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Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   1


                                                                                   Year 11

English Language                  English Media                Mathematics           Biology              Chemistry   Physics

Coordinated Science               Geography                    Global Perspectives   Spanish Lengua       Sociales    French

German                            Business Studies             PE                    Sports Science       Computing   Spanish 2nd Language

English Literature                Art
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   2

                               Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                               2018-19               ​Contents
                                                                   Year 11                        Teacher: Mark Burrow
  Subject:               English Language
  No. of lessons per week:                        3                Date:​                       September 2018 – June 2019

 Time               Topics                               Curriculum concepts/ skills and competencies                            Learning styles               Assessment
 scale                                                                                                                                                         Criteria; tests/
 (approxi                                                                                                                                                      projects etc.

                                                                                                                                 Teaching & Learning Styles    There is no
                                                                                                                                 (VARK):                       coursework for
                                                                                                                                                               English IGCSE.
                                                                                                                                 Visual​: ​Auditory​:



 Sept               Reading and analysing                 We begin by analysing non-fiction writing, exploring how                ​Visual​: Looking at
                    no-fiction writing                   journalists use language features. We use skimming, scanning,           Language- observing           Mixed exercise
                                                         and then language analysis skills before applying this below in         presentations                 with exam type
                                                         our own writings.
                    Unit 6: Directed Writing                                                                                     Read/Write:​ Exercises from   questions.
                    Writing a journal                                                                                            Cambridge IGCSE student       Mock exams from
                                                         The unit gives practice in writing in different formats. A key
                    Writing a speech                     feature is the linking of this work with reading activities. Teachers
                                                                                                                                 book- chapter 6               December
                    Writing an article                   are recommended to create their own stimuli or to use those set         Kinaesthetic​: speeches,      (actual GCSE past
                    Writing a letter                     formerly as Cambridge IGCSE First Language English question             presentations, group work,    papers)
                    Writing an interview                 papers.                                                                 role play scenarios
                    Voice, audience, register
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                    and purpose

 Oct                Unit 6: Directed Writing
                    Writing a journal                    reasonable working knowledge of spelling, punctuation and              Visual​: Looking at
                    Writing a speech                     grammar, and of the conventions of structuring writing; reading        Language- observing           Mixed exercise
                    Writing an article                   and writing different forms, such as articles and letters,             presentations                 with exam type
                                                         awareness of some of the conventions of these different forms
                    Writing a letter                                                                                            Read/Write:​ Exercises from   questions.
                                                         and of the different ways in which language is used for different
                    Writing an interview                                                                                        Cambridge IGCSE student       December: Mock
                                                         purposes, converting notes into sequences of sentences and to
                    Voice, audience, register            select reading material and structure it in a coherent order.
                                                                                                                                book- chapter 6               exams
                    and purpose                                                                                                 Kinaesthetic​: speeches,      (actual GCSE past
                                                         Context                                                                presentations, group work,    papers)
                                                         This is the first of three units on writing in specific contexts and   role play scenarios
                                                         should be related both to these and to the skills covered in Units

 Nov                Unit 7: Composition Writing                                                                                  ​Visual​: Looking at the
                    Endings                              The unit introduces learners to the different types of continuous      structure of written          Mixed exercises
                    Openings                             writing tasks and gives practice in writing for different purposes.    language for different        (for each chapter)
                    Narrative writing                    Teachers are recommended to create their own titles to work on         purposes-                     with exam type
                                                         skills development or to use those set formerly as Cambridge
                    Descriptive writing                                                                                                                       questions.
                                                         IGCSE First Language English, Paper 3.
                    Whole-text and sentence                                                                                     Read/Write:​ Exercises from
                    structures                                                                                                  Cambridge IGCSE student     Feb/ March: Topic
                    Persona, viewpoint and                                                                                      book- chapter 7             test on year 11
                    character                                                                                                                               topics so far
                                                                                                                                Kinaesthetic​: speeches,
                                                                                                                                presentations, group work,
                                                                                                                                role play scenarios

 Dec                Unit 7: Composition Writing          Learners should have a reasonable working knowledge of                                                Mixed exercises
                    Endings                              spelling, punctuation and grammar, and of the conventions of            ​ isual​: Looking at the
                                                                                                                                  V                           (for each chapter)
                    Openings                             structuring texts, and will have written for a variety of purposes     structure of written          with exam type
                                                         and in different genres during their previous years of education.
                    Narrative writing                                                                                           language for different        questions.
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                    Descriptive writing                  This is the second of three units on writing in specific genres and     purposes-
                    Whole-text and sentence              should be related both to these and to the skills covered in Units                                  Formal Year 11
                    structures                           1–5.                                                                    Read/Write:​ Exercises from mock exams
                    Persona, viewpoint and                                                                                       Cambridge IGCSE student
                    character                                                                                                    book- chapter 7

                                                                                                                                 Kinaesthetic​: speeches,
                                                                                                                                 presentations, group work,
                                                                                                                                 role play scenarios

 Jan                                                     The unit introduces learners to the different types of exam writing     Visual​: Looking at the        Longer written
                    Unit 8: Writing In Exams             tasks and skills involved. It gives practice in writing for different   structure of written          task for specific
                    Assignment 3 Part 2                  purposes. A key feature is the linking of this work with both           language for different        purpose
                                                         reading and speaking and listening activities. Teachers are
                    Assignment 3 Writing in                                                                                      purposes-
                                                         encouraged to select their own stimuli, though are reminded that
                    response to opinion and
                                                         in the final coursework portfolio only Assignment 3 is assessed
                    argument Part 1                      for reading.
                                                                                                                                 Read/Write:​ Longer written
                    Assignment 2 Part 2                                                                                          tasks, reading model
                    Assignment 2 Writing to                                                                                      responses
                    describe and/or narrate
                    Part 1                                                                                                       Kinaesthetic​: sorting and
                    Assignment 1 Part 2                                                                                          matching activites based on
                    Assignment 1 Writing to                                                                                      the mark schemes and
                    inform, analyse and argue                                                                                    model texts
                    Part 1

 Feb                Unit 8: Writing In Exams              ​The unit introduces learners to the different types of exam writing   Visual​: Looking at the        Writing task for
                    Assignment 3 Part 2                  tasks and skills involved. It gives practice in writing for different   structure of written          specific purpose
                    Assignment 3 Writing in              purposes. A key feature is the linking of this work with both           language for different
                    response to opinion and              reading and speaking and listening activities. Teachers are             purposes-
                                                         encouraged to select their own stimuli, though are reminded that
                    argument Part 1
                                                         in the final coursework portfolio only Assignment 3 is assessed
                    Assignment 2 Part 2                                                                                          Read/Write:​ Longer written
                                                         for reading.
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                    Assignment 2 Writing to                                                                                   tasks, reading model
                    describe and/or narrate                                                                                   responses
                    Part 1
                    Assignment 1 Part 2                                                                                       Kinaesthetic​: sorting and
                    Assignment 1 Writing to                                                                                   matching activites based on
                    inform, analyse and argue                                                                                 the mark schemes and
                    Part 1                                                                                                    model texts

 March              Unit 9: Speaking and                                                                                      Visual​: Watching good        Debate based on
                    Listening                            The unit provides a variety of activities which will assist the      examples of speaking and      current news topic
                    Debating and challenging             development of learners as speakers and listeners offering           listening and identifying
                    Dramatisation                        opportunities for practice, performance and process talk in          what is successfull
                                                         relation to the specifications for Components 5 and 6 of
                    Role play and simulation
                                                         Cambridge IGCSE First Language English. Teachers will need to
                    Group discussion                                                                                          Auditory: ​listening to
                                                         refer to specific guidance in both the syllabus and the ​Speaking
                    Talking in pairs                     and Listening Training Handbook​, for example regarding the
                                                                                                                              others and giving feedback
                    Giving a talk                        requirements for assessing the Speaking and Listening Test and
                                                         Coursework options.                                                  Read/Write:​ Preparing
                                                                                                                              notes for speaking and
                                                                                                                              listening tasks

                                                                                                                              Kinaesthetic​: sorting and
                                                                                                                              matching activites based on
                                                                                                                              the mark schemes

 April                                                                                                                        Visual​: Watching good        Presentations of
                    Unit 9: Speaking and                 Speaking and listening in the classroom, respect for the views of    examples of speaking and      how to answer
                    Listening                            others, an ability to​ ​respond in sentences, and an understanding   listening and identifying     exams questions,
                    Debating and challenging             that learning takes place through discussion.                        what is successfull           peer assessment,
                    Dramatisation                                                                                                                           direct questioning
                                                         Many opportunities also exist to engage with colleagues in
                    Role play and simulation                                                                                  Auditory: ​listening to
                                                         cross-curricular activities that involve Speaking and Listening.
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                    Group discussion                                                                                            others and giving feedback
                    Talking in pairs
                    Giving a talk                                                                                               Read/Write:​ Preparing
                                                                                                                                notes for speaking and
                                                                                                                                listening tasks

                                                                                                                                Kinaesthetic​: sorting and
                                                                                                                                matching activites based on
                                                                                                                                the mark schemes

 May                Unit 10: Planning, drafting,                                                                                Visual: ​looking at how good   Mixed exercise
                    editing and checking                 The unit takes learners through the processes of planning a piece      presentation can improve       with exam type
                    Improve the expression               of writing, and of improving the first draft of a coursework           quality of written work,       questions.
                    Check and correct                    assignment or the final response to an exam question. Note:            planning techniques            April/ May: Exam
                                                         there is no time for the writing of drafts in the exam, but evidence
                    Revise and edit a draft                                                                                                                    style questions
                                                         of planning and checking is expected.
                    Write a draft                                                                                               Auditory: ​listening to        and past papers
                    Create a plan                                                                                               feedback                       including some in
                    Annotate stimulus material                                                                                                                 exam conditions
                                                                                                                                Read/write: ​proofreading
                                                                                                                                work, drafting exam

                                                                                                                                Kinaesthetic: ​sorting and
                                                                                                                                matching good / bad

 June               Unit 10: Planning, drafting,          Activites focused on giving students the tools to manage              Visual: ​looking at how good June: Final GCSE
                    editing and checking                 their exams effectively - including revision techniques and            presentation can improve     Exams
                    Improve the expression               exam strategy                                                          quality of written work,
                    Check and correct                                                                                           planning techniques
                    Revise and edit a draft
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                    Write a draft                                  Auditory: ​listening to
                    Create a plan                                  feedback
                    Annotate stimulus material
                                                                   Read/write: ​proofreading
                                                                   work, drafting exam

                                                                   Kinaesthetic: ​sorting and
                                                                   matching good / bad
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19          page   8

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                            2018-19                ​Contents
                                                                             Year 11              Teacher: Mr P O´Connor
Subject:         English Media
No. of lessons per week: 3                                                   Date:​             September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                          Curriculum concepts/ skills and        Learning styles                                                      Assessment
scale                                             competencies                                                                                                Criteria; tests/
(approx)                                                                                                                                                      projects etc.
                                                                                         Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual, Auditory​, ​Read
                                                                                         / Write,​ ​Kinaesthetic
September         Introduction to TV              Codes and conventions of TV            V: watching and analysing advertising campaigns                      Research
                  advertising                     advertising                            A: listening to and sharing ideas in groups, listening to teacher    presentations
                                                  Product research                       R: reading academic articles and brand information, reading the
                                                                                         mark scheme
                                                  Initial ideas                          K: producing powerpoint presentations

                                                  Understanding the mark scheme
October           Researching,                    An advertising campaign realised as    V: using different storyboarding styles, looking at different        Planning and research
                  planning and                    three 30-second television             camera shots and angles and their different uses                     portfolio
                  drafting for                    advertisements                         A: listening to feedback, discussing ideas
                  assignment 3                                                           R: proof-reading ideas, producing brand identity and values
                                                  Audience feedback                      K: producing storyboards and planning material

                                                  Storyboarding, camera shots and
                                                  angles, editing
November          Filming, editing and            Using the equipment and the software   V: using filming and editing technology and software                 Draft adverts
                  sound                           effectively                            A: listening to audio, scripting ideas, discussing feedback
                                                                                         R: reading different types of copy and slogans
                                                  Time management and organisation       K: using filming and editing technology
December          Audience feedback               Qualitative and quantitative data      V: using and collating data and producing graphs and tables          Assignment 3 (part a)
                  and final                                                              A: listening to oral feedback, discussing what to include in final
                                                  Using feedback to improve products     edit
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19      page   9
                   post-production                                                         R: reading qualitative responses to questionnaires
                   work                            Selecting and presenting work for       K: choosing what to include in research and planning portfolio,
                                                   submission                              giving reasons
                   Collate research and
                   planning                        Proof-reading
January            Evaluation                      Written reflection on production task   V: watching, analysing and evaluating own adverts                 Final assignment 3
                                                                                           A: listening to the sound quality and content
                                                   Effective use of English                R: reading copy and slogans, proof-reading written work
                                                                                           K: vocabulary matching and sorting exercises
February           Back to the exam                Codes and conventions of game shows     V: watching clips from different game show films and              Group presentation
                                                                                           identifying codes and conventions                                 on game show
                                                   Group research on particular film       A: listening to film reviews, soundtracks and dialogue
                                                                                           R: reading reviews and academic articles
                                                   Sub-genres of game shows                K: producing powerpoint presentations
March              Controlled                      Re-visit assignments 1 and 2            V: looking at visual work and self-assessing for improvements     Final Controlled
                   assessment catch                                                        A: listening to any audio work produced                           assessment grade
                   up                                                                      R: reading and self-assessing written work
                                                                                           K: matching and sorting exercise using mark scheme
April              Exam revision                   Writing potential exam questions        V: looking at model sketching and planning                        Exam style questions
                                                                                           A: listening to oral feedback and in group discussions
                                                   Using the mark scheme and assessment    R: reading mark-schemes, examiner´s reports, AOs, model
                                                   objectives to inform revision           answers and exam papers
                                                                                           K: drafting, sketching and planning skills for exam
                                                   Revision skills
May                Exam revision                   Exam practice                           V: looking at model sketching and planning                        Mock exam
                                                                                           A: listening to oral feedback and in group discussions
                                                                                           R: reading mark-schemes, examiner´s reports, AOs, model
                                                                                           answers and exam papers
                                                                                           K: drafting, sketching and planning skills for exam
June               Exam revision                   Reading the pre-release exam info and   All work must be individual research according to exam            GCSE exam
                                                   conducting individual research          regulations - students are at liberty to conduct this how they
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                                   Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                                  2018-19               ​Contents
                                                                              Year 11                      Teacher: Gemma Flint
Subject:          Mathematics GCSE Foundation
(See Scheme below for Higher group)

No. of lessons per week: 5                                                    Date:​                     September 2018 – June 2019

Time          Topics                                Curriculum concepts/ skills and competencies                 Learning styles                                Assessment Criteria;
(approx)                                                                                                                                                        tests/ projects et -
                                                                                                                                                                applies to all sections:
                                                                                                                 Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK):
                                                                                                                 Visual, Auditory​, ​Read / Write,

Sept/Oc       General revision of                           ●   X and / by powers of 10                          Visual: Powerpoint scaffold and examples,         ●   Controlled
t             topics from Year 10 and                       ●   Basic percentages - non-calc methods             Watching Myimaths tutorials, mathswatch               assessment every 2
              identifying starting                          ●   Percentage increase and decrease                 videos and youtube tutorials.                         weeks in class -
              levels for Year 11 topics                     ●   Simple interest and functional % and financial                                                         students can use
                                                                problems                                         Auditory: Listen to teacher and each other's          class notes but
              Number                                        ●   HCF, LCM & Prime factorisation                   explanations (and comment)                            must be
                                                            ●   Rounding to dps and sig figs                                                                           independent work.
                                                            ●   Using indices and roots                          Read/ Write: a variety of exercises on the            CA will be a
                                                            ●   Converting between %/fraction/decimals -         whiteboard or worksheets (or from AQA                 mixture of exam
                                                                know basic equivalences                          GCSE maths textbook if required).                     questions and
                                                                                                                 Completing past papers                                teacher written
                                                            ●   Speed/distance/time                                                                                    based on current
                                                                                                                 Kinaesthetic: Card loop activities, inviting          class work.
                                                            ●   Mass/density/volume
                                                                                                                 students to the board, opportunities to use           Teacher marked
                                                            ●   Pressure/force/area
                                                                                                                 students to demonstrate teaching points               and areas for
              Algebra                                                                                            where applicable, games e.g Maths Bingo               improvement
                                                            ●   Simplifying and algebraic manipulation
                                                                                                                                                                       identified, students
                                                            ●   Expanding single and double brackets
                                                            ●   Substitution
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                                                        ●   Plotting and interpreting straight line graphs       to complete
                                                        ●   Using y = mx + c and know significance of m          corrections
                                                            and c                                            ●   MyiMaths
                                                        ●   Calculate gradient from 2 points                     Homework set
                                                        ●   Linear sequences - nth term and sequence             weekly - either
                                                            generation including diagrams and proof              related to class
                                                            questions                                            work or revision
          Shape                                         ●   Area of recti-linear shapes                          Automatically
                                                        ●   Area of compound shapes and functional               reviewed but
                                                            multi-step problems                                  teacher to check
                                                                                                                 scores and discuss
                                                                                                             ●   Written piece of
                                                                                                                 Homework set
                                                                                                                 weekly - marked in
                                                                                                                 class bi-weekly and
                                                                                                                 teacher marked on
                                                                                                                 alternative weeks
                                                                                                                 (in tandem with
                                                                                                             ●   Mixed exercises
                                                                                                                 and exam type
                                                                                                                 questions are
                                                                                                                 completed in
                                                                                                                 and feedback
                                                                                                             ●   Students to keep
                                                                                                                 all resources given
                                                                                                                 to them in class in
                                                                                                                 a folder for future
                                                                                                                 reflection and
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                                                                                                                        revision or to be
                                                                                                                        glued in exercise
                                                                                                                    ●   Students to solve
                                                                                                                        exam questions or
                                                                                                                        independently, in
                                                                                                                        pairs and in small

Nov/De          Number                                        ●   Ratio, proportion & link to fractions          Mock exam in December -
c                                                             ●   Scale problems 1:n                             dates tbc. 1 non-calc and 1
                                                                                                                 calc paper
                Shape                                         ●   Basic Angle facts - inside polygons (not
                                                                  parallel line)
                                                              ●   Pythagoras problems
                                                              ●   Reflection transformation

                Algebra                                       ●   Solving equations
                                                              ●   Area, perimeter and angle problems involving
                                                                  setting up an equation or expression

                Probability/DH                                ●   Scattergraphs and correlation
                                                              ●   Probability basics - add to 1 rule
                                                              ●   Mean from a frequency table
                                                              ●   Using the product rule to count outcomes

Jan             Number                                        ●   Finding the original percentage problems
                                                              ●   4 operations with fractions
                                                              ●   Standard form
                                                              ●   Factorising into single and double brackets
                                                                  including difference of 2 squares
                                                              ●   Solving quadratics through factorising
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19         page   13
                                                              ●   Simplifying expression with indices including
                                                                  simple algebraic fractions

                                                              ●   Area and circumference of circle recap,
                Shape                                             calculating with Pi in non-calc questions too
                                                              ●   Using Trig functions sin/cos/tan to calculate
                                                                  missing sides and angles of a triangle
                                                              ●   Angles on parallel lines - use of reasoning
                                                                  language to include vertically opposite,
                                                                  alternate, corresponding and co-interior
                                                              ●   Translation transformation
                                                              ●   Using vectors and adding/multiplying with

                Probability/DH                                ●   Recording results in frequency trees
                                                              ●   Finding an expected frequency
                                                              ●   Using tree diagrams to calculate probabilities

Feb             Number                                        ●   Lower and Upper bounds
                                                              ●   Direct proportion questions
                                                              ●   Rearranging formulae and basic equations
                                                              ●   Iteration

                Shape                                         ●   Key circle theorems - angle in a semi-circle,
                                                                  cyclic quadrilateral, angle at the centre is
                                                                  twice that of the angle at the circumference
                                                              ●   Rotation transformation
                                                              ●   Volume of prisms, spheres, pyramids and

                Probability/DH                                ●   Venn Diagrams
March           Algebra                                       ●   Inequalities - displaying on a number line and
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19         page   14
                                                            ●   Solving simultaneous equations
                                                            ●   Basic proof - showing things are odd, even
                                                                and multiples

              Shape                                         ●   Similarity - working out missing lengths
                                                            ●   Proving similarity and congruence
                                                            ●   Enlargement transformation
                                                            ●   Bearings

              Probability/DH                                ●   Sampling
                                                            ●   Cumulative frequency graphs and finding the
                                                                median and quartiles

April         Number                                        ●   Mental and written daily arithmetic practise

              Algebra                                       ●   Functions - inputs and outputs
                                                            ●   Finding the mid-point of a line segment
                                                            ●   Using a ratio to find a coordinate
                                                            ●   Recognising quadratic, cubic, reciprocal,
                                                                exponential graphs and their equations

              Shape                                         ●   Combined transformations and applying
                                                                vertical and horizontal translations to graphs
                                                            ●   Constructions and Loci

                                                    Topic packs & Maths passports introduced to identify
                                                    key areas for support
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May         Revision programme:                   Key topics, calculator skills, past papers, exam
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                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                           2018-19            ​Contents
                                                                       Year 11                     Teacher: Kate Reed
Subject:         Mathematics GCSE Higher
Foundation Grades 1 - 5
Higher Grades 4 - 9

No. of lessons per week: ​5                                            Date:​                     September 2018 – June 2019

Homework set ​Monday & Thursday

Time            Topics                     Curriculum concepts/ skills           Learning styles                                      Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                      and competencies                                                                           projects etc.
                                                                                 Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual,
                                                                                 Auditory​, ​Read / Write,​ K
                                                                                                            ​ inaesthetic
Sept            General revision           Number revision-                      Visual: Types of numbers using their geometric       There will be an initial assessment on each
                of topics from             Review of number properties-          representation                                       of the 4 topics, so that we can really
                Year 10 and                square, prime etc                     Auditory: Listen to each other's explanations (and   identify what areas the students feel
                identifying                Prime factors                         comment)                                             strong in and how to extend the Year 11
                starting levels            Multiples and factors                 Read/ Write: a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE    topics from their knowledge so far:
                for Year 11                Fractions, percentages and            maths textbook
                topics                     decimals- conversion between          Kinaesthetic: Drawing work                           Number- test
                                           Dividing decimals                                                                          Algebra- presentation of topics
                                                                                                                                      Geometry- posters
                                           Algebra revision-                                                                          Statistics- Worksheet
                                           Algebraic notation
                                           Simplifying and factorising                                                                Self marking of day to day exercises from
                                           expressions                                                                                textbook
                                           Expanding brackets                                                                         Peer marking of specific exercises
                                           Solving Linear equations                                                                   Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                           Finding the nth term (linear)                                                              layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                                                                      along with checking appropriate amounts
                                           Geometry and Measures revision​-                                                           of work/ homework are completed
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   17
                                              Properties of polygons and 3D
                                              Area (and composite area)
                                              3D objects- nets and drawings,
                                              volumes and surface area

                                              Collecting, interpreting and
                                              representing data
                                              Analysing data

Oct                Number                     Working with Decimals            Visual: Number lines for decimals                          Test on October´s topics
                                              Rounding and Estimation          Auditory:Students to present/ listen to explanations       Self marking of day to day exercises from
                                              Percentages                      in differences of types of rounding                        textbook
                                              Powers and Roots                 Read/ Write: a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE          Peer marking of specific exercises
                                              Standard form                    maths textbook and worksheets                              Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                              Surds                            Kinaesthetic: Use of a calculator                          layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                                                                          along with checking appropriate amounts
                                                                                                                                          of work/ homework are completed
                                                                                                                                          Use of Maths Passports for revision

Nov                Algebra                    Further algebra                  Visual: Look at differences in notation for inequalities   Use of Maths Passports for revision
                                              Equations                        Auditory: Describe patterns and rules for peer             Test on November´s topics
                                              Functions and Sequences          criticism                                                  Self marking of day to day exercises from
                                              Formulae                         Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE           textbook
                                              Inequalities                     maths textbook and worksheets                              Peer marking of specific exercises
                                              Graphs of linear functions       Kinaesthetic: Drawing graphs- skills with a ruler          Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                              Interpreting graphs                                                                         layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                                                                          along with checking appropriate amounts
                                                                                                                                          of work/ homework are completed
Dec                Algebra/                   Graphs of other functions and    Visual: Make posters to illustrate key points for          Self marking of day to day exercises from
                   Revision and               equations                        revision                                                   textbook
                   mock exams                 Transformations of curves        Auditory:Explain to peers how to transform curves-         Peer marking of specific exercises
                                                                               what are the rules?                                        Books will be teacher marked to check for
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   18
                                              Past papers and revision for mocks   Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE        layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                   maths textbook and worksheets and practice papers       along with checking appropriate amounts
                                                                                   Kinaesthetic: Interactive transformations of curves-    of work/ homework are completed
                                                                                   move the curves- use of string                          Mock exams and, following them, review
                                                                                                                                           of key areas to move forward with

Jan                Review mock                Identify weaknesses from mocks       Visual: Shape and space topics- look at the shapes /    Self marking of day to day exercises from
                   exams                      to work on key topics                graphs                                                  textbook
                                                                                   Auditory: Describe similarity and congruence to peers   Peer marking of specific exercises
                   Geometry and               Circles                              Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE        Books will be teacher marked to check for
                   Measures                   Vector Geometry                      maths textbook and worksheets                           layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                              Transformations in a plane           Kinaesthetic: Constructing shapes/ loci                 along with checking appropriate amounts
                                              Construction and Loci                                                                        of work/ homework are completed
                                              Similarity and Congruence                                                                    Test on January´s topics
Feb                Probability and            Basic and Further probability        Visual: Tree diagrams                                   Self marking of day to day exercises from
                   Statistics                 Analysing data                       Auditory: Describe real life data(and criticize) from   textbook
                                                                                   newspapers and online sources                           Peer marking of specific exercises
                   Ratio                      Units and Measurement                Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE        Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                              Ratio                                maths textbook and worksheets                           layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                              Proportion                           Kinaesthetic: Activities to move around the classroom   along with checking appropriate amounts
                                              Growth and Decay                     involving growth and decay                              of work/ homework are completed
                                                                                                                                           Test on February´s topics
Mar                Geometry and               Pythagoras Theorem                   Visual: Triangles and angles                            Self marking of day to day exercises from
                   Measures                   Trigonometry                         Auditory: Explain the different circumstances for       textbook
                                                                                   using pythagoras, SOHCAHTOA, sine rule and cosine       Peer marking of specific exercises
                   Revision                                                        rule to peers                                           Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                                                                   Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE        layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                   maths textbook and worksheets                           along with checking appropriate amounts
                                                                                   Kinaesthetic:: “Floor mats” for choosing rules          of work/ homework are completed
                                                                                                                                           Test on March´s topics
Apr                Slippage of                Complete topics?                     Visual: Dependent on topics                             Self marking of day to day exercises from
                   topics                                                          Auditory: Dependent on topics                           textbook
                                                                                   Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE        Peer marking of specific exercises
                   Revision                   Revision topics and exam             maths textbook and worksheets and past paper            Books will be teacher marked to check for
                                              technique                            questions                                               layout of answers and detail in answering,
                                                                                   Kinaesthetic: Dependent on topics
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   19
                                                                                                                                    along with checking appropriate amounts
                                                                                                                                    of work/ homework are completed
                                                                                                                                    Past paper questions in exam conditions
May             Revision and               Key topics, calculator skills, past   Visual: Dependent on topics                        Past paper questions
                exams                      papers, exam technique                Auditory: Dependent on topics
                                                                                 Read/ Write:a variety of exercises from AQA GCSE
                                                                                 maths textbook and worksheets and past paper
                                                                                 Kinaesthetic: Dependent on topics
June            Revision and
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   20

                                     Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                            2018-19                   ​Contents
                                                                          Year 11                      N MANN
Subject:           Biology
No. of lessons per week:2                                                 Date:​                     September 2018 – June 2019

Time          Topics                          Curriculum concepts/ skills           Learning styles                                           Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                         and competencies                                                                                projects etc.
                                                                                    Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual,
                                                                                    Auditory​, ​Read / Write,​ K
                                                                                                               ​ inaesthetic
Sept          The human                       Transport in animals                  Heart models and diagrams ​V                                  Weekly homeworks on each topic
              transport system                Heart                                 Pig heart dissection ​K/V                                       Observation of practical skills
                                              Blood and lymphatic vessels           Blood circulation animation ​V                             Contribution to class and group activities
                                              Blood                                                                                                        End of unit test
                                                                                    Discussion about different types of diseases and their
              Pathogens and                                                         causes ​A
                                              Body defences
                                              The immune system
                                                                                    Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the
                                                                                    book and worksheets. ​R/W

Oct           Coordination,                   Nervous control in humans             Diagrams of the human nervous system ​V                    Weekly homeworks on each topic
              response and                    Sense organs                          Dissection of an eye ​K/V                                    Observation of practical skills
              homeostasis                     Hormones in humans                    Experiment - phototropism ​K/V
                                              Tropic responses
                                                                                                                                             ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                    Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the                 End of unit test
                                                                                    book and worksheets. ​R/W
                                              Medicinal drugs
                                              Misused drugs
                                              Excretion in humans

Nov           Reproduction in                 Asexual reproduction                  Model and diagram of the structure of the flower ​V        Weekly homeworks on each topic
              plants                          Mitosis                               Observation of asexual reproduction in plants ​V             Observation of practical skills
                                              Sexual reproduction                   Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the
                                                                                                                                             ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                    book and worksheets. ​R/W
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   21
                                              Sexual reproduction in plants                                                                       End of unit test
Decr          Human                           Sexual reproduction in humans        Diagrams showing the human reproductive system ​V     Weekly homeworks on each topic
              reproduction                    Sex hormones in humans               Animation showing the menstrual cycle ​V                Observation of practical skills
                                              Methods of birth control in humans   Research about STIs ​R/W
                                              Sexually transmitted infections
                                                                                                                                       ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                   Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the            End of unit test
                                                                                   book and worksheets. ​R/W
Jan           Organisms and                   Energy flow                          Diagrams of food chains from different habitats ​V    Weekly homeworks on each topic
              environment                     Food chains and food webs            Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the     Observation of practical skills
                                              Nutrient cycles                      book and worksheets. ​R/W
                                              Nitrogen cycle
                                                                                                                                       ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                                                                                 End of unit test
Feb           Human influences                Population size                      Research about different types of pollution and their Weekly homeworks on each topic
              on the environment              Food supply                          effects ​R/W                                           Observation of practical skills
                                              Habitat destruction                  Discussion about the importance of conservation ​A ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                   Solve the exercises and answer the questions in the           End of unit test
                                                                                   book and worksheets. ​R/W
Mar           Revision for the                                                                                                                         Past papers
June          IGCSE exam                                                                                                                             End of year test
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   22

                                     Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                            2018-19             ​Contents
                                                                          Year 11                       Teacher: Mrs. Mann
Subject:    Chemistry igcse cambridge extension
papers for examination June 2018
No. of lessons per week: 2                                                Date:​ 19 September                  September 2018 – June 2019

Time         Topics                                Curriculum concepts/ skills and competencies             Learning styles                                 Assessment
scale                                                                                                                                                       Criteria; tests/
(appro                                                                                                                                                      projects etc.
                                                                                                            Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual,
                                                                                                            Auditory​, ​Read / Write,​ K
                                                                                                                                       ​ inaesthetic
Sept./       UNIT 14                               Names and properties of organic compounds.               Much use made of the molecular model kits.      Two tests every
Oct          ORGANIC CHEMISTRY                                                                                                                              half-term.
                                                                                                                                                            Frequent mini tests at
                                                                                                                                                            the end of a lesson.
                                                                                                                                                            research tasks.
Nov          UNIT 6 AND 7                          Practice practical skills.                                                                               Potentially, a previous
             RE-VISITED                            Make a decision about whether pupils should be           Team work. A range of practical skills.         practical examination.
                                                   entered for the practical exam. Paper 5 or the
                                                   alternative paper 6.
Dec          UNIT 12 SULFUR                        Sources and uses.                                        Research.                                       End of topic tests.
             UNIT13 CARBONATES                     Manufacture and uses of lime,calcium carbonate and
                                                   slaked lime.
Jan          UNIT 9 THE PERIODIC                   Trends and groups,transition metals.                     Practical demonstrations.                       See Sept.
             TABLE                                                                                          Class practicals.
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   23
Feb.                                                                                                         Practical work.                        See Sept.
          UNIT 10 METALS                        Properties, reactivity,extraction and uses.                  Research tasks.
          UNIT 11 AIR AND                       Chemical tests, pollutants, fertilisers, greenhouse gases.
Mar       UNITS 1 - 14                          Revision.                                                    Past papers.                           Mock tests; papers 2,4
to                                                                                                           Practical work.                        5 or 6
May                                                                                                          Practice multiple choice techniques.
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   24

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                         2018-19           ​Contents
                                                                       Year 11                     N Mann
Subject:         Physics
No. of lessons per week:                                               Date:​                     September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                                                 Curriculum concepts/           Learning styles               Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                                                    skills and competencies                                      projects etc.
                                                                                                        Teaching & Learning Styles
                                                                                                        (VARK): ​Visual, Auditory​,
                                                                                                        Read / Write,

September        Magnetism and Electromagnetism                          Electric and Magnetic Fields   VARK                          Homework

September        Static Electricity                                      Positive and negative Charge   VARK                          Homework

October          Electrical Circuits                                     Current and EMF                VARK                          Homework

October          Electrical Circuits                                     Resistance and Power           VARK                          Homework

November         Electrical Circuits                                     Circuit Components             VARK                          Homework

November         Fuses and Earthing                                      Electrical safety              VARK                          Homework

December         Revision                                                                               VAR                           Mock Exam

January          Electromagnetic Induction                               Inducing Voltages              VARK                          Homework

February         Generators                                              Moving coil generators         VARK                          Homework

February         Transformers                                            Changing Voltages              VARK                          Homework
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   25

March 2016 Electromagnetic Forces                                      Magnetic fields of currents.   VARK   Homework + Test

March 2016 Motor Effect                                                Motors and Fleming´s Left      VARK   Homework
                                                                       Hand Ruls

April 2016       Practical Skills                                                                     VAR    Revision and past papers

May 2016         Revision                                                                             VAR    Revision and past papers

May 2016         Revision                                                                             VAR    Revision and past papers

June 2015        Revision                                                                                    Revision and past papers
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   26

   Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                                     2018-19                 ​Contents
                                                                       Year 11                     Teacher:To be introduced later in the year if appropriate for
Subject:         Coordinated Science                                                               some pupils

No. of lessons per week:                                               Date:​                    September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                 Curriculum concepts/ skills and           Learning styles                                           Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                             competencies                                                                               projects etc.
                                                                                   Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual,
                                                                                   Auditory​, ​Read / Write,​ K
                                                                                                              ​ inaesthetic
Sept            ordination and                    Coordination in animals        Draw a diagram with annotated labels of a motor              Weekly homeworks on each topic
                 response                       The human nervous system         rone. illustrate the positions of the brain, spinal cord       Observation of practical skills
                                                        Receptors                      and peripheral nerves in the body. ​V
                                                                                                                                            ontribution to class and group activities
                                                   The endocrine system                    Dissection of a cow´s eye ​K
                                                                                 ork on the questions and exercises from the book
                                                                                              and worksheets ​R/W

 Oct           ordination and Coordination and response in plants                          Experiments using seeds ​K/V                       Weekly homeworks on each topic
                response      Maintaining the internal environment               ork on the questions and exercises from the book     Observation of practical skills
               Homeostasis       Control of body temperature                                  and worksheets ​R/W                 ontribution to class and group activities
                              ontrol of blood glucose concentration              scuss the importance of an internal steady state ​A
                                                                                                                                                       End of unit test

 Nov           eproduction in               Asexual and sexual reproduction      ar plates that have had bacterial colonies grown on          Weekly homeworks on each topic
                  plants                     Sexual reproduction in plants               them can be set up by the class ​K                     Observation of practical skills
                                                     Flowers and pollination     Discuss differences between sexual and asexual
                                                          Germination                             reproduction ​A
                                                                                                                                            ontribution to class and group activities
                                                           Dispersal                          Dissection of a flower ​K                                End of unit test
                                                                                 ork on the questions and exercises from the book
                                                                                              and worksheets ​R/W
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19         page   27

 Dec           eproduction in                  Human reproductive organs      iagrams and models can be used to illustrate the   Weekly homeworks on each topic
                 humans                       Fertilisation and development   cture of the male and female reproductive systems    Observation of practical skills
                                                   The menstrual cycle                               V
                                                        Birth control
                                                                                                                               ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                              cuss the importance of birth control methods and
                                              Sexually transmitted diseases   impact of sexually transmitted diseases on human
                                                                                                                                          End of unit test
                                                                                                 health ​A
                                                                              ork on the questions and exercises from the book
                                                                                           and worksheets ​R/W

 Jan             Inheritance                         Chromosomes                    Compare mitosis and meiosis ​A/W             Weekly homeworks on each topic
                                                      Cell división           ork on the questions and exercises from the book     Observation of practical skills
                                                DNA and protein synthesis                  and worksheets ​R/W                 ontribution to class and group activities
                                                                                                                                            End of unit test

 Feb            Energy flow                                   Ecology         uss the importance of each link in the food chain ​A Weekly homeworks on each topic
                                                            Energy flow       Build diagrams picturing the nutrient cycles and       Observation of practical skills
                                                           Nutrient cycles    ifferent food chains from different habitats. ​K/V ontribution to class and group activities
                                                           Population size    ork on the questions and exercises from the book
                                                                                           and worksheets ​R/W

March           man influences                        Food production         fferentiate between different types and causes of  Weekly homeworks on each topic
               the environment                       Habitat destruction                      pollution. ​R/W                      Observation of practical skills
                                                          Pollution           ork on the questions and exercises from the book ontribution to class and group activities
                                                        Conservation                        and worksheets ​R/W                           End of unit test

 Apr           evision for the                                                           Revise the exam topics                             End of year test
June               IGCSE                                                                  Work on past papers
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   28

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                       2018-19                ​Contents
                                                                         Year 11                Teacher:      No Geography during 18-19 Plans for reference
Subject:         Geography
No. 3 of lessons per week:                                               Date:​                September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                              Curriculum concepts/ skills and       Learning styles                                            Assessment
scale                                                 competencies                                                                                     Criteria; tests/
(approx)                                                                                                                                               projects etc.
                                                                                            Teaching & Learning Styles (VARK): ​Visual, Auditory​,
                                                                                            Read / Write,​ ​Kinaesthetic
Sep–Oct          The Natural                          Review last year’s course content.    Texts:
2017             Environment                                                                Hodder Cambridge IGCSE Geography - students
                                                      Plan for the coming year, routines.   are expected to read ahead of each lesson as
                 Economic                                                                   part of homework.                                          Continuous teacher
                 Development                          Climate and Natural Vegetation                                                                   / self and peer
                                                      Development                           BBC Bitesize​ : (not directly related to Cambridge         assessment of
                                                      Food Production                       curriculum)                                                written work and
                                                                                            Cambridge Resources
Nov-Dec          Economic                             Tourism
2017             development                          Energy                                Auditory :                                                 Past Paper Qs.
                                                                                            Weekly discussions using texts and knowledge
                 Mock exam                            Revision for Mock exam                of relevant current case studies. Oral                     Mock exams – Dec
                 revision                                                                   presentations by students. Student’s use of TV
Jan-Feb          Economic                             Review of mock exam                   and radio to be aware of current issues.
                                                                                                                                                       Final Exam - May
2018             Development
                                                      Energy                                Read / Write:
                                                      Water                                 Continual use of textbooks and websites to
                                                      Environmental                         research topics, create notes, answer exam
                                                                                            questions, create short presentations. Student’s
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   29

                                                      Risks of Economic Development   use of newspapers / new websites to be aware
                                                                                      of current issues.
Mar-Apr          Geographical Skills                  Geographical Skills
2018             and Investigations                   Geographical Investigations
                 Revision                             Preparation for Paper 4         Using a variety of of image-based resources
                 Examination                          (alternative to coursework).    including maps, tables and graphs. Student’s
                 preparation                                                          use of TV and radio to be aware of current
May 2018 Examination                                  Past papers and exercises
         preparation for                                                              Kinaesthetic: Fieldwork
         Paper 4
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19    page   30

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                           2018-19              ​Contents
                                                                        Year 11                        Teacher: M Galiana
Subject:         Global Perspectives
No. of lessons per week:3                                               Date:​                     September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                        Curriculum concepts/ skills and competencies                                Learning styles               Assessment
scale                                                                                                                                                     Criteria; tests/
(approx)                                                                                                                                                  projects etc.
                                                                                                                            Teaching & Learning Styles
                                                                                                                            (VARK): ​Visual, Auditory​,
                                                                                                                            Read / Write,
September        Family and                     China and the US                                                            Research on the internet      Exercise books
October          demographic                    Types of family group                                                       Reading different             Essay
                 change                         Childcare and work                                                          information                   Group research
                 Coursework                     Life expectancy                                                             Presentations
                                                Family changes                                                              Posters
                                                                                                                            Mind Mapping
                                                Collect information, ideas and arguments                                    Debates

                                                Question information, ideas and arguments

                                                 Reflect on information, ideas, arguments and issues

October          Disease and health             AIDS                                                                        Research on the internet      Exercise books
November         Coursework                     Ebola                                                                       Reading different             Essay
                                                Africa in 2020                                                              information                   Group research
                                                                                                                            Presentations                 The project should
                                                Collect information, ideas and arguments                                    Posters                       show evidence that
                                                Question information, ideas and arguments                                   Mind Mapping                  students have worked
                                                Reflect on information,                                                     Debates                       with students from
                                                Plan                                                                                                      another culture,
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   31

                                                Practice how to select relevant, reliable information using an                                           community or country.
                                                internet search                                                                                          Group production of a
                                                                                                                                                         project plan.

November         Trade and aid                  What is Traid?                                                           Research on the internet        Exercise books
December         Coursework                     What evidence is there that this is a global issue?                      Reading different               Essay
                                                                                                                         information                     Exam
                                                Practice how to select relevant, reliable information using an           Presentations                   Practice exam paper
                                                internet search                                                          Posters                         The focus of the
                                                                                                                         Mind Mapping                    Written Paper is
                                                                                                                         Debates                         enquiry, reasoning and
                                                                                                                                                         evaluation. In response
                                                                                                                                                         to a stimulus
                                                                                                                                                         based on listed topics

December         Conflict and peace             ISIS                                                                     Research on the internet        Exercise books
January                                         9/11                                                                     Reading different               Individual research
                                                Ukraine                                                                  information
                                                Bullying                                                                 Presentations
                                                Personal response                                                        Posters
                                                                                                                         Mind Mapping

                                                What do we know about the global issues on this topic                    Collect detailed digital
                                                What could I/we/they do about it to prevent it/improve/                  photographs
                                                maintain,                                                                Put together an exhibition or
                                                How might we resolve, eradicate, promote?                                poster showing the different
                                                                                                                         perspectives of how
                                                Collect information, ideas and arguments                                 different wars are in
                                                Question information, ideas and arguments                                different continents
                                                Reflect on information, ideas, arguments and issues                      commentary

                                                Combining different sources of information using statistics and tables
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   32

January           Language and                   What is communication                                                    Research on the internet    Exercise books
February          communication                  IT and language                                                          Reading different           Essay
                                                 What international organisations work on this issue                      information                 Group research
                                                 Combining different sources of information using statistics and tables   Posters
                                                                                                                          Mind Mapping

February          Urbanization                   China                                                                    Research on the internet    Exercise books
March                                            Spanish crisis                                                           Reading different           Essay
                                                 Challenges of rapid urbanization                                         information                 Individual research
                                                 Urban poverty                                                            Presentations
                                                 Design own questions for research                                        Mind Mapping
                                                 Plan and design own essay and response to this issue                     Debates

March             Coursework                     Plan and design the final coursework                                     Research on the internet    Exercise books
April             Preparations for                                                                                        Reading different           Essays
                  IGCSE exams                    Same competencies during September-April                                 information
                  Review Year 10                                                                                          Presentations
                  and Year 11 topics             Critical thinking skills review                                          Posters
                                                                                                                          Mind Mapping

                                                                                                                          Contact other schools and
                                                                                                                          Demonstrate understanding
                                                                                                                          of this issue on a global

April             Preparations for               Writing past papers under exam conditions                                Past paper practice         Exercise books
May               IGCSE exams                                                                                                                         Essays
                                                 Same competencies during September-April

                                                 Critical thinking skills review
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19     page   33

June             Preparations for               Same competencies during September-April    Past paper practice   Final exam
                 IGCSE exams                                                                                      Final research
                                                Writing past papers under exam conditions

                                                Critical thinking skills review
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   34

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                          2018-19                 ​Contents
                                                                        Year 11                    Teacher: Mª Elena Con Ariza
Subject:         Spanish Lengua
No. of lessons per week: 3                                              Date:​                   September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                                               Curriculum concepts/ skills and           Learning styles      Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                                                  competencies                                                   projects etc.
                                                                       Lectura: ​“Un viejo que leía novelas      Teaching &           Criterios de evaluación

                                                                       de amor”, Luis Sepúlveda, “La             Learning Styles
                  Tema 1.                                              montaña mágica”, Thomas Mann,             (VARK): ​Visual,
                                                                                                                 Auditory​, ​Read /     ​La calificación de la asignatura corresponderá a
                                                                       “Corazón y mente” de V. Fuster y
                                                                                                                 Write,               los siguientes porcentajes:
                  Tema 2.                                              L.Rojas Marcos y “Y entonces              Kinaesthetic
1º                                                                     sucedió algo maravilloso” de Sonia                             Exámenes y controles 60%
                                                                                                                                      Trabajos de clase (ejercicios de redacción,
Trimestre         Tema 3.                                              Laredo.                                                        dictados, ortografía, comprensión lectora, etc.)
6-9-16 al                                                                                                                             20%
22-12-16          Tema 4.                                              Literatura: ​La literatura del siglo                           Actitud (positivos) * 20%

                                                                       XVIII, el Romanticismo, el Realismo                            *Para evaluar la actitud se hará mediante un
                                                                       y el Naturalismo y el Modernismo y                             sistema de puntos positivos y negativos, contando
                                                                                                                                      para la calificación final solo los positivos que el
                                                                       la Generación del 98.                                          alumno haya obtenido en esa evaluación. Este
                                                                                                                 Visual, Auditory​,
                                                                                                                                      sistema se explica en los criterios de evaluación.
                                                                                                                 Read / Write,
                                                                       Gramática:​ el léxico castellano, el
                                                                                                                                      Criterios de evaluación:
                                                                       nombre y el adjetivo, los
                                                                       determinantes y los pronombres y el                            Trabajos de redacción:
                                                                       verbo, el adverbio, la preposición y la                        Se pondrán positivos por:
                                                                                                                                      - adecuación a lo que se pide.
                                                                                                                                      - buena presentación.
                                                                       Ortografía:​ la escritura de                                   - bien redactada.
                                                                       latinismos y extranjerismos, las                               - se ajusta a la extensión pedida.
                                                                       reglas de acentuación, las letras h, g,                        - creatividad y originalidad.

                                                                       j, las letras b, v y x.                                        Los trabajos de redacción tendrán una extensión
                                                                                                                                      mínima y una máxima, si un trabajo no tiene la
                                                                                                                                      extensión mínima pedida, no será admitido y
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   35
                                                                    constará como no entregado y contará en la nota

                                                                    Los trabajos de redacción se entregarán en las
                                                                    fechas establecidas. No habrá otra fecha. La no
                                                                    presentación del trabajo conlleva que el alumno no
                                                                    tendrá nota en ese ejercicio y se le quitará un
                                                                    positivo de los que tenga por no haber entregado el
                                                                    trabajo. Tampoco contarán con los positivos
                                                                    establecidos en los criterios de corrección.


                                                                    Los dictados se harán sobre cualquier texto de
                                                                    lectura del libro de Lengua. No se avisará sobre el
                                                                    En year 8 y 9, se restarán 0’25 por cada falta de
                                                                    ortografía. (20 faltas=5 puntos)
                                                                    En year 10 y 11, se restarán 0’40 por cada falta de
                                                                    ortografía (13 faltas=5’2 puntos)

                                                                    Los acentos se consideran faltas de ortografía.
                                                                    Los signos de puntuación no serán consideradas
                                                                    faltas de ortografía.

                                                                    Otros trabajos de clase:

                                                                    Cuando se mande otro tipo de trabajo, proyecto,
                                                                    etc., el alumno será informado de cómo se evaluará
                                                                    y puntuará ese trabajo para que esté informado en
                                                                    todo momento.


                                                                    Deberes: aquellos alumnos que tengan hechos los
                                                                    deberes tendrán un positivo, aquellos que los
                                                                    tengan incompletos, tendrán un negativo y aquellos
                                                                    que no los hayan hecho tendrán un negativo y se le
                                                                    quitará un positivo de los que tengan.

                                                                    Traer todo el material de clase: los alumnos tienen
                                                                    que traer el material completo a clase, si no se trae
                                                                    el libro o la libreta se tendrá un negativo, si no se
                                                                    traen ninguno de los dos, se pondrá un negativo y se
                                                                    quitará un positivo de los que se tenga.
                                                                    Igualmente si el alumno viene a clase sin bolígrafo
                                                                    para trabajar o corregir, se le pondrá un negativo.

                                                                    Ejercicios de redacción o trabajos de clase: aparte
                                                                    de la nota numérica que tenga el trabajo, también
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   36
                                                                    tendrán positivos o negativos por los criterios
                                                                    arriba establecidos (adecuación a lo que se pide,
                                                                    buena presentación, bien redactada, etc.)

                                                                    Los trabajos de redacción tendrán una extensión
                                                                    mínima y una máxima, si un trabajo no tiene la
                                                                    extensión mínima pedida, no será admitido y
                                                                    constará como no entregado.

                                                                    Los trabajos de redacción se entregarán en las
                                                                    fechas establecidas. No habrá otra fecha. La no
                                                                    presentación del trabajo conlleva que el alumno no
                                                                    tendrá nota en ese ejercicio y se le quitará un
                                                                    positivo de los que tenga por no haber entregado el
                                                                    trabajo. Tampoco contarán con los positivos
                                                                    establecidos en los criterios de corrección.

                                                                    Si durante el curso, en las clases, surgiera algún
                                                                    otro elemento que pudiera ser valorado con
                                                                    positivos o negativos, como, por ejemplo; un debate
                                                                    en clase, se informará adecuadamente al alumno
                                                                    sobre los criterios de evaluación de esa actividad.

                                                                    Cuadernos de clase.

                                                                    En la corrección de los cuadernos se pondrán
                                                                    positivos o negativos teniendo en cuenta tres
                                                                               - Presentación
                                                                               - Trabajo

                                                                         En la presentación de la libreta tendré en
                                                                         ●   Trabajo ordenado.
                                                                         ●   Libreta limpia y con buena letra.
                                                                         ●   Epígrafes y títulos del trabajo
                                                                         ●   Fecha de cada día de trabajo
                                                                         ●   En el margen de la libreta, hay que
                                                                             escribir el número de las páginas y de los
                                                                             ejercicios que se hayan realizado
                                                                         ●   Se pueden utilizar colores para los
                                                                             títulos, los números, etc. pero los
                                                                             ejercicios deben estar hechos con
                                                                             bolígrafo azul o negro y el rojo para
                                                                    Se tendrá en cuenta que el trabajo esté completo y
                                                                    bien hecho.
                                                                             Hay que hacer ​todos los ejercicios que se
                                                                    mandan en clase. Cuando un ejercicio tiene varios
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   37
                                                                                                                                   apartados, también tienen que estar todos hechos
                                                                                                                                   y bien señalados en la libreta. No aceptaré que un
                                                                                                                                   ejercicio no se haga porque “no se entiende”. Todos
                                                                                                                                   los ejercicios se corresponden con los contenidos
                                                                                                                                   dados en clase y por lo tanto, toda la información
                                                                                                                                   está en el libro a la mano del alumno, así que, al
                                                                                                                                   menos, se debe intentar hacerlo. Corregimos para
                                                                                                                                   aprender, si tenemos dudas sobre un ejercicio, se
                                                                                                                                   pregunta en clase.
                                                                                                                                             Las respuestas tienen que ser completas,
                                                                                                                                   las oraciones y los textos de los ejercicios se
                                                                                                                                   copian completas, los ejercicios de “verdadero y
                                                                                                                                   falso” se copian completos. Cuando se dé una
                                                                                                                                   fotocopia para facilitar un ejercicio, esta tiene que
                                                                                                                                   estar bien pegada en la libreta en el ejercicio que
                                                                                                                                   le corresponde. Las preguntas no se pueden
                                                                                                                                   responder con “sí” o “no”, siempre hay que
                                                                                                                                   responder ¿por qué sí o por qué no?. Las preguntas
                                                                                                                                   de razonamiento tienen que responderse de forma

                                                                                                                                             Al corregir la libreta, habrá un apartado
                                                                                                                                   de “Observaciones”. Si pongo alguna corrección que
                                                                                                                                   el alumno debe realizar en su libreta, la siguiente
                                                                                                                                   vez que la corrija, debe haber realizado esa
                                                                                                                                   corrección, si no lo ha hecho, se le quitará un


                                                                                                                                   Los trabajos de clase y los exámenes se calificarán
                                                                                                                                   con nota numérica hasta dos decimales. Para la nota
                                                                                                                                   final se hará redondeo a partir de 0’75 (8’75 = 9)

                                                                                                                                   Los alumnos que suspendan una evaluación podrán
                                                                                                                                   recuperar con nota máxima de 5 si aprueban la
                                                                                                                                   evaluación siguiente.

                                                                      Lectura: ​“El amigo de Melquiades”
                 Tema 5.                                              de Carlos Arniches, “Gino Bartali” de
                                                                      R. Saravia, “La ladrona de libros” de
                 Tema 6.                                              M. Zusak y “Antígona” de Sófocles.

2º               Tema 7.                                              Literatura: ​el Novecentismo y las      Visual, Auditory​,   Igual que en el primer trimestre.
Trimestre                                                             vanguardias, la Generación del 27, la   Read / Write,
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   38
9-1-17 al                                                              poesía de 1936-75, el teatro de
7-4-17            Tema 8.                                              1936-75.

                                                                       Gramática: ​la oración simple y
                                                                       compuesta, yuxtapuestas y
                                                                       coordinadas, subordinadas adjetivas,
                                                                       sustantivas y adverbiales, las
                                                                       variedades de la lengua.

                                                                       Ortografía: ​las palabra homónimas,
                                                                       parónimas, la escritura de los
                                                                       números y las abreviaturas, siglas y
                                                                       acrónimos y símbolos.
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19   page   39
                                                                       Lectura: ​“Ortografía de la Lengua
                                                                       Española”, RAE, “De animales a
                                                                       dioses” de Harari, “El libro rojo de la   Visual, Auditory​,
                  Tema 9.                                              publicidad” de Bassat y “El tiempo        Read / Write,
                                                                       entre costuras” de María Dueñas.
3º                Tema 10.
Trimestre                                                              Literatura:​ la novela de 1936-75, la
17-4-17 al        Tema 11.                                             novela y ensayo actuales, la poesía y                          Igual que en el primer trimestre.
23-6-17                                                                teatro actuales y la literatura
                  Tema 12.                                             hispanoamericana.

                                                                       Gramática: ​el texto, los textos
                                                                       expositivos y argumentativos, los
                                                                       textos periodísticos y publicitarios y
                                                                       los textos de la vida cotidiana.

                                                                       Ortografía: ​palabras juntas y
                                                                       separadas, los signos de puntuación
                                                                       I, II y III.
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19       page   40

                                  Scheme of Work and Assessment Year 11                                                                2018-19                ​Contents
                                                                           Year 11                         Teacher: Carmen Jimenez
Subject:         Sociales
No. of lessons per week:3                                                  Date:​                      September 2018 – June 2019

Time              Topics                              Curriculum concepts/ skills and                          Learning styles                       Assessment Criteria; tests/
scale                                                 competencies                                                                                   projects etc.
                                                                                                               Teaching & Learning Styles
                                                                                                               (VARK): ​Visual, Auditory​, ​Read /
                                                                                                               Write,​ ​Kinaesthetic
Septiembre       1.     La crisis del                      ●   El Antiguo Régimen                                 ●   Analizar la sociedad           En cada unidad se realizará una
                 Antiguo Régimen                           ●   Formas de Gobierno en el siglo XVIII                   estamental a través de         serie de ejercicios, tanto de aquellos
                                                           ●   Ilustración y crítica del Antiguo Régimen              escenas de películas           que aparecen en el libro de texto,
                                                           ●   La Guerra de Sucesión                              ●   Debate sobre la monarquía      como de otros indicados por el
                                                           ●   El despotismo ilustrado en España                      absoluta                       profesor. A ellos se debe añadir la
                                                                                                                  ●   Monarquías en la               realización de esquemas o
                                                                                                                      actualidad                     resolución de preguntas sobre los
                                                                                                                  ●   Analizar fuentes y textos      videos o imágenes que vayan
                                                                                                                      relacionados con la            apareciendo a lo largo de la
                                                                                                                      Ilustración                    explicación.

                                                                                                                                                     En cada una de las unidades pueden
                                                                                                                                                     tratarse aspectos de los temas de
                                                                                                                                                     investigación (individuales o de
                                                                                                                                                     grupo) que deben realizar los
                                                                                                                                                     alumnos para el final del trimestre.

                                                                                                                                                     Al final de cada unidad se realiza un
                                                                                                                                                     examen escrito.
Year 11 SOW and Assessment Planning Secondary 2018-19       page   41

Octubre          2.       Revoluciones                     ●   Revolución Americana                            • Interpretar una caricatura del
                 liberales y                               ●   El comienzo de la Revolución Francesa           Congreso de Viena                      Sistema de evaluación descrito en la
                 nacionalismos                             ●   Radicalización de la Revolución                  • Interpretar las revoluciones a      unidad 1
                                                           ●   La Europa napoleónica                           través de la pintura
                                                           ●   La Restauración
                                                           ●   Nuevas oleadas revolucionarias
                                                           ●   Los nacionalismos. Unificación de Italia.
                                                           ●   La unificación de Alemania

Noviembre        3.      Revolución                        ●    El origen de la Revolución Industrial          • Analizar el impacto del ferrocarril
                 Industrial y los                          ●    La Primera Revolución Industrial               • Analizar las migraciones del siglo  Sistema de evaluación descrito en la
                 cambios sociales                          ●   La revolución de los transportes                XIX                                   unidad 1
                                                           ●    La Segunda Revolución Industrial               • Comparar formas de vida a través
                                                           ●   La expansión de la Revolución Industrial        de la pintura
                                                           ●    Los efectos de la industrialización en la      • Comparar las ideologías marxista
                                                               población                                       y anarquista
                                                           ●    La sociedad de clases. Las clases altas
                                                           ●    Las clases medias y bajas
                                                           ●   El nacimiento del movimiento obrero

Diciembre        4.       Imperialismo,                    ●   Las grandes potencias en la segunda mitad       • Interpretar una caricatura sobre
                 guerra y revolución                           del siglo XIX                                   el colonialismo                        Sistema de evaluación descrito en la
                                                           ●    Los factores del imperialismo                  • Analizar los cambios territoriales   unidad 1 pero en este caso se
                                                           ●   Los grandes imperios coloniales                 tras la Primera Guerra Mundial         realiza un examen final con el
                                                           ●    La administración colonial y sus efectos        • Interpretar carteles de             contenido de las unidades 1 a 4.
                                                           ●   El origen de la Primera Guerra Mundial          propaganda política
                                                           ●   El desarrollo de la guerra
                                                           ●   Las consecuencias de la Primera Guerra
                                                           ●    Los orígenes de la Revolución rusa
                                                           ●   Las revoluciones de 1917 y la guerra civil en
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