Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC

Page created by Marshall Hughes
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Crurent and Future
Massive Redshift Surveys
      Jean-Paul Kneib      LASTRO

                           Light on
                           the Dark
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Galaxy Power Spectrum
                                               Size of the Horizon: mass-radiation
3D mapping of the position of                                                          Dark Energy:
         galaxies                    non-gaussian initial
                                                                                Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation

                                                                                              Dark Matter Warm/


                                                    Galaxy halo occupation                      Growth of
                                                      distribution (HOD)                        structure
   Distribution of galaxies (SDSS)

     EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                                                              2
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Neutrinos impact on LSS
How sum of neutrino masses affect the density field



                                                                          Density (g/cm3)


       X                         X
            m⌫ = 0 eV                m⌫ = 1eV

     EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib   Figure Credit: Agarwal & Feldman         3
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Broad  BandPower
    Broadband Power   Spectrum
• Redshig Space DistorPons:
  Since P is smaller on scales of
  interest, noise (nP)-1 is larger
  and geqng greater density
  than DESI would pay off.
• Different tracers might
  miPgate cosmic variances.
• Higher density tracers might
  trace the dark maBer more
• Might get more objects at
  lower S/N by exploiPng              Future projects:
                                     MSE, SSSI (DOE),
      EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib         China, ESO               4
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Massive Redshift Surveys
                                            • Hubble (1930): expanding Universe
                                            • CfA Redshift Survey (1985): first
                                              large scale structures
                                            • 2dF (2000-6): 1500 deg2
                                            • SDSS (2002-9): 5700 deg2
                                            • zCOSMOS (2005-10): 2 deg2
                                            • WiggleZ (2011): 800 deg2 (BAO)
                                            • SDSS-III/BOSS (2014): 10,000 deg2
                                              BAO/LSS (BAO)
                                            • e-BOSS (2014-2020): BAO/LSS:
                                                7,500deg2 w/ LRG+QSO & 1,500deg2 of ELGs
                                            •   DESI (2019), 4MOST (2021) Optical
                                            •   MOONS (2020) Infrared
                                            •   Euclid (2020) Space mission
                                            •   SKA (2025) Radio Telescope
                                            •   future projects ...
 EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                                                 5
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
The Sloan Telescope & Spectrograph
•   90 cm aluminium plate with 1000 holes for fibers,

•   45 min to plug for typical 1 hour observation on sky

•   up to 9 plates observed per (good) night

•   1.5 millions redshifts in ~4 years

•   The best multiplexing spectroscopic facility still

      EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                            6
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
BOSS       (2009-2014)

Busca et al 2013

EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                 7
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
eBOSS             (2014-2020)
                            •   eBOSS = cosmology survey of SDSS-IV
                                ★ Fully funded for 5yr (likely 6)
                                ★ 1/4 of the telescope time
                                ★ Uses BOSS spectrograph, targets
                                  from SDSS+WISE imaging
                                ★ ~150 participating scientists
                            •   extend BOSS to unexplored
                                redshift window 0.6
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
DESI     (2019-2024)

          5000 fiber actuators

         New 3° field-of-view

       10 New
Mayall 4m Telescope
                                                  35 Millions redshifts

                            • 30 4x4k detectors   Most of them will be ELGs

                            •100 Tb/year          •BAO at sub-% level
                            •Complex data/algo    •Gravity
                                                  •Neutrino Masses
                                                  •Inflationary model

       EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                          9
Crurent and Future Massive Redshift Surveys - LASTRO Light on the Dark - ISDC
Euclid   (2020-2025)
                            •   Euclid is a major wide-field imaging
                                and spectroscopy space mission, lead
                                by ESA (+NASA participation).
                                Launched in 2020.
                            •   Strong implication of Swiss
                                Astronomers (UniGe, EPFL, UniZH,
                            •   15’000 sq.deg to be covered with
                                space-images: 260 Gb/day; ~100 Tb/
                            •   Euclid data will also included other
                                ground-based images/spectroscopy
                                (including LSST) ~10 Pb/year.
                            •   Switzerland will host one of the
                                Euclid Data Centre.
                            •   Pierre Dubath presentation for details.
EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                                 10
4MOST                 (2021-2026)
  ! Cosmology!and!galaxy!evolu0on                 •   Approved by ESO council - Southern Sky
    ! Euclid                                          spectroscopic survey to start in 2021
                                                  •   Complementary to DESI in the North
  ! High4energy!sky
        '    eROSITA                              •   Complementary to Euclid (focus on 1
Number of spectra
   Number of spectra



                             Year experiment finishes
Shirley Ho
      EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                        12
DESI Data Needs
•   Example for DESI (4MOST/Euclid-spectro will be similar)
    ★ Data Volume (2016-2023):
       ✦ DESI Imaging Data: 850 Tb
       ✦ DESI Data: 800 Tb => 100 Tb (once data reduced)
       ✦ Simulations (for analysis): 150 Tb
       ✦ Total: 1’800 Tb ~ 2 Pb => 1 Pb (once reduced)
    ★ CPU hours:
       ✦ operation 2019-2023 : 10-20 millions CPU-hours/year (mostly for
         main pipeline 2D images => spectra - data analysis/mining will
         likely be less)
       ✦     simulations ~20 millions CPU-hours
•   DESI approach is to use NERSC supercomputer facility (not distributed)
    EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib                                              13
EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib   14
Example of Data Usage
 •    Computing 1D and 2D correlation function (number of
      pairs of galaxies separated by a distance of ‘r’ as a function of
      ‘r’) on data and on mocks (complexity: handling selection
      function and completness information)
 •    Full mocks, including simulated observation strategy (100s
      of mocks compare to 1 set of cosmological data)
 •    Extracting information from spectra & other data:
     ★ double objects spectra (lenses, AGN and SN signatures) -
       mining spectra
     ★ variability spectra - comparison across database
     ★ combining spectra information with imaging/lensing -
       combining data information across database

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EPFL/LASTRO - J.-P. Kneib   16
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