Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council

Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council
News from your council
January/February 2021

                                       Get active
                                         in 2021
                                         Creating more
                                          school places
                                       Working to keep
                                        Hillingdon safe
                                       Developments to
                                             boost jobs

                         FREE ALARMS     NEW GARDEN   VOLUNTEER
Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council

Could you give a child                                                             Contents
a loving home?       fostering
                                                                  Find out about
                                                                                   January/February 2021
                                                                                   ▸ Cover stories

                                                                                        9 Putting residents first despite                                                             n November, I announced my intention to formally stand down
                                                                                          COVID-19 challenges                                                                         as Leader of the Council on Thursday 14 January. It has been both
                                                                                            Strong financial management has enabled the council                                       an honour and a privilege to serve as Leader of Hillingdon Council,
                                                                                            to maintain investment in services for 2021/22.                                         which is now recognised as one of the best councils in the country.
                                                                                   ▸ 12 Ruislip school receives new state-of-the-                                                      As I write my last column and reflect on the past 20 years,
                                                                                            art teaching block                                                                      I am proud of what the council has achieved from building
                                                                                            Expansion works at Ruislip High School have created                                     financial resilience to putting people, the environment and
                                                                                                                                                                                    heritage at the heart of all it does.
                                                                                            more school places and enhanced facilities.                                                As usual, in this edition of Hillingdon People, you will be
                                                                                      13 Council Leader to stand down after 20 years                                                able to read the latest council news which encompasses all
                                                                                            Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot MBE announced last year that                                     of these themes.
                                                                                            he will be standing down.                                                                  Our planned budget for 2021/22 highlights how we have,
                                                                                                                                                                                    once again, been able to invest in services and facilities
                                                                                   ▸ 14 Working together to keep Hillingdon safe                                                    and keep the rise in council tax to a minimum. Despite a
                                                                                        The council has introduced a range of initiatives to                                        difficult year dealing with the unforeseen challenges of a
                                                                                        help to slow the spread of coronavirus.                                                     global pandemic, we find ourselves in a more stable position
                                                                                   ▸ 16 A destination for business growth                                                           in contrast to other local authorities, having been able to
                                                                                        Major planning applications are given the go-ahead,                                         weather the storm thanks to strong financial management.
                                                                                        underlining our commitment to supporting business                                           We have also been able to continue delivering essential
                                                                                                                                                                                    services throughout the pandemic and even created new
                                                                                        and investment.                                                                             ones, as well as transforming how some services run and
                                                                                   ▸ 18 Keeping fit and healthy                                                                     investing in and improving existing facilities.
                                                                                        If you’re looking to improve your fitness in 2021,                                             I would like to remind residents that the coronavirus is still
                                                                                        Hillingdon has plenty of ways to help you get fit.                                          present and remains deadly. Last year was a difficult year
                                                                                                                                                                                    for us all, and I have been impressed by everyone coming
                                                                                         Regulars                                                                                   together to help to keep Hillingdon safe. While the roll-out
                                                                                       4 Hillingdon News   	 28 Volunteers                                                          of the COVID-19 vaccine is excellent news, it will take time
                                                                                                                                                                                    for everyone to receive it. A return to some level of normality
                                                                                      10 Older people        31 Contacts                                                            is in sight but I encourage residents to not let their guard
                                                                                                                                                                                    down and act responsibly. By continuing to follow the latest
                                                                                   COVER PHOTO : ANA ZOT TI AND ORL A IN WARRENDER PARK , RUISLIP                                   advice and guidelines we can keep rates as low as possible
                                                                                                                                                                                    and protect each other.

Join us online to find out about fostering:                                                                                                                                            The council continues to create additional places at
                                                                                                                                                                                    schools across the borough, provide free burglar alarms
                                                                                                                                                                                    to over-65s, offer a range of leisure facilities to support
Tuesday 9 February, 2pm to 3pm                                                                                           4                                            16
                                                                                                                                                                                    your health and wellbeing, work with businesses to boost
                                                                                                                                                                                    investment and generate additional and more diverse job
                                                                                                                                                                                    opportunities, and celebrate the achievements of children in
Tuesday 9 March, 2pm to 3pm                                                                                                                                                         care at our annual Kids in Care Awards.
                                                                                                                                                                                       In this edition, you can also read how we are protecting
                                                                                                                                                                                    the environment by planting trees and creating pollution
                                                                                                                                                                                    screens, and even giving away free saplings that you can
The event will take place on Microsoft Teams and we will                                                                                                                            plant in your own gardens. We have acquired a new wood to
contact everyone who has registered before the session
with the joining details.
                                                                                                                   10                                                 26            protect, restored a pond to create a safe home for wildlife,
                                                                                                                                                                                    our waste and recycling service has been recognised as
                                                                                                                                                                                    waste team of the year for their work, and our innovative
                                                                                   Advertising deadline for next edition: Friday 5 February 2021                                    rain garden project in Eastcote has won a flood and water
                                                                                   Editorial and advertising enquiries                                                              management excellence award.
                                                              For more details        01895 556903
                                                                                                                                                                                        Our heritage remains important, our libraries are offering
                                                                                                                                                                                    virtual author events and a new exhibition is set to be launched
                                                                                                  this month to showcase the diverse history of the borough.
                                                                                                                                       I would like to thank council staff, political colleagues and
                                                                 0800 783 1298                                                                                                      residents for their support during the past 20 years. Whoever
                                                                                                                                 After reading, please                              my successor is, I have no doubt that they and the council
                                                                                                                                 recycle this magazine                              will continue to put residents first.
                                                                                   Published by London Borough of Hillingdon © 2021
                                                                                   Hillingdon People, 3S/05 Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.
                                                                                   Design Corporate Communications Printed by Service Graphics
                                                                                   Products and services advertised in this magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the council.

                                                                                   For a copy in large print or as an                                                                                                        Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot MBE

                                                    audio version call 01895 556903                                                                                                           LEADER OF THE COUNCIL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     January/February 2021                      3
Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        news

    Officer keeps Uxbridge safe                                              Supporting those at risk                                      Waste team wins award
     A police officer part-                   advice to residents and        In the run-up to Christmas,
                                                                                                                                           The council's waste and               and 25 per cent across all
     funded by the council                    businesses on COVID-19         the council supported
                                                                                                                                           recycling service won                 collections.
     has been credited with                   restrictions and quickly       Hillingdon families who                                       the Best Team of the                     The council was one
     helping to reduce crime                  stepping in to deal            have been affected by                                         Year Award at the Local               of the only London
     and anti-social behaviour                with incidents such as         domestic abuse and older                                      Authority Recycling                   boroughs to continue
     in Uxbridge town centre                  shoplifting, begging and       people who are isolated or                                    Advisory Committee                    collections of all waste
     by nearly 40 per cent.                   anti-social behaviour          have been victims of crime                                    awards on Monday                      and recycling from
        PC Liam Harmon, who                   when required.                 by holding a virtual party                                    19 October.                           households and flats
     patrols the town centre                     Since June, the BID         for families and by giving                                      The team was                        during the peak of the
     on a full-time basis, has                has also employed two          out gifts for Christmas.      where they were given           rewarded for their                    COVID-19 crisis.
     been involved in more                    security ambassadors             The council received a      a hamper and gifts from         innovative work                          Cllr Philip
     than 70 arrests since he                 to help reinforce              range of donated items that   the donated items.              throughout the                        Corthorne, Cabinet
     started his job in March.                social distancing              were turned into presents         Cllr Jane Palmer,           COVID-19 pandemic in                  Member for Housing
        Although PC Harmon                    and safe queuing in            for children and adults.      Cabinet Member for              keeping staff protected               and the Environment,
     is a Metropolitan Police                 the town centre.                 In previous years,          Social Care, Health and         and maintaining weekly                said: "I am proud               REWARDED Some of the team with Cllr Corthorne and Cllr Barnes
     officer, his salary is solely               The high-visibility         the council has held an       Wellbeing, said: “Last year     collections for residents.            that our waste and
     paid for by the Uxbridge                 patrols and rapid response     annual Christmas party        was particularly hard for          With most people                   recycling team has been         ensure that the council               their collection services,
     Business Improvement                     times have drawn praise        for families affected by      everyone, but it has been       working from home or                  recognised as one of the        continued to deliver                  we were able to carry on.
     District (BID) - a non-                  from businesses, with          domestic abuse but this       especially hard for families    shielding, demand for the             best in the country.            essential services                    This was a result of a lot
     profit organisation                      many commenting on             was not possible last         affected by domestic            service significantly rose               “This award is a             throughout this extremely             of hard work behind the
     that represents more                     how much safer and             year due to the ongoing       abuse or older residents        between March and June,               testament to the great          challenging period.                   scenes from a variety of
     than 400 levy-paying                     more secure they feel.         coronavirus pandemic.         who may not have been           and the borough saw                   work that was carried              “While many councils               services to ensure crews
     members including the                       PC Harmon said: “I          However they continued        able to have had visitors       an increase between 15                out by the team to              had to suspend parts of               were protected.”
     council, the police force,               wanted to work more            to be supported via a         because of the pandemic.
     businesses and charities.
        The BID’s decision to
                                              closely with the local
                                              community, get to know
                                                                             virtual party which took
                                                                             place in December on
                                                                                                               “The council is committed
                                                                                                           to ensuring that families       A new chapter for libraries                                           Pond restoration complete
     employ its own police                    the people of Uxbridge         the Zoom platform.            affected by abuse receive
     officer was one of its                   and make a real difference       At the end of the party,    the support they need and       Our £3 million library                Improvements made
     initial pledges at the                   on a day-to-day basis. I       the host directed children    it’s fantastic that residents   refurbishment programme,           include new-look open
     time of its launch.                      wanted to go back to the       to their front doors          have still been able to         which will see 15 of               plan interiors with zones
        PC Harmon’s first                     traditional ‘boots on the      where they were met by        come together virtually         the borough’s libraries            that highlight each area’s
     responsibility was                       ground’ way of policing,       volunteers dressed in         and celebrate the festive       refurbished and two                different use, light stowaway
     to support essential                     and work with retailers        seasonal costumes, who        season in a safe way.”          rebuilt, is continuing             seating in the children’s
     retailers that stayed                    and the wider community        delivered presents to them        If you know someone         apace with four more sites         areas, reupholstering to
     open during the initial                  to tackle issues that          while adhering to social      who has been affected           receiving improvements.            the libraries’ existing seats,
     coronavirus lockdown.                    matter to local people.”       distancing guidelines.        by domestic abuse, visit           Newly refurbished South         modified bookshelves to
     He has remained a                           For more information          Each older resident          Ruislip Library reopened           create more space, and
     reassuring presence in the               about the BID visit            was paid an individual        abuse for information,          in September and works             additional tables and plug-in
     town centre, providing                 socially-distanced visit      advice and support.             to Manor Farm and Oak              points for visitors to use their   A total of £40,000 has                  from the nearby road. Coir
                                                                                                                                           Farm will be finished in           own devices, such as laptops.      been spent by the                       rolls and blankets were also
                                                                                                                                                                                 For more information            council on works to                     installed around the
    Mayor encourages creativity during lockdown
                                                                                                                                           January. Refurbishments
                                                                                                                                           at Hayes End are due to            about Hillingdon’s libraries,      restore Ickenham Pond.                  pond’s border to help
                                                                                                                                           be completed in February           visit www.hillingdon.                While lilies, yellow flags            prevent erosion and
    The Mayor of Hillingdon,                                                   beautiful poems, stories                                    (COVID-19 dependent).                      and several other wetland               support its slopes.
    Cllr Teji Barnes,                                                          and drawings from                                                                                                                 plants had thrived in the                   The pond was replanted
    encouraged Hillingdon                                                      children. The details                                                                                                             pond helping to support                 with native wetland plants
    children and young                                                         of their experiences                                                                                                              amphibians and water                    and wildflower seeds such
    people to get creative                                                     during lockdown were                                                                                                              invertebrates, invasive                 as purple loosestrife, yellow
    during the summer                                                          highly creative. It was                                                                                                           species such as parrot’s                flags and corn marigolds.
    holidays as part of a                                                      inspiring to read that                                                                                                            feather and swamp                          Leader of the Council,
    special art competition.                                                   many of the children                                                                                                              stonecrop had started to                Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot,
      Residents aged                                                           had enjoyed the open                                                                                                              take over. This threatened              said: “The pond, which is
    between five and 16                                                        spaces, had become                                                                                                                the pond’s native species               more than 100 years old, is
    were invited to design a                   ranged from paintings        accustomed to home                                                                                                                   by taking the resources                 a key landmark in Ickenham
    piece of work inspired                     and drawings to poetry,      schooling, and learnt                                                                                                                they need to survive.                   and provides a haven for
    by life during lockdown.                   with the top three from      new skills like riding                                                                                                                  In November,                         plants and wildlife.
      The entries could                        each category receiving      a bike and baking.”                                                                                                                  excavation works were                      “It will take a few months
    be drawings, paintings,                    gift vouchers donated          View the winners and                                                                                                               undertaken to remove the                for the new plants to
    poems or stories.                          by Uxbridge BID.             their entries at                                                                                                                     dominating plants, roots                become established and
      The winning pieces,                        Cllr Barnes said: “I was                                         REVITALISED The new-look South Ruislip Library                        and stems to create more                by spring they will start
    selected by Cllr Barnes,                   delighted to receive the     mayor-art-competition.                                                                                                               space for water to drain                to bloom."

4                     January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                         January/February 2021                  5
Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          news

    New exhibition illustrates Hillingdon's varied history                                                                                 Protecting ancient woodland for the future Take part
                                                                              will feature a variety of
                                                                              photographs and objects
                                                                                                             that mean something to
                                                                                                             them and tell the story
                                                                                                                                           In October, the council
                                                                                                                                           invested £88,000 to acquire                in Census
                                                                              offering an insight into
                                                                              the lives of residents
                                                                                                             of who they are. Items
                                                                                                             could be anything from
                                                                                                                                           a further 30 acres of ancient
                                                                                                                                           semi-natural woodland in                   2021
                                                                              from across Hillingdon.        toys to memorabilia or        Ruislip Woods to manage                                                                                Households across
                                                                                 The exhibition will also    even treasured clothes.       and protect for future                                                                                 Hillingdon will soon
                                                                              tour the borough’s libraries   Submissions could also        generations to enjoy.                                                                                  be asked to take part
                                                                              throughout the year            include details about            The council worked                                                                                  in Census 2021.
                                                                              (COVID-19 dependent).          why the items were            with Ruislip Woods Trust                                                                                  The census is a once-
                                                                                 The council is keen to      chosen and what makes         to acquire the wood, which                                                                             in-a-decade survey which
                                                                              expand the exhibition as       them significant.             will become part of the                                                                                gives the government
    THIS IS ME Some of the submitted exhibits
                                                                              it tours to show a breadth       If you would like to        council-owned Ruislip                                                                                  the most accurate
    A new exhibition that                           ‘This Is Me’ will be      of subjects. Residents         be part of ‘This Is Me’       Woods National Nature                                                                                  estimate of all the
    highlights the diverse                        available to view from      are invited to continue        and to view the exhibition,   Reserve (NNR). The                                                                                     people and households
    history of the borough                        Saturday 9 January on the   submitting items or            visit www.hillingdon.         nature reserve consists of          Cllr Jonathan Bianco,         "Copse Wood is a really              in England and Wales.
    was launched in January.                      council's website and       photograph five objects            726 acres and constitutes       Cabinet Member for             important area with many                   It will be the first
                                                                                                                                           10 per cent of ancient,         Finance, Property              species of trees, plants and            census that is run
                                                                                                                                           semi-natural woodland           and Business Services,         flowers, and we're delighted            predominantly online.
     Competition promotes                                                      Towpath improvements                                        in Greater London.
                                                                                                                                              Regular maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                           said: "Ruislip Woods
                                                                                                                                                                           encompasses one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          that it will now become part
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of our nature reserve."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Census day takes place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on Sunday 21 March,
     the benefits of walking                                                   The council, in partnership
                                                                               with the Canal & River
                                                                                                                                           work will be carried out
                                                                                                                                           by the council's green
                                                                                                                                                                           most extensive oak and
                                                                                                                                                                           hornbeam coppice woods
                                                                                                                                                                                                             For more information on
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ruislip Woods NNR, visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  but households across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the UK will receive
     In October, the council                  and the winning poetry           Trust, has successfully                                     spaces team to ensure that      in south east England, and          letters with unique
     ran an art and poetry                    entry was from Farah             transformed another                                         members of the public           it is imperative that we          To find out more about               online access codes
     competition to mark                      Yusuf, aged nine from            section of towpath along                                    can enjoy the walking           continue to protect ancient    Ruislip Woods Trust, visit              allowing them to take
     International Walk to                    Cranford Park Academy            the Grand Union Canal.                                      routes around the area.         woodlands in our borough.           part from early March.
     School Month.                            (Hayes). Both received              The stretch, between                                                                                                                                               The information you
       ‘Happy Shoesday’
     was open to children
                                              an Amazon Kindle.
                                                Cllr Burrows said:
                                                                               West Drayton Bridge
                                                                               and Trout Road in                                           Protecting consumers from unsafe products                                                              provide will be used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to help plan and fund
     across the borough aged                  “The council created             West Drayton, has                                            Various council trading        and long-term health           hazard, and the robe belt               public services, like
     between three and 11.                    this competition to
                                                                               been reconstructed,                                          standards operations in        problems and side effects.     a strangulation danger for              transport, education and
       Young people were                      shine a spotlight on the
     asked to create an eye-                  many benefits of walking         resurfaced and increased                                     September and October             Residents are reminded      babies and young children.              healthcare for residents.
     catching shoe design to                  to school.                       to two metres in width                                       led to the seizure of          to always check the                Further investigations are             The council is
     show their personality                     “It is an opportunity          where possible.                                              thousands of potentially       ingredients on packages        taking place regarding all              encouraging local
     or write a poem about                    for children to be                  The new towpath is                                        dangerous goods.               before purchasing cosmetic     of the businesses involved.             people to take part to
     walking to school, their                 physically active, interact      smoother, safer and more                                        In a day of action on       products. Anyone selling           Cllr Douglas Mills,                 ensure the borough
                                                                                                             TRANSFORMED Stretch of
     favourite pair of shoes or               with their parents and           accessible for pedestrians    towpath reconstructed
                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 29 September,          them without labelling or an   Cabinet Member for                      has a high return rate
     even an imaginary pair                   carers and develop their         and cyclists than the old                                    officers seized a total of     ingredients list is breaking   Community, Commerce                     so that communities
     of shoes.                                independence and road            muddy path. In addition,      Once complete, more            10,500 cigarettes, 5,470g      the law and risks being        and Regeneration, said:                 get the resources
       In total, 516 entries                  safety skills. It also helps     buff resin has been used      than two kilometres of         of hand rolling tobacco        prosecuted. The offence        “Thanks to the swift actions            they need both now
     were received from 14                    to tackle air pollution          to protect the surface of     canal between Hayes            and 6,627g of smokeless        can carry a sentence of        of our trading standards                and in the future.
     schools. The competition                 and traffic.”                    the tarmac and prolong        and Uxbridge will have         tobacco products from          up to a year in prison and     officers, these illicit and                Residents without
     was judged by Cllr                         View the winners               its life expectancy to        been upgraded in the           six premises. Officers also    a fine of up to £20,000.       potentially dangerous                   computer access
     Keith Burrows, Cabinet                   and their entries at             more than 15 years.           past three years.              confiscated fake Viagra,          In October, the team also   products have been                      and those who need
     Member for Planning                       Vegetation along the canal      Cllr Keith Burrows,          Nitrous Oxide (laughing        uncovered a cargo of 200       removed from the borough’s              additional support can
     and Transportation, and                  shoesday.                        has also been cut back.       Cabinet Member                 gas) and counterfeit           unsafe teddy bears which       high streets and away from              visit one the council’s
     the winning art entry was                                                    Since the work was         for Planning and               1st class stamps.              did not meet toy safety        unsuspecting consumers.                 four Census Support
     from Tej Aadarsh, aged                                                    completed in October,         Transportation, said: “I          In October, officers took   regulations. The bears were        “Anyone who operates                Centres (based at three
     seven from Sacred Heart                                                   the council and the Canal     have no doubt that these       part in another operation,     found to be badly sewn and     illegally will face the law             of our adult learning
     Primary School (Ruislip),                                                 & River Trust have moved      recent improvements will       where five shops in            coming apart. The exposed      and that’s exactly what we’ll           centres: Brookfield,
                                                                               on to the next phase of       inspire more pedestrians       Hayes were each found          stuffing (as pictured) could   be doing with businesses                Harlington and South
                                                                               improvements - between        and cyclists to experience     selling illegal cosmetics      have been a choking            that do not comply with                 Ruislip, and at the Civic
                                                                               Cowley Mill Road Bridge       the health and wellbeing       in two separate visits.                                       product safety regulations.             Centre, Uxbridge).
                                                                               and Culvert Lane in           benefits of walking            Skin lightening products                                          “If you suspect a trader               Look out for updates
                                                                               Uxbridge. The Canal           or cycling alongside           totalling 220kg which                                         is operating illegally,                 on the council’s website,
                                                                               & River Trust’s work to       their local canal.”            contained the ingredient                                      you can report them by                  social media channels
                                                                               improve the towpaths            For more information         hydroquinone were seized.                                     emailing tradingstandards@              and in the March edition
                                                                               between Hayes and             about the project, visit          Cosmetics containing                              or                    of Hillingdon People.
                                                                               Stockley Park will also be       hydroquinone are illegal                                      anonymously by calling                     For more information,
                                                                               finished in early 2021.       uk/bettertowpaths.             and can cause serious                                         0808 223 1133.”                         visit

6                         January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                            January/February 2021                7
Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     older

     Libraries offer a range of exciting virtual author events                                                                               Putting residents first despite
     During the period of
     national restrictions in
     November, Hillingdon
                                             Cooper (The Chalet), Tracy
                                             Mathias (Silence Is Also A
                                             Lie) and Polly Clark (Tiger);
                                                                               Codd (We
                                                                               Swim To
                                                                                                                                             COVID-19 challenges
     libraries introduced                    who discussed a range             The Shark),                                                   A strong record of sound financial management
     ‘Lockdown Lunches’                      of topics, from Russian           among
     a new series of live                    research expeditions              others,
                                                                                                                                             has enabled the council to maintain investment
     virtual author events                   to which celebrity they           who will                                                      in services for residents in 2021/22.
     broadcast at lunchtime.                 think should turn their           be talking

        As the council’s Culture             hand to writing fiction.          about their careers, works    Charlotte Duckworth                    espite the financial effects             In practice this will mean a total
     Bite arts and literature                   During December, Jo            and taking your questions.    (The Perfect Father).                  of the ongoing coronavirus           rise of 4.8 per cent which equates to
     events cannot be held in                Tomas and Milly Johnson             As part of an evening         In March, there will be              (COVID-19) pandemic                  £1.09 a week for a Band D property.
     person because of the                   chatted to residents              events programme, a           a debut authors event           Hillingdon residents will continue              For the first time in 14 years,
     pandemic, residents are                 about their Christmas-            thriller-themed writers       with Laura Kay, whose           to benefit from award-winning               due to the challenges of the
     invited to take part in these           themed novels at a special        panel will take place in      acclaimed comedy                services and facilities in 2021/22.         pandemic, council tax will not be
     interviews with popular                 evening event on Zoom.            February, where residents     novel The Split goes on             The budget being presented to           frozen for those aged over 65
     authors on Facebook                        The lunchtime sessions         will be able to put their     sale the same month.            Council in February indicates that          as the older persons discount
     Live and YouTube.                       will continue in January with     questions to authors            For more information,         there will be no reduction in service       scheme will not be applied in
        November’s authors                   a line-up featuring Derek         including Sarah Pearce        visit www.hillingdon.           delivery, no facility closures, continued   2021/22, however a safety net is
     included Catherine                      B. Miller (Radio Life) and        (The Sanatorium) and               free-to-use weekly refuse and               in place for the most financially
                                                                                                                                             recycling collections, award-winning        vulnerable residents through the
                                                                                                                                             parks and open spaces, investment           Council Tax Reduction Scheme.
    Autism centre refurbished                                                  will benefit HACS and the
                                                                               families they support.
                                                                                                              requesting improvements
                                                                                                              up to £100,000 that will
                                                                                                                                             in roads and pavement resurfacing
                                                                                                                                             and town centre improvements.
                                                                                                                                                                                             For Hillingdon residents, fees
                                                                                                                                                                                         and charges on services provided
                                                        groups for people         “Our Chrysalis              make a difference to               Council tax will again be set at        by the council, including parking
                                                        with autism. The       programme has                  their local communities.       90 per cent of that charged by our          charges, will remain at least 10 per
                                                        existing facilities    delivered more than 250          “To propose an               neighbouring boroughs giving an             cent lower than those charged
                                                        were run down,         improvements to facilities     improvement, visit             anticipated rise of 1.8 per cent.           by our neighbouring boroughs.
                                                        with limited           since it was created 10        www.hillingdon.                    Due to the exceptional pressures            As part of the budget, an
                                                        space within the       years ago, with residents”             on social care due to the pandemic          additional £10 million has been
                                                        building to deliver                                                                  the government has, for one year,           set aside as a contingency should
                                                        our services.                                                                        allowed councils to levy up to 3 per        government grants not be
                                                           “We were
                                                        delighted to
                                                                                Rain gardens win award                                       cent (an increase of 1 per cent)
                                                                                                                                             as a Social Care Precept.
                                                                                                                                                                                         sufficient to deal with the funding
                                                                                                                                                                                         pressures created by COVID-19.
    Hillingdon Autistic Care                 receive funding. Local             The council’s Eastcote        rain gardens rainfall is
    and Support Centre’s                     families can now benefit           Rain Gardens project has      now captured below                                                                                                  Leader of the Council,
    (HACS) kitchen and                       from these improvements.”          won a national award          the ground and the                                                                                                  Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot, said:
    communal areas have                         A range of works were           for its work in reducing      carriageway remains                                                                                                 “As local authorities continue
    been refurbished                         carried out in the summer.         the risk of flooding.         dry following a storm.                                                                                              to face ongoing funding
    thanks to the council’s                  In the kitchen, repairs were         On Thursday 26                 With the risk of flooding                                                                                        challenges, particularly as a
    Chrysalis programme.                     made to the existing units,        November it was               significantly improved,                                                                                             result of the pandemic, residents
      The scheme awards                      a new hob and tap were             announced winner for          the works have been                                                                                                 can be reassured that here in
    £1 million funding each                  installed and the centre           Excellence in Flood and       welcomed by local                                                                                                   Hillingdon, we will continue to
    year for improvements to                 received a fresh coat of paint.    Water Management at           residents and businesses                                                                                            put them first as we plan the
    council-owned facilities                    The carpet in the training      the 2020 Landscape            who now enjoy colourful                                                                                             budget for the coming year.
    and encourages residents                 room was also replaced             Institute Awards.             new plants and shrubs,                                                                                                “Where other authorities may
    to make suggestions.                     with vinyl flooring.                 The gardens were            new paving, lighting, street                                                                                        be in a more precarious position,
      Antoinette Mullally,                      The main office was             installed in the summer       furniture and an upgraded                                                                                           thankfully our strong financial
    Chief Executive of                       redecorated, a new standing        of 2019 along Field End       pedestrian crossing.                                                                                                management has ensured that
    HACS, applied for                        work area was installed,           Road using carefully                                                                                                                              we can keep council tax rises
    funding in March 2019                    repairs were made to               chosen plants and scrubs                                                                                                                          to 90 per cent of what our
    and was allocated £7,320                 internal doors, and hot            that help the natural flow                                                                                                                        neighbouring boroughs charge
    to carry out improvement                 water units added to the           of rainwater and prevent                                                                                                                          whilst we continue to invest in
    works to the charity’s                   toilets. The CCTV at the           localised flooding.                                                                                                                               the services and facilities that
    resource centre in Hayes.                centre was also upgraded.            Prior to their                                                                                                                                  we know our residents value.”
      She said: “We applied                     Cllr Douglas Mills,             introduction, surface
    for funding towards                      Cabinet Member for                 water would flood the

    refurbishing the centre                  Community, Commerce                carriageway and flow                                                                                                                                     Visit
    which provides a range of                and Regeneration, said:            into local shops. Thanks                                                                                                                           budget-consultation before Sunday
    services to parents, young               “We are pleased to see how         to the installation of 15                                                                                                                              24 January to have your say on
    people and community                     these refurbishment works                                                                                                                                                                          the proposed budget

8                    January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                            January/February
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       January/February 2021
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older people
               section                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       older people

     Continuing to support older residents                                                                                            Free burglar alarms                       He said: “A very pleasant
                                                                                                                                                                              gentleman came to my house and in
                                                                                                                                      for over-65s
     The council’s Leader’s Initiative for Older People, core grant support for voluntary                                             The council’s free burglar alarm
                                                                                                                                                                              no time, he had my burglar alarm up
                                                                                                                                                                              and running. I owe my gratitude and
     organisations, and activities to assist those living with dementia all help to keep                                              initiative, which is funded by the      thanks to the council for this scheme
                                                                                                                                      Leader’s Initiative for Older People,   that is helping to keep myself and
     residents safe, active and independent.                                                                                          offers residents aged 65 and over       many other local people safe.”
                                                                                                                                      the opportunity to access devices         The alarm systems are installed by
     Groups support residents in                                                                                                      free of charge to help to keep them     an experienced specialist contractor,
     commemorating Armistice Day                                                                                                      safe and reassured in their homes.      who will demonstrate how the
     and celebrating Christmas                                                                                                           The scheme, which has                alarm works and how to operate it.
     Bell Farm Christian Centre in West                                                                                               been in place for more than               Residents will also receive a crime
     Drayton assists the local community                                                                                              11 years, provided more than            prevention pack with information
     by providing a number of services,                                                                                               1,000 alarms to residents               about personal and home security.        movement sensor and a remote-
     including advice and information,                                                                                                across the borough last year.             Each device has a solar-powered        control key fob to operate the alarm.
                                                                                                                                         Among those was Barry                wireless siren alarm box fitted to the     Alarms suitable for residents
     activities, events and courses. The                                                                                              Dalrymple, 76, from                     front of the property, a magnetic        with hearing impairments
     centre receives £18,000 towards its                                                                                              Ickenham, (pictured) who                door sensor, a pet-friendly internal     are also available.
     dining centre and a core grant of                                                                                                says he has greater peace of

     £50,000 from the council.                                                                                                        mind since his alarm was fitted                                  Visit or call
        While the centre has been unable                                                                                              last year, especially as his home                            01895 556000 to find out more and request an alarm.
     to hold its regular lunches, trips and                                                                                           was previously broken into.
     social activities for older residents,
     the team has instead been working                                                                                                                                        the necessary COVID-19 secure
     five days a week since the start of
                                                                                                                                      Age UK’s Uxbridge
                                                                                                                                                                              social distancing requirements.
     the coronavirus outbreak to provide                                                                                              advice shop closes                        The charity, which receives council
     food parcels and make befriending                                                                                                The Age UK Hillingdon, Harrow           funding, is still providing a range of
     calls to their members.                                                                                                          and Brent branch closed its             services and support via phone calls,
        Since the first lockdown last March,                                                                                          information and advice shop in          and hopes to reopen a shop in the
     the centre has delivered more than         a wonderful surprise as otherwise I       not possible last year, throughout the      Uxbridge High Street in October.        borough once they find a suitable
     1,250 care packages and made more          would not have seen anyone as my          Christmas period the team instead              The closure of the store, which      location where residents can access
     than 250 weekly calls to support           family live far away."                    distributed seasonal parcels.               served the local community for          face-to-face services while also
     the community and help to reduce              The centre has also been organising       A specific £2,780 grant received         more than 20 years, was necessary       being able to socially distance.
                                                                                                                                      to ensure residents’ safety amidst

     isolation or loneliness. The centre        seasonal activities while adhering to     from the council‘s Leader’s Initiative
     could not have done this without           social distancing guidelines.             for Older People enabled the team           the ongoing pandemic, as the size                              Contact the information and advice service by calling
     the dedication of a core team of              To mark Armistice Day in               to bring entertainment to many              and layout of the facility meant                                  020 8756 3040 (and selecting option 1) between
     volunteers, as well as the ongoing         November the team put together            older people with socially-distanced        it was unable to accommodate                                                      9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
     support and generosity of many local       commemorative packs containing            doorstep visits featuring Father
     people; some of whom have been             remembrance-themed arts and               Christmas and his elves.
     giving their time to deliver parcels       crafts and freshly-made cakes and            Donna Rall, Older Persons             also been sent out to
     each week to residents.                    treats. These were well-received and      Manager, Bell Farm Christian             residents, either by
        Angie Ford, from West                   especially important to many as they      Centre, said: “Last year was a very      email or delivered in
     Drayton, one of the centre’s               were unable to come together to           challenging year for older people,       person. Regular virtual
     volunteers, said: “Calling older           commemorate as they usually would.        and we heard about their feelings of     meet-ups via Zoom
     people is very rewarding. I love              Destiny Atkins,12, from West           isolation and loneliness.                and WhatsApp groups
     chatting to them and listening to all      Drayton, contributed to the                  “The team and I have been             were set up and are
     the stories they have to tell. I can       remembrance pack, writing a poem          overwhelmed with the caring and          also helping those
     speak for all us volunteers here to        and creating poppy-themed artwork.        loving support from the council,         with dementia and
     say that we truly enjoy reaching out       Many recipients were so enamoured         wider community and businesses."         their carers to
     to our older residents and helping         by Destiny’s work that they displayed        Since the start of lockdown, the      stay connected.
     to make them feel safe, cared for and      the piece in their windows and wrote      council has also ensured that social       During the festive
     loved very much, especially through        thank you letters.                        support has remained available to        period, the team
     these uncertain times.”                       She said: “I very much enjoyed         residents living with dementia.          organised further
        Rani Qureshi, 77, from West             doing the poster for the people              Assistance has included weekly        activities via Zoom,
     Drayton, (pictured above) started          in our community. I love reaching         calls from the council’s sport and       including a Christmas
     attending the centre’s lunch club          out to them as I care for them a lot,     physical activity team to people         tree decorating session,
     three years ago after her husband          especially with many of them being in     who usually attend the dementia          carol singing, seasonal readings, a
     passed away. To mark her recent            isolation since March."                   coffee mornings in the borough’s         Christmas decoration competition,
     birthday, they surprised her with             With support from the council,         libraries, and those referred by         a nativity-themed activity, and a
     flowers and a birthday cake.               the centre would usually organise         Admiral Nurses, the Alzheimer's          virtual Christmas dinner celebration.
        She said: “I was so happy for the       a Christmas meal and festive              Society and the NHS Memory               For those not on Zoom, specially-

     socially-distanced visit on my birthday.   entertainment at their dining centre      Service based at Hillingdon Hospital.    produced videos were sent out                                    To find out more about the Leader’s Initiative for Older
     I was greeted with lots of singing and     - an event many diners regarded as           Weekly packs containing puzzles,      featuring the aforementioned                                   People and to apply for a grant to hold activities for older
     a lovely cake and flowers. It was such     a highlight in the year. While this was   word searches and articles have          activities, plus performances by the                                 people, visit
                                                                                                                                   Bus Pass to Broadway singing group.
10                     January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                      January/February 2021                11
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               section                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     farewell

                                                                                                                                              Putting residents first
                                                                                                                                              for more than 20 years
                                                                                                                                              The council’s longest serving leader, Cllr Sir Ray
                                                                                                                                              Puddifoot MBE, announced last year that he will
                                                                                                                                              be standing down in the new year.

                                                                                                                                              O         n Thursday 14 January a new leader of
                                                                                                                                                        the council will be elected, following Cllr
                                                                                                                                                        Puddifoot’s decision to leave office and
                                                                                                                                              to not stand again for election in May 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 During the past year, Cllr Puddifoot has overseen
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the borough’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and until recently he was also an Executive Member of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               London Councils with responsibility for Health and Care.
                                                                                                                                                 Cllr Puddifoot, who has lived in Hillingdon all his             Cllr Puddifoot’s work was recognised in 2012, when
                                                                                                                                              life, was elected as a councillor for Ickenham ward              he was appointed MBE for services to the community,
                                                                                                                                              in 1998 before becoming Leader of the Council                    and then in 2019 Her Majesty was pleased to confer
      One of the refurbished art rooms                                                                                                        two years later. He is the council’s longest serving             a Knighthood on him for services to Hillingdon.

     Ruislip school receives
                                                                                                                                              leader and the longest serving council leader in
                                                                                                                                              London, having held the position for 20 years.
                                                                                                                                                 A chartered accountant by profession, Cllr Puddifoot          Cllr Puddifoot said: “I have said at staff roadshows,

     new state-of-the-art                                                                                                                     has overseen the council building its financial stability        on many occasions over the years, that the council I
                                                                                                                                              while maintaining and investing in services and facilities for   inherited in July 2000 was a basket case that was failing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               our residents in so many areas.
     teaching block
                                                                                                                                              residents. Despite reductions in government funding, and
                                                                                                                                              an increasing demand for services, the council’s financial         “The difference between then and now is frankly
                                                                                                                                              management ensured that council tax could be frozen              remarkable; with Hillingdon being financially stable,
                                                                                                                                              between 2008 and 2018 (10 years) for all residents               with some of the best local authority staff working for
     Our latest school expansion programme works                                                                                              and 14 years (between 2008 and 2020) for over-65s.               us we are recognised as one of the best councils in
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the country as regards the provision of services and
     have been completed at Ruislip High School.                                                New study space                                  As Older People’s Champion, Cllr Puddifoot has
                                                                                                                                              overseen the delivery of a variety of services for over-         facilities to our residents.

          upils can now learn in a brand         demand for places while ensuring that          the school’s pupils and teachers enjoy        65s, including the Brown Badge parking scheme, free                “As I step down, I would like to take the opportunity
          new three storey building at           children have access to high quality           the range of new and expanded                 burglar alarms, free swimming and swimming lessons,              to say thank you to my political colleagues, the staff
          the secondary school following         educational facilities and are given the       facilities that have been created.”           tea dances and free TeleCareLine for over-75s.                   of the council and our residents for all the help and
     the completion of an 18-month               best start in life.                              Gareth Davies, Headteacher,                    Cllr Puddifoot’s determination to ensure                      support provided to achieve such an improvement.”
     council improvement project.                  Cllr Susan O’Brien, Cabinet                  said: “The school is delighted with           improvements in all services for residents has seen
        The works commenced in May 2019          Member for Education, Children                 the brand new state-of-the-art sixth          millions invested in the council’s school expansion
     and were completed in December              and Youth Services, said: “The                 form centre and the additional                programme to provide a school place for every                     Residents and colleagues react to the news
     2020, allowing the school to offer an       council has been able to continue              facilities that the expansion brings          child. The council has also provided residents with
     additional 186 places to local children.    to invest in this programme thanks             to the whole Ruislip High School              access to state-of-the-art facilities, having rebuilt or          H “An enormous sense of gratitude for your service
        Ruislip High School now has seven        to sound financial management                  community.                                    refurbished all of the borough’s 17 libraries, and                   and how lucky Hillingdon people have been to
     forms of entry and the additional places    which ensures Hillingdon schools                 “We have always had high                    recreational sites, such as leisure centres, outdoor                 have you at the helm for 20 years”.
     will provide capacity for 1,302 pupils.     can offer both high quality learning           aspirations for our sixth form students       gyms, bowling clubs and playgrounds, are regularly                H “You will be missed. Hopefully things will run the
        The secondary school boasts a            environments and more places in                and now we have a building that               improved to benefit residents’ health and wellbeing.                 same with the new leader and Hillingdon continues
     range of teaching facilities, including a   response to a growing population.              will provide high quality education              The council has defended residents from harmful                   to be one of the best boroughs to live in.”
     new hall, media laboratory, sixth form        “It’s fantastic to see the results of this   facilities to support the outstanding         developments, such as the proposed expansion of
     centre, seven classrooms and a special      development work, and I hope that              education the school provides.”               Heathrow Airport and HS2; introduced a range of                   H “Your leadership over the last 20 years has been
     educational needs facility.                                                                                                              environmental initiatives; routinely carried out road                outstanding and you have transformed Hillingdon
        Adaptations were also carried out                                                                                                     resurfacing to ensure highways are safe; and made                    Council into one of the most respected councils in
     to the existing building to provide                                                                                                      improvements to the borough’s town centres to boost                  the country.”
     two new science laboratories with                                                                                                        the businesses within them.                                       H “It has been an honour and a tremendous learning
     preparation rooms and chemical stores                                                                                                       Free weekly waste and recycling collections have also             experience to work closely with Ray for over 22
     and two refurbished art rooms. The                                                                                                       been maintained, while the borough has some of the                   years. His approach to leading Hillingdon is seen as
     sports changing facilities and shower                                                                                                    best parks and green spaces in the country receiving                 a model for councils nationally. Since being elected
     rooms were also expanded and                                                                                                             more Green Flag awards than any other local authority                as MP for a part of our borough, it is clear that
     additional cycle storage was created.                                                                                                    for eight years running.                                             residents appreciate his focus on putting them first
        The council’s £154 million school         New hall
                                                                                                                                                 The council also organises hundreds of events                     and see the difference that his leadership has made
     building and expansion programme,                                                                                                        each year, including occasions to commemorate the                    in their lives”.

     which is one of the largest in London,                                    To find out more about the council’s school expansion          historic association Hillingdon has with the military.
     is helping to meet an increasing                                                    programme, visit

12                     January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                January/February 2021               13
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               section                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         section

                                         Working together to

                 n Sunday 20 December, all                                                                                            Community engagement                      Ensuring safety in                      Keeping pupils and
                 London boroughs, including
                                                   The council has introduced a range of initiatives                                  The council has held a range              public spaces and                       students safe
                 Hillingdon, moved to the          and is continuing to work with partners,                                           of virtual engagement events              workplaces                              The council has been working with
     Tier 4 alert level as a result of a                                                                                              with representatives from faith,
     rapid increase in coronavirus cases           businesses and community groups to help to                                         voluntary sector, residents’ and          COVID-19 marshals were                  schools, colleges and universities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to help them become COVID-19
     across the south east of the UK.                                                                                                                                           introduced on Thursday 19
       One in three people who have
                                                   slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).                                         community groups.
                                                                                                                                        By hosting regular calls, emailing      November by the council to remind       secure, support them with any
                                                                                                                                                                                residents and businesses what           outbreaks, and ensure messages
     coronavirus have no symptoms and may                                                                                             groups and sharing resources, such                                                about the virus are shared as widely
     be spreading the virus without realising.                                                                                        as posters and leaflets, the council      actions need to be taken to keep
                                                                                                                                                                                everyone safe.                          as possible among pupils/students,
       The introduction of Tier 4 measures                                                you live with them or have formed a         has been able to further increase                                                 parents and staff.
     meant that residents were unable to                                                                                              awareness of the virus and the               The marshals have been visiting
                                                                                          support bubble with them.                                                             areas across the borough to raise         To support children from low-
     leave home unless for work (that can’t                                                  If you have COVID-19 symptoms,           actions that need to be taken to                                                  income households who would
     be done at home), education, essential                                                                                           prevent its spread.                       awareness of restrictions, social
                                                                                          (a high temperature, a new and                                                        distancing, face coverings and          usually be entitled to free school
     shopping, medical reasons, to provide                                                continuous cough, a change to or              Groups have welcomed the                                                        meals, the council set up a
     care, to exercise or for communal                                                                                                opportunity to get involved               hand washing.
                                                                                          loss of smell or taste), self-isolate and                                                They have also been directing        food assistance scheme during
     worship. Residents were unable to meet                                               get a test. Book an appointment for         and help to keep their local                                                      October half-term, which saw £15
     others (outside of their support bubble                                                                                          communities safe by sharing               pedestrians through one-way
                                                                                          a test or order a home testing kit                                                    systems and ensuring properly           supermarket vouchers distributed to
     or household) indoors, including during       Please remember!                       via the NHS COVID-19 app, the               information via social media, email,                                              more than 6,000 eligible children.
     the Christmas period. Residents could                                                                                            verbally and on noticeboards.             spaced queues.
                                                   Wash your hands regularly for          government’s website                                                         The marshals are ensuring              The government also provided
     exercise or visit a public outdoor place      at least 20 seconds with soap          get-coronavirus-test or by calling 119.       The council has also been                                                       the council with additional
     by themselves, with the people they live                                                                                         working with health partners to           local businesses are operating
                                                   and water or sanitiser, wear face         You are required to self-isolate                                                   safely and have been reporting          funding to continue to provide
     with, with their support bubble, or one       coverings when required and            by law if you test positive or are          share COVID-19 messaging.                                                         food assistance during the
     person from another household. Travel                                                                                              If you are part of a local group        issues back to the council's food
                                                   keep a safe distance (two metres       contacted by the NHS Test and                                                         health and safety team for further      Christmas holidays.
     was restricted to local essential travel      apart) from others who aren’t in       Trace service. Those who fail to            and would like to support us                                                        The council also joined forces with
     only. All non-essential businesses were                                                                                          by sharing messages with your             investigation.
                                                   your household.                        comply face a fine of £1,000. Fines                                                      Since June, council licensing and    Brunel University to set up a walk-in
     ordered to close, including shops (unless       Also remember that you must not      go up to £10,000 for those who              community, email fgibbs@                                                          testing site in their Topping Lane car
     operating click and collect), hospitality                                                                                                      environmental health officers have
                                                   socialise indoors with people unless   offend repeatedly.                                                                    carried out more than 2,500 visits      park, which is available seven days a
     venues (unless selling food and drink via                                                                                                                                                                          week, from 8am to 8pm.
     takeaway or delivery), leisure and sports                                                                                                                                  to businesses across the borough
     facilities, and personal care facilities.                                                                                                                                  to ensure they are COVID
       Various grants continue to be                                                                                                                                            compliant, and 179 warnings
                                                                                          information about the resident's                                                      have been issued for breaches of
     available to support businesses through                                              activities in the days prior to their                                                                                         Leader of the Council,
     the disruption caused by the pandemic.                                                                                                                                     regulations.
                                                                                          positive result.                                                                         The council has issued fines         Cllr Sir Ray Puddifoot, said: “I
       Details are available at www.hillingdon.                                             Locally organised asymptomatic                                                      totalling £15,000 to nine               would like to thank everyone for                                                       testing began in the borough on
       For information on the latest alert level                                                                                                                                businesses that were repeatedly         their efforts in working together to
                                                                                          Monday 14 December to help to                                                         caught flouting regulations. Should     keep Hillingdon safe.
     restrictions, visit                                           protect those most at risk and
     alert-level.                                                                                                                                                               any fines go unpaid, businesses            “I urge residents to continue to act
                                                   Contact tracing service                slow the spread of infection using                                                    may be taken to court, and the          responsibly by following the latest
                                                   and rapid flow testing                 rapid tests supplied by NHS Test
                                                                                          and Trace.                                  Assisting care services                   council now has the power               coronavirus advice and guidelines so
      Need some support?                           programme launched                       The council is working in                 Supporting older people and those
                                                                                                                                                                                to close premises for serious           that we can lower infection rates and
                                                                                                                                                                                COVID-19 failures.                      protect each other.”
      The council’s Community Hub                  On Wednesday 11 November,              partnership with the Department             with care needs is a key priority
                                                                                                                                                                                    If you have any concerns
      can signpost residents to a range            the council launched a COVID-19        of Health and Social Care to                for the council. Personal protective                                                 “Although the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                about a Hillingdon business not
      of help, including financial advice          contact tracing service in support     offer the tests initially to essential      equipment continues to be regularly                                               vaccination roll-out is welcome news,
                                                                                                                                                                                complying with COVID-19 secure
      and support, emotional wellbeing             of the NHS.                            workers. The tests help to identify         distributed to care providers, and                                                it will take time for everyone to
                                                                                                                                                                                regulations, email Covid19Hub@
      and befriending services, priority              NHS Test and Trace will pass        those who unknowingly have the              the council has been ensuring they                                                receive it, so I encourage everyone
                                                                                                                                                                       or call
      online shopping slots, and local             details to the council of residents    virus and enable those who test             have enough stock and carers.                                                     not to let their guard down.”
                                                                                                                                                                                020 3949 5786.
      food bank referrals for those who            who have tested positive but           positive and their contacts to self-           Social care teams are also ensuring
      meet eligibility criteria. The hub           who they have not been able            isolate, which can help drive down          that patients are safely discharged
      is open Monday to Friday, 9am                to contact. The council will then      the R rate locally and save lives.          from hospital at the appropriate
      to 5pm. Email Covid19Hub@                                                             The testing programme is set              time, and flats have been made

                                                   try to make contact either by or call                    text, phone, email or a socially-      to be expanded and will be                  available for rehabilitation and                              For the most up-to-date coronavirus guidance, localised
      020 3949 5786.                               distanced visit to capture             advertised in due course.                   isolation care for recovering patients.                         infection data and information on council services and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            support, visit

14                      January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                 January/February 2021                   15
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              business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                section

     A destination for investment
                                                                                                                                    of the patient’s tumour. This type of
                                                                                                                                    treatment utilises the body’s immune
                                                                                                                                    system to fight cancer by using the
                                                                                                                                    patient’s own immune cells which

     and business growth                                                                                                            are activated to find and destroy
                                                                                                                                    cancer cells. Achilles’ therapies are
                                                                                                                                    currently being tested in clinical trials
                                                                                                                                    in advanced skin and lung cancer.
                                                                                                                                      Achilles is based in Hammersmith
                                                                                                                                    but wants to create its own
                                                                                                                                    manufacturing facility in Hayes
                                                                                                                                    due to its easy access to central
                                                                                                                                    London. It is anticipated that the
                                                                                                                                    new premises will create more
                                                                                                                                    than 300 jobs over time, many of
                                                                                                                                    which will be highly skilled. Jobs will
                                                                                                                                    include operations and scientific
                                                                                                                                    staff as well as senior management,
                                                                                                                                    business administration and facilities
                                                                                                                                    management roles.
                                                                                                                                      The relocation of Achilles to
                                                                                                                                    Hillingdon also potentially presents
                                                                                                                                    an opportunity for collaboration
                                                                                                                                    with local universities.

                                                                                                                                    Prologis Stockley Park Phase                     AERIAL PHOTO OF THE ACHILLES THERAPEUTICS SITE
                                                                                                                                    Two, Yiewsley
                                                                                                       CGI OF THE ARK DATA CENTRE   Building on the successful delivery
                                                                                                                                    of the employment park’s first                     Prologis Stockley Park Phase
                                                                                                                                    phase, the second will create two               One was built on brownfield land.           Cllr Jonathan Bianco,
     We are continuing to forge a reputation for attracting major schemes and                                                       new units.                                      Originally earmarked for office             Cabinet Member for
                                                                                                                                      The new Prologis employment                   development, the site was vacant            Finance, Property and
     developers to the borough. Hillingdon People takes a look at how the                                                           park, which was approved by the                 for about 15 years before Prologis          Business Services, said:
     council is working with businesses to boost investment and helping to                                                          council in December, is expected to
                                                                                                                                    create a minimum of 250 jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                    reclaimed and converted the site into
                                                                                                                                                                                    a logistics hub. They also provided a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “These companies could have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                chosen to be located anywhere
     create additional and more diverse job opportunities for local people.                                                           Planning permission allows 24-                new park (Hale Field Park) which was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in the UK but have decided on
                                                                                                                                    hour, seven days a week activity,               transferred to the council last year

                                                                                                                                    and the site could be used for last             and recently awarded a Green Flag.          Hillingdon, demonstrating their
           uring the last three months,      centres all require advanced operating      realm improvements, including                                                                                                          confidence in the borough as a
           three major planning              systems and skilled and experienced         footpath widening and a pedestrian         mile delivery to a customer’s home              Prologis also carried out significant
                                                                                                                                    or workplace, data centres, or                  landscaping along the neighbouring          location to do business.
           applications were given           data technicians to run them.               crossing along North Hyde
     the go-ahead by the council,              The Ark Data Centre development           Gardens, a pedestrian and cycle            warehousing distribution.                       Grand Union Canal.                             “It shows we are a forward-
     underlining its commitment to           on land at the former Bulls Bridge          ramp providing access from the                                                                                                         thinking borough fully
     supporting business and investment.     Industrial Estate, which was approved       Grand Union Canal to North Hyde                                                                                                        committed to working with
       The developments are set to           by the council in October, is set to        Gardens, and enhancement works                                                                                                         existing and new businesses to
     bring a range of new employment         deliver a £500 million high-tech            to be delivered via a financial                                                                                                        boost investment in Hillingdon
     opportunities to the borough,           investment in the borough and up to         contribution to the Canal & River                                                                                                      and the jobs that come with it.
     with more than 900 new jobs in          350 high-tech jobs in the Hayes area.       Trust's Cycleways Programme.                                                                                                              “The Achilles and Ark
     the pipeline.                             The centre, which will be open 24                                                                                                                                                developments will continue to
                                             hours a day, seven days a week, will        Achilles Therapeutics, Uxbridge                                                                                                        offer Hayes a more diverse
     The Ark Data Centre, North              be a key driver for boosting digital        Road, Hayes                                                                                                                            employment base and may also
     Hyde Gardens, Hayes                     growth in Hayes and supporting the          Planning permission was granted in                                                                                                     provide further opportunities
     Data centres are essentially a          area’s transformation.                      November for Achilles Therapeutics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                for local students at our colleges
     climate-controlled space to enable        The council will be working with          to adapt the current building to
     the continuous operation of             Ark and key partners, including             create a bespoke manufacturing                                                                                                         and universities.
     computer servers, supported by          Brunel University and Uxbridge              facility on the Hayes 180                                                                                                                 “These developments are an
     complex mechanical and electrical       College, to ensure local people             development site, an estate on the                                                                                                     example of the high-tech,
     infrastructure. They allow multiple     benefit from the job opportunities          south side of the Uxbridge Road.                                                                                                       high-value investment the
     companies and organisations to          the centre will provide.                      Achilles Therapeutics is a                                                                                                           borough is attracting, and will
     locate their data functions in one        Roles will also include operational       biopharmaceutical company, whose                                                                                                       play a critical role helping our
     secure environment.                     support staff, in areas such as cleaning,   focus is on transformational cancer                                                                                                    economy to recover from the
        As these operations are highly       security and maintenance.                   immunotherapies that are specific to                                                                                                   impact of COVID-19.”
     complex and need certain levels           The development will                      the individual patient and have the
                                                                                                                                                                                CGI OF PROLOGIS STOCKLEY PARK PHASE TWO
     of security and maintenance, these      additionally deliver general public         potential to target every cancer cell

16                   January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                            January/February 2021               17
Get active in 2021 Creating more school places Working to keep Hillingdon safe Developments to boost jobs - Hillingdon Council
              leisure                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              section
                                                                                                                                  you or a member of your household
                                                                                                                                  has COVID-19 symptoms, and using
                                                                                                                                  sanitiser or washing your hands before
                                                                                                                                  and after activities.
                                                                                                                                    Signage is in place at facilities, such as
                                                                                                                                  playgrounds, outdoor gyms and tennis
                                                                                                                                  courts, to instruct users how to keep
                                                                                                                                  themselves and others safe.
                                                                                                                                    For more information about
                                                                                                                                  Hillingdon’s parks and open
                                                                                                                                  spaces, visit
                                                                                                                                  Walk, jog or cycle while
                                                                                                                                  taking in the scenery                             If you’re interested in changing         Some cycling routes, plotted out
                                                                                                                                  There are many routes and trails               your pace or gradually building up        using Google maps, are available via
                                                                                                                                  in Hillingdon to enjoy on foot or              your speed, you could try one of          the council’s website. These routes
                                                                                                                                  bicycle.                                       Run England’s 321 routes which vary       try to use quieter roads to travel to
                                                                                                                                     Downloadable self-guided                    between one, two and three kilometre      and from Uxbridge town centre and
                                                                                                                                  walking tours and easy-to-follow               distances. There are three loops in       have starting points from Eastcote,
                                                                                                                                  directions are available for a range           Hillingdon which you can run, jog or      Northwood Hills and South Ruislip.
                                                                                                                                  of locations, including Ruislip                walk along.                                 View these cycling routes in the
                                                                                                                                  Woods, the Hillingdon Trail and                   Better Health’s popular Couch          borough at
                                                                                                                                  the London LOOP; enabling you to               to 5K app is a beginners’ running         uk/cycling-routes. Alternative
                                                                                                                                  enjoy the borough’s vast and diverse           programme that has helped more            routes can be mapped using either
                                                                                                                                  countryside and waterways while                than four million people start running.   Google Maps or the Transport for
                                                                                                                                  improving your fitness. To help you            The app could help you to get             London Cycle Mapping website at
                                                                                                                                  stay motivated, Better Health’s Active         started if running is new to you, as it
                                                                                                                                  10 app can record your steps, send             allows people to build up to the five
                                                                                                                                  tips and allow the user to set goals.          kilometres gradually and at your own
                                                                                                                                     The Mayor of Hillingdon, Cllr

     Keeping fit and healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                 pace while tracking your progress.
                                                                                                                                  Teji Barnes, took part in walks along          You can also synchronise the app with
                                                                                                                                  the Hillingdon Trail before Tier 4             your music player and connect with
                                                                                                                                  restrictions were introduced. She              other runners and trainers to help
                                                                                                                                  said: “I started the walk with limited         support and motivate you.
                                                                                                                                  enthusiasm as I am not a natural walker           For further information, and
     If you're looking to                      daily support, while the Weight Loss    Make the most of our                       however, I was converted instantly. The        to download the guides and
                                               Plan app can assist you in setting      parks and open spaces                      vast open spaces, beautiful views and
     improve your fitness in                   weight loss goals, planning healthy                                                                                               directions visit www.hillingdon.
                                                                                       Hillingdon is one of the greenest          the abundance of flowers, plants and  and
     2021, Hillingdon has                      meals and recording your activities     London boroughs, with 200 parks            trees were a delight to be around. If
                                               and progress.                                                                                                           
                                                                                       spread over 1,800 acres of green           you have the chance, please go and
     plenty of ways to help                      For more information and to           space - five times the size of Hyde        take a walk no matter how brief, as I am
                                                                                                                                                                                 Access the Active 10 and Couch to
                                                                                                                                                                                 5K apps by visiting
     you embrace the new                       download the apps, visit                Park. Last year, the borough was also      sure you will not be disappointed.”
                                                                                       awarded five more Green Flag awards,
     year and the new you!                     Our Parks online sessions               bringing its tally to 60 - the most held

                                               Exercise experts Our Parks              for parks and open spaces nationally
               orking out benefits mental
                                               previously held fitness sessions in     and internationally. With so much green                                                                                               Cllr Jane Palmer, Cabinet
               wellbeing. Outdoor or home-
                                               the borough’s parks but are now         space on your doorstep, exercising                                                                                                    Member for Social Care,
               based activities may also
                                               hosting free online workouts with       outdoors couldn’t be more convenient.                                                                                                 Health and Wellbeing, said:
     help you to adjust to a new schedule or
                                               professional trainers for a range of      Despite the ongoing pandemic,                                                                                                       “Exercise is a great way to reduce
     support you if self-isolating at home.
                                               levels. The sessions are streamed via   these spaces remain open, as they                                                                                                     stress and anxiety, and Hillingdon
     Better Health online                      Facebook Live and YouTube and           provide opportunities for physical                                                                                                    has some of the best parks and
     resources and apps                        can also be accessed on demand.         activity and help mental wellbeing -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             open spaces in London.
     For those looking to make a bigger        In addition, they have recently         particularly for those without a garden.
                                                                                         Outdoor activities are permitted                                                                                                       "Please do not visit a park or
     change, such as quitting smoking,         launched three brand-new four
                                               and nine-week beginners’ workout        as often as you wish, and you are also                                                                                                open space if you or any member
     losing weight or getting back into
     exercise, Public Health England’s         programmes. Couch to Fitness,           able to sit and rest outside.                                                                                                         of your household have any
     Better Health free online resources       Couch to Family Fit and Couch             Residents are encouraged to adhere                                                                                                  symptoms of COVID-19 and
     and apps can help you achieve these       to Bhangra each offer something         to the latest government coronavirus                                                                                                  remember to maintain social
                                                                                                                                  Cllr Tony Eginton, Cllr Philip Corthorne,
     goals with their nine to 12-week          different and so far have proven to     guidance. This includes keeping a          Stuart Hunt, (Green Spaces Service Manager) and Cllr Teji Barnes                           distancing at all times."
     plans. By downloading the Smokefree       be very popular with residents.         two-metre distance from those not in

     app you can track your progress, see        To find out more and join a class     your household or support bubble,
                                                                                       staying at home and self-isolating if                                                                      For more information on activities that can be enjoyed inside
     how much you're saving and receive        visit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       or outside, visit

18                    January/February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                       January/February 2021                19
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