2017 2018 Student Handbook - Istituto Marangoni

Page created by Leon Thornton
2017 • 2018
Student Handbook
Istituto Marangoni Undergraduate Programmes
in collaboration with the
Manchester Metropolitan University
School London

Language English

Version 01 2017.10.03
1. Istituto Marangoni Mission Statement               4      6.8. Academic and Disciplinary Actions               13
                                                           		      6.8.1. Turn-it-in                              14
2. Equal Opportunities                                4      6.9. Inter-school experience                         14
                                                             6.10. Personal Property                              14
3. Academic Contract                                  4    		      6.10.1. Disposal of student work and records   14
                                                             6.11. Students Complaints and Appeals                14
4. Welcome to Istituto Marangoni                      4    		      6.11.1. Academic Appeals                       14
   4.1. Istituto Marangoni School                     4    		      6.11.2. Complaints Procedure                   14
   4.2. Structure, staff, offices                     4      6.12. Library and IT Facilities                      15
   4.3. Summary of contacts                           5    		      6.12.1. Onsite Facilities                      15
                                                           		      6.12.2. User Names and Passwords               15
5. Resources & services                               5      6.13. Student Intranet (Sinapto)                     15
   5.1. Spaces                                        5      6.13.1. E-mail Accounts                              15
		      5.2.1. London Space Scheme                    5
   5.2. Library resources and services                5    7. Student Voice                                       15
   5.3. External resources                            6       7.1. General Context                                15
   5.4. Exhibition and Shows                          7       7.2. Student representatives                        16
   5.5. Career Service                                7
   5.6. Student Service                               8    Appendix 1:
                                                           Welcome to London, your fashion capitals               17
6. School Regulations                                  8   Living in London                                       17
    6.1. Duties and responsibilities on site           8
    6.2. Student Engagement                            9   Appendix 2:
		       6.2.1. Attendance                             9   Health & Safety: London                                19
		       6.2.2. Self-Directed Study                    9
		       6.2.3. External Support                       9   Appendix 3:
		       6.2.4. Assessment and Reassessment            9   Student Representatives                                23
		       6.2.5. Time management and professionalism    9
		       6.2.6. Engagement with others                 9   Appendix 4:
    6.3. Exceptional Factors                          10   Forms and Templates                                    25
    6.4. Assessment & Award:
		       Undergraduate Programmes                     10   Appendix 5:
		       6.4.1. Assessment regulations                10   Inter-school Experience                                33
		       6.4.2. Progression                           10
		       6.4.3. The role of External Examiners        11   Appendix 6:
		       6.4.4. Re-assessment                         11   Visual Representation of School Regulations            37
         6.4.5. Award and classification
		       of a BA (Hons) Degree                        11   Appendix 7:                                            39
    6.5. Student Learning Experience                  12   Complaints procedures
		       6.5.1. Formative Assessment                  12   Academic appeals
		       6.5.2. Summative Assessment                  12
		       6.5.3. Personal Development Planning         12   Appendix 8:
    6.6. Disability and Dyslexia Policy               12   Glossary of Terms                                      47
    6.7. Expulsion, Withdrawal and
		       Suspension of studies                        13
1. Istituto Marangoni mission                                      It is also agreed by both the School and students that:
                                                                       • The School shall be entitled to make reasonable chang-
    statement                                                              es to the programme of study, facilities and courses be-
                                                                           ing offered at its sole discretion. This discretion shall be
    “To excel as a centre of professional and creative learning            exercised fairly and reasonably and students shall be
    in the fashion field which will nourish international industries       entitled to receive fair and reasonable notice of any such
    through our talented students coming from all over the world.”         changes;
    We strive to achieve this mission by:                              • The academic judgment of the School shall be final and
    1. Offering an extensive and detailed education, which is              binding.
         constantly updated to match the industry demands and
         evolution;                                                    Presence of students and other guests inside the building is
    2. By achieving the highest academic standards with mod-           controlled through the bar-code card reader at the recep-
         ern and dynamic curricula focused on results;                 tion for safety and fire regulations. It is students' responsibili-
    3. supporting and developing the potential of our teach-           ty to make sure their presence is properly marked. A student
         ing and administrative staff, by means of constant and        card is strictly personal and no student should be on the
         punctual training;                                            School premises without it. Alternatively students could use
    4. Placing Istituto Marangoni in the centre of the fashion         the Istituto Marangoni mobile app when signing in or out.
         business culture thanks to our excellent locations in the
         four European fashion capitals;                               For more detailed and up to date information regarding the
    5. Further strengthening the historical and more recent ties       Student Code of Conduct please refer to: http://www.mmu.
         with the most important companies and personalities in        ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/assessment/docs/code-
         the luxury market.                                            of-conduct.pdf

    2. Equal opportunities                                             4. Welcome to Istituto Marangoni
    The School is committed to promoting equality of treatment         4.1. Istituto Marangoni School
    and good relations among its staff and students to create a        Istituto Marangoni London is located in the city's vibrant new
    learning environment within which all members of the com-          creative centre Shoreditch. If you want to breathe the purest
    munity can realise their full potential.                           "made in London" creativity, you simply have to be here.
    The School has implemented policies in relation to race
    equality, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs, age   The School is situated at:
    and gender, to ensure that all aspects of the School’s activi-
    ties are free from unfair treatment or harassment.                 Istituto Marangoni
                                                                       London School
                                                                       30 Fashion Street
    3. Academic contract                                               London E1 6PX

    This is a personal agreement made between “The student             Telephone number: +44 (0) 20 7377 9347
    and the School”.                                                   Email address: london@istitutomarangoni.com
    Simply put, as part of this agreement, the School agrees to
    undertake to teach students and students agree to attend           Opening hours from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm
    and learn in accordance with the Manchester Metropolitan
    University and Istituto Marangoni Rules and Regulations, its       Istituto Marangoni also has schools in Milan, Paris, Florence,
    Academic Regulations, tutor’s guidance and instructions,           Shanghai, Shenzhen and Miami.
    and this handbook.
    Providing that the School receives payment of its stipulated       4.2. Structure, staff, offices
    fees and students obey its rules and regulations, each party       The management of Istituto Marangoni activities is divided
    makes the following commitment to the other.                       into two main branches:
                                                                       • Administration
    The School shall:                                                  • Academics
    • Provide tuition and supervision in respect to the pro-
      gramme of study;                                                 School Director
    • Examine students in respect of that programme of study;          School Director is the highest level at the School and man-
    • Award a qualification in accordance with its academic            ages and supervises the work and activities of all staff,
      judgment in the evaluation of students’ performance on           both administrative and academic. The School Director
      such a programme of study;                                       and the team report to the Headquarters comprising of
    • Act fairly and reasonably in dealing with students in all        Group Managing Director and Group Director of Educa-
      matters.                                                         tion, admissions, sales as well as Group Academic and
                                                                       Student Services departments.
    The Student shall:
    • Strive to achieve and sustain standards of academic per-         The Administrative Team is responsible for the organisa-
      formance as stipulated by the School in respect of the           tional part of programmes, supports the Academic Team.
      programme being followed;                                        It reports straight to the School Director.
    • Observe all of the School’s rules and regulations;
    • Submit to the sole jurisdiction of the Institution in all ac-    The Academic Team is responsible for the quality of the
      ademic matters (Academic judgment cannot be ques-                programmes, continuous improvement, is in charge of
      tioned by students or any other person or body);                 designing, developing and delivering new programmes,
    • Be subject to the authority of the School in relation to all     manages students' academic and pastorial support. Tu-
      matters of conduct and discipline;                               tors and Programme Leaders are members of the Academ-
    • Attend classes and workshops regularly                           ic Team and they report directly to the Director of Educa-
    • Use best endeavours to produce such work as required             tion for education related matters and the School Director
      by the School;                                                   for administrative matters.
    • Apply wholeheartedly to the programme of study;
    • Keep the School informed about any changes of perma-             In each School Programme Leaders directly coordinate
      nent address, address for correspondence, telephone              tutors in terms of the delivery of the programmes, monitor
      numbers and private e-mail addresses.                            processes and procedures to make sure standards and
    • Respect and observe the rights and feelings of fellow stu-       the highest quality is met. Students can refer to their Pro-
      dents, School staff and visitors.                                gramme Leaders for support in their studies or to highlight

issues as well as raise suggestions regarding programme            Programme Leader for:
improvement.                                                       • BA (Hons) Fashion Business
                                                                   • BA (Hons) Fashion Business and Buying
4.3. Summary of contacts                                           • BA (Hons) Fashion Business Communication and Media
                                                                   Sennait Ghebreab
Administrative Team                                                s.ghebreab@istitutomarangoni.com
Please find below a short description and contacts of the
main administrative offices students can refer to.
                                                                   5. Resources & services
Information and Orientation Office
The Information Office provides information on all the Istituto    5.1. Spaces
Marangoni programmes as well as supports future appli-             Istituto Marangoni Schools are designed to provide specific
cants in every phase of the potential student's enrollment.        types of spaces according to the different needs of educa-
The Orientation office offers the possibility to individually      tional activities.
discuss which would be the correct Programme based on              In particular, classrooms are divided into:
the candidate's talents and interests. During an interview,        • theory classrooms: for theoretical lectures;
candidates can present their work or portfolio, especially         • design classrooms: when drawing and designing are the
if they have already attended other schools in the Fashion            core of the lecture;
field.  The Orientation office is also available to support stu-   • pattern-cutting studios: when sewing machines, irons,
dents in finding accommodation.                                       dummies and other features are used for the pattern mak-
london@istitutomarangoni.com                                          ing lectures;
orientation.london@istitutomarangoni.com                           • photo studios: when shootings or photography experienc-
                                                                      es are requested;
Admissions, Marketing and Business Development Office              • computer rooms: when students need to learn / use par-
The Admission Office provides assistance during the Appli-            ticular software;
cation process. It is also in charge of supporting those stu-      • laboratory: where students create or experiment with fab-
dents who want to change Programme or transfer to another             ric manipulations, maquette making, 3D printing,etc;
school at the end of the academic year.                            • student area: where students can relax and get to know
admissions.london@istitutomarangoni.com                               each other better;
                                                                   • private studying spaces for quiet studying.
Careers Services                                                   Moreover all schools have receptions, offices, a library and
Careers Service provides students and graduates with ca-           a cafeteria corner.
reer guidance and practical advice on preparing for job in-
terviews during and at the end of their studies.                   5.1.1. London Space Scheme

Academic Service & Student Support
Academic Services Team is in charge of programme timeta-
bles, exam sessions, assessment deadlines, school regula-
tions as well as students' pastoral support.

Library management and provisions
The Library Service aims to make the learning resources
well managed, relevant, up-to-date and easily accessible
for students and also to support students in the correct use
of these resources and in research practices themselves.

To contact the School Director, please write:
Charlotte Gorse

Academic Team in London
Please find below the main academics contacts students
can refer to.
Director of Education:
Giusi Lara

Quality Assurance Office:

Programme Leaders

Programme Leader for:
• BA (Hons) Fashion Deisgn                                         5.2. Library resources and services
• BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear                              All library items (including books and magazines) are locat-
• BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Womenswear                          ed on the library online catalogue, Heritage Online, where
• BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Accessories                         you can search for them. You can access Heritage Online
• BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Marketing                           via the student intranet. Students can search for books via
Kirsten Scott                                                      title, author or keywords. At the beginning of the academic
k.scott@istitutomarangoni.com                                      year students will be given an induction of the Library Ser-
                                                                   vices. During Library opening hours the Librarian team will
Programme Leader for:                                              be able to facilitate your search.
• BA  (Hons) Fashion Styling and Creative Direction
• BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Visual Merchandising               The primary purpose of the Library is to serve and support
Julianne Lavery                                                    the work of the school’s academic community: the students
j.lavery@istitutomarangoni.com                                     and staff of all taught courses.

The Library has subscriptions to the following online re-

        Bloomsbury   Fashion Central: the Library is subscribed
        to Berg Fashion Library via Bloomsbury Fashion Central.
        The Berg Fashion Library includes 13,000 images, the
        Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, free les-
        son plans, eBooks, reference works, an interactive time-
        line and a new exhibition archive.

    •   Drapers
        	        online: the online version of the indispensible
        magazine, this resource provides fashion news and in-
        sight, seasonal and sector analysis, industry opinion and
        in-depth reports and best practice.

    •   EDITED:
        	        is a retail analytics tool used by buyers, mer-
        chandisers, marketers and strategists to help them get
        the right products, at the right price, at the right time. But
        more than that, it’s become the single biggest source of
        real-time retail data in the world.

    •   Emerald:
        	         this database contains academic articles on
        management and business. The Library subscribes to the
        Marketing Collection and the following two journals: ‘Stra-
        tegic Direction’ and ‘International Journal of Retail and
        Distribution Management’.

    •	Fashion Monitor:   the leading provider of contacts, news and
        events within the fashion, beauty and lifestyle industries.

        Fashion   Theory and Fashion Practice: Fashion Theory
        covers the study of fashion, including aspects from soci-
        ology, art history, consumption studies and anthropology.
        Fashion Practice is the first peer-reviewed academic jour-
        nal to cover the full range of contemporary design and
        manufacture within the context of the fashion industry.

        Marketline:  it has three main coverage areas: company
        profiles, industry profiles and country profiles.
    •   	Vogue Archive: this landmark resource allows access to
        every digitised issue of Vogue (US edition) from 1892 to

        Mintel: the academic channel provides a one-stop on-
        line platform designed to give students and academics
        easy and fast access to the same best-in-class consumer
        and market intelligence as used by professionals around
        the world. Its market sizes channel provides information
        about market sizes, shares and forecasts, brand profiles
        and product innovation, as well as consumer trends and
        their business implications, detailed market data for re-
        search papers and business plans and monitoring of in-
        ternational developments.

        Utelier: is the fashion-manufacturing marketplace, con-
        necting entrepreneurs and businesses with product ideas
        to manufacturers and industry contacts worldwide.

        WGSN:   an exhaustive and market leading complier and
        evaluator of fashion related trends and topics, as well as
        providing market research, industry and consumer analysis.

    •   WWD: Women's Wear Daily brings you breaking news
        about the fashion industry, designers, celebrity trendset-
        ters, and extensive coverage of fashion week.

    For further information please contact the School Librarians
    Martha Bellingham - m.bellingham@istitutomarangoni.com
    Judith Mooney - j.mooney@istitutomarangoni.com

    Open from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 8.00pm, the
    Library contains two printers/photocopiers. In order to print
    and photocopy students will need to pay the Librarians in
    cash beforehand. There are also Mac desktops connected to
    scanners. In addition, hand scanners as well as drawing light
    boxes (both A4 and A3 in size) are available upon request.

Please see below a list of the most relevant and inspiring       and Saturday, 10.00–22.00
collections for Istituto Marangoni students1.                    (Britain) Transport: Pimlico tube (Victoria line)
                                                                 (Modern) Transport: St. Pauls tube (Central line) or Mansion
Libraries                                                        House tube (District and Circle lines)
                                                                 Website: http://www.tate.org.uk/
British Library
Address: 96 Euston Road, NW1 2DB                                 5.4. Exhibition and Shows
Tel. 020-7412 7677                                               Istituto Marangoni sets out to exhibit student work on a reg-
Fax: 020-7412 7794                                               ular basis, both in a traditional format as well as through dig-
Email: reader-admissions@bl.uk                                   ital media. The purpose of exhibiting work is to give visibility
http://www.bl.uk/                                                to the student, the programme and the School as a whole.
                                                                 Therefore Istituto Marangoni at all times reserves the right
National Art Library                                             to be selective in the materials exhibited, produced by its
Victoria and Albert Museum                                       student body, and the method and manner of exhibiting is
Address: Cromwell Road, South Kensington, SW7 2RL                governed initially by the School.
Tel. 020 7942 2400
Fax: 020 7942 2401                                               Selection criteria will guide the committee in the selection of
Website: http://www.vam.ac.uk/page/n/national-art-library/       student work and in general will be based on the following
                                                                 criteria (unless otherwise stated beforehand):
Westminster Reference Library (Art Collection, First Floor)      Quality, currency and appropriateness of work based on
(Westminster Libraries and Archives)                             academic judgment;
Address: St Martin’s Street, WC2H 7HP                            • The Student’s consistent active engagement with their
Tel. 020-7641 1300 (ask for the Art & Design Library)               studies;
Fax: 020-7641 4606                                               • Compliance with the School’s rules and regulations and
Website: http://www.westminster.gov.uk/services/libraries/          attendance requirements.

City Business Library                                            At no time may the student, or another person on behalf of the
Address: Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HH                           student, call into question the decision of the selection com-
Tel. 020 7332 1812                                               mittee or the regulations governing the selection process.
Email: www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/cbl
Website:        http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/corporation/      The decision of the committee is final in all cases. At no time
LGNL_Services/Leisure_and_culture/Libraries/City_of_Lon-         does the School promise to exhibit student work without re-
don_libraries/cbl.htm                                            specting the selection criteria. Exhibition of students’ work
                                                                 (i.e. works of art, artefacts and designs) created in fulfillment
Institute of International Visual Arts Library                   of assessment or other requirements of a School course are
Address: 6-8 Standard Place, Rivington Street, London            regularly exhibited publicly within the School, in galleries,
EC2A 3BE                                                         trade fairs, commercial and professional premises and in
Tel. 020-7729 9616                                               many other venues. This arises on the initiative of either the
Fax: 020-7729 9509                                               School or the students.
Website: http://www.iniva.org/library/visit
                                                                 Istituto Marangoni supports the personal involvement of
Museums                                                          students with their creative works, and seeks to collaborate
Victoria & Albert Museum                                         with them in securing opportunities for the works to be seen
Address: Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL                           by the outside professional and public world.
Open: 10.00 – 17.45 daily, 10.00 – 22.00 on Fridays              The School believes that public and private exhibitions are
Transport: South Kensington tube (District, Circle and Pic-      valuable instruments for developing students’ professional
cadilly lines)                                                   engagement.
Website: http://www.vam.ac.uk/                                   Up to the time of the students’ final academic assessment,
                                                                 the School shall have the final right to decide whether or
Fashion & Textiles Museum
                                                                 not work should be exhibited. During this time, and as a re-
Address: 83 Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3XF
                                                                 quirement of every course, the works may be held in the
Open: Tuesdays - Saturdays, 11.00 – 18.00. Closed Sunday
                                                                 possession of a student but shall be made available to the
and Monday.
                                                                 School when requested with reasonable notice.
Transport: London Bridge tube (Guy’s Hospital exit) (North-
                                                                 Throughout their course, students may have the right to ex-
ern and Jubilee lines)
                                                                 hibit their work outside the School provided they give their
Website: http://www.ftmlondon.org/
                                                                 Programme Leader reasonable notice of their intention to-
                                                                 gether with the details of the proposed exhibition which is
Design Museum
                                                                 approved of by the School.
Address: Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD
Open: Daily 10.00 - 17.45
Transport: London Bridge tube (Northern and Jubilee lines)       A student exhibiting on his/her initiative outside the School
or Tower Hill tube (District and Circle lines)                   will normally be encouraged to do so but the School shall
Website: http://designmuseum.org/                                be entitled to require a student not to exhibit in the following
British Museum                                                   § Where the reputation of the School may be adversely af-
Address: Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DG                  fected, decided by the sole discretion of the School Director;
Open: Daily 10.00–17.30, late openings on Fridays
Transport: Holborn tube (Piccadilly and Central lines) or Tot-   If the work concerned is required by the School for assess-
tenham Court Road (Central and Northern lines)                   ment or other exhibition purposes. Students are entitled to
Website: http://www.britishmuseum.org/                           sell work created within and in association with the School,
                                                                 provided that their School Director agrees that this work is
Tate Britain and Tate Modern                                     no longer required for assessment, exhibition or retention, or
(Britain) Address: Millbank, London SW1P 4RG                     is satisfied that the is still available until the final academic
(Modern) Address: Bankside, London SE1 9TG                       assessment.
(Britain) Open: Daily 10.00–18.00
(Modern) Open: Sunday – Thursday, 10.00–18.00, Friday            Following graduation, student work is normally regarded
                                                                 as the property of the graduate, to be disposed of as he/
                                                                 she thinks fit, except that the School shall have the right to
                                                                 retain any piece of work for up to one year from the date of
1 Please, always verify the opening hours before the visiting.   graduation.

Unless expressly agreed with the School (for example, if the        Istituto Marangoni has worked with some of the top industry
    School commissions work from a student) the intellectual            names internationally as well as developed working relation-
    property rights in work that is the sole creation of the stu-       ships with some of the best new risers and entrepreneurs.
    dent(s), belongs to these student(s). This remains the case,        Here are some of the few companies we have worked with:
    even where the School exercises its option to exhibit or re-        Alexander McQueen, Elle, Tom Ford, YSL, GAP, Browns,
    tain a piece of work.                                               Joseph, Adidas, Dazed, Erdem, Liberty, Sweaty Betty, John
                                                                        Lewish, Burberry, etc.
    5.5 Careers Service
    Innovations in promoting employability and entrepreneurial          5.6. Student Service
    skills of students are enhanced through Careers Services. While     Istituto Marangoni provides Student & Academic Services Spe-
    working closely with the Academic staff and Industry partners,      cialists available to students throughout the year to provide ad-
    Istituto Marangoni provides targeted approaches to career           vice and guidance on any aspects of the School life including:
    development, starting from year one of the students's studies.
                                                                        •  Finding your way around School and the city;
    Recognising the vast importance of this area, the Careers           •  Managing time;
    Services department has developed a range of seminars               • Attendance;
    and workshops to provide extra curricular advice on career          • Exam tips;
    development. These sessions are organised by internal staff         • Exceptional Factors;
    as well as industry and cover areas such as professionalism         • Dealing with stress;
    in practice, industry ready CV and Cover Letter, Interviewing       • Getting the best from the course;
    Skills, Intellectual Property, Personal Branding and Network-       • Understanding and applying the School's rules;
    ing, Social Media and its impact on your Career, Portfolios.        • Complaints and Appeals;
    Compulsory attendance is expected at extracurricular sem-           •	Any other matter regarding situations which could affect
    inars and career service presentation.                                 academic performance.

    Placement activities are supported by the Careers Services          Istituto Marangoni provides two School & Academic Services
    and the department providers additional support facilitating        Specialists both available for undergraduate and postgradu-
    all the compulsory placements embedded in the curricu-              ate students. One to one appointments can be arranged by
    lum. The department provides in-depth information on the            leaving your name on a special form available at Student &
    regulations and legal implications of non-accredited place-         Academic Services Office for the times allocated below:
    ments and works closely with the Admissions Department to           Monday: 2.15pm - 4.00pm
    provide the latest information for UK and International stu-        Tuesday: 11.00am - 3.15pm
    dents (EU and non EU).                                              Wednesday: 2.15pm - 4.00pm
                                                                        Thursday: 11.00am - 3.15pm
    At present our undergraduate course students have the op-           (Slots can be reviewed)
    tional Sandwich Year placement (36 weeks)

    Having structured placements, which are course accredited           6. School regulations
    and graded, contributes to the importance and implications
    of the work-based learning and enhance our student's pro-           All students studying at Istituto Marangoni must comply with
    fessional approach. The details of the placement, its defi-         Manchester Met regulations that can be found at: http://
    nition and the role of the Careers Services is described in         www.mmu.ac.uk/students/ Important aspects of these regu-
    more detail in the Placement Handbook.                              lations that students should be aware of are to do with:
    The compulsory placements provide a direct and continual            • Student Engagement
    relationship with our industry partners and with that collabo-      • Exceptional Factors
    ration students' employability is increased. Students are en-       • Assessment Methods
    couraged to address each opportunity and consider and re-           • Disability and Dyslexia Policy
    flect on their experience, study background as well as future       • Students Conduct and Misconduct
    career goals in tailoring each application. Career Services         • Awards and Classifications
    work closely with the Academic Staff in managing industry           • Personal Property
    expectations and priorities, by their ability to provide tailored   • Interruption
    recruitment approaches using a pre-screening process. In            • Withdrawal, Suspension and Expulsion
    addition to this recruitment methodology, the students are
    encouraged to research other recruitment platforms and in-          It is student's responsibility to refer to the Manchester Met's
    itiate their own networking opportunities, making use of the        documents and follow any updates mentioned above.
    platforms offered in the Istituto Marangoni and via external
    bodies and competitions, to identify and address placement          6.1. Duties and responsibilities on site
    and employment opportunities.                                       Students must be aware of all School rules and responsi-
                                                                        bilties. The responsibility for following the class regulations
    Careers Services staff regularly undertake industry network-        includes turning off mobile phones, abstaining from talking
    ing initiatives, visits and along with an extensive database        during lessons and keeping appointments with the schools
    provide strong mechanisms for ensuring up-to-date oppor-            staff and tutors.
    tunities for placements as well as graduate jobs.                   Students should respect the school’s building. In case of
                                                                        any damage students will be asked for compensation.
    Symplicity                                                          Smoking is not allowed on the premises. Students that are
    Careers Service has recently introduced an online platform ca-      caught violating the schools rules inside the school may be
    reer Network (SYMPLICITY), ensuring tailored placements and         subject to disciplinary action (refer to point 7.10). For breaking
    jobs are promoted to the existing students and Alumni. Our          the non-smoking regulation in public spaces the transgressor
    ability to reach wide number of students under one platform         will be charged with the fines set by the national authorities.
    enables us to be a leading School in promoting employability
    for our students, regularly offering competitive opportunities.     For security reasons and in compliance with the local laws,
                                                                        students can access the School buildings only by showing
    Each student and Alumni has its own unique password                 their own student card, which has to be swiped at the en-
    protected access. When student logs in to the Symplicity            trance and exit, in the bar-code readers provided.
    platform, they are able to create their own profile (similar        Should the student forget his card, the reception staff can-
    to Linkedin), schedule appointments with Careers Services,          not allow him into the building. In case of loss, the student
    access resource page with guidance materials as well as             can ask for a duplicate of the student card.
    apply for opportunities suitable for their programme.               From the second duplicate request on, the student will be
    Previous Industry Experience                                        charged with a 10 GBP administrative fee.

It is recommended to download an Istituto Marangoni mo-           the right to be informed about student engagement.
bile app that can also be used as a student ID card.              Start of academic year or term.
In order to keep students, their belongings and the schools       Students failing to attend during the first two weeks of aca-
resources safe at all time we request not allowing entering,      demic year or term will be reported to the UKVI.
or encouraging the entry, of non-students onto the premises
without expressed permission.                                     Unauthorised Student Absences
Likewise no students can bring animals onto the school.           Students who miss 5 consecutive lessons will be contacted
                                                                  requesting a valid explanation for their absences.
6.2. Student Engagement                                           If a student is absent and does not notify the institution and
In accordance with Istituto Marangoni and Manchester Met          misses 10 consecutive expected contact points (including
regulations, students are required to actively engage, in a       lessons, tutorials, workshops, tests, exams and meetings)
consistent manner, with the course that they have enrolled        and cannot substantiate genuine reasons for absence (with
on. Failing to respect these regulations student will be pe-      documentary evidence), action will be taken. In accord-
nalised.                                                          ance with the UKVI guidance, Istituto Marangoni will decide
                                                                  if an absence is authorized or not.
Istituto Marangoni supports student engagement in a num-
ber of ways:                                                      6.2.2. Self-Directed Study
                                                                  As with all study at Higher Educational Level, student learn-
•  through pre-entry and induction information, activities and   ing is the responsibility of the individual student. Students
    processes that are designed to ensure that students are       will be required to study by them selves, without supervi-
    familiar with the requirements of their course and know       sion, as part of their learning.
    how to access facilities, services and support;               Self-directed study may be home work such as reading and
• through high quality teaching and learning experiences;        producing essays and practical work as well as personal
• through high quality course-related learning resources and     research visits i.e. library, museums and galleries etc, this
    support materials;                                            work is not optional and plays a significant role in student
• through a range of academic and welfare support services.      engagement.

Please note that non-engagement might result in suspen-           6.2.3. External Support
sion or even withdrawal from the school (see 6.7).                Students that are studying practical subjects such as Fash-
                                                                  ion Design or Styling often, when appropriate may elicit
6.2.1. Attendance                                                 support from professionals in practical areas. Students are
Attendance is expected throughout the course. As our              responsible for correct negotiation and time management
courses cover the practical subjects missing class can have       of external work and there must be transparency when sub-
consequences on student learning and eventually assess-           mitting work for assessment what areas of work have been
ment and progression. Compulsory attendance is expected           produced externally. Students might be asked to produce
at extra-curricular seminars and career services presenta-        time sheets, costing sheets, contracts and production
tions. A register is taken in each class session.                 scheduling as part of an assessment as a demonstration of
                                                                  committed engagement.
This data will be considered when monitoring student en-          Please, note: it is not allowed that tutors work externally in
gagement. A student is considered present only if s/he is         any capacity for students as this would have a conflict of
present for the complete duration of a lesson. Failing to at-     interest.
tend a lesson in its entirety (i.e. being late or leaving the
class before the end of the lesson) will be considered as an      6.2.4. Assessment and Reassessment
absence. Tutors cannot allow students to leave class before       Assessment and Reassessment can be delivered in many
the lesson’s end without cancelling their registration.           forms. For example: portfolio of studies, reflective journal,
                                                                  etc. All students must actively engage with their assessment
Attendance below 80% will be considered as non-engage-            preparation and delivery. Details of the assessments can be
ment. Students are responsible for informing the School of        found in the Unit Handbook.
any unforeseen circumstances preventing their attendance
of a scheduled class by emailing:                                 6.2.5. Time management and professionalism
attendance.london@istitutomarangoni.com                           Time management is a skill that is required by all areas of
Details of:                                                       fashion industry. As it is one of our aims to produce industry
• Compulsory subject specific attendance                          professionals at the highest level we require a demonstra-
• Compulsory formative assessment                                 tion of this essential skill.
•	Compulsory group Work
will be outlined in the Unit Handbook.                            Lateness for classes, tutorials, workshops, exam sessions,
                                                                  hand-ins and any other appointments deemed necessary
Students can be administratively withdrawn from the School        by the School will be viewed as "unprofessional behaviour".
based on non-engagement and / or if s/he withdraw herself/        In contemporary teaching methods the first few minutes of
himself and the School is not responsible or bound to refund      a lesson is often used to outline a plan of the lesson, there-
fees in these circumstances.                                      fore it is essential that all students arrive in a timely matter.
Remember that withdrawal from classes could have an ad-           Failing to arrive on time the student will be marked as absent
verse impact on the student loan status and subsequent re-        and might be excluded from the session.
payment obligations, for which the School will not have any
responsibility.                                                   6.2.6. Engagement with others
International students are responsible for maintaining a          Whilst studying students must engage with their peers, aca-
satisfactory attendance record and for meeting the require-       demic and support staff as well as industry professionals in
ments of their Visa (as stipulated by the UK Visas and Im-        an appropriate and professional manner.
migration); Under UKVI regulations, the School is legally         At times, because of the nature of the subject area, students
obliged to monitor and report to the UKVI:                        may find it challenging to accept criticism of their work in a
- students who do not attend;                                     constructive manner. Learning to listen, accept and react
- students who do not comply with the UKVI’s requirements;        accordingly is a professional skill that needs to be attained.
- students who make themselves unavailable.                       When staff constructively comment and give essential feed-
                                                                  back on student work it must no be seen as “personal” and
In case of students requiring a visa to study in the UK, the      appropriate student respect and engagement with others is
School is legally bound to notify the Authorities in case of a    essential.
poor attendance. For more information please contact Ad-          For more detailed information and any up-date of this reg-
missions Office.                                                  ulation please refer to: http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/
Please, find below a summary of cases in which UKVI has           casqe/regulations/assessment/docs/ug-regs.pdf

6.3. Exceptional Factors                                          6.4. Assessment & Award: Undergraduate Programmes
     By Exceptional Factors it is meant serious illness or other
     exceptional and unpredictable cause of absence that may           6.4.1 Assessment regulations
     generate a negative effect on the student’s academic per-         This chapter refers to BA (Hons) Degrees.
     formance concerning his/her attendance or evaluation.             The assessment scheme for a unit shall comprise of an ap-
                                                                       proved combination of summative assessed elements and
     Individual Exceptional Factors are conditions that tempo-         shall be determined with respect to the learning outcomes
     rarily prevent the student from carrying out the work as-         of that unit.
     signed or significantly impair the student’s performance for      All elements of summative assessment within a unit shall be
     an assessment: as such, the measure of seriousness of the         marked out of 100.
     Exceptional Factors does not affect the student, but rather       The weighted average mark for the unit shall be calculated
     penalizes his/her understanding and assessment.                   from the marks for the individual elements of summative as-
     Everyday life presents difficulties and issues that cause mi-     The weighted average mark for the unit shall also be ex-
     nor seasonal illnesses with which the student has to cope         pressed as a mark out of 100, in accordance with the mark-
     during his/her studies as they can also occur in the work-        ing scheme below, making explicit reference to descriptors
     place or at home. It is advisable that the student takes ap-      employed to denote achievements within one of the grading
     propriate measures in order to alleviate the effects of such      bands:
     minor seasonal illnesses, since such events will not be ac-
     cepted as valid Exceptional Factors.
                                                                        Mark     Outcome     Descriptor (to achieve
     If students do not consider themselves capable of judging if
                                                                                             the banding on the left)
     the events that occurred may be accepted as valid Excep-
     tional Factors, they may consult Student & Academic Ser-           0-29     Fail        Learning outcomes have not been
     vices Specialists or the Director of Education of their School.                         achieved

       Exceptional Factors are         Exceptional Factors are          30-39    Fail        Marginal Fail
       (for example)*:                 not (for example)*:                                   Some learning outcomes but not
       Serious illness/ injury/        Time management                                       all have been achieved at threshold
       hospitalisation                 problems (missing                                     level
       Bereavement (Close              deadline, oversleeping)
       relative)                       Non-availability                 40-49    Pass        All Learning outcomes have been
       Victim of a Crime               of books or other                                     met at a minimum level.
       Court Attendance                resources
                                       Loosing coursework               50-59    Pass        All Learning outcomes have been
                                       Financial problems                                    met at an adequate
                                       Moving houses, family
                                                                        60-69    Pass        All Learning outcomes have been
                                       celebrations, medical
                                                                                             met at a very good level
                                       appointments, holidays
                                       or other events that you         70 -     Pass        All Learning outcomes have been
                                       have control of                  100                  achieved at an excellent level
                                       Postal problems
                                       Work Commitments
                                       Misinterpretation of the        6.4.2. Progression
                                       exam timetable or unit          Students’ progression through a programme shall be de-
                                       brief                           termined by their performance and engagement during the
                                       Colds, Headaches and            course and summative assessment.
                                       other minor conditions          Any work submitted after the deadline specified shall be
                                       Daily transportation            marked as 0%,unless the student has received an approved
                                       problems                        application for exceptional factors. Non-submission of as-
                                                                       sessed coursework within the absolute deadline shall indi-
                                                                       cate non-engagement with assessment (see chapter 6.2).
     * Please note that the above lists are not exhaustive.            Students shall receive compensated passes in whole units
                                                                       up to a total value of 30 credits at levels 4, 5,6 where they
     Please note that students must take first possible opportuni-     achieve a weighted average mark in the Marginal Fail cate-
     ty to inform the School about those issues.                      gory (30% to 39%) for the summative assessment(s) within
      In order to make a claim, a student has to fill out an Excep-    that unit.
     tional Factors form (see Appendix 4.4) and hand it in to the      The weighted average mark shall take into account the in-
     Student & Academic Services Office.                               dividual weightings of each element of assessment includ-
                                                                       ed within it in order to ensure that a student who achieves
     The deadline for handing in the Exceptional Factors form          a threshold pass has demonstrated all unit-learning out-
     can be found in the Student Academic Calendar.                    comes.
     In relation to all assessment, claims must be submitted prior     Students who receive a a compensated pass in a unit shall
     to the submission date for the assignment. Exceptionally,         be granted the credits associated with the unit. The mark
     where the reason is acceptable to the Exceptional Factors         that is recorded for the unit shall, however, be the actual
     Panel explaining why a student was not able to submit by          mark achieved
     the deadline indicated above, submission may be accepted          Condonement shall be applied only once per academic
     up to a maximum 5 working days beyond the original sub-           year.
     mission date. Retrospective claims for previous assessment        Normally if a student has more than one grade in the margin-
     periods will be rejected. A claim of Exceptional Factors can      al fail range, only the highest one will be condoned.
     only be submitted in relation to the assessment period in         Please, find in Appendix a visual representation of the con-
     which they occurred. A new claim must be submitted for            donement application.
     each period of assessment affected. Students will receive         For more detailed information and any up-date of this regu-
     a written notification whether or not the claim has been ac-      lation please refer to:
     cepted within 5 working days.                                     http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/as-
     If it is accepted, appropriate arrangements will be made.         sessment-regulations.php

     For more detailed information and any up-date of this reg-        6.4.3. The role of External Examiners
     ulation please refer to: http://www.mmu.ac.uk/sas/student-        Manchester Met and Istituto Marangoni appoint External Ex-
     services/guidance/                                                aminers to:

•  ensure fair and equitable assessment of the work of the        sessment rule application.
   individual student;                                            For more detailed information and any up-date of this regu-
• ensure that the standard of the University’s awards is          lation please refer to:
   maintained;                                                    http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/as-
• ensure that the assessments with which they are con-            sessment-regulations.php
   cerned are carried out in accordance with the Assess-
   ment Regulations;                                              6.4.5. Award and classification of a BA (Hons) Degree
• contribute to the quality assurance of the School's pro-        To qualify for the award of a Bachelor’s degree with Honours,
   grammes                                                        students must achieve passes or condoned passes in whole
Every taught course/programme which leads to Manchester           units to the required credit value at each of levels 4, 5 and 6.
Met award is required to have in place at least one Subject       To qualify for the award of a Bachelor’s degree at the Pass
External Examiner, to ensure that correct procedures have         level (a Pass Degree), students must meet all of the follow-
been followed relating to decisions made by assessment            ing requirements:
boards on results and awards. This is so that the Manches-        • achieve passes or compensated passes in whole units to
ter Met and Istituto Marangoni can comply with The Quality            the required credit value at each of levels 4 and 5;
Assurance Agency expectation in the UK Quality Code for           • achieve a mark of 40% or higher in at least 60 credits at
Higher Education.                                                     Level 6;
                                                                  • achieve the programme learning outcomes;
Istituto Marangoni External Examiners are:                        • satisfy the overall requirements for a Pass Degree (that are
                                                                      set out in the programme specification).
BA (Hons) Fashion Design - Theresa Parker
BA (Hons) Fashion Business - Cassandra O'Connor                   Calculation of the Final Grade
BA (Hons) Fashion Styling - Jacqui McAssey                        The classification that is awarded to a student shall be de-
                                                                  termined by applying whichever of the two classification
Students must not contact External Examiners directly.            methods set out below is more beneficial to the student:
6.4.4. Re-assessment                                              1. Method1: Weighted average classification:
Students shall always be required to undertake re-assess-         The classification shall be determined according to an over-
ment in units in which they have not achieved a weighted          all weighted average mark (M), which shall be calculated for
average mark of at least 30 in levels 4, 5 and 6.                 each student based on a contribution of 25% of the weight-
Where a student does not achieve the weighted average mark        ed average from units at level 5 combined with 75% of the
that is required to secure a pass in a unit and cannot be con-    weighted average from units at level 6. The resulting overall
sidered for compensation, s/he shall be re-assessed only in       weighted average, expressed as a mark out of 100, shall
those elements of assessment within a unit that s/he has failed   then be applied to the following classification table to deter-
Students shall have an automatic right to one opportunity of      mine the class of degree to be awarded:
re-assessment in a unit. Students may also have a second           Overall weighted aggre-         Honours Classification
reassessment opportunity but this shall however be condi-                                          to be awarded
                                                                   gate mark (m)
tional upon the student engaging fully with the first reassess-
ment opportunity and/or securing approval for non engage-          M = 70 – 100%                   First class
ment from the relevant Exceptional Factors Panel
                                                                   M = 60 – 69%                    Class Two, Division One
Where students fail in up to and including 90 credits in a
standard academic period for the course on which they are                                          (Upper Second)
registered, they may be re-assessed between the end of             M = 50 – 59%                    Class Two, Division Two
that standard academic period and the beginning of the                                             (Upper Second)
next, as long as the relevant unit assessment board deter-
mines that that the necessary access to facilities and/or sup-     M = 40 – 49%                    Third Class
port can be provided
Where students fail in more than 90 credits in a standard ac-     2. Method 2: Profiling Classification:
ademic period for the course on which they are registered,        The classification shall be determined with reference only to
they will be required to be re-assessed with attendance in        the marks in level 6 units, according to the following classi-
the next standard academic period.                                fication table:
Where in-year assignment recovery is available within a unit,       Credit profile (from 120 at   Together Honours
students at level 4 who fail to achieve a mark of 40% for an        level 6)                      with a      classification to
element of assessment – including marks of 0 for non-sub-                                         minimum be awarded
mission - may be permitted to undertake in-year assignment                                        mean
recovery prior to the Unit Assessment Board, subject to the                                       mark in
scheduling of the original assessment.                                                            level 6
Where a student elects to make use of in-year assignment
                                                                                                  units of
recovery, the mark for any re-submitted element of assess-
ment shall be used only where the Unit Assessment Board                                           study
confirms an overall fail mark in that unit. In such cases, the     At least 60 credits             68%           First Class
re-submitted element of assessment shall be classed as a           with marks ≥ 70%
first reassessment and the unit mark capped at 40%.                At least 60 credits             58%           Class Two,
The decision on whether to make use of in-year assignment
                                                                   with marks ≥ 60%                              Division
recovery to redeem failure is entirely at the discretion of the
individual student.                                                                                              One (Upper
More information can be found at http://www.mmu.ac.uk/                                                           Second)
academic/casqe/regulations/iyar-students.php                       At least 60 credits             48%           Class Two,
Should a student select not to use in-year assignment recov-       with marks ≥ 50%                              Division Two
ery s/he will undertake first reassessment between the end                                                       (Lower Second)
of that standard academic period and the beginning of the
next, as states above.                                             At least 120 credits            40%           Third Class
                                                                   with marks of at least 40%
A student who has failed any individual unit is entitled to
repeat that unit with attendance on one occasion only.            A student who does not qualify for the award of a Bachelor’s
Students who have a re-sit opportunity during the following       degree with Honours may, once s/he has exhausted all of
academic year are the sole responsible of contacting and          the re-assessment opportunities to which s/he is entitled, be
keeping in touch with the school in order to be informed          awarded a Pass without Honours, as long as all of the follow-
about dates fixed for the re-sit and the related submissions.     ing requirements are met:
Please, find in Appendix a visual representation of the re-as-    (i) the student must have been assessed in whole units to

the value of 120 credits at level 6;
     (ii) the student must have achieved passes in whole units to         6.5.3. Personal Development Planning
     the value of 60 credits at level 6.                                  Personal Development Plan (PDP) is “a structured and sup-
     For more detailed information and any up-date of this reg-           ported process to develop the capacity of individuals to re-
     ulation please refer to: http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/              flect on their own learning and achievement, and to plan for
     casqe/regulations/assessment/docs/ug-regs.pdf                        their own personal and educational career development.”
                                                                          All students are required to participate in PDP. It consists of
     6.5. Student Learning Experience                                     an individual tutorial and a PDP form that should be filled out
     Formative and Summative Assessments and the Personal                 by students beforehand.
     Development Planning, with their feedback, are fundamen-
     tal to students’ progress.                                           Students need to prepare themselves for this tutorial through
     Feedback is a productive and useful part of the learning ex-         a reflective survey of their learning journal, which is support-
     perience.                                                            ed and guided by a set of questions related to your existing
     It is essential that for students to “look beyond a grade”.          skills and strengths:
     Feedback at the end of a unit should say three things:               • Where am I now?
     • confirm what have been learned;                                    • Where do I want to get to?
     • identify areas for improvement;                                    • How can I get there?
     • suggest ways of improving.                                         • How will I know once I have gotten there?
     Feedback comes in many different forms during student's
     education. For this reason it is essential that all students take    You will then be assisted in determining your development
     full responsibility in recording and monitoring of both grades       needs and setting some development goals.
     and feedback in all its forms.                                       The headings you will typically find in a PDP reflect this, and
     Feedback comes in many different forms during your edu-              allow you to refine your thinking further.
     cation and it is important that it’s acted upon.                     • Target date - when you expect to achieve your aims or
     The Learning Journal is the instrument is required to be built          objectives.
     for this purpose.                                                    • Aims - what you want to achieve.
     This is to support “student focused learning” and empower            • Objectives - smaller goals for each aim.
     to take the responsibility to record, reflect, assess and mon-       • Tasks or How I will achieve the objective – the details of
     itor learning and professional direction while on our courses.          what you need to do.
     The following areas should be included in the journal:               • Success measures - how you measure the improvement
     • Formative Assessment, student notes;                                  or achievement.
     • Summative Assessment, Unit Feedback sheet;                         • Outcomes - what actually happened.
     • Personal Development Plan;                                         • Achievement date - when it was achieved.
     • Any significant information given by Academic Staff;               • Next steps - what you need or want to do next.
     • Notes from any meetings concerning career and placement.           • Comments - anything you want to say that doesn’t fit any-
                                                                             where else.
     The above list is not exhaustive.                                    • PDP review date - when you will check all of your goals
     Tutors and other member of staff may ask to see your Jour-              and achievements.
     nal at any time during your studies.
     This is in order to help monitor your learning and progres-          Success in achieving these goals will be determined in a
     sion with your studies.                                              variety of ways:
                                                                          • through your studies;
     6.5.1. Formative Assessment                                          • through extra-curricular activities etc.
     Formative assessment informs both teachers and students
     about the student understanding and learning progression             With the support of the Key Tutor (a tutor assigned to a
     before summative assessments.                                        group of students to discuss their PDPs), students will be
                                                                          able to recognise and record these successes, setting fur-
     These formative assessment situations and feedback may also          ther goals as required.
     give students an opportunity to learn to critique the work of oth-
     ers. The School at this point will not record the actual grades.     In the case of Sandwich courses, the placement tutor will
                                                                          give added support in the career development discussions
     Some of the instructional strategies that will be used forma-        during this year.
     tively include the following:
     • Criteria and goal setting: asking students to participate          At the end of the course you are given the opportunity to
        in establishing what should be included in the criteria for       meet with the School Career Services Manager and discuss
        success;                                                          your future employment goals.
     • Self and peer assessment: with peer evaluation, students           Please refer to the Student Services office for details.
        see each other as resources for understanding and check-
        ing for quality work against previously established criteria;     6.6. Disability and Dyslexia Policy
                                                                          If a student has a disability, medical condition, or specif-
     For example, Fashion Design students are advised to in-              ic learning difficulty, we strongly encourage to contact the
     clude in the journal their own notes about constructive criti-       Learning Disability Tutor. The appointment should be made
     cism expressed by tutors from different subject areas on the         by email during the designated time.
     work presented during fittings.
                                                                          This is in order to offer a confidential and friendly service
     6.5.2. Summative Assessment                                          which offers a range of support, including:
     Summative Assessment evaluate student learning, by relat-            • Referring students who think that they might be dyslex-
     ing to established marking criteria. Summative assessments              ic for diagnostic assessments with an Educational Psy-
     can occur during, as well as at the end of, each unit and               chologist;
     concentrate on specific evidence of student work, such as:           • Monitor Progression
     • Portfolio of evidence;                                             • Develop a study plan
     • Coursework;                                                        • Advising on specialist equipment and technology;
     • Written Reports (essays, journals, etc)                            • Formalizing appropriate arrangements.
     • Formal Examinations;                                               If you suspect that you might be dyslexic but have not been
     • Oral and visual Presentations;                                     diagnosed, the SEN tutor can help you getting your diag-
     • Projects.                                                          nostic assessment and applying any recommendations. In
     Students will be able to access their feedback sheets, indi-         order to book an appointment, please sen an email to: sen.
     cating grade and examination procedures.                             london@istitutomarangoni.com
     This can be discussed with the tutor when necessary.                 For more detailed information and any up-date of this regu-

lation please refer to:                                              As long as the source of the ideas is acknowledged, this is
http://www.mmu.ac.uk/sas/studentservices/learner-devel-              not plagiarism.
opment/disclosing-disability.php                                     There are different ways of doing this, for example:
                                                                     • In an essay or assignment, when quoting another person’s
6.7. Expulsion, Withdrawal and Suspension of studies                   words “put their words in quotation marks” and properly
Full Manchester Met regulations regarding expulsion, with-             reference the author within the text and in the bibliography;
drawal and suspension can be found at:                               • In computer software show where the information has
http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/as-                    come from in the acknowledgements or credits, e.g. ‘pro-
sessment-regulations.php                                               gramme design – A. Brown’, or ‘graphics – J. Smith’;
Istituto Marangoni has in place a range of policies for stu-         • When using an artefact, put a caption against the object,
dents who due to unforeseen circumstance cannot continue               e.g. ‘original photograph by Cartier-Bresson’;
with their studies.                                                  • If presenting an original piece of work based on an ex-
                                                                       isting design or work of art, quote the source, e.g. ‘after
Withdrawal at the request of the student                               Rodin’, ‘after Eckersley’;
Students wishing to interrupt their studies are strongly ad-         • If using a strategy of ‘appropriation’ (i.e. the deliberate
vised to discuss the matter with the Programme Leader or               and conscious use of the style and images of another art-
staff member. This informal conversation aims to identify any          ist) make sure you tell your tutors what you are doing and
other possible solutions.                                              why and acknowledge the strategy when submitting work
Programme Leaders will also be able to guide students                  for assessment;
through all of the steps and refer the student to the most           • In a group project make sure all the members of the group
appropriate department. If student decides to withdraw, a              are listed. If individuals undertake specific work within the
meeting with the Student Services Office must be held.                 project, make sure that this is acknowledged;
If the student holds a Tier 4 Visa, the Admissions Manager           • In examinations do not copy another person’s work. Do
will attend the meeting too and explain to the student their           not quote passages from a textbook or journal without ac-
duties according to the UKVI guidance. The outcome of the              knowledging the source.
meeting will be recorded in writing and signed by IM and             Please refer to the Harvard Referencing System booklet
the student (a copy for each). A student must also fill out a        (can be found in the library) for the correct guide.
‘withdrawal form’ (please, se appendix 4.2) and present it
immediately after the meeting.                                       Failure to acknowledge the use of another person’s ideas
                                                                     in your work may be considered a breach of the Schools’
Withdrawal/ Suspension of the student                                Academic Regulations; it may also constitute a breach of
If a student is identified as not being able to successfully         intellectual property rights, e.g. copyright. Such an offence
complete the programme (receive a pass mark) the student             is likely to lead to failure of that assignment and/or unit and
may be withdrawn by the institution. The institution however         serious or repeated offences may lead to failure of the whole
might consider re-admitting the student upon completing              stage of the course, suspension or even expulsion.
the enrolment procedure again.                                       In addition a breach of copyright may lead to legal action.

The decision will be finalized by taking into consideration          Penalties for plagiarism and collusion
a number of factors covering overall level of engagement             If plagiarism has been identified by a tutor and appropriate
with studies: failure to attend lecturers or other timetabled        evidence has been delivered to the Students’ Service Office
elements of the programme; failure to submit work for form-          , the penalties will be applied as follows
ative and summative assessment. Please refer to section 7.2
Student Engagement                                                   At Level 4:
                                                                     1. First offence if the plagiarism is not extensive - up to
For more detailed information and any up-date of this regu-              20% of the assignment: the student should have a meet-
lation please refer to:                                                  ing with programme leader who will serve as help and
http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/as-                      explain why the student has been suspected of pla-
sessment/docs/withdrawal-suspension.pdf                                  giarism. The assignment should be marked as normal
                                                                         and the mark should not be capped. However the issue
6.8. Academic and Disciplinary Actions                                   should be recorded.
Academic Misconduct refers to any form of academic                   2. First offence - but greater than 20%: a written warning
cheating and collusion.                                                  and a mark ‘0’ for the element.
Examples include:                                                    3. Second offence: further warning and mark ‘0’ for the el-
• Plagiarism (presenting the work of others as if it were your           ement (only if the first offence was not extensive)
  own);                                                              4. Third offence: mark ‘0’ for the unit
• Submitting assignments downloaded from the internet;               5. For any subsequent offence: mark ‘0’ for all the units that
• Commissioning another person to produce a piece of                     student has taken so far at that level.
  work without acknowledgement;                                      Resit marks to be capped at a pass grade.
• Cheating in examinations;
• Colluding with others to submit work (including friends or         At Level 5 and 6
  family).                                                           1. First offence - not greater than 20%: maximum mark of
                                                                         40% for that element
Plagiarism is the most common form of cheating and is                2. First offence greater than 20%- a mark ‘0’ for the ele-
defined as stealing another person’s ideas and presenting                ment of the assessment
them as though they were your own.                                   3. If there is previous evidence of plagiarism and collusion
Some examples include:                                                   at lower levels- mark ‘0’ for the whole unit
•	Copying from a textbook, journal article, thesis, essay or        4. If student has already been penalized on the same level
   website without providing adequate reference to the author;           – mark ‘0’ for all units the student has taken so far at that
• Reproducing original artwork, designs, film, sound or perfor-         level. Resit marks to be capped at a pass grade.
   mance and presenting them as though they were your own;
•	Copying someone else’s programme, database, web-                  For detailed regulation please go to:
   page or multimedia presentation without acknowledging             Undergraduate
   their work.                                                       http://www.mmu.ac.uk/academic/casqe/regulations/as-
Throughout studies, students will be encouraged to refer-            sessment/docs/appendix_5_plagiarism.pdf
ence the work of other artists, writers, designers or perform-
ers in their work using the Harvard Referencing System.
Tutors will expect to find reference to the sources of their ideas   6.8.1. Turn it in
in supporting documentation, such as sketchbooks or initial          Turn it in is a web-based plagiarism prevention system that
drafts. This is an essential and valuable part of your education.    scans students’’ work for evidence of plagiarism. It access-

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