CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Medowie Gumnut Preschool
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SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) MANAGEMENT POLICY ( Effec t i ve f ro m 1 9 Novem b er 2 0 2 1) Introduc on COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus that was originally iden ed in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. The World Health Organisa on (WHO) has declared that COVID-19 outbreak as a ‘pandemic’- a Public Health Emergency of Interna onal Concern (e ec ve 11 March 2020). This is mainly due to the speed and scale of transmission of the virus in countries around the world, including Australia. COVID-19 is transmi ed from someone who is infected with the virus to others in close contact through contaminated droplets spread by coughing or sneezing or by contact with contaminated hands or surfaces. According to Department of Health, the me of exposure to the virus and when symptoms rst occur is anywhere from 2-14 days. Symptoms can range from a mild illness, similar to a cold or u, to pneumonia. People with COVID-19 may experience: o fever o u-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fa gue o shortness of breath The Australian Government is constantly upda ng the current status of COVID-19 including health recommenda ons, travel restric ons, and a vast collec on of resources and informa on to help people make informed decisions. As this informa on is changing rapidly, our Service is monitoring health alerts and implemen ng measures suggested by key health experts to minimise the transmission of COVID-19. Our Service has a range of comprehensive policies in place to guide best prac ce in rela on to health and safety, dealing with infec ous diseases and maintaining a child safe environment. Our duty of care and responsibili es to children, parents, families and all sta to provide a safe environment is of utmost importance. The evolving nature of COVID-19 and the unprecedented steps required to protect our community as recommended by the Australian Government, has resulted in the development of a speci c policy to assist our Service manage this pandemic. 1 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy fl ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff fl ti fi ff ti ti ti ti fi ti fi
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE This policy will change as required to ensure the protec ve measures against COVID-19, as advised by our state or territory government, are implemented by our Service. NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD (NQS) QUALITY AREA 2: CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND SAFETY Wellbeing and Each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for, including appropriate 2.1.1 comfort opportuni es to meet each child’s needs for sleep, rest and relaxa on. Health prac ces E ec ve illness and injury management and hygiene prac ces are promoted 2.1.2 and procedures and implemented. 2.2 Safety Each child is protected. EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICES NATIONAL REGULATIONS 77 Health, hygiene and safe food prac ces 85 Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures 86 No ca on to parents of incident, injury, trauma and illness 87 Incident, injury, trauma and illness record 88 Infec ous diseases 90 Medical condi ons policy 93 Administra on of medica on 110 Ven la on and natural light 162 Health informa on to be kept in enrolment record 168 Educa on and care service must have policies and procedures Prescribed informa on to be displayed- centre based service and family day care service, a 173 (2)(g) no ce sta ng that there has been an occurrence of an infec ous disease at the premises or venue 2 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE PURPOSE Medowie Gumnut Preschool will minimise our sta and children’s exposure to COVID-19 by adhering to all recommended guidelines from the Australian Government- Department of Health and local Public Health Units to slow the spread of the virus. We will implement prac ces that help to reduce the transmission of the virus including the exclusion of any person (child, educator, sta , parent, visitor or volunteer) that is suspected or has tested posi ve to having COVID-19. Medowie Gumnut Preschool will implement e ec ve hygiene prac ces as per our exis ng policies and procedures and increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfec ng high touch areas as per SafeWork Australia recommenda ons. Medowie Gumnut Preschool will provide up-to-date informa on and advice to parents, families and educators sourced from the Australian Government, Department of Health and state Ministry of Health about COVID-19 as it becomes available. Recommenda ons and health measures mandated by the Federal Government Department of Health will be strictly adhered to at all mes. As recommended, Medowie Gumnut Preschool has a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place and a copy is available on our premises at all mes. We are a COVID Safe business and are registered with our NSW Government. SCOPE This policy applies to children, families, sta , management, and visitors of Medowie Gumnut Preschool. IMPLEMENTATION Medowie Gumnut Preschool is commi ed to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 virus by implemen ng recommenda ons provided by the Australian Government- Department of Health and Safe Work Australia. Medowie Gumnut Preschool implements procedures as stated in the Staying healthy: Preven ng infec ous diseases in early childhood educa on and care services (Fi h Edi on) developed by the Australian Government Na onal Health and Medical Research Council as part of our day-to-day opera on of the Service. We are guided by explicit decisions regarding exclusion periods and no ca on of any infec ous disease by the Australian Government- Department of Health and local Public Health Units in our jurisdic on under the Public Health Act. COVID-19 is a no able condi on in all states and territories of Australia. The Public Health Unit may contact the Approved Provider in the event of any child, educator, sta member or visitor who has a ended Medowie Gumnut Preschool, and has tested posi ve to COVID-19. Contact tracing will be conducted by the PHU and further advice provided to assist in managing a COVID-19 posi ve case in our Service and service community NSW. 3 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ff ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti tt ti ff ti ti fi ff ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti fi ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ff
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Na onal Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Informa on Line 1800 020 080 Call 131 450 for transla ng and interpre ng service Health Direct 1800 022 222 Public Health Unit- Local state and territory health departments Minimising the transmission of COVID-19 Risk Management NSW Services Parents, families. sta and visitors (including contractors) must check in to early educa on and care facili es services using the Service NSW QR code. Services are required to display the Service NSW QR code and take reasonable steps to ensure adults check-in, no ma er how minor the interac on with the service may be. If families do not have access to a Smart device, a manual collec on of personal contact details must be collected and entered into an electronic format (such as a word document and kept for at least 4 weeks). ECEC sta in NSW are required to have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccina on by 9 November 2021. COVID-19 Guidelines Medowie Gumnut Preschool has e ec ve and systema c risk management processes in place to iden fy any possible risks and hazards to our learning environment and prac ces related to COVID-19. Where possible, we have eliminated or minimised these risks as is reasonably prac cable. Control measures are reviewed in consulta on with sta members. Due to the constant changes in managing our Service during the pandemic, our approach to risk management is ongoing and uid. A statement from Australian Health Protec on Principal Commi ee [15 November, 2021], details evidence that indicates that the Delta variant is more infec ous and easily spread than other variants. The AHPPC acknowledges the many control measures implemented in schools and early childcare se ngs to help reduce transmission of COVID-19. The best method to protect all children from the disease is to ensure vaccina on of those around them who are able to be vaccinated. The AHPPC recommends that anyone, with new respiratory symptoms, including children, parents and sta , should stay at home and arrange to be tested for COVID-10 as soon as possible. Ac ons in early childhood se ngs to help prevent transmission of the virus include well establish COVIDSafe prac ces of hand and respiratory hygiene, good ven la on, regular environmental cleaning and mask wearing by all adults. 4 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy tti tti ti ti ti ff ff ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti tt tt ti ti ti ti ti fl ti ti ti ff
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Ac ons in early childhood se ngs to help prevent transmission of the virus include well establish COVIDSafe prac ces including: - adhering to mandated COVID-19 vaccina ons dates for ECEC sta - exclusion of unwell sta , children and visitors - mask wearing by all adults - ensuring sta maintain physical distancing from each other, especially in tea rooms - enhanced personal hand and respiratory hygiene for children, sta and parents - improving ven la on in indoor spaces and adhering to any ‘ven la on plans’ implemented in schools or buildings as per NSW Public Health Unit advice. - where possible, moving lessons and ac vi es to outdoors to reduce transmission between groups and limit the number of person who may need to be quaran ned if a case emerges - full adherence to the NHMRC childcare cleaning guidelines and cleaning and disinfec ng high touch surfaces at least twice daily, washing and laundering play items and toys - providing sta and families with informa on and posters about COVID-19 vaccina on roll out - recommending in uenza vaccina on for children, sta and parents Parents of children with a current Asthma Ac on Plan are advised to update this if needed in consulta on with their child’s health care professional. Updated plans should be provided to management for distribu on to relevant sta members. (Asthma Australia). Infec on Control Training Our sta are commi ed to assist in infec on preven on controls and have completed COVID-19 infec on control training. We strongly recommend that all sta and families receive the COVID-19 vaccina on. Seasonal in uenza vaccina ons are recommended for sta , parents and children. Hygiene prac ces Medowie Gumnut Preschool will ensure signs and posters remind employees and visitors of the risks of COVID-19 and the measures that are necessary to stop its spread including hand washing and hand rub procedures and informa on about COVID-19. h ps:// These will also be communicated to families through KinderM8, email, newsle ers and social media. Medowie Gumnut Preschool will supply disposable ssues and have bins available with plas c liners available in several loca ons for disposing used items. 5 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ti ff ti ti ff ff ti ti ti ti fl tt ff ti ti ti tti ti ff ff ti ti ti ti ti ff ti tt ti ti ff ti ff ff ti ti tt ti ti ti ti fl
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Informa on provided to families may include: o symptoms of COVID-19 o transmission of the virus o messaging to reinforce- ‘stay at home when unwell’ o self-isola on and exclusion o preven on strategies- including hand hygiene and self-isola on o contact details for health assistance o CCS and ACCS informa on o Public Health Orders (if required) o Wearing of face masks in outdoor and indoor se ngs [applicable in some jurisdic ons] o mandatory vaccina ons for all adults working or visi ng an ECEC service as per public health order in NSW o service closure- Primary Close Contacts and quaran ne requirements The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, educators, sta , families and visitors will comply with the following: Exclusion/ Self-isola on/ Self-quaran ne Medowie Gumnut has an obliga on to ensure the health and safety of employees, children and visitors in our workplace, so far as reasonably prac cable. We may therefore collect informa on from visitors about their poten al exposure to COVID-19 in order to iden fy, assess and control risks of infec on in line with Department of Health guidelines. Informa on collected will only be viewed by designated sta members and will be stored securely. To comply with privacy laws, personal informa on will only be disclosed on a ‘need to know’ basis to the Public Health Unit to prevent and manage COVID-19 if required. (ACTU Privacy at work) [Risk mi ga on strategies may change due to the uid nature of the Coronavirus pandemic. Services must regularly check advise from their Public Health Unit and Regulatory Authority for up-to-date informa on and make adjustments to this policy as required. The following are some strategies that have been implemented during the pandemic. They may not be current when lockdowns are announced by your state/territory government] o any person visi ng Medowie Gumnut Preschool- including families ‘dropping o ’ children, must sign the Parent/Visitor Health Declara on via the displayed QR code con rming that they have not come into close contact with anyone with a posi ve COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days 6 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fl tti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff fi ff ti ti ti ti ti ff
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE o e ec ve 28 March 2020, any person entering Australia from any des na on will be required to undertake 14-day quaran ne at designated facili es (Australian Government) o any person who has been in close contact with someone who has a posi ve diagnosis must self- isolate for 14 days and follow the instruc ons of NSW Health department and authorised contact tracers. (see: Quaran ne for coronavirus (COVID-19) NOTE: Some states and territories have eased restric ons for self-isola on for double vaccinated adults o household members of a person who has a con rmed case (including children) of COVID-19 must also be isolated from the childcare service and public and follow instruc ons by Public Health o the Public Health Unit will provide further informa on on a case-by-case basis as to the length and place of isola on (see: COVID-19 self-isola on) o in the event of a sta member, parent, child or visitor being diagnosed with COVID-19 the Public Health Unit will conduct contact tracing and provide further advice to our Service as required o any person (employee, enrolled child, parent, caregiver, visitor or contractor) who is displaying symptoms such as: fever, coughing, sore throat, fa gue and shortness of breath, should be tested either by visi ng a free COVID-19 respiratory clinic to arrange a test for COVID- 19 and not a end our Service under any circumstance un l they receive a nega ve test result. Implement e ec ve hygiene measures The na onal campaign Help Stop The Spread and Stay Healthy, launched by the Australian Government has emphasised that e ec ve handwashing is a vital strategy to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds whenever you cough, sneeze or blow your nose, prepare food or eat, touch your face or use the toilet is recommended. Medowie Gumnut Preschool will adhere to Na onal Regula on requirements and Government guidelines to ensure all educators, children, families and visitors to Medowie Gumnut Preschool implement best prac ce. Department of Health units in states/territories may introduce various measures to help slow the spread of coronavirus during the pandemic. [Services in each state/territory must regularly check with their Public Health Unit for informa on related to mandatory measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19- use of face coverings, physical distancing, density limits] Medowie Gumnut Preschool will ensure: o all employees, parents, children and visitors must wash their hands with soap and water or use the alcohol-based hand sani ser provided upon arrival to the Service 7 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff ti tt ti ff ti ti ti ff ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE o a workplace a endance register is maintained for all sta , parents, visitors at all mes (including contact phone numbers) as per Na onal Regula ons o hands must be thoroughly dried using disposal paper and disposed of in the bin provided o disposable ssues must be used to wipe noses, eyes or mouths and disposed of in the bin provided immediately a er use o hands must be washed following the use of ssues o hands must be washed thoroughly using soap and water before and a er using the toilet o cough and sneeze e que e must be used- cover your cough and sneeze with your hand or elbow o educators and sta must adhere to our Handwashing Policy at all mes o children are supervised when washing hands o educators and sta must adhere to e ec ve food prepara on and food handling procedures o educators will wash their hands or use alcohol-based sani ser, before wearing gloves and wash their hands a er wearing gloves o educators and sta must adhere to our Health and Safety Policy for cleaning and disinfec ng surfaces and equipment (such as toys, puzzles, outdoor toys, bedding, playdough etc) as per Staying healthy: Preven ng infec ous diseases in early childhood educa on and care services recommenda ons o sta will maintain a cleaning register of all surfaces and equipment conducted o equipment, resources and surfaces including high-touch surfaces- taps, door handles, light switches, toys, keyboards and laptops/iPads will be cleaned more frequently as required using detergent and water followed by disinfectant o washroom facili es for employees have adequate supplies of soap, toilet paper and alcohol- based sani ser o all persons over the age of 12 use a face covering if mandated by the Public Health Unit Social/Physical distancing in childcare Social or physical distancing is important because COVID-19 is most likely spread from person-to-person through close contact with a person while they are infec ous, close contact with a person with a con rmed infec on who coughs or sneezes or from touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a con rmed infec on and then touching your nose or mouth. (Source: Australian Government Department of Health. Coronavirus disease) 8 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff fi ti ti ft ti tt ti ti ff ff ff ti ti ft tt ti ti ff ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ft ti fi ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Social or physical distancing in early childhood educa on and care is not feasible for educators to perform their job, however we will implement measures to minimise the risk of exposure as reasonably prac cable. Early Childhood Educa on and Care services are not subject to restric ons on how many people (adults or children) can be on the premises at one me. Medowie Gumnut Preschool will encourage educators to apply physical distancing measures where possible and not gather in groups or encourage groups of parents to congregate. (SafeWork NSW, AHPPC) To reduce the spread of COVID-19 parents are reminded of the following: o if your child is sick, do not send them to Medowie Gumnut Preschool o do not visit Medowie Gumnut Preschool if you or another family member is unwell o sani se your hands at regular intervals throughout the day o avoid physical contact with other people who may be sick- such as older people and people with exis ng health condi ons o clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly (door handles, car seats, mobile phone, toys, dummies) o promote strictest hygiene measures when preparing food at home and at the Service To minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19 Medowie Gumnut Preschool will: o undertake a risk assessment to iden fy poten al risks and mi gate with considera on risks to children and sta o revisit the risk assessment whenever new risks or poten al risks are iden ed and adjust our management plan o restrict the number of visitors to Medowie Gumnut Preschool (including students, delivery of goods) o restrict the number of family members visi ng Medowie Gumnut Preschool for example: o display QR code posters in various loca ons to avoid congrega ons of parents at peak mes of the day (e.g., foyer, building, fence line) o parents not coming into the Service at all o install signage and markings on the oor near the front entry indica ng a 1.5 metre mark for parents/families to use o provide a separate area for families who need to complete addi onal paperwork such as medica on forms 9 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ti fl ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE o ensure face masks are worn by all adult visitors at all mes in indoor se ngs (subject to exemp ons) o ensure face masks are worn by sta when engaging with other adults, such as during pick up and drop o s o restrict the number of educators using the sta room at any one me o where possible, outdoor play will be promoted within our Service to provide children with addi onal personal space o large groups will be monitored to provide exible learning to ensure groups are smaller in both the indoor and outdoor environment o o ce sta should, where reasonable prac cal use separate areas or separate themselves as much as possible from one another o increase ven la on within the Service and use of air puri ca on unit if nancially viable o se ng air condi oning units to use external air rather than recycling where possible o ensure mats, cushions etc are posi oned at least 1.5 metres apart o avoid any situa on when children are required to queue- wai ng their turn to use bathroom for hand washing or toile ng, wai ng their turn to use a piece of equipment etc. o contact parents of children who have chronic medical condi ons or immunosuppression as they may be at an increased risk of disease and require addi onal support/care o conduct COVID-safe risk assessments for any group ou ngs to public places (excursions to local shops, schools, libraries) o conduct COVID-safe risk assessments for any large group celebra ons and abide by NSW restric ons for groups size, square metre allowance and other measures o communicate with parents and families the risk mi ga on strategies to be adhered to during any group celebra ons o discourage use of public transport by sta if possible and recommend that sta : o travel directly from home to work (avoid stopping at shops or petrol sta on) o wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or sani se hands with alcohol- based sani ser before and a er travelling to work 10 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ffi tti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ft ti ff ti ff ti fl ff ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti tti fi ti ff
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Suspected cases of COVID-19 at Medowie Gumnut Preschool As per our Sick Child Policy we reserve the right to refuse a child into care if they: o have a contagious illness or infec ous disease o have been in close contact with someone who has a posi ve con rmed case of COVID-19 o are unwell and unable to par cipate in normal ac vi es or require addi onal a en on o have had a temperature/fever, or vomi ng in the last 24 hours o have had diarrhoea in the last 48 hours o have been given medica on for a temperature prior to arriving at Medowie Gumnut Preschool o have started a course of an -bio cs in the last 24 hours If a child becomes ill whilst at Medowie Gumnut Preschool, educators/sta will respond to their individual symptoms of illness and provide comfort and care. The child will be cared for in an area that is separated from other children in the service to await pick up from their parent/carer. Educators will take the child’s temperature. If the temperature is above 37.4°C parents will be contacted and required to collect their child within 30 minutes. If they are unable to collect their child, an emergency contact person/authorised nominee will be contacted, and they must collect your child within 30 minutes. Educators will a empt to lower the child’s temperature by: o removing excessive clothing (shoes, socks, jumpers) o encourage the child to take small sips of water o move the child to a quiet area where they can rest whilst being supervised Educators will wear disposable gloves and a face mask to avoid possible contamina on. All items/ resources touched by the child will be cleaned and disinfected to avoid possible cross contamina on. Educators will keep accurate records of the child’s temperature, me taken, me parent/s were contacted, sta member’s name and me of collec on. All informa on will be recorded in our Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Record on KinderM8. Parents will be required to sign this record upon collec on of their child. Parents are reminded to ensure their contact details are current and emergency contact details are updated if required. Medowie Gumnut Preschool reserves the right to prevent employees, parents, family members or visitors to enter our premises if the Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor suspects instances of COVID-19 due to symptoms being displayed. 11 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ff tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ff ti tt ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE No ca on The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor is mandated by law to no fy the Public Health Unit on 1800 020 080 of any con rmed case of COVID-19. In addi on, the Approved Provider must also no fy the Regulatory Authority in their state or territory within 24 hours. At all mes, privacy laws must be adhered to and informa on about individuals must not be shared without permission. Talking to children about COVID-19 As per our Interac ons with Children, Families and Sta Policy, Medowie Gumnut Preschool is commi ed to maintaining posi ve interac ons and rela onships with children and their families. Informa on provided to children about COVID-19 will be age appropriate and sensi ve to their emo onal wellbeing. Educators will both acknowledge children’s concerns and be open to discussions about COVID-19. Educators will inform children about the virus and emphasise preventa ve measures such as handwashing, use of ssues, cough and sneeze techniques and limi ng touching other children’s faces. Posters to demonstrate correct handwashing methods will be referred to and educators will model techniques. Children’s emo onal well-being will be closely monitored by all educators and sta and any concerns communicated with parents and families. Children’s ques ons will be respected and supported. Sta will be supported in professional learning to help children deal with trauma related to COVID-19 through resources, webinars and online modules. (Emerging Minds, beYou) In the event of Medowie Gumnut Preschool being closed as a precau on to limit the spread of the virus, informa on will be provided to parents/families to help explain the situa on to young children. Payment of Fees - Child Care Subsidy- (CCS) As per our Payment of Fees Policy, fees are payable in advance of your child’s a endance. CCS hourly rate caps will be adjusted from 12 July 2021 [see: Child Care Subsidy rates] Children must con nue to meet immunisa on requirements. Waiving of gap fees The gap fee is the di erence between the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) the Government pays to a service and the remaining fee paid by the family. Services can waive the gap fee and receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if a child is unable to a end care because: • they, or a member of their immediate household, must isolate due to COVID-19. This applies from 9 November 2021 • the service is closed on advice from the state or territory government due to COVID-19. • the state or territory has restricted access to childcare in a region due to COVID-19. 12 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff ti ti fi tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti fi tt ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ff ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Gap fees may be waived un l 30 June 2022. Services must keep a record of the advice by a state or territory authority advising that they close and accurately re ect waived gap fees in the fee statements provided to parents. Check the Australian Government Department of Educa on, Skills and Employment website for further informa on regarding gap fee waiving general informa on. the Local Government Areas subjected to stay at home orders. [Services are not obligated to waiver gap fees. This is a business decision for each service to consider. Enter your Service’s informa on below. Note- any cessa on of enrolment will s ll incur gap fee payment as per usual.] Child Care Safety Net – Addi onal Child Care Subsidy (Temporary Financial Hardship) The Child Care Safety Net gives families and services extra support if they are vulnerable or disadvantaged or located in a regional or remote community. Families may be eligible for Addi onal Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) due to temporary nancial hardship, such as loss of income and be en tled to access up to 100 hours of subsidised childcare per fortnight for up to 12 weeks. Families will need to apply for ACCS (Temporary Financial hardship) and update their ac vity levels through myGov. Children considered at risk Where a child is enrolled and is considered ‘at risk’ of serious abuse or neglect, Medowie Gumnut Preschool will refer the child or family to the appropriate support agency in order to comply with the legisla ve requirements. Allowable Absences from childcare Allowable absences have been reset for the 2021/22 nancial year to 42 days. All Australian families can access 10 extra allowable absence days per child in this current nancial year (i.e., 52 days). This is in addi on to the 10 extra allowable absences provided for families in NSW during extended lockdowns in 2021. These extra absences are to help services and families a ected by COVID-19 but can be used for any reason. They will be applied automa cally. If a state or territory restricts access to childcare in a region for more than 7 days, more absences will be provided. [see: Absences updated 12 November 2021] 13 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti fi ti ti ti fl fi ti ff ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE What happens if our Service is forced to close? The decision to close our Service will be made, and advised, by relevant state and territory governments PHU or the Regulatory Authority. This may be due to a con rmed case of COVID-19 in our Service community. Should this occur, all families will be no ed immediately via email and/or phone. The Approved Provider must no fy the Regulatory Authority within 24 hours of any closure via the NQA IT System the Regulatory Authority for Work Health and Safety in their state/territory (Safe Work Australia) and the Department of Educa on, Skills and Employment (DESE) in their state or territory. In addi on, Services that need to temporarily close for COVID-19 related reasons must now also report closures (and re-openings) via your third party so ware or the Provider Entry Point (PEP). New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory: Queensland: Western Australia: South Australia: Tasmania: Northern Territory: Medowie Gumnut Preschool will ensure all areas are cleaned and disinfected as per Safe Work cleaning guidance. We will con nue to keep families informed as to when we are expected to re-open as advised by the Public Health Unit. Communica ng with families Medowie Gumnut Preschool will establish con nue regular communica on channels with families and share informa on about COVID-19 as required. Due to the uid nature of COVID-19 and the necessity of self-isola on for some sta members, Medowie Gumnut Preschool will endeavour to inform parents and families of any sta changes on a daily basis. Sta who have approved leave will be replaced with casual sta and families will be informed as per our usual prac ces to ensure con nuity of care where possible. As restric ons con nue to be li ed across all states and territories, our risk mi ga on measures may also be eased. Any changes to our current organisa onal plans will be communicated clearly with families. Caring for our community 14 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff ti ti ti fl ti ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ft ti ti fi fi ff ti ti ti ti ff ff
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE We understand that the outbreak of COVID-19 and the constant amount of informa on received through the media may be very stressful to young children and parents. The anxiety about this virus may be overwhelming and cause fear and anxiety to some people, especially children. Medowie Gumnut Preschool is commi ed to con nue to provide quality educa on and care to all children and support families responsibly during this unprecedented challenge with the COVID-19 outbreak. Knowing how to look a er yourself, and others is very important during this crisis. We will promote a safe and suppor ve environment by: o reassuring children they are safe o acknowledging and listening to children’s ques ons o promo ng and implemen ng hygiene rou nes for handwashing and cough and sneezing o keeping regular and familiar rou nes within our Service o ensuring children eat well throughout the day o engaging children in play, games and other physical ac vi es o being alert to children’s level of anxiety and provide quiet and relaxing ac vi es o ensuring children are provided with rest and sleep when needed o providing informa on to families and support services as required Resources to support children through COVID-19 Pandemic Dr Michelle Dickinson- Video for kids about COVID-19 h ps:// Emerging Minds- Talking to Children about Natural Disasters, Trauma c Events or Worries About the Future h ps:// ng-children-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19- outbreak/ Play School- Hello Friends! (A COVID-19 Special) h ps:// UNICEF- How to talk to your child about COVID-19 In Home Care Support Agency resources – Talking to children about COVID-19 Asthma Australia- What does Coronavirus (COVID-19) mean for people with Asthma Disclaimer The informa on contained in this ‘dra ’ policy is based on current informa on from the Australian Government Department of Educa on, Skills and Employment, Australian Government Department of Health, Australian Government- The Treasury, Family Assistance Law and Fairwork Ombudsmen (19 November 2021) 15 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy tt tt tt ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ft ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE More informa on and resources Child Care Centre Desktop- COVID-19 Support Module and Resources-available on our home page Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors Australian Government Department of Educa on Skills and Employment- absences from child care due to local emergency Beyond Blue Coronavirius (COVID-19) Suppor ng educators, children and young people CCS Helpdesk 1300 667 276 Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources Australian Government COVID-19 Infec on control training Emerging Minds Community Trauma Toolkit Fairwork Australia- Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws Healthdirect Coronavirus hub Home Isola on Informa on Informa on for people with a suspected case Informa on for employers Informa on on Social distancing Local state and territory health departments NSW Department of Educa on. (October 2021). COVID safety in early childhood educa on and care services: Guidance. NSW Department of Educa on COVID-19 Management of con rmed case in early childhood educa on and care services NSW Department of Educa on Queensland Department of Educa on. COVID-19 Con rmed case management process- early childhood educa on and care services. QLD Department of Educa on Raising Children Safe Work Australia Posters and Visuals COVID-19 coronavirus in pictures Manuela Moina- Children's book- "Hello! I am the Coronavirus" Posters for Temperature Screening Poster for service entrance (pdf - 42.94kb) Poster for sta (pdf - 79.86kb) Poster for families (pdf - 54.42kb) NSW Health. COVID-19 symptoms and tes ng. (Reference re: fever and temperature) h ps:// ous/covid-19/Pages/posters-and-print.aspx#symptoms State and Territory speci c informa on ACT Health- Latest informa on about COVID-19 NSW Health alert COVID_19 16 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy tt ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti fi ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE Northern Territory Government Department of Health Queensland Health – Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) SA Health – Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Tasmanian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Western Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Source Australian Council of trade unions Coronavirus (COVID-19) Privacy at work h ps:// Australian Children’s Educa on & Care Quality Authority. (2014). Australian Government Department of Health Health Topics Australian Government Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) Australian Government Department of Health. Australian Health Protec on Principal Commi ee (AHPPC) statement on COVID-19, schools and early childhood educa on and care (15 November 2021). h ps:// on-principal-commi ee-ahppc-statement- on-covid-19-schools-and-early-childhood-educa on-and-care Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws (updated 13 March 2020) h ps:// workplace-laws Australian Government Department of Educa on, Skills and Employment Australian Government Department of Health Educa on and Care Services Na onal Regula ons. (2011). Fair Work Ombudsman Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws (2020) h ps:// coronavirus-and-australian-workplace-laws Guide to the Educa on and Care Services Na onal Law and the Educa on and Care Services Na onal Regula ons. (2017). Guide to the Na onal Quality Standard. (2020) Na onal Health and Medical Research Council. (2012). Staying healthy: Preven ng infec ous diseases in early childhood educa on and care services. NSW Government. Department of Educa on. (2021). COVID safety in early childhood educa on and care services: Guidance. Public Health Act 2010 Public Health Amendment Act 2017 Public Health and Wellbeing Regula ons 2019 Victoria The Australian Paren ng website Raisingchildren h ps:// coronavirus-and-children-in-australia Revised Na onal Quality Standard. (2018). Safe Work Australia (2020) 17 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy tt ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti ti tt tt ti ti tt ti ti ti tt ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE REVIEW POLICY REVIEWED NOVEMBER 2021 NEXT REVIEW DATE As required • Update on mandatory vaccina ons in ECEC sta across Australia (where applicable) • AHPPC update for early educa on and care services- 15 November 2021 • Waiver of Gap Fee change (CCS) – e ec ve 9 November 2021 • addi onal absences for 2021-22 nancial year (CCS) • mask wearing mandates for some states NOVEMBER 2021 • managing a posi ve case of COVID-19 state speci c informa on added (where available) to resource sec on [NSW/QLD] • removed requirement for ‘deep clean’ of whole service as changes to managing COVID-19 outbreaks are implemented • ven la on regula on and informa on added • changes to mandatory quaran ne requirements for overseas arrivals as per state/territory requirements SEPTEMBER 2021 • inclusion of mandatory vaccina on for ECEC sta in NSW • Broken links to DESE/ Department of Educa on Victoria repaired • Allowable Absences for 2021/22 updated AUGUST 2021 • Gap fee waiver informa on added • sources checked for currency • NSW mandatory use of Service NSW QR Code for check-in (12 July) • updates to Child Care Subsidy rates-(12 July) • NSW Government update- requirements for mask wearing in ECEC changes- JULY 2021 now mandatory • DESE Gap Fee Waiver (e ec ve 19 July) • addi onal nancial assistance for families- ACCS via Centrelink • COVID-19 vaccina on recommenda on added • extension of gap fee waiving- 31 Dec 21 • extension of Pandemic Leave- 31 Dec 21 JUNE 2021 • links to Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment added • allowable absences extended un l 30 Jun 2021 • links checked for currency and edited where required • removed references to recovery package, ac vity test details for CCS • Informa on for families added- Keeping your child in care during COVID-19 • Amendment to mandatory QR Code for NSW ECEC services MARCH 2021 • minor edits • sources checked for currency 18 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ff ti ti ti ff ff fi ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE • Review of policy • links checked and updated to ensure currency UPDATED 3 JANUARY • irrelevant informa on deleted (Transi on Payment etc) • minor edits • Mandatory digital check-in for businesses in NSW (e ec ve 23 November) • border restric ons highlighted- Services must check regularly for changes in border closures • extension of changes to Ac vity Test UPDATED 25 NOVEMBER • extension of Pandemic Leave • Deleted informa on related to Transi on Payment/ Leave • Addi onal informa on for NSW services- managing a con rmed case of COVID-19 • Sources checked and edited where needed • Recommenda on of COVIDSafe Plan added UPDATED 13 AUGUST • Workplace a endance register • Border restric ons for Queensland services, NSW services • De ni on of a fever as per Coronavirus Disease -CDNA Na onal Guidelines UPDATED 26 JULY for Public Health Units • Posters for NSW • Informa on about JobKeeper deleted • email addresses for DESE for each state/territory added • Introduc on of Victorian health orders to wear face covering in Melbourne UPDATED CBD and Mitchell Shire 21 JULY • Temperature checks- informa on and posters from Department Educa on and Training Victoria • communica on pack for families added in case of forced closure (Department of Educa on and Training Victoria) • updates re: border closures NSW/VIC and self-isola on requirements • waive of gap fees during forced closure or during Stage 3 or higher ‘stay at home’ restric ons UPDATED • updates regarding service closures due to COVID-19 re: local emergency 10 July procedures • extension to pandemic leave • links to posters from DESE • Updates to AHPPC health recommenda ons • amendments to Payment of Fees UPDATED • reintroduc on of CCS and ACCS from July 13 2020 17 June • changes to Ac vity Test for families • changes to absences updated • cessa on of JobKeeper and introduc on of Transi on Payment for services • Slight amendments to physical distancing requirements as per AHPPC guidelines UPDATED • Updated health plan reminders 15 May • dele on of resources no longer available/or moved • clari ca on of resources covered in ‘no fee’ from parents • sick child addi onal informa on • Added a sec on at the top of page 5 rela ng to privacy laws UPDATED • Updates from the April 30 review remain highlighted – see below 04 May 19 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy fi fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti fi ti ti
SUBMIT SERVICE TITLE HERE • Risk assessment and risk management plan informa on updated • Considera on included for children with chronic medical condi ons or immunosuppression UPDATED • Updated recommenda ons from Australian Health Protec on Principles 30 April Commi ee • Addi onal informa on related to Excep onal Circumstances Supplementary Payment • addi onal resources for suppor ng families and educators • Addi onal informa on for JobKeeper- nomina on acceptance form • Fair Work Australia laws- direc on to perform di erent du es UPDATED • Self-isola on and Pandemic leave 16 April • Addi onal informa on regarding children ‘at risk’ no ca on • Addi onal resources added as highlighted • Major changes to Payment of fees related to CCS and ACCS • introduc on of Early Childhood Educa on and Care Relief Package payments (e ec ve 6 April) • introduc on of JobKeeper Payments UPDATED • removal of ‘stand down’ informa on 5 April • addi on of Safe Work Australia sugges ons • amendment to return to work requirements for posi ve COVID-19 employees requiring a medical cer cate • addi onal informa on about sta travel to and from work • changes to re ect changes in periods of local emergency and absences UPDATED • new isola on restric ons for people travelling interstate 28 March • small edits to leave en tlements for sta • Fair Work informa on added- employee en tlements, stand down • updated e ec ve 24 March 2020 • changes due to Ministerial update re: increase in absences for children to receive CCS payments and CCS payments if services are forced to close • new informa on for CCCF funding for COVID-19 UPDATED • modi ca on to sta requested to be isolated from Service due to u-like 24 March symptoms • modi ca ons of en tlements rela ng to sick pay if employees are forced to be self-isolated • addi onal resources for state/territory speci c informa on 16 March 2020 • original policy dra ed 20 Childcare Centre Desktop ©2021 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Policy ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi fi ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti fl ti ft ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ff ti fi ti ff ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti fl
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