Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present
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ARTICLE Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present AUTHORS: Emara Nabi-Burza, MBBS, MS,a,b Susan Regan, WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Tobacco smoke exposure is PhD,c Jeremy Drehmer, MPH,d Deborah Ossip, PhD,e Nancy associated with increased morbidity in children, and exposure in Rigotti, MD,b,c Bethany Hipple, MPH,a,b Janelle Dempsey, cars can be particularly intense. The American Academy of BA,a,b Nicole Hall, MS,a,b Joan Friebely, EdD,a,b Victoria Pediatrics policy statement recommends that pediatricians assist Weiley, MIS,d and Jonathan P. Winickoff, MD, MPHa,b,f families in adopting smoke-free car policies. aCenter for Child and Adolescent Health Research and Policy, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: In this study, few smoking parents had Massachusetts; bTobacco Research and Treatment Center, and cGeneral Medicine Division, Massachusetts General Hospital, a strictly enforced smoke-free car policy. Low rates of pediatric Boston, Massachusetts; dPediatric Research in Office Settings, health care providers addressing smoking in the car highlights and fAAP Richmond Center of Excellence, American Academy of the need for improved pediatric interventions to protect children Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Illinois; and eUniversity of Rochester from tobacco smoke toxins. Medical Center, Rochester, New York KEY WORDS parents, pediatrics, secondhand smoke, smoking in car, tobacco control, tobacco smoke ABBREVIATIONS AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics abstract CI—confidence interval OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence and factors associated with OR—odds ratio PROS—Pediatric Research in Office Settings strictly enforced smoke-free car policies among smoking parents. TSE—tobacco smoke exposure METHODS: As part of a cluster, randomized controlled trial addressing Dr Nabi-Burza conceived of and designed this article, drafted the parental smoking, exit interviews were conducted with parents whose manuscript and revised it, and takes full responsibility for the children were seen in 10 control pediatric practices. Parents who final submission; Dr Regan advised on and conducted data analyses and participated in the interpretation of results; Dr smoked were asked about smoking behaviors in their car and receipt Winickoff conceived of and conducted the larger trial as the of smoke-free car advice at the visit. Parents were considered to have principal investigator; and all coauthors had full access to all of a “strictly enforced smoke-free car policy” if they reported having the data in the study and made substantial intellectual contributions to the conception and design, analysis and a smoke-free car policy and nobody had smoked in their car within interpretation of data, editing the manuscript, and approving the past 3 months. the final version for publication. RESULTS: Of 981 smoking parents, 817 (83%) had a car; of these, 795 This trial has been registered at parents answered questions about their car smoking policy. Of these (identifier NCT00664261). 795 parents, 29% reported having a smoke-free car policy, and 24% had a strictly enforced smoke-free car policy. Of the 562 parents without doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0334 a smoke-free car policy, 48% reported that smoking occurred with Accepted for publication Aug 20, 2012 children present. Few parents who smoke (12%) were advised to have Address correspondence to Jonathan P. Winickoff, MD, MPH, a smoke-free car. Multivariable logistic regression controlling for Center for Child and Adolescent Health Research and Policy, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, 15 Floor, Suite parent age, gender, education, and race showed that having a younger 1542A, 100 Cambridge St, Boston, MA 02114. E-mail: child and smoking #10 cigarettes per day were associated with having a strictly enforced smoke-free car policy. PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of smoking parents exposed their children Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics to tobacco smoke in cars. Coupled with the finding of low rates of FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have pediatricians addressing smoking in cars, this study highlights the no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. need for improved pediatric interventions, public health campaigns, (Continued on last page) and policies regarding smoke-free car laws to protect children from tobacco smoke. Pediatrics 2012;130:e1471–e1478 PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 6, December 2012 e1471 Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
According to the 2010 Surgeon Gen- a typical smoky bar.22 These findings related to parents enforcing a strict eral’s report, there is “no safe level” of led the British Medical Association to smoke-free car policy. Identifying and tobacco smoke exposure (TSE)1; thus, urge the government to ban smoking in understanding these characteristics will implementing 100% smoke-free policies cars at all times to protect people from help design better smoking cessation is the only way to protect children and the risk of TSE.23 interventions for pediatric offices that their families against the harms of TSE. Despite the proven harms of TSE,6,7 identify children at risk and reduce TSE Tobacco smoke is a well-documented many parents overlook its dangers and in children as early as possible. toxic air contaminant that contributes smoke in their cars, thus exposing to increased morbidity and mortality their children to high concentrations of METHODS in children. It leads to a greater likeli- secondhand smoke. Furthermore, third- We analyzed baseline data collected at hood of lower respiratory infections,2–4 hand smoke toxins, defined as residual pediatric practices enrolled in the sudden infant death syndrome,5,6 and tobacco smoke contamination that re- control arm of a cluster, randomized ear infections,7 and it increases the mains after the cigarette is extinguished, controlled trial, Clinical Effort Against severity of asthma symptoms.8,9 In have also been shown to remain on Secondhand Smoke Exposure. This trial 1992, the US Environmental Protection surfaces wherever cigarettes are tested the implementation of an in- Agency concluded that TSE is a “group smoked, including in cars.12,24–26 In tervention to address parental tobacco A” carcinogen, a substance that has addition, studies have shown that use in the pediatric office setting. The been established as a definitive cause smoking initiation early in life is as- study was conducted in partnership of cancer in humans.10 sociated with having been exposed to with the Pediatric Research in Office An estimated 88 million nonsmoking tobacco smoke in cars, adding to the Settings (PROS),41 which is the practice- Americans, including 54% of children importance of implementing strict based research network of the AAP. aged 3 to 11 years, were exposed to smoke-free car policies.27 Twenty practices were recruited and tobacco smoke in 2007 and 2008.11 In The best way to protect children from randomized, 10 each to the intervention children aged #18 months, TSE is re- the harms of TSE is for parents to quit and control arms. The 10 control prac- sponsible for an estimated 150 000 to smoking, but even parents who can- tices were located in 8 states (AK, CT, 300 000 new cases of bronchiolitis and not quit can reduce their children’s MO, NM, PA, SC, TN, and VA). Participants pneumonia annually and ∼7500 to exposure by implementing 100% were eligible to enroll in the study if 15 000 hospitalizations annually in the smoke-free home and car policies.28 they had accompanied a child to the United States.10 Homes have tradition- The pediatric health care setting pro- office visit, had smoked at least a puff of ally been considered the main indoor vides a unique teachable moment to a cigarette in the past 7 days, were the source of tobacco smoke contaminants motivate and help parents quit smok- parent or legal guardian of the child for children,12,13 but recent studies ing.29–33 American Academy of Pediat- seen that day, were at least 18 years old, have shown that private passenger rics (AAP) guidelines also recommend and spoke English. The study protocol vehicles (hereafter referred to as cars) that pediatricians assist families with was approved by the institutional re- are an important domestic environ- tobacco-use prevention and treat- view boards of the AAP and Massachu- ment with the potential for elevated ment.34 Although some researchers setts General Hospital and by individual levels of tobacco smoke contamination have examined smoking in cars,35–37 no practice institutional review boards under normal conditions of use.14–18 previous studies have examined rates where required. These studies demonstrated that con- of counseling for smoke-free cars in centrations of PM2.5 (particulate mat- the immediate context of a pediatric Participant Enrollment ter with a diameter ,2.5 mm) can visit, and few have studied the corre- At each practice, 1 or more research exceed the limits recommended by the lates of parental smoking in cars.35–40 assistants were stationed at the exit US Environmental Protection Agency19 The primary aims of the current study and administered a screening ques- and World Health Organization20 in cars were to determine the prevalence of tionnaire to all adults (smoking and where people smoke. Even with venti- parents smoking in their cars with nonsmoking) at the end of their child’s lation, tobacco smoke pollution levels children present and to determine how visit. If the adult was eligible, the re- in cars remain high,21 and at least 1 often pediatric health care providers search assistant obtained written in- study has demonstrated that air qual- advise parents to have smoke-free formed consent and administered a ity in a car with a window partially or cars. Further aims included identi- baseline enrollment survey to the completely down is similar to that of fying parent and child characteristics parents/legal guardians (hereafter e1472 NABI-BURZA et al Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
ARTICLE referred to as parents). These enrolled smoked anywhere in your home, even Bivariate analyses were conducted by parents received $5 in cash for com- a puff?” using x 2 tests to explore the associa- pleting the baseline enrollment survey. Parents were asked a series of ques- tion between parent and child charac- Screening continued until 100 eligible tions to determine if smoking behaviors teristics and having a strictly enforced parents were enrolled at each practice. or policies were discussed during their smoke-free car policy. Parents were The screening questionnaire was used visit at the pediatric office: “At any time excluded from the bivariate and mul- to gather demographic information: in your visit today did anyone ask if tivariate analyses who did not answer parent’s age, gender, race and ethnic- you”: (1) smoke cigarettes; (2) have questions about smoking policy in their ity, and level of education (high school a smoke-free car; or (3) have a smoke- car. Parent’s age, gender, education, or less versus some college or college free home. In addition, enrolled parents and race were included in the logistic graduates); the age of the youngest were asked if, during their visit, their regression model as control variables child present at the visit; reason for the child’s health care provider advised along with other variables that were visit (routine well-child visit, sick visit, them to: (1) stop smoking; (2) have significant at P , .05 in the bivariate or other reason); and how the visit was a smoke-free car; or (3) have a smoke- analysis and had theoretical plausibil- paid for (private insurance, Medicaid, free home. ity. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confi- self-pay, or some other method). The dence intervals (CIs) were reported for baseline enrollment survey assessed each variable from the final model. In Statistical Analysis the multivariable model, robust SEs smoking behaviors in more detail, in- cluding the parent’s smoking level The primary study outcome was having were used to adjust for clustering of (cigarettes per day) and readiness to a “strictly enforced smoke-free car parents within practices. In explor- quit. policy.” Parents were considered to atory analyses, we tested interactions have a strictly enforced smoke-free car between the parent demographic var- Enrolled parents who reported having policy if they reported having a smoke- iables and the other significant pre- a car were asked several items focused free car policy and that no one had dictors. We present a final model that on smoking behavior and policy. Parents includes significant interaction terms. smoked in their car for the past 3 were asked to select the statement that best described their car smoking policy: months. Analyses were limited to Model fit was assessed with the C sta- parents who reported having a car tistic. All P values are 2-sided, and they (1) no one is allowed to smoke in my car; (2) people are allowed to smoke in my that they owned or traveled in fre- were considered significant at ,.05. All quently. To study any association be- analyses were conducted by using car; or (3) other. Car smoking behavior tween parental smoking behaviors at Stata version 10 (Stata Corp, College was assessed according to the question: home and in the car, we also looked at Station, TX). “In the past 3 months, has anyone the number of parents who had a smoked in your car, even a puff?” If the “strictly enforced smoke-free home parent reported that smoking was RESULTS policy.” Parents were considered as allowed in their car, the research as- having a strictly enforced smoke-free Of the total 981 parents who were en- sistant asked this additional question: home policy if they reported having rolled in 10 PROS control practices, 817 “How often do people smoke in your car a smoke-free home policy and that no reported having a car. The majority when there is a child present?” The one had smoked in their home for the (70%) of the parents were in the age answer options were never, rarely, past 3 months. To examine counseling group 25 to 44 years, 77% were females, sometimes, or often. of parents about having smoke-free mostly mothers (98% vs 2% legal Parents were also asked questions cars, a stratified analysis was con- guardians), and 68% were non-Hispanic about their home smoking behaviorand ducted on the parents who reported whites. Many parents (42%) had only a policy. Parents were asked to select the smoking in their cars with children high school degree, and 16% had com- statement that best described their present, and we examined the per- pleted college. Most of the children (60%) home smoking policy: (1) no one is centage of providers who gave advice were covered by Medicaid (Table 1). allowed tosmoke anywhere;(2) smoking regarding having a smoke-free car at Of the 817 parents who reported having is permitted in some places or at some that day’s visit. Furthermore, we ex- a car, 795 answered questions about times; or (3) smoking is permitted amined the association between the their car smoking policy. Of these 795 anywhere. Home smoking behavior was age of the child and the type of visit parents, 73% reported that someone assessed according to the question with pediatricians addressing smoke- had smoked in their car in the past 3 “During the past 3 months, has anyone free cars with parents. months (Table 2). Fewer than 1 in 3 PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 6, December 2012 e1473 Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
TABLE 1 Parent Characteristics (N = 817) parents who had a smoke-free car sociated with having a strictly enforced Variable N (%) policy reported that it was violated in smoke-free car policy. Having another Age, y the past 3 months. Of the 562 parents smoker at home was associated with 18–24 190 (23) who did not report having a smoke-free a lower likelihood of having a strictly 25–44 573 (70) car policy, 48% reported that smoking enforced smoke-free car policy. We 45–64 54 (7) Gender occurred with children present in the did not find any association between Male 185 (23) car. parent’s age, race and ethnicity, edu- Female 632 (77) Race and ethnicity Approximately one-fifth of all enrolled cation, and intention to quit smoking Hispanic (any race) 106 (13) parents reported being asked by a pe- with having a strictly enforced smoke- White 554 (68) diatric health care provider about their free car policy. In the multivariable lo- Black or African American 118 (14) smoking status (Table 2). Only 14% of gistic regression model (Table 4), we Others 39 (5) Education smoking parents reported being asked confirmed that factors associated with ,High school 99 (12) if they had a smoke-free car, and even greater likelihood of having a strictly High school graduate 346 (42) fewer (12%) reported being advised to enforced smoke-free car policy were Some college 240 (29) College graduate 130 (16) have a smoke-free car policy by a pe- having a child ,1 year old versus $1 Other smokers in home diatric health care provider. Of those year (OR: 1.64 [95% CI: 1.14–2.34]) and Yes 474 (58) who smoked with children present in parents smoking #10 cigarettes per No 343 (42) Youngest child’s age, y the car, only 5% were counseled about day versus .10 cigarettes per day (OR: ,1 214 (26) having a smoke-free car. Of those who 3.59 [95% CI: 2.45–5.26]). Having an- 1–4 288 (35) were advised to have a smoke-free car other smoker in the home versus not 5–9 158 (19) $10 147 (18) policy, 54% identified the reason for the having another smoker at home was Child’s insurance coverage visit as a routine well-child visit and associated with a lower likelihood of Medicaid 488 (60) 34% as a sick visit. having a strictly enforced smoke-free Private insurance/HMO 257 (31) Other/self-pay 72 (9) Bivariate analysis (Table 3) showed that car policy (OR: 0.56 [95% CI: 0.35–0.89]). HMO, health maintenance organization. having a child ,1 year old and smok- The model fit was acceptable with a C ing fewer cigarettes per day were as- statistic of 0.70. parents (29%) reported having a In the exploratory analyses, we arrived smoke-free car policy, and only 24% at a final model after considering all TABLE 2 Parental Smoking Behavior in Cars possible interactions between the 4 reported having a strictly enforced and Pediatrician Assistance (N = 795) smoke-free car policy, which is less parent demographic variables (age, Variable N (%) than one-half the parents who reported gender, race, and education) and the Parents’ smoking behavior in having a strictly enforced smoke-free 3 significant predictors of car policy their cars home policy (57%). There was some Someone smoked in their 580 (73) (child’s age, number of cigarettes geographic variability in the number of car in the past 3 mo smoked per day by the parent, and Have a smoke-free car policy parents reporting strictly enforced having another smoker at home). Par- Yes 233 (29) smoke-free car policies across the 8 No 562 (71) ent gender and education interacted states. It ranged from 16% in Virginia Smoked with child present 268a (48) with child’s age: parents of children (mean of 3 practices) to 39% in Con- in the car aged ,1 year were more likely to have Have a strictly enforced 187 (24) necticut; the other states were as fol- smoke-free car policy strict smoke-free car policies if they lows: Tennessee, 17%; Missouri, 23%; Pediatrician assistance were female (OR: 3.00 [95% CI: 1.22– Asked about smoking status 169 (21) 7.38], P = .016) or college educated (OR: New Mexico, 24%; Pennsylvania, 28%; Asked about smoke-free car 116 (14) South Carolina, 31%; and Alaska, 33%. Advised about a smoke-free car 101 (12) 2.42 [95% CI: 1.21–4.83], P = .013). Strict Eighty-two percent of parents who Type of visit smoke-free car policies were more Routine well-child visit 55 (54) common when parents were both light reported having a strictly enforced Sick visit 34 (34) smoke-free car policy also reported Other reason 12 (12) smokers (smoked #10 cigarettes per having a strictly enforced smoke-free Youngest child’s age, y day) and college educated (OR: 2.88 home policy. However, the majority ,1 36 (36) [95% CI: 1.24–6.66], P = .013). No other 1–4 40 (40) (66%) of those with a smoke-free home 5–9 15 (15) interactions were statistically signifi- policy do not have a strictly enforced $10 10 (9) cant. The model fit was acceptable with smoke-free car policy. Almost 1 in 5 a N = 562 (parents who allow smoking in their car). a C statistic of 0.71. e1474 NABI-BURZA et al Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
ARTICLE TABLE 3 Strictly Enforced Smoke-Free Car Policy by Parent and Child Characteristics (N = 795) smoked per day by the parent39 and Characteristic Have a Strictly Do Not Have a Strictly P Value lower parental education39,40 were as- Enforced Smoke-Free Enforced Smoke-Free sociated with increased TSE of children Car, n = 187 (24%) Car, n = 608 (76%) in cars. In our study, we found that Smoking-related characteristics No. of cigarettes per day parents who smoke more cigarettes 1–10 159 (31) 359 (69) ,.001 per day had lower odds of having .10 28 (10) 249 (90) a strictly enforced smoke-free policy in Quit readiness their car. Although it is important to Consider quitting in 6 mo 133 (23) 441 (77) .96 Seriously planning to quit in 30 d 90 (26) 254 (73) .07 intervene with all parents regarding Strictly enforced smoke-free home policy strict smoke-free car policies, it is Yes 153 (34) 298 (66) ,.001 possible that parents who smoke fewer No 34 (10) 310 (90) Demographic characteristics cigarettes may have less difficulty ab- Age, y staining when driving and could be 18–24 58 (31) 131 (69) .03 more receptive to advice from a health 25–44 119 (22) 434 (78) $45 10 (19) 43 (81) care provider. In our exploratory anal- Gender yses, we also found that college- Male 40 (23) 137 (77) .74 educated parents of children aged ,1 Female 147 (24) 471 (76) Race/ethnicity year were more likely to have strict Hispanic (any race) 28 (27) 74 (73) .64 smoke-free car policies. This finding White 122 (22) 426 (78) challenges the assumption that more Black or African American 27 (25) 80 (75) Other 10 (26) 28 (74) educated parents who smoke protect Education children of all ages from TSE and ,High school 17 (18) 79 (83) .36 highlights the need to address having High school graduate 77 (23) 256 (77) Some college 56 (24) 179 (76) strict smoke-free car policies with all College graduate 36 (28) 93 (72) parents regardless of their education Other smokers in home level. Yes 91 (20) 373 (80) .002 No 96 (29) 235 (71) Most parents who had a strictly en- Youngest child’s age, y forced smoke-free car policy had a ,1 66 (32) 141 (68) ,.001 strictly enforced smoke-free home pol- 1–4 84 (30) 202 (71) 5–9 19 (12) 133 (88) icy, and few parents who reported $10 16 (11) 125 (89) having a strictly enforced smoke-free Child’s insurance coverage car policy did not have a strictly Medicaid 106 (22) 367 (78) .20 Private insurance/HMO 68 (27) 183 (73) enforced smoke-free home policy. Other/self-pay 13 (18) 58 (82) However, 2 of 3 parents with strict HMO, health maintenance organization. smoke-free home policies did not have strict smoke-free car policies, suggest- ing that parentsmay not recognize TSEin DISCUSSION home was associated with decreased cars as an important exposure source odds of having a strictly enforced for their children. The association be- In this large sample of parents who smoked and visited a pediatrician, few smoke-free car policy. Few parents who tween having a younger child and car parents reported having a strictly en- smoked were advised by a pediatric smoking policy may reflect parental forced smoke-free car policy, and ap- health care provider to have a smoke- belief that TSE is more harmful to proximately one-half of those without free car. younger children versus older children. policies smoked in their cars with Studies have shown that smoking 1 These findings reinforce the importance children present. Having a child aged cigarette in a confined space such as of educating parents about the dangers ,1 year and being a lighter smoker inside a car creates unsafe levels of of TSE to all children, irrespective of (#10 cigarettes per day) were associ- respiratory suspended particles.15 Pre- location and age. ated with greater odds of having vious research conducted in Greek To our knowledge, no study has looked a strictly enforced smoke-free car and German populations has shown at the rate at which pediatric health policy. Having another smoker in the that increased numbers of cigarettes care providers ask about and advise PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 6, December 2012 e1475 Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
TABLE 4 Multivariable Logistic Regression counseling given to parents if .50% of lem of childhood TSE in cars exists in Showing Odds of Having a Strictly Enforced Smoke-Free Car Policy the total visit time is spent on coun- the United States. In future studies, (N = 793) seling parents about tobacco use.42 The biomarkers of TSE could be used to Variable OR (95% CI) pediatrician may also be in the best quantify degree of exposure in the sub- Youngest child’s age position to advocate for the children’s sample of children who have smoking ,1 y 1.64 (1.14–2.34) ** need to breathe clean air given that the bans at home and are exposed to tobacco $1 y 1.0a parents expect to hear about health smoke only in cars. To determine health No. of cigarettes per day Light smoker (#10 3.59 (2.45–5.26) *** issues that affect their child in this outcomes of children exposed to tobacco cigarettes per day) context. Home TSE has been a more smoke only in cars, longitudinal follow-up Heavy smoker (.10 1.0a traditional focus of pediatric tobacco of children who were and were not ex- cigarettes per day) control counseling, but children may posed to tobacco smoke only in cars will Other smoker in home Yes 0.56 (0.35–0.89)* spend a considerable amount of time in be helpful. No 1.0 a their family’s car. Action to protect Adjusted for parent age, education, and race and gender, CONCLUSIONS children from TSE in cars could pro- none of which was statistically significantly related to hav- ing a strictly enforced smoke-free car policy. ceed on multiple levels which include This research highlights the magnitude a Reference group. developing and testing interventions of the problem of parents exposing their * P , .05; ** P , .01; that address parental smoking in the children to tobacco smoke in cars. *** P , .001. pediatric health care setting and de- Strict 100% smoke-free car policies veloping public health campaigns at would help reduce TSE of children and the population level to educate smok- aid in protecting them from its harmful parents to enforce smoke-free car ers about the dangers of TSE and em- health effects. Pediatricians can help policies. Bringing their children to the phasize the need for smoke-free cars protect children from TSE in cars by pediatric office for a visit may create for children. A recent study conducted prioritizing addressing tobacco use a teachable moment for parental in 4 countries showed that the majority with parents and advising them to have smoking cessation and for addressing of smokers supported a ban on smok- strict smoke-free car policies. US pe- TSE.31 Most of the parents with whom ing in cars with children, with 60% of diatricians can also advocate for their smoking was addressed reported patients by presenting the case to US smokers supporting the ban.43 bringing their children in to the pedi- lawmakers and/or lobbyists for in- Levels of support were higher in Aus- atric office for routine well-child visits. troducing legislation that protects tralia (83%), the United Kingdom (75%), Although there may be more time children from TSE in cars as has been and Canada (74%). Pediatricians can available to discuss tobacco use at done in some states and in the United advocate for smoke-free cars and help routine well-child visits, extending in- Kingdom.23 Finally, given the low rates develop new legislative approaches to tervention to sick visits might enhance of clinical intervention on this issue, protect children from TSE in cars. Op- parental receptivity to advice, which pediatricians might concurrently con- portunities may also exist in adult might help to eliminate a risk factor (ie, sider supporting broader health pro- medicine, obstetrics, and in hospitals TSE) for their child’s disease. Although motion campaigns that address the to address TSE of children and other some pediatric offices have systems to dangers of parental smoking in cars. vulnerable individuals.44 prompt clinicians to screen for paren- tal tobacco use, few systematically use Although the study surveys were ad- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the full range of evidence-based to- ministered in-person and directly after We especially appreciate the efforts of bacco control techniques to reduce TSE clinic visits, the results are based on the PROS practices and practitioners. of children and even fewer include re- parental self-report and thus are sub- The pediatric practices or individual ducing the intense TSE in cars. Child- ject to recall and response bias. Results practitioners who enrolled participants hood TSE in confined spaces should be likely provide a lower-end estimate of in the larger study are listed here ac- considered an intervention priority in true childhood TSE in cars. Also, the cording to AAP chapter: Alaska: Anchor- the pediatric setting because children’s results are based on cross-sectional age Pediatric Group, LLC (Anchorage); exposure to TSE is involuntary, and no survey data, and we therefore cannot Connecticut: Hospital of Saint Raphaels one other than the child’s health care determine causality. Despite these (New Haven); Illinois: Community Health provider may have the opportunity to limitations, the use of a large sample Improvement Center (Decatur); Mary- advocate for smoke-free cars. Most size across 8 states allows greater land:CambridgePediatricsLLC(Waldorf); health care plans pay for tobacco confidence in reporting that the prob- Massachusetts: Quabbins Pediatrics e1476 NABI-BURZA et al Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
ARTICLE (Ware), RiverBend Medical Group– Oklahoma: Shawnee Medical Center Falls); Tennessee: Raleigh Group PC Springfield Office (Springfield); Missouri: Clinic (Shawnee); Oregon: Siskiyou Pedi- (Memphis); Virginia: Pediatrics of Priority Care Pediatrics LLC (Kansas atric Clinic LLP (Grants Pass); Pennsyl- Kempsville PC (Virginia Beach), River- City); New Mexico: Las Vegas Clinic for vania: Pennridge Pediatric Associates side Pediatric Center (Newport News), Children and Youth; PA (Las Vegas); (Sellersville); South Carolina: Inlet The Clinic (Richlands); and West Virginia: Ohio: Bryan Medical Group (Bryan), Pediatrics (Murrells Inlet); South Da- Shenandoah Community Health Center The Cleveland Clinic Wooster (Wooster); kota: Avery McGreevy Clinic (Sioux (Martinsburg). REFERENCES 1. US Department of Health and Human ing: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organi- Services. 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Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present Emara Nabi-Burza, Susan Regan, Jeremy Drehmer, Deborah Ossip, Nancy Rigotti, Bethany Hipple, Janelle Dempsey, Nicole Hall, Joan Friebely, Victoria Weiley and Jonathan P. Winickoff Pediatrics 2012;130;e1471 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0334 originally published online November 12, 2012; Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at: Services References This article cites 38 articles, 16 of which you can access for free at: Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Injury, Violence & Poison Prevention son_prevention_sub Hazardous Exposure ub Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present Emara Nabi-Burza, Susan Regan, Jeremy Drehmer, Deborah Ossip, Nancy Rigotti, Bethany Hipple, Janelle Dempsey, Nicole Hall, Joan Friebely, Victoria Weiley and Jonathan P. Winickoff Pediatrics 2012;130;e1471 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0334 originally published online November 12, 2012; The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397. Downloaded from by guest on February 2, 2021
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