Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...

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Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Norwalk Community College
Continuing Education and
Workforce Development
188 Richards Avenue • Norwalk, CT 06854

                   FALL 2020
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Welcome to the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Fall 2020 catalog of non-credit classes and certificates.
We are excited that you are considering taking classes this Fall, and have developed a robust schedule of online, on-ground and hybrid
classes. Most will meet at specific times as well as incorporate independent course work.
This catalog displays a wealth of programming from workers seeking professional advancement or a career change, to people who just
want to explore a new hobby. Chances are, if you have sold a house, booked a cruise or needed emergency health care, your realtor,
travel consultant or EMT learned their professional skills at NCC! Our instructors are industry professionals and certified teachers who
deliver quality programming. NCC offers Workforce Development classes and industry certifications in fields including business, health
care, early childhood education, public safety, and real estate, and information technology.
We also offer classes that serve as a bridge from non-credit to credit-bearing college degree or certificate programs.
There is truly something for everyone. I hope you will take a moment to explore our catalog and share it with a friend. You will be glad
you did.

Cheryl C. De Vonish, J.D.
Chief Executive Officer, Norwalk Community College

   Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Disclaimer
   Beginning March 2020, Connecticut along with the rest of the United States suffered the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus
   pandemic. Day-to-day life as it existed before the pandemic changed drastically, and individuals and institutions adapted to new
   practices and behaviors. Normative actions now include wearing facial masks, maintaining social distance, and working and
   learning remotely. Learning about and adherence to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance has become a
   way of life. As we plan for the next academic year, so much is uncertain, including the continuing threat of COVID-19.

   The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) must adapt to meet this reality. Going forward, it is up to all of us –
   faculty, staff and students – to do our part to ensure our campus community stays as healthy and safe as possible. This is a
   shared responsibility, and every member of our community must adhere to national, state, and local health guidelines and
   requirements, and adhere to those measures Norwalk Community College deems safe and appropriate for the campus. This
   will include social distancing, wearing masks or other facial coverings, not reporting to class or work if sick, and isolating when

   Although Norwalk Community College is readily developing a schedule of courses that include some in-class and on-ground
   instruction, no one knows what the future may hold. In the case of an outbreak of the coronavirus or other illness, the institu-
   tions reserve the right to adapt the format of any class to an entirely online/distance learning modality as public health condi-
   tions warrant. Such change will not result in any increase or decrease of tuition and fees. We all understand that tuition and fees
   are in exchange for learning, academic credit, and certain non-academic services regardless of whether taught on-ground, in a
   hybrid environment or entirely remotely.

   Most important to CSCU and Norwalk Community College is the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community.
   Yet, despite campus efforts to comply with health and safety guidelines, it is not possible to guarantee a disease free environ-
   ment, or to guarantee that campuses will not close and return to an online-only learning environment. These are the realities of
   working and learning during a pandemic. If you choose to return to campus during the pandemic, you accept that you are willing
   to do your part to keep the campus safe and acknowledge that you may be required to complete your course work in a remote
   learning environment.

   The Norwalk Community College community is looking forward to welcoming you back.

Norwalk Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, sex, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past
history of mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or genetic information in its programs and
activities. In addition, the College does not discriminate in employment on the basis of veteran status or criminal record. The following persons have been desig-
nated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Associate Director of Human Resources Louisa Jones at
(203) 857-7301 or; or Coordinator of Student AccessAbility Services Fran Apfel at (203) 857-7192 or
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Table of Contents
                                       WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT                                                      PERSONAL ENRICHMENT
                                                                                                                  Art...................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                  Bartending Certification..............................20
                                       National Bookkeeping Certification.....................4                   Culinary Arts.................................................20
                                       Legal Secretary Certificate ................................ 6             Finance & Investing................................... 21
                                       Retail Customer Service & Sales Certification....... 2                     Gardening.....................................................22
Register Today!                        Real Estate........................................................... 5
                                       Travel Associate Certificate.................................. 5
                                                                                                                  Interior Design..............................................22
                                                                                                                  Languages................................................. 22
See page 39                                                                                                       Music................................................................. 24
                                       Computers & Information
                                       Technology                                                                 Performing Arts............................................25
For More Information                   A+ Certification................................................ 11
                                                                                                                  Personal Enrichment................................. 25
                                                                                                                  Photography.............................................. 25
Email                                  Computer Graphics......................................... 10
                                                                                                                  Wellness, Fitness & Sports......................... 26            Computer Programming.............................. 7
Phone                                  Microsoft Office Specialist Certification ........8
                                                                                                                  CREDIT OFFERINGS
(203) 857-7080                         Web Design......................................................... 8
                                                                                                                  Associate Degrees...................................... 30
Website                                Early Childhood Education...................... 12                         Degree Certificates.......................................30              Health Care                                                                Pathways to Credit.......................................31
Admissions                             Certified Nurse Aide.....................................13
(203) 857-7068                         Dental Assistant Certificate..........................14                   ESL
                                       EKG Technician Certificate ........................ 15                     English as a Second Language.............. 32-36
Testing                                Homemaker Companion Certificate ......... 15
(203) 857-7070
                                       Medical Billing and Reimbursement                                          REGISTRATION
Records/Registrations                  Specialist.......................................................... 15
(203) 857-7237                         Medical Coding Certification .......................16                     Registration Form: College for Kids................. 38
                                       Phlebotomy Technician Specialist                                           Registration Form: Continuing Education....... 39
Bookstore                              Certificate......................................................... 17
(203) 857-7239                         Physical Therapy Aide..................................16                  Index................................................................. 40
                                       Veterinary Assistant........................................18             Instructor Bios............
Building/Weather Closings                                                                                         Resources................................Inside Back Cover
(203) 857-7000             Public Safety
                                       EMT Basic.......................................................... 28
                                       Police Exam Prep ...................................... 28
                                       Security Officer Certificate ..........................28

Payment Plan                            Course Delivery Methods
Option                                  Students need their NCC ID number to access their NCC emails to receive online classes details.
                                        Online is asynchronous -- No expectation that class will meet on webEx/Teams at the same time.
For the fall 2020 semester, pay-        Students can do the work any time of day as long as they submit it by deadline. Students may use
ment plans are available for the        discussion board but have a range of time to contribute.
following Certificates. For details     LRON live remote -- Students are expected to meet together online via Web Ex or Teams at the time
                                        listed on the schedule and also do online assignments.
and payment amounts please visit
the business office. Payment plans      OLCR -- Usually for nearly 100% online classes where campus requirement is very limited usually
                                        to tests or final exam.
must be arranged in person at this
                                        HYBR -- Balanced between online and in-class instruction and assessment.
time.                                   TRAD – The class will meet on campus and will list a room number.
• Certified Nurse Aide -page 13
                                                                                                Look for these course designations throughout the catalog:
• EKG Technician -page 15                             Certificate to Degree

                                                      A related Associate Degree is available. Successful certificate completion may count towards degree

• Phlebotomy Technician                              program application.
     Specialist Certificate -page 17
                                                      Health CareeRx Academy
• EMT -page 28                                        The Health CareeRx Academy of the WorkPlace has scholarships available to qualified persons. Contact

                                                      them at (203) 930-1637 to inquire about eligibility. See ad on inside back cover for more information.
                                                      Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training Program

                                                      Contact Jenine Carlson (203) 857-7059. See ad on inside back cover for more information.

                                                      Computer Class
                                                      This icon indicates a computer class. Students are required to use their NetID, also referred to as
                                                      Banner ID, to access college computers. See page 8.
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Business                                      Business
                                                   *This course is also available as a Credit Divi-
                                                   sion class. Prices may vary.
                                                   This course is designed to provide theory
                                                   based real world skills and resources needed
                                                   to start a business. In the course, students will
                                                   learn how to evaluate business ideas, develop
                                                   strategies for organizing and marketing a busi-      INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS
                                                   ness, assess capital needs and create sound
                                                   financial statements. In addition, students will     *This course is also available as a Credit Divi-
From small business techniques to corporate        work in groups to research, develop, and write       sion class. Prices may vary.
skills, our business programs can help you go      comprehensive business plans. Participants           As a platform for other business courses, this
where the growth is in today’s economy and         may use their own business ideas as a model          introductory course places business in perspec-
prepare yourself for greater success tomor-        for this project, with groups consisting of both     tive by surveying it in a contemporary manner
                                                   aspiring business owners and NCC students.           and by offering students a solid foundation in
row. Whether you choose to take a single
                                                   CRN 3601                       ONLINE                the various disciplines of business. It provides
course or add one of our certificates to your      PRFD D5412 Section 01B                               a conceptual understanding of our capitalistic
resume, we will help ensure your career path       Begins 8/26/2020                                     society, accounting management, human
is heading in the right direction.                 Tuition: $599                  Text Add’l            resources, marketing, finance and controls.
                                                   Instructor: Paul Daulerio
                                                                                                        CRN 7054                      ONLINE
                                                                                                        PRFD D5166 Section 01B        Text Add’l
                                                                                                        Begins 8/26/2020
                                                                                                        Tuition: $599
                                                                                                        Instructor: Rosaline Barone

                                                                                                        CRN 7782                      ONLINE
                                                                                                        PRFD D5166 Section 02B
                                                                                                        Begins 8/26/2020
                                                                                                        Tuition: $599                 Text Add’l
                                                                                                        Instructor: Owen Cheevers

     Retail Customer Service and Sales Certificate
     Are you considering a career in retail?       This certificate is designed to assist entry-level   Certification in Customer Service and Sales
     Would you like to enhance your current        sales and service associates to learn valuable       Exam offered by the National Retail Feder-
     position in retail with updated skills in     skills related to front-line work in retail (or      ation (NRF). This Certification is funded by
     customer service? Learn how to engage         any industry that values customer service and        GGP and the Norwalk Community College
     the customer and be efficient at deter-       sales skills). The Retail Customer Service and       Foundation.
     mining customer needs. With field             Sales Certificate provides an overview of the        For more information and to register, please
     research, classroom discussions, role-        retail industry, customer service skills, selling    contact the Division of Continuing Education
     plays, and customer situation analyses,       and service, understanding store operations,         at NCC, 203-857-7078 or lnathaniel@norwalk.
     develop a strategy for managing conver-       and enhances “employability” skills.                 edu. Please reference the Retail Customer
     sations with different types of customers.                                                         Service and Sales Certificate Program. Note:
     After this 10-session course, you will have   Upon successful completion of course                 Students must attend all sessions to qualify
     acquired critical skill sets for developing   requirements, students receive an NCC Retail         for the NCC certificate.
     customer relationships through excep-         Customer Service and Sales Certificate from
     tional customer service that store man-       Norwalk Community College. In addition,
     agement looks for in a store employee.                                                             CRN 6940                    15 Sessions
                                                   students sit for the National Professional           PRFD D5939 Section 1        LRON
                                                                                                        T/W/TH 5:30PM-8:30PM Begins 10/20/2020
                                                                                                        Tuition: $25/refundable
                                                                                                        Instructor: Celia M. Batan, B.A. M.A. CPC

 2                                                                                           Course Delivery Methods see page 1
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
                                                   REAL BUSINESS OWNERS                                A SMALL BUSINESS
*This course is also available as a Credit Divi-
sion class. Prices may vary.                       Many business owners spend the majority             This course is an overview for people who
A study of legal reasoning and problem             of their time working “in” their business, not      are thinking of starting a small business. This
solving and the development of legal research      “on” their business. Many critical business         course will provide the aspiring business
and writing skills. Students conduct research      planning issues go unaddressed, which may           owner the tools to launch and develop a
in law libraries, referring to digests, reporter   create adverse implications for the success         successful business. Students will self-evalu-
systems and statutes, computer research            and viability of the business in the future.        ate, learn how to conduct industry analysis,
systems, and prepare legal memoranda and           This course will address these planning issues      structure a business; develop marketing and
briefs. A high level of competency in the writ-    faced by Business Owners during the lifecycle       sales strategies; prepare a business plan; and
ing of English is required for the satisfactory    of their business: Business Succession and          obtaining financing to effectively get started
completion of this course.                         Continuation Planning, Business Valuation,          as a business owner. Specific topics include
CRN 7783                      15 Sessions          Attracting and Retaining Key Employees,             the basics of: Personal Evaluation, Industry
PRFD D5126 Section 01B        NCC, Room TBD        Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, and           Analysis, Legal Entity, Marketing and Sales
Monday 6:00PM-8:55PM          Begins 8/31/2020     Wealth Transfer. We will address the following      Strategy, Writing a Business Plan, Obtaining
No Class 9/7                                       issues: What is the plan for my business when       Financing, and Planning your Opening.
Tuition: $599                 Text Add’l           I retire? Is my business capable of continuing      CRN 7805                         4 Sessions
Instructor: David Shipp                            its success in the event of my or my partners’      PRFD D5302 Section 01            LRON
                                                   untimely death or disability? Have I done           Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 10/7/2020
FUNDAMENTALS OF GRANT                              everything I can to attract, retain, and reward     Tuition: $249
                                                                                                       Instructor: Gail Hill Williams, B.B.A.
WRITING                                            the key employees that are critical to my
                                                   business? Have I given sufficient thought to
Grants are an especially important part of         who is the right successor to my business? Do       PROJECT MANAGEMENT
any nonprofit organization’s funding strategy.     I know what my business is truly worth? Have
This class is designed for current and future                                                          This four-session course will provide high level
                                                   I taken the necessary steps to minimize my
staff, board members and volunteers in the                                                             overview of project management training
                                                   tax burden? How is my business going to fund
nonprofit sector, or anyone involved in fund-                                                          from the PMI global standards. Each session
                                                   my retirement if I am not there to run it? This
raising. This class provides an overview of the                                                        will provide guidelines, rules and charac-
                                                   is a lecture based but interactive class, and
entire grant seeking process. Topics include:                                                          teristics for project, program and portfolio
                                                   discussion is welcome.
Finding the “right” funder; grant proposal                                                             management. These standards are widely
                                                   CRN 7511                      1 Session
submission tips and techniques; and mobiliz-                                                           accepted and, when consistently applied, will
                                                   PRFD D5147 Section 01         LRON
ing nonprofit boards to help raise funds. Learn    Thursday 6:00PM-8:00PM        11/19/2020            help you, your global peers and your organi-
about “The 12 Step Grant Process”, secrets         Tuition: $49                                        zation achieve professional excellence. More-
to online applications, and managing your          Instructor: Jonathan Bogin Levine, M.B.A.           over, because they are created and updated
grant. The class will work on sample grants                                                            by both volunteer committees and the general
and projects.                                      INTRODUCTION TO AGILE PROJECT                       public, you can be confident that the PMI
CRN 7804                      4 Sessions                                                               standards continually and accurately reflect
PRFD D5070 Section 01         LRON                                                                     the evolving profession. Topics covered at an
Tue/Thur 6:00PM-8:00PM        Begins 9/22/2020     “Agile” is the name used for a group of             introductory level will be: Introducing Project
Tuition: $199                                      modern project management methods. Agile            Management, Understanding the PMBOK®
Instructor: Suzanne Peters, MBA                    methods have in common that they break              Guide, Process Groups and Knowledge Areas,
                                                   each project into small “timeboxed” itera-          Integration Management Processes, Scope
                                                   tions with defined deliverables. Throughout         Management Processes, Time Management
                                                   the project, the deliverables can be adjusted       Processes, Cost Management Processes, Qual-
                                                   when the requirements change. Agile has             ity Management Processes, Human Resource
                                                   been used initially only for software devel-        Management Processes, Communications
                                                   opment projects but is now used across all          Management Processes, Risk Management
                                                   business units to manage all kinds of projects      Processes, Procurement Management
                                                   and to shorten delivery times. Participants         Processes. (This is not a software supported
                                                   of the class will learn the fundamentals of         class.)
                                                   agile project management and how to apply           CRN 7806                         4 Sessions
                                                   them to their own projects or even in their         PRFD D5410 Section 01            LRON
                                                   own lives. Several in-class activities will bring   Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 9/9/2020
                                                   the concepts to life. This class is for business    Tuition: $249                    Text Add ‘l
                                                                                                       Instructor: Gail Hill Williams, B.B.A.
                                                   professionals who manage projects as well as
                                                   for anyone who wants to manage their day to
                                                   day life more efficiently.
                                                   CRN 7459                      4 Sessions
                                                   PRFD D5051 Section 01         LRON
                                                   Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 9/23/2020
                                                   Tuition: $249
                                                   Instructor: Hans Rieke, Ph.D.

                                                                                                                See page 39 for Registration Form   3
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
Bookkeeping                                        BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:                         Film and TV
                                                   MASTERING DEPRECIATION AND
                                                   PAYROLL                                            Production
                                                   This course is part of the National Bookkeep-
Accounting is the “language of business,”          ing Certification. It covers everything students   FILM & TV PRODUCTION I
and bookkeeping plays an essential role in         need to know about paying wages, withhold-
the operation of every successful business.        ing, depositing and reporting taxes, correct       Students are trained in film technology and
In this course, students learn the accounting      use of government forms, and depreciation          technique by the use of a digital video camera
concepts and practices that underlie               on financial statements, straight-line, GAAP,      and digital editing. Through a series of lessons
all accounting systems, whether manual or          production method, etc.                            in visual communication, they learn the
software-based. They receive an introduction                                                          skills needed to create a script, a storyboard
to the entire accounting cycle, from trans-        Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Princi-     and tell a story with pictures (no dialogue).
actions analysis to preparation of journals,       ples of Accounting, or Financial Accounting or     They learn television production through a
ledgers, trial balances and financial state-       previous on-the-job bookkeeping experience.        television interview show that promotes their
ments, including the Balance Sheet, Income         CRN 3595                     12 Sessions           work and themselves. This is the cornerstone
Statement and Statement of Owner’s Equity.         PRFD D5862 Section 01        NCC, Room TBD         of the Film and Television Production Option
                                                   Mon/Wed 6:00PM-8:00PM        Begins 10/5/2020
This course is often taken by business owners      Tuition: $359                Text Add ‘l.
                                                                                                      in Communication Arts. Two hours of lecture;
and managers, and is a prerequisite for            Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.            three hours of taping, studio or editing.
students planning to take the Bookkeeping                                                             CRN 7802                      HYBRID
Certification courses.                                                                                PRFD D5144 Section 01B        NCC, Room E110
CRN 7807                        12 Sessions
                                                   BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:                         Mon/Wed 6:00PM-8:25PM         Begins 8/26/2020
PRFD D5009 Section 01           LRON               MASTERING INVENTORY,                               No Class 11/25
Mon/Wed 6:30PM-8:30PM           Begins 9/9/2020    INTERNAL CONTROLS, AND                             Tuition: $759
                                                                                                      Instructor: Peter Gould
Tuition: $359                   Text Add ‘l        FRAUD PREVENTION
Instructor: Sean Murphy, M.S.
                                                   This course is part of the National Bookkeep-      CRN 7803                      HYBRID
                                                                                                      PRFD D5144 Section 02B        NCC, Room E110
                                                   ing Certification. It covers everything students
BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATION:                         need to know about accounting for inventory,
                                                                                                      Tue/Thurs 1:00PM-2:30PM       Begins 8/27
MASTERING, CORRECTING AND                                                                             No Class 11/26
                                                   inventory recordkeeping using the perpetual        Tuition: $759
ADJUSTING ENTRIES                                  method, using the periodic method, and             Instructor: Jennifer Larsen
This course is part of the National Bookkeep-      inventory costing.
ing Certification. It covers everything students   Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Princi-
need to know for error corrections, bank           ples of Accounting or Financial Accounting or
reconciliation, and accruals and deferrals.        previous on the job bookkeeping experience.
Prerequisite: Bookkeeping Practices or Princi-     CRN 4008                     9 Sessions
ples of Accounting or Financial Accounting or      PRFD D5861 Section 01        NCC, Room TBD
                                                   Mon/Wed 6:00PM-8:00PM        Begins 11/16/2020
previous on-the-job bookkeeping experience.
                                                   Tuition: $359                Text Add ‘l
CRN 3594                     10 Sessions           Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.
PRFD D5860 Section 01        NCC, Room TBD
Mon/Wed 6:00PM-8:00PM        Begins 8/26/2020
Tuition: $359                Text Add ‘l
No Class 9/7
Instructor: Anthony Romeo, M.S., C.P.A.

            National Bookkeeping Certification and the

            Norwalk Community College Certification Program
     The American Institute of Professional        tests by helping you truly master the skills and   dents should take the appropriate National
     Bookkeepers (AIPB) has established a          knowledge required for certification, which        Bookkeeping Exam. The three courses do not
     professional certification, the Certified     include: adjusting and correcting entries          need to be taken in any order.
     Bookkeeper (CB) credential, a high profes-    (accruals and deferrals); basic book and tax       Required Courses for the NCC Certificate:
     sional standard for bookkeepers. Certified    depreciation; basic payroll including paying       • Mastering, Correcting and Adjusting Entries
     Bookkeepers (CBs) are to bookkeeping          wages, withholding, depositing and reporting
                                                                                                      • Mastering Depreciation and Payroll
     what CPAs are to accounting; the cream        taxes using the basic forms (W-2, 941, 940,
     of the profession. The three courses in the   etc.); recording and costing out merchandise       • Mastering Inventory, Internal Controls &
     NCC certificate program focus on preparing    inventory, and internal controls and fraud pre-      Fraud Prevention
     you for the National Certified Bookkeeper     vention. Upon completion of each course, stu-      Courses offered in the Fall and Spring

 4                                                                                        Course Delivery Methods see page 1
Continuing Education and Workforce Development - Norwalk Community College - Norwalk ...
REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES &                              Travel
                                                 This introductory course prepares the individ-        BEGINNING TRAVEL
                                                 ual to take the real estate licensing exam-
                                                 ination and meet the minimum educational              An intensive course designed for anyone
                                                 requirements set forth by the State Real Estate       interested in a career in the travel industry.
                                                 Commission for the real estate licensee.              You will explore the world of travel and build a
                                                 Students intending to sit for the State of            foundation in the basic concept of travel. This
                                                 Connecticut Real Estate exam must attend 60           course is an overview of Travel and Tour-
                                                 hours and pass this course with a grade of 70         ism, domestic and international air travel,
                                                 or above. Please bring textbooks to the first         geography, travel technology, ground travel,
                                                 class. Please check NCC Bookstore for hours.          accommodations, cruises and tour packages.
                                                 CRN 4792                        21 Sessions           CRN 7178                       6 Sessions
                                                 REAL D5000 Section 01           NCC, Room TBD         TRAV D5003 Section 01          LRON
                                                 Tue/Th 6:00PM-9:00PM            Begins 9/15/2020      Monday 6:30PM-9:00PM           Begins 9/14/2020
                                                 Tuition: $449                   Text Add ‘l           Tuition: $249                  Text Add ‘l
                                                                                                       Instructor: Domenic Carriero, A.S.
Real Estate                                      Instructor: Louis J Colangelo, Jr., J.D.

                                                 CRN 7809                         22 Sessions          ADVANCED TRAVEL
                                                 REAL D5000 Section 02            LRON
All Real Estate courses are approved by the      Mon/Wed 9:00AM-12:00PM           Begins 9/14/2020     This course will build on basic knowledge of
                                                 Tuition: $449                    Text Add ‘l          the travel industry and is designed for those
Real Estate Commission. Approved courses         Instructor: Karena Piedmont
for NCC can be found on the DCP website                                                                who have completed Beginning Travel or who
                                                 CRN 5414                     21 Sessions              are considering returning to the travel field
under the title of Norwalk Community
                                                 REAL D5000 Section 03        LRON                     after an absence and would like a refresher
College.                                         Saturday 9:00AM-3:30PM       Begins 9/19/2020         course. Instruction will concentrate on
                                                 Tuition: $449                Text Add ‘l              developing and building skills in the areas of
BECOME A REAL ESTATE                             No Class 11/28                                        marketing, sales customer satisfaction, com-
                                                 Instructor: Amanda Morgado, BA.
SALESPERSON                                                                                            munications, agency accounting, home based
                                                                                                       agents, building and finding a career in travel.
   Your first step is to register and pass
                                                                                                       Prerequisite: Beginning Travel
   the Real Estate Principles and Practices                                                            CRN 7190                       6 Sessions
   course. This pre-licensing 60-hour course                                                           TRAV D5004 Section 01          LRON
   is required by the State of Connecticut.                                                            Monday 6:30PM-9:00PM           Begins 10/26/2020
                                                                                                       Tuition: $249                  Text Add ‘l
                                                                                                       Instructor: Domenic Carriero, A.S.
   Attend and successfully complete Real
   Estate Principles and Practices course.
   Please refer to for more
   information.                                     Travel Associate Certificate
   Licensing and education requirements
   subject to change.                                The Travel Career Certificate program             certificate (Certified Travel Associate) from the
                                                     is designed to ensure that the student            “Travel Institute” which shows that you have
                                                     receives the most intensive, up to date and       the knowledge and tools to move forward
                                                     practical preparation for career in today’s       in the travel world. Students need a passing
                                                     travel industry. A Travel Career Certificate      grade of 70% or higher. After 12 months of
   Refer to, use keyword              will open-up possibilities for travel agency,     industry experience, students must submit
   “appraisal licensing” for more informa-           cruise lines and hospitality employment.          employment verification to receive the CTA
   tion.                                             This program was designed for the new             certificate. Students will receive the NCC Cer-
   Licensing and education requirements              travel consultant, a brush up for the expe-       tificate of Completion after passing the three
   subject to change.                                rienced or non-agency corporate travel            courses listed below.
                                                     staff and a stepping stone for eager to           Required Courses for NCC Certificate:
                                                     learn. At the end of advance travel course, a     • Beginning Travel
CONNECTICUT REAL ESTATE                              certification test will be given. This is a CTA
                                                                                                       • Advance Travel
                                                                                                       • Cruises will be offered Spring 2021
   For a summary of Connecticut Real
   Estate & Appraisal Certification Licensing
   requirements, please refer to
   dcp, use keyword “real estate licensing” or
   call (860) 713-6150.

                                                                                                                 See page 39 for Registration Form         5
Legal Secretary                                        Computers &
UNDERSTANDING ADMINISTRATIVE                           Information
The legal profession is both exciting and
                                                       Technology                                      Important note for computer classes regard-
                                                                                                       ing computer access:

rewarding. This course is for those who want                                                           • A
                                                                                                          ll NCC students including non-credit
to get started or perhaps change careers to                                                              students must use their NetID, also referred
become a legal secretary. You will learn an                                                              to as Banner ID, to access college computers.
overview of a law practice, management of a                                                            • I f you are taking a computer class, please
law office, working with attorneys and other                                                              read instructions on page 9.
legal staff and ethics in client relations. In                                                         • I n order to avoid student computer accesses
addition, you will become familiar with legal                                                             issues, students must register for computer
research and the courts, filing and records                                                               classes at least three days prior to start of
management and mail and docket control                                                                    class.
CRN 7461                        6 Sessions
                                                    Intro to Computer
PRFD D5059 Section 01           LRON                                                                   INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT
Thursday 6:30PM-9:00PM          Begins 9/17/2020
Tuition: $259                                       THE ONE-HOUR WEBSITE: HOW                          OFFICE SUITE
Instructor: Robert B. Keyes, J.D.                   TO CREATE YOUR WEBSITE WITH
                                                                                                              Learn what you need to know today for
                                                    WORDPRESS                                                 tomorrow! Students will be introduced
INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL                            is the fastest and least       to the three essential business applications
CONCEPTS FOR THE LEGAL                                    expensive way to get a professional          of today: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In
SECRETARY                                           looking website up and running. No program-        this hands-on course, students will learn
                                                    ming language is involved. Join thousands of       the basics of word processing with Microsoft
This course is a hands-on introduction into         photographers, bloggers and small businesses       Word, create a budget spreadsheet with Mic-
the field of law. It will not only give you a       creating new WordPress sites each day. In this     rosoft Excel, do a mail merge using Word and
general background of substantive law it            hands-on course, you will learn how to get a       Excel, and create a slide presentation with
will break down different areas of a legal          site up quickly, how to refine it with the right   PowerPoint. Students should be familiar with
practice so you can hit the ground running.         design, how to add new content quickly, and        basic Windows skills and feel comfortable
You will learn about different areas of the         how to format pictures for the best impact.        using a computer.
law including contracts, real estate, busi-         We will also discuss how to get your new site      CRN 7810                       6 Sessions
ness organizations, civil law and procedure,        noticed by Google.                                 COMP D5853 Section 01          LRON
criminal law, family law, probate and workers’                                                         Tuesday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 9/22/2020
                                                    CRN 6283                       2 Sessions
compensation.                                       COMP D5248 Section 01          LRON
                                                                                                       Tuition: $349
CRN 7460                        6 Sessions                                                             Instructor: Judith Puchalski, M.B.A.
                                                    Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM Begins 9/16/2020
PRFD D5058 Section 01           LRON                Tuition: $99
Thursday 6:30PM-9:00PM          Begins 10/29/2020   Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.
Tuition: $259                   No Class 11/26
                                                                                                       MICROSOFT WORD
Instructor: Robert B. Keyes, J.D.                                                                             Microsoft Word takes word processing
                                                                                                              to a new level by automating common
                                                                                                       tasks and providing powerful tools to create
     Legal Secretary Certificate                                                                       professional-looking documents quickly and
                                                                                                       easily. Students will learn the essential vocab-
                                                                                                       ulary, concepts, and features of Microsoft
     Earn a Certification as a Legal Secretary      ground running when they get their first job
                                                                                                       Word, create and format documents, apply
     and start your career in the legal services    as a legal professional or help boost those
                                                                                                       advanced formatting features, and use mail
     field. The Norwalk Community College           who may already be working in a law office
     Continuing Education Legal Secretary           but want to gain more skills. Students will
     Certificate Program is designed to start       receive a certificate after attending, complet-    Prerequisite: Computer Basics, Intro to
     you on the road to career that is both         ing and passing the following four courses:        Windows or equivalent experience. Students
     rewarding and challenging. The program                                                            should be familiar with using both a keyboard
                                                    • Understanding Administrative Procedures
     is designed to provide students with the                                                          and mouse.
                                                       in the Legal Environment
     basic skills they need to work in a private                                                       CRN 7811                       3 Sessions
                                                    • Introduction to Legal Concepts for the          COMP D5590 Section 01          LRON
     law firm, corporate legal department or           Legal Secretary                                 Thursday 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 10/1/2020
     government law office. These courses are
                                                    • Microsoft Word                                  Tuition: $179
     designed to prepare students to hit the                                                           Instructor: Judith Puchalski, M.B.A.

     Note: Students need to register early, and have the correct software for online classes.

 6                                                                                          Course Delivery Methods see page 1
MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016                               MICROSOFT POWERPOINT                              INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING
      Whether you are developing a house-                 Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to              *This course is also available as a Credit
      hold budget, analyzing portfolio returns,           deliver professional presentations and            Division class. Prices may vary.
or calculating mortgage payments, Microsoft        slide shows in any setting, from the board-       This course covers Fundamentals of program-
Excel 2016 is an indispensable tool for orga-      room to the Internet. With its formatting and     ming and program development techniques.
nizing, analyzing and reporting complex data.      multimedia tools, PowerPoint is a powerful        Topics include data types, functions, storage
Excel’s powerful analytical tools will enable      tool when preparing business proposals,           class, selection, repetition, pointers, arrays,
you to build complex models, analyze sce-          winning sales presentations and effective         and file processing. Programming laboratory
narios, and solve problems with ease. In this      educational aids. Students are introduced to      projects in a closed laboratory environment
course, students will create and edit various      formal presentations, complete with graphics,     are supervised by the instructor. Three hours
types of spreadsheets, formulas, and charts.       and smart-art charts. Students will receive an    lecture; two hours of laboratory.
Advanced features such as scenario building,       in-depth understanding about the difference
goal seeking and pivot tables are introduced,                                                        Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra
                                                   between animations and transitions. This
along with many of Excel’s powerful built-in       hands-on course links state-of-the-art tech-      CRN 5943                       ONLINE
                                                                                                     COMP D5117 Section 03B         Begins 8/26/2020
functions.                                         nology along with an online syllabus to give      Tuition: $819                  Text Add’l
Prerequisite: Basic computer skills and work-      students the support, skill, and confidence       Instructor: Patrick Cassidy
ing knowledge of Windows                           that is needed in developing these skills
CRN 5982                       6 Sessions
                                                   beyond the classroom.
                                                                                                     PROGRAMMING MOBILE DEVICES I
COMP D5591 Section 01          LRON                Prerequisite: An understanding and working
Monday 6:00PM-9:00PM           Begins 9/14/2020    knowledge of computer skills and a basic                 *This course is also available as a Credit
Tuition: $349                                      knowledge of Windows.                                    Division class. Prices may vary.
Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.
                                                   CRN 7812                       6 Sessions         The course will introduce students to the
                                                   COMP D5851 Section 01          LRON               various platforms in use on small and mobile
ADVANCED EXCEL 2016                                Tuesday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 9/22/2020
                                                                                                     devices. Platforms will include Apple iPhone,
                                                   Tuition: $349
       Microsoft has equipped the latest           Instructor: Joseph Aveni, MEd.                    GoogleAndroid OS, Microsoft Windows Mobile,
       versions of Excel with some amazing                                                           OracleJ2ME and others. Students will create
“Power” features. In this Advanced Excel 2016                                                        applications for each platform using special-
                                                                                                     ized development environments. Three hours
course, students will learn how to use the
most important of these industrial-strength                                                          of lecture and two hours of laboratory.

tools: specifically, Power Query (also known                                                         Prerequisite: Students must have taken Intro
as Get & Transform), Power Pivot, and Power                                                          to Programming
BI Desktop The course includes a review of                                                           CRN 7369                       ONLINE
Excel’s database features such as pivot tables,                                                      COMP D5107 Section 01B         Begins 8/26/2020
the VLOOKUP function, and the INDEX/MATCH          INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT                        Tuition: $759                  Text Add’l
combination. Students will also learn how to       PROGRAMMING                                       Instructor: Thomas Duffy
use Excel’s new formatted tables and slicers              JavaScript is a powerful programming
and how to take advantage of macros and the               language built into every Web browser.
Visual Basic for Applications programming
                                                   In this course, students examine the latest
                                                   JavaScript language features, including: syn-
CRN 6809
COMP D5269 Section 01
                               6 Sessions
                                                   tax and conventions, data types, operators,          Programming
Monday 6:00PM-9:00PM
Tuition: $349
                               Begins 10/26/2020
                                                   functions, closures, objects, timers and event
                                                   handlers. The development environment                Certificate
Instructor: Richard Malloy, M.B.A.                 will use “open source” tools including: Visual
                                                                                                         Those who have mastery of computer
                                                   Studio Code, Notepad++, jQuery, and jsHint.
                                                                                                         programming are in demand in the
                                                   Students will review best programming prac-
QUICKBOOKS-PRO 2018                                                                                      business world. In this certificate pro-
                                                   tices and focus on learning to avoid common
                                                                                                         gram, individuals will learn how to use
        Students will learn how to master this     pitfalls as well as developing strong thinking
                                                                                                         a variety of programming languages for
        powerful and flexible management tool      and debugging skills. This is a “hands on”
                                                                                                         business management needs.
for small business accounting and bookkeep-        course. It is based on a series of increasingly
ing needs. With QuickBooks, most routine           challenging exercises in which students will          Required Courses:
operations can be automated, enabling the          learn to translate specifications and require-          • Introduction to Programming with
manager, bookkeeper, or accountant to keep         ments into efficient and working code. There              C#. Net-Visual Studio 2013
vital financial information at his or her fin-     is no textbook for this course. Readings from           • Introduction to Software
gertips. Students will learn accounts payable,     freely available Web sources will be assigned.            Application Development Using C#
accounts receivable, report writing, and how       No previous programming experience is
                                                   required. This course is a prerequisite for             • Introduction to JavaScript
to reconcile bank statements.
                                                   JavaScript Applications.                                  Programming
Prerequisite: Computer Basics, Intro to Win-
                                                   CRN 7094                       6 Sessions               • JavaScript Applications
dows, or equivalent experience.
                                                   COMP D5216 Section 01          LRON
CRN 3572                       6 Sessions          Wednesday 6:30PM-9:30PM Begins 9/9/2020
COMP D5437 Section 01          LRON                Tuition: $349
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM        Begins 9/12/2020    Instructor: Michael Behar, Ph.D.
Tuition: $389
Instructor: Cheryl McGuire, M.B.A.

                                                                                                               See page 39 for Registration Form    7
PYTHON I                                         WEB DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN I                          INTERNET COMMERCE
       This course will introduce students              *This course is also available as a Credit
       to the basics of Python. Python is               Division class. Prices may vary.                    *This course is also available as a Credit
an interpreted, object-oriented high level       This course provides the entry into the fast               Division class. Prices may vary.
programming language, which has recently         moving website development industry. With           This introductory course covers the current
become a popular tool in industry and in         its heavy hands on mode of delivery, students       technologies supporting today’s Internet com-
academia. Python can be used for creating        will learn XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and       merce initiatives and the business rationales
Windows, UNIX and Mac applications, from         be exposed to JavaScript. Adhering to stan-         for conducting commerce via electronic rather
simple console and web-based to elaborate        dards, specifically from the World Wide Web         than traditional means. Some of the technol-
graphic interfaces for video games. Python       Consortium (W3C) and the European Com-              ogies explored in the course include payment
standard packages such as Numpy, Scipy and       puter Manufacturers Association (ECMA), will        systems, web server tools, and security
Scikit-learn offer a range of modern methods     play a dominant role in the creation of web         systems.
for big data analysis and constantly expand      pages that are both platform and browser
their capabilities. As Python is free to use                                                         Prerequisite: Eligiblity for English 101
and open source, it can be a valuable tool for                                                       CRN 7370                      ONLINE
                                                 Prerequisite: Basic computer functionality          COMP D5204 Section 01B
students curious about the inner workings of
                                                 CRN 5028                       LRON                 Begins 8/26/2020
the data mining/machine learning methods.                                                            Tuition: $599                 Text Add ‘l
                                                 COMP D5028 Section 01B
The ability to understand big data process-      Saturday 10:00AM-2:45PM        Begins 8/29/202      Instructor: Patrick Cassidy
ing is becoming necessary for many careers,      Tuition: $764                  Text Add’l
from computer programming to business            Instructor: Ryan C. Fisher
managing. In this project-based course stu-                                                          INTERNET PROGRAMMING HTML I
dents will explore applications of Python for                                                              This is course provides the entry into
data analysis and computer-aided decision                                                                  the fast-moving web site development
making. Step-by-step instructions will be
provided for each project. Examples will be         Web Design                                       industry. With its heavy hands-on mode of
                                                                                                     delivery, students will start off learning HTML,
taken from Robotics, Finance and Business,
Economics, Operations Research, Financial
                                                    Certificate                                      the language of the Internet. In the process,
                                                                                                     students will work with various HTML editors
Modeling, Engineering, Mathematics, Biology           The demand for individuals who can             and web page development software pack-
and Physics. The concepts of machine learn-           design for the World Wide Web (WWW)            ages. The course is rounded out by a thorough
ing algorithms and big data analysis will be          is continuing to grow dramatically.            coverage of ISPs and domain name registry,
introduced.                                           This certificate program will provide          publishing requirements and issues in web
Prerequisite: Basic programming skills (in any        you with the tools you need to enter           site maintenance.
languages) are required.                              this expanding and exciting industry.          CRN 7814                      8 Sessions
CRN 6268                      6 Sessions                                                             COMP D5224 Section 01         ONLINE
                                                      Required Courses:                              Begins 9/1/2020
COMP D5102 Section 01         LRON
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM       Begins 9/12/2020        • Web Development & Design I                   Tuition: $399
Tuition: $349                                                                                        Instructor: Kerry Cramer
                                                      • Web Development & Design II
Instructor: Nadia Udler, M.S.
                                                      • Introduction to Programming
                                                                                                     INTERNET PROGRAMMING HTML II
PYTHON II FOR MACHINE LEARNING                        • Web Development with PHP
                                                                                                            This course covers intermediate HTML
       This course will start with a review of                                                              and Internet programming topics such
       the basics of Python programming                                                              as form processing, advanced CSS styling,
and object oriented design. Students will be                                                         JavaScript, and multimedia. Practical skills
                                                 XML FOR WORLD WIDE WEB
guided through individual and group projects                                                         in demand by businesses, such as adapting
from machine learning and data science                 *This course is also available as a Credit    sites for mobile devices, search engine opti-
areas that make use of Numpy, SciPy, Pandas,           Division class. Prices may vary.              mization, and web site deployment, are also
Matplotlib, Scikit Learn and other Python        The course builds on students’ knowledge of         covered.
libraries.                                       HTML and JavaScript in the rich world of XML.       Prerequisite: Internet Programming HTML 1
Prerequisite: Python I                           Topics covered include creating well-formed         or equivalent.
CRN 7813                      6 Sessions         and valid XML documents, Document Type              CRN 7815                      8 Sessions
COMP D5101 Section 01         LRON               Definitions (DTDs), namespaces, entities, XML       COMP D5225 Section 01         ONLINE
Saturday 9:00AM-12:00PM       Begins             Schemas, formatting using Cascading Style           Begins 10/27/2020
10/24/2020                                       Sheets (CSS) and Extensible Style sheet Lan-        Tuition: $399
No Class 11/28                                                                                       Instructor: Kerry Cramer
                                                 guage (XSL) and transformations using XSL
Tuition: $349
Instructor: Nadia Udler, M.S.                    Transformations. Two hours of laboratory.
                                                 Prerequisite: Some programming experience
                                                 CRN 5346                       ONLINE
                                                 COMP D5042 Section 01B
                                                 Begins 8/26/2020
                                                 Tuition: $819                  Text Add’l
                                                 Instructor: Wilner Aman

 8                                                                                        Course Delivery Methods see page 1
Computer                                                                                           Specialized
                                                                                                   INTRO TO AUTOCAD I

Please read this important note if you                                                                    This is an introductory course and is of
are taking computer classes.                                                                              particular interest to Architects, Engi-
                                                                                                   neers, Contractors, Cabinet Makers, Landscape
All NCC students including non-credit                                                              and Interior Designers. Topics will include basic
students must use their NetID, also                                                                drawing commands, editing text, and dimen-
referred to as Banner ID, to access col-                                                           sioning techniques. Other areas addressed are
lege computers. Access to new student                                                              layers, user coordinate system, file manage-
accounts may take up to 24 hours after                                                             ment, etc. A PC based student version of the
your registration has been processed.                                                              software is provided for homework. Class
                                               COMPUTER CODING CONCEPTS I                          will be instructed on a PC platform, and MAC
Your NetID is your college network user
                                                                                                   usage is possible but not instructed due to the
name, and it allows you to log on to                 Students will be introduced to basic          different interface. We will be using the current
computers in the library and labs. Your              computer coding and web page devel-           version of AutoCAD.
NetID also gives you entry to http://          opment. Using interactive teaching concepts,, the “portal” entry to          students will learn basic coding language           Prerequisite: Students must be knowledge-
Connecticut Community College online           techniques such as coding syntax, declaring         able in basic computer use.
services: library services, online regis-      variables, control structures, and helpful          CRN 5368                         6 Sessions
tration, academic transcripts, grades,         programming tools. JavaScript will be used to       COMP D5274 Section 01            LRON
                                                                                                   Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 9/9/2020
Blackboard Learn and more.                     demonstrate these techniques, which is very         Tuition: $389                    Text Add ‘l
                                               useful for developing internet. Students will       Instructor: Brad Yonkers,A.S.
Logging On For the First Time:
                                               also be able to learn about possible careers in
• Your NetID is your Banner ID with the       Information Technology.
   @ symbol following the eight numbers                                                            AUTOCAD II
                                               CRN 7816                      8 Sessions
   (i.e. 123456768@student.commnet.            COMP D5018 Section 01         ONLINE                       This course examines all aspects of
   edu). You received your Banner ID when      Begins 9/1/2020                                            a small Cape Cod house design from
   you were admitted/registered AND IT IS      Tuition: $399
                                               Instructor: Kerry Cramer                            conception to all phases of a working drawing
   LOCATED ON YOUR RECEIPT.                                                                        set for construction, including floor plans,
Your initial password is made up of the                                                            elevations, sections and details. The project
following personal information:                COMPUTER CODING CONCEPTS II                         will cover plotting and printing a finished
                                                      Students will expand their coding            drawing, file management, dimension
• The first three characters of your birth                                                        variables, polylines, sketching, generation of
   month (with the first letter capitalized)          knowledge from JavaScript to Java and
                                               continue to develop their coding skills in error    curves, hatching, and editing text and layers.
• The “&” symbol                               handling and exceptions, data structures, and       Participants will also be introduced to blocks
• The last four digits of your Social         object-oriented programming. The instructor         and will be taught to create symbols for
  Security Number (for example:                will provide individual instruction coding          multiple uses.
  Apr&1899)                                    examples and assignments. Testing and debug-        Prerequisite: AutoCad I, Students must be
Non-Credit Students:                           ging techniques and Graphical User Interfaces       knowledgeable in basic computer use. A PC
                                               (GUIs), will be introduced as well. The comple-     based student version of the software is pro-
if you have not submitted your social          tion of this course will prepare the student with   vided for homework. Class will be instructed
security number on your registration           many of the skills necessary to start a career in   on a PC platform, and MAC usage is possible
materials (in the past or currently)           programming development.                            but not instructed due to the different inter-
then you will NOT be able to utilize this      CRN 7817                      8 Sessions            face. We will be using the current version of
initial password and will need to go the       COMP D5019 Section 01         ONLINE                AutoCAD.
Records Office, room E102, with a valid        Begins 10/27/2020                                   CRN 7818                         6 Sessions
photo ID to request a password.                Tuition: $399                                       COMP D5275 Section 01            LRON
                                               Instructor: Kerry Cramer                            Wednesday 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 10/21/2020
The password is case sensitive. You will                                                           Tuition: $389                    Text Add ‘l
be prompted to change your pass-                                                                   Instructor: Brad Yonkers, A.S.
If you need additional assistance to
reset your password, please see the I.T.
office in Room E319 or the Library on
East Campus.

                                                                                                             See page 39 for Registration Form    9
REVIT-3D SOFTWARE                                   Computer                                             INTRODUCTION TO ILLUSTRATOR
       *This course is also available as a Credit
       Division class. Prices may vary.
                                                    Graphics                                                    In this class, the lessons are applicable
                                                                                                                to the Windows version of Illustrator
 This course covers the use of 3-D application                                                           as well the MAC. It will introduce artists
software for the creation of model design.          INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOSHOP                            and graphic designers to the fundamental
Revit architectural software is used i n this                                                            concepts and techniques for using Adobe
                                                           In this class, the lessons are applicable     Illustrator for creating and editing vec-
course. Topics include creation of architec-               to the Windows version of Photoshop
tural floor plans, the basics of creating 3-D                                                            tor-based artwork. Students will learn key
                                                    as well as the MAC. It will introduce students       features of the program including: creating
walls, wall styles, wall modifier styles and        to the basic interface, tools and functions of
object display control. Creating mass models,                                                            and modifying shapes, drawing with the pen
                                                    Adobe Photoshop. Learn about making selec-           tool, coloring objects and using type.
commercial structures and 3-D walk-throughs         tions and using layers to create and modify
using the camera are also covered. Two hours        digital photos and other pixel-based images.         Prerequisite: Students must be comfortable
of lecture; two hours of laboratory.                                                                     using a mouse to navigate an interface, open-
                                                    Prerequisite: Basic experience with personal         ing menus and dialog boxes, saving files, etc.
Prerequisite: Some drafting and/or CAD              computers. Students must be comfortable
experience                                                                                               Please bring a flash drive for saving your files.
                                                    using a mouse to navigate an interface, open-        Students must register at least three days
CRN 7367                                            ing menus and dialog boxes, saving files, etc.
COMP D5051 Section 01B         LRON                                                                      prior to the start of class in order to use our
                                                    Please bring a flash drive for saving your files.    computers.
Monday 6:00PM-9:55PM           Begins 8/31/2020
Tuition: $659                  Text Add’l           Students must register at least three days
                                                                                                         CRN 5977                      6 Sessions
Instructor: John Bermudez                           prior to the start of class in order to use our      COMP D5016 Section 01         NCC Room TBD
                                                    computers.                                           Mon/Wed 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 10/26/2020
                                                    CRN 5068                      6 Sessions             Tuition: $389
CAD MECHANICAL AUTOCAD                              COMP D5103 Section 01         NCC Room TBD           Instructor: Thomas Nackid, M.T.S.C.
       *This course is also available as a Credit   Mon/Wed 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 9/14/2020
                                                    Tuition: $389
       Division class. Prices may vary.             Instructor: Thomas Nackid, M.T.S.C.
The objective of this course is to give the
student a basic understanding of Computer
Aided Drafting using the latest version of Auto-
                                                    INTRODUCTION TO ADOBE
CAD. The student will learn drafting funda-         INDESIGN
mentals for engineering through projects from             In this class, the lessons are applicable
various technical disciplines. Topics include
drawing setup, text, dimensioning, layer-
                                                          to the Windows version of Adobe as well
                                                    the MAC. This course will cover the basics of
ing systems, blocks, printing and plotting,         creating page layout and design, use of the             Student ID and Student Email: Students
orthographic and isometric views as well as         tools and palettes, placing art and text, work-         will need their NCC ID number to access
an introduction to 3-D solid modeling. Upon         ing with the various InDesign features.                 their NCC email for class details.
finishing this course, students should be able
                                                    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Illustrator, Pho-            For more information, visit the following
to prepare drawings in their own engineering
                                                    toshop, or Quark is helpful but not necessary.
disciplines. One hour of class work; four hours                                                             links:
                                                    You must be comfortable using a mouse to
of laboratory.                                                                                    
                                                    navigate an interface, opening menus and dia-
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 101, MAT 136      log boxes, saving files, etc. Bring a flash drive
or with permission of the Department Chair:         for saving your files. Students must register                                  at least three days prior to the start of class in
CRN 7781                                            order to use our computers.
COMP D5106 Section 01B        ONLINE                CRN 5978                      6 Sessions
Begins 8/26/2020                                    COMP D5037 Section 01         NCC Room TBD
Tuition: $649                 Text Add ‘l           Mon/Wed 6:00PM-9:00PM         Begins 10/5/2020
Instructor: Mobin Rartgar Agah                      Tuition: $389
                                                    Instructor: Thomas Nackid, M.T.S.C.

                                                       Computer Graphics Certificate
                                                        Graphic arts are becoming more and               Required Courses:
                                                        more dependent on computer technol-              • Introduction to Illustrator
                                                        ogy. In this certificate program, you will
                                                        develop computer literacy and sound              • Introduction to InDesign
                                                        graphic skills that will open career
                                                                                                         • Introduction to Photoshop
                                                        possibilities in printing companies,
                                                        advertising, publishing and marketing
                                                        companies and service bureaus.

10                                                                                               Course Delivery Methods see page 1
Computer                                              A+ ESSENTIALS
         A+ Certification                     Networking and                                               This course teaches more advanced

       Prep                                                                                                computer repair and maintenance and
                                              Repair                                                begins a more detailed preparation for stu-
                                                                                                    dents who wish to take the CompTIA A+ cer-
  CompTIA is globally recognized for                                                                tification exams. Topics covered will include
  providing industry leading certifications   A+ PC FUNDAMENTALS                                    motherboards, CPU’s and printers.
  that build a solid foundation for careers                                                         CRN 6568                     8 Sessions
  in IT. CompTIA A+ Certification certifies          This is an introductory course designed        COMP D5063 Section 01        NCC, Room TBD
  a student’s understanding of the most              to teach the basics of maintaining and         Tue/Thur 6:00PM-9:00PM       Begins 10/13/2020
  common hardware and software                repairing PC’s. The course will cover the tools       Tuition: $429                Text Add ‘l
  technologies used in business. CompTIA      available to maintain computers such as               Instructor: Keith Weston
  A+ is a powerful credential that helps      Anti-virus, spyware, disk cleanup and more.
  IT professionals worldwide ignite their     Students will also learn how to make basic            A+ PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
  IT career. Students who complete the        repairs and upgrades such as RAM and hard
  A+ Certification go on to become IT         drives. For students preparing for A+ Certifica-            This course teaches the process of trou-
  Support Technicians, Field Service          tion, this is the first class in a series of three,         bleshooting computer issues and solv-
  Technicians, and Technical Support          designed to prepare you for the certification         ing real world repair problems both hardware
  Specialists. Certification exam is given    tests.                                                and software related. Advanced preparation
  though the CompTIA organization.                                                                  for the CompTIA certification exams including
                                              CRN 6872                        8 Sessions
                                              COMP D5059 Section 01           NCC, Room TBD         practice tests is included.
  Required Courses:
                                              Tue/Thur 6:00PM-9:00PM          Begins 9/15/2020      Prerequisite: Completion of A+PC Fundamen-
  • A+ PC Fundamentals                        Tuition: $429                                         tals and A+ Essentials
  • A+ Essentials                             Instructor: Keith Weston
                                                                                                    CRN 6873                     8 Sessions
  • A+ Practical Applications                                                                       COMP D5064 Section 01        NCC, Room TBD
                                                                                                    Tue/Thur 6:00PM-9:00PM       Begins 11/10/2020
                                                                                                    No Class 11/26
                                                                                                    Tuition: $429                Text Add ‘l
                                                                                                    Instructor: Keith Weston

  Course Delivery
  Students need their NCC ID number
  to access their NCC emails to receive
  online classes details.
  Online is asynchronous – No expec-
  tation that class will meet on webEx/
  Teams at the same time. Students can
  do the work any time of day as long as
  they submit it by deadline. Students
  may use discussion board but have a
  range of time to contribute.
  LRON live remote – Students are
  expected to meet together online via
  Web Ex or Teams at the time listed
  on the schedule and also do online
  OLCR – Usually for nearly 100% online
  classes where campus requirement is
  very limited usually to tests or final
  HYBR – Balanced between online and
  in-class instruction and assessment.
  TRAD – The class will meet on campus
  and will list a room number.

                                                                                                             See page 39 for Registration Form   11
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