International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University

Page created by Kent Perkins
International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University
International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University
About Erasmus School of Economics

Erasmus School of Economics offers a proven track record in excellent

education and research. If you seek to link economic theory with practice

through the involvement of industry and governments, then Erasmus School

of Economics in Rotterdam is your education of choice. Here, you can make it

happen. Here, internationally renowned teachers and researchers continuously

encourage and inspire you to effectively address today’s and tomorrow’s

economic challenges. A recipe for success: it’s how we produced many global

leaders in business, research and governments over the past century.
International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University
About Rotterdam                                      to major cities in Europe and, from Amsterdam
Rotterdam is a young, dynamic, international         Airport Schiphol, to any place in the world.
city with a passionately beating heart. The
city keeps reinventing itself at a rapid pace,       More information:
redefining and expanding its already impressive
skyline every time you visit and presenting
new cultural and sporting events to surprise
and delight you. As one of the world’s largest
commercial ports and a centre of commerce
and services, Rotterdam offers unlimited                The New York Times
opportunities and possibilities. The city is aptly      52 places to go in 2014
called the ‘Gateway to Europe’ because of its
favourable location, good infrastructure and            CNN Travel
well-developed transport network that provides          Europe’s new capital of cool 2017
access to the rest of Europe by road, rail, air
and sea. You can travel to other major Dutch            The Academy of Urbanism
cities such as Amsterdam or The Hague by car            European City of the Year Award in 2015
or train within less than an hour. It takes only
a little longer to get to Brussels, London, Paris       Lonely Planet
or Berlin. You can fly from Rotterdam Airport           Top 10 City Best in Travel 2016
International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University
Rankings                                       Campus
QS World University Ranking ranks Erasmus      Erasmus University Rotterdam is a home base
University Rotterdam (subject Economics &      for around 31,000 students. Most faculties and
Econometrics) as follows:                      schools are situated at the Woudestein campus,
                                               which has a green and lively heart with the
 Year   In Europe    In the World
                                               vibrant and cultural Erasmus Pavilion, two
 2019   17           51-100
                                               residence halls for students (Hatta and Xior), the
And for the subject of Accounting & Finance:   Erasmus Food Plaza where dishes from various
 Year   In Europe    In the World
                                               corners of the world are offered and a mini-
                                               supermarket Spar University. Other facilities on
 2019   13           48
                                               this campus include a library, study facilities,
Times Higher Education World University        cash dispensers, prayer facilities, a bicycle shop,
Ranking (subject Business & Economics):        coffee corners, a bookstore, a hairdresser and a
                                               sports centre.
 Year   In Europe    In the World

 2019   7            32
                                               More information:
The Academic Ranking of World Universities
(subject Economics):

 Year   In Europe    In the World

 2019   9            33
International Exchange Programme 2021-2022 - Carleton University
Housing                                               ESN Introduction Days
It is possible to live on campus at Erasmus           Take the chance to meet fellow international
University Rotterdam. For more information            students, taste Dutch culture (workshop
about on-campus housing, please visit                 & bike lessons), get to know Rotterdam All housing is located                and experience its cultural highlights and
in Rotterdam or the immediate vicinity.               nightlife. The perfect start of your exchange in
Application is on first-come first-                   Rotterdam.
served basis as not all students can be
accommodated on campus. You could                     Official Welcome Ceremony
also choose to rent a private room or a               The Official Welcome Ceremony is organised
private apartment.                                    by the university for all international students
                                                      and consists of two parts. The formal part
Insurance                                             is hosted by prominent university staff
Adequate health insurance is obligatory for           and student associations and includes a
all exchange students. There are different            performance by a popular stand-up comedian.
regulations depending on the students´ country        During the informal part of the evening, you
of origin. Erasmus School of Economics also           will have a chance to experience true Dutch
strongly recommends an accident, personal and         cuisine.
third party liability insurance for the duration of
stay in the Netherlands.                              More information
                                                      Detailed information about housing, insurance,
Orientation programmes                                orientation programmes, as well as a student
At the beginning of every semester, the               handbook can be found on our website.
university offers several orientation programmes      Please visit:
for new international students.                       visiting-students.

Welcome  Erasmus School of Economics                  Financial information
Erasmus School of Economics organises a               Experience has shown that students living and
welcome event for new exchange students               studying in Rotterdam spend approximately
each semester.                                        €1,000 a month. This amount is needed to
                                                      cover daily expenses, meals, accommodation
Eurekaweek (only in the summer)                       costs, insurance, etc.
Eurekaweek is the official introduction week of
                                                      Cost of living per month
Erasmus University Rotterdam. Get acquainted
with your university, the city and student             Accommodation                           €500-€750

life, as well as with students from your study         Insurance                                    €65
                                                       Books and study materials                   €100

                                                       Daily expenses
                                                       (food, drinks, public transport etc).
Academic information

Semester dates                                   Information on how to apply is available on:
Fall Semester (Block 1 and 2):         
30 August 2021 - 18 December 2021
Spring Semester (Block 3 and 4/5)                Application deadlines
4 January 2022 - 26 April 2022 / 2 July 2022     Fall Semester: 1 May 2021
Resit period: 4 July 2022 - 23 July 2022         (nomination: 15 April 2021)
                                                 Spring Semester 1 October 2021
Language requirements                            (nomination 15 September 2021)
English is the language of instruction at
Erasmus School of Economics. Exchange            Course information
students are expected to have an English         Erasmus School of Economics offers 2nd
proficiency level of at least:                   and 3rd year Bachelor courses to exchange
• 90 TOEFL                                       students. Master courses are only possible
• 6.5 Academic IELTS                             when specifically agreed upon with the partner
• 110 Duolingo English Test                      university.
•   CEFR B2 for students of Erasmus+ partner
    universities                                 Students are advised to take on a study
If your study programme is taught in English     workload of 12 to 16 ECTS per block.
a statement from your home university is         Students will be informed about course
considered sufficient proof.                     registration in the application form and
                                                 by e-mail.
Application procedure
After nomination by the home university,         An overview of all available courses for
students are invited to complete our online      exchange students is available on:
application form with the following required
documents:                                       students.
• 	(Provisional) Course list
• 	Official Transcript of Records (starting     Preparing for your exchange
    from Bachelor year 1 to present, including
    courses you are currently enrolled           Immigration Procedures
    in) containing sufficient courses in         Most international students from outside the
    Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,              EU/EEA, studying in the Netherlands for more
    Statistics and Mathematics.                  than 90 days, need to apply for an entry visa
    All students should have completed at        and/or a Dutch residence permit. Exchange
    least one year of their Bachelor’s degree    students will be informed on immigration
    programme.                                   procedures after they are accepted into the
• 	Proof of English proficiency                 exchange programme. Detailed information
                                                 can be found at:
Bachelor programmes                            MSc Economics and Business

• BSc International Bachelor in Economics      • Behavioural Economics
  and Business Economics                       • Data Science and Marketing Analytics
• BSc International Bachelor in Econometrics   • Economics of Markets and
  and Operations Research                        Organisations
• Double bachelor BSc²in Econometrics          • Strategy Economics
  and Economics                                • Financial Economics
• Double bachelor in Economics and             • Health Economics
  Philosophy of Economics                      • International Economics
• Double bachelor in Econometrics and          • Marketing
  Philosophy of Econometrics                   • Policy Economics
                                               • Urban, Port and Transport Economics

                                               MSc Econometrics and
                                               Management Science
Study programmes
                                               • Econometrics
         at                                    • Operations Research and Quantitative
  Erasmus School                               • Quantitative Finance

   of Economics                                • Business Analytics and Quantitative

Research Master                                MSc in Accounting, auditing
programmes                                     and control

• Research Master in Economics                 • Accounting and Auditing
• Research Master in Business Data Science     • Accounting and Control
                                               • Accounting and Finance
Contact information

Annemarieke Dumay-Roest                       Postal address
International Relations Manager               Erasmus School of Economics
(all matters regarding exchange agreements)   Erasmus University Rotterdam
+31 10 408 2929                               E building, EB-29                    P.O. Box 1738
                                              3000 DR Rotterdam
Debby van den Berg and Tessa Cuperus          The Netherlands
Exchange Office                     
(all matters regarding students)
+31 10 408 2419 / 2266

Erasmus ID Code
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