change the world. DSM
Love God gave everything for us I want to rest in the arms of the One who fought for me. I want to know that sweetness in full. To do so, Oswald Chambers quotes St. Paul: ‘I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me’ (Gal. 2:20); “These words mean the breaking of my independence with count the ways. Why Why pray more? Let me First, we are continually knifed by the jagged world and jagged worldly Pray? Fourth, prayer primes us to at Calvary. He poured my own hand and surrendering to people who we love so much we hate intercede for the hard-hearted. ‘I out His life, which is the the supremacy of the Lord Jesus… them. Instead of dulling ourselves by weep because you don’t’, said St. best definition of love I know. it means breaking the husk of my any number of drugs, prayer invites Jean Vianney but we can do We have all (I hope) known individual independence of God, and us into the presence of God who our part. We cry out to the someone who sacrificed for the emancipating of my personality always asks: ‘Where is your heart?’ Father on behalf of loved us. But he or she did not give with Himself, not for my own ideas, Frankly, I often don’t want to know. ones, certain that as the good everything. God did. He died but for absolute loyalty to Jesus.” I want drugs! But more than drugs, I Shepherd left good sheep for us. Lent then is an opportunity to want peace, real peace that runs like behind to rescue us He He died for us in order to let go of specific distractions so we a stream underneath my touchy self will do the same for them gain us: He died to draw near to can know Him more. It is simple: we and wells up as I quiet my heart, feel (Luke 15:3-7). Remembering us, to be with us, to calm us with give Him more space to love us; in the pain, and begin to allow living His generosity toward us His Presence, to speak words we gratitude, we love Him back. That water to help me unload any number inspires gratitude which ...God, can hear, to nourish us with His rhythm sets in motion the ordering of conflicts I processed poorly in the fuels our eloquent body and blood. He ‘who lives in of our other loves, the people He calls hurried hours. petitions: ‘Get him (or unapproachable light, whom no us to love. Second, prayer heals us. We her) God!’ We must the blessed and one has seen or can see’ (1 Tim. 6:16) Immersed in His Spirit of love, pray more because the world isn’t persist like one who pounded on the judge’s humbled Himself in His Son and we may hurt when we discover that getting any better for us and we are only Ruler, the came closer to us than a mother or a we have loved others poorly, be it in not getting any better in facing its door til the old crank got up lover ever could. needing another too much out of demands. The cure? More prayer, and acted rightly (Luke 18: 2-8). King of kings and Love means God comes near to disordered desire or withholding love which is the way we unite with the Lord of lords, who alone is immortal us in Jesus. We who are little and rebellious and unable to love Him back now have access to God through because one threatened us or did not give us what we wanted. Our pain is good. Weep and One who loves us more than we love Him and who through Jesus surrounds and confirms us as beloved But if I say, The logic is sure—if a divided man this Jesus. We are not alone anymore. rejoice in His mercy that renews sons and daughters who need help. “I will not mention arose for her, how much more will and who lives in Because of Him, we need not be our efforts to love others better. The I pray because I need help. Always. his word or speak Almighty God? destabilized by other lovers. All He Lord is faithful. He will not leave us I cannot say ‘yes’ to His will today Fifth, prayer prepares us to answer unapproachable asks is that we give everything to Him. alone in our human loves. He loves without Him. I am His and I want anymore in his our prayers or someone else’s. As we That seems like a lot. But it’s the us and them too much! He converts His will to be mine. In prayer I re-up welcome His generous love afresh light, whom no one only way we can live happy lives. To us continuously with His self-giving by fixing the eyes of my heart straight name,” his word is in and pray for that generosity to lance know Him but to serve other gods is until we love as He does. By the time on Him who gave all to gain me. our beloved’s heart, we are primed to has seen or can see. torture, hell before hell. Discovering we see Him face-to-face, we may well Third, prayer softens our hearts. my heart like a fire, a make Jesus known however and to To him be honor the secret of surrender opens to us the music of the spheres, the peace that love others better than we do now. DSM Only Jesus makes me cry. It’s a good cry, born of gratitude for His self- fire shut up in my whomever He wills. I love being an answer to another’s prayer! How can and might forever. surpasses understanding, unbounded giving, which frees me to release the bones. I am weary of we not spill onto another if we have joy. We die to worldly distractions in everyday grief over the truth that I been before His altar where living Amen. 1 Timothy 6:15-16 order to rest in holy love, to enjoy the have little or no control over things holding it in; indeed, waters are ever-rising (Ezek. 47)? fruit of His suffering—the Creator’s in my life. My certainty is Him. I Declare Him or burst (Jer. 20:9)! desire for intimate union with His human creation. am being weaned off the world and secured in Him. I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9 Why pray more? Prayer changes everything. DSM 2 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 3
Love God gave everything for us I want to rest in the arms of the One who fought for me. I want to know that sweetness in full. To do so, Oswald Chambers quotes St. Paul: ‘I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me’ (Gal. 2:20); “These words mean the breaking of my independence with count the ways. Why Why pray more? Let me First, we are continually knifed by the jagged world and jagged worldly Pray? Fourth, prayer primes us to at Calvary. He poured my own hand and surrendering to people who we love so much we hate intercede for the hard-hearted. ‘I out His life, which is the the supremacy of the Lord Jesus… them. Instead of dulling ourselves by weep because you don’t’, said St. best definition of love I know. it means breaking the husk of my any number of drugs, prayer invites Jean Vianney but we can do We have all (I hope) known individual independence of God, and us into the presence of God who our part. We cry out to the someone who sacrificed for the emancipating of my personality always asks: ‘Where is your heart?’ Father on behalf of loved us. But he or she did not give with Himself, not for my own ideas, Frankly, I often don’t want to know. ones, certain that as the good everything. God did. He died but for absolute loyalty to Jesus.” I want drugs! But more than drugs, I Shepherd left good sheep for us. Lent then is an opportunity to want peace, real peace that runs like behind to rescue us He He died for us in order to let go of specific distractions so we a stream underneath my touchy self will do the same for them gain us: He died to draw near to can know Him more. It is simple: we and wells up as I quiet my heart, feel (Luke 15:3-7). Remembering us, to be with us, to calm us with give Him more space to love us; in the pain, and begin to allow living His generosity toward us His Presence, to speak words we gratitude, we love Him back. That water to help me unload any number inspires gratitude which ...God, can hear, to nourish us with His rhythm sets in motion the ordering of conflicts I processed poorly in the fuels our eloquent body and blood. He ‘who lives in of our other loves, the people He calls hurried hours. petitions: ‘Get him (or unapproachable light, whom no us to love. Second, prayer heals us. We her) God!’ We must the blessed and one has seen or can see’ (1 Tim. 6:16) Immersed in His Spirit of love, pray more because the world isn’t persist like one who pounded on the judge’s humbled Himself in His Son and we may hurt when we discover that getting any better for us and we are only Ruler, the came closer to us than a mother or a we have loved others poorly, be it in not getting any better in facing its door til the old crank got up lover ever could. needing another too much out of demands. The cure? More prayer, and acted rightly (Luke 18: 2-8). King of kings and Love means God comes near to disordered desire or withholding love which is the way we unite with the Lord of lords, who alone is immortal us in Jesus. We who are little and rebellious and unable to love Him back now have access to God through because one threatened us or did not give us what we wanted. Our pain is good. Weep and One who loves us more than we love Him and who through Jesus surrounds and confirms us as beloved But if I say, The logic is sure—if a divided man this Jesus. We are not alone anymore. rejoice in His mercy that renews sons and daughters who need help. “I will not mention arose for her, how much more will and who lives in Because of Him, we need not be our efforts to love others better. The I pray because I need help. Always. his word or speak Almighty God? destabilized by other lovers. All He Lord is faithful. He will not leave us I cannot say ‘yes’ to His will today Fifth, prayer prepares us to answer unapproachable asks is that we give everything to Him. alone in our human loves. He loves without Him. I am His and I want anymore in his our prayers or someone else’s. As we That seems like a lot. But it’s the us and them too much! He converts His will to be mine. In prayer I re-up welcome His generous love afresh light, whom no one only way we can live happy lives. To us continuously with His self-giving by fixing the eyes of my heart straight name,” his word is in and pray for that generosity to lance know Him but to serve other gods is until we love as He does. By the time on Him who gave all to gain me. our beloved’s heart, we are primed to has seen or can see. torture, hell before hell. Discovering we see Him face-to-face, we may well Third, prayer softens our hearts. my heart like a fire, a make Jesus known however and to To him be honor the secret of surrender opens to us the music of the spheres, the peace that love others better than we do now. DSM Only Jesus makes me cry. It’s a good cry, born of gratitude for His self- fire shut up in my whomever He wills. I love being an answer to another’s prayer! How can and might forever. surpasses understanding, unbounded giving, which frees me to release the bones. I am weary of we not spill onto another if we have joy. We die to worldly distractions in everyday grief over the truth that I been before His altar where living Amen. 1 Timothy 6:15-16 order to rest in holy love, to enjoy the have little or no control over things holding it in; indeed, waters are ever-rising (Ezek. 47)? fruit of His suffering—the Creator’s in my life. My certainty is Him. I Declare Him or burst (Jer. 20:9)! desire for intimate union with His human creation. am being weaned off the world and secured in Him. I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9 Why pray more? Prayer changes everything. DSM 2 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 3
Contending for the Bride A tough woman careful to avoid the gaze of others hears a Chastity: man asking for her help. She turns toward Him. Jesus needs water, yes, but more than that He wants to give her what she needs—mercy that will well up from her depths and satisfy ‘Zeal for His House has LGBTQ+ community can stand. seriously and are doing the hard Consumed Me.’ John 2:17 We unite under one gracious work to get free.’ her forever. We discover her morally In order ‘to contend for the faith hope—Christ Crucified—and one broken state later in John 4; all that 3. We provide real outlets where matters now is that Love has come to her and that Love alone can make her whole. Beauty Trumps Brokenness entrusted to all the saints’ (Jude 3), we must follow Jesus into the House of His Father and purge ourselves goal, the encounter between the blood and water, and our gendered selves. Only Almighty Mercy can people can get free. I am troubled by communities which preach the truth beautifully but provide of what divides us. Yes, we must dissolve the catastrophic impact Chastity is all about wholeness. little if any in-depth pastoral care come into the light of fellowship and of sin upon what it means to Far from the pale and passive face and fear and exaggerated desire ‘wells’ behind and journey with Him for sinners who need it. We must enlist the help of others, and yes, be male and female, created in we ascribe to it, chastity gives as we are generous self-giving. No toward chastity, the art of generous recognize the healing army that is no-one can cast out our personal His image. We must keep the generously, purposefully. ‘The matter. Though God’s image in us self-giving? there (and refer!) while adding to temple robbers but us. Our decision message simple and clear—the successful integration of sexuality may be broken, it is not destroyed. ‘Father of mercy, You made me its ranks by getting free ourselves. to refuse every altar but Christ Cross invites every person to enter within the person’ (CCC#2337) Something deeper in us longs to and now You seek to redeem me. Then, as our gift to the Church, Crucified is nothing short of a that healing flood, and we in means that we can be liberated from become potent in love and lovely You know me better than I know we accompany real sinners who miracle of God’s mercy—His fiery the Church must be constant in lust and rigorous self-concern and in response to it. While we have myself. I ask for the mercy to linger desire freedom: real repentance kindness (mirrored in His members) extending that invitation. free to offer ourselves to others for breath, we represent Him on earth in Your presence and wait for You. I unto the real Jesus who shows us . . . for zeal their good. as either male or female, of which am confident that Your eyes of Love persuading us that holy Presence the Father and His all-surpassing Jesus embodied that self-giving the Catechism sings: ‘Each of the will reveal what is truest and best beats the unstable presence of other power to restore what is broken. as a man—as God yes, but most two sexes is an image of the power about my humanity. I marvel at how lovers any day. 4. Under the one Cross, we fight definitely as a man. He is tender and tenderness of God, with equal I am made to be like You. I welcome Then we are ready to give all for the saving of many lives—contending for your house for the truth of every person’s and strong. Jesus is appealing, and dignity though in a different way’… You as my Source, the Love I need to probably as puzzling to the Samaritan their union grants them a share live and to give as a sexual, gendered for the Gospel and its power to consumes me, and gendered dignity, regardless of their confusing starting points. transform broken lives through woman as He was desirable to her. No matter: Jesus was clear in love; ‘in the Creator’s generosity and fecundity.’ (CCC#2335) being. Spring up, O Well.’’ DSM the Church. We fight against the insults of those We summon it, we contend for every stronghold of thought that it as part of what it means to be . . . but whoever who insult you fall clear in what was best for her. Bearing His image means that an ambassador of the Gospel. In In that way, Jesus the merciful is we can know this truth—you are a dulls and blurs the goal of purity the same way that we lovingly also Jesus the chaste. Chastity means good gender gift. Marriage is but and wholeness (aka chastity). We contend against the sick mercy of on me. Psalm 69:9 silence the Pharisee, so we refuse His gendered, sexual self is united— in no conflict—with His worship one expression of such gift-giving. Your masculinity is potent, capable drinks the water I ‘gay Christianity’ and against the sick the false ethnos of the LGBTQ+ community. Under the one Cross, of the One. Seamless integrity: of engendering life in others; give them will never truth of pounding vulnerable ones with Scripture and Church teaching 2. We preach the full range of sins against chastity, beginning with we recognize two natures—male the chaste Son’s need for ‘water’ in your womanhood is creative in and female—, and one goal, whatever form was sourced in the its exquisite response to such life. thirst. Indeed, the without lending a hand to help them common ‘heterosexual’ ones we often wink at—misogyny, that estranged children of God River of His Father’s love for Him. Whether single or married, chastity overcome real conflicts. (Spoiler Committed to the Father’s will alone, is the virtue that frees us to grow water I give them alert: this takes time, sometimes misandry, porn and romantic encounter the Father and become beloved sons and daughters, a lifetime…) Troubling too are addictions, divorce, abuse, weird His very human encounters with women and men alike resulted in into the gift we are and to learn to offer that gift. will become in them evangelical churches so intent on sexual legalism (everything but empowered to resume the journey reaching the LGBTQ+ community intercourse), etc. After that, it’s to wholeness. DSM greater wholeness in their lives, as we shall see throughout these six weeks. Scary yes. The Samaritan woman may have averted Jesus’ gaze a spring of water that they naively adopt non-biblical water off a duck’s back to We are not Jesus, nor are we altogether had He not met her with welling up to eternal language and ethics and become converted by good ‘gay’ people. preach repentance to the more obviously confused— exact replicas of the pre-fallen such kindness. Similarly, He meets pair who celebrated their loss of us with Almighty mercy, longing life. John 4:14 We roll up our sleeves and fight for: ‘Come into the water with us; we won’t throw loneliness in bold, shame-free sexual only to unite us with Himself. He is 1. The lifting up of the One Cross in stones but we will take love (Gen. 2:18-25)! Today we live the source of ‘living water’ who seeks order to redeem the two natures— your sins seriously, even East of Eden, as inclined to shame to well up in us. Might we leave old male and female. Under Christ, no as we have taken ours 4 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 5
Contending for the Bride A tough woman careful to avoid the gaze of others hears a Chastity: man asking for her help. She turns toward Him. Jesus needs water, yes, but more than that He wants to give her what she needs—mercy that will well up from her depths and satisfy ‘Zeal for His House has LGBTQ+ community can stand. seriously and are doing the hard Consumed Me.’ John 2:17 We unite under one gracious work to get free.’ her forever. We discover her morally In order ‘to contend for the faith hope—Christ Crucified—and one broken state later in John 4; all that 3. We provide real outlets where matters now is that Love has come to her and that Love alone can make her whole. Beauty Trumps Brokenness entrusted to all the saints’ (Jude 3), we must follow Jesus into the House of His Father and purge ourselves goal, the encounter between the blood and water, and our gendered selves. Only Almighty Mercy can people can get free. I am troubled by communities which preach the truth beautifully but provide of what divides us. Yes, we must dissolve the catastrophic impact Chastity is all about wholeness. little if any in-depth pastoral care come into the light of fellowship and of sin upon what it means to Far from the pale and passive face and fear and exaggerated desire ‘wells’ behind and journey with Him for sinners who need it. We must enlist the help of others, and yes, be male and female, created in we ascribe to it, chastity gives as we are generous self-giving. No toward chastity, the art of generous recognize the healing army that is no-one can cast out our personal His image. We must keep the generously, purposefully. ‘The matter. Though God’s image in us self-giving? there (and refer!) while adding to temple robbers but us. Our decision message simple and clear—the successful integration of sexuality may be broken, it is not destroyed. ‘Father of mercy, You made me its ranks by getting free ourselves. to refuse every altar but Christ Cross invites every person to enter within the person’ (CCC#2337) Something deeper in us longs to and now You seek to redeem me. Then, as our gift to the Church, Crucified is nothing short of a that healing flood, and we in means that we can be liberated from become potent in love and lovely You know me better than I know we accompany real sinners who miracle of God’s mercy—His fiery the Church must be constant in lust and rigorous self-concern and in response to it. While we have myself. I ask for the mercy to linger desire freedom: real repentance kindness (mirrored in His members) extending that invitation. free to offer ourselves to others for breath, we represent Him on earth in Your presence and wait for You. I unto the real Jesus who shows us . . . for zeal their good. as either male or female, of which am confident that Your eyes of Love persuading us that holy Presence the Father and His all-surpassing Jesus embodied that self-giving the Catechism sings: ‘Each of the will reveal what is truest and best beats the unstable presence of other power to restore what is broken. as a man—as God yes, but most two sexes is an image of the power about my humanity. I marvel at how lovers any day. 4. Under the one Cross, we fight definitely as a man. He is tender and tenderness of God, with equal I am made to be like You. I welcome Then we are ready to give all for the saving of many lives—contending for your house for the truth of every person’s and strong. Jesus is appealing, and dignity though in a different way’… You as my Source, the Love I need to probably as puzzling to the Samaritan their union grants them a share live and to give as a sexual, gendered for the Gospel and its power to consumes me, and gendered dignity, regardless of their confusing starting points. transform broken lives through woman as He was desirable to her. No matter: Jesus was clear in love; ‘in the Creator’s generosity and fecundity.’ (CCC#2335) being. Spring up, O Well.’’ DSM the Church. We fight against the insults of those We summon it, we contend for every stronghold of thought that it as part of what it means to be . . . but whoever who insult you fall clear in what was best for her. Bearing His image means that an ambassador of the Gospel. In In that way, Jesus the merciful is we can know this truth—you are a dulls and blurs the goal of purity the same way that we lovingly also Jesus the chaste. Chastity means good gender gift. Marriage is but and wholeness (aka chastity). We contend against the sick mercy of on me. Psalm 69:9 silence the Pharisee, so we refuse His gendered, sexual self is united— in no conflict—with His worship one expression of such gift-giving. Your masculinity is potent, capable drinks the water I ‘gay Christianity’ and against the sick the false ethnos of the LGBTQ+ community. Under the one Cross, of the One. Seamless integrity: of engendering life in others; give them will never truth of pounding vulnerable ones with Scripture and Church teaching 2. We preach the full range of sins against chastity, beginning with we recognize two natures—male the chaste Son’s need for ‘water’ in your womanhood is creative in and female—, and one goal, whatever form was sourced in the its exquisite response to such life. thirst. Indeed, the without lending a hand to help them common ‘heterosexual’ ones we often wink at—misogyny, that estranged children of God River of His Father’s love for Him. Whether single or married, chastity overcome real conflicts. (Spoiler Committed to the Father’s will alone, is the virtue that frees us to grow water I give them alert: this takes time, sometimes misandry, porn and romantic encounter the Father and become beloved sons and daughters, a lifetime…) Troubling too are addictions, divorce, abuse, weird His very human encounters with women and men alike resulted in into the gift we are and to learn to offer that gift. will become in them evangelical churches so intent on sexual legalism (everything but empowered to resume the journey reaching the LGBTQ+ community intercourse), etc. After that, it’s to wholeness. DSM greater wholeness in their lives, as we shall see throughout these six weeks. Scary yes. The Samaritan woman may have averted Jesus’ gaze a spring of water that they naively adopt non-biblical water off a duck’s back to We are not Jesus, nor are we altogether had He not met her with welling up to eternal language and ethics and become converted by good ‘gay’ people. preach repentance to the more obviously confused— exact replicas of the pre-fallen such kindness. Similarly, He meets pair who celebrated their loss of us with Almighty mercy, longing life. John 4:14 We roll up our sleeves and fight for: ‘Come into the water with us; we won’t throw loneliness in bold, shame-free sexual only to unite us with Himself. He is 1. The lifting up of the One Cross in stones but we will take love (Gen. 2:18-25)! Today we live the source of ‘living water’ who seeks order to redeem the two natures— your sins seriously, even East of Eden, as inclined to shame to well up in us. Might we leave old male and female. Under Christ, no as we have taken ours 4 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 5
Letter to a Vulnerable Res ponding Struck Down, Deployed to the ‘We are struck down she is happy to learn more, she knows Friend: ‘Transgendered’ but not destroyed, always carrying what God wants. ‘He wants me. This around in the body the death of Jesus is more about my conversion than that the life of Jesus may also be anything else. I am learning how to First, thank you for revealed in our body.’ trust Him as never before.’ your commitment to your friend. (2 Cor. 4: 9b, 10) Teri followed up that seminar Sometimes devout, energized I believe that the mightiest with a small Lenten prayer group we persons like you can help prevent an already vulnerable soul from doing further injury. I realize your Rather, living the truth in love, we are members of God’s healing army today are mothers and fathers whose children have ‘come out’ as LGBT+. hosted about chastity, what it means to become whole in our gender and sexuality. Several persons attended friend is on the verge of doing to grow up in every way into him who is Struck down by unintentional with apparent gender identity just that by pursuing gender acts of domestic violence, these reassignment surgery. the head, into Christ. . . . 2 Cor 4:15 parents—facedown—discover Jesus problems. Teri’s divides are not apparent; she looks like the well- Gender is not a product of the Your friend is vulnerable to one’s body type combined with a for themselves. heeled and adjusted head of women’s mind; it is a fact of our birth. To be robbers, and needs understanding persistent desire to have different Another’s wound and rebellion ministry. Yet she was the first to lead sure, your friend has and inspired care. This is a person body traits. wakes them up. At last. The God of out with confession about her issues a deep conflict with who looks in the mirror and hates The gender-afflicted need inspired their childhood becomes Savior and as a woman and why those issues his or her true gender the reflection. He or she believes therapy, not surgery. It is cruel to Lord for them now. He gives them a probably had made life harder for her self, for which one must that self-acceptance lies in becoming subject a vulnerable soul to knives share in His heart for the broken in daughter. What a woman. She goes only be compassionate. Such the other gender. Wrong. I have and implants and alien hormones. need of His body. They will change to the Cross for her own brokenness compassion flows from the truth. worked with several persons whose We do not ‘cure’ an anorexic by the face of the Church. first. She prays for her daughter out Your friend has a gender self and ‘fantasy gender selves’ arose in excising fat from her body because I met Teri at an Encourage meeting. of the mercy she receives from Jesus. to be at odds with that truth is a response to profound distress. Their she feels fat any more than we She was distraught and nearly Now I have the privilege of serious affliction. Your advocacy fantasy selves became the prison. It ‘cure’ a man who feels like a woman hopeless about her daughter who walking with Teri through a Living may help him or her to begin to is a joyful labor of love to accompany by cutting off his penis. We help claimed to be transitioning into a ‘son.’ Waters group. I arrived at my parish resolve this identity confusion in the gender afflicted out of unreality him make peace with his intrinsic At that point, her goal was to amass early to set up one night and noticed the right way. and into their real selves. manhood, just as we help the info about ‘transgender’ realities. She a woman kneeling at the altar Your friend is not hearing the Spiritual and emotional anorexic adjust to a true body image. learned in the next few months that beneath the Cross. She was radiant, truth today, only pretty lies. To intervention makes sense. Why? Your friend is imprisoned by the gaining knowledge was her way of fragrant with holiness and looked a paraphrase Dr. Paul McHugh, We cannot change our genders. lie that ‘feelings’ can and should controlling the chaos at hand. bit like Mary Mother of God as she the idea that gender is a matter Guess what? Bruce Jenner is still determine biological gender. When I saw her next at our ‘Open united her heart with Jesus. I failed of choice is without scientific a man! The only real choice we Wrong. God determines our gender to Life’ seminar, she was remarkably to realize it was Teri until later. No foundation. Studies reveal that in have is to make peace with the and we must work that out in fear composed. She told me that though matter; even from a distance, I could spite of terrific costs to all family gender of our birth. Nevertheless, and trembling. Yes Jesus is the door discern that this intercessor was in members, gender reassignment we must recognize that our gender that swings out from the prison sync with her Savior and destined to surgery does not result in happiness but the same or worse mental health conditions than existed identities (the psychological adjustment we make to our gender) are subject to profound frustration. and yes we must open it. Praise Him—we can do so in the light of Divine Mercy and merciful friends . . . so that the thoughts of many move mountains. A sword may have pierced her heart (Luke 2:35), but with that same sword, surrendered before the surgery, including drug We may feel chronically inadequate like you. DSM hearts will be revealed. And a sword will to Jesus, she will thwart the enemy’s addictions, psychotic disorders and to master certain ‘gender’ tasks, schemes. Thank God for His the risk of suicide. or experience repulsion over pierce your own soul too. Luke 2:35 marvelous plan! DSM 6 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 7
Letter to a Vulnerable Res ponding Struck Down, Deployed to the ‘We are struck down she is happy to learn more, she knows Friend: ‘Transgendered’ but not destroyed, always carrying what God wants. ‘He wants me. This around in the body the death of Jesus is more about my conversion than that the life of Jesus may also be anything else. I am learning how to First, thank you for revealed in our body.’ trust Him as never before.’ your commitment to your friend. (2 Cor. 4: 9b, 10) Teri followed up that seminar Sometimes devout, energized I believe that the mightiest with a small Lenten prayer group we persons like you can help prevent an already vulnerable soul from doing further injury. I realize your Rather, living the truth in love, we are members of God’s healing army today are mothers and fathers whose children have ‘come out’ as LGBT+. hosted about chastity, what it means to become whole in our gender and sexuality. Several persons attended friend is on the verge of doing to grow up in every way into him who is Struck down by unintentional with apparent gender identity just that by pursuing gender acts of domestic violence, these reassignment surgery. the head, into Christ. . . . 2 Cor 4:15 parents—facedown—discover Jesus problems. Teri’s divides are not apparent; she looks like the well- Gender is not a product of the Your friend is vulnerable to one’s body type combined with a for themselves. heeled and adjusted head of women’s mind; it is a fact of our birth. To be robbers, and needs understanding persistent desire to have different Another’s wound and rebellion ministry. Yet she was the first to lead sure, your friend has and inspired care. This is a person body traits. wakes them up. At last. The God of out with confession about her issues a deep conflict with who looks in the mirror and hates The gender-afflicted need inspired their childhood becomes Savior and as a woman and why those issues his or her true gender the reflection. He or she believes therapy, not surgery. It is cruel to Lord for them now. He gives them a probably had made life harder for her self, for which one must that self-acceptance lies in becoming subject a vulnerable soul to knives share in His heart for the broken in daughter. What a woman. She goes only be compassionate. Such the other gender. Wrong. I have and implants and alien hormones. need of His body. They will change to the Cross for her own brokenness compassion flows from the truth. worked with several persons whose We do not ‘cure’ an anorexic by the face of the Church. first. She prays for her daughter out Your friend has a gender self and ‘fantasy gender selves’ arose in excising fat from her body because I met Teri at an Encourage meeting. of the mercy she receives from Jesus. to be at odds with that truth is a response to profound distress. Their she feels fat any more than we She was distraught and nearly Now I have the privilege of serious affliction. Your advocacy fantasy selves became the prison. It ‘cure’ a man who feels like a woman hopeless about her daughter who walking with Teri through a Living may help him or her to begin to is a joyful labor of love to accompany by cutting off his penis. We help claimed to be transitioning into a ‘son.’ Waters group. I arrived at my parish resolve this identity confusion in the gender afflicted out of unreality him make peace with his intrinsic At that point, her goal was to amass early to set up one night and noticed the right way. and into their real selves. manhood, just as we help the info about ‘transgender’ realities. She a woman kneeling at the altar Your friend is not hearing the Spiritual and emotional anorexic adjust to a true body image. learned in the next few months that beneath the Cross. She was radiant, truth today, only pretty lies. To intervention makes sense. Why? Your friend is imprisoned by the gaining knowledge was her way of fragrant with holiness and looked a paraphrase Dr. Paul McHugh, We cannot change our genders. lie that ‘feelings’ can and should controlling the chaos at hand. bit like Mary Mother of God as she the idea that gender is a matter Guess what? Bruce Jenner is still determine biological gender. When I saw her next at our ‘Open united her heart with Jesus. I failed of choice is without scientific a man! The only real choice we Wrong. God determines our gender to Life’ seminar, she was remarkably to realize it was Teri until later. No foundation. Studies reveal that in have is to make peace with the and we must work that out in fear composed. She told me that though matter; even from a distance, I could spite of terrific costs to all family gender of our birth. Nevertheless, and trembling. Yes Jesus is the door discern that this intercessor was in members, gender reassignment we must recognize that our gender that swings out from the prison sync with her Savior and destined to surgery does not result in happiness but the same or worse mental health conditions than existed identities (the psychological adjustment we make to our gender) are subject to profound frustration. and yes we must open it. Praise Him—we can do so in the light of Divine Mercy and merciful friends . . . so that the thoughts of many move mountains. A sword may have pierced her heart (Luke 2:35), but with that same sword, surrendered before the surgery, including drug We may feel chronically inadequate like you. DSM hearts will be revealed. And a sword will to Jesus, she will thwart the enemy’s addictions, psychotic disorders and to master certain ‘gender’ tasks, schemes. Thank God for His the risk of suicide. or experience repulsion over pierce your own soul too. Luke 2:35 marvelous plan! DSM 6 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org Thirty-eight Years of Healing, Equipping and Proclaiming 7
The Nations Return Last year, some Living Waters friends from Living Waters. To my surprise, some of the nations where we had 2018 Mid Year Report PUBLISHER /EDITOR Andrew Comiskey Thailand and China urged us at released Living Waters re-initiated ART DIRECTION relationship with us. Provoked by Kevin Williamson Design DSM/LW to gather international DESERT STREAM MINISTRIES leaders again in Kansas City. conscience and now seasoned in PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING: I balked and winced as I recalled ministry and decision-making, they Newsletter (Spring and Fall) the vision a dear friend had given me wanted to return to the source. I was Mid-Year Report (Summer) grateful yet tentative as I was and Year-End Report (Winter) five years ago—it was nothing but a burnt field, still smoking. So was am still unwilling to return to the ‘good old days.’ They weren’t that Mission Statement I. After 30 years of building Living Based on the biblical foundations of Waters around the globe, I was asked good and they are over. compassion, integrity, and dependence on by a council of Living Waters leaders So I wondered; might we build God, Desert Stream Ministries proclaims to step off the team so that they relationship based on mutual respect to the world the transforming power of and a desire to grow together into Jesus Christ. We equip the body of Christ could pursue other goals. to minister healing to the sexually and Overnight, friends with a shared a new season? I had tolerated ‘cloak relationally broken, through healing groups language became strangers whose and dagger’ stuff in the old system. and leadership training for the local church. perspective I could no longer No more. Either we trust each other discern, let alone contend. The joy of or we choose other partnerships. Staff gathering with the nations became a The DSM/LW staff agreed to EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR host our international friends who Andrew Comiskey landmine, which had blown up in my wanted to come. Most of our friends ASSISTANT DIRECTOR face. A burnt field indeed. Abbey Foard In the years that followed, I spent did (which floored me) and honestly, DESERT STREAM PRESS time daily before the Crucified and it was heaven-on-earth. We started Annette Comiskey died to what had been. I alternated at the Restored Hope Conference LIVING WATERS USA between hope that leapt at God’s lead in Chicago (amazing) then met COORDINATOR at my home and at our offices for Dean Greer and despair that slouched toward DIRECTOR OF INTERCESSION early retirement (bleech!). I wondered 3-days in which we dined, prayed, Ann Armstrong if seeds that die always release more and centered on the Kingdom of RESOURCES & AGUAS VIVAS life (John 12: 24-26). God, embracing the whole Church, Daniel Delgado God invited me into new and identifying weaknesses in TECH SUPPORT our married and single lives. No Eric Spady friendships. Anne Paulk and Stephen pressure, just the real Presence of SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Black asked me to join them in Amanda Smith starting—Restored Hope Network— God meeting us and helping us to SUPPORT STAFF for persons impacted by SS; of equal love Jesus and each other more. Becky Turner, Lori Harry, Nate blessing was Father Paul Check, the Fragrant. God kissed us. No part of this Newsletter/Report may be leader of Courage, who mentored Poured out, the DSM/LW staff reproduced or reprinted without permission. this new Catholic and gave me a inhaled the truth that the nations had returned to us. But differently Please address all inquiries to: chance to share my witness in his now, like adults with a shared bond. DESERT STREAM world (which is becoming mine as We like each other; we want to 706 Main Street well). I love these networks; I hope be together. Beautiful—new life Grandview, MO 64030 you do too, as they are beautiful springing forth from scorched, rich (816) 767-1730 Fax: (816) 767-7221 expressions of God’s heart for persons with SSA. soil. DSM My primary call, however, is 8 816.767.1730 www.desertstream.org
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