January 4, 2022

                                   | January Newsletter |

  Feed My Starving
   Children Event
The school’s largest service-
learning event is taking place
at WT Jan. 13-15. Specifically,
students will be assisting
packing meals to ship to
malnourished children all
across the globe. For more
information, see pages 3 and
4 of the newsletter.

    End of Second
      Quarter                      From the Principal’s Desk
    Approaching                          Happy New Year Wayne Trail families! Our yearbook cover
On Friday, January 14, the         winner is pictured above with her design that aligned with our
students will end the second       theme of, “Level Up!” As we return to the school setting,
quarter or the first semester of   students will need to be reminded what it means to be “Ready to
the school year. This is           Learn” as they settle back to learning mode.
important as students finish
the quarter strong and we will            We are extremely exited to host our every two-year service-
be completing mid-year             learning event at the middle of January. Students will have the
benchmark testing in math          opportunity to directly make an impact on the global community.
and reading in the coming          We hope this event carries out a small piece of what MLK Jr.
weeks!                             wanted as he said, “Everybody can be great because everybody
                                   can serve.”
Thanks to the PTP!
                                   Stay healthy, safe, and remember to report any student illnesses to
The PTP group purchased an         Nurse Pavlis. Also, remember to send your child prepared to go
ice machine for the WT staff
                                   outside to recess during these winter months.
right before break! We want
to thank them for this             Nick Neiderhouse, Ed.D.
generous gift as it will help to   Email: nneiderhouse@maumeek12.org
keep the staff cool and            Twitter: @NickNeiderhouse
hydrated in 2022!
January 4, 2022

                                                     January Events
                                    5- Students return from winter break
                                    5- Start of Feed My Starving Children
                                    donation drive (see pages 3 and 4).
                                    14- End of second quarter
     Sneaky Reader
       Winners                      14- Feed My Starving Children event
Each month, we draw students’       17- No school (MLK Jr. Day)
names to win a FREE book if they
were “caught” reading. Students
earn a sneaky reader card if they
                                    18- No school (Teacher records day)
were caught by a staff member
reading while waiting in line,      18- PTP meeting 6:30pm at WT library
during lunch, recess, or other
various times throughout the day.   19- Start of third quarter
• December’s winners were:
                                    21- PBIS 2nd quarter reward
  • Bella W.

  • Eleanor Y.

  • Freddie C.

  • Lucas D.

  • Caroline M.

      PBIS Reward
On Jan. 21, students who did not
earn a major infraction or had 2
or less write-ups during the
second quarter earned their way
into an entertaining performance
called Animal Magic! This will
take place during the school day
and students will get to see
exotic animals and be
mesmerized! See pages 5 and 6
for PBIS update.
                                      (Pictured above): The annual WT staff giving tree produced
                                      hundreds of food items and monetary donations to directly
                                      support WT students in need throughout the year!
January 4, 2022


                     A grateful response to our abundant blessings

What are we doing?
A local Feed My Starving Children MobilePack sponsored by local churches, schools, and
businesses is being coordinated.
During the week of Jan. 10-14, students will not only be learning about how they can serve
to help malnourished children all over the world, but in each content area they will learn:
Math: calculations of the weights/measurements of food, how many bags/boxes are
ELA: Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively. Reading literature
about different cultures.
Science/ Social Studies: geography/physical/human characteristics of third world countries.
Growing environments for crops and sustainability. Natural disasters that can impact food

*Then students will pack nutritious meals to be sent to thousands of hungry children.

Why are we coordinating this effort?
We have 3 primary goals:
   ● To help alleviate global hunger in children.
   ● To educate Maumee students about the reality of global poverty.
   ● To provide an opportunity for the Maumee community to come together in a spirit
      of gratitude and service.

When will this take place?
January 13 – 15, 2022. During the school day on the 14th, Wayne Trail fourth and fifth
graders will each have an opportunity to serve. The greater Maumee community will be
invited to pack Thursday, Friday evening or Saturday morning.

How will we accomplish this?
600 volunteers will help us pack over 100,000 meals--enough food to feed 276 children a
nutritious meal for an entire year. We are near our goal of $25,000 in order to purchase
this food. Maumee area churches, businesses, and civic organizations have already
contributed most of the funds to host the event. If you or your family wants to also
volunteer for a shift, go to http://give.fmsc.org/maumee to sign up.

Where will the MobilePack take place?
Wayne Trail Elementary School in Maumee.

Who can volunteer to pack?
Volunteers age 5 and up may participate.
Children need the supervision of an adult.

January 4, 2022


Contact: Nick Neiderhouse nneiderhouse@maumeek12.org or visit fmsc.org for more

Additionally, we are encouraging our Wayne Trail students/families to donate to help us
reach the $25,000 goal and to add a little more fun to this event.

Each homeroom classroom that raises $50 or more will get to pie their teacher in the face!
If the school reaches the $1,000 mark, the top donating class will get to pie Dr.
Neiderhouse in the face with a pie! This will surely add some entertainment if these goals
are reached.

At this point, donations can only be change, cash, or checks made out to Wayne Trail
Elementary. We will compile all donations and write one check to Feed My Starving
Children at the conclusion of this event.

The donation period will run from January 5 to January 20 with the “pie day” taking place
on the 21st.

We want to give a BIG thank you to our major donors who are making this event possible!

January 4, 2022

Positive Behavioral Inventions and Supports (PBIS) at Wayne Trail
       In December of 2021, we sent a parent survey out about our PBIS program to gather your
feedback. We had over 60 families respond and we appreciate your insight. One area that some
parents had questions about was Classroom DoJo. Therefore, we wanted to provide clarification
regarding this both positive behavior/behavior needing improved tracking system that aligns
with our PBIS protocols.

What is Classroom DoJo and why are we using it? It is a FREE classroom communication
app that the building is using to support our PBIS program and teach developmental skills. All
students are set up through this secure system where students’ names are only seen by Wayne
Trail staff. Other students or parents cannot see your child’s progress. Our goal for this system is
to have a consistent classroom program used by all of our teachers and staff (recess and lunch
monitors for example) to identify both positive behaviors and ones that need improvement. It
allows us to systematically reward students for positive behaviors more regularly and be more
proactive in supporting students who need improved behaviors. This program generates easy to
use data reports that show students’ progress or struggles in percentages, or pie chart form, by
the day, week, month, or year.

How are we using it? We currently have over 90% of our families connected to DoJo. This is
a school-wide daily tracking for a Tier-1 system for all students, a Tier-2 (more focused small
group interventions), or a Tier-3 (individual intervention) for students in need. For attending
school each day, students earn 5 daily points, which relates to their subject areas (3), special area
(1), and recess/lunch (1).

Rewards with Classroom DoJo:

• Reach above and beyond points are calculated and top 2 from each class get a reward each
  month. These points are also taken into consideration for student of the month awards.

• Students can also earn a gold coin (aligns with Level Up theme) for following expectations or
  helping others. These accumulate for the class and can be turned in for extra reward/recess

January 4, 2022

Consequences with Classroom DoJo:

     • If a student does not meet expectations, this student could earn a disrespectful or
       irresponsible thumbs down.

     • If a student earns 3 or more thumbs down in a day, they receive a written discipline
       referral that gets sent home or emailed to the parent.

     • If a student earns 3 or more of these write ups in a quarter they are not permitted to
       participate in our quarterly PBIS reward. This non-participation would also include
       earning a major infraction.

While it is the expectation that if a student earns a thumbs down, the staff member writes a
short description of the behavior to inform the parent, this is not always the case. Teachers
especially, get busy with their teaching duties and will many times go back at the end of the day
or start the next day with adding a note. If you are unsure of why your child earned a thumbs
down, you can either send a direct message to your child’s teacher though the app or email them
directly to get more information.

Please reach out if you have any questions and we thank you for being involved in your child’s
education and success!

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