Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School

Page created by Philip Rios
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Friday 8 December 2017

                                        Visit to the Museum of London
                                written by Guilherme Soares, Year 11—International School

O    n Tuesday last week we visited the
     Museum of London in Farringdon..
     On arrival we were greeted by
Graham who was our guide for the day.

First we saw “Roman London” which was
when London was controlled by the
Romans (like the name says), London was
invaded from River Thames to the north
therefore only the north of London was

This was followed by a workshop about the
middle ages, before electricity, when people
had to use candleholders (with candles in
them) to have some light. There were two
types of candles at that time: tallow candles
and beeswax candles. Poor people used or
made tallow candles because it was cheaper
and rich people bought beeswax
candles because, well, they were
rich and didn’t want their houses
smelling of animal fat, that’s why
poor people had herb burners in
which they burned rosemary (the
flower) to make their houses smell
good. After we had been told this
we were asked to make our own
candleholders in clay, all of them
were good especially the one that
Mr Cerqueira had made which
looked like a tea cup.

After lunch we went to see London,
during the time of the great fire and
the black plague. The black plague
took over all of Europe but the great
fire only took place on the northern
part of London completely
destroying it in three days.

Pedimos aos familiares e/ou amigos dos nossos alunos que possam disponibilizar algumas horas do seu
tempo para traduzir o nosso boletim escolar para português e/ou espanhol, para entrar contacto com Elia
Monteiro através do e-mail
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Dates for your Diary

  Date                               Time           Activity                             Who should attend?
   Thursday 14 December             6.30pm              School Christmas Concert              All families

                              End of Term—Wednesday 20 December at 12.30pm

Term 3
 Wednesday 3 January 2018                       All students return
 Friday 9 February 2018                         Term Ends

 Date                              Time          Activity                               Who should attend?
                                                  Governors Achievement, Teaching
  Wednesday 17 January        6.30pm -8.00pm                                                    Governors
                                                       & Learning Committee
  Thursday 18 January         4.30pm – 7.00pm         Sixth Form Parents Evening              TES6 Families
                                                   Governors Communications and
  Wednesday 24 January        6.30pm -8.00pm                                                    Governors
                                                       Behaviour Committee
  Thursday 25 January         4.30pm – 7.00pm           Year 7 Parents Evening                Year 7 Families
  Thursday 8 February         7.00pm -8.30pm          Parents and Carers’ Council              All Families

                          Holiday Monday 12 February 2018 to Friday 16 February 2018

                                             Lunchtime Lectures
                          Monday 11 December     Dr Louise Seaward of UCL will deliver a lecture on the
                                                 influential philosopher Jeremy Bentham.

                          Tuesday 12 December    Michael Akinle of CityJobs will deliver a lecture on the
                                                 importance of employability skills on personal success.
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
The Elmgreen School Governors’ Report
The Elmgreen School’s mission is be an inclusive community that works together so that all members achieve
above and beyond their perceived potential. It is supported in that by the governing body, whose role is to set
Elmgreen’s strategic direction, vision and ethos as well as monitoring and challenging the progress of the school.

The governing body termly meeting took place on Wednesday 6 December. Among the main business was a
detailed review of progress and activities during the autumn term, looking at: overall school performance; results
to date at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5; quality of teaching; attendance and behaviour; finance and administration.
Governors were given an excellent set of presentations by the school’s senior management team. Although it is
still early in the school year, a tremendous amount of work has already been done both to build on successes from
previous years and to further address some areas where there is still room for improvement. This is taking place at
every level, be it whole-school, by key stage or department, or with individual students.

For more on the Elmgreen governing body visit:
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Looking for something great to read over
Christmas? The Carnegie Medal recognises one

                                                        Carnegie Medal: 25 years of brilliant books
outstanding book each year for children and young

Here are the winners from the last twenty five years.
Thought provoking, exciting, challenging, sad… we
think there is a book here for everyone.
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Pick up a leaflet from the library.
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
Please remember - you can support all the
    amazing work at The Elmgreen School when
            you’re Christmas shopping!
Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School Visit to the Museum of London - The Elmgreen School
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