Page created by Leslie Newton

    Usdaw has set up a petition calling
     for the Government to introduce
   better pay and rights for all workers.
   We need your help to reach 100,000
         signatures and guarantee
           a debate in Parliament.

sign and share the petition


Welcome | NETWORK

                                                        NEW YEAR
         Network is published bimonthly and
           distributed to Usdaw activists.
                                                        NEW CHALLENGES
                                                                 elcome to the rst
                  PUBLISHED BY:                                  issue of Network for
                                                                 2019, which is packed
     188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 6LJ
                 t: 0161 224 2804
                                                        full of news and updates
            e:                     on Usdaw conferences and
                 w:                        campaigns. This issue gives
                                                        you in-depth coverage of our
      HEAD OF MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS                    prestigious annual Organising
                    Mike Glover                         Awards that celebrate the very
                       EDITOR                           best recruiters, organisers and
                 Saiqa Khushnood                        campaigners in the union.
                                                           Usdaw kick started the
                  Sarah Sherborne                       year by launching a Time           legal guarantees to ensure
                                                        for Better Pay petition            that these hard-won rights
              EDITORIAL ASSISTANT                       which has collected over           are protected once we leave
                    Paula Barke
                                                        16,000 signatures in just          the EU.
              OTHER CONTRIBUTORS                        over two weeks, but we are            The Government’s
           Jo Bird, Tom Foster, Liz Green,              continuing to push for 100,000     shambolic attempts to
                  Adam Kaczmarek,                                                          extricate us from the EU have
                                                        signatures that would trigger a
             Doug Russell, Tony Whelan
                                                        parliamentary debate.              left the country in the dark
                 and David Williams.
                                                           At the time of writing it was   about what’s going to happen
                 PHOTOGRAPHERS                          unclear whether the UK would       next and what a post-Brexit
       Della Batchelor, Lee Beel, Phil Downie,
                                                        leave the EU with a deal or        future will look like.
   Joe Fox, Pete Hill, Mark Howells, Brian Jarrett,
       Rezwan Javied, Mike Kelly, Ian Sadler,
                                                        whether it would crash out.           Whatever happens over the
               Kevin Shaw, Mike Silve                   What we do know for sure           coming months and years, we
                  and Rick Walker.                      is that the Conservatives          must not let our differences
                                                        record on employment               divide our great nation even
              Century One Publishing
                                                        rights is poor and that they       further.
          Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road,                have failed to engage with
                St Albans, AL3 4DG                      trade unions on the issue                  Usdaw General Secretary
                                                        of maintaining employment
                ACCOUNT MANAGER
                                                        rights post-Brexit. That’s why
                  Dominic Arnold
                 t: 01727 739 184                       we are urging MPs to seek

                    PRINTED BY:
                   Buxton Press
     Paper is sourced from sustainable forests.

©Usdaw 2019 reproduction in whole or part by any
means without written permissions of the publishers
               is strictly forbidden.

 This publisher accepts no responsibility for errors,
      omissions or the consequences thereof.

                                                        Paddy Lillis, Dave McCrossen
                                                        and Amy Murphy host the
                                                        Organising Awards.

                                                                                                  January/February 2019      3
sign and share the

             thank you
Contents | NETWORK

                    UNIVERSAL CREDIT
                    10 | The new single bene t is replacing the previous
                         system of working-age bene ts and tax credits.

                    ORGANISING AWARDS
                    12 | Usdaw’s 14th annual Organising Awards took place
                         in anuary. Network celebrates with the winners.

              12    SATA CONFERENCE
                    20 | Brexit, employment, automation and bullying
                         topped the agenda at the biennial event.

                    32 | Usdaw has a vital role to play in speaking up for
                         members affected by sexual harassment.

                    MEMBERSHIP WEEK
               18   34 | A colourful snapshot of events and campaigns that
                         took place during anuary Membership Week.

                    SUMMER SCHOOL
                    42 | ind out how to apply for this year’s popular
                        residential training course in September.


                    03 WELCOME

              28    06 NEWS

                    18 ACTIVIST-IN-DEPTH

                    26 MEMBER OFFERS

                    28 RECRUITMENT & ORGANISING

                    38 HEALTH & SAFETY

                    44 STAFF

                    45 PUBLICATIONS UPDATE
              34    46 OVER TO YOU

                                                      anuary ebruary 2 1     5

                                IN THE NEWS
        Don’t forget to email the editor your view

       sdaw general
       secretary Paddy Lillis
       has launched a Time
for Better Pay petition on
the website.
   In 2018 Usdaw
conducted a survey of
over 10,500 workers in
retail and associated
sectors which laid bare
the issues that working
people are facing as a
result of low pay, short
and zero hours contracts
and insecure work.
   The ndings clearly
showed that low paid
workers were struggling
to pay gas and electricity
bills; missing rent and
mortgage payments and
missing meals to pay for
essential bills.
   In response, Usdaw
launched its Time for              “To build on the           the petition and share it
Better Pay campaign last        campaign we have also         with friends, family and      @UsdawUnion
year which aims to tackle       launched the Time for         colleagues.”
the causes of in-work           Better Pay petition. The       UsdawUnion
poverty and develop an          petition is now the fastest   petitions/234531
economy where going             growing on the .gov
to work guarantees that         website, having passed        TIME FOR BETTER
people can afford a basic       16,000 signatures in less     PAY AIMS:
standard of living.             than three weeks. This        ■ A minimum wage rate of
   Usdaw general                means the Government            at least £10 per hour for
secretary Paddy Lillis          now has to respond to the       all workers.
said: “Since its launch,        petition.                     ■ A minimum contract of
the campaign’s message             “However, the union          16 hours per week for
of ending the scourge           is continuing to push           everyone who wants it.
of in-work poverty has          for 100,000 signatures        ■ A contract based on
resonated with our              that should trigger a           an individual’s normal
reps and members and            parliamentary debate.           hours of work.
has been well received          That’s why I’m urging reps    ■ An end to zero-hours
in the press.                   and members to sign             contracts.

6 January/February 2019

IN BRIEF                         USDAW CAMPAIGNS UPDATE

PRIMARK                        LOBBYING GOVERNMENT
Primark returns to Bank
Buildings’ extension after     Usdaw is disappointed that the              through the statutory instrument
the Belfast store was gutted   Government is ploughing ahead with          process. We will be seeking a vote of the
by a ma or re in August        proposals that will double the threshold    whole House of Commons and asking
last year. Around half the     for cases taken in the small claims court   MPs to support our campaign.”
staff are returning to the     to £2,000.
site, which is now open to        The union believes that an increase      OFFENSIVE WEAPONS
customers. The remaining       to £2,000 in the small claims threshold     Following the increase in acid and
staff are guaranteed to be     will leave tens of thousands of injured     knives being used as offensive weapons
paid for the contractual       workers without legal representation        the Government is looking at tightening
hours until at least April     and worsen workplace health and             the laws on the sale of these items.
next year.                     safety standards by making it less             Usdaw supports the strengthening
                               likely that negligent employers will be     of the law but there is no protection for
MBE HONOUR                     penalised.                                  shopworkers who will be responsible
Usdaw rep Maureen Loxley          Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis     for enforcing the sale of these items.
has received an MBE for        said: “We are very disappointed that           Currently, the ome Office Minister
her work in the trade union    MPs approved unfair and unnecessary         does not accept the crucial role
movement. Maureen has          measures that will signi cantly restrict    shopworkers play in enforcing the law
been an active member of       access to justice for injured workers.      on age-restricted sales.
the union for over 20 years    The government say that the bill will          Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis
at a time when it was not      tackle a whiplash epidemic but they fail    said: “Our proposals for the protection
easy for Black women to do     to mention that insurers will receive an    of shopworkers have received cross-
so. Maureen’s achievement      annual gift of £1.3bn.                      party support, so we hoped the
will be covered in more           “Our campaign continues, because         Government would support new
detail in a later edition of   the threshold increase for employer         legislation. However, we welcome the
Network.                       liability cases has yet to be adopted       opportunity to meet and explain why
                                                                           the amendments should be accepted.
RETAIL LOSSES                                                                 “While the measures outlined are
According to the British                                                   a step in the right direction, we are
Retail Consortium around                                                   still hoping that Peers will support
70,000 retail jobs were lost                                               amendments to the Bill as it goes
in the nal months of 2 1                                                   through the House of Lords.”
and nearly a third of retail
businesses plan to shed
staff in the coming months.      YOUNG WORKERS’ WEEK 11 – 17 MARCH 2019
A number of factors have
played a part in this such
as shoppers reining in their   HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE
spending and switching to
buying online; coupled with    Usdaw will be holding a National Young      guarantees that people can afford a
retailers’ costs rising.       Workers’ Week from 11 – 17 March            basic standard of living.
                               2019.                                          Events will be taking place all week,
DEBT RISES                     The week is an opportunity for union        perhaps outside a local college or a
Household debts have           activists to reach out to young workers     street stall, recruiting young workers
reached a record average       and share the campaigning work              and encouraging them to play an
of £1 ,    . The TUC said      that Usdaw does on issues that are          active role in the union. Young worker
debts rose sharply in 2 1      important to them. The theme of this        reps are being encouraged to talk to
as years of austerity and      year’s campaign will be Time for Better     non-members in their store about the
wage stagnation forced         Pay. The campaign aims to tackle the        campaign.
households to raise their      causes of in-work poverty and develop          For more information please contact
borrowing.                     an economy where going to work              your local office.

                                                                                            January/February 2019   7


The retail sector is facing one of
the most challenging periods in its
   General secretary Paddy Lillis
said: “The Government’s High
Street Report makes a series of
recommendations which go some
way to tackling the problems on the
high street and across the wider
retail sector.
   “We urge the Government and
expert panel to engage with us,
support our strategy and give
shopworkers a voice in the future
of retail.”
   Usdaw’s proposed strategy for
the future of retail is based on three    ■ Introduce a range of measures to       ■ Change the narrative to ensure
key strands:                                tackle the issues affecting workers      retail jobs are viewed as ‘real jobs’
■ A new economic frame to support           in the sector including minimum          by getting a commitment from
   and develop the sector including         pay of £10 per hour; minimum             employers/government to invest
   a comprehensive review of                contracts of 16 hours (for those         in skills within the retail sector;
   commercial rents and business            who want them); and the right            a robust strategy on how to deal
   rates; reform of tax laws; and           to an employment contract that           with automation; and a seat for
   closing the gap between CEO pay          re ects an individual’s actual           Usdaw on the Expert Advisory
   and workers.                             hours of work.                           Panel on High Streets.


Marks and Spencer announced a             management to abandon their
further 17 store closures, putting        long-held resistance to recognising
over 1,000 jobs at risk.                  Usdaw as the union to represent its
   Usdaw national officer ave Gill        staff.
said: “We’ve seen a fourth wave              “At this time of great uncertainty,
of closures announced, which is           staff need to be assured that an
devastating news for the staff in         experienced and knowledgeable
those stores and the uncertainty          trade union is interrogating the
continues for everyone else. This         company’s business case for this
piecemeal approach to reorganising        reorganisation, ensuring that all
is extremely distressing for the staff.   avenues to save jobs are explored
   “Usdaw has thousands of                and staff are treated with dignity,
members working for Marks and             fairness and respect.
Spencer and the staff now need,              “We are providing our members
more than ever, the representation        with the support and representation
and support of an independent             they re uire throughout this difficult
trade union. We again urge M&S            time.”

8 January/February 2019

IN BRIEF                          LGBT HISTORY MONTH – FEBRUARY

From April to June 2018,
the number of workers            LGBT history month is celebrated every
on zero-hours contracts          year in February. It’s an important
decreased from 883,000 to        opportunity to shine a light on the lives
780,000 which equates to         and achievements of LGBT people and
2.4 per cent of the working      show solidarity with LGBT communities
population.                      around the world.
                                      GBT istory Month rst started in
DURHAM MINERS                    the USA in October 1994. It was then
The organisers have              initiated in the UK by Schools OUT in
launched a campaign to           February 2005. Both were based on the
raise £25,000 to improve         creation of the highly successful Black
and develop the annual           History Month.
event, which will take              The aim is to promote diversity and
place on 13 July. Last year      equality, increase the visibility of LGBT
more than 200,000 people         people and their lives, raise awareness
attended which drove             and work towards making institutions        Usdaw is supporting the Love Equality
up the costs of the free         safer spaces for the LGBT community.        campaign for equal marriage rights.
festival.                            It’s sometimes easy to think that          Usdaw reps stand up to support
                                 equality has been achieved, but in          equality at work every day and we want
DEBENHAMS                        the UK and around the world Lesbian,        you to celebrate with us.
The collapse of Patisserie       Gay, Bisexual and Transgender                 LGBT history month is run by a
Valerie cafes has dealt a        people face discrimination, violence        voluntary steering group but local
fresh blow to Debenhams          and harassment on a daily basis just        organisations and individuals are
as the café chain closed         because of who they are. Closer to          invited to create their own events.
outlets in department            home, Northern Ireland is the only            Check out the new LGBT History
stores. Seventeen                country in the UK that still bans civil     Month webpage for ways to get
Debenhams stores will            marriage for same sex couples and           involved!
no longer have café
concessions leaving the
                                  EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS AND BREXIT
retailer with oorspace that
isn’t earning money.

                                 PROTECT HARD WON RIGHTS
The Competition Markets          Usdaw is concerned that the current         engage with trade unions on the issue.
Authority (CMA) has              deal to take the UK out of the EU does      This means we have little faith that
indicated that it is likely to   not guarantee maintaining employment        the Government would deliver on any
extend its investigation         rights. Europe has delivered core           promises and we oppose MPs accepting
into the proposed merger.        employment rights that Usdaw                anything short of legal guarantees on
The eight-week extension         members rely on, such as: paid holidays     maintaining existing employment rights
will allow the authority to      and proper rest breaks; safeguards          and implementing all new rights that
review whether or not the        against discrimination; equal treatment     the EU adopts after Brexit.
merger poses a substantial       for part-time workers; information             “These rights are minimum
risk to competition or           and consultation in the workplace;          employment standards that help
adversely affect consumers.      TUPE rights for transferring workers,       ensure fairness in the workplace and
                                 and important health and safety             a level playing eld that stops rogue
HMV                              protections.                                employers undercutting rivals at the
Sports Direct founder Mike          General secretary Paddy Lillis           expense of their staff. We have to
Ashley is reported to be         said: “The Conservative record on           ensure that a post-Brexit Britain does
in talks with HMV about          employment rights is poor and this          not spiral downwards into low wages
buying the business.             government has completely failed to         and insecure employment.”

                                                                                             January/February 2019   9
     niversal credit (UC) is a new     problems inherent in the system the       ea      re e     g rst a me t
     bene t that is being introduced   Government has once again had to        There is a delay of at least ve weeks
     by the government for people      delay moving people onto universal      from when a person makes a claim
both in and out of work.               credit. They are planning to begin      and before they receive their rst
   This single bene t is replacing     moving the ma ority of people onto      payment. This is causing serious
the previous system of working-        UC from 2 2 and they expect this          nancial hardship for thousands of
age bene ts and tax credits. All the   process to be completed by 2 2 .        families and there is evidence that
following bene ts are being rolled                                             when universal credit comes into an
into a single payment under UC         What are the issues with                area the use of food banks rises.
■ Working Tax Credit WTC               universal credit?
■ Child Tax Credit                     Most claimants will be worse off.        tsm         more         t to
■ ousing Bene t                        The original purpose of simplifying     ma e a a m
■ ncome Support                        universal credit has been               Claims must be made online, and
■ ob-Seekers Allowance                 undermined by a series of cuts.         there is little or no support for those
■ mployment and                        The introduction of the bene t          who struggle with their T skills or
  Support Allowance.                   cap, a free e to working age bene ts,   don’t have access to the internet.
                                       the reduction of working allowances,
When will UC be rolled out?            the removal of the rst child             a me t s assesse a           a
Universal credit was introduced        premium and the two-child limit for     mo t        ot ee
in 2 1 with around 1 million           new claimants have meant a              This causes signi cant difficulties
people being migrated on to the        real cut in support for working         to four-weekly paid staff because
new bene t. ue to the numerous         families.                               there is one month every year where

10 January/February 2019
Universal Credit | NETWORK

                                         fundamentally overhauled because       to highlight the issues caused by
                                         ■ t is pushing people into nancial     universal credit.
                                         ■ There is evidence to suggest that    Gained concessions from the
                                           in areas where universal credit is   Government
                                           rolled out the use of food banks      ollowing intense pressure from
                                           goes up.                             Usdaw and other organisations,
                                         ■ t is incredibly complex and the      the Government has made some
                                             W is already struggling to         changes to UC. owever, these don’t
                                           manage existing claims.              go far enough and Usdaw will be
                                                                                keeping up the pressure for the roll
                                         Usdaw general secretary addy           out to be halted until the issues have
                                          illis said  espite the number of      been resolved.
                                         organisations raising serious issues
                                         about the design and impact of         Join the conversation
                                         universal credit the government has      ave you got a universal credit story
                                         so far neglected to address these      to tell f you have been affected by
                                         concerns.                              universal credit we would like to hear
                                              Usdaw has been at the forefront   your story, to help us strengthen our
                                         of the campaign to stop the rollout    campaign messages and build up a
                                         of universal credit.                   picture of how UC is affecting Usdaw
                                         WHAT HAS THE UNION           
                                         DONE SO FAR?
                                         Usdaw is not a bene ts advice
                                         organisation therefore the rst step
                                         was to gain a better understanding
                                         of how universal credit affects           I NEED ADVICE ABOUT MY
                                         Usdaw members.                            BENEFITS – WHERE CAN
                                            Usdaw’s ‘Time or Better ay’            I GO FOR HELP?
                                         survey included uestions on
                                         universal credit and the results          Usdaw cannot give direct
                                         demonstrate that members are              advice about benefits, but we
                                         struggling.                               can signpost members to get
they receive two pay packets in                                                    in touch with charities and
the assessment period, and thus          Made the argument                         organisations who can give
their bene ts are either drastically     Usdaw has been highlighting the           expert advice, to help you
reduced or stopped entirely the          problems with universal credit for a      make your claim if you need it,
following month.                         number of years. This has included        and assist you with an appeal
                                         lobbying M s and bringing motions         if you believe there has been
The ‘claimant commitment’                to the TUC congress and to the            a mistake.
This is a contract between the             abour arty Conference.
claimant and the epartment for                                                     Citizens Advice Bureau
Work and ensions and may include         Campaigned                      
re uirements about what they will        Usdaw’s ‘Time or Better ay’
do to look for work or increase the      campaign has included calls for           Money Advice Service
number of hours they work. ailing        changes to universal credit.              Helpline : 0300 500 5000
to do so, can result in ‘sanctions’ to     Over 1,     members lobbied             www.moneyadviceservice.
the amount of bene ts received in        their local M supporting the    
the future.                              union’s campaign for a fairer deal
                                         for everyone being moved from tax         Gov UK
What is Usdaw’s position on              credits onto universal credit.            Information on government
universal credit?                                                                  services, including benefits,
Usdaw believes that the roll out         Joint work with CPAG            
of universal credit should be            Usdaw has teamed up with the
immediately halted and the system        Child overty Action Group C AG

                                                                                            January/February 2019   11
NETWORK | Organising Awards 2018

The union celebrates exceptional activists from
across the country at glittering ceremony.

R        eps took centre stage
         at Usdaw’s 14th annual
         Organising Awards in
Manchester. The event is unique
                                         progress over recent years.
                                            “Despite the challenges on the
                                         high street we still have membership
                                         levels we can be proud of. Our
in the trade union movement and          dedicated team of reps and officials
helps to properly recognise the          signed up almost 94,000 new
outstanding contribution Usdaw           members in 2018 and our total
reps make in the year.                   membership was over 431,000 at
    The ever-popular event took place    the end of the year.
in Manchester and saw talented              “This year, like every year, we
and committed reps from all seven        received an exceptionally high
divisions attend a ceremony to           standard of nominations, therefore I
celebrate the very best recruiters,      congratulate every nominee.
organisers and campaigners in the           “I also want to take this
union.                                   opportunity to thank the thousands
    General secretary Paddy              of reps who have not won awards
Lillis, deputy general secretary         but have worked hard on behalf of
Dave McCrossen and president             the union. Reps who expertly juggle
Amy Murphy played host, with             their work and union duties as well
special guest Paul Nowak, deputy         as their family commitments to
general secretary of the TUC. They       ensure that Usdaw members receive
presented national awards to 10          the best support possible.”
winners in nine categories.
    “The Organising Awards are all       MOST PROMISING NEW ACTIVIST
about recognising the hard work          MARK JEFFERY
our reps do on a daily basis and the     Since becoming a rep in early 2018
real difference this makes to their      Mark found himself embroiled in
colleagues’ lives,” said Paddy.          difficult wage negotiations at Tayto
    “Our reps have engaged in a          in Corby. Mark worked through
wide range of campaigns defending        the discussions and excelled at
workers’ rights and promoting the        communicating the complexities of
work of the union. It’s this grassroot   the deal to his members. He also
support that helps the union win         played a vital role in winning an
important victories that directly        enhanced recognition agreement
bene t our members. n addition,          with provision for three extra reps.
it’s our reps who put themselves on         “I’m absolutely buzzing. It’s the
the line to make sure that companies       rst time ’ve been nominated so
are adhering to their agreements         didn’t think I would win,” said Mark.
and providing a safe and legal           “It’s been really hard work with
environment for their employees.         some very tricky, but successful, pay
    “Without our reps, Usdaw would       negotiations. The event is amazing
not have made such fantastic             and I’m really happy to be here.”

12 January/February 2019
Back row (l-r): Mary Flynn, Tommy Ryan,
   Michaela Parsons, Margaret Baxter,
             Dawn Cobb and Ray Stuart.
    Middle row (l-r): Michael Anderson,
   Tracy Jane White, Nikki Fitzsimmons
                        and Mark Jeffery.
     Front row (l-r): Jeanette McKnight,
   Joanne Carleton and Cheva Collins.
General secretary Paddy Lillis, deputy general secretary
  Dave McCrossen, TUC deputy general secretary Paul
  Nowak and president Amy Murphy present the Primark
  Belfast team of reps with their award.

  HEALTH AND SAFETY REP AWARD                        equality is an important part of this     CAMPAIGNS AWARD
  RAY STUART                                         movement,” said Michael.                  MICHAELA PARSONS
  When health and safety standards in                  “If you want change then you            Michaela excels at promoting Usdaw
  his Tesco store reached an all-time                will nd that this is normally driven      to the general public – a skill that
  low, Ray could no longer stand by                  by the unions. I’m amazed and             comes in handy for Aldi, Lidl and
  and let things deteriorate further. He             surprised I won.“                         Marks and Spencer campaigns.
  took on the role of health and safety                                                            A passionate advocate for the
  rep and has overseen a dramatic                    UNION LEARNING REP AWARD                  vulnerable, Michaela played a key
  uplift in standards. Timescales for                TRACY JANE WHITE                          role in driving a Period Poverty
  important repairs, once measured in                Tracy is renowned for opening             campaign by raising awareness of
  weeks, have been reduced to days.                  the doors of Lifelong Learning to         the issue among workers and the
     “I attribute a lot of my success                as many members as possible.              public.
  to the Usdaw tutors and my area                    However, she upped her game even              “I work on nights in Tesco so
  organiser,” said Ray. “Without their               further when Tesco introduced             it’s important to promote Usdaw
  support I wouldn’t be here. My                     online payslips. When Tracy saw           campaigns like you would on days,”
  manager is very supportive of me                   her colleagues were struggling she        said Michaela. This is the rst time
  and we work together to resolve                    took her iPad into all her local stores    ’ve been nominated and the rst
  issues. I’m delighted I’ve won.”                   and helped her colleagues become          time I’ve won. I’m shocked and
                                                     familiar with the new system.             speechless and that doesn’t happen
  EQUALITIES AWARD                                       “I’m really proud of the work I’ve    very often! The event is absolutely
  MICHAEL ANDERSON                                   done around mental health,” said          fantastic and I’m really happy to be
  Michael has an exemplary track                     Tracy. “It’s really important to raise    here.”
  record of campaigning for the rights               awareness and remove the stigma
  of ethnic minority and migrant                     around it. I’m also the Dementia          TEAM RECRUITMENT AND
  workers. He’s a regular speaker at                 Champion and I’ve been trying to get      ORGANISING AWARD
  A M and the rst Usdaw member of                    people to talk about dementia.            PRIMARK BELFAST
  the STUC Black Workers’ Committee.                     “When my name was called out          When the Belfast branch of Primark
  Michael, who works at Tesco, takes                 I just sat there thinking someone         was gutted by a re in August 2 1
  an active role in promoting equality               else had won. I’m still in shock.         the Usdaw reps excelled themselves
  issues among fellow members.                       Everybody deserves a round of             during the discussion over the fate
     “Trade unions are some of the                   applause and a pat on the back just       of their members. Thanks to their
  biggest organisations in society and               for getting nominated.”                   efforts, all staff were retained and

14 January/February 2019
Organising Awards 2018 | NETWORK

paid their contractual hours, with      organiser, the office staff and the         and is also a great communicator
opportunities for redeployment to       divisional officer who are always           of information, which has helped
nearby stores.                          ready to help. When you’re a rep            her members get to grips with the
   Jo Carleton, Mary Flynn, Jeanette    you’re part of one big team.”               changes to skills payments in Tesco
McKnight and Cheva Collins                                                          during 2018.
accepted the award on behalf of the     INDIVIDUAL ORGAINING AWARD                     “I’m an Usdaw rep and a health
Primark reps team.                      NIKKI FITZSIMMONS                           and safety rep so I do a lot of
     t’s been a really difficult time   Nikki, an Academy graduate with a           recruitment in store,” said Dawn.
for all our colleagues. We’ve spent     background in Tesco store security          “Recently, we lost our night shift
the last ve months supporting           has done vital work to improve the          and went on days. I had to coach
them with the challenges they faced     safety of the stores in her area.           1 members of staff while going
working in different locations. We’ve   She is also keen to promote the             through the changes myself. I’m
also been working with the company      union’s campaigns, having organised         overwhelmed I’ve won. It’s fantastic
to ensure our members were              successful Parents and Carers,              to know that the union recognises
  nancially supported during this       Checkout Learning and Freedom               and appreciates the work you do for
time. We are delighted and over the     From Fear events.                           members.”
moon with this award.”                    “I’m absolutely ecstatic. I didn’t
                                        think I would win as I’m still relatively   OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT
INDIVIDUAL RECRUITMENT AWARD            new to the role,” said Nikki.               AWARD JOINT WINNER
TOMMY RYAN                                “The event is wonderful and it’s          MARGARET BAXTER
Tommy’s energy, skills and rm-but-      great to be here. I’m really proud of       Margaret proves that union activity
fair attitude see him regularly bring   getting 24/7 security in an express         doesn’t have to end when you retire
in impressive recruitment gures.        store where previously they had             from work. A member of 44 years’
Keen to leave the union standing in     none. The problems with shoplifting         standing, Margaret continues to
good stead when he eventually           and abuse have gone down while              campaign on women’s and all trade
steps down, Tommy takes the time        membership has gone up.”                    union issues. She sits on the retired
to mentor other reps.                                                               members’ committee and was a
   “I’m totally overwhelmed at          OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT                     trailblazer for representation of
winning the award,” said Tommy.         AWARD JOINT WINNER                          women within Usdaw.
“My success with recruiting has         DAWN COBB                                      “I’m just completely stunned. I
largely been down to a good             Dawn always goes the extra mile             don’t feel like I’ve done anything
working relationship with the Tesco     and plays a part in her members’            more than what thousands of our
management team. I have also been       working lives from the day they join.       members do day in day out. It’s such
very lucky to have a great support      She is eager to help other members          an honour to win and I will treasure
network which includes my area          in their personal development               this award.”


                                                                                                 SOUTH WALES AND
                                                                                                 WESTERN DIVISION
                                                                                                 STANDING (from left):
                                                                                                 Stuart Esslemont, Darren
                                                                                                 Jelfs, Mike Walker (deputy
                                                                                                 divisional officer), Debbie
                                                                                                 Wilson (executive councillor),
                                                                                                 Elliot Osborne (executive
                                                                                                 councillor), Tracey Lowther
                                                                                                 (divisional council chair) and
                                                                                                 Dave Woodhams.
                                                                                                 SEATED (from left): Dale
                                                                                                 Duddridge, Phil Birkett, Crian
                                                                                                 Williams, Anne Meacock, Nick
                                                                                                 Ireland (divisional officer),
                                                                                                 Helen Couppleditch and Dawn

                                                                                                  January/February 2019         15
NETWORK | Retail Trades Conference

                                           EASTERN DIVISION
                                           STANDING (from left):
                                           Steven Collins, Jason Bragg,
                                           Simon Vincent (executive
                                           councillor), Jacqui Cross
                                           (divisional council chair),
                                           Nigel Scully (divisional
                                           officer), Chris Henry (deputy
                                           divisional officer), Jacqui
                                           Thurgood (executive
                                           councillor) and Michael
                                           SEATED (from left): Emma
                                           Padden, Geoff Page, Ray
                                           Stuart, Tommy Ryan, Jean
                                           Bridger, Maurina Joseph-
                                           James and Paul Foot.

                                           NORTH EASTERN
                                           STANDING (from left): Mike
                                           Dixon (executive councillor),
                                           Brian Loughhead (executive
                                           councillor), Joanne Thomas
                                           (divisional officer), Neil
                                           Hutchinson, Jack Pashley,
                                           Allan Ross and Scott
                                           SEATED (from left): Trevor
                                           James Francis, Cathy
                                           Godfrey (deputy divisional
                                           officer), John Tyreman,
                                           Tracy Jane White, Angela
                                           Partington, Maxine Watson
                                           and Michaela Parsons.

                                           STANDING (from left):
                                           John Barstow (executive
                                           councillor), Tom Hemmings,
                                           Jiri Marek, Rick Hammond,
                                           Gary Drew and Jamie
                                           SEATED (from left): Edwina
                                           Fairbrass, William Dew,
                                           Debbie Randall (executive
                                           councillor), Sue Merrell
                                           (divisional officer), Sujata
                                           Patel (divisional council
                                           chair), Sue Prynn (deputy
                                           divisional officer) and Jackie

18 January/February 2019
Organising Awards 2018 | NETWORK

                               STANDING (from left): Gavin
                               Dadley (divisional officer),
                               Warwick Maddison, Janusz
                               Sitkowski, Kate MacLeod
                               (executive councillor),
                               Andrea Watts (executive
                               councillor), Gareth Davies
                               (deputy divisional officer),
                               Mark Jeffery and Jackie
                               Hendry (divisional council
                               SEATED (from left): Cezar
                               Andronic, Simon Willmott,
                               Nikki Fitzsimmons, Jackie
                               Stevens, Sara Farrar, Bill
                               Rana and Robert Parry.

                               STANDING (from left):
                               Richie Venton (executive
                               councillor), Tracy Gilbert
                               (deputy divisional officer),
                               Stewart Forrest (divisional
                               officer), Daniel Waddell,
                               Jean Hession (executive
                               councillor), Neil MacDonald
                               (divisional council chair)
                               and Lee Moore.
                               SEATED (from left): Ashley
                               Dunbar, Michael Anderson,
                               William Brammer, Lillias
                               Peden, Jim McFadyen,
                               Roseann McAllister and
                               Fiona Mackintosh.

                               NORTH WEST
                               STANDING (from left):
                               Joanne Carleton, Mike
                               Aylward (divisional officer),
                               Janes Jones (executive
                               councillor), Chris Winwood
                               (executive councillor),
                               Emma Cunningham,
                               Maureen Hurst, Amanda
                               Bailey-Coll (deputy
                               divisional officer), Brenda
                               Shaw (executive councillor),
                               Billy Smith and Tony Clare
                               (deputy divisional officer).
                               SEATED (from left): Mary
                               Flynn, John Goodwin,
                               Richard Henry Rigby,
                               Margaret Baxter, Terry Adair
                               (divisional council chair),
                               Gaz Phillips and Linda

                              January/February 2019        19
Ten minutes with...
      etwork spoke to Scottish           ensure management were treating         different members across the
      activist Karen O’Neill about her   their employees fairly and with         building.
      time on the union’s Academy        respect.
programme and being part of the                                                  What’s involved in being a rep at
big team of 15 reps at Tesco Bank in     How many reps are part of the           Tesco Bank?
Glasgow.                                 team at Tesco Bank?                     In general, it’s making sure our
                                         There are 15 reps looking after 900     colleagues have the support they
Tell us about your job and why           members over six oors, it’s a really    need, whenever they need it, and
you became active with Usdaw?            big site. We also have two health and   helping them to have a voice at work.
I’ve been working full-time at Tesco     safety reps and two lifelong learning   As a rep I’ve been involved in dealing
Bank for ve years now as an              reps.                                   with a variety of situations and
underwriter. I became a rep about        We all work really well together and    representations from everyday
four years ago, quite quickly after      split our duties accordingly.           issues in the workplace to personal
signing up to be a member. I was         We each try to represent colleagues     issues affecting colleagues in their
keen to get involved straight away.      who work in different departments       home life too.
I wanted to help create a good           to our own to avoid con icts of         Mental health is often something
working environment for staff, make      interest and this also ensures that     that crops up. It’s great that it’s
sure they know their rights and          all the reps meet and get to know       now a subject that’s more openly

18 January/February 2019
Activist-in-Depth| NETWORK

talked about. I’m also involved in       Thankfully I completed the course       What are you hoping to do next?
other union activity such as wage        and I’m really proud of what I have     I’ve just been accepted onto this
negotiations.                            achieved.                               year’s Academy2 so I’m over the
                                                                                 moon, I can’t wait to get started.
Do you feel confident in your role       What have you been up to since          I’ve also submitted a proposition for
as a rep?                                the Academy?                            Usdaw’s Annual Delegate Meeting
Yes. I feel that I could deal with any   Since coming back from the              in May and I’ll be attending as a
challenge I’m faced with thanks to       Academy, I’ve been to a federation      delegate and hoping to get up and
the training and skills I’ve learned     weekend and I spent a month out on      speak on the rostrum. I’ve never
through Usdaw.                           stand-down.                             been before so I’m really excited.
Attending federation schools has         Going out on stand-down following       I think I’ll learn a lot from the
been particularly useful as they’ve      the Academy was a really great          experience and it will give me a real
focused on particular topics such        experience, I felt like I was ‘tooled   con dence boost. ’m ust taking
as pensions and mental health.           up’ to the max. It gave me the          things one step at a time. I love
Additionally, my experience on the       opportunity to put everything I’d       being a rep and the responsibilities
Academy has been invaluable.             learned into practice. It was the       that come with it. I truly believe I’ve
The skills I’ve learned through          run up to Christmas too so I was        found my calling and I’m excited to
Usdaw are not just useful in the         inundated with inductions.              see what the future holds.
workplace but in everyday life too.
If there’s ever anything I’m unsure
about I know I can contact the union
                                          ALL ABOUT KAREN
for support.

Tell us more about the Academy,            Where do you live?                     If you could instantly become
did you enjoy it?                          In Glasgow with Stuart, my             an expert in something what
It was a really enjoyable experience       partner of 18 years, and our           would it be?
and I learned a lot about the union        daughters Rebecca (11) and             The Law. I would love to know all
and myself. Usdaw trust you to go          Jessica (13).                          about it.
out and be in charge of your own
diary, visiting workplaces you’ve          How do you like to spend your          If you could take three things to
never been into before and being an        spare time?                            a desert island with you what
advocate of the union. There were          I don’t get much spare time but        would they be?
some challenges, I was banned from         when I do I love spending time         Suntan lotion, because I burn
a store because the management             with the family and going to the       really easily, my favourite music
didn’t like the union being there,         cinema.                                and my family.
but times like that only made me
stronger. The Academy makes you            Favourite food? Mexican                Any hobbies?
realise your weaknesses and turn           Favourite film? True Romance           I used to be a Scottish champion
them into strengths. I met lots            Favourite clothes? My jeans            at Karate but had to give it up due
of people and now when I’m out             Favourite music? I love music in       to injury. I would love to take it up
and about in Glasgow there are so          general but my favourite is house.     again and aim for my black belt.
many faces I recognise and so many
people to say hello to.

Did the Academy help you
overcome any personal battles?
While I was on the Academy my
uncle passed away a week after
being diagnosed with stomach
cancer. t was a very difficult time.
I was struggling to carry on as I
was grieving and just wanted to
give it up, but I knew that my uncle
would’ve wanted me to do well and
that gave me the strength to carry

                                                                                               January/February 2019      19
   t was a full house at the Village   policy agreed by our members at           not ust in numbers, but in in uence
   Hotel in Warrington for the         ADM, and on the results of a survey       and the very best reps in the trade
   biennial SATA conference in         sent to every single member. The          union movement ’m con dent that
November.                              survey had a staggering 10,500            we are strong enough to weather
   The conference was attended by      responses telling us about the            the storm.”
Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis   impact of low pay and insecure work.
who gave delegates an update on        It’s been receiving good attention        BREXIT AND EMPLOYMENT
the work he’d been doing during his    in the media and from politicians.        Following a turbulent few weeks of
 rst 1 days in office.                 Over the next 12 months we will be        Brexit negotiations Joanne Cairns,
   “We all have much to be proud       bringing it to life in workplaces.        deputy head of Usdaw’s research
of in our union,” said Paddy. “We’ve       Our reps and officials are working    and economics department, gave
bucked the trend of falling union      hard, often in difficult circumstances,   delegates an update on Brexit and
membership with our organising         to deliver the very best deal we can      the possible impact on employment
model and we’re highly regarded as     for our members. We have some             rights.
the campaigning union.                 really tough times ahead. However,           Joanne reiterated Usdaw’s
   “Our newest campaign, Time          with our hard-hitting, member-led         position. “The UK is leaving the
for Better Pay, is based entirely on   campaigns, a strategy for growth,         European Union on 29 March 2019.

20 January/February 2019
Delegates at the Sata conference in November last year

The situation changes every day so      market, customs union or any other        advanced rapidly and up to 30 per
it is impossible to predict what will   arrangement.                              cent of jobs could be at risk.
happen next. However, Usdaw’s             “Going forward, Usdaw will be              “This is a priority for Usdaw
position is absolutely clear. Workers   working with the TUC and the              because we have signi cant
should not pay the price of Brexit.     Labour Party to seek the best             numbers of members in sectors that
    “In recent years, more and more     possible outcome for our members.”        are most likely to be impacted such
UK workers have relied on the                                                     as retail, warehousing and transport.
principles of EU law to defend and      AUTOMATION                                   “Usdaw’s Future of Work survey
enforce their workplace rights. Any     Usdaw research assistant                  found that 64 per cent of members
deal must maintain workers’ rights      Matt Johnson gave delegates a             support increasing investment in
such as equal pay, holidays and         presentation on The Future of Work        technology in the workplace; only a
health and safety protections.          and Automation.                           third said they received adequate
    “The UK is heavily reliant on EU       “Automation is the technology          training and 75 per cent were not
trade and any barriers or tariffs       by which a process or system              con dent that the employer would
are likely to hit the poorer regions    is performed with minimum                 provide adequate training when new
of the country hardest. We remain       human assistance,” said Matt.             technology was introduced in the
open to all options on this – single    “Developments in technology have          future.

                                                                                                  January/February 2019       21
NETWORK | Sata Conference

   “The key issues for us as a union    ■ NACO merger – The merger of             commercial rents and reforming
are how to mitigate the impact on         NACO (the National Association of       the tax system to create a level
workers, how to minimise job losses       Cooperative Officials into the Sata     playing eld between online and
and how to make sure workers              section of Usdaw following a ballot     ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers.
bene t.                                   which resulted in 82 per cent
   “We will need a coherent strategy      voting in favour of the merger.       BULLYING AND HARASSMENT
to deal with automation that should     ■ Restructuring – Continued to see      Usdaw e ualities officer o Bird
include the legal right to collective     signi cant restructuring exercises    gave a presentation on bullying and
consultation; training, education         that have hit Sata members hard       harassment.
and upskilling for workers; a robot       as employers have looked to               Bullying and harassment are
tax; looking at schemes such as a         reduce costs and streamline their     issues that go to the very core of
universal basic income to support         businesses.                           what we as trade unionists believe
those that are displaced and            ■ Tesco’s decision to close its call    in, said o.
ensuring improved productivity            centre operation in Cardiff in           “The right of every worker to be
leads to higher wages, a shorter          2017 and transfer operations to       treated with dignity and respect in
working week and a younger                  undee has probably had the          the workplace. Unfortunately, it’s
retirement age.                           single biggest impact on Sata         a right that isn’t a reality for many
                                          membership in the last two years.     members.
NATIONAL OFFICER’S REPORT               ■ Industrial retail strategy –              Bullying costs the U economy
Usdaw national officer aniel              the union has developed a             around 18 billion pounds a year
Adams gave delegates an update            comprehensive industrial strategy     in lost productivity, absenteeism
on the sector and an overview of          that looks at the economic            and staff recruitment costs. Most
developments within the union.            framework, business rates,            of the surveys into bullying show

22 January/February 2019
Sata Conference| NETWORK

                                          WHAT IS SATA?

                                          Sata is the professional and           members by negotiating better
                                          managerial section of Usdaw, one       pay and conditions.
                                          of Britain’s largest trade unions         Being a member of the union
                                          with over 430,000 members.             also gives you the opportunity
                                          Sata negotiates for staff in retail,   to have a say in issues that affect
                                          wholesale, distribution, home          your working life.
                                          shopping and a large number of            As a member of Sata you have
                                          process industries.                    access to professional advice
                                             Sata is a specialist section that   about your rights and will be
                                          pursues their members particular       supported by our highly trained
                                          interests. Usdaw helps Sata            union reps and officials.

                                          USDAW MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES

                                          REPRESENTATION IN MEETINGS
                                          There are over 10,000 Usdaw reps in workplaces across the country
                                          and many of these are Sata reps. If you have a problem at work
that around 1 in 10 workers have          or need advice on an issue Sata reps are on hand to advise and
experienced bullying at work in           represent you in grievance, disciplinary and sickness meetings. The
the last two years and almost half        union can also provide specialist advice on pensions, health and
of all workers have experienced ill       safety and legal queries.
    t is difficult to identify due to a   FREE ACCIDENT COVER
number of reasons: there is no legal      Workplaces with unions have far less accidents. With 4,000 health
de nition nor is there a speci c          and safety reps, Usdaw makes sure that your safety at work is
law against bullying; a wide range        taken seriously. If you do have an accident your membership gives
of behaviours can be classed as           you free accident cover. If you win, you keep 100 per cent of your
bullying and it can vary according to     compensation. If you have an accident please contact our free
the context and the perceptions of        helpline FirstCall Usdaw on 0800 055 6333.
the people involved.
   “That’s why the way we perceive        MEMBER OFFERS AND DISCOUNTS
bullying needs to move away from          Usdaw partners with a number of organisations to give members
the classic bullying stereotype           deals and discounts on everything from cinema tickets, to home,
of someone shouting and think             car and travel insurance, to great discounts at high street shops and
more broadly about ill treatment          restaurants. or further information please see the member offers
and low-level negative behaviours         pages within the magazine or go to:          s a org        offers
such as undermining and belittling.
Behaviour that isn’t one-off but is
repeated and can go on for months
if not years.”

                                                                                               January/February 2019   23
Going out to work should mean a decent standard
of living for everyone. That’s why Usdaw is calling on
the Government to tackle low pay and insecure work
through our Time for Better Pay campaign.

 what are we calling for?
We want the Government to strengthen workers’
rights by introducing:
■ A minimum wage rate of £10 per hour for all
■ A minimum contract of 16 hours per week for
  everyone who wants it.
■ A contract based on an individual’s normal hours
  of work.
■ An end to zero-hours contracts.
We believe that these rights would go a long way
towards tackling in-work poverty and the UK’s
mental health crisis.

                                                     PLEASE DISPLA
                                                     YOUR NOTICEBO
                 sign and                        MINIMUM 16 HOUR CONTRACTS
                 share the                       RIGHT TO ‘NORMAL HOURS’ CONTRACT
                 petition                             NO TO ZERO HOURS CONTRACTS

             We want the Government to take workers’
             concerns seriously.
             A petition has been set up calling for them to
             introduce these improvements for all workers
             as soon as possible.
             We need 100,000 signatures to guarantee a
             debate in Parliament on our Time for Better Pay

                 join                              today
                 As well as the petition, we’re using all available avenues to make sure that
                 politicians understand that workers need stronger employment rights.
                 The more members we have, the more likely it is that their experiences and
                 concerns will be listened to.
                 Joining the Union gives you protection at work, and a stronger voice. If you
                 haven’t already joined, please talk to your workplace rep. You can also join
                 online at

     NETWORK | Page Section

       CARS &                                    INSURANCE                     MONEY &
       TRANSPORT                                 Accident Protection Cover     FINANCE
       Car Hire                                  Female Cancer Cover           Debt Advice
       Fiat                                      Car/Home/Travel Insurance     Financial Advice
       Startrescue                               Life Insurance                Mortgage Advice
       Usdawdrive                                Pet Insurance                 Pensions Advice
       Vauxhall Cars                             50+ Personal Accident Cover   Pensions Annuity
       Vehicle Servicing                         Free £5,000 Accidental        Service
                                                 Death Cover                   The Co-op Credit Union
       HEALTH &
       Comfort Insoles                           LEISURE &                     SHOPPING
       Gruum Razors &                            ENTERTAINMENT                 Apple
       Skincare                                  Beer52                        Crown Decorating
       Gym Membership                            Cinema Tickets                Centres
       Spa Gift Cards and                        English Heritage              Domestic Appliances
       Vouchers                                  Frankie & Benny’s             Flowers
       Usdaw Health Plan                         Golf Membership               Magazine Subscriptions
       Usdaw Dental Plan                         Magazine Subscriptions        Usdaw Prepaid Cashback
       Vision Express                            National Trust Gift Cards     Card
                                                 Online Ticket Store           UsdawRewards Cashback
       HOLIDAYS                                  Theme Parks and               Virgin Wines
       Airport Parking, Lounges                  Attractions
       & Hotels                                  Virgin Experience Days
       Cottage Breaks
       Forest Holidays                                                         MISCELLANEOUS
       James Villa Holidays                                                    Funeral Planning
       Mini-holidays                                                           Gas and Electric
       Novasol Holiday Homes                                                   NUS Extra
       Parkdean Resorts                                                        Voice Mobile
   *Terms and Conditions for individual offers on the website.

1 July/August 2018
                                                                                                                                                      Page Section | NETWORK

       Find out more*
    BOOKING                                                                         Make use of your
                                                                                    Usdaw member rewards
    YOUR HOLIDAYS                                                                   Christmas may be over, but it’s the perfect time to plan your

    FOR 2019?                                                                       next getaway. Design your perfect trip with this wide range of
                                                                                    travel benefits from Usdaw Discounts & Offers.

                                                                                                           10% off holiday homes across Europe
                                                                                                           NOVASOL is the largest provider of self-catered
                                                                                                           holiday homes in Europe with a great range of
                                                                                                           family villas, cottages and apartments across
                                                                                                           Europe. Get the guaranteed best prices on 50,000
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                                                                                                           Up to 10% off James Villas
                                                                                                           This year why not treat yourself to your own villa
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                                                                                                           Caribbean, book with James Villa Holidays and
                                                                                                           save up to 10%* on 2,700 villas across 50
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                                                                                                           Discounts on airport parking, hotels,
                                                                                                           lounges and transfers*
                                                                                                           Enjoy convenient holiday add-ons with an exclusive
                                                                                                           saving as an Usdaw member. These discounts will
                                                                                                           not only save you money, but help you start your
                                                                                                           holiday hassle free.
                                                                                                           Book now at
                                                                                                           or call 0871 360 1051 and quote WK101**

                                                                                                           Weekend breaks and amazing days out
                                                                                                           Super Break offer great deals on UK and overseas
                                                                                                           breaks. Your 12% discount is available not only for
                                                                                                           hotel and travel, but also tickets for events and
                                                                                                           attractions such as concerts, theatre breaks,
                                                                                                           sporting events, city visits and much more*.
                                                                                                           Book now at
                                                                                                           or call 01904 436 002 and quote AF198.

    **Calls to this number cost 11 pence per minute, plus your phone provider’s access charge. *Terms and conditions apply to all benefits. See website for details. Offers and prices subject to
    change without notice. James Villa Holidays - Up to 10% discount. Discounts are varied depending on departure date, up to a maximum of 10% off. Holiday Extras - Airport Parking offer: Save
    13% on all airport parking products excluding APH special offer products, Leeds Bradford Mid or Short Stay, NCP Edinburgh and airport owned products at Aberdeen, Belfast International,
    Birmingham, Exeter, Glasgow International, Glasgow Prestwick, Heathrow, Luton and Southend. Discounts will be unavailable at Gatwick and Airparks products during selected stay dates.
    Airport Hotel offer: 10% discount automatically applied when booking via the dedicated link. Airport Lounge offer: 10% discount available on all UK lounges. Discounts are not obtainable on
    International lounges. Airport Transfers offer: 10% discount automatically applied when booking via the dedicated link. Usdaw Discounts & Offers is managed and run on behalf of Usdaw by
    Parliament Hill Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                       July/August 2018             2
NETWORK | Recruitment & Organising

Respect Week provides the ideal opportunity for reps across the country to play
an active role in one of the union’s biggest campaigns – Freedom From Fear.

       ver 1,000 events, organised       entering the store and ask them           of 14 elected Usdaw reps who
       by Usdaw’s reps, took place       to ll in the campaign survey. The         meet four times a year. The reps
       across the UK in November         feedback from the day was really          discuss developments within the
to raise awareness of the violence,      positive and we managed to collect        company, share knowledge and
threats and abuse that retail staff      over 100 signatures.”                     experience and develop campaigns
are frequently subjected to.                Roger has been a rep and health        and priorities. The committee took
                                         and safety rep at the store since         responsibility for organising the
ROGER BOURNE                             2013. He is an active member of           latest Respect Week campaign at
TESCO PARK FARM, ASHFORD                 the union and has attended union          Jenny’s store in Lincoln.
The Southern divisional equalities       events such as the annual delegate           “A campaign needs everyone’s
forum used Respect Week to hold          meeting and black members’                support to make sure it’s a success,”
a successful joint anti-racism and       weekend workshop. He’s part of            said Jenny, 50.
Freedom From Fear campaign at            a team of four reps at Park Farm             “At Tesco Lincoln we are a strong
forum member Roger Bourne’s              who are all keen to ensure their          team of 11 reps, including health
Tesco store in Ashford.                  colleagues are supported at work.         and safety and union learning
   “This part of the country has a lot      “At the end of the day we just want    reps, looking after 300 members.
of migrant workers working in retail     to be there for the members and           We’ve also got a great manager
jobs and with the political issues       make sure they have access to the         who supports our union work
surrounding Brexit, racist incidents     help they need, when they need it.        and ensures our campaigns run
have been on the rise,” said Roger,         “From a personal perspective,          smoothly.
53, who joined the forum a year ago.     I’ve learned so much over the                “The in-store reps got involved
“We wanted to highlight the abuse        last ve years with Usdaw and ’m           in the Respect Week campaign day
that some of our members from            really grateful for the development       alongside the divisional committee
diverse backgrounds are subjected        opportunities.”                           which was great and allowed us to
to on a daily basis and spread the                                                 really push the campaign message
message that it’s not acceptable.        JENNY SALISBURY                           and speak to lots of people.
   “Planning the campaign day was        TESCO EXTRA LINCOLN                          “The colourful campaign materials
really straightforward thanks to         Activist Jenny Salisbury became           and branding really helped to attract
the supportive management at the         an Usdaw rep in 2010. She’s also a        people’s attention and as a result
store. They were happy to cooperate      health and safety rep, union learning     we were able to start conversations
and facilitate whatever we needed to     rep, branch chair and has been            about the value of the campaign.
make sure the event could go ahead.      a member of the Eastern Tesco                “At the end of the day we felt we
   “On the day, we set up our stall      divisional committee since 2016.          had done our best and given the
in the foyer so that we could speak        There are seven Tesco divisional        public a greater understanding of
to staff and customers as they were      committees each comprising                the union’s work.”

EVERYONE’S SUPPORT TO                     South Wales & Western       49,940      Scottish                   44,323
MAKE SURE IT IS A SUCCESS                 Eastern                     62,078      Southern                   63,935
                                          Midlands                    56,830      North West                 91,865
FROM START TO FINISH                      North Eastern               60,666      Total                     429,637

28 January/February 2019
You can also read