USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -

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USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
February 13, 2020   Volume 30, Issue 3                       U.S. Naval Activities Spain

    USS Ross Change                  Exploring El Bosque DGF School and
    of Command                       and Benamahoma Sports News
    Page 10                          Page 12-13         Page 18-19
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
2 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

                                               NMCRS Active Duty Fund Drive Kicks Off
   CMC's Corner                                   H a p p y           States have experienced abuse from a dating partner. If you’re    COASTLINE STAFF
                                               February Team          being abused, know there are resources available. Reach           Commanding Officer
                                               Rota!                  out to Fleet & Family Support Center at 727-3232 or visit         Capt. David S. Baird
                                                    Hard to , and if you’re a parent, the Love is Respect
                                               believe we’re half     website also has resources for you as well.                       Executive Officer
                                               way through the           Finally, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS)          Cmdr. Justin Canfield
                                               month already. I       will kick off its Active Duty Fund Drive, Feb. 26. NMCRS
                                               know there may         provides so much for the community and many of you have           Command Master Chief
                                                                                                                                        CMDCM(SW/AW) Gary Rosenbaum
                                               be a few of you        been recipients of the interest-free loans, the great community
                                               lamenting that         resource of the thrift store, and the many programs offered.      Public Affairs Officer
                                               there isn’t any        Consider giving to this organization and if you can’t do that,    Lt. Lyndsi Gutierrez
                                               snow, but I am not     consider volunteering. NMCRS is one of those organizations
                                               one of them. I love    where you can have an immediate and direct impact on your         956-82-1680
                                               Rota in winter.        local community. If you are interested in donating or helping
                                               The weather is         out, reach out to NMCRS by stopping by their office in Bldg.      Deputy Public Affairs Officer
                                                                                                                                        MC1(AW) Benjamin Lewis
                                               usually very good.     3293 or calling 727-1614.                               
                                               Unfortunately it          Stay warm and I will see you around the community!             956-82-2813
   Command Master Chief                        rained for the
     Gary Rosenbaum                            week that we                                                                             Editor/Writer/Layout
                                               hosted many
                                               VIPs in January.         Volunteer Readers Needed                                        Courtney Pollock
                                               Oh well, they can              DGF Elementary School's
come back to visit us again.
    February is generally a busy month as everyone is back                      Dr. Seuss’s Birthday                                    Production Specialist
                                                                                                                                        MC2 Eduardo Otero Santos
from the holidays and focused on the year. It has President’s                                                                 
                                                                           Rota DGF Elementary School is celebrating Dr. Seuss'
Day, Valentine’s Day and several observances as well. It is a                                                                           956-82-1021
                                                                        Birthday, and seeking volunteers to read in a classroom.
pretty full month, so this year we added an extra day.
                                                                        You can choose your favorite Dr. Seuss book, another            Community Relations Advisor
    February is the annual celebration of Black History Month
                                                                        children's book, or the school can provide you a book.          956-82-3786
highlighting their contributions to our country and military. Black
                                                                        The dates/times are:
History Week was established in 1926 by American historian
                                                                                                                                        Contact The Coastline Editorial Staff:
Carter G. Woodson. Mr. Woodson was the first to develop and                                                                             Telephone: 956-82-1021
                                                                        March 5
promote the need for African American Studies. In the late                                                                              Email:
                                                                        8:45-9:30 a.m.: Sure Start and Kindergarten
1960s, universities and other institutions started to celebrate                                                                         Large-file email:
                                                                        1-1:45 p.m.: Grades 1-5
Black History for a month. In 1976, President Gerald Ford                                                                               PSC 819 Box 1
officially recognized the celebration as Black History Month.                                                                           FPO AE 09645-0001
                                                                        March 6
This year’s theme is Honoring the Past, Securing the Future.
                                                                        9 a.m. or 12:15 p.m.: PSCD                                      To place an advertisement in the Coastline,
    Valentine’s Day is a big event in February as well. Maybe
                                                                                                                                        please contact our publisher: Ramon Morant
that is why it is also Teen Dating Violence month. Unfortunately                                                              
                                                                          If you're interested in participating, contact Randy
dating violence can take the form of physical, sexual, emotional                                                                        or 653-78-0296.
                                                                        Lambert at or by calling 727-
or verbal abuse. Don’t let you or your friends be a victim to
                                                                        2425. Please provide your name, what time or class
dating violence.
                                                                        works best for you, book title and contact information.
    It is estimated that 1.5 million high school students in the
                                                                                                                                        The editorial content of this publication is the

On The Front Cover
                                                                                                                                        responsibility of the NAVSTA Rota Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                        Office. Contents of the Coastline are not necessarily the
                                                                                                                                        official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,
                                                                                                                                        the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy. Publishing
                                                                                                                                        is through a private firm in no way connected with
                                  Benamahoma, located                                                                                   the U.S. Navy, or other DoD/military entities, under
                                                                                                                                        exclusive written contract with NAVSTA Rota.
                                  approximately one and                                                                                 The appearance of advertising in this publication,
                                  half hours from Naval                                                                                 including inserts or supplements, does not constitute
                                                                                                                                        endorsement by the U.S. Navy, other DoD/military
                                  Station Rota, Spain, is                                                                               entities, or the publisher of the products or services
                                                                                                                                        advertised. Everything advertised in this publication
                                  a pleasant town to walk                                                                               shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage
                                  around on a drive to                                                                                  without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national
                                                                                                                                        origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political
                                  Grazalema or as part of                                                                               affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the
                                                                                                                                        purchases, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection
                                  the Rio Majaceite hike.                                                                               of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is
                                                                                                                                        confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising
                                  (Photo by MC1 Benjamin
                                                                                                                                        from that source until the violation is corrected.
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
Coastline | February 13, 2020 3

Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Rota Active Duty Fund Drive
                                                                                                                                         From Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society emergencies.
                                                                                                                                         (NMCRS) Rota                                   In 2019, NMCRS used in excess
                                                                                                                                                                                     of $858,000 of your donations to aid

                                                                                                                                            The Active Duty Fund Drive (ADFD) in those impacted by Hurricane Dorian and
                                                                                                                                         support of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief the ongoing devastating effects of the
                                                                                                                                         Society (NMCRS) is right around the California wildfires. Often, the financial
                                                             Naval Station Rota        Building 3293      Tel: 727-1614/956-82-1614      corner, kicking off on Feb. 26! The ADFD is assistance provided by NMCRS is the
                                                                                                                                         an opportunity to contribute much needed lifeline that makes the difference for Navy
  NMCRS                                2                      1                    174                          8,000+                   funds for the direct benefit and support of and Marine Corps families and keeps
   TEAM                                                                                                         VOLUNTEER                our shipmates and fellow Marines. This our Sailors and Marines focused on the
         ROTA                                  ADM INI ST RAT IVE      VO LUNT E ERS
                                                                                                                HOURS                    year's theme is, “By our own for our own.” mission when an unforeseen financial crisis
                       VISIT I NG NU RSE S          ST AFF
                                                                                                                                            Did you know that 100 percent of the exceeds their ability to make ends meet.
                                                                                                                                         proceeds from the ADFD go directly back        NMCRS Rota is happy to share
                                                                                                                                         to supporting Sailors, Marines and their some of our highlights on what our team
                                                                                                                                         families during their time of need? NMCRS accomplished last year (see chart at left).
                                                                                                                                         does not receive government funding and It’s been a busy year and we’re hoping
          604                          HOUSEHOLD SET-UP                                                                      $168,781    depends upon the assistance of active that in 2020 NMCRS Rota can continue to
  Home visits and
    other contacts
 with mothers and
 newborns, elderly
                                       BASIC LIVING EXPENSES (FOOD, LODGING)                                                  $91,909    duty and retired Sailors and Marines to bring assistance to those who need it in the
                                       TRANSPORTATION (CAR REPAIRS, INSURANCE, CAR PAYMENT, RENTAL)                           $13,874
  retirees, widows
     and widowers                      FAMILY EMERGENCY                                                                       $20,118
                                                                                                                                         help those in need at home and around community. To learn more about NMCRS
                                       PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES (PCS, GAS, PARENTS TO BEDSIDE)                          $8,448   the globe. The contributions from the ADFD Rota and the programs offered, speak to
                                                                                                                                         enable NMCRS to provide interest-free your Command Representative during the
                                       TRANSPORTATION DUE TO FAMILY MEMBER ILLNESS OR DEATH                                   $47,890

      Clients were
                                       OTHER                                                                                   $37,274   loans and grants to our shipmates facing Active Duty Fund Drive, contact NMCRS
        assisted in
 creating a budget                                                                                                                       financial challenges, including those who Rota office during business hours by calling
 to better manage
    their finances.                                                                                                                      have been displaced by natural disasters 727-1614 or 956-82-1614, or email us at
                                                                                                                     $388,294            and those who are dealing with family
                                             309      Clients received financial assistance

                                                                                                                                           NMCRS Rota's Active Duty Fund Drive
        Is the total
   amount of clients                                         Naval Station Rota ADFD Contributions
      served at the
       Thrift Shop.

           58                                     $157,373              $159,972
                                                                                               $142,631                                                                            Kicks off February 26th!
 Moms and dads
     attended a                                                                                                    $124,800

                                                                                                                                                                           "By our own for our own”

      Gift bags with                                2016                  2017                   2018                2019
hand-made blankets
    and other items
         provided to
                                                                                                                                                                           Contact your command representative or follow
 expectant parents.                                                                                                                                                        Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society-Rota's
AS OF JAN 2020
                                                                                                                                                                           Facebook page for more information
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
4 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

Triple C, Spain-U.S. Maritime History, Guest Cmdr. Kelley Jones
From U.S. Naval Forces Europe-                     In 2018, Foggo wrote a blog highlighting
Africa Public Affairs                          the history of our relationship with the       Strategic and
                                               Spanish navy and how that relationship         Tactical
    In the 15th episode of “On the Horizon:    started back during the American War of           When asked about
Navigating the European and African            Independence.                                  why NAVSTA Rota
Theaters,” Adm. James G. Foggo III,                “During the war, a young immigrant         was so important,
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-           and mariner from Menorca, Spain arrived        Foggo explained,
Africa (CNE-CNA), discussed naval              on our shores and joined our cause             “First of all, Rota's
activities in the European theater, and        as a naval officer,” said Foggo. “He           in a geographically
the strategic significance of Naval Station    was injured, captured, exchanged, and          strategic and tactical
(NAVSTA) Rota, Spain.                          volunteered again to fight alongside           location. It is on the
    This episode included two major            General George Washington. His name            other end of the trans-
differences from past podcast. The             was Jordi Farragut.”                           Atlantic bridge...”
podcast featured its second-ever guest             The Farragut family provided war              Having our FDNF
and was recorded for the first time while      heroes during the Revolutionary War and        ships in Rota allows Photo by MC3 Trey Fowler
Foggo was on travel. Foggo invited Cmdr.       the Civil War including the son of Jordi       quick response times Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (CNE-CNA), Adm.
Kelley Jones, commanding officer of the        Farragut, The U.S. Navy’s first admiral,       to developing crisis James G. Foggo III and Cmdr. Kelley Jones, commanding officer of
guided missile destroyer USS Donald                                                                                      the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook
                                               David Glasgow Farragut.                        around the European (DDG 75), record the podcast “On the Horizon” onboard the Cook
Cook (DDG 75) to discuss the importance            In addition to war heroes, Foggo           and African theaters. while in homeport at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota, Spain, Jan. 24,
of forward-deployed naval forces (FDNF)        points out, “The Spanish not only gave            “The fact that…90 2020.
to Europe and the special relationship the     us a Revolutionary War hero, our first         percent of the
U.S. Navy has with the Spanish Armada.         naval flag officer and Civil War hero, but     world's economy                                      Jones described the role that Donald
The episode was recorded aboard Donald         also our first overseas operating base         goes by maritime routes,” Foggo                   Cook    plays in U.S. 6th Fleet, “We fight
Cook, while pierside in Rota.                  at Port Mahon in Menorca. It was the           highlighted, “Protecting these sea lines          below   the sea, on the surface, in the air,
                                               Mediterranean Squadron that preceded           of communication is critical to American          and   in  space,” she said. “We provide
NAVEUR Hosted Triple C                         the U.S. 6th Fleet.”                           prosperity and business and the prosperity        our   nation's    leaders with powerful
   Typically held in Stuttgart Germany,            Over the last 200 years, the Navy’s        of our NATO allies and partners and their options in times of crises. And being
the Combined Commanders Conference,            relationship with the Spanish Armanda          security and stability across the globe.”         forward-deployed in Spain means we
or Triple C, was hosted by CNE-CNA             has only grown stronger and continues             Foggo ended the segment with a play a significant role in the great power
at NAVSTA Rota this month. Rota was            to expand, particularly after the NATO         message to NATO and to the Spanish competition.”
selected to host the Triple C by Foggo         alliance was formed, which then officially     people. “We’re grateful to NATO and we're            Having just finished their 9th patrol
to showcase U.S. Navy platforms                aligned our strategic national security        grateful to Spain for their extraordinary         supporting     three continents – Europe,
and capabilities to other U.S. service         goals.                                         hospitality in hosting our military families      Africa,  and   Asia, Jones reflected on the
commanders in the European theater.                                                           and our units here. It's a win-win for destroyer’s missions above the Arctic
   Foggo emphasized the importance of          Relationship Today                             our two countries because together we Circle, in the Baltic and Black Seas, and
bringing our joint leaders to Rota, “…this        “Our partnership with Spain could not       provide stability across the globe, and throughout the Mediterranean conducting
conference is important to sync leadership     be stronger today… The Spanish people          we're an integral part of NATO's collective numerous port visits and exercises with
on important issues, as we discuss the         are gracious hosts to more than 5,700          defense.”                                         European and African allies and partners.
challenges and opportunities we face and       U.S. service members, support staff,                                                                “I've been fortunate to deploy, or be
look at ways that we can support each          and families based in Spain, including         Guest Commander Kelley Jones                      stationed     in 5th Fleet, 6th Fleet, 7th
other and to support our NATO allies and       Naval Station Rota, home to our forward-          Foggo’s guest for the podcast was Fleet,” said Jones. “What distinguishes
partners with collective defense. For each     deployed naval forces,” said Foggo.            Jones, commanding officer of one of 6th Fleet from other areas of the world
of the leaders in Europe, it's critical that      For the maintenance of those naval          the four destroyers forward deployed to is that it's relatively small geographical
we all know and understand the strengths       forces, Foggo said, “We also have one of       Rota. Right off the bat, Foggo and Jones space, where we encounter both diverse
and weaknesses of each of the services.”       the best shipyards for forward-deployed        realized they went to the same school operations, operational environments,
   At the Triple C, U.S. military leaders      naval forces over here that do incredible      separated by a few decades. Through and regional actors.”
toured the FDNF ship Arleigh Burke-class       work. And as I walk around the USS             the years they have crossed paths more               Her examples included working with
guided missile destroyer USS Porter            Porter and USS Donald Cook, I see the          than once.                                        Black   Sea partners, being shadowed by
(DDG 78), Virginia-class attack submarine      quality of that care and I'm very pleased         After graduating from Virginia Tech,           Russian    forces, and conducting port visits
USS Washington (SSN 787), P-8A                 on the return on our investment of U.S.        Jones served on the Sacramento-class              in areas    the Navy has never been like
Poseidon of Patrol Squadron VP-4, and          dollars into the Spanish economy.”             fast combat support ship USS Seattle              Faroe   Islands.
the U.S. 6th Fleet (C6F) Blue Ridge-class         Foggo highlighted his top three             (AOE 3), the Ticonderoga-class guided-               Foggo ended the segment with an
command ship USS Mount Whitney (LCC            exercises in which U.S. and Spanish            missile cruiser USS Gettysburg (CG 64),           encouraging     note for Jones and her crew.
20). In addition, they toured the Spanish      forces participated in: 1) Trident Juncture,   the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile               “Thanks very much for your leadership.
navy’s multi-purpose amphibious assault        which is a NATO exercise mobilizing            destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89), and the I am extremely proud of you and every
ship-aircraft carrier ESPS Juan Carlos         50,000 troops in the defense of Norway;        Cyclone-class patrol ship USS Typhoon one of the sailors on USS Donald Cook,”
and met with senior Spanish maritime           2) Formidable Shield, testing NATO's           (PC 5). She completed many shore Foggo concluded. “You're doing a heck of
leaders.                                       response to a ballistic missile attack;        commands, most notable serving as the a job. I know you're getting ready to go do
                                               and 3) BALTOPS where Spain sent its            aide-de-camp to the Secretary of the it again, so fair winds and following seas,
Spanish-American Relationship over             flagship, amphibious assault ship ESPS         Navy, followed by executive officer and we're looking forward to seeing you the
the centuries                                  Juan Carlos I in 2019.                         now commanding officer of Donald Cook. next time we're in Rota.”
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Coastline | February 13, 2020 5
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6 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

News from the School Liaison Officer
For more information or to sign up, contact the School Liaison Officer at or by calling 727-2425.

                                                  A quarterly Homeschool Meet &

                                  Meet & Greet
                                                  Greet for Rota area homeschool
                                                  families. It is a great opportunity for
                                                  families to share ideas and connect.
                                                  Bowling will be provided by the
                                                  School Liaison Officer.

                                                  WHO: All Rota area homeschool
                                                  WHEN: March 6, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                  WHERE: Pinz Bowling Center

Special Needs Parent Support Group
The SLO Liaison hosts a monthly Special Needs Support Group for parents. It is a
great opportunity for families to connect.

WHO: All Rota families
WHEN: March 10 / April 24 / May 12, 9 a.m.
WHERE: Air Terminal Food Court (Dunkin Coffee)

F.E.E.T. (Friends Exploring Espana Together) Youth Sponsorship
The School Liaison Office and Youth Programs conducts an orientation/field trip for
new students to make sure the teens are informed about the many programs Rota
has to offer and to ensure they are given the opportunity to make friends and enjoy
their new duty station. They will also meet school administrators, meet youth center
staff and other key community members. We will also take a trip by ferry to Cadiz and
do a scavenger hunt. Lunch and snack are provided. The cost is free.

WHO: Open to all new youth going into grades 6 – 12. Youth must be registered
with CYP Youth Programs.
WHEN: March 13, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WHERE: School Age Center, Building 41
ADDITIONAL INFO: Space is limited for the F.E.E.T Youth Sponsorship orientation
and trip. Sign up early!

                                                                                            MEATS, FISH SEAFOOD
                                                                                            SEA VIEW

                                                                                            40 YEARS SERVING THE BEST

                                                                                                                  Open Mon.-Thurs. 13:00 – 15:30 and 19:00 – midnight
                                                                                                                     Fri. – Sat. 13:00 – 15:30 and 19:30 – midnight
                                                                                                                                     Closed Sundays
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
Coastline | February 13, 2020 7
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
8 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

                                                                 PUBLISHER´S CORNER
                                                      EL REMEDIO (TABERNA/RESTAURANT)
   El Remedio: A fun, colorful, unabashed restaurant reviewed in the same tone

   Situated on Rota's most famous gastronomic street destination, calle Mina, and only a short stroll from the fresh calm translucent waters of La Playa de la Costilla, El
Remedio -- celebrated by knowledgeable locals and adored, I am given to understand, by the wisest of expatriates-- has been steadily gaining the status of one of the
brightest jewels in the Costa de La Luz bucket list of gastronomic destinations.

   Like all of the best restaurants, this has happened in the proper way by word of mouth recommendations and without a slick marketing campaign. The concept? Take
only the best of local and seasonal fruits of the sea and fertile land, fish, mariscos, and vegetables presented through the educated lens of a man influenced heavily by his
world travels and artistic sensibilities. Et voila!

     Think locally line caught salmonetes presented in delicious delicate Vietnamese rolls. Imagine fresh cuttlefish bought on the pier that morning from the fisherman el-
evated by a Peruvian ceviche dressing. Sushi expertly rolled with the knowledge of an old Japanese maestro, filled with locally grown vegetables and octopus. Carnivores
prepare to taste a delicious carrillada of local pork cheeks, sitting a top a fondue of potatoes that could have been dreamt up in an old Parisian bistrot...beef tataki, risottos
filled with local pears blue cheese and figs.. you start to get the idea?
     And what if the man behind these delectable endeavors ? Guzman was born in the countryside of Navarra and raised in the metropolis of Barcelona, where he trained
under legendary cooks and had two of the most emblematic restaurants of El Born barrio, followed by a whistle stop tour of Japanese kitchens which much traveling un-
der his belt, has now put down roots in one of Spain’s most emblematic regions of Cadiz.

  Blessed with the nimble and precise touch of an artist, the plates Paco creates are as colourful and visually appealing as the many paintings of his artist friends that
adorn the wall of El Remedio.

   Add to that a sommeliers nose for local and national wines, here you can sample a delicious earthy Garum red wine, olorosos from a family bodega or a magnificent
Ribera del Duero. The three beer taps change seasonally also, hipster IPAs to refreshing cold Estrella.

  Some may find themselves stumbling out the door, with a belly full of food and wine, ready to digest a little with a romantic stroll by the beach, still struck by the warm
emotions that come from the experience.

  I have been told that many sense that there is love in the food that Paco creates, love in the wines that he helps you choose and match to your food, love in the humor,
charm and authenticity that the host exudes.

  While the cure to all ailments may not be found in Taberna El Remedio, it is a true labor of love. If you are looking for a cure for your hunger, a prescription from Doctor
Paco Guzman, head chef, gourmand and propietario of the rising star of Cadiz cuisine taberna El remedio in Rota, Cádiz should do the trick.

   Buen Provecho!
USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
Coastline | February 13, 2020 9

Beware the Risks of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Equipment (COTS)
From Navy and Marine Corps                             specialist, and the approving authority       U.S. products can be used in Europe and       how to deal with them offers a unique
Spectrum Office Europe and Africa                      must ensure that due diligence has been       Africa since they can cause interference.     challenge to the acquisition community.
(NMCSO EUR/AF)                                         conducted to evaluate the characteristics     If a U.S. entity (government or private       As always, the Naval Station Rota
                                                       of the equipment and ensure that it           user) causes interference to a host nation    Installation Spectrum Manager (ISM)
   In today’s world, everyone is connected.            operates in accordance with the Host          system, they must cease transmission          and the Navy Marine Corps Spectrum
At home or in the office, wireless devices             Nation and installation requirements prior    immediately, and in some cases can be         Office Europe is available to answer your
have become a part of normal life. The                 to purchasing it.                             fined or have the equipment confiscated.      questions and assist you in your decision
military is no different. More and more                   Commercial service providers have             While cost and time savings from           making process.
military functions are being conducted                 become very proficient in tracking down       the commercial marketplace vendor                For details, contact Mr. Matt Green,
on commercially available devices. From                interference to their networks and have       is convenient, don’t throw away the           Rota Installation Spectrum Manager
tablets, cellphones and even drones,                   approached U.S. Forces in the theater         government's money by purchasing              (ISM), at 727-2126 or the Navy and
commercial devices are being used for a                multiple times to report that interference    equipment that is not legal at your duty      Marine Corps Spectrum Office Europe at
wide range of military functions.                      was originating from a ship in port or from   station.                                      626-2004/3738/5354.
    Because of the saturation of devices               a facility within the perimeter of a base.       Understanding these issues and
at home and on the battlefield, unit                      Throughout the
communications personnel, procurement                  European Region,
specialists and commanding officers                    interference has
must be aware of the requirement                       been traced to
for and be familiar with the spectrum                  several U.S.
supportability process for commercial                  specification
off the shelf (COTS) equipment being                   wireless conference
used or procured. This will help minimize              phones. The reason
purchases of equipment with the potential              these phones
to not only cause, but also fall victim to             were causing
harmful radio frequency interference or                interference was
create operational security (OPSEC)                    due to a difference in
issues per standing host nation and U.S.               standards between
military instructions.                                 the U.S. and Europe
   Systems like Wi-Fi routers or hand                  and Africa. Each
held radios being procured for DoD                     sovereign nation
use onboard military installations must                has their own way
be evaluated to ensure the equipment                   of allocating the
does not cause harmful electromagnetic                 Radio Frequency
interference (EMI) to U.S. military                    spectrum, and they
equipment or Host Nation systems such                  don’t necessarily
as cell phone networks and first responder             share commonality
radio networks.                                        with the U.S.
   To minimize risks associated with COTS              standards.
equipment, the requestor, procurement                     As such, not all

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USS Ross Change of Command Exploring El Bosque and Benamahoma - Page 12-13 -
10 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

USS Ross (DDG 71) Holds Change of Command Ceremony
By Ensign Drake Davis                                2018. Prior to taking command of Ross,
USS Ross (DDG-71) Public Affairs                     Coles served as the ship’s executive
   Cmdr. John D. John relieved Cmdr.                     “Cmdr. Coles’ tactical expertise,
David Coles as commanding officer of                 prudent seamanship, and remarkable
the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile               leadership have made Ross undoubtedly
destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71) during a                 combat ready and deservingly well-known
change of command ceremony aboard                    throughout not only the fleet, but the
the ship, Jan. 28th, 2020.                           world,” said John. “It is an honor and a
   A s c o m m a n d i n g o ff i c e r, C o l e s   privilege to lead such an extraordinary
successfully led USS Ross on three multi-            team of warriors as we embark on this
mission forward-deployed naval forces                next phase of our patrol.”
patrols throughout the U.S. 6th Fleet                    Ross, forward-deployed to Rota,
area of operations in support of regional            Spain, is conducting a routine patrol to
and national security interests. His                 support U.S. national security interests
tenure included numerous certifications,             in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations.
exercises, and multinational operations,                 U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in
including a successful Board of Inspection           Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of
and Survey Review and serving as air                 joint and naval operations, often in concert
defense commander for Charles de                     with Allied and interagency partners, in
Gaulle Carrier Strike Group in support of            order to advance U.S. national interests         Photos by MC3 Andrea Rumple
Operation Inherent Resolve. Coles has                and security and stability in Europe and         Cmdr. Dave Coles, outgoing commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile
been in command of Ross since Sept. 25,              Africa.                                          destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71), passes through side-boys as he departs the Ross, Jan. 28, 2020.

Cmdr. Dave Coles, outgoing commanding                Capt. Joseph Gagliano, commodore, Destroyer      Sailors aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-   Cmdr. John John, oncoming commanding
officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile    Squadron 60 and commander, Task Force            missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71) parade       officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile
destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71), speaks during           65, right, pins Cmdr. Dave Coles, outgoing       the colors during a change of command            destroyer USS Ross (DDG 71), speaks during
a change-of-command ceremony aboard the              commanding officer of the Arleigh Burke-class    ceremony on the flight deck, Jan. 28, 2020.      a change-of-command ceremony aboard the
Ross, Jan. 28, 2020.                                 guided-missile destroyer USS Ross (DDG                                                            Ross, Jan. 28, 2020.
                                                     71), with a Meritorious Service Medal during a
                                                     change of command ceremony, Jan. 28, 2020.
Coastline | February 13, 2020 11

FASTEUR Marines Conduct Security Training in Rota, Spain
By MC1 Peter Lewis                                               “Interior and exterior tactics are definitely skills that
CTF 68 Public Affairs                                         you can lose if you don’t constantly do it. We try to be
                                                              as creative as possible when keeping these skills up,”
   Marines assigned to Fleet Anti-terrorism Security          said Sgt. Robert Kohler, squad leader. “This is a new
Company, Europe (FASTEUR), a part of Navy                     environment for us. We’ve never been at this facility
Expeditionary Combat Force Europe-Africa/Task Force           before, so there’s no ‘gaming the game.’”
(CTF) 68, conducted security training, Jan. 22-25, at the        The training culminated with a simulated rescue and
E. Austin Koth Urban Training Complex on board Naval          recovery operation, where the Marines were tasked to
Station Rota, Spain.                                          recover an ambassador from a hostile area, utilizing all
   During the training, Marines practiced exterior tactics,   the skills they trained on, as well as simunition rounds
interior tactics, fragmentary grenade employment, and         and training hand grenades.
high value asset (HVA) recovery.                                 “The end-state objective is to make sure our Marines
   "We train to provide security for different missions,      understand room clearance procedures, moving building
such as embassy security, ship security and ship              to building, and follow-on actions once the area is            Photos by MC2 Mark Andrew Hays
support,” said Capt. Rickie Young, Bravo Company              cleared,” Kohler said. “After the training, everyone is        Marines assigned to Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team
6 Platoon, platoon commander. “The training we are            confident regarding military urban operations at the           Company, Europe (FASTEUR), part of Navy Expeditionary
conducting here allows us to practice these tactics, along    individual level and at the team level, and consolidating      Combat Force Europe-Africa/Task Force (CTF) 68, conduct
with building proficiency with grenades, and simulating       after the objective is secured.”
                                                                                                                             exterior security training, at the E. Austin Koth Urban Training
recovering an HVA.”                                                                                                          Complex on board Naval Station Rota, Spain.
                                                                 CTF 68 provides explosive ordnance disposal
   Proficiency in security efforts and recovery tactics is    operations, naval construction, expeditionary security,           For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces
crucial to FASTEUR’s mission while supporting 6th Fleet       and theater security efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of     Europe and Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet, visit
operations in Europe and Africa.                              responsibility.                                                local/naveur/.
12 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

                                                                                          Water is Life
                                                                                             Exploring Benamahoma & El Bosque

    Photos by MC1 Benjamin Lewis                                                                                             Bird's eye view of the mountain village of Benamahoma.

By Courtney Pollock                                This proximity to Naval Station Rota return it to working order.                          mollete del molino.
NAVSTA Rota Public Affairs                     makes it an easy day trip or a relaxing           The Gonzalez family has worked                 “The river, Rio Majaceite, is very
                                               weekend in the mountains. El Bosque to provide a space where visitors can important because with this water, people
    In the small mountain pueblo of
                                               can serve as a                                                          l e a r n a b o u t settled here,” explained Gonzalez. “And
Benamahoma, gurgling water rises to
                                               great base for                                                          the importance over time, the town grew bigger.”
the surface forming a small pool before
it begins its descent. This water meets
                                               exploring the
                                               outdoors or the
                                                                     "For me, water is life."                          of water to the          The mill hosts visits from schools and
                                                                                                                       v i l l a g e o f E l tour groups as well as serves as a location
up with the cold water of another small
                                               other villages
stream and forms a larger river that ebbs
                                                                                           - Fran Gonzalez Bosque                   as well for weddings. Gonzalez is most proud
                                                                                                                       a s s e e i n g a n about the fact that after the water is used
and flows down from Benamahoma                                                      Museo Molino del Abajo
                                               throughout                                                              operating mill. for milling flour, it is then returned to the
toward the village of El Bosque.
                                               the area but                                                            T h e m i l l n o w river with no impact to the environment.
    This river, the Rio Majaceite, has long
                                               the village has                                                         produces flour           “I think that it’s very important today
been the source of life here in these
                                               plenty to keep one busy.                       that is used to create a local bread called that people see that it is possible to use
mountain communities. The two villages
                                                   A great place to get started on learning
are linked by an old foot path which is a
                                               about the area, its flora and fauna, and
popular hike nowadays. From it comes
                                               people is at the centro de visitantes El
water, a source of energy, and a place to
                                               Bosque. This visitor center is located on
relax on hot summer days.
                                               the right side of A-373 road upon entering
    “Life in El Bosque is fantastic,”
                                               the village. The two-story center has an
explained Pilar Garcia Carrasco, mayor
                                               information desk, brochures and general
of El Bosque. “The life here is so slow,
                                               details on the first floor. The second floor
but we are very near to Jerez and Cadiz.”
                                               is an interpretive center detailing the
                                               history and geological features of this
                                               area. The center is also where you can
                                               obtain the hiking permits required for
                                               some of the hikes within the protected
                                               areas of Grazalema Natural Park.
                                                   After getting an overview of the local
                                               area, head down the street to the Molino
                                               del Abajo, or the low mill. This mill is
                                               one of three mills – upper, middle and
                                               lower – that were along the river. The
                                               Molino del Abajo is the only one that is
                                               still operational. Fran Gonzalez, whose
                                               family has owned and operated the mill Fran Gonzalez, whose family has owned the mill for over 300 years, explains the importance of
                                               for over 300 years, refurbished the mill to water to El Bosque and the community. Gonzalez refurbished the mill to working order and now
                                                                                             hosts school and tour groups to the Museo Molino del Abajo.

                                                           Payoyo is not just                                                Benamahoma hosts one of the largest Moros y
                                               Fun Facts

                                                           a local cheese              Rio Majaceite hike is a 5.3           Cristianos (Moors and Christians) battle reenactments
                                                           company. It’s the           kilometers hike that can              every year. The festival is usually held the first
                                                           name of a breed of          be done from El Bosque to             weekend in August.
                                                           goats, cabra payoya,        Benamahoma, or vice versa.
                                                           from this area used         It follows the river and has
Brenda Navarro Castellet and Courtney                      to make cheese.             good shade making it a nice                   The water in Benamahoma supposedly has
Pollock feel the cool water at the source in
Benamahoma.                                                                            summertime hike.                              medicinal qualities.
Coastline | February 13, 2020 13

Fran Gonzalez, from Museo Molino del Abajo, explains how             Close up view of the mill and how it grinds the wheat into flour.        Molletes del molino are produced using the flour milled at
water produces energy to operate the mill. For each pass of          The flour is then used to create Mollete del Molino, considered          the Museo Molino del Abajo. The Gonzalez family produces
water, it will turn 100 times thus grinding wheat to flour.          one of the best molletes in Cadiz province.                              approximately 200,000 molletes del molino each year.

the water and not contaminate it,” he said.        Moors and Christian battle reenactments,              find the bull ring that serves as a parking          Grab a refreshment or coffee at one of the
“It is very important because this water is        so there is a definitely Moorish feel on              lot most of the year, the various tiles              local cafes before hitting the trail back to
needed by other people.”                           the village. Meander the village to see               depicting Benamahoma’s history, and the              El Bosque.
     The mill produces approximately               the lemon-scented Plaza de Andalucia,                 Moorish-influenced Plaza de las Huertas.                 A trip to El Bosque should definitely
200,000 molletes del molino each year.                                                                                                                        include a visit to the “El Castillejo”
While the Gonzalez family only makes                                                                                                                          botanical garden located at the top of the
the molletes for commercial entities, you                                                                                                                     village. This garden is the second most
can sample the famous mollete at local                                                                                                                        visited botanical garden in Andalucia
restaurants or buy a 10-pack from the                                                                                                                         and is broken into different environments
Museo del Queso, or museum of cheese.                                                                                                                         along the circular path. There is a map
The museum is located a short walk from                                                                                                                       in the front of this free park that shows
the visitor center and features a small                                                                                                                       you the different tree species throughout
museum area that highlights the breeds                                                                                                                        the garden such as oak and cork trees.
of goats and sheep that are used to create                                                                                                                    The red dots throughout the park indicate
the cheese and the process. There's also                                                                                                                      endangered species. You can also see
a small shop in the front to purchase                                                                                                                         the special pinsapo pine trees that are
cheese and other local products.                                                                                                                              indigenous to this area.
     The museo del queso, one of the many                                                                                                                         Garcia Carrasco describes her pueblo
shops in El Bosque, is a great place to                                                                                                                       as a “paradise” and councilwoman Ana
stock up with some provisions before                                                                                                                          Melgar says that El Bosque is known for
checking out the Rio Majaceite trail. The                                                                                                                     its hospitality, friendly people, beautiful
5.3 kilometers trail follows the river as                                                                                                                     environment, and relaxation.
you slowly ascend towards the village of                                                                                                                          “And the food,” exclaimed Garcia
Benamahoma. There is plenty of shaded                                                                                                                         Carrasco. “We have excellent food!”
spots to stop and enjoy a snack or lunch                                                                                                                          Indeed, a visit to El Bosque and
along the path.                                                                                                                                               Benamahoma is a perfectly relaxing day
     Upon arriving in Benamahoma, head                                                                                                                        full of cultural and gastronomic surprises
                                                   The view of the mountains surrounding Benamahoma from its Moorish-influenced Plaza de
up into the city to check out some of the          Andalucia. The plaza is filled with lemon trees whose scent fills the air. It's a great place to relax     that leave you looking forward to your
sites. This small village is known for its         and enjoy a snack before heading back to El Bosque along the Rio Majaceite hike..                          next visit.
annual Moros y Cristianos festival, or

El Bosque mayor Pilar Garcia Carrasco, right,      The Museo del Queso in El Bosque has many             The Museo del Queso in El Bosque also has            Jardin Botanico "El Castillejo" in El Bosque is
and Councilwoman Ana Melgar, second to right,      local products in addition to cheese available        a small interpretive space describing the local      the second most visited botanical garden in
answer questions regarding El Bosque and the       for purchase.                                         goats and sheeps in addition to the cheese-          Andalucia.
local area in the visitors' center.                                                                      making process.

The Plaza de Andalucia in Benamahoma is full of lemon trees. A       The City Hall building on Plaza de la Constitucion in El Bosque          El Bosque and the surrounding areas produces lots of award-
fun fact is residents are able to pick the lemons as they are not    is in the center of the town. The area surrounding it is full of         winning cheese. If you would like to sample or purchase cheese,
owned by the city or private company.                                restaurants, bars and shops.                                             stop by the Museo del Queso in El Bosque.
14 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

Rota Legal Team Wins Regional Awards
By MC2 Eduardo Otero                                   “It is humbling,” said Rumpak in
NAVSTA Rota Public Affairs                          regards to his Sailor of the Year award.
                                                       As for the other two recipients, Rumpak
   Two Judge Advocate General's Corps said it is “Well deserved. They are highly
(JAGC) officers and one legalman skilled and go above and beyond their
assigned to Naval Station (NAVSTA) basic required duties.”
Rota, Spain, earned Region Legal Service               In the NAVSTA Rota detachment
Office (RLSO) awards for fiscal year 2019. office, the legal team deals with novel
   Lt. Sterling Spencer, Trial Counsel, international issues, complex litigation
Lt. Savannah Smidt, civil law branch across multiple continents, and a high
head, and Legalman 2nd Class Sampe operation tempo.
Rumpak, command services paralegal;                    “There are a significant number of
won Trial Counsel of the Year, Legal highly skilled JAG officers and legalmen
Assistance Attorney of the Year, and stationed throughout the region, so it's an
Sailor of the Year respectively.                    incredible accomplishment for the Rota
   The awards are given for exceptional detachment to receive three ‘of the year’
performance of duties in their area of awards,” said Spencer. “I'm extremely
responsibility (AOR).                                                     proud of everyone's
                                                                          hard work and
                                                                          dedication to mission
                                                                          accomplishment.”             Photos by MC2 Eduardo Otero
                                                                              According to             Lt. Sterling Spencer, Trial Counsel, Legalman 2nd Class Sampe Rumpak, command services
                                                                                                       paralegal, and Lt. Savannah Smidt, Civil Law branch head, pose for a photo outside their Region
                                                                          S p e n c e r, i n t h i s
                                                                                                       Legal Services office (RLSO) at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota, Spain.
                                                                          region and area of
                                                                          practice, it takes a lot     proud,” said Smidt. “In my eyes, it means                          an environment of success,” said Smidt.
                                                                          of effort, patience and      that everyone is fostering an environment                             “I think we're lucky to have a great
                                                                          clear communication          that allows people to exceed expectations                          detachment,” said Spencer. “Everyone
                                                                          for teams to                 and I am happy to be a part of that.”                              works together and although it's a lot
                                                                          perform well. RLSO              Keeping the customer first in their                             of hard work, the people here make it
                                                                          d e ta ch me n t R o ta      minds and communicating effectively                                interesting and easy because they do
                                                                          has Sailors who are          within the legal detachment at NAVSTA                              their jobs so well.”
                                                                          willing and more than        Rota is part of their key to success.                                 The members of NAVSTA Rota’s
                                                                          capable of doing that.          “Communicating what is going on to                              detachment continue their commitment
                                                                              ”Seeing other            our detachment and being as transparent                            to excellence, helping the NAVSTA Rota
                                                                          members of my                as possible keeps everyone informed and                            community live their best lives while
Legalman 2nd Class Sampe Rumpak, command services paralegal,
                                                                          office receive awards        allows them to bring issues to us so that                          enjoying award-winning legal services at
works at his desk in the Region Legal Services office (RLSO) at Naval
Station (NAVSTA) Rota, Spain.                                             makes me very                we can fix them and continue to foster                             their home away from home.

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Coastline | February 13, 2020 15

Showing Yourself Love Through Food Choice
By Amy Reed                                   foods on hand to help you avoid long
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist             periods of time without eating. Consider
U.S. Naval Hospital Rota, Health              small packages of trail mix, an apple with
Promotions and Wellness                       individual peanut butter packet or granola
                                              bar (>150kcal/serving) in your bag, desk,
   This February, take time to show           or car.
yourself love through food choice. When
schedules get busy, self-care seems to be     Lean proteins. When making meal
the first priority dropped. Sleep, exercise   selections, avoid high fat or greasy
and stress management are some of the         proteins that could make you feel even
foundations of good health, and making        more tired or groggy after eating. Look
time for them can seem near impossible        for lean, grilled meat or fish proteins, or
somedays. However, despite limited time,      consider plant-based proteins like kidney
you must eat daily. You can still make        beans on a salad or black bean burritos.
choices regarding what and when you
eat to set yourself up for success when       Hydrate. If nothing else, ensure you are
dealing with other life stressors.            drinking enough water. For most adults,
                                              at least 2L of water is recommended daily.
Avoid high sugar/high caffeine                Keep a water bottle with you throughout
containing drinks. While these drinks         the day, and make it a goal to finish at
can seem like a great short-term solution     least 1L by lunchtime.
when you are feeling tired, they typically
provide a rebound crash after their energy       Want more support with your nutrition?
wears off. Keep daily caffeine intake less    Individual nutrition appointments are
than 400mg (or 4, 8oz cups of coffee) and     available at the hospital by calling the
added sugar less than 6tsp (24g sugar)        general appointment line at 727-3618
for women or 9tsp (36g sugar) for men.        or commercial, 956-82-3618. Both self-
                                              referral and referral from PCM/IDC
Healthy Snacks. Keep shelf stable             accepted.
16 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

 Manuel Dominguez Caballero
       Manuel Dominguez Caballero is a mail clerk at          customer read: “Mr. Manuel Dominguez at your Rota
    Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota’s post office. Dominguez      Spain Post Office, has attended me several times
    receives packages and letters from customers in the       and each time he has either resolved my problems or
    morning, organizes them, and places them in the           expedited my mail delivery. He is a valuable asset to
    boxes and units for their owners to pick up when the      your already professional team. Thank you very much
    doors open.                                               for supporting active duty, veterans and retiree military.”
       “I help move any heavy equipment or special cargo         As a Rota native, Dominguez says that it is amazing
    utilizing flat beds and forklifts for intermodal,” said   to work here and that he loves Rota. His hobbies
    Dominguez. “My favorite thing about the job is to be      outside of work include motorcycles and watching
    able to help my customers and that they leave totally     races, CrossFit and music. He also currently takes
    satisfied with my services.”                              English classes to improve his language skills.
       After the morning preparations are complete,              Both customers and coworkers praise Dominguez’s
    Dominguez tends to the front desk, helping customers      quality of work and dedication to his job at NAVSTA
    send their mail to family and friends around the world.   Rota’s post office. But as far as he’s concerned, he’s
    The quality of his service has not gone unnoticed.        “simply happy to help anyone at the post office. No
       One of the many comments left by a satisfied           matter what it takes.”

                                                                                                                            Cl. Mina 38, Rota
                                                                                                          Taberna                      (Cádiz)


                                                                                          FLAVOR CENTER

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Coastline | February 13, 2020 17

From the Library: The Queen’s Vow & The Last Queen
Reviews by Courtney Pollock                    resting place in the Royal Chapel in             It was in my quest to learn more about         into developing what has become modern
                                               Granada, I began to "connect-the-dots" of        Queen Isabella that at the library, I          day Spain. Gortner’s dedicated research
    Given the location of Naval Station        their history here in Andalucia, but found it    stumbled upon C.W. Gortner’s “The              to try to accurately portray the characters,
Rota, I routinely find myself in places        always generated more questions.                 Queen’s Vow” and “The Last Queen”              their flaws, and life events while remaining
of historical importance. Since my first           Reading academic or historical               about Isabella’s daughter Juana.               close to an accurate timeline. Each book
tour in Rota, I have been intrigued by the     books can be cumbersome and tiring so               The author’s ability to breathe life into   ends with his disclosure of events he
‘Catholic Monarchs’ of King Ferdinand          sometimes I wander towards historical            a person who lived years ago allowed           moved to create a better flow in the story
and Queen Isabella. From the tilework          fiction to learn more about real historical      me to gain a greater understanding of          as well as a question-and-answer section
at the entrance of the Castillo de Luna in     events while humanizing the person.              the politics and events that played a role     with the publisher.
Rota depicting their visit to their ultimate

The Queen’s Vow                                 By C.W. Gortner
                                                                                                     The Last Queen                                  By C.W. Gortner
                                                    The Queen’s Vow is a historical fiction                                                               The Last Queen focuses on
                                                on the unlikely succession Isabella of                                                                Juana, the third child of King
                                                Castille to the throne. Gortner details her                                                           Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
                                                early life in Arévalo living with her widowed                                                         Gortner delves deep into the
                                                mother and younger brother Alfonso under                                                              psyche of Juana, her life and
                                                poor conditions. To try to wield power over                                                           what possibly contributed to her
                                                his half-siblings, King Henry IV had them                                                             supposed mental state. From a
                                                brought to court. Henry is portrayed as an                                                            loving marriage that was turned on
                                                ineffective king who let the grandees, or                                                             its head due to Juana’s succession
                                                noble families with power in Castile, wield                                                           to the Spanish crown following the
                                                more power than they should. The author                                                               deaths of her brother, sister, and
                                                doesn’t shy from the dirty side of the court                                                          nephew. Her claim to the throne
                                                with all the grandees angling for their                                                               became a power struggle between
                                                own political gain. Isabella finds herself                                                            her, her husband, the grandees of
                                                in the center of many of these schemes                                                                Castile, and later her father.
                                                being used a pawn through marriage.                                                                       By the end of the book, Gortner
                                                She remained resolute that she has a say                                                              leaves the reader questioning:
                                                in who she would marry and ultimately                                                                 Was she truly crazy? Did the
                                                married Ferdinand of Aragon in a secret                                                               cruel events of her life make her
                                                union despite objections from Henry IV.                                                               go crazy? Or was it a power play
                                                    The book follows Isabella through                                                                 by those around her for their own
                                                her succession to the throne, the births                                                              political gain? These are the open-
                                                of their children the ongoing battles with                                                            ended question he leaves for the
                                                the Moors, and the fall of Granada.                                                                   reader to ponder.
ROTA       DGF    SCHOOL          NEWS & SPORTS
18 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

Winter Sports Championships Underway
From Rota DGF Middle/High                    "We're happy to be here,           boys enjoyed a lot of success
School                                    [and] we feel very fortunate to       and swept Bahrain in the
                                          be able to compete," Spencer          final DoDEA warmup before
    Rota student-athletes                 said. "Wrestling is growing at        championships.
are entering the final winter             Rota and we're just happy to              C h e e r, l i k e w r e s t l i n g ,
stretch as cheer, wrestling               be able to continue competing."       enjoys the status as defending
and basketball compete at the                Rota wrestling has grown           European title holder. The
European championships in                 from single digit participation       retirement of the longtime coach,
Germany this week.                        to a fledgling European               paired with the departure of key
    The defending-champion                powerhouse.                           players, led to a rebuilding year
wrestling team was first to hit the          Girls basketball has               with some younger athletes.
road as 11 Admirals punched               struggled at times this year              "We are very excited," said
their ticket to Wiesbaden. In the         and was unable to come away           cheer coach Jamie Matteson.
lead-up, coach Luke Spencer               with a victory. However, they         "We have new and challenging
took 18 wrestlers to Aviano, Italy        did improve and took visiting         stunts in our routine that we
for sectionals, where he said the         Bahrain to overtime and lost          hope will ensure our 5th straight
emphasis was on the process                                                                                                  Photos by Steve Bond
                                          in the final seconds. The             win."
and not just winning.                                                                                                        Makayla Maxwell works around Bahrain defenders over the weekend.

The Rota community packed the DGF gym on multiple occasions as they supported their Admirals student-athletes.

Rota Students Mark Titanic History
From Rota DGF Middle High School                      Amy Richards, created an evening for                life individuals and events that have had
                                                      children to entertain and educate the               a significant impact on human history in a
   Rota fifth and sixth graders collaborated          packed multipurpose building. A potluck             historically accurate and reverent manner.
to put on a special evening and take a                dinner provided by parents and PSS                  Sixth grade students presented research
closer look at the events leading up to               Admirals was accompanied with a dinner              based on their non-fiction and narrative
the sinking of the Titanic 108 years ago.             theater summarizing the fateful night of            studies of the Titanic in the form of videos
   The evening included a dramatic                    April 14, 1912.                                     to show their curriculum goals of research
performance by Rota DGF Middle/                          Following dessert was a virtual live visit       and working with multimedia.
High School's "Live for the Applause,"                to The Titanic Museum
comprised of 20 middle school cast                    in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.
members. A solo by Ysa Sheldon started                A guide in period attire
the evening as a tribute to those lost in             shared anecdotes from
the disaster.                                         the recovered artifacts and
   The sixth grade English Language Arts              architectural recreations.
team of Dan Bennett and Linda White,                  The virtual trip brought to
along with Instructional Support Specialist

                                                                                      Photos by Steve Bond
                                                                                      Titanic cast members included, from left, Demetra Chester, Kya        Ysa Sheldon began the evening by singing an
                                                                                      Geylani, Sam Coles, Patrick Ralston, Colton Rysdam, Alexander         Academy Award-winning song from the film
Allie Moore performs an oral history of the fateful events of the Titanic.            Barnhill, and Russell Jenkins, kneeling.                              "Titanic."
Coastline | February 13, 2020 19

                                                                                         Rota's Future Educators
                                                                                                           Photo by Eileen Kless
                                                                                                                                      Eight Rota students attended the annual Educators Rising conference
                                                                                                                                   last week in Garmisch, Germany, where they learned different classroom
                                                                                                                                   ideas and techniques, took part in team-building activities, went sledding,
The defending European champ cheer team unveiled new routines and stunts leading up to
                                                                                                                                   and collaborated with peers from across Europe. Rota attendees were,
                                                                                                                                   from left, Ethan Aitken, Ella Arnall, Emily Love Dillon, Vida White, Kendall

      Rota DGF Admiral Seniors
                                                                                                                                   Salazar, Emma Bond, Sam Miller and Austin DeMeritt.

                                                                                                                                                            S.T.E.A.M. EXPO 2020
                                                                                                                                                            ART LOGO CONTEST
                                                                                                                                         We are looking for student art entries for the
                                                                                                                                           S.T.E.A.M. Expo 2020 logo that showcases
                                                                                                                                       Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.
                                                                                                                                                      Measurements: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
                                                                                                                                                            (standard sheet of printer paper)

                                                                                                                                                              Art Medium: ANY!!
                                                                                                                                    Hand drawn, computer generated, crayons, color pencils, markers, paint, etc.
                                                                                                                                                   (NO visible pencil lines in finished product.)

                                                                                                          n to    d
  Rota DGF Middle/High School continued its tradition of recognizing senior student-                  Ope ry-age                                      Must have somewhere on the design:
                                                                                                        nta                                              S.T.E.A.M. acronym, Expo 2020
  athletes from winter sports. Front row from left: Philip Rivera, Sam Miller, Julia                   e       en
                                                                                                   elem childr                                 A representation of subject in the acronym S.T.E.A.M.
  White and Angie Perez. Back row from left: Savannah Matteson, Alicia Tate, Ariel
  Hennington, Brenon Colvin, Alex Bozwell, Jordan Cookerly, Blake Wall, Kendall                                                                    Due Date: February 28th, 2020
                                                                                                                        Turn your entry into Ms. Oliverson or Ms. Chambers at RES.
  Salazar, Julia Rodriguez and Edwin Valentin-Cruz.                                                       DON’T FORGET to include your NAME and TEACHER’S NAME on the back of your drawing.
20 February 13, 2020 | Coastline

                                      MWR Movie Schedule
                                      (Open to all patrons with base access. For more info, call 727-2328 or email

                                         Prices: Adult (12+): $4 ($5 for 3D); Child (6 to 11): $2; Preschooler (5 and under): Free
                         Drive In: Grills available for use. Food and drink allowed. No pets unless designated service animal. Movies can be heard
                                                      on the radio at 101.1 FM. Please keep headlights off during the film.

Thursday, February 13                                                        Little Women                                                            Just Mercy
4 p.m.: Just Mercy
7 p.m.: Birds of Prey                                                        Jo March reflects back and forth                                        World-renowned civil rights
                                                                             on her life, telling the beloved                                        defense attorney Bryan
Friday, February 14                                                          story of the March sisters - four                                       Stevenson works to free a
                                                                             young women each determined                                             wrongly condemned death
4 p.m.: Just Mercy
                                                                             to live life on their own terms.                                        row prisoner.
7 p.m.: 1917
                                                                             Rating: PG                                                              Rating: PG-13
Saturday, February 15                                                        Genre: Drama, Romance                                                   Genre: Drama
4 p.m.: 1917                                                                 Runtime: 2 hours, 15 minutes                                            Runtime: 2 hours, 17
7 p.m.: Uncut Gems                                                                                                                                   minutes
7 p.m.: Little Women (Drive-in)

Sunday, February 16
1 p.m.: The Grudge
4 p.m.: Birds of Prey

Monday, February 17
1 p.m.: Little Women
4 p.m.: Just Mercy

Tuesday, February 18
1 p.m.: Spies in Disguise
4 p.m.: The Grudge                                                          1917                                                                     Uncut Gems
The movie schedule may be                                                   April 6th, 1917. As a regiment                                           A charismatic New York
                                                                            assembles to wage war deep                                               City jeweler always on
adjusted due to Navy Motion
                                                                            in enemy territory, two soldiers                                         the lookout for the next
Picture release dates. It is always                                         are assigned to race against                                             big score makes a series
best to confirm show times on                                               time and deliver a message                                               of high-stakes bets that
the RotaMWR website at www.                                                 that will stop 1,600 men from                                            could lead to the windfall or NavyMWR                                                  walking straight into a deadly                                           of a lifetime. Howard must
Rota app.                                                                   trap.                                                                    perform a precarious
                                                                                                                                                     high-wire act, balancing
                                                                            Rating: R                                                                b u s i n e s s , f a m i l y, a n d
                                                                            Genre: Drama, War                                                        encroaching adversaries
                                                                            Runtime: 1 hour, 59 minutes                                              on all sides in his relentless
                                                                                                                                                     pursuit of the ultimate win.

                                                                                                                                                     Rating: R
                                                                                                                                                     Genre: Crime, Drama,
                                                                                                                                                     Runtime: 2 hours, 15
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