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Polish Crystallographic
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                                   Joint Polish-German
                                   Meeting 2020

                                                                 24–27 february 2020
General Information

The Whole is Truly Greater Than
the Sum of the Parts – Our Best
Solutions for Your Best Research.

   Innovation with Integrity
Table of contents

Organisation . ........................................................................................................................... 4

Welcome note . ........................................................................................................................ 5

Programme overview
   Monday, 24 February and Tuesday, 25 February . ............................................................ 6
   Wednesday, 26 February and Thursday, 27 February ...................................................... 7

Scientific programme
    Monday, 24 February ........................................................................................................         8
    Tuesday, 25 February . .......................................................................................................      11
    Wednesday, 26 February . .................................................................................................          18
    Thursday, 27 February .......................................................................................................       24

Poster presentations ................................................................................................................ 28

Social programme .................................................................................................................... 42

Young crystallographers . ......................................................................................................... 43

General information ................................................................................................................ 44

Sponsors, exhibitors and media cooperations ........................................................................ 46

Industrial symposia .................................................................................................................. 47

Index of speakers, authors and chairs ..................................................................................... 48

Design and layout
Layout                             krea.tif-art UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Print                              Printworld
Circulation                        400
Editorial Deadline                 4 February 2020


Congress Center Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Conference website

Polish Crystallographic Association (PCA) and German Crystallographic Society (DGK)

Conference under the auspices of the Rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Tech-
nology, Prof. Dr. hab. Cezary Madryas
Co-organisers: Faculty of Chemistry University of Warsaw, Łódź University of Technology,
Committee for Crystallography Polish Academy of Sciences

Conference chairs
Prof. Dr. hab. inż. Marek Główka
Łódź University of Technology (Łódź/PL)

Prof. Dr. hab. Marek Wołcyrz
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (Wrocław/PL)

Prof. Dr. Susan Schorr
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (Berlin/DE)

Prof. Dr. Udo Heinemann
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (Berlin/DE)

International programme committee
Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE)                       Matthias Bochtler (Warsaw/PL)
Thomas Doert (Dresden/DE)                             Mariusz Jaskólski (Poznań/PL)
Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim an der Ruhr/DE)         Ilona Turowska-Tyrk (Wrocław/PL)
Philipp Wöhrle (Freiburg i. Br./DE)                   Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

Professional congress organiser
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Anja Hannawald
Phone +49 3641 31 16-327

Welcome note

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to welcome you to the Joint Polish-German Crystallographic Meeting 2020 in
Wrocław. This is a unique event in the 28-year history of the DGK Conference and the 65-year
history of the Polish Crystallographic Meeting. We are looking forward to this first bilateral
meeting of the crystallographic communities of Germany and Poland with the participation
of guests from other European countries and the world. We would like our joint conference
to allow us to get to know each other better, share our enthusiasm for crystallography and
establish scientific cooperations for joint future research.

The conference takes place in Wrocław, a city with over a thousand years of history, a strong
cultural, academic and scientific center. We are convinced that the climate of this city as well as
the openness and kindness of its inhabitants will create friendly conditions for our conference.

The Meeting will be held at the Congress Center of Wrocław University of Science and Tech-
nology, which is open to us thanks to the kindness of the rector of the university, who took
our conference under his patronage. The Congress Center is located within the main campus
of the university; so, conference participants will be able to blend into the everyday life of the
largest university in Lower Silesia and feel its pulse.

We wish all conference participants a pleasant and interesting experience in the lecture halls,
in front of poster boards, at the commercial exhibition and the foyer of the center. As usual,
we invite you to a joint welcome reception and conference social evening in the Africarium,
the modern oceanarium building of the Wrocław Zoo. In spite of the exciting conference pro-
gramme, we trust that you will find the time to visit the historical Wrocław Market Square,
Cathedral Island or one of the many other famous Wrocław monuments and museums.

See you soon in Wrocław,

Susan Schorr, Marek Wołcyrz, Udo Heinemann and Marek Główka
Conference co-chairs

Programme overview

               Monday, 24 February                                           Tuesday, 25 February
Lecture hall Lecture hall Lecture hall           Seminar      Lecture hall Lecture hall Lecture hall               Seminar
   10AC          10B          10D               room 115         10AC          10B          10D                   room 115
                                               09.00–12.30                         09.00–10.30
                                               DGK board      Bio‐Crystal‐        Structure‐   in situ /in
                                               meeting        lography I          property‐    operando
                                                                                  relation‐    studies
                                                                                  ships I

                                                                          p. 11          p. 12          p. 12

                                                              Plenary talk
                                                              Ben Luisi

                                                                     p. 13
                                                               12.00–13.30 12.00–13.00
                                                              DGK general PCA general
                                                              assembly     assembly
13.30–14.30                                                   13.30–14.30
Plenary talk                                                  Plenary talk
Rolf Hilgenfeld                                               Lukasz
          p. 8                                                         p. 13
                  14.30–16.00                                                                                    14.30–15.30
Inorganic         Micro‐ and    Solid state                                                                      Rigaku
crystal           nano‐         physics in                                                                       Europe SE
structures I      crystalline   crystal‐
                  materials     lography                                                                               p. 47
          p. 8           p. 9          p. 10                  Bio‐Crystal‐        Organic       Lightning
                                                              lography II:        molecules and talks of
16.30–17.00                                                   Enzymes                           young crystal‐
                                                                                  compounds I
Laue talk                                                                                        lographers
                                                                          p. 14          p. 15       p. 15
        p. 10                                                                            17.00–18.30
 17.00–18.00                                                  Poster session I
DGK                                                           (even ID's)
Honours                                                                                                                p. 28

Welcome reception

                                                      p. 42

Programme overview

             Wednesday, 26 February                                            Thursday, 27 February
Lecture hall Lecture hall Lecture hall            Seminar       Lecture hall Lecture hall Lecture hall        Seminar
   10AC          10B          10D                room 115          10AC          10B          10D            room 115
                  09.00–10.30                                   09.00–10.00
Bio‐Crystal‐     Structure‐     Organic                         Plenary talk
lography III:    property‐      Molecules and                   Maria
Instrumen‐                      coordination                    Fernández‐Díaz
tation &                        compounds II                           p. 24
                 ships II
hybrid                                                                                                       10.00–11.00
methods                                                                                                    Get together
         p. 18          p. 19           p. 19                                                              young crystallo‐
Meeting AK1                                                                                                graphers
                                                                                                                    p. 43
11.00–12.00                                                                    11.00–12.30
Plenary talk                                                    Disordered    Spec‐        Instrumen‐
Christiane                                                      Materials and troscopy     tation
Stephan‐                                                        Complex and
Scherb p. 20                                    12.00–12.30     aperiodic
                                                Meeting AK6     structures

                                                12.30–13.30            p. 24        p. 25          p. 25
                                                Bruker AXS      12.30–13.00
                                                GmbH            Closing p. 26
                                                       p. 47
Plenary talk
        p. 21
Inorganic     Extreme/    Quantum
crystal       non‐ambient crystal‐
structures II conditions  lography

         p. 21          p. 22       p. 23
Poster session II
(odd ID's)
                                                        p. 28

Social evening at Wrocław Zoo                          p. 42
                                                                                            Poster session
                                                                                            Plenary talk
                                                                                            Industrial symposium
                                                                                            Social programme

Scientific programme i Monday, 24 February

09.00–12.30         DGK Board meeting

13.00–13.30         Opening
Lecture hall 10AC

13.30–14.30         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE)

  From SARS to MERS and the 2020 Wuhan pneumonia virus – How X-ray
  crystallography can help fight emerging viruses?
	Rolf Hilgenfeld (Lübeck/DE)

14.30–16.00         Inorganic crystal structures I
Lecture hall 10AC
Chairs              Anna Gągor (Wrocław/PL), Thomas Doert (Dresden/DE)

14.30               Fundamental bonding concepts of inorganic chemistry revisited
S01-1               Simon Grabowsky (Bern/CH), Malte Fugel (Bremen/DE)

14.45               Structural properties of whitlockite related synthetic materials:
S01-2               Some recent results
                    Wojciech Paszkowicz (Warsaw/PL)

15.00               Novel boron-rich compound B314.6H9
S01-3               Claudio Eisele (Bayreuth/DE), Christian B. Huebschle (Bayreuth,Karlsruhe/DE)
                    Swastik Mondal (Kolkata/IN), Somnath Dey (Aachen/DE)
                    Carsten Paulmann (Hamburg/DE), Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE)

15.15               Systematics of the allotrope formation in elemental gallium films
S01-4               Dieter Fischer (Stuttgart/DE), Bohdan Andriyevsky (Koszalin/PL)
                    Christian Schön (Stuttgart/DE)

15.30               Pyrolysis of tri-metaphosphimic acids and its salts
S01-5               Daniel Günther, Christoph Kalischer, Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE)

15.45               Crystallographic studies on fossilized elephant teeth
S01-6               Nataniel Białas, Oleg Prymak (Essen/DE), Ningthoujam Premjit Singh
                    Rajeev Patnaik (Chandigarh/IN), Kateryna Loza, Matthias Epple (Essen/DE)

Scientific programme i Monday, 24 February

14.30–16.00        Micro- and nanocrystalline materials
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Ute Kolb (Mainz/DE), Zbigniew Kaszkur (Warsaw/PL)

14.30              Structure and morphology of MoNi4/MoO2@Ni electrocatalytic systems for
S02-1              fast water dissociation
                   Ehrenfried Zschech, Emre Topal, Zhongquan Liao, Jürgen Gluch
                   Markus Löffler (Dresden/DE), Stephan Werner, Peter Guttmann
                   Gerd Schneider (Berlin/DE), Jian Zhang, Xinliang Feng (Dresden/DE)

14.45              In situ observations of single grain behavior during plastic deformation in
S02-2              polycrystalline Ni using energy dispersive Laue diffraction
                   Ullrich Pietsch, Mohammad Shokr (Siegen/DE), Lothar Strüder (München/DE)
                   Christoph Kirchlechner (Düsseldorf/DE), Christoph Genzel (Berlin/DE)

15.00              Microsecond-resolved look at the very early stages of quantum
S02-3              dot formation
                   Andreas Magerl (Erlangen/DE)

15.15              Diffusion and segregation kinetics in immiscible metallic nanoalloys Au-Pt
S02-4              Ilia Smirnov, Zbigniew Kaszkur (Warsaw/PL)

15.30              Application of electron diffraction tomography on incommensurate
S02-5              crystal structures
                   Emilia Götz (Darmstadt/DE), Ute Kolb (Darmstadt, Mainz/DE)
                   Sergi Plana Ruiz, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Maximilian Trapp (Darmstadt/DE)

15.45              On the investigation of the adsorbate evolution in mesoporous silicon by
S02-6              combining anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering and physisorption
                   of Xenon
                   Armin Hoell, Eike Gericke, Dirk Wallacher, Giorgia Greco, Michael Krumrey
                   Klaus Rademann, Simone Raoux (Berlin/DE)

Scientific programme i Monday, 24 February

14.30–16.00         Solid state physics in crystallography
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs              Radosław Przeniosło (Warsaw/PL), Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE)

14.30               Random structure search – solving the kesterite-stannite puzzle in
S03-1               (Cu,Ag)2ZnSnSe4
                    Daniel Fritsch, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

14.48               Interactions of ruddlesden-popper phases and migration-induced
S03-2               field-stabilized polar phase in Strontium titanate
                    Christian Ludt, Matthias Zschornak (Freiberg/DE)

15.06               Thermal diffuse scattering X-ray measurements on a metal-organic
S03-3               framework compound and on thiourea with high energy photons
                    Julia Büscher, Michał Stękiel, Dominik Spahr
                    Eiken Haussühl (Frankfurt am Main/DE), Oleh Ivashko
                    Martin von Zimmermann, Ann-Christin Dippel (Hamburg/DE)
                    Björn Winkler (Frankfurt am Main/DE)

15.24               Verification of the de Wolff hypothesis concerning the symmetry of β-MnO2
S03-4               Piotr Fabrykiewicz, Radosław Przeniosło, Izabela Sosnowska (Warsaw/PL)
                    Francois Fauth (Cerdanyola del Valles/ES), Dariusz Oleszak (Warsaw/PL)

15.42               New perspectives of neutron diffraction at National Centre for Nuclear
S03-5               Research Świerk (for Polish and German crystallographic community)
                    Krzysztof Kurek (Świerk/PL)

16.30–17.00         Special lecture laureate Max-von-Laue Award
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE)

  Restructuring of colloidal solid-liquid interfaces by total scattering
	Mirijam Zobel (Bayreuth/DE)

17.00–18.00         DGK Honours session
Lecture hall 10AC

18.00–20.00         Welcome reception
Foyer               see page 42

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

09.00–10.30         Bio-Crystallography I – Signalling, macromolecular interactions and other
Lecture hall 10AC   new structures
Chairs              Grzegorz Bujacz (Łódź/PL), Roman Fedorov (Hanover/DE)

09.00               Structural and functional principles of a novel family of nucleic acid helicases
S04-2               Johann Jonas Roske, Sunbin Liu, Bernhard Loll, Ursula Neu
                    Markus C. Wahl (Berlin/DE)

09.18               F2X Universal and F2X Entry – chemically highly diverse libraries for
S04-3               crystallographic fragment screening at HZB
                    Jan Wollenhaupt (Marburg/DE), Tatjana Barthel (Berlin/DE)
                    Alexander Metz (Marburg/DE), Gustavo Lima (Lund/SE), Dirk Wallacher
                    Thomas Hauss, Martin Gerlach, Christian Feiler, Markus C. Wahl (Berlin/DE)
                    Uwe Müller (Lund/SE), Gerhard Klebe (Marburg/DE)
                    Manfred S. Weiss (Berlin/DE)

09.36               Engineered variants of β-lactoglobulin with multiple binding sites
S04-4               for ligands
                    Joanna Loch, Joanna Sławek (Kraków/PL), Jakub Barciszewski (Poznań/PL)
                    Paulina Wróbel (Kraków/PL), Wladek Minor (Charlottesville/US)
                    Krzysztof Lewiński (Kraków/PL)

09.54               Crystal structures of β-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB:
S04-5               cold adaptation and active site architecture
                    Grzegorz Bujacz, Maria Rutkiewicz, Anna Bujacz (Łódź/PL)

10.12               The rough nanotexture of calcium carbonate biocrystals is not an indication
S04-6               of growth by particle attachment, but by crystallization from an amorphous
                    Antonio Checa (Armilla, Granada/ES), Elena Macías-Sánchez (Potsdam/DE)
                    Antonio Sánchez-Navas (Granada/ES), Nelson Lagos (Santiago de Chile/CL)

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

09.00–10.30        Structure-property-relationships I
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Agata Białońska (Wrocław/PL), Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE)

09.00              MIDAS - Mapping the irregularity of distribution of atoms in space
S05-1              Wolfgang Hornfeck (Prague/CZ)

09.15              How different should similar diffraction patterns be to indicate polymorphs?
S05-2              Marek Główka (Łódź/PL)

09.30              Neutron single crystal diffraction investigation of tetragonal compounds in
S05-3              the Cs2CuCl4-xBrx mixed system
                   Natalija van Well (Munich, Bayreuth/DE), Björn Pedersen (Garching, Munich/DE)
                   Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler (Munich/DE), Andreas Schönleber
                   Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE)

09.45              Old tricks for a new dog – crystallographic toolboxes for halide perovskites
S05-4              Joachim Breternitz, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

10.00              Raman Spectroscopy – a quantitative method for analyzing stress states in
S05-5              quartzite
                   Klaus-Juergen Huenger, Matti Danneberg (Cottbus/DE), Joerg Acker
                   (Senftenberg, Cottbus/DE), Steven Herold (Cottbus, Senftenberg/DE)

10.15              Structural control of thermomechanical properties of piezoelectric
S05-6              rare-earth calcium oxoborates
                   Marie Münchhalfen, Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE), Erik Mehner
                   Hartmut Stöcker, Christoph Reuther, Jens Götze (Freiberg/DE)

09.00–10.30        in situ/in operando studies
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs             Michał Cyrański (Warsaw/PL), Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE)

09.00              In operando diffraction radiography and tomography on Li-Ion batteries
S06-1              Alexander Schökel (Hamburg/DE), Anatoliy Senyshyn, Volodymyr Baran
                   (Garching b. München/DE)

09.15              A new type of sapphire single-crystal gas pressure cells for in situ neutron
S06-2              scattering
                   Raphael Finger, Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE)

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

09.30               Remarkable anisotropic thermal expansion in coordination compounds
S06-3               Gianpiero Gallo (Stuttgart/DE, Salerno/IT), Sebastian Bette, Robert E.
                    Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE), Khushboo Yadava, Zhihui Chen, Jagadese J.
                    Vittal (Singapore/SG)

09.45               Metal-support interactions in gold quasicrystals deposited on cerium (IV)
S06-4               oxide catalyst revealed by in-operando powder X-ray diffraction coupled
                    with Mass Spectrometry
                    Maciej Zieliński, Zbigniew Kaszkur (Warsaw/PL)

10.00               In-situ XRD and PDF investigation of MF3.3H2O (M = Fe, Cr) in controlled
S06-5               atmosphere – accessing new phases with controlled chemistry
                    Gwilherm Nenert (Almelo/NL), Kerstin Forsberg (Stockholm/SE)

10.15               Operando XRD studies of selected NaxMnO2 and MoS2 electrode materials
S06-6               for Na-ion batteries.
                    Andrzej Kulka, Katarzyna Walczak, Anna Plewa, Justyna Płotek (Kraków/PL)

11.00–12.00         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

  Machines of riboregulation and transport
	Ben Luisi (Cambridge/GB)

12.00–13.30         DGK General assembly
Lecture hall 10AC

12.00–13.00         PCA General assembly
Lecture hall 10B

13.30–14.30         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Marek Wołcyrz (Wrocław/PL)

                    Structure analysis by electron diffraction – current status and prospects
                    Lukasz Palatinus (Prague/CZ)

14.30–15.30         Industrial symposium Rigaku Europe SE
Seminar room 115    see page 47

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

15.30–17.00         Bio-Crystallography II – Enzymes
Lecture hall 10AC
Chairs              Krzysztof Lewiński (Kraków/PL), Gert Weber (Berlin/DE)

15.30               Crystal structure and biochemical characterization of the plastic-degrading
S07-1               Ideonella sakaiensis MHETase
                    Gottfried Palm, Lukas Reisky, Dominique Böttcher, Henrick Müller
                    Emil Michels, Miriam Walczak, Leona Berndt (Greifswald/DE),
                    Manfred S. Weiss (Berlin/DE), Uwe Bornscheuer (Greifswald/DE),
                    Gert Weber (Greifswald/DE)

15.45               Half way to hypusine – structural insights into human deoxyhypusine
S07-2               synthase
                    Przemyslaw Grudnik, Elżbieta Wątor, Piotr Wilk (Kraków/PL)

16.00               Identification and characterization of the bottromycin epimerase BotH
S07-3               expands the catalytic scope of alpha/beta-hydrolases
                    Jesko-Alexander Köhnke (Saarbrücken/DE)

16.15               Structural characteristics of D-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family
S07-4               Jan Kutner (Warsaw/PL), Dorota Matelska (Warszawa/PL), Ivan G.
                    Shabalin (Charlottesville, Virginia/US), Krzysztof Ginalski (Warszawa/PL)
                    Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL), Władek Minor (Charlottesville, Virginia/US)

16.30               Approach towards stabilization of misfolded lossoffunction variants
S07-5               of human prolidase
                    Piotr Wilk, Elżbieta Wątor (Kraków/PL), Maria Rutkiewicz
                    Manfred S. Weiss (Berlin/DE)

16.45               Aromatic amino acids aminotransferase from Psychrobacter sp.
S07-6               B6 - enzyme active site adaptability
                    Anna Bujacz, Jędrzej Rum, Maria Rutkiewicz (Łódź/PL)

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

15.30–17.00        Organic molecules and coordination compounds I
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Rafał Kruszyński (Łódź/PL), Christian Lehmann (Mülheim/DE)

15.30              Ab initio structure prediction of metal-organic frameworks
S08-1              Mihails Arhangelskis (Warsaw/PL), James P. Darby (Cambridge/GB)
                   Athanassios D. Katsenis, Joseph M. Marrett, Tomislav Friščić (Montreal/CA)
                   Andrew J. Morris (Birmingham/GB)

15.45              Calcium acetate hydrates – simple salts with surprisingly complex crystal
S08-2              structures
                   Sebastian Bette, Michael, M. X. Müller, Gerhard Eggert, Thomas Schleid
                   Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE)

16.00              Giant supramolecules meet synchrotron radiation – Experience with
S08-3              DESY P11 and P24 beamlines
                   Alexander Virovets, Eugenia Peresypkina (Regensburg/DE, Novosibirsk/RU)
                   Manfred Scheer (Regensburg/DE)

16.15              Crystal structure engineering with FlexCryst by visualization of the
S08-4              intermolecular interactions
                   Detlef W. M. Hofmann (Pula/IT), Liudmila Kuleshova (Uttenreuth/DE)

16.30              Synchrotron-based structural studies of coordination compounds with
S08-5              interesting magnetic properties
                   Tadeusz M. Muzioł (Toruń/PL), Robert Podgajny (Kraków/PL)
                   Natalia Tereba, Grzegorz Wrzeszcz (Toruń/PL)

16.45              Photocrystallographic studies of a series of novel nickel(II) nitro complexes
S08-6              in the crystal state
                   Patryk Borowski, Sylwia Kutniewska, Radosław Kamiński
                   Katarzyna Jarzembska (Warsaw/PL)

15.30–17.05        Lightning talks of young crystallographers
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs             Jan Philipp Wöhrle (Freiburg i. Br./DE), Linda Kerkhoff (Cologne/DE)

15.30              Dicarboxylic acids – versatile ligands for metal-organic synthesis
LT-1               Marius Kremer, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE)

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

15.35     Ferromagnetic interaction in a new semi-rigid tricarboxylate-bridged
LT-2      Ni2+ Complex
          Yanyan An (Taiyuan/CN, Aachen/DE), Liping Lu (Taiyuan/CN)
          Englert Ullrich (Aachen/DE), Miaoli Zhu (Taiyuan/CN)

15.40     Dihydroorotases from pathogenic bacteria
LT-3      Joanna Sławek (Kraków/PL), Dylan Miks, Ivan G. Shabalin
          Wladek Minor (Charlottesville/US), Krzysztof Lewiński (Kraków/PL)

15.45     NASICON-Na3Fe2-yMny(PO4)3 cathode materials for Na-ion batteries:
LT-4      comprehensive analysis of the relationship between structural
          and electrochemical properties using HT-XRD and operando-XRD studies
          Katarzyna Walczak, Bartłomiej Gędziorowski, Andrzej Kulka
          Janina Molenda (Kraków/PL)

15.50     New zinc coordination compounds as effective luminophores and
LT-5      precursors of ZnO nanoparticles
          Marcin Świątkowski, Rafał Kruszyński (Łódź/PL)

15.55     Towards better atomic displacement parameters in structural
LT-6      macromolecular models from micro-electron diffraction
          Marta Kulik, Michał Leszek Chodkiewicz, Paulina Maria Dominiak (Warsaw/PL)

16.00     Polymorphism and resulting luminescence properties of 1-acetylpyrene
LT-7      Daniel Tchoń, Damian Trzybiński (Warsaw/PL)
          Anna Wrona-Piotrowicz (Łódź/PL), Anna Makal (Warsaw/PL)

16.05     Understanding cation distribution in Zn1+xGeN2Ox (x < 0.1)
LT-8      Zhenyu Wang (Berlin, Berlin/DE), Joachim Breternitz
          Alexandra Franz (Berlin/DE), Susan Schorr (Berlin, Berlin/DE)

16.10     Structures of phosphorylated hydroquinolinols – molecular and
LT-9      supramolecular aspects
          Anna Pietrzak, Jacek Koszuk, Tomasz Janecki, Wojciech Wolf (Łódź/PL)

16.15     In situ crystallization and structural investigation of binary cocrystals
LT-10     of diamines and diols
          Grzegorz Cichowicz, Michał Cyrański, Roland Boese
          Łukasz Dobrzycki (Warszawa/PL)

Scientific programme i Tuesday, 25 February

16.20         Allogon isomerism in a series of high spin Fe(II) complexes
LT-11         Beatrice Braun Cula (Berlin/DE)

16.25         Structural and macroscopic investigation of CrAs at low temperatures
LT-12         and High Pressures
              Andreas Eich (Jülich/DE), Andrzej Grzechnik (Aachen/DE)
              Thomas Müller (Garching/DE), Carsten Paulmann (Hamburg/DE)
              Karen Friese (Jülich/DE)

16.30         DHS structure and function – on the crossroads between polyamines
LT-13         and posttranslational modification
              Elżbieta Wątor, Piotr Wilk, Przemysław Grudnik (Kraków/PL)

16.35         Preferential orientation of Ce1-xLnxO2-y nano-sized crystallites in star-shaped
LT-14         hierarchical porous particles
              Piotr Woźniak, Małgorzata A. Małecka (Wrocław/PL)

16.40         A study of transport properties at the single-crystal based charge transfer
LT-15         interfaces
              Bipasha Debnath, Michael Bretschnieder, Shu-Jen Wang
              Martin Knupfer, Bernd Büchner, Yulia Krupskaya (Dresden/DE)

16.45         Intermolecular orbital interactions in the structures with systems
LT-16         containing aromatic N-Heterocyclic rings
              Tomasz Sierański (Łódź/PL)

16.50         Crystal structures and phase transitions of imidazolium hypodiphosphates
LT-17         Daria Budzikur, Vasyl Kinzhybalo, Katarzyna Ślepokura (Wrocław/PL)

16.55         Benzonitrile substituted 1,3-Diketones as linkers for heterobimetallic MOFs
LT-18         Ulli Englert, Steven van Terwingen (Aachen/DE)

17.00         Non-linear optical properties and topology of hydrogen bonding patterns
LT-19         of (S)-2-amino-3-guanidinopropanoic acid monochloride
              Piotr Rejnhardt, Marek Daszkiewicz, Jan K. Zaręba (Wrocław/PL)

17.00–18.30   Poster session I
Foyer         see page 28

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

09.00–10.30         Bio-Crystallography III – Instrumentation & hybrid methods
Lecture hall 10AC
Chairs              Maciej Kozak (Kraków/PL), Thomas Schneider (Hamburg/DE)

09.00               Crystallographic research opportunities at Polish synchrotron:
S09-1               NSRC SOLARIS
                    Marek Stankiewicz (Kraków/PL), Maciej Kozak (Poznań, Kraków/PL)
                    Tomasz Kołodziej, Adriana Wawrzyniak, Michal Rawski, Paulina Indyka
                    Kinga Wróbel, Sebastian Glatt (Kraków/PL)

09.15               Structural biology at the refurbished European Synchrotron
S09-2               Christoph Müller-Dieckmann (Grenoble/FR)

09.30               Biocrystallography at beamline P11
S09-3               Johanna Hakanpää, Eva Crosas, Sofiane Saouane, Jan Meyer
                    Jakob Urbschat, Bernd Reime, Alke Meents, Anja Burkhardt (Hamburg/DE)

09.45               T-REXX – PETRA‐III‘s new endstation for serial time‐resolved crystallography
S09-4               Michael Agthe, David von Stetten, Gleb Bourenkov
                    Maxim Polikarpov (Hamburg/DE), Sam Horrell (Didcot/GB)
                    Briony Yorke (Leeds/GB), Godfrey S. Beddard (Edinburgh/GB)
                    Marina Nikolova, Ivars Karpics, Thomas Gehrmann, Jochen Meyer
                    Uwe Ristau, Stefan Fiedler (Hamburg/DE), Diana C.F. Monteiro
                    Martin Trebbin (Buffalo/US), Pedram Mehrabi, Eike-Christian Schulz
                    Friedjof Tellkamp, R.J. Dwayne Miller, Nils Huse, Arwen R. Pearson
                    Thomas R. Schneider (Hamburg/DE)

10.00               Neutron protein crystallography at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ):
S09-5               New developments and recent application examples
                    Tobias Erich Schrader, Andreas Ostermann (Garching/DE)
                    Michael Monkenbusch, Bernhard Laatsch (Jülich/DE), Philipp Jüttner
                    Winfried Petry (Garching/DE), Dieter Richter (Garching, Jülich/DE)

10.15               Construction of highly ordered materials composed of protein containers
S09-6               and plasmonic nanoparticles
                    Marcel Lach, Tobias Beck (Hamburg/DE)

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

09.00–10.30        Structure-property-relationships II
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Agata Białońska (Wrocław/PL), Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE)

09.00              Structure-property relationships in a reinforced calcium phosphate cement
S10-1              based on metastable α′-tricalcium phosphate
                   Anton Goncharenko, Zoltan Zyman (Kharkiv/UA), Matthias Epple (Essen/DE)
                   Olena Onyshchenko (Kharkiv/UA), Oleg Prymak, Kateryna Loza (Essen/DE)

09.15              Cu/Zn disorder vs. solar cell efficiency – the Cu2ZnSn(SxSe1-x)4 monograin case
S10-2              Galina Gurieva, Alexandra Franz (Berlin/DE), K. Muska, K. Ernits (Tallin/EE)
                   Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

09.30              Structural versatility in methylhydrazinium lead halides; new perovskites
S10-3              with exceptional optical and dielectric properties
                   Mirosław Mączka, Anna Gągor, Maciej Ptak, Dagmara Stefańska
                   Adam Sieradzki (Wrocław/PL)

09.45              Oxygen defect formation and ionic transport in Nd2CuO4±δ as derived from
S10-4              first principles calculations
                   Bartłomiej Gędziorowski, Kacper Cichy, Konrad Świerczek (Kraków/PL)

10.00              Impact of crystal packing on the luminescence in crystalline forms
S10-5              of benzoyl-acetylide-gold(I) complexes
                   Anna Makal (Warsaw/PL), Damian Plazuk, Marta Głodek,
                   Sylwia Palwędzio (Łódź/PL)

10.15              New insights in the catalytic activity of cobalt orthophosphate Co3(PO4)2
S10-6              from charge density analysis
                   Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE)

09.00–10.30        Organic molecules and coordination compounds II
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs             Rafał Kruszyński (Łódź/PL), Christian Lehmann (Mülheim/DE)

09.00              Hybrid inorganic-organic materials based on complexes of benzoilthioureas
S11-1              and group 11 or 12 metal salts
                   Damian Rosiak, Andrzej Okuniewski, Jarosław Chojnacki (Gdańsk/PL)

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

09.15               Frustration and frustrated crystal structures of the p-tert-butylcalix[6] arene host
S11-2               Maura Malińska (Warsaw/PL)

09.30               Single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments in the Identification
S11-3               of non‐innocent methylene linker in bridged Lewis pair initiators
                    Michael Weger, Raphael Grötsch, Maximilian Knaus, Marco Giuman
                    David Mayer, Philipp Altmann (München/DE), Estelle Mossou (Grenoble/DE)
                    Birger Dittrich (Düsseldorf/DE), Alexander Pöthig, Bernhard Rieger

09.45               Combined spectroscopic and (photo)crystallographic studies of selected
S11-4               photo-excited multicentre coinage metal complexes
                    Piotr Łaski, Jakub Drapała, Krzysztof Durka, Radosław Kamiński
                    Katarzyna Jarzembska (Warsaw/PL)

10.00               Nitro – nitrito linkage isomerisation reaction in crystals of trinitrocobalt (III)
S11-5               organometallic complexes
                    Krystyna Deresz, Sylwia Kutniewska, Radosław Kamiński
                    Adam Krówczyński, Katarzyna Jarzembska (Warsaw/PL)

10.15               Controlled crystallization from deuterated solvents – notable insights on
S11-6               crystallization behavior of brucine-multicomponent systems
                    Agata Białońska (Wrocław/PL), Klaus Merz, Margarita Yanbaeva (Bochum/DE)

10.30–11.00         Meeting AK1 Biologische Strukturen
Lecture hall 10AC   (Meeting of the DGK working group 1 Biological structures )

11.00–12.00         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

                    Applied crystallography as a tool for a better understanding of fundamental
                    questions of high temperature corrosion phenomena
                    Christiane Stephan-Scherb (Berlin/DE)

12.30–13.00         Meeting AK6 Molekülverbindungen
Lecture hall 10D    (Meeting of the DGK working group 6 molecular compound)

12.30–13.30         Industrial symposium Bruker AXS GmbH
Seminar room 115    see page 47

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

13.30–14.30         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Andrzej Grzechnik (Aachen/DE)

                    Pressure-induced physical and chemical transformations
                    Andrzej Katrusiak (Poznań/PL)

14.30–16.00         Inorganic crystal structures II
Lecture hall 10AC
Chairs              Anna Gągor (Wrocław/PL), Thomas Doert (Dresden/DE)

14.30               Crystal symmetry aspects of materials with magnetic spin reorientation
S12-1               Radoslaw Przeniosło, Piotr Fabrykiewicz, Izabela Sosnowska (Warsaw/PL)

14.45               MnBi2Te4∙(Bi2Te3)m (m=0÷6) compounds as candidates for magnetic
S12-2               semiconductors with non-trivial topology – crystal structure and some
                    physical properties
                    Y.N. Aliyeva, P.A. Askerova, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov
                    Nazim T. Mamedov (Baku/AZ)

15.00               Phase transition and magnetism in the synthetic mineral Fe3(PO3OH)4(H2O)4
S12-3               Matthias Gutmann (Chilton Didcot/GB), Maria Poienar (Timisoara/RO)
                    Lucian Pascut (Suceava/RO), Gavin Stenning (Chilton Didcot/GB)
                    Carsten Paulmann, Martin Tolkiehn (Hamburg/DE)

15.15               Nitridosilicatephosphates by high-pressure / high-temperature synthesis
S12-4               Wolfgang Schnick (Munich/DE), Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE)
                    Lucien Eisenburger (Munich/DE)

15.30               Crystal phases of InSe-GaSe system
S12-5               Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Кemale А. Аzizova, Zakir Jahangirli,
                    Yegana R. Аliyeva, Y.N. Aliyeva, S.A. Nabieva (Baku/AZ)

15.45               Intercalation and structural study of layered GaInS3 crystals with
S12-6               aminopyridine and ethylenediamine
                    Aysel B. Ragimli, Imamaddin R. Amiraslanov, Yegana R. Аliyeva (Baku/AZ)

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

14.30–16.00        Extreme/non-ambient conditions
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Elena Bykova (Hamburg/DE), Andrzej Katrusiak (Poznań/PL)

14.30              To what extent is the molecular symmetry lowering related to
S13-1              poly(a)morphism in a SnI4 system?
                   Kazuhiro Fuchizaki (Matsuyama/JP)

14.50              Reactions under pressure – How to force the reaction?
S13-2              Szymon Sobczak, Andrzej Katrusiak (Poznań/PL)

15.10              Phase relations and stabilities of MgCO3
S13-3              Jannes Binck, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt am Main/DE)
                   Sergey Lobanov (Potsdam/DE), Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt am Main/DE)
                   Victor Milman (Cambridge/GB), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt am Main/DE)

15.25              Structural diversity, phase transition and pores activation of Cd(II)-metal-
S13-4              organic frameworks based on 4,4”-azopyridine and terephthalic acid
                   Aleksandra Półrolniczak, Szymon Sobczak, Andrzej Katrusiak (Poznań/PL)

15.40              Inducing metallophilic interactions in compressed crystals
S13-5              Michal Andrzejewski (Bern/CH), Stefano Racioppi (Göteborg/SE)
                   Piero Macchi (Milano/IT)

Scientific programme i Wednesday, 26 February

14.30–16.00        Quantum crystallography
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs             Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL), Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE)

14.30              Chemical bonding analysis based on routine X-ray diffraction experiments
S14-1              Florian Kleemiss (Bern/CH), Hikaru Yanai (Tokyo/JP)
                   Simon Grabowsky (Bern/CH)

14.45              Structure, the energetics of interactions, anharmonicity and reflection
S14-2              intensity cut-off effect – comparison of X-ray wavefunction refinement and
                   multipole refinement for 2-hy­droxy-8-X-quinoline derivatives
                   (X = Cl, Br, I, S-Ph)
                   Magdalena Woińska, Monika Wanat, Przemyslaw Taciak
                   Tomasz Pawinski (Warsaw/PL), Wladek Minor (Charlottesville/US)
                   Krzysztof Wozniak (Warsaw/PL)

15.00              lamaGOET and the HAR-ELMO approach
S14-3              Lorraine Andrade Malaspina (Bremen/DE), Erna K. Wieduwilt
                   Alessandro Genoni (Metz/FR), Simon Grabowsky (Bern/CH)

15.15              Applications of HAR, TAAM and BODD methods for refinements against
S14-4              CuKα X-ray diffraction data
                   Monika Wanat, Maura Malińska (Warszawa/PL), Matthias Gutmann
                   (Didcot/GB), Richard I. Cooper (Oxford/GB), Krzysztof Woźniak (Warszawa/PL)

15.30              The quantum chemical modeling in organic crystals study
S14-5              Svitlana Shishkina, V. V. Dyakonenko, I. S. Konovalova, Ye.A. Vaksler

15.45              Data processing and Hirshfeld atom refinements for an organo-gold(I)
S14-6              compound
                   Sylwia Pawlędzio, Maura Malińska, Magdalena Woińska
                   Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

16.00–17.30        Poster session II
Foyer              see page 28

18.30–23.00        Social evening
Afrykarium in      see page 42
the Wrocław Zoo

Scientific programme i Thursday, 27 February

09.00–10.00         Plenary lecture
Lecture hall 10AC
Chair               Andreas Magerl (Erlangen/DE)

                    Characterization of new materials with neutron diffraction
                    Maria Fernández-Díaz (Grenoble/FR)

10.00–11.00         Get together young crystallographers
Seminar room 115

11.00–12.30         Disordered materials and complex and aperiodic structures
Lecture hall 10AC
Chairs              Wojciech Sławiński (Warsaw/PL), Martin Meven (Aachen/DE)

11.00               A disordered superspace approach to understand highly structured
S15-1               diffuse scattering
                    Reinhard Neder, Ella Schmidt (Erlangen/DE)

11.15               A method for the quantification of stacking faults in the structures of
S15-2               NCA- and NCM-precursors for battery materials
                    Sebastian Bette (Stuttgart/DE), Bernd Hinrichsen (Ludwigshafen/DE)
                    Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE)

11.30               RbSbO3 and (POCOP)CoBr – OD structures with two disorder modes
S15-3               Berthold Stöger (Wien/AT)

11.45               Enantiomeric disorder and modeling of X-ray diffuse scattering in copper(I)
S15-4               nitrate π‑complex
                    Dorota Kowalska, Vasyl Kinzhybalo (Wrocław/PL), Yurii I. Slyvka (Lviv/UA)
                    Marek Wołcyrz (Wrocław/PL)

12.00               Superspace structure of glycyl-L-valine
S15-5               Toms Rekis, Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE)

12.15               Multidimensional analysis vs. statistical method of diffraction and structure
S15-6               description of aperiodic systems
                    Janusz Wolny, Radosław Strzałka, Ireneusz Bugański
                    Joanna Śmietańska (Kraków/PL)

Scientific programme i Thursday, 27 February

11.00–12.20        Spectroscopy
Lecture hall 10B
Chairs             Wojciech Wolf (Łódź/PL)

11.00              Analysis of ferroelectric strontium titanate thin films with resonant
S16-1              X-ray diffraction
                   Melanie Nentwich (Freiberg/DE), Carsten Richter (Berlin/DE)
                   Matthias Zschornak (Freiberg, Dresden/DE), Tina Weigel (Freiberg/DE)
                   Dmitri Novikov (Hamburg/DE), Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE)

11.20              Characterization of dynamic thermal displacements of yttrium manganate
S16-2              Tina Weigel (Freiberg/DE), Carsten Richter (Berlin/DE), Melanie Nentwich
                   Matthias Zschornak, Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE)

11.40              Trivalent lanthanide and actinide incorporation into Zirconium(IV)
S16-3              oxide – spectroscopic investigations of defect fluorite structures
                   Manuel Eibl (Dresden/DE), Sam Shaw (Manchester/GB), Christoph Hennig
                   Damien Prieur (Dresden/DE), Katherine Morris (Manchester/GB)
                   Thorsten Stumpf, Nina Huittinen (Dresden/DE)

12.00              Curium incorporation in rhabdophane solid solutions (La1-xGdxPO4 ∙ 0.67H2O)
S16-4              Nina Huittinen, Andreas Scheinost (Dresden/DE), Yaqi Ji (Sichuan/CN)
                   Piotr Kowalski, Yulia Arinicheva, Stefan Neumeier (Jülich/DE)

11.00–12.30        Instrumentation
Lecture hall 10D
Chairs             Damian Kucharczyk (Wrocław/PL), Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE)

11.00              X-ray and neutron single-crystal diffraction in diamond anvil cells
S17-1              Andrzej Grzechnik, Martin Meven (Aachen/DE), Karen Friese (Jülich/DE)

11.15              On the design of a dedicated electron diffractometer
S17-2              Eric Hovestreydt, Gustavo Santiso-Quinones, Gunther Steinfeld (Villigen/CH)

11.30              Two new diffractometers at BM20/ESRF for single crystal, powder and
S17-3              surface diffraction
                   Christoph Hennig (Dresden/DE, Grenoble/FR), Moritz Schmidt (Dresden/DE)
                   Atsushi Ikeda-Ohno (Dresden/DE, Tokai-mura/JP), Thomas Radoske
                   (Dresden/DE), Manuel Feig (Freiberg/DE), Stefan Findeisen, Jürgen Claussner
                   (Dresden/DE), Jörg Exner, Damien Naudet, Nils Baumann
                   Andreas Scheinost (Dresden/DE, Grenoble/FR)

Scientific programme i Thursday, 27 February

     11.45               The benefits of Cu-Kβ radiation
     S17-4               Michael Bodensteiner, Tobias Mayr, Florian Meurer (Regensburg/DE)

     12.00               IDEAL – What is it good for?
     S17-5               Holger Ott (Karlsruhe/DE), Michael Ruf (Madison/US), Jens Lübben
                         Christian B. Hübschle (Karlsruhe/DE)

     12.15               Aspherical scattering factors from multipolar model for X-ray and
     S17-6               electron crystallography
                         Paulina Maria Dominiak, Michał Leszek Chodkiewicz, Barbara Gruza
                         Kunal Kumar Jha, Marta Kulik, Prashant Kumar, Paulina Rybicka (Warszawa/PL)

     12.30–13.00         Closing and announcement of the next conference
     Lecture hall 10AC


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an Open Access Journal by MDPI
Editor-in-Chief                 Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Helmut Cölfen
                                Crystals are a very important class of structured material,
Editor-in-Chief                 Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Helmut  Cölfen        both from a scientific and technological viewpoint. In
Section   Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Sławomir J. Grabowski 2011, theare
                                Crystals      a very
                                           Nobel      important
                                                   Prize             class ofwas
                                                           in Chemistry        structured
                                                                                              to Dan
Prof. Dr. Abel Moreno           both from a for
                                Schechtman      scientific
                                                   his work  andontechnological
                                                                                        Our journalIn
Section   Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Charles Rosenblatt
Prof. Dr. Sławomir J. Grabowski 2011, the  Nobel   Prize   in Chemistry     was   awarded
                                already expresses in its name Crystals that its focus centers to Dan
Prof. Dr.
      Dr. Shujun  Zhang         Schechtman     for hisof work
                                                            this on   quasicrystals.
                                                                         of materials,Our    journal
          Abel Moreno
Prof. Dr. Charles Rosenblatt    around all aspects                class                   which  has
Prof. Dr. Shujun Zhang
                                already  expresses   in its name    Crystals  that its focus
                                fascinated humankind from its beginning. Despite decades     centers
                                around   all aspects
                                of research             of this
                                              on crystals,        class of amaterials,
                                                              it remains                  which has
                                                                              hot and fascinating
                                fascinated  humankind      from   its beginning.  Despite   decades
                                research topic. Crystals is a good platform for dissemination
                                of research   on crystals,
                                of knowledge in this area.    it remains   a  hot  and   fascinating
                                research topic. Crystals is a good platform for dissemination
                                of knowledge in this area.

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Poster presentations

There are two poster sessions. Posters with an even programme-ID will be presented in the
poster session on Tuesday and posters with an odd programme-ID will be presented in the
poster session on Wednesday.

Inorganic crystal structures
P1     Diboranes(4) – synthetic reagents with intriguing structures
       Christian Kleeberg, Corinna Borner, Wiebke Drescher
       Maximilian T. Wiecha (Braunschweig/DE)

P2     TAAM against electron diffraction data for ionic structures
       Barbara Gruza, Michał Leszek Chodkiewicz, Paulina Maria Dominiak (Warsaw/PL)

P3     CaNa[Cr(OH)6] – synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties
       Ralf Albrecht, Jens Hunger, Thomas Doert, Michael Ruck (Dresden/DE)

P4     Two alkali-metal hexaselenidodiphosphates(IV) of dysprosium:
       LiDy[P2Se6] and NaDy[P2Se6]
       Beate Schulz, Melanie Kurz, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

P5     Single crystals of Nb5Se4 with Ti5Te4-type structure
       Constantin Buyer, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

P6     Coordination properties of diethylenetriamine in relation to zinc
       Jan Janczak (Wrocław/PL)

P7     Disorder in Ca3RE2(BO3)4 (RE = Nd, Gd) structure
       Katarzyna M. Kosyl (Warsaw/PL, Grenoble/FR), Anna Gągor (Wrocław/PL)
       Wojciech Paszkowicz (Warsaw/PL), Alexey N. Shekhovtsov
       Miron B. Kosmyna (Kharkov/UA), Damian Trzybiński,
       Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

P8     Structure refinement for Ca10M0.5(VO4)7 M=Co, Cu
       a powder X-ray diffraction study
       Houri Sadat Rahimi Mosafer, Wojciech Paszkowicz,
       Marek Berkowski (Warsaw/PL)

P9     Uncontrolled synthesis and crystal structure of La5O4Cl3[TeO3]2
       Philip Russ, Stefan Greiner, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

P10    Nd1.333[P2Se6] – Neodymium(III) Hexaselenidodiphosphate(IV) with
       cation-deficient NaYb[P2S6]-type crystal structure
       Melanie Kurz, Beate Schulz, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

Poster presentations

P11     Synthesis and crystal structure of Tl2[B10Cl10] ∙ 2 H2O
        Kevin Bareiß, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

P12     The structure of Yttrium Hydride Telluride YHTe from single-crystal
        X-ray diffraction data
        Jean-Louis Hoslauer, Matthias Folchnandt, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE)

P13     Phase transitions in crystals of tertiary ammonium salts with ReO4- Ions
        Monika Krawczyk (Wrocław/PL)

P14     HKLF5Tools – small helper in refinement of non-merohedral twins
        Sergei Ivlev, Matthias Conrad, Florian Kraus (Marburg/DE)

P15     Lithium hypodiphosphates
        Vasyl Kinzhybalo (Wrocław/PL)

P16     The crystal structure of trinuclear rhenium coordination compound
        with Re3(O)(NO)6(pz)6]Cl·2CH3CN formula
        Miłosz Siczek (Wrocław/PL)

Micro- and nanocrystalline materials
P17     Bionic method to enhance solar heat shielding ability of architextiles
        Songmin Shang, Ka Lok Chiu, Yuxiang Wang (Hong Kong/HK)

P18     Crystallization and preparation peculiarities of nanocrystalline powders
        based on metastable α′-tricalcium phosphate
        Zoltan Zyman (Kharkiv/UA), Matthias Epple (Essen/DE), Dmytro Rokhmistrov
        Anton Goncharenko (Kharkiv/UA), Oleg Prymak, Kateryna Loza (Essen/DE)

P19     The crystalline nature of zinc oxide nano- and microparticles with different
        shape determined by X-ray powder diffraction
        Oleg Prymak, Mateusz Olejnik, Matthias Epple (Essen/DE)

P20     Freezing of water droplets on glass surfaces with micro-scale
        lattice-patterned grooves
        Sho Yonezawa, Tomonori Waku, Yoshimichi Hagiwara (Kyoto/JP)

P21     Depth profiling of polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 thin films with
        asymmetric bragg diffraction
        Johannes Dallmann, Matthias Schuster (Erlangen/DE)
        Alfons Weber (München/DE), Peter Wellmann, Rainer Hock (Erlangen/DE)

Poster presentations

P22   Numerical simulation of the freezing impinged water droplets on a cooling surface
      Daichi Utsumi, Seia Fujii, Yoshimichi Hagiwara (Kyoto/JP)

P23   The sacrificial anode effect in a physical mixture of silver and platinum nanoparticles
      Kateryna Loza (Essen/DE), Marina Breisch (Bochum/DE)
      Alexander Rostek, Oliver Wetzel (Essen/DE), Marc Heggen (Jülich/DE)
      Manfred Köller, Christina Sengstock (Bochum/DE), Matthias Epple (Essen/DE)

P24   How brachiopods generate a hybrid composite shell material by
      cellular control of crystal growth of calcite – a bio-mineralogic SEM/TEM study
      Erika Griesshaber (Munich/DE), Andreas Ziegler (Ulm/DE)
      Maria del Mar Simonet Roda, Xiaofei Yin (Munich/DE), Ulrich Rupp
      Paul Walther (Ulm/DE), Daniela Henkel (Kiel/DE), Antonio Checa (Granada/ES)
      Vreni Häussermann (Puerto Montt/CL), Wolfgang Schmahl (Munich/DE)

P25   Improved algorithm to calculate the powder pair distribution function PDF
      Reinhard Neder (Erlangen/DE)

P26   Characterizing phase generation and structural effects due to micronization
      and amorphization of an active pharmaceutical ingredient for HIV treatment
      Maxwell Terban (Stuttgart/DE), Luca Russo, Tran Pham (Stevenage/GB)
      Dewey Barich, Yan Sun (Collegeville/US), Matthew Burke (King of Prussia/US)
      Jeffrey Brum (Collegeville/US), Simon Billinge (New York, Upton/US)

P27   Depletion width formation in CIGS based photovoltaics at various thickness
      and (In,Ga) concentration
      Ahmad Rosikhin, Nikodemus U J Hauwali, Fatimah A Noor (Bandung/ID)
      Amiruddin Supu (Kupang/ID), Toto Winata, Veinardi Suendo (Bandung/ID)
      Annisa Aprilia, Ayi Bahtiar (Sumedang/ID)

P28   Synthesis of bimetallic Nickel nanoparticles as catalysts for the Sabatier reaction
      Maria Heilmann, Ralf Bienert, Carsten Prinz, Franziska Emmerling (Berlin/DE)

P29   Observations of crystalline microstructure by exploring powder X-ray diffraction
      Marek Kojdecki (Warszawa/PL), Pablo Pardo, José Miguel Calatayud
      José María Amigó, Javier Alarcón (Valencia/ES)

P30   New perspectives of neutron diffraction at National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk
      Andreas Hoser (Berlin/DE)

Poster presentations

Solid state physics in crystallography
P31      Synthesis of elasto-plastic deformable ceramics by high pressure
         Masatada Araki (Handa/JP)

P32    Primary crystal orientation of thin-walled area of single-crystalline turbine
       blade airfoils
       Jacek Krawczyk, Włodzimierz Bogdanowicz, Robert Paszkowski (Chorzów/PL)

P33    Crystal structure and pseudo-symmetry of the 3D-weak topological
       insulator Bi12Rh3Cu2I5
       Eduardo Carrillo, Rajyavardhan Ray, Manuel Richter, Michael Ruck (Dresden/DE)

P34    Multi-scale defect analysis in single-crystalline nickel-based superalloys
       Robert Paszkowski, Jacek Krawczyk, Włodzimierz Bogdanowicz (Chorzów/PL)

P35    Solid-state characterization and solubility enhancement of BCS-class II drug-dasatinib
       Mohamed Sheik Tharik Abdul Azeeze (The Nilgiris/IN)
       Parimaladevi Palanisamy (Gandhi Nagar/IN)
       Meyyanathan Subramania Nainar (The Nilgiris/IN)
       Chinmay Ghoroi (Gandhi Nagar/IN)

P36    Temperature-dependent EXAFS measurements of the lead L3 edge allowing
       quantification of the anharmonicity of chlorine-substituted
       methylammonium (MA) lead triiodide
       Götz Schuck, Daniel M. Többens, Dirk Wallacher, Nico Grimm, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

Bio-Crystallography I – Signaling, macromolecular interactions and other new structures
P37     Structural and biochemical studies of human mitochondrial post-transcriptional
        regulator FASTK
        Daria Dawidziak, Mikołaj Kuska, Jan Kutner, Matthew Merski
        Maria Górna, Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

P38    Core facility for crystallographic and biophysical research to support
       the development of medicinal products
       Jan Kutner, Maria Górna, Maura Malińska, Monika Wanat, Daria Dawidziak
       Katarzyna Polak, Mikolaj Kuska, Weronika Lidwin, Marlena Kisiala
       Szymon Sutula, Krzysztof Woźniak (Warsaw/PL)

P39    Structure-based design of broad-spectrum antivirals targeting
       coronaviruses and enteroviruses – peptidomimetic cyanohydrins
       Linlin Zhang (Lübeck/DE), Daizong Lin (Changchun/CN), Stefan Anemüller
       Yuri Kusov (Lübeck/DE), Katharina Rox (Braunschweig/DE)
       Thilo Kähne (Magdeburg/DE), Guido Hansen, Rolf Hilgenfeld (Lübeck/DE)

Poster presentations

P40    Calcite manipulation by animals – the acicular-foliated microstructure
       of the limpets Cellana toreuma and tramoserica
       (Nacellidae, Patellogastropoda, Mollusca)
       Katarzyna Berent (Kraków/PL), Antonio G. Checa (Granada/ES)

P41    Structural investigations of the fluorescence phenomenon in
       β-lactoglobulin complexes with hdaf
       Paulina Wróbel, Joanna Loch, Piotr Bonarek, Krzysztof Lewiński (Kraków/PL)

P42    Structure of the c-di-AMP binding protein DarB
       Jana Laura Heidemann, Larissa Krüger, Jörg Stülke, Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE)

P43    Allosteric modulation of cGAS/OAS innate immune sensors – a way to new therapies
       Xiaoyi Zhou, Ole Zeymer, Petra Baruch, Christine Goffinet, Dietmar Manstein
       Roman Fedorov (Hannover/DE)

P44    Cyclic tetrapeptides as promising scaffold for innovative therapeutic agents:
       Synthesis, crystallographic, biological and in silico studies
       Joanna Bojarska (Łódź/PL), Milan Remko (Bratislava/SK)
       Jakub Wojciechowski (Neu-Isenburg/DE), Izabela Madura (Warszawa/PL)
       Krzysztof Kaczmarek, Janusz Zabrocki (Łódź/PL), Michał Zimecki (Wrocław/PL)
       Wojciech Wolf (Łódź/PL)

P45     Magneto-structural analysis in metal-organic coordination architectures
        sustained by hydrogen bond – a CSD study
        Kafeel Siddiqui (Raipur/IN)

P46    Fluorescence and DFT analysis in a two-dimensional ZnII coordination polymer
       Wenwen Wei (Taiyuan/CN), Yanyan An (Taiyuan/CN, Aachen/DE)
       Miaoli Zhu (Taiyuan/CN), Englert Ullrich (Aachen/DE)

P47    Overcoming challenges in the synthesis of the Cu2ZnGe(S1-xSex)4
       solid solution – Development of a new synthesis route
       Sara Niedenzu, Galina Gurieva, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE)

P48    The determination of symmetry in Sr8MgEu1-xSmx(PO4)7 phosphates
       Dina Deyneko, Sergey Aksenov (Moscow/RU)

Poster presentations

P49   Europium incorporation into BaCa(CO3)2
      Dominik Spahr, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal (Frankfurt/DE)
      Victor L. Vinograd (Jülich/DE), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt/DE)

P50   Investigating the morphology of nanostructured mixed metal oxides (Ir/TiOx)
      and its impact on the electrocatalytic OER-activity
      Julien Marquardt, Sascha Kiske, Michael Bernicke, H. M. Hamid Raza
      Nicola Pinna, Ralph Kraehnert, Franziska Emmerling (Berlin/DE)

P51   The kesterite – stannite structural phase transition:
      comparison of the Cu2(Zn,Fe)S4, Cu2(Zn,Cd)S4 and Cu2(Zn,Mn)SnSe4 series
      Susan Schorr, Sara Niedenzu, Alexandra Franz, Galina Gurieva (Berlin/DE)

P52   The kinetics of the Norrish-Yang reaction in crystals – X-ray diffraction
      and Raman spectroscopy studies
      Krzysztof Konieczny, Anna Szczurek, Julia Bąkowicz
      Ilona Turowska-Tyrk (Wrocław/PL)

P53   Application of violuric acid as a possible optical sensor for basic amino
      acids detection – crystal structures and spectroscopic studies
      Agnieszka Rydz, Marlena Gryl, Katarzyna Marta Stadnicka (Kraków/PL)

P54   Local structure, dynamics, and expansivity of α polyamide 6 through
      the glass transition
      Maxwell Terban (Upton/US), Sebastian Bette (Stuttgart/DE)
      Bernd Hinrichsen, Philippe Desbois (Luwigshafen/DE), Martin Etter
      Alexander Schökel (Hamburg/DE), Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE)

P55   Ex situ and in situ X-ray diffractometry as the applicable tool to determine
      structural properties and cycling performance of P2-Na0.67MgyMn1-yO2
      (y=0.1, 0.2, 0.3) cathodes for Na-ion batteries
      Gabriela Ważny, Katarzyna Walczak, Andrzej Kulka, Janina Molenda (Kraków/PL)

P56   Stability of baclofen crystal forms related to ɤ-lactam impurity formation
      Marek Główka, Waldemar Maniukiewicz (Łódź/PL)

P57   Operando XRD studies during electrochemical intercalation of
      Na0.66Li0.22Ti0.78O2 – P2-type anode material for Na-ion batteries
      Mikołaj Nowak, Wojciech Zając, Andrzej Kulka, Janina Molenda (Kraków/PL)

Poster presentations

P58     How in house X-ray total scattering can help gain a deeper insight into solid-state
        Anna-Lena Hansen, Charlotte Fritsch, Michael Knapp
        Helmut Ehrenberg (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE)

P59     Structure and biological activity of selected amidrazone derivatives
        Andrzej Olczak (Łódź/PL), Katarzyna Gobis (Gdańsk/PL)
        Izabela Korona-Głowniak (Lublin/PL), Malwina Krause (Gdańsk/PL)
        Ida Mazerant-Politowicz, Małgorzata Szczesio (Łódź/PL)

P60     Structure and antibacterial activity of selected hydrazide derivatives
        Małgorzata Szczesio (Łódź/PL), Katarzyna Gobis (Gdańsk/PL)
        Izabela Korona-Głowniak (Lublin/PL), Dagmara Zięmbicka (Gdańsk/PL)
        Andrzej Olczak (Łódź/PL)

P61     Influence of nitro substituent in phenylpiperazine derivatives of
        3-methyl-5-spiro(fluorene)hydantoin on the crystal and molecular structures
        Ewa Zeslawska, Wojciech Nitek, Jadwiga Handzlik (Kraków/PL)

P62     Effect of Sc3+ and Al3+ Ion doping on magnetic properties of Nd-stabilized
        SrM-Hexaferrite nanostructures
        Andrzej Hilczer (Poznań/PL), Katarzyna Pasińska, Adam Pietraszko (Wrocław/PL)
        Bartłomiej Andrzejewski (Poznań/PL)

in situ/in operando studies
P63      Investigation of soluto-capillary convection in GexSi1-x melts
         Jan Philipp Wöhrle, Thomas Jauß, Tina Sorgenfrei (Freiburg i. Br./DE)

P64     Real-time in-situ synchrotron study of simvastatin crystallization
        on levitated droplets
        Yen Ramisch, Maria Heilmann (Berlin/DE), Carlos E. S. Bernardes
        Manuel E. Minas da Piedade (Lisbon/PT), Franziska Emmerling (Berlin/DE)

P65     Determination of proton transfer trajectory in proton conductors by
        in situ X-ray powder diffraction measurement.
        Jiří Plocek (Řež/CZ), David Havlíček (Prague/CZ)

P66     In situ synchrotron powder diffraction-investigation of the mechanochemical
        synthesis and phase transition of ZnS
        Hilke Petersen, Pit Losch, Steffen Reichle, Tobias Rathmann (Mülheim/DE)
        Jochi Tseng (Shenzhen/CN), Wolfgang Schmidt (Mülheim/DE)
        Martin Etter (Hamburg/DE), Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim/DE)

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