Vegetarian nourishment in school meals and their relationship with the child nutritional status

Page created by Arnold Osborne
Saúde e Pesquisa
                                                                       DOI: 10.17765/2176-9206.2021v14n3e9445
                                                                                             e-ISSN: 2176-9206

  Vegetarian nourishment in school meals and their relationship
                with the child nutritional status

   Alimentação vegetariana na merenda escolar e sua relação com o estado
                            nutricional infantil

Elen Lúcia Bagatini Saud Ferro1, Luciana Mateus de Aquino2, Isabela Barbosa de Paula
Sandoval2, Claudia Haddad Caleiro Pereira1, Marina Garcia Manochio-Pina3, Carolina
                                 Cristina de Freitas1
      Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion, Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN), Franca SP Brazil.
                Undergraduate Course, Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN), Franca SP Brazil.
     Department of Nutrition, Course of Nutrition. Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN), Franca SP Brazil.

             *Corresponding author: Elen Lúcia Bagatini Saud Ferro - E-mail:

        Evaluate the reflex of vegetarian nourishment in the nutritional status of children from a private
        school that adopts such food in the lunch; check the opinion of parents and children about the
        institution's menu. The nutritional status was obtained through the Body Mass Index and the
        parents' opinion about the meal through a questionnaire. The nutritional value of the menu was
        obtained using the DIET PRO 5®️ software. Students' opinions about school meals were obtained
        through a hedonic scale. It was observed inadequacy in all macro and micronutrients, on at least
        one day of the week. Meals were well accepted by the children, 75% of whom had normal weight.
        87% of families thought vegetarian lunches were a good idea; 3% had the opposite opinion and
        10% were indifferent. Despite the good acceptance of vegetarian meals and the predominance of
        eutrophy, the professional monitoring is important, avoiding possible nutritional deficiencies.
        Keywords: Diet. Nutritional Status. School Feeding. Vegetarian.

        Avaliar o reflexo da alimentação vegetariana no estado nutricional de crianças de uma escola
        privada que adota tal alimentação na merenda; verificar a opinião dos pais e das crianças sobre o
        cardápio da instituição. Obteve-se o estado nutricional através do Índice de Massa Corpórea e a
        opinião dos pais sobre a merenda através de questionário. O valor nutricional do cardápio foi
        obtido através do software DIET PRO 5®. Obteve-se a opinião dos estudantes sobre a merenda
        através de escala hedônica. Observou-se inadequação em todos os macro e micronutrientes, em ao
        menos um dia da semana. As refeições eram bem aceitas pelas crianças, das quais 75%
        apresentaram eutrofia. 87% das famílias achavam a merenda vegetariana uma boa ideia; 3%
        tinham a opinião contrária e 10% eram indiferentes. Apesar da boa aceitação da merenda
        vegetariana e predominância da eutrofia, o acompanhamento profissional é importante, evitando
        possíveis deficiências nutricionais.
        Palavras-chave: Alimentação escolar. Dieta vegetariana. Estado nutricional.

                                                                                 Received in October 13, 2020
                                                                               Accepted on December 02, 2020

                         Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

INTRODUCTION                                               In the last ten years, the popularity
                                                   of the vegetarian diet in the Western world
        The practice of vegetarianism is not       has increased, including among children. In
something of the current times, since              2018, a survey by the Brazilian Institute of
ancient times this diet has been mentioned         Public Opinion (IBOPE) revealed that
by philosophers such as Plato and                  almost 30 million Brazilians declared
Pythagoras. The term “vegetarian”                  themselves vegetarians, which corresponds
appeared only in the 19th century, being           to 14% of the Brazilian population. In
associated with several health benefits.1,2        Canada, data from 2002 revealed that 4% of
        Vegetarianism is a dietary pattern in      adults opt for vegetarianism, and in the
which all types of meat are excluded from          USA, 2% of the population aged 6 to 17 are
the individual's diet and which encompasses        vegetarians.5,6
a set of spiritual and environmental beliefs               For     the    American      Dietetic
and attitudes, as well as health and moral         Association (ADA), the American
concerns.3      Furthermore,      vegetarian       Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the
practices are much more plural and are             Canadian Pediatric Society (SCP), a
based not only on restricting the                  balanced vegetarian diet for children and
consumption of certain foods, but also on          adolescents is capable of promoting
encouraging the consumption of other               adequate growth and development.
products than those of animal origin.3             Children are more vulnerable to developing
        There are several types of variants        nutrient deficiencies, so they should be
within vegetarianism, the most common              properly monitored and supplemented when
being:     ovolactovegetarianism,       wich       necessary, since the risk is higher due to the
includes eggs, milk and cheese in the diet;        smaller variety of food groups consumed.
lactovegetarianism, whose adepts do not            The absence of consumption of animal
consume eggs, but do ingest milk and dairy         foods and dairy products contributes to
products, ovovegetarianism, which allows           lower intakes of iron, vitamin B12, calcium
the consumption of eggs, but not dairy             and zinc. In general, the energy value of
products, vegetarianism, which does not            vegetarian diets is lower, as well as the
allow the consumption of animal products,          proportion of saturated fats per meal. The
and veganism, which, besides prohibiting           fiber, fruit and vegetable content is
animal derived foods, excludes from the            higher.7,8
individual´s habits other products of the                  As children spend a lot of time at
same origin, such as clothes, cosmetics,           school, the meals taken there can provide
etc., in addition to suggesting that its           them with well-being during this period,
practitioners do not attend any amusement          with the main objective of partially
environment at the expense of animal               supplying their nutritional needs, besides
exposure.4                                         improving their learning capacity, reducing
                                                   dropout, and helping them to form healthy

                      Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

eating habits, and vegetarian preparations            stadiometer, was carried out with the
are being offered more and more at school.9           children barefoot and without unadorned
        Thus, the present study aimed to              (hat, cap, barrettes, etc.). The weight was
evaluate the impact of vegetarian food on             established using a calibrated scientific
the nutritional status of children from a             scale, on which the students were also
private school that adopts such food in its           placed without shoes and wearing light
lunch and to verify the opinion of parents            clothes. Both equipments were arranged in
and children on the institution's menu.               a plan local. These procedures followed the
                                                      guidelines contained in the Technical
METHODOLOGY                                           Standard of the Food and Nutrition
                                                      Surveillance System (SISVAN), of the
        A cross-sectional research was                Ministry of Health.10
developed with 68 children of both genders,                    In order to know the parents' opinion
aged between 2 and 5 years, who attended,             about the food offered at school, they had to
in 2019, a full time private school in the            answer a questionnaire containing multiple
interior of São Paulo that uses the                   choice and open questions about their
vegetarian diet as standard in the school             children's food at home and about what they
lunch offered. Authorization from the                 thought about the vegetarian diet and its
educational institution was requested for the         offer of this in school lunchs, the
research to be conducted there, and after             questionnaire was sent to the parents
approval by the Research Ethics Committee             through their children.
- CEPE of the University of France, under                      For the analysis of the nutritional
protocol CAAE n° 08122219.3.0000.5495                 value of the meal offered, the institution's
and opinion n° 3.804.788, those responsible           weekly menu was analyzed, which was
for the children signed a Free and Informed           prepared by a nutritionist who provided
Consent Form authorizing their children to            assistance on the school once a week.
participate on the research before data               Regarding the quality, was considered the
collection was carried out. The children also         preparations that were actually offered to
signed an informed consent form,                      the children, as the menu sent by the
confirming that they were willing to                  nutritionist suffered changes at the time of
participate in the study. Data collection with        preparation, mainly due to the lack of some
students was carried out at the institution           foods, which were not purchased by the
itself during the interval of school activities,      institution. As for the quantities, was
being carried out individually and in a               followed the recommendations determined
reserved place, so that there would be no             by the professional. The nutritional value
embarrassment. The nutritional status of the          was calculated using the DIET PRO 5®
participants was evaluated by calculating             software. To verify the nutritional balance
the Body Mass Index (BMI), so the children            of the menus offered, the data obtained were
were weighed and measured. The                        compared to the recommendations of the
measurement of height, was used a                     Ministry of Education, which follows the

                        Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

indications of the following agencies: FAO                 performed using the GraphPad Prism 5.0
(2001) for energy; World Health                            software.
Organization (WHO / 2003) for
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids and                     RESULTS
Dietary Intake Reference (DRI) for fibers,
vitamins and minerals. Were analyzed:                              Were evaluated 68 children, 44.1%
energy      value,      proteins        (PTN),             (n = 30) were female and 55.9% (n = 38)
carbohydrates (CHO), lipids (LIP), calcium                 male. It was found, through the analysis of
(Ca), sodium (Na), vitamin A (Vit.A), folic                BMI / age, that the vast majority of
acid (Ac. Folic), iron ( Fe), Vitamin B12                  respondents (75%, n = 51) presented
and zinc. In order to know the students'                   eutrophy, as shown in Figure 1, which also
opinion about the meal, a hedonic scale                    shows the nutritional status of children
questionnaire was used.                                    categorized by sex. The number of
        To define the parametric or                        eutrophic individuals was significantly
nonparametric nature of the statistical                    higher (p
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

        Despite the higher positive indexes         however, for 32.3% (n = 22) only by the
related to the vegetarian diet, when asked if       consumption of meat and other animal
anyone in the family or a child was                 products, the nutritional requirements
vegetarian, it was found that only 8.82%            would be achieved. The proportion of
followed the diet, and these found were all         parents who believed that the vegetarian
from male sex (n = 6).                              diet achieves the children's nutritional needs
        When questioned about the                   is significantly higher than the proportion of
inclusion of the vegetarian diets in school         parents who had the opposite opinion or
meals, 86.76% (n = 59) of the families              were indifferent (33.0%); (p
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

Table 1. Children's food preferences with regard to school meals in the opinion of parents
                                 Acceptance Ratio
                                                                               %             N
 CARBOIDRATES                                                                 39,7           27
 Rice                                                                         29,6            8
 Potato/puré                                                                   26             7
 Pasta                                                                        18,5            5
 Bread                                                                        18,5            5
 Crumbs                                                                        3,7            1
 Cake                                                                          3,7            1
 VITAMINS AND MINERALS (FRUIT)                                                14,7           10
 Banana                                                                        50             5
 Pineapple                                                                     20             2
 Apple                                                                         20             2
 Watermelon                                                                    10             1
 VITAMINS AND MINERALS (VEGETABLES)                                           14,7           10
 Salad (greens)                                                                50             5
 Tomato                                                                        20             2
 Vegetables in general                                                         10             1
 Aubergine                                                                     10             1
 Broccoli                                                                      10             1
 ANIMAL PROTEIN                                                               10,3            7
 Eggs                                                                         85,7            6
 Yogurt                                                                       14,3            1
 VEGETABLE PROTEIN                                                             1,5            1
 Soy                                                                          100             1
 All                                                                          11,7            8
 I Don't Know                                                                  7,3            5

         It should be noted that the most                       Regarding        the      children´s
mentioned food group was carbohydrates,                preferences outside school, it can be seen in
with the emphasis on rice, followed by                 Figure 2 that, according to the parents, the
mashed potatoes. In second place were                  food preferred by the children at home is
vitamins and minerals, which obtained a                meat (red and chicken), followed by sweets
total of 29.4% (n = 20) of preference, 14.7%           and in the same proportion by eggs and
(n = 10) for fruits and 14.7% (n = 10) for             stuffed cookies. The vegetable proteins
vegetables and greens. Among the fruits,               mentioned (soy and soy-based beverages)
the children's favorite was the banana (50%,           were in the last positions.
n = 5). Among vegetables, 50% (n = 5)                           The analysis of the menu offered by
preferred, according to those responsible,             the researched institution showed that the
greens. Animal protein (eggs and milk                  diet offered to all students, called by the
products) was mentioned more (10.3%, n =               institution as vegetarian, was in fact
7) than vegetable protein, as only 1.5% (n =           ovolactovegetarian. Chart 1 shows the
1) alluded to it. The other guardians claimed          details and menu per capita prepared by the
not to know or that the child liked                    nutritionist.
everything that was served at the institution.

                        Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

                                                66,2% 83,8%
                                                                          Natural Juice
                                  88,2%                                   Artificial Juice
                              86,7%              61,7%
                                                                          Milk and dairy
                             85,3%                78,0%
                                               82,3%                      Soy
                     33,8%             85,3%                              Soy based drinks

                              Figure 2. Children´s Preference Outside School.

Chart 1. Menu and per capita prepared by the institution's nutritionist

* PVT: Textured Vegetable Protein; ** Gluten: dough prepared with flour and water

                         Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

Chart 2. Menu observed during the research
                          Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday               Thursday             Friday
                                             Vitamin                                                          Apple
                       Milk powder/                      Watermelon     Powdered milk/
                                            powdered                                                    Powdered milk /
    Breakfast         chocolate Bread                  Powder Milk/Co    chocolate milk
                                          milk/mammon                                                   chocolate Bread
  07:15 to 08:10      with margarine                       chocolate    Homemade bagel
                                           Carrot cake                                                  with margarine
                        Watermelon                     Bread with Guava     Papaya
                                             Banana                                                          Banana
                            Rice               Rice                Rice                  Rice
                           Beans               Beans         Beans Strogonofe           Beans
                                                                                                         *Gluten with
      Lunch            Boiled cassava       Mini-quiche          de *PVT              Gratinated
                                                                                                         tomato sauce
  10:15 to 11:15       Simple omelet        Vinaigrette       Straw potatoes           potatoes
                     Lettuce and tomato     Potato salad       Lettuce salad          Tomatoes
                                                                                                         Lettuce salad
                            salad            with egg          Orange beet           Chicory salad
 Afternoon snack        Bread with          Bread with          Apple and             Bread with              Toast
        1               margarine           margarine          oatmeal cake           margarine        Fruit Vitamin with
  14:30 to 15:50         Yogurt           Pineapple juice         Yogurt              Lemonade                 beet
 Afternoon snack
                           Apple              Papaya               Banana               Apple               Papaya
     2 16:30
* PVT: Textured Vegetable Protein; ** Gluten: dough prepared with flour and water.

        Due to the short time between                         full-time education should be met by school
breakfast and lunch, the fruit that should be                 meals17. However, it was observed that all
served in the collation was served together                   the nutrients analyzed (macro and
with breakfast. Regarding the nutritional                     micronutrients) on at least one day of the
value, the Ministry of Education                              week, were not compliant with the
recommends that 70% of the daily                              Ministry's recommendations, as shown in
nutritional needs of children enrolled in                     Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison of the nutritional value of the preparations observed with the nutritional value
recommended by the FNDE and the DRI's
         Nutrients         CHO       PTN        LIP          Na       Fe       Ca       Vit. A       Vit.    Zn
                            (g)       (g)       (g)         (mg)     (mg)     (mg)      (mg)         B12    (mg)
 Days of Week                                                                                       (mcg)
 Monday                   130,07     27,72    44,24      1616,96 4,12       465,73 0               0,422,12
 Tuesday                  167,92     22,60    79,78      1678,31 5,61       246,31 140,24          0,092,01
 Wednesday                154,87     43,96    20,64      632,91    4,09     802,87 22,81           0   1,80
 Thursday                 91,25      12,22    6,53       707,13    3,61     119,72 0,96            0   1,64
 Friday                   164,92     29,20    30,71      1196,54 4,91       416,06 60              0   2,11
 Total of the week        709,03     135,7    181,9      5831,85 22,34 2050,7 224,01               0,519,68
 Weekly average           141,80     27,14    36,38      1166,37 4,46       410,13 44,80           0,101,93
 Recommendation           114,9** 21,9** 17,5** 1000** 4,9** 350** 210** 0,63**                        2,1**
 1-3 years*
 Recommendation           154,4** 29,7** 23,8** 1200** 7,0** 560** 280** 0,84**                        3,5**
 4-5 years*
* Source: Dietary Intake Reference (DRI) / American Institute of Medicine (IOM), 1997 - 2000 - 2001: Vitamin
B12. FNDE - Guidance manual for school meals in early childhood education, elementary school, high school
and education of young people and adults: other nutrients. ** Values corresponding to 70% of daily

                          Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

        In the case of macronutrients,             all days of the week for children over 4
carbohydrate (CHO), for example, was               years old, as well as vitamin A (Vit. A),
inadequate, on all days, with regard to the        vitamin B12 (Vit. B12) and zinc (Zn). In the
recommendations for children between four          case of Calcium (Ca), there was adjustment
and five years of age, were below the              in only one day of the week. Regarding to
recommended values. For children between           younger children, Iron and Zinc were
1 and 3 years old, only on Thursday, the           adequate in two days, while Vitamin A, the
values were below the recommendations.             fact did not occur any day of the week and
        Protein (PTN) was below the                Calcium was in accordance with the
recommendations on four days of the week           recommendations in three days.
for children aged 4 to 5 years and only on                  The study also analyzed the
Thursday for younger children. It drew             acceptance of the preparations by children
attention, the amount of protein offered on        and it is observed in Table 3 that, in general,
Wednesday, which corresponded to                   all preparations were well accepted. The
practically twice the recommendation for           one with the highest acceptance rate was the
children aged 1 to 3 years. As for lipids,         fruit vitamin (97.05%, n = 66), followed by
intended for this public, there was an             papaya and gluten with tomato sauce (a type
inadequacy on all days, and only on one day        of pasta prepared with white flour and
the values were lower, while on the others         water) which had the same acceptance rates
days there was exceeded the recommended            (95.58%, n = 65). Papaya also figured as the
values. For older children, there was also an      fruit preferred by children. The least
offer below the recommendations, but on            accepted food was bread with guava, which
two days.                                          was rejected by 69.11% (n = 47) of those
        In regard to micronutrients, it is         surveyed.
noted that only sodium (Na) remained                        Six foods were below the percentage
adequate on most days observed, exceeding          considered as positive for the acceptability
the recommendations only on Monday and             test determined by the Ministry of
Tuesday.                                           Education: bread with guava, powdered
        The amount of Iron (Fe) offered in         milk with chocolate, banana, PVT
the menu was below the recommended on              stroganoff, watermelon and apple.11

                      Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

Table 3. Acceptance rates of the preparations offered
                            Acceptance              Low acceptance              Good acceptance
                                                    (hated/disliked)            (loved it / liked it)
 Preparation                                       %                n            %               n
 Papaya                                            4,41            3            95,58            65
 Watermelon                                       18,75            12           81,25            52
 Apple                                            18,75            12           81,28            52
 Banana                                           27,94            19           72,05            49
 Milk (powder)/chocolate                          36,36            24           63,63            42
 Fruit Vitamin                                     2,94            2            97,05            66
 Mini Kebab                                        9,09            6            90,90            60
 Carrot Cake                                       6,03            4            93,93            62
 Bread with Guava                                 69,11            47           30,88            21
 PVT stroganoff                                   22,05            15           77,94            53
 Bread with Margarine                             13,23            9            86,76            59
 Gluten with tomato sauce                          4,41            3            95,58            65

DISCUSSION                                              diet did not interfere in the physical
                                                        development of the studied children, which
        In general, the vegetarian diet,                contradicts the results of the present study.14
especially when it is followed by children,                     Children who are raised on healthy
causes doubts and discussions. The                      vegetarian diets have a reduced risk of
nutritional analysis verified a high                    developing heart disease, cancer, obesity,
percentage of eutrophic children (75%, n =              diabetes and other conditions, and often
51), rates higher than those obtained by the            find it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Food and Nutritional Surveillance System -              They also have less problems with acne,
SISVAN19 in Brazil in 2019, which                       allergies, and gastrointestinal problems than
obtained 62% for such classification and                their peers who eat animal products. This
30.84 % of overweight, a value also higher              type of diet, when carefully implemented,
than that verified in the present study                 can result in a normal child development. 15
(23.52%, n = 16). The same occurred with                        Regarding the parents' opinion
the study conducted in the interior of São              about the inclusion of the vegetarian diet
Paulo, which obtained 43% of excess                     offered to the surveyed children and its
weight in children up to 4 years of age.12,13           nutritional factor, it was observed that most
        These results prove that the                    of them were favorable, especially when the
ovolactovegetarian diet can contribute                  focus of the diet was on the adult
positively in the fight against overweight,             population. However, most of them, as well
since the aforementioned studies were                   as their children, did not follow the diet at
conducted in schools that offered                       home. It was also observed that at home, the
conventional school meals. In a study                   children´s favorite food of children,
conducted with 32 vegetarian children aged              according to their parents, was meat
2 to 10 years, the authors concluded that the           (88.2%). Soy, a food commonly used in

                        Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

vegetarian diets to replace animal protein,          nutritionally rich and varied diet, which is
as it has a biological value close to animal         adequate and attractive.19
protein, meeting protein needs effectively,                   A cross-sectional study carried out
ranked the last position both in the                 through a literature review, which aimed to
preference at home and in school meals. In           evaluated the food intake and nutritional
a study conducted with students from a               status of vegetarian children and
school in Rio Grande do Sul that evaluated           adolescents, concluded that the beneficial
the acceptance of soy-based foods during             effects of the vegetarian diet reported in the
school lunches, they obtained a good                 literature were: higher fiber intake,
acceptance. When well seasoned and                   magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, among
properly prepared, soy-based preparations            others. However, the risk of possible
have a good acceptability and can be                 nutritional deficiencies in an unbalanced
included in school meals. However, for               vegetarian diet, due to the absence of
some people, the taste of soy is the main            nutrients, should not be underestimated,
obstacle to greater intake, but if it is             therefore, it must be carried out in a planned
introduced early, the acceptance of this food        manner and with appropriate supplements,
tends to increase, as the child will be already      if necessary.16, 20
used to it and will not be surprised.16,17,18                 Regarding the consumption of rich
        Since      energy      and     nutrient      iron foods, a cross-sectional study with 22
requirements are higher in relation to body          children concluded that a vegetarian diet in
weight during growth, babies, children and           childhood increases the risk of iron
adolescents are particularly vulnerable and          deficiency, despite the high intakes of
are at a greater risk of nutrient inadequacy         vitamin C, which can lead to the
than adults. In addition, some of these              development of anemia, which is highly
potential critical nutrients have a particular       prevalent among schoolchildren, being
importance during youth, for example, the            considered a public health problem.20
dietary protein wich provides the amino                       The vegetarian diet can bring
acids necessary for the body´s protein               several benefits to human health, including
synthesis during growth, and the production          for children, being considered an alternative
of other nitrogenous compounds, such as              to change habits for this purpose. However,
some hormones or neurotransmitters. Iron is          it also important to emphasize the need for
also essential for the growth and                    guidance for the population that practices or
development of the central nervous system,           is interested in adopting vegetarianism
particularly during the first year of life, due      without the risk of developing nutritional
to its role in myelination, neurotransmitter         deficiencies. The nutritionist is the health
function or, hippocampal endritogenesis.             professional qualified to prescribe diets
Thus, the adoption of a vegetarian diet in           with the objective of health promotion and
school meals for children, should consider           the adequacy to individual needs of all
important factors, aiming to avoid                   macronutrients, micronutrients, and energy,
nutritional risks, by providing a                    without the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

                       Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

Despite this, in the present study, 11.5% of         on restrictive philosophies with regard to
the parents reported that it was unnecessary         the products of animal origin, include in
to have lunch monitoring and menu                    their administrative routine evaluation and
prepared by a nutritionist.21,22                     systematic monitoring of the nutritional
         It was observed in the study, that the      status of students, especially with regard to
institution had some difficulty in naming            iron, since children and adolescents are at
the diet offered, called by them as                  higher risk due to age and diet. 24
vegetarian, when in fact it was an                           In the case of the present study, it is
ovolactovegetarian diet. The confusion is            noteworthy that, when observing the
justified due to the wide variety of dietary         distribution of meals, it was noted that the
practices that the term vegetarian can               quantities of some foods offered were lower
encompass. The authors emphasize the                 than recommended, in addition, children
importance of knowing the individual's               also did not eat the whole portion offered of
dietary intake to classify it and not only take      some foods, which can cause an intake even
into account the way the diet calls itself. 23       lower than calculated.
         Nutritional inadequacies in the                     There is yet another aggravating
preparations offered in school meals are             factor, which is the fact that the menu
quite common, as evidenced by a study that           calculated by the nutritionist undergoes
verify an energy deficient diet, not reaching        changes at the time of preparation, mainly
70% of the recommendations for the age               due to the non-acquisition of some
group       surveyed.    Another       research      ingredients and, with that, having its
conducted in Rio Grande do Sul, which                balance changed. The analysis of 210
introduced preparations based on Textured            menus from municipal schools in Belo
Soy Protein on the menu of a school with an          Horizonte also detected nutrients alterations
omnivorous diet, it also found that, with            in 79% of the menus that were actually
regard to the amount of macronutrients, the          served in relation to the menus planned by
preparations      did     not      meet     the      nutritionists. The main causes for such
recommendations of the National School               changes, according to the authors, are: lack
Feeding Program.17                                   of ingredients, the low acceptance of certain
         Concerning to vegetarian food, the          preparations, the use of ingredients close to
problem is even more serious, as, as                 the expiration date, the lack of pre-
observed in the present study, practically all       preparation planning, and the lack of
nutrients were below the recommended                 equipment.25
levels. A study with young people enrolled                   Non-compliance and nutritional
in an institution that offered egg-vegetable         inadequacies of the menus offered may not
nutrition, evaluated their nutritional status        guarantee the adequate nutritional intake in
and found that 70% of them had anemia,               different age groups, especially with regard
38% of whom had iron deficiency. The                 to certain nutrients that have greater
authors highlighted the importance that              bioavailability when present in foods of
educational institutions, whose diet is based        animal origin.16

                       Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

        Such       deficiencies      deserve        absorption. Studies show that the incidence
continuous attention by diet supporters and         of iron deficiency anemia in vegetarians and
health professionals. Lactovegetarian and           non-vegetarians is similar. 25,18
ovolactovegetarian diets do not present                     Concerning to other nutrients such
significant risks as the vegetarian or vegan        as calcium, omega 3, zinc, etc., in the case
diets, which are much more restrictive,             of ovolactovegetarians, it is possible to
presenting a real risk of nutritional               achieve the recommendations, as long as
deficiency.16                                       the diet provided is quite varied and
        Vegetarian diets are reported to            planned. The greatest difficulty is in the
contain less saturated fatty acids, animal          diets followed by strict vegetarians and
proteins and cholesterol and more folate,           vegans, especially with regard to vitamin
fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals and             B12, as seen previously. 27
carotenoids. However, such diets are low in                 Regarding proteins, a study
essential micronutrients, such as iron, zinc,       coducted in a private school in the city of
vitamin B 12, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty              Porto in Portugal, found a caloric intake
acids, calcium and iodine. Consequently,            from this nutrient in vegan, vegetarian, and
the risk of adverse effects due to                  especially in ovolactogetarian diets, around
micronutrient deficiencies that lead to the         10 to 11.9%, making them reach the
risk of malnutrition should not be                  recommendations. However, it highlights
underestimated.26                                   that among omnivores, a higher intake of
        The health professional must know           this nutrient was found.28
how the restrictions of vegetarian diets can                For the acceptance of the
influence in the short and long term                ovolactovegetarian school meals in the
individual´s health, especially children and        present study, it was found to be positive,
adolescents, in order to be able to guide           since several foods analyzed were well
families adequately. However, in most               accepted by children and remained above
cases only this nutritional guidance it is not      the rate of 85% determined by the Ministry
enough, many times it will be necessary to          of Education. The acceptance of most fruits,
supplement nutrients such as: calcium, iron,        however, was below this percentage, with
zinc, vitamins D, B1, B2, B6 and B12. 27            only papaya and vitamin fruit standing out
        In the case of iron, for example,           positively. Usually, there is some resistance
supplementation is recommended only if              to the vegetarian diet and constraints of
the status is low by appropriate blood tests.       daily life related to this type of food.
Iron in vegetarian diets is in the non-heme         However, a study that evaluated the
form, which is less bioavailability than the        acceptance of the ovolactovegetarian and
heme forms from animal sources. However,            vegan diets in a school, found greater
if properly planned, a vegetarian diet can          acceptance of the vegan diet over the
meet the needs of this nutrient. Some               vegetarian, which is more permissive. It is
culinary      considerations     and     food       recommended that the introduction of new
preparations can also improve iron                  foods be done gradually, which is no

                       Saud Pesq. 2021;14(3):e9445 - e-ISSN 2176-9206
Ferro, Aquino, Sandoval, Pereira, Manochio-Pina, Freitas

different with the vegetarian diet and its         most parents, even if they and their children
variants.11,3,29,30                                did not follow it at home.
         Soy (PVT), one of the common                       For children who study full time,
foods in the vegetarian diets, as it               school meals must supply 70% of their
effectively replaces animal protein due to         daily nutritional needs, which was not
the proximity of its biological value, was         observed, since the menu offered at the
among the least accepted in the present            institution did not meet this percentage, on
study. In a research conducted in Rio              most days. Regarding the acceptance of the
Grande do Sul, the authors obtained good           foods offered, it was verified that this was
acceptance of this food and state that, when       positive, however, fruits were among the
well prepared and seasoned, soy-based              least accepted, as well as textured
dishes have good acceptability. The taste of       vegetable protein, both common foods in
food is the main incentive for its                 variations of vegetarian diets. This
consumption, and in the case of soy, its           highlights the importance and the need for
flavor can be a barrier to its ingestion,          care, both with the choice and with the
however, it is emphasized that the sooner it       strict monitoring of the menu and the
is introduced, the better its acceptance.          incentive to consume the foods offered,
Fruits were also not well accepted, as             thus avoiding the lack or insufficiency of
verified by the present study, contrary to a       nutrients.
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