Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department

Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Summer 2017

VillageparkofandLake      Zurich
                 recreation department

                       Day Camp         Beach
                       Schedule!        Passes!
                        See pg. 16-28   See pg. 13
See pgs. 20-28
    See inside cover
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Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Park and Recreation Department                                                                           Recreation Information

                                                                                                                                                                             Park and Recreation Department
Administration and Recreation Offices                                                                    Recreation Staff
Paulus Park Barn                                                                                         Bonnie Caputo
200 S. Rand Road                                                                                         Recreation Manager
Phone: 847-438-5146                                                                                      847-540-5068
Fax: 847-540-5081                                                                              
TDD: 847-438-2349                                                                                        Heidi Stolt
Paulus Park Gate House                                                                                   Recreation Supervisor
Phone: 847-540-5082 (this number is staffed                                                              847-540-5075
only during beach hours)                                                                       
Office Hours                                                                                             Jenna Stanonik
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4pm                                                                                 Recreation Supervisor
Closed May 29, July 4, and September 4                                                                   847-719-2462
Extended Beach Pass Office Hours                                                               
Saturdays, May 13 – June 24 10am-12pm
                                                                                                         Jennifer Axelrood
Additional Program Facilities                                                                            Guest Services Associate
Buffalo Creek Park                                                                                       847-438-5146
675 Old Mill Grove Road                                                                        
                                                                                                         Elke Kadzielawski
Chalet                                                                                                   Guest Services Associate
160 S. Rand Road                                                                                         847-438-5146
St. Peter’s Church (Classroom)                                                                           Mike Brown
47 Church Street                                                                                         Public Works Manager
847-652-7442                                                                                             847-540-5066
                                                                                                         Village Board
  Park and Recreation Vision Statement                                                                   Tom Poynton, President
  To enrich the quality of life for our community                                                        Jim Beaudoin, Trustee
  through our commitment to maximizing the value of                                                      Jeff Halen, Trustee
  our parks and services, environmental stewardship,                                                     John Shaw, Trustee
  diversity of uses and recreational opportunities                                                       Marc Spacone, Trustee (P&R Liaison)
  across the complete age spectrum.                                                                      Jonathan Sprawka, Trustee
                                                                                                         Greg Weider, Trustee
                                                                                                         Kathleen Johnson, Village Clerk
  Table of Contents                                                                                      Village Administrative Staff
  l   Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4            Raymond Keller, Village Manager
  l   Registration Form  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5        Park Advisory Board
  l   Community Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7             Kevin Koch, Chair
  l   Special Events Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8             Tim Andrews, Vice-Chair
                                                                                                         Janet Barron
  l   Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
                                                                                                         Allen Borg
  l   Facility & Shelter Reservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12                Jeff Carey
  l   Village of Lake Zurich Beaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15                   Jon Hert
      Summer Day Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-28                Andrea Poffenberger
  l   Preschool Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30             n Park Advisory Board Meetings are open to Lake Zurich
  l   Dance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-34   residents and are held at Village Hall the second Tuesday of
                                                                                                         every other month (February, April, June, August, October
  l   Parent & Child  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36
                                                                                                         and December) at 6:30pm.
  l   Youth Activities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-38
  l   Youth Sports  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39-44
                                                                                                         Benchmarks • Lake Zurich’s community e-newsletter full of
                                                                                                         resources you can use. Visit to sign up or
  l   Tae Kwon Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45        call Kyle Kordell at Village Hall at 847-540-1693.
  l   Traditional Karate-Do Organization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
  l   Health & Wellness Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-49                    Resident registration begins today!
  l   Adult Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51       Non-Resident registration begins April 10
  l   Policies and Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53               Summer I Session (5 weeks) June 12–July 16
  l   Park Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54       Summer II Session (5 weeks) July 17–August 20
  l   Park Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  55
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Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Registration Information                                                                     How do I activate my online account?
                                                                                             Existing households within our system will be issued a
                              Registration Dates                                             temporary User Name and Password. Upon your first time
                              Resident Registration upon receiving our brochure              to log-in, you will be prompted to change your password
                                                                                             and answer two security questions. New households need
                              Non-Resident Registration begins April 10
                                                                                             to complete the online enrollment form. Confirmation
                              Summer I Session (5 weeks) June 12-July 16                     of your enrollment will be emailed to you within one
                              Summer II Session 5 weeks) July 17-August 20                   business day. Upon approval from parks and recreation (as
                                                                                             we will need to confirm your residency), you may begin
                                                                                             registering for programs. The first time you log on, you will
                                                                                             be prompted to change your password if you would like to
                                                                                             do so.
                           Registration Procedures                                           What else can I do online?
                           • Registration form needs a signature for credit card             You can browse all programs offered and view up-to-date
                             charges and waiver.                                             enrollment numbers. If you are registered for a program
                           • The first fee listed is the resident cost and the second fee    that offers a multiple payment schedule, you may pay
                             listed is the non-resident cost. (FEE R/NR)                     your outstanding balance online under your “Household
                           • Faxed in or dropped off registrations will be confirmed         Account”. You also have the ability to review all the
                             with an emailed receipt. Submission of registration does        programs for which you have registered, reprint receipts/
                             not guarantee enrollment in a class.                            invoices, print out activity calendars and childcare
                           • If you do not receive a call, you are enrolled in your 1st      statements.
                             choice selected.
                           • Make checks payable to the Village of Lake Zurich.              Can I be placed on the wait list online and do I have to pay
                           • Visa and MasterCard credit card charges available for           for it?
                             Mail In/Online/Fax/Drop Off and In Person registrations.        You can be placed on the wait list online and you will not
                             Discover card payments are only available for online            be charged for the program at that time. We will contact
                             registrations.                                                  you if we can enroll you and at that time you will be
                           • $25.00 charge for checks returned due to nonsufficient          required to pay for the program.
                             funds (NSF).                                                    Can I process a refund or class transfer online?
                           Who is a Resident of Lake Zurich?                                 Refunds and transfers cannot be processed online but you
                           A resident is defined as one whose “principal residence” is       may contact us at 847-438-5146 or stop by our office at
                           within the corporate limits of the Village of Lake Zurich.        The Paulus Park Barn to fill out a refund/transfer
                                                                                             request form.
                           Proof of Lake Zurich Residency
                           In order to ensure that all program participants are charged
                           equitably, we have instituted a proof of residency process.
                           All Lake Zurich existing households and new households
                           will receive resident rates by providing proof of residency.                  4 Easy Ways to Register
                           Proof of residency is only necessary for first time registrants
                           to the program or if residency status has changed. Resident
                           households need to provide two of the following:                                     Online
                           • Drivers License or State Photo ID and,                                   
                           • Real Estate Tax Bill or current utility bill, or                                   Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit
                           • Proof of recent real estate closing or rental agreement                            card payments available online.
                           Proof of residency may be submitted either in person at
                           the Paulus Park Barn, 200 S. Rand Road, Monday-Friday                                Mail In
                           8am-4:30pm or placed in a sealed envelope and put in the                             Lake Zurich Park and Recreation Dept.
                           drop box after hours located next to the Paulus Park Barn                            200 S. Rand Road
                           front door.                                                                          Lake Zurich, IL 60047

                           Proof of residency may also be faxed to 847-540-5081 or                              Fax
                           emailed. All copies are destroyed after confirmation.                                Fax to 847-540-5081
                                                                                                                Please call to confirm your faxed
                                                                                                                registration has been received ASAP
                           Register Online                                                                      after faxing.
                           Who can register online?
                           Residents and non-residents may register online. However,                            Drop Off Box/In Person
                           to receive resident rates, you must provide proof of                                 The Paulus Park Barn
                           residency.                                                                           200 S. Rand Road
                                                                                                                Visa/MasterCard Only
                           Which programs are eligible for online registration?                                 (Located by the front door of the
                           All programs that have a code number assigned.                                       Paulus Park Barn)

                           4 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Registration Information
Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Village of Lake Zurich Park and Recreation Department

                                                                                                                                                      Registration Form
Registration Form
Park and Recreation Department, 200 S. Rand Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, FAX: 847-540-5081
Family Information                 Resident            Non-Resident
Please print. Fill out the information below for your entire family; then list each participant separately
in the Registration Information section. Proof of residency may be required.

Family (or primary guardian) Last Name                           Father or Guardian First Name                Mother or Guardian First Name

Address                                                                            City                              State         Zip

Home Phone                               Cell Phone (State Whose Number)                                 Work Phone (State Whose Number)

E-mail Address

Alternate Name                                                   Phone                                        Relationship
n In case of an emergency, an attempt will be made to contact a parent/guardian at home, at work and via cell phone. If a
parent/guardian cannot be reached, the Park Department will contact the alternate name listed above.

Does a participant in your family require Americans with Disabilities (ADA) assistance or a one-on-one aid?                              Yes     No
If yes, please request an additional form at the Park Department Office. (Good for this registration only.)
Family Member Registration Information
Please list your first and second choice options for each class (if more than one section, date, or time is available).

 Program #        Program Name             Participant’s First       Participant’s Last       Birth Date     Fall 2017       Gender   R/NR Fee
                                           Name                      Name                     mo/day/yr      Grade

      Day Camp Shirt Size: Youth S        l      Youth M     l           Youth L   l      Adult S   l       Adult M    l        Adult L   l
Payment Information                                                            This section must be filled out if you are using Visa or MasterCard.
Total Fee Payment Method: Check One:                                           Account
   Visa      MasterCard       Cash       Check (#:______________)              Number: __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __

Village of Lake Zurich - WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS                      Cardholder Name___________________________________________
Please read this form carefully and be aware that in registering       Expiration Date______________ Amount of Charge $________________
yourself and/or your minor child for participation in the
program(s), you will be waiving and releasing all claims for           Authorized Signature_________________________________________
injuries you or your child/ward might sustain arising out of the
program(s). I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the program(s) and
I agree to assume the full risk of any such injuries, damages, or loss regardless of severity which I or my child/ward may
sustain as a result of participating in any of the program(s). I hereby fully release and discharge the Village of Lake Zurich
and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries, damages and/or losses
sustained by me or by my child/ward, arising out, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of any of the

Signature of Parent/Guardian/Participant                                                                      Date
n This waiver must be signed by adults 18 years old and older.
Photo Release Photos and videos are periodically taken of people participating in Village of Lake Zurich Park and
Recreation Department programs and activities. All persons registering for Park Department programs/activities or using
Park Department property thereby agree that any photograph or videotape taken by the Park Department may be used by
the Park Department for promotional purposes including in its electronic media, videotapes, brochures, flyers and other
publications without additional prior notice or permission and without compensation to the participant.
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Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Community Partners                     Ancient Oaks              Park Memorial
                                        Foundation               Programs
                                          For the past           There are several ways that you can
                                          seven years the        remember someone and improve your
                                         Oak Ridge Marsh         neighborhood or community park.
                                     Conservation Group          The Village of Lake Zurich offers
                     has been preserving the natural
                     beauty of Lake Zurich by restoring
                                                                 a memorial program for trees and
                                                                 benches. For information, call 847-        Algonquin Longhouse
                     the oak woodland and wetland at
                     the Oak Ridge Marsh Nature Park.
                                                                 • Trees - The “Giving Tree”
                                                                                                            Parent Child Program
                                                                                                            The Algonquin Longhouse Inc. NFP,
                     We are now expanding our work to              program is for those who want            Chicagoland’s premier Parent and
                     include other natural areas in Village        to commemorate a date, person,           Child Program, boasts one of the
                     properties. Volunteers are needed             event or organization. All trees         finest parent/ child programs in the
                     for these projects. Our work is year          are planted in Village Parks with a      country. We invite you to strengthen
                     round and includes such activities as         memorial plaque.                         your one-on-one relationship with
                     cutting buckthorn and other invasives,      • Benches - A memorial park                your children through the magic and
                     pulling weeds, picking and spreading          bench can be donated at any of           discovery of Native American heritage
                     native seed. For more details about           our park sites. Honor a loved one        and culture. Monthly meetings and
                     our work, how to volunteer, and               and enhance the usage of your            special events including campouts
                     contact information, go to www.               neighborhood or community park.          and museum overnights run through
                                                                        the school year and focus on activities
                                                                 Special Recreation                         designed to bring parents and children
                     Community Events                            Association of Central
                                                                                                            together in fun and enriching ways.
                                                                                                            The Algonquin Longhouse Inc. is a
                     Marquee                                     Lake County (SRACLC)                       non-profit organization comprised of
                     The Lake Zurich Park and Recreation                                                    more than 2,000 parents and children
                     Community Events Marquee is                 The Village of Lake Zurich is a            from the northwest suburbs. There are
                     available for rental on a weekly basis.     cooperative member agency of the           programs to fit all ages.
                     Organizations can advertise upcoming        Special Recreation Association
                     events for a $60 fee. Please call 847-      of Central Lake County. SRACLC             Annual Membership Fee
                     438-5146 for information.                   provides community based                   AGES: 5 TO 12 YEARS OLD
                                                                 therapeutic recreation programs and        Guides and Princess Program
                                                                 services to people of all ages with        FEE: $70/family
                                                                 disabilities or special needs.             AGES: 12 TO 18 YEARS OLD
                                                                 SRACLC is a cooperative effort of          Trails Program
                                                                 the Grayslake, Vernon Hills, and           FEE: Pay per event
                                                                 Mundelein Park Districts and the           *Those families participating in more
                                                                 Villages of Hawthorn Woods, Lake           than one program only pay the main
                                                                 Zurich, Libertyville, and Lincolnshire.    program fee.
                     Leave No Child Inside                       Individuals residing within the
                     The Village of Lake Zurich Park and         boundaries of the Member Agencies          Share memories that will last forever!
                     Recreation Department supports Leave        are considered “residents” of SRACLC       To register today or to get more
                     No Child Inside, a Chicago Wilderness       and may utilize the services.              information call 847-261-4113 or visit
                     Initiative to get more kids to spend                                                   the Algonquin Longhouse web site at
                                                                 SRACLC offers more than 500 weekly
                     more time outside. The Children’s
                                                                 programs, special events, and              Interested parents and children will
                     Outdoor Bill of Rights is a list of ten
                                                                 camps during the year. SRACLC also         be matched with tribes from their
                     activities that every child should have
                                                                 recognizes that some people with           school area.
                     the right to do, and we want to make
                                                                 disabilities prefer to participate in
                     it possible for every kid to experience
                                                                 recreation programs within their own
                     these activities. Almost every Park
                                                                 Park District or Recreation Department.
                     Department program fulfills one or
                     more of the Children’s Outdoor Bill of
                                                                 SRACLC can help you with this                SRACLC Needs Your Help
                                                                 opportunity by providing an extra
                     Rights; come join us outside! For more                                                  Program leaders, part-time staff,
                                                                 staff, if deemed necessary, behavior
                     information on the Children’s Outdoor
                                                                 management support, disability              and volunteers are needed to assist
                     Bill of Rights, visit
                                                                 awareness training, and other adaptive          individuals with special needs
                                                                 services necessary for safe and                     or disabilities. If you are
                                                                 successful participation.                 See         interested in part-time
                                                                 Contact the SRACLC office             page 18 for      work, please contact
                                                                 847-816-4866 if you would like        SRACLC Day the SRACLC office at
                                                                 to receive a brochure or would         Camp Info!     847-816-4866.
                                                                 like more information.
                     6 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Community Partners
Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Community Partners
        YOUTH      SOCCER

           kick it. play soccer!
Winter / Spring Recreational Programs                                                                    Competitive Team Tryouts
          Boys & Girls - 3 Years Old to 14 Years Old                                                        Boys & Girls - 7 Years Old to 18 Years Old
    Registration Online - Details online at:                                               Details & Registration Online at:

                                                    3 to 6 Year Old Junior Soccer Programs
                                   Boys & Girls - 3 Years Old to 6 Years Old - Registration Online - Details online at:

                                                                                        For Details & Program Information

                   Five Star Program                online at: or call: (847) 726-6909
                                Ela Soccer Club is a 501(c)3 not for profit youth soccer organization serving the area for over 20 years.

The Fastest Game On 2 feet!
    Youth Lacrosse Programs for
 Boys and Girls, Pre-K to 8th Grade

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Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Special Events Sponsors                                                                                                  SPECIAL
                          2017 Event Sponsors
                          Breakfast with the Bunny
                          & Egg Hunt
                          Gold Sponsor
                          Bronze Sponsor
                          Grand Dental
                          Moore Orthodontics
                          Lake Zurich Craft Beer Festival
                          Presenting Sponsor

                                                                        SPECIAL EVENTS
                          Gold Sponsor
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.
                          Bronze Sponsor
                          Roaring Table
                          Perfect Brew Supply
                                                                        The mission of the Village of Lake Zurich’s signature events is to
                          Cruise Nights                                 provide a diverse program of events that will enhance the already
                          Gold Sponsor                                  high quality of life in Lake Zurich as well as provide exposure and
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.
                          Silver Sponsor                                traffic for our local community businesses and organizations.
                          Peter Ceithaml, Coldwell Banker               The Village of Lake Zurich is proud to offer a wide variety of
                          Lake Zurich Farmers Market                    special events throughout the year that help to create a sense of
                          Gold Sponsor                                  community and foster civic pride in Lake Zurich residents. We are
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.                  able to hold our events because of the generosity and support of the
                          Silver Sponsor                                businesses listed below.
                          Stephanie Seplowin, Coldwell
                          Banker                                        There are a variety of opportunities for residents and local
                          Movies in the Park                            businesses to sponsor our programs and events. Feel free to
                          Bronze Sponsor                                contact the Village of Lake Zurich Park and Recreation Office with
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.                  any questions or to discuss customized packages targeting your
                          Moore Orthodontics                            marketing and advertising goals.
                          July 4th Celebration                          n Please reach out to Recreation Manager, Bonnie Caputo,
                          Silver Sponsor
                                                                        at 847-540-5068 or
                          Alpine Runners
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.
                          Lumen Optical (Kildeer)
                          Blue & You
                          Gold Sponsor
                          Moore Orthodontics
                          Silver Sponsor
                          Battle House
                          Grand Dental
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.
                          Bronze Sponsor
                          D&J DJz, Dave Potash
                          Rock the Block
                          Presenting Sponsor
                          Midwest Motors
                          The Fidelity Group
                          Silver Sponsor
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.
                          Miracle on Main Street
                          Silver Sponsor
                          Lumen Optical (Kildeer)                                           D&J DJz
                                                                               WEDDINGS • PARTIES • VOLUNTEERING
                          Bronze Sponsor                                        “We’ll Put a Great Spin on Your Event”
                          Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc.                            

                          8 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Special Events Sponsors                                    | 847-438-5146 | 8
Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Dick Shick’s 25TH Annual Lake Zurich

                                                                                                                                      Special Events
                                                               Fishing Derby
  Arbor Day                                                    AGES: 16 YEARS AND UNDER
                                                               Welcome to the 25th Annual Dick Shick Fishing Derby. This
                                                               fishing derby is in celebration and honor of, Lake Zurich
Arbor Day                                                      resident and former community teacher, Dick Shick who ran
                                                               this free community event for 24 years.
                                                               All participants must register before starting to fish (registration
Breakfast, Tree Planting Ceremony, and Park Clean-up.
                                                               is free and by the Chalet near the pier in Paulus Park). Fishing
Don’t miss the opportunity to recognize Arbor Day 2017.
                                                               shall not begin before 9am to be eligible for prizes, fish must be
Individuals, families, community groups, or scout groups
                                                               registered by 11:29am Participants may fish from the shore of
can sign up to help cleanup any of our 32 parks. Arbor Day
                                                               Paulus Park, or from boats or other shoreline areas.
2017 will start at Paulus Park with a volunteer appreciation
breakfast followed by a tree planting ceremony by our          There are five categories of fish:
Village Arborist and members of the Lake Zurich Tree           • Bass                                         • Walleye
                                                               • Northern                                     • Muskie
Commission. Volunteers will depart for their assigned parks
                                                               • Panfish (crappie, blue gill, and perch)
to clean up (and once finished, will leave). We provide the
bags, please bring work gloves, and dress appropriately.       Fish sizes will be determined by length. In the event of a
n To sign up to volunteer                                      tie, the weight will be used to determine the winner.
for park clean-up, please visit                                Remember CPR: Catch, Picture, & Release! We encourage                                 you to practice catch and release. Fish returned to the lake
Event-Volunteer-Opportunities.                                 in good condition will receive the following bonus lengths:
                                                               • Panfish = +1/2 inch
LOCATION: Paulus Park Barn
                                                               • Bass, Northern, Muskie, Walleye = +1/2 inch
DAY         DATE           TIME                                n Please bring your fishing pole and bait.
Sat         4/29           9am                                 LOCATION: Paulus Park Shelter A (near playground)

                                                               DAY           DATE            TIME                FEE
                                                               Sun           6/4             9am-12pm            FREE

                                                                         Lake Zurich Farmers Market
                                                                  The Lake Zurich Farmers Market will officially begin its
                                                                  2017 season on Friday, June 2, 2017 and run every Friday
                                                                  from 3-7pm through Friday, September 8, 2017 at Henry
                                                                  J. Paulus Park (rain or shine). The market will host more
                                                                  than 25 vendors, many selling organic produce. Also,
                                                                  each week features a rotating schedule of live musical
                                                                  acts, pet rescues, children’s activities, and community
                                                                  service organizations.
                                                                  The Lake Zurich Farmers Market supports and
                                                                  encourages organic and sustainable growing practices
                                                                  by bringing local farmers and vendors to Lake Zurich.
                                                                  In addition to locally grown produce, market vendors
                                                                  will sell fresh baked goods, fruit, meat, eggs, salsas,
                                                                  sauces, oils, cheese, organic soaps and cleaners, fresh
                                                                  lemonade and local honey will be featured,
                                                                  as well as food.
                                                                  Per market feedback from last season, crafters and
                                                                  artisans will be returning to the market on a bi-monthly
                                                                  basis (1st and 3rd Friday of every month) and so will the
                                                                  Kids Yard Sale.
                                                                  For further information on our markets or interest in
                                                                  becoming a vendor, please contact the Market Manager
                                                                  at at or 847-438-5146. For
                                                                  additional information and links to vendors websites,
                                                                  visit our website at,
                                                                  or for daily changes, notifications or cancellations,
                                                                  LIKE us on Facebook at facebook at

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Village of Lake Zurich - Summer 2017 park and recreation department
Special Events
                                                                                              Ancient Oaks Foundation

                                                                           Fabulous Fireflies
                                                                           AGES: 6 & UP/FAMILIES
                                                                           We’ll learn about the life cycle of this fascinating beetle
                                                                           through games and stories. Then we’ll catch and release
                                                                           them. Bring a flashlight and a blanket. A seasonal snack
                                                                           will be served.
                                                                           n Register at
                                                                           n Sponsored by the Ancient Oaks Foundation:
                     TUESDAY AT HENRY J. PAULUS PARK             
                                                                           LOCATION: Old Mill Grove Park/Shelter, 285 Old Mill
                                                                           Grove Road

                                                                           PROG#       DAY DATES      TIME       FEE R/NR
                                                                           258975-A    Fri July 21    7:30-9pm   $3/person OR $5/family

                                                                           Dandy Dragonflies
                                                                           AGES: 6 & UP/FAMILIES
                                                                           Learn about these interesting insects of the water and air
                                                                           through games and stories. Then we’ll look through pond
                                                                           water samples for their larvae and other water creatures.
                                                                           Wear clothes that can get dirty and wet. A seasonal snack
                                                                           will be served.
                                                                           n Register at
                                                                           n Sponsored by the Ancient Oaks Foundation:
                                                                           LOCATION: Manor Park (Miller Road entrance)

                                                                           PROG#       DAY DATES     TIME        FEE R/NR
                                                                           258975-B    Fri August 11 6:30-8pm    $3/person OR $5/family

                        The 39TH Annual Alpine Races                          Watch our website for more programs in August as we
                                                                                    celebrate Monarchs and other pollinators!
                          Presented by the Alpine Runners
                                                                              Join our email blast:
                             Sunday, September 10, 2017                                       for updates and news.
                                 Starting at 7:30am
                            1/2 Marathon • 5K Run • Walk
                               Youth Mile • Kids Race
                      Something for all runners and the
                                                                         Tween Beach Luau
                                                                         AGES: 9-12 YEARS OLD
                      whole family!
                      AGES: ALL AGES
                      Register early to guarantee your great quality
                                                                         Aloha!           Grab your beach towel and swim suit
                                                                                          and join us for a Hawaiian luau! Live
                                                                         band music from The Rand Band will have tweens dancing
                      hoodie sweatshirt for the half marathon and
                                                                         and doing the limbo! Join us for two hours of swimming,
                      5K, T-Shirt for the Youth races. Proceeds go to
                                                                         dancing and tropical luau fun! Pizza, snacks and drinks
                      good causes for local organizations and the food
                                                                         will be served.
                      pantry! Half Marathon, 5K and Youth Mile are
                      timed events.                                      n Please note that this is a drop off event, tweens only. Ages
                      n For more info and to register go to www.         will be strictly enforced.
             or          LOCATION: Paulus Park Beach
                      LOCATION: Paulus Park, 200 S. Rand Rd.,
                      Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (One Traffic Light North     PROG#        DAY   DATES    TIME         FEE R/NR
                      of IL Rte 22 on Rte 12)                            228975-A     Fri   6/9      5-7pm        $10/$12

                 10 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Special Events
Cruise Nights                                                                                                               Blue & You

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Special Events
         Thank you to our GOLD Event Sponsor,                                                                                        Thank you to our GOLD Event Sponsor,
         Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc. & SILVER Event                                                                                 Moore Orthodontics, our SILVER Event
         Sponsor, Peter Ceithaml, Coldwell Banker                                                                                    Sponsors, Grand Dental and Lake Zurich Tire
         AGES: ALL AGES                                                                                                              & Auto Inc. and our BRONZE Event Sponsor,
         The Lake Zurich Cruise Night is rated to be one of the best                                                                 D&J DJz, Dave Potash
         free car shows in the area! This show features over 100-150                                                                 AGES: ALL AGES
         vehicles on display from every era. Cruisers and spectators                                                                 The Village of Lake Zurich Blue & You event aims to provide
         can enjoy the nostalgic sounds of our DJ and stroll through                                                                 children of all ages the opportunity to positively interact
         Lake Zurich’s downtown shops and eateries. Trophies are                                                                     with our local law enforcement agencies while learning
         awarded for spectator choice, along with fun car trivia and                                                                 about the technology and equipment that our agencies
         raffle prizes.  LOCATION: Downtown Lake Zurich                                                                              utilize. This free event will give children the opportunity
                                                                                                                                     to touch many of the police vehicles, participate in police
         DAY                        DATE                      TIME                                   DAY     DATE        TIME        activities and have a ton of fun!
         Wed                        5/3                       6-9pm                                  Wed     8/2         6-9pm
                                                                                                                                     LOCATION: Police Station, 200 Mohawk Trail, Lake Zurich
         Wed                        6/7                       6-9pm                                  Wed     9/6         6-9pm
         Wed                        7/5                       6-9pm                                  Wed     10/4        6-9pm       DAY             DATE              TIME                FEE
                                                                                                                                     Fri             7/28              5:30-8:30pm         FREE
         Movies in the Park
         Thank you to our BRONZE Event Sponsors,
         Lake Zurich Tire & Auto Inc. and                                                                                              Rock the Block
         Moore Orthodontics                                                                                                            The Village of Lake Zurich will host its 5th annual
                                                                                                                                       downtown event, Rock the Block, on Saturday,
         AGES: ALL AGES                                                                                                                September 9, 2017 from 5-11pm.
         Bring a picnic basket, blanket and your friends and
         family and enjoy the movie. We will have popcorn and                                                                          Rock The Block is an outdoor festival where attendees can
         drinks available for attendees. The movie begins at dusk                                                                      Dine, Dance and Discover downtown Lake Zurich. Three
         (approximately 8:30pm).                                                                                                       live bands will take the stage for an evening of music,
                                                                                                                                       food, and fun for adults. Younger party goers can visit
         Make sure to make your way to the Farmers Market,                                                                             the children’s area, located in Lions Park, for free face
         running every Friday, June 2-September 8, before                                                                              painting, balloon art and a bouncy house from 5-7pm.
         the event!
                                                                                                                                       Musical entertainment will play on a covered stage on
         LOCATION: Henry J. Paulus Park                                                                                                the corner of Old Rand Road and Main Street. Three
                                                                                                                                       bands will perform from 5–11 pm. The night begins with
         DAY                          DATE                                 TIME                            MOVIE
                                                                                                                                       Rockstar Rodeo at 5pm; then Boy Band Review switches
         Fri                          6/2                                  8:30pm                          Moana                       it up at 7pm. At 9 pm regional favorite 7th heaven returns
         Fri                          7/7                                  8:30pm                          The Secret Life of Pets     and will take fans home
                                                                                                                                       with their unique mix
                                                                                                                                       of classic, pop, and
                                                                                                                                       alternative rock.
                                                                                                                                       Food trucks and local
                                                                                                                                       restaurants will set up
                                                                                                                                       along Main Street selling
                                                                                                                                       a variety of food options,
                                                                                                                                       including full meals,
                                                                                                                                       desserts, and snacks.
                                                                                                                                       No outside alcohol is
                                                                                                                                       allowed, and those
                                                                                                                                       wishing to consume
                                                                                                                                       alcohol will need to have their I.D. checked and purchase
                                                                                                                                       a wristband for $1. Beer tickets are available for purchase
                              SAVE THE DATE! Sunday,                                                                                   for both standard brands and craft beer as well as wine
                                                                                                      August 20, 2017                  and other alcoholic beverages such as hard soda. Food
                                                                                                                                       vendors will sell water and soda.
                                                                                                      3–7pm                            Rock the Block is a free admission event which supports
                                                                                                      Paulus Park,                     the local St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. Please bring
                                                                                                      Lake Zurich                      5 non-perishable food items for raffle tickets. For
                                                                                                                                       information on vendors, menus, or an event map, visit the
                                                                                                                                       website at LakeZurich/RockTheBlock, or for the most
                                                                                                                                       up to the minute information and announcements, go to
                  Purchase your Tasting Menus in advance at:                                                                 
        FOOD.   MUSIC. FUN.
Sunday, August 21, 2016                                                                                                                         | 847-438-5146 | 11
                 3 – 7 PM Paulus Park, Lake Zurich
Facility & Shelter Reservations                                                                 Facility Reservations
                                                                                                Whether it is a birthday party, reunion, business meeting
                                                                                                or just a family get together, the Village of Lake Zurich has
                                                                                                a variety of facility rentals for all occasions: Paulus Park
                                                                                                Barn, Buffalo Creek and the Chalet.
                                                                                                Facility rentals and reservations must be made in person at
                                                                                                the Paulus Park Barn during the office hours of 8:30am-4pm
                                                                                                by individuals at least 21 years of age who agrees to remain
                                                                                                on-site and assume responsibility during the use period.
                                                                                                Payment in full and all paperwork must be completed upon
                                                                                                making your reservation.
                                                                                                n Rental Forms are available for download at
                                                                                                Facility Rental Fee (minimum 2 hours)
                                                                                                PER HOUR R/NR: $60/$95

                                                                                                Shelter Reservations
                                                                                                All shelters in the Village of Lake Zurich are available for
                                                                                                reservations: Paulus Park, Braemar, Breezewald, Bristol
                                                                                                Trails, Chestnut Corner/Hunters Creek, Manor, Oak Ridge,
                                  Rental Rules and Regulations                                  Old Mill Grove, and Staples. If reserving shelters, you will
                                  Upon reserving, you will receive a complete list of rules.    need to pay the shelter fee below to guarantee a reservation
                                  Please be advised of the following:                           otherwise the shelters are available free of use on a first
                                                                                                come, first serve basis.
                                  • Renter may only access the facility/shelter during their
                                    reserved time.                                              Shelters may be reserved until 8pm. There is an outdoor
                                  • Full rental payment must be received at the time of         charcoal grill adjacent to each of the shelters, but you will
                                    your reservation.                                           need to bring your own charcoal (extra charcoal grills are
                                  • All materials/decorations brought into room/shelter         permitted).
                                    must be removed.
                                  • No individuals or groups may use the Village of Lake        Shelter Rental Fee (Daily)
                                    Zurich’s facilities with the purpose of private monetary    UNDER 100 PEOPLE R/NR: $90/$125
                                    gain or fundraising without special permission from         *OVER 100 PEOPLE R/NR: $120*/$175*
                                    the Recreation Manager.                                     n *If you have a group larger than 100, you will need to
                                  • All hired services must be approved prior to rental         submit a Special Events Request to be reviewed by the Park
                                    date, including catering, entertainment, etc. Bouncy        Advisory Board and Village Boards. Please see our office
                                    houses are required to be staked down and renter will       staff for further information.
                                    need to contact JULIE (a month prior).                      n Rental Forms are available for download at
                                  • Sheltered pavilion rentals include 5 picnic tables at the
                                    site. Any additional picnic tables must be brought in
                                    or you can use unused tables around the park. Facility
                                    rentals include 8 tables and 50 chairs. Additional chair/
                                    table needs for facility rentals must be supplied by the
                                  Group Size Limits/Picnic Permits
                                  • The maximum group size limit is the number provided
                                    on your application.                                                       Kooker’s Restaurant
                                  • If you have a group larger than 100, you will need to
                                    submit a Special Events Request to be reviewed by the
                                                                                                         Paulus Park Concessionaire
                                    Park Advisory and Village Boards. Please see our office       Barrington’s one and only Kooker’s Restaurant is
                                    staff for further information.
                                                                                                  offering new tasty menu items perfect for a day at
                                  Rental Cancellation & Refund Policy
                                  • If cancellation is made within 15 days notice of the
                                                                                                  the park or any function in our park such as parties,
                                    rental date, the full amount of the rental fee will be        reunions and more! Please stop by our concessions
                                    refunded less a 10% service charge (minimum $5,               at Henry J. Paulus Park to sample the variety of food
                                    maximum $15).
                                  • If cancellation is made with less than 15 days notice,        options. For more information on party packages,
                                    the Park and Recreation Department will retain the            menu items, etc., please contact 847-382-3309 or
                                    rental fee; this includes reservations made less than
                                    15 days from the rental date.

                                  12 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Facility & Shelter Reservations

                                                                                                                                           Village of Lake Zurich Beaches
 Paulus Park Beach & Spray Ground                                     Beach Pass Fees
 200 S. Rand Road, Lake Zurich                                                                        Resident        Non-Resident
 Opening Date: May 27, 2017, Memorial Day Weekend                     Individual                         $35               $65
 Closing Date: September 4, 2017, Labor Day Weekend                   Family*                            $65               $125
                                                                      * A family pass includes up to five immediate family members
 Pre-Season Hours–Beach & Sprayground                                   living at the same address. Any additional members will be an
 May 27–June 9 | Weekdays & Weekends: 11am–5pm*                         additional $5 per person for residents and $8 per person for
 Regular Summer Hours–Beach & Sprayground                             * Breezewald Beach is free to Lake Zurich residents. Proof of
 June 10–August 13 | Weekdays & Weekends: 10am–7pm*                     residency must be presented upon arrival each visit.
 Post Season Hours–Beach & Sprayground                                * Non-resident beach passes purchased are valid for both Paulus
 August 19-20, August 26-27 & September 2-4                             Park Beach & Sprayground & Breezewald Beach.
 Weekends Only 11am-5pm*
                                                                      Beach Admission
 Post Season Hours-Sprayground Only
 August 14-18 & August 21-25                                          Paulus Park Daily Beach & Sprayground Fees
 Weekdays Only 10am-2pm*                                                                                  Resident     Non-Resident
 *May vary due to weather or attendance
                                                                      3 & Under                            FREE*           FREE*
 n Our day camps swim daily at Paulus Park Beach.
 Younger campers swim from 10am-11:30am and older                     Ages 4-17                                $5            $6
 campers swim from 1-3pm.                                             Ages 18 and over                         $8            $9

 Paulus Park Bath House         Visit our renovated bath              Twilight Rate (5:30pm or later)          $2            $3
 house daily, open dawn to dusk, which features stalled                *Children utilizing the Sprayground ONLY (no beach), may gain
 areas for changing, shower, and restrooms.                            entrance with one paying adult per family.
                                                                       *We accept MasterCard/Visa payment at the Paulus Park Beach
                                                                       for daily admission.
                                                   Free to Lake
 Breezewald Beach                                Zurich residents.    Guest Passes for Beach Pass Holders
 125 N. Old Rand Road, Lake Zurich             Beach Pass required                                   Resident         Non-Resident
 Opening Date: May 30, 2017                   for non-residents. No
                                                                      5 Guest Passes                    $20                $25
                                               daily fees accepted
 Closing Date: August 13, 2017                    at Breezewald.      10 Guest Passes                   $35                $45

 Pre-Season Hours                                                     20 Guest Passes                   $60                $80
 May 30–June 9 | Weekdays & Weekends: 11am–5pm*                        * Guest passes must be purchased at the Barn during hours
                                                                         of operation.
 Regular Summer Hours                                                  * Only Beach Pass Holders can purchase guest passes during
 June 10–August 13 | Weekdays & Weekends: 11am–6pm*                      the season.
 *May vary due to weather or attendance.                               * Guest passes do not carry over from season to season.

                                                                                                    Tween Beach Luau at
                                                                                                    Paulus Park Beach Friday,
                                                                                                    June 9 from 5-7pm
                                                                                 See page 10 for additional information

Stay up to date on Village of Lake Zurich Beach information including Closures, Special Events,
etc. (Under the Services tab visit Beaches or Beach Status under Park &
Recreation) or call (847) 438-5146 x9
Paulus Park Gate House only staffed during hours of operation (847)540-5082
                                                                                  | 847-438-5146 | 13
Village of Lake Zurich Beaches                                                                                                               Splash
                                         Beach & Spray Ground Rules
                                         • Swimming is permitted only when Lifeguards are on duty                                            Bash
                                           and only in the designated beach swimming areas. Lifeguards
                                           retain final authority.                                                            Paulus
                                         • Pier access permitted by authorized personnel only.                                Park
                                         • Swimmers must stay within the roped off area.
                                         • Non-swimmers using floatation devices must be accompanied                          Beach
                                           by an adult in the water at all times. Floatation devices may be                   & Spray
                                           banned at the discretion of the Beach Manager.
                                         • Athletic games or sports must be conducted in designated areas
                                                                                                              Ground Party Package
                                           and not upon the bathing beach or in the water, where injury       AGES: ALL AGES
                                           or inconvenience to others might result.                           Beach/Spray Ground parties are a
                                         • Roughhousing, shoulder play and rope play are prohibited.          unique way to celebrate birthdays,
                                         • No throwing sand or seaweed.                                       graduations, neighborhood get-
                                         • No diving allowed.                                                 togethers and so much more!
                                         • Food and beverages are permitted in the beach but not in the       Party reservations are available
                                           water. Food is not permitted in the Spray Ground.                  Monday-Friday.
                                         • Smoking is prohibited.                                             PARTY PACKAGE INCLUDES:
                                         • Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a person       • Private use of Shelter C for your
                                           16 years of age or older.                                            meal and party activities between
                                         • The lake water is not suitable for drinking. It is recommended
                                                                                                              • Unlimited beach and spray ground
                                           swimmers shower and towel dry after leaving the water.               access during public swim hours
                                         • All infants must wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants. All     10am-7pm (regular seasons)
                                           swimmers must wear proper swimwear. No street clothes allowed.     • A special food package catered by
                                         • Persons under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic         Kookers of Barrington.
                                           behavior will not be permitted in the beach area.                  • Includes a choice of a hot dog and
                                         • Admission to the beach may be refused to all persons                 chips or pizza, a beverage, and an
                                           suspected to have contagious diseases or infectious conditions.      ice cream bar for each guest
                                         • Staff has the right to restrict behavior of patrons.                 ($1 upcharge per person for
                                         • No pets allowed. Licensed service dogs are exempt.                   hamburger and chips, beverage and
                                                                                                                ice cream bar).
                                         • Glass containers are not permitted on the beach or playground.
                                                                                                              • Party host provides their own party
                                         • Use receptacles provided for trash, charcoal, and recycling.         cake & decorations
                                         • No strollers permitted on the beach or in the Spray Ground
                                                                                                              FEES: $200 resident/$240
                                           area; please use designated stroller parking area outside of the
                                                                                                              nonresident (up to 15 guest)
                                                                                                              $10/$12 for each additional guest
                                         • Safety break rest periods for ages 17 and under are on the hour    n Reservations are required two weeks
                                           daily for everyone’s safety. Additional rest periods may be run    in advance.
                                           depending on the temperature.                                      n To book birthday parties, please
                                                                                                              contact Heidi Stolt at 847-540-5075.
                                         Wibit Inflatable Rules
                                         • For swimmers only.
                                           Not suitable for users under the age of six.
                                           No more than six kids at a time per inflatable.
                                                                                                              Non-Power Watercraft
                                         • Swimming under the inflatable is not permitted.                    Access — Residents Only
                                         • Do not jump onto the inflatable from other objects.                Lake Zurich residents only have the
                                         • Parents or guardians must supervise children during use.           opportunity to launch non-motorized
                                         • Remove necklaces, watches, rings or other sharp items              watercrafts from Paulus Park. Watercrafts
                                           before use.                                                        include: Kayaks, Canoes, Paddle Boats,
                                         • The inflatables are not designated as a rescue float and do not    Windsurfers, Row Boats, and Long Boards.
                                           offer protection against drowning.                                 Inflatable rafts are not permitted. All rafts need
                                         • To avoid dangers, it is imperative that you follow the             to stay in the No Wake area of Lake Zurich,
                                           instructions of the Lifeguard.                                     wear a PFD, carry a whistle for emergencies,
                                                                                                              and review the rules of the lake. Daily usage
                                                                                                              permits for non-power watercraft access cost
                                                                                                              $5 and are available at the Barn during normal
                                                                                                              business hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4pm,
                                                                                                              or at Paulus Park Beach during their listed
                                                                                                              hours of operation. Daily permits are required
                                                                                                              and boating violators are subject to fines.
                                                                                                              For additional information, please contact
                                                                                                              the Park and Recreation Department at
                                 14 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Village of Lake Zurich Beaches                   847-438-5146.
 SWIM Programs

                                                                                                                                     Village of Lake Zurich Beaches
Swim Lessons at Paulus Park Beach                                 Learn to Swim Classes (Levels 1-4)
Welcome to our swim lessons program! Our trained and              AGES: 3 YEARS OLD & UP
certified lifeguard staff will teach your child a valuable life   Learn to swim classes are designed for participants
lesson in learning to swim in a fun, safe environment.
                                                                  ages 3 & up. Participants will be tested and placed
• Learn to Swim classes will be 45 minutes long.
• Three 2-week sessions are available for registration.           into levels based on swim ability on the first day
• Classes run Monday through Thursday with Friday left            of class. Participants must be able to demonstrate
  open for make-up days due to to inclement weather.
                                                                  specific skills to advance to higher levels.
• Make-ups will only take place when the supervisor
  cancels due to inclement weather (and will take place on        LOCATION: Paulus Park Beach
  that Friday).
• Parents and/or guardians are asked to remain outside of         PROG#        DAY           DATES       TIME            FEE
  the immediate beach area during swim lessons.                   226970-A     Mon-Thur      6/26-7/7*   9-9:45am        $48/$58
• See you at the Beach!                                           226970-B     Mon-Thur      7/10-7/20   9-9:45am        $48/$58
                                                                  226970-C     Mon-Thur      7/24-8/3    9-9:45am        $48/$58
Little Fishies (newbies)                                          n *No class 7/4.
                                                                  n Fridays are reserved for make-up days
If your child has not been to preschool or has trouble            Level 1 (Minnows)
adjusting to new situations, this is the class for him or her.    Introduction to Water Skills • This class is for ages
This class will help toddlers adjust to the water and build       three and up (younger ages must be approved by the Swim
confidence through games, songs and fun.                          Lesson Coordinator). Participants will gain an introduction
LOCATION: Paulus Park Beach                                       to being under water, front floats, back floats and kicking.
                                                                  Five-second independent front and back floats are required
PROG#        DAY           DATES       TIME             FEE       to pass Level 1.
216970-A     Mon-Thur      6/26-7/7*   9-9:45am         $48/$58
216970-B     Mon-Thur      7/10-7/20   9-9:45am         $48/$58   Level 2 (Gold Fish)
216970-C     Mon-Thur      7/24-8/3    9-9:45am         $48/$58   Fundamental Aquatic Skills • Participants
n *No class 7/4.                                                  will concentrate on movement through
n Fridays are reserved for make-up days                           the water and building endurance.
                                                                  • Submerge head for 5 seconds
Camp Alpine Swim Lessons                                          • Front crawl
                                                                    (with breathing to the side)
                                                                  • Back Crawl
Swim lessons will be an option available to Camp Alpine
                                                                  • Water safety skills
enrollees. Counselors will escort registered campers to
                                                                  • Introduction to treading water
the beach at precisely 8:45am for their lessons. Parents/
guardians arriving after 8:45am must drop off their children      Level 3 (Sharks)
at the beach. Campers skill level will be evaluated and they      Stroke Improvement • The concentration at this level is
will be placed in their appropriate swim level based on the       on increasing swimming skills and endurance.
swim test given on the first day of class.                        • Rotary breathing (Front Crawl, breathing every
LOCATION: Paulus Park Beach                                         three strokes)
                                                                  • Perfection of Back Crawl
PROG#        DAY           DATES       TIME             FEE       • Endurance
226970-D     Mon-Thur      6/26-7/7*   9-9:45am         $40/$48   • Introduction of Butterfly Kick
226970-E     Mon-Thur      7/10-7/20   9-9:45am         $40/$48   • Treading water
226970-F     Mon-Thur      7/24-8/3    9-9:45am         $40/$48   • Safety skills
n *No class 7/4.
n Fridays are reserved for make-up days                           Level 4 (Whales)
                                                                  Stroke Development • This level focuses on the technical
                                                                  development of Front Crawl, Back Crawl, breaststroke and
                                                                  • Front Crawl and Back Crawl (25 yards, perfected focus on
                                                                  • Breaststroke (Focus on timing and perfecting)
                                                                  • Butterfly (Adding the arms with kick)
                                                                  • Treading water
                                                                  • Focus on endurance for new strokes

                                                                            | 847-438-5146 | 15
Summer Day Camp


                            We are pleased to announce that our Day Camp program is now accredited through the American Camp Association. ACA
                            national accreditation is awarded to programs that achieve the highest standards in regards to the safety and well-being of
                            all campers. This accreditation means that our camp has met and excelled in over 300 health, quality and safety standards.
                            The safety and well-being of our campers is of the utmost importance to us, and this accreditation is just one more way of
                            ensuring that we are running the highest quality camp experience possible.

                  The Village of Lake Zurich Park & Recreation Department provides extraordinary summer camp experiences
                  at an exceptional value! In addition to the traditional Kamp Kiddie, Camp Alpine & Teen Camp, the Village offers a
                  myriad of special interest camps such as Safety Town, Lego, golf, basketball, soccer, football, baseball, dance and
                  many more. With so much to choose from, we’re confident you’ll find the camp that fits your needs and interests.

                  Camp Philosophy
                  The Village of Lake Zurich is dedicated to providing our
                  campers with a safe, fun, and active atmosphere in which                             Kamp Kiddie, Camp Alpine &
                  children can build self-esteem and where they can grow                                  Teen Camp Highlights
                  socially, physically, and intellectually. Our camps provide
                                                                                           • All Camp Open Houses will be held Thursday, June
                  an opportunity to run, play, and experience the outdoors.
                                                                                             8th from 5-7pm at the location their camp is held
                  Daily activities will consist of arts and crafts, nature
                                                                                             throughout the Summer.
                  programs, sports, games, theme days, swimming (Alpine/
                  Teen Camp only), and field trips. Here at the Village of Lake            • Kamp Kiddie is led by our experienced and caring
                  Zurich we promote teambuilding, friendship, and fun.                       Preschool Teachers.
                  STAFF        Our well-trained, seasoned staff is committed               • Daily Camper Lunch options thru our concessionaire
                               to each camper’s safety and well-being.                       for Camp Alpine & Teen Camp.
                  VARIETY      From sports to computers and from crafts to                 • A ton of variety camp options for every age group
                               the outdoor activities, we have just the right                (with reduced camp fees).
                               camp for you!
                                                                                           • Session field trips for Camp Alpine and weekly field
                  VALUE        You can’t beat the park department for a truly
                                                                                             trips for Teen Camp included in camp fees; Paulus Park
                               terrific camp experience at an affordable price.
                                                                                             spray ground field trips for Kamp Kiddie each session.
                  AGE       Campers will be grouped according to age/
                                                                                           • Daily swimming for Camp Alpine & Teen Camp at
                  GROUPINGS grade level.
                                                                                             our beautiful Paulus Park beach equipped with
                  FLEXIBILITY Campers have the flexibility to create their                   Wibit inflatables and camper swim lesson program
                              perfect schedule with three day M/W/F                          offerings.
                              options, five day camp options, shorter variety
                              camps, before and after care or build a week of              • Memories and friendships to last a lifetime!
                              camp. We have something for everyone.

                  16 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Summer Day Camp
How to register for Summer Camp

                                                                                                                                    Summer Day Camp
To secure your child’s spot in our summer camp, you may
pay either a $50 deposit or the full amount per session per
                                                                            Campers Open House
child at the time of registration. The $50 deposit is applied
towards your camp fee and is non-refundable.
                                                                                Park Party
All camp fees must be paid in full as well as all registration
forms submitted to the office two weeks prior to the start         Open to prospective families as well as
date of the session or your child may not attend. The              returning families this is a great way to meet
Village of Lake Zurich Park and Recreation Department will         our staff, get to know our parks and beach,
accept partial payments up until that time. A $25 late fee
per child will be charged for payment not received by the
                                                                   and just get an idea of what a day at our
final balance due dates. Summer camp registration forms            camp is all about. Again this year, the Paulus
must be completed for each child registered. Forms can             Park Beach will be open 5-7pm on June 8th
be downloaded from the Village of Lake Zurich website              exclusively to all registered and prospective
at or picked up at the Paulus Park Barn
location (200 S. Rand Road).                                       camp families that attend the open house.
Kamp Kiddie Camp Sessions                            2 weeks       If this date doesn’t work for you, we are
                                                                   happy to give your family a private tour of the
SESSION                DATES                BALANCE DUE
Session I:             6/12-6/23            5/29                   park any day of the week! Just call the office
Session II:            6/26-7/7*            6/12                   to make an appointment.
Session III:           7/10-7/21            6/26
Session IV:            7/24-8/4             7/10
                                                                   Paulus Park Barn & Beach
n *No camp 7/4.
                                                                   DAY: Thurs        DATES: 6/8            TIME: 5-7pm

Camp Alpine & Teen Camp Sessions                     4 weeks

SESSION                DATES                BALANCE DUE
Session I:             6/12-7/7*            5/29                 Camper Lunch Specials-
Session II:            7/10-8/4             6/26                 Camp Alpine & Teen Camp
Post Camp:             8/7-8/11             7/24                 No need to pack a lunch every day. Purchase a pre-paid
Build a Camp Week:     Customize your       Two weeks prior to   lunch punch card at our Paulus Park Barn office for our
                       camp week!           your chosen week     concessionaire at Paulus Park and we will provide your
n *No camp 7/4.                                                  child with a lunch. Lunch punch cards are available for
                                                                 $25 a week (5 lunches). Lunch punch cards are only valid
                                                                 during camp hours for the 2017 summer camp season and
Participant Emergency Information Packet                         are nonrefundable.
Participant Emergency Information packets are necessary
for the safety of our campers, and staff will not allow          Variety Camps
campers to be dropped off without having one on file. We         Campers have the opportunity to participate in an array of
ask that parents complete forms upon registration or before      variety camps during the camp day (with special camper
the Monday before your camp session begins so that we can        discounted fees). Some options will be Lego, computer
have time to prepare for camp. Forms can be picked up at         design, dance, and more! Ask for more information when
the Paulus Park Barn or downloaded at
                                                                 you come to our Open House or when registering your child
If your child will need to take medication while at camp,        for our summer camp.
the Medication Dispensable Form must also be on file.
No medication (including inhalers or bee sting kits) will        Camp Staff and Ratios
be dispensed unless this form has been completed. Get            The Village of Lake Zurich camp staff is made up of
additional prescriptions filled now so we can keep them on       approximately 30 caring individuals who are dedicated to
site throughout the summer.                                      making each camper’s experience positive, memorable, and
If your camper has an allergy or a special accommodation         fun. Camp counselors are hired based on their ability to
request, please indicate this information upon enrollment.       be proper role models and who possess positive leadership
While an allergy free campsite cannot be guaranteed, staff       skills. Our counselors are enthusiastic and responsible
will work with you to make the environment as safe as            individuals with great communication skills who care
possible for your camper.                                        about children and the importance of summer camp. The
                                                                 ability to have excellent safety coverage throughout the
                                                                 day and also provide every opportunity for counselors to
                                                                 get to know their campers on a personal level is of utmost
                                                                 importance. Throughout the day, the ratios of 1:6 for
                                                                 Kamp Kiddie (led by our Preschool Teachers), 1:8 for Camp
                                                                 Alpine, and 1:10 for Teen Camp, is maintained as campers
                                                                 participate in activities and programmed events.

                                                                           | 847-438-5146 | 17
Summer Day Camp     Kamp Kiddie                          NEW!
                  AGES: 3-6 YEARS OLD
                  This enriching half day                  two day                Safety Town Camp
                  summer camp is designed               Tues/Thurs                AGES: ENTERING K-1st GRADE
                  to introduce our 3-6 year                 option!               Safety Town is an early childhood safety education camp.
                  olds to the adventures and                                      Safety Town runs for two weeks (Monday-Friday) and
                  excitement of summer camp                                       covers important safety topics such as bike, water, fire,
                  in a fun, non-competitive                                       home, bus, car, and street safety as well as stranger danger.
                  environment. Taught by our experienced Preschool                The children are also visited by members of the Lake Zurich
                  Teachers, your child will enjoy outdoor nature projects,        Police and Fire Departments.
                  sports, games, arts and crafts and theme days are just a
                                                                                  LOCATION: Buffalo Creek Building A, 675 Old Mill Grove Road
                  sampling of the many activities campers will enjoy. Once a
                  session there will be a drop off Field Trip to Paulus Park to   INSTRUCTOR: Dawn Schultz and Laurie Wenzel
                  enjoy the Spray Ground and Lakeside Lookout Park. Your
                                                                                  PROG#        DAY      DATES         TIME            FEE R/NR
                  counselor will send a note home with information about the
                                                                                  214960-M     M-F*     5/30-6/9      9:15am-11:15am $113/$136
                  Paulus Park Field Trip.
                                                                                  214960-N     M-F      6/12-6/23     12:30-2:30pm    $125/$150
                  n Campers should bring a snack and water bottle every day.
                                                                                  n*First session, class begins on Tuesday, May 30th due to
                  T-shirt included.
                                                                                  Memorial Day.
                  LOCATION: Buffalo Creek Building A, 675 Old Mill Grove Road
                  INSTRUCTOR: Yellow Brick Road Preschool Teachers
                  2 WEEK SESSIONS                                                 Safety Town Lunch Bunch
                                                                                  For campers enrolled in Kamp Kiddie, stay for lunch after
                  PROG#        DATES        DAY          TIME        FEE R/NR     camp and be escorted to Safety Town Camp.
                  214960-A     6/12-6/23    Mon-Fri      9am-12pm    $166/$199    n Please bring a lunch and drink.
                  214960-B     6/12-6/23    MWF          9am-12pm    $125/$150
                                                                                  LOCATION: Buffalo Creek Building A, 675 Old Mill Grove Road
                  214960-C     6/12-6/23    Tues/Thurs   9am-12pm    $87/$107
                  214960-D     6/26-7/7*    Mon-Fri      9am-12pm    $149/$179    INSTRUCTOR: Dawn Schultz and Laurie Wenzel
                  214960-E     6/26-7/7     MWF          9am-12pm    $125/$150
                                                                                  PROG#       DAY     DATES          TIME             FEE R/NR
                  214960-F     6/26-7/7*    Tues/Thurs   9am-12pm    $65/$78
                                                                                  214960-O    M-F     6/12-6/23      12:00-12:30pm    $50/$60
                  214960-G     7/10-7/21    Mon-Fri      9am-12pm    $166/$199
                  214960-H     7/10-7/21    MWF          9am-12pm    $125/$150
                  214960-I     7/10-7/21    Tues/Thurs   9am-12pm    $87/$107
                                                                                    SRACLC Day Camp 2017
                  214960-L     7/24-8/4     Tues/Thurs   9am-12pm    $87/$107       SRACLC camps are geared towards children and teens,
                  n *No class 7/4.                                                  ages 3–21, with special needs or those who have better
                                                                                    success in smaller groups with more supervision.
                                                                                    Counselors plan fun and exciting activities such as high
                  Kamp Kiddie Lunch Bunch                                           energy group games, themed crafts, water play, singing
                  This is a special opportunity for campers enrolled in             and dancing, morning field trips, and so much more.
                  Kamp Kiddie to stay for lunch after camp and be escorted          Campers will go swimming every Tuesday and Thursday
                  to specialty camps. It is also a great way to extend the          afternoon as well as enjoy outdoor play each day.
                  campers day!                                                      n NOTE: Campers are grouped according to age
                  n Please bring a sack lunch and drink.                            and ability.
                  LOCATION: Buffalo Creek Building A, 675 Old Mill Grove Road       At-A-Glance Day Camp Schedule
                  INSTRUCTOR: Yellow Brick Road Preschool Teachers
                                                                                    SESSION                 DAY             DATES
                  PROG#       DATES        DAY      TIME             FEE R/NR       Session I:              Mon-Thurs       6/12-6/29
                  214960-P    6/12-6/23    M-F      12:00-12:30pm    $50/$60        Firecrackers Camp:      Wed-Thurs       7/5-7/6
                  214960-Q    6/12-6/23    MWF      12:00-12:30pm    $37/$44        Session II:             Mon-Thurs       7/10-7/27
                  214960-R    6/12-6/23    Tu/Thu   12:00-12:30pm    $28/$36        August Adventures:      Mon-Thurs       7/31-8/10
                  214960-S    6/26-7/7*    M-F      12:00-12:30pm    $45/$54        Friday Field Trips:     Fri             6/16-8/4
                  214960-T    6/26-7/7     MWF      12:00-12:30pm    $37/$44        Please contact Katelin Sheppard, ksheppard@sraclc.
                  214960-U    6/26-7/7*    Tu/Thu   12:00-12:30pm    $21/$25        org or Michelle Mark, or call
                  214960-V    7/10-7/21    M-F      12:00-12:30pm    $50/$60        (847)816-4866 with questions regarding Day Camp.
                  214960-W    7/10-7/21    MWF      12:00-12:30pm    $37/$54
                  214960-X    7/10-7/21    Tu/Thu   12:00-12:30pm    $28/$36
                  214960-Y    7/24-8/4     M-F      12:00-12:30pm    $50/$60
                  214960-Z    7/24-8/4     MWF      12:00-12:30pm    $37/$44
                  214960-AA 7/24-8/4       Tu/Thu   12:00-12:30pm    $28/$36
                  n *No class 7/4.

                  18 | 2017 Summer Brochure | Summer Day Camp
Summer Day Camp
 Camp Alpine
Camp Alpine provides an opportunity to run, play
and experience the outdoors for children entering 1st
through 5th grade in the Fall 2017. Daily activities will
consist of arts and crafts, nature programs, sports,
games, theme days, and swimming as well as two
field trips per session. We provide an atmosphere in
which children can build self-esteem and where they
can grow socially, physically and intellectually in a
safe environment.
Camp Alpine is held in Paulus Park. Please bring a          Session I                                               4 WEEKS
sack lunch or purchase a lunch punch card, snacks,          PROG#        DATES         DAY           TIME         FEE R/NR
drink, swimsuit, towel and sunscreen daily. A parent        224960-A     6/12-7/7*     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $385/$461
packet will be provided on the first day of camp.           224960-B     6/12-7/7*     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $518/$621
                                                            224960-C     6/12-7/7      MWF           9am-3pm      $310/$371
n Two field trips per session included in the cost.         224960-D     6/12-7/7      MWF           7am-6pm      $415/$497
T-shirt included.                                           n No class 7/4.

                                                            Session II                                              4 WEEKS
                                                            PROG#        DATES         DAY           TIME         FEE R/NR
                                                            224960-E     7/10-8/4      Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $405/$485
                                                            224960-F     7/10-8/4      Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $545/$653
                                                            224960-G     7/10-8/4      MWF           9am-3pm      $310/$371
                                                            224960-H     7/10-8/4      MWF           7am-6pm      $415/$497
                                                            Post Camp                                                1 WEEK
                                                            PROG#        DATES         DAY           TIME         FEE R/NR
                                                            224960-I     8/7-8/11      Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $105/$125
                                                            224960-J     8/7-8/11      Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $140/$167
                                                            224960-K     8/7-8/11      MWF           9am-3pm      $81/$96
                                                            224960-L     8/7-8/11      MWF           7am-6pm      $108/$129

                                                            Camp Alpine Build-a-Camp                           1 WEEK
                                                            Customize your camps to fit your schedule! Mix and match
                                                            your weeks!

                                                            PROG#        DATES         DAY           TIME         FEE R/NR
                                                            224960-M     6/12-6/16     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-N     6/12-6/16     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-O     6/19-6/23     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-P     6/19-6/23     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-Q     6/26-6/30     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-R     6/26-6/30     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-S     7/3-7/7*      Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $105/$125
                                                            224960-T     7/3-7/7*      Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $133/$159
                                                            224960-U     7/10-7/14     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-V     7/10-7/14     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-W     7/17-7/21     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-X     7/17-7/21     Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-Y     7/24-7/28     Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-Z     7/24-7/28     Mon-FriI      7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            224960-YY    7/31-8/4      Mon-Fri       9am-3pm      $130/$155
                                                            224960-ZZ    7/31-8/4      Mon-Fri       7am-6pm      $165/$197
                                                            n *No class 7/4.

                                                                       | 847-438-5146 | 19
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