Page created by Ian James
         2018 - 2019

    Highway 1 at Ocean Avenue
         P.O. Box 222780
   Carmel, California 93922-2780
          (831) 624 -1821

                             MISSION STATEMENT
       Our mission is to help all students reach their full potential as human beings,
   lifelong learners, and citizens of a global society. To that end, we foster creativity,
     teach critical thinking, and promote social skills and mastery of the basic skills
                        necessary to lead healthy, productive lives.
                    Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLOs)
                           Our students are CHS!
   Connected citizens • High-level thinkers • Successful individuals

        Carmel High School Administration and Counselors
Rick Lopez          …………………….                    Principal
Debbie Puente       …………………….                    Assistant Principal
Craig Tuana         ...…….………………                 Assistant Principal/CTE/ROP Coordinator
Darren Johnston     ……………………..                   College and Career Counselor (A-J)
Jeff Rogers         ……………………..                   College and Career Counselor (K-Z)
Yesel Von Ruden …………………….                        10th and 11th Grade Academic Counselor
Alison Francis     …………………….                     9th and 12th Grade Academic Counselor

                        Carmel Unified School District
                                   Dr. Barb Dill-Varga

                               Board Of Education
                                      John Ellison
                                     Karl Pallastrini
                                       Rita Patel
                                    Annette Yee Steck
                                      Mark Stilwell

Carmel High School Requirements for Graduation................................................                          5
CA College Entrance Requirements.......................................................................                 6
Approved CSU/UC A – G Courses........................................................................                   7
Four Year Educational Plan....................................................................................          8
Course Selection Process......................................................................................... 10
Changing, Adding and Dropping Courses .............................................................                     11
Interscholastic Sports............................................................................................      13
History / Social Science Courses ...........................................................................            15
English Courses......................................................................................................   18
Mathematics Courses..............................................................................................       21
Science Courses......................................................................................................   24
Languages other than English Courses..................................................................                  27
Visual and Performing Arts Courses .....................................................................                32
Physical Education Courses ..................................................................................           37
Electives and Other Courses .................................................................................           38
Computer and Technology Courses. .....................................................................                  39
Industrial Technology Courses ..............................................................................            40
Other Elective Courses............................................................................................      40
Student Services Department .................................................................................           43
Regional Occupation Program (ROP)/Career Technical Education (CTE) ..........                                           44
Nondiscrimination Notice......................................................................................          45

It is the intention of Carmel High School to offer courses listed in this catalog for the 2018-2019
school-year, however, under-enrolled and/or unnecessary courses, as identified by CHS
Counseling and Administration, may not be offered.

CHS Homework Statement:
Carmel High believes that homework serves many important purposes and is a reinforcement of
classroom learning. Students should plan to spend a half hour per night, per class, on homework
in an environment free from distraction. Students enrolled in AP classes may have more than
one half hour of homework per night and should carefully plan their schedule and selection of
courses accordingly.

Carmel High School Administration

Rick Lopez        …………………….                 Principal
Debbi Puente      …………………….                 Assistant Principal (9th & 12th)
Craig Tuana       . …….………………               Assistant Principal (10th & 11th)

Lisa Brazil       …………………......             Secretary (Principal)
Lisa Jones        …………………......             Secretary (Assistant Principals)

                          Counseling Department

Alison Francis  …………………….                   Academic Counselor (9th & 12th)
Yesel Von Ruden …………………….                   Academic Counselor (10th & 11th)
Lauren Capano   .…….………………                  Student Support Counselor

Darren Johnston   ……………………..                College & Career Counselor (A-J)
Jeff Rogers       ……………………..                College & Career Counselor (K-Z)

Patricia Hunt     ……………………..                College & Career Support
Linda Galuppo     ……………………..                Registrar & Counseling Secretary

                           Activities & Athletics

Golden Anderson   …………………….                 Athletic Director
Aubrey Powers     …………………….                 Activities Director
Tammy Waldman     …………………….                 Secretary (Athletic Department)
Diana Vita        …………………….                 ASB Clerk

                                Support Staff
Ann Berry         …………………….                 Secretary (Front Office & Attendance)
Karen Marasco     …………………….                 Secretary (Attendance)
Amy Hurst         …………………….                 School Nurse
Kristen Quilty    …………………….                 Health Aid
Karen Neville     ……………………                  School Psychologist
Valarie Seita     …………………….                 Librarian
Valerie Stack     …………………….                 Library Assistant

    In order to graduate from Carmel High School it is necessary to:

    I.       Perform 60 hours of community service over four years at CHS (students must average 15
             hours per year).
    II.      Pass the Carmel High School swim test.
    III.     Complete a total of 240 credits in the required subjects as listed below:
Required Subjects                                               Credits
A. History/Social Science
   World Geography/Cultures                                     1 semester         5
   World History                                                1 year            10
   United States History                                        1 year            10
   Civics                                                       1 semester         5
   Economics                                                    1 semester         5
   Total History/Social Science                                 3 ½ years         35
B. English                                                      4 years           40
C. Mathematics                                                  3 years           30
D. Science
   Physical Science                                             1 year            10
   Life Science                                                 1 year            10
   Total Science                                                2 years           20
E. Languages Other Than English                                 1 year            10
F. Visual/Performing Art                                        1 year            10
   Health                                                       1 semester         5
   Technology                                                   1 semester         5
   Physical Education                                           2 years*          1-20**
G. Elective Courses                                                             60-70***
                                                                         Total: 240
*Second year of P.E. waived if student passes the fitness exam.
**Credit requirements vary based on participation in CHS-sponsored athletics.
***Additional credits earned above the subject requirement will count towards elective credit.

           Subjects              CHS Graduation Requirements               Minimum A to G Requirement for UC/CSU
 History/Social Science                      3.5 years                    A - 2 years
 English                                      4 years                     B - 4 years
 Math                                         3 years                     C - 3 years through Integrated III
 Science                                      2 years                     D - 2 years of lab science (3 years recommended)
 Language Other than English                   1 year                     E - 2 years (3 years recommended)
 Fine Arts/VAPA                                1 year                     F - 1 year
 Electives                                   60 credits                   G - 1 year
 Comp. Tech / Health                   1 semester / 1 semester
 Physical Education                           2 years

                                      Minimum Requirement to Earn Credit
 Graduation Credit                                    A-G (4 Year College Eligible)
 “D-“ (60% or higher)                                 “C-“ (70% or higher)

                                              Entrance Requirements

                  College System                              Minimum GPA                    Recommended GPA*
          California State University                                 2.0                             2.8 - 4.2
           University of California                                   3.0                             3.9 - 4.6
*CSU/UC GPA calculated using 10-12 Academic GPA. CHS-specific admissions data available on Counseling
Moodle page.

The University of California system consists of 9 undergraduate campuses located throughout the state.
Though the minimum GPA for the UC system is 3.0 GPA, acceptance is based on a 14-point evaluation system
called Comprehensive Review, which considers extracurricular activities, student involvement and leadership,
personal circumstances, and responses to (4) Personal Insight Questions .

The California State University system has 23 campuses located throughout the state. Though the minimum
GPA for acceptance is 2.0, acceptance into the CSU system is based on the Eligibility Index which is calculated
using GPA and SAT/ ACT scores.

                  Courses Required to be UC/CSU Eligible (“A – G Eligible”)
A. History/Social Science                                                2 years
Two years of history/social science, including one year of world history, cultures, and geography; and one year of US
history or one-half year of US history and one-half year of civics or American Government.
B. English                                                               4 years
Four years of college-preparatory English that include frequent and regular writing, and reading of classic and modern
literature. No more than one year of ELD-type courses can be used to meet this requirement.
C. Mathematics                                                           3 years (4 years recommended)
Three years of college-preparatory mathematics, that includes the topics covered in Integrated I, Integrated II and Integrated
III. Math courses taken in the seventh and eighth grades may also be accepted if found to be equivalent to HS math courses.
D. Laboratory Science                                                    2 years (3 years recommended)
Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in two of these three foundational subjects: biology,
chemistry, and physics. Advanced laboratory science classes that have biology, chemistry, or physics as prerequisites and
offer substantial additional material may be used to fulfill this requirement.
E. Language Other than English (World Languages)                         2 years (3 years recommended)
Two years of the same language other than English. Courses should emphasize speaking and understanding, and include
instruction in grammar, vocabulary, reading, composition, and culture. Courses in languages other than English taken in the
seventh and eighth grades may be used to fulfill part of this requirement if the high school accepts them as equivalent to its
own courses.
F. Visual and Performing Arts                                            1 year
A single year-long approved arts course from a single VAPA discipline: dance, drama/theater, music, or visual art.
G. College Preparatory Electives                                         1 year
One year (two semesters) in addition to those required in A-F above, chosen from the following areas: visual and
performing arts (non-introductory level courses), history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory
science, and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the E requirement or two years of another

            CSU / UC Approved Courses (“A-G Courses”)

(A) HISTORY                     (E) LANGUAGE OTHER             (G) ELECTIVE
                                THAN ENGLISH (LOTE)            COURSES
AP Human Geography*
World Geography/Cultures        American Sign Lang. I - IV     AP Psychology*
World History                   Chinese I – III                AP Computer Science*
AP World History *              Chinese IV Honors*             AVID Senior Seminar
US History                      AP Chinese *                   Economics
AP US History *                 French I – III                 Economics Honors*
Civics                          French IV Honors*              Engineering
AP Government *                 AP French *                    Engineering II
                                Spanish I – III                Philosophy
(B) ENGLISH                     Spanish IV Honors*             Sports Medicine
English I and II                AP Spanish *                   Video Production II
English I and II Honors*        Span for Heritage Spkrs I–II
American Literature                                            All “A-G Courses” taken
                                (F) VISUAL &                   after completion of a specific
AP English Lang & Comp *
                                PERFORMING ARTS:               subject area qualify as
English IV - Writing
AP English Lit & Comp *         AP Studio Art 2D*              G-Electives (for example:
Expos. Read. Writ. & Comp       AP Studio Art Drawing*         after completion of World
Sports Literature               Art I – III                    History & US History, AP
                                Chamber Singers                Government or Civics would
(C) MATHEMATICS                 Concert Band                   count as a G-Elective)
Integrated I - III              Concert Choir
Accelerated Integrated II       Dance I – III
Accelerated Integrated III      Digital Music
Adv. Math Decision Making       Drama I – II
Pre-Calculus                    Graphic Design
AP Calculus AB *                Jazz Workshop
AP Calculus BC *                Orchestra
AP Statistics *                 Photography I
(D) LABORATORY                  Photography II
SCIENCE                         Video Prod I
Biology I
Biology I Honors*
AP Biology *
Chemistry in the Earth System
Chemistry Honors*                                              * DENOTES EXTRA GRADE
                                                               POINT FOR CARMEL HIGH
AP Chemistry *                                                 GPA
Physics Honors*
Anatomy & Physiology
AP Environmental Science *


                                      9th Grade              10th Grade     11th Grade       12th Grade
                                     (7 courses)            (7 courses)      (7 courses)     (6-7 courses)
                                  World Geo / Health       World History   U.S. History     Civics-Econ
 History/ Social Science              or                      or                or               or
                                  AP Geography             AP World        AP US History    AP Government
                                                                                                Eng IV
                                       English I              English II    American Lit.
                                                                                               Sports Lit
 English                                  or                     or             or
                                      H. English I         H. English II   AP Language
                                                                                             AP Literature
                                     Biology               Chemistry OTE     Physics
 Science                               or                       or             or
                                    H. Biology              H. Chemistry    H. Physics
 Language other than
 English (LOTE)
 Visual & Performing Arts

 P.E.                             Freshman P.E.            *see below
*Second year of P.E. waived if student passes the fitness exam.

**Courses that fulfill Computer Technology Requirement:
AP Computer Science
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Studio 2D
Digital Music
Engineering I
Engineering II
Graphic Design
Graphic Design II
Video Production
Video Production II


CARMEL          CSU/UC             9th Grade       10th Grade     11th Grade   12th Grade
Graduation      Requirements
D- or better    C- or better
                UC Approved
3.5 years       3.5 years

4 years         4 years

MATH            (C) MATH
3 years         3 years

2 years         2 years

1 year          1 year

VAPA            (F) VAPA
1 year          1 year

65 Credits      60 Credits
                                         OTHER REQUIREMENTS
1 Semester

1 semester
2 years
60 hours
                                    TOTAL CREDITS NEEDED = 240

*See page 2 for additional information
Goals: 4 year college ______ 2 year college ______ Other ______

Course Selection Process
1. In each subject area, students are presented with subject-specific information regarding their options
for next year (AP versus Honors versus College Prep, etc.). Teachers then offer student-specific
recommendations to help students make the most informed decisions.
2. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Elective Fair and VAPA Show by using that time
to gain exposure to various electives of interest and participate in classroom discussions to better
understand the material, format, and style of the course.
3. Discuss preliminary course selections with your parents referencing information in the Course
Catalog to make informed decisions.
4. Utilize the purple course selection form to assess the time demands of each class. Pay special
attention to your daily schedule, activities, travel time, and any other personal issues that may impact
your day. Make sure you factor in time for sleeping, eating, and spending time with family and friends.
5. Select your courses in the Aeries system during counselor “Pre-Reg” presentations,
6. Return the purple Course Registration form to your counselor with your signature and that of a
parent/guardian on or before the deadline. Failure to go through the course selection process on time
will limit opportunities for choice and flexibility in scheduling.
7. Review your course selections with your counselor in March/April via the tentative timeline below.
                                   Pre-Registration Timeline
    CHS teacher conversations with students
    CHS student Elective Fair
    8th Grade Parent Night (CHS Theatre)
    AP/Honors Parent Night (CHS Theatre)
    Counselor pre-registration presentations & student course selection

       CHS Academic Counselor meetings with 8th grade students (CMS Library)
       CHS Academic Counselor individual meetings with 9th-11th grade students
       Deadline to submit final requests for a schedule change for the following school year is the
        last day of the 2017-2018 school year*.
*Considerable effort has gone into developing the scheduling process and timeline to ensure students make informed and
conscientious decisions when selecting their courses. Because significant master schedule and staffing decisions are made
based on student course requests, it’s important for students and parent(s)/guardian(s) to understand that only students
with extenuating circumstances, incomplete schedules, or scheduling conflicts will be able to make changes.


Changing, Adding, and Dropping Courses
CHS Counselors and Administrators have dedicated significant efforts to ensure students are enrolled in the
most appropriate courses upon consideration of the student’s post-secondary goals. Prior to selecting their
courses, each student has met with a teacher from each academic discipline to discuss individual course
recommendations. Additionally, counselors have given classroom presentations detailing both graduation
requirements and college admissions requirements/expectations to assist students in selecting the most
appropriate schedules based on their individual pursuits. Finally, counselors meet one-on-one with each student
to review their course selection. Significant Master Schedule and Staffing decisions have been made based on
Spring course selection of CHS students. Therefore, our policy regarding the changing, adding, and dropping of
courses is as follows:

Dropping Courses
There will be no schedule changes during the first 3 days of school. Only students with missing period(s) or a
SEE COUNSELOR notice on their schedule will be able to meet with a counselor to change their schedules.
Under no circumstance will counselors change schedules based on teacher requests.

During the first 10 days of school students may request class changes for special circumstances only.
Exceptions and special circumstances must be recommended by a counselor and approved by administration.
Students interested in making changes during the first 10 days of school should request a meeting with their
counselor. If the change is possible, counselors will contact students as soon as possible. Students are expected
to continue attending their original classes until their counselor notifies them of a change. After the 10 day
period, students are required to stay in the class(es) for the remainder of the semester.

Dropping a course after the first 10 days

WITHDRAW (W) – Students dropping a course after the 11th day through the first 6 weeks of instruction
will earn a W (withdraw) on their transcript. A Withdraw does not affect a student’s GPA. Only students who
demonstrate an extenuating circumstance will be able to drop a course and earn a W. When moving from one
class to another, the current grade will carry into the new class.

WITHDRAW/FAIL (W/F) - Students dropping after the 6th week of instruction will earn a Withdraw/Fail
(W/F) on their transcript. A Withdraw/Fail affects the GPA the same as an F and will make students ineligible to
compete in athletics.

Adding Courses
Courses may be added after the initial scheduling process under the following conditions:
    During the designated scheduling days, a student may add a class if space is available.
    Select courses may be added after the designated scheduling days only with recommendation of a
       counselor and approval by administration.

Academic Waiver Process
Students may request a waiver when he/she desires to enroll in a course for which he/she is not recommended.
See your counselor to apply for a waiver.

Important Grading Information
*AR 5121: An Incomplete is given only when a student’s work is not finished because of illness or other
excused absence. If not made up within six weeks, the incomplete shall become an “F”.

A. Clearing Incompletes for students seeking athletic eligibility - Students receiving an "Incomplete" as a
   semester grade, have 10 school days to make up the work. If, after 10 school days, the student does not
   receive a passing grade that replaces the Incomplete, the student remains ineligible for athletics. Pending
replacement of the Incomplete grade - the student may be allowed to practice but will not be allowed to

B. Clearing Incompletes for students not seeking athletic eligibility – If, after 6 weeks, the work is not made
   up, the Incomplete automatically becomes an “F”.

C. Grades and Credits for Repeated Courses - If a student repeats a course after earning a “D” or “F”, the
   credits for the first course will be eliminated. The grade, however, will remain on the transcript but will not
   factor into the GPA.

Returning from Independent Study/Home Schooling
Students returning from Independent Study or home schooling must complete the second semester of their
senior year as full time students at Carmel High School in order to participate in the Carmel High School
Graduation Ceremony.

Courses Taken Outside of CHS
Students may supplement their high school experience by taking additional courses at MPC or additional
universities. CHS may grant up to 10 credits (un-weighted) per year for high school credit (3 college units = 10
high school credits). To sign up for an MPC course, please visit the MPC website to download the necessary

Students may only apply 10 credits of Cyber High (summer school) to their total graduation credits during the
course of their entire high school career. Please note – Cyber High credits can only be used to replace a course
in which a student earned a “D” or “F” grade.

To receive CHS credit, the non-CHS course must meet the following criteria:
 A. The course must be approved by a CHS counselor and administration prior to the student enrolling in the
 B. The course taken must be one that is not offered at Carmel High School. A remedial course taken to
     replace an “F” or “D” on the transcript is an exception. In this case, the student has the option to re-take
     the class at CHS or in summer school. If a student wishes to take a course for advancement, they must
     have counselor and administrative approval.
 C. Online courses will not be accepted by CHS - with the exception of programs offered through CUSD or
     pre-approved by administration.

Awarding Credit to Students for International Academic Credits

Carmel High School (CHS) students must inform their counselor of any intent to temporarily attend a high
school outside of the United States prior to enrolling in a foreign high school or exchange program if they
expect to receive credit on their CHS transcript upon their return.

CHS may award credit for work done at other educational and cultural institutions. The decision to award
transfer credit for work done at educational institutions other than United States registered high schools shall be
based on whether the record indicates that the work is consistent with CHS commensurate learning standards
and is of comparable scope and quality to that which would have been done at CHS.

Students, and their families, should understand that courses and marks will appear on their CHS transcript
exactly as they appear on the official secondary record issued by the foreign educational institution. CHS will
not, however, indicate any foreign issued grades on the transcript, regardless of interpretation; courses will only
be awarded “Credit” or “No Credit” using Evaluating Foreign Transcripts: The A-Z Manual (2006). New York
City Department of Education.

Carmel High School offers a wide range of interscholastic sports and encourages all students to
participate in interscholastic sports and extracurricular activities. Cheerleading is an activity that spans
the Fall and Winter Athletic Seasons, but is not a CIF Interscholastic Sport. Each athlete must meet the
district eligibility standards and agree to the CHS-Student Athlete Code. No student may participate in
athletics with a grade point average lower than 2.0 or with a grade of F, INC, W/F in any class
FALL SEASON (Aug-Nov)                WINTER SEASON (Nov-Mar)              SPRING SEASON (Feb-May)
Cross Country (boys and girls)       Basketball (boys and girls)          Baseball (boys)
Field Hockey (girls)                 Soccer (boys and girls)              Golf (boys)
Football (coed)                      Wrestling (coed)                     Lacrosse (boys and girls)
Golf (girls)                                                              Softball (girls)
Tennis (girls)                                                            Swim/Dive (boys and girls)
Volleyball (girls)                                                        Tennis (boys)
Water Polo (boys and girls)                                               Track & Field (boys and girls)
                                                                          Volleyball (boys)

                                NCAA Approved Course List

BASIC ENGLISH                        ACC.INTEG MATH II                    AMER SIGN LANG 1
AMERICAN LIT                         ACC.INTEG MATH III                   AMER SIGN LANG 2
ENGLISH 1                            ADV. MATH DECISION                   AMER SIGN LANG 3
ENGLISH 1/H                          MAKING                               AMER SIGN LANG 4
ENGLISH 2                            AP CALCULUS AB                       CHINESE 1
ENGLISH 2/H                          AP CALCULUS BC                       CHINESE 2
ENGLISH IV (WRITING)                 INTEGRATED MATH I                    CHINESE 3
AP ENGLISH LIT                       INTEGRATED MATH II                   CHINESE 4
ERWC                                 INTEGRATED MATH III                  FRENCH 1
AP LANG                              PRE-CALCULUS                         FRENCH 2
LITERATURE OF SPORT                  AP STATISTICS                        FRENCH 3
                                                                          FRENCH 4
BASIC CIVICS                         BIOLOGY 1                            AP FRENCH
BASIC ECONOMICS                      BIOLOGY 1/H                          SPANISH 1
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY                   ANATOMY & PHYS                       SPANISH 2
AP PSYCHOLOGY                        AP BIOLOGY                           SPANISH 3
AP WORLD HISTORY                     CHEM OF THE EARTH                    SPANISH 4
CIVICS                               AP CHEMISTRY                         SPANISH FOR HERITAGE
ECONOMICS                            CHEMISTRY/H                          SPEAKERS I-IV/H
ECONOMICS/H                          ENVIRONMENTAL                        AP SPANISH
AP GOVERNMENT                        SCIENCE AP                           PHILOSOPHY I
AP US HISTORY                        PHYSICS
US HISTORY                           PHYSICS/H

Adventurers Guild/ Dungeons               Diversity Club                              Mock Trial
  and Dragons                             E-Sports                                    Model UN
Amnesty                                   Ethics Bowl                                 Moody’s Mathematical
Art Club                                  Environmental Club                          Modeling Club (M3)
Chess Club                                FCA                                         Philosophy
Chinese Lang. & Culture Club              Frisbee                                     Red Cross
Comic Book Club                           Future Teachers                             Robotics
Comedy Club                               Great Outdoors Club                         Singer/Songwriters
Creative Writing                          Interact                                    Slam Poetry
CSF                                       Investment Club                             Spike Ball
Current events                            K-Pop                                       This Club Saves Lives
Cyber Patriots                            Legacy Club
Dessert Club                              Math Club

*Clubs are subject to change from year to year based on interest and enrollment.
**Students who are interested in creating a new club should contact the ASB office.

Content: A survey course of the cultural,
HISTORY/                                                        environmental, and physical factors that comprise the
                                                                regions of the world. Physical geography themes will
SOCIAL SCIENCE                                                  include a discussion of physical landscape, climate
                                                                and weather patterns, and natural resources. Cultural
UC/CSU APPROVED COURSES                                         geography themes will include world religions, world
                                                                political figures and movements, art, and music.
A REQUIREMENT                                                   Embedded into this course are the major strands of the
Two years to include US and World History,                      Freshman Focus program, which is a multi-faceted,
required for UC/CSU.                                            transition program to help all freshmen get off to an
                                                                excellent start in high school.
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY (Blended Health                              Successful Completion: Meets the world geography
Course)                                                         graduation requirement and provides a general
UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement                                  understanding of geography and culture of the regions
Grade: 9                                                        studied.
Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes                            WORLD HISTORY
Prerequisites: Placement by Counselor with Parental             UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement
Consent. This course is a college-level freshman class          Grade: 10
with restricted enrollment.                                     Credits: 10
Content: AP Human Geography is an introductory                  Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
course involving the systematic study of patterns and           Prerequisites: None.
processes that have shaped human understanding, use,            Content: Students examine major turning points in
and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to            the shaping of the modern world, from the late
employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to               eighteenth century to the present. The year begins
examine human socioeconomic organization and its                with a review of world history up to the mid-
environmental consequences. Students will also learn            eighteenth century, continues with an introduction to
about the methods and tools geographers use in their            current world issues, and then focuses on the
research and the application of geographical analysis           expansion of the west and the growing
to contemporary world problems. The course utilizes a           interdependence of the people and cultures throughout
college-level textbook and is taught with the rigor of a        the world.
college freshman level course. Students should expect           Successful Completion: Meets the world history
one hour of homework every night. Students are also             graduation requirement and provides a general
required to take the AP exam in May. Health is a                understanding of the geography, politics, and culture
blended (online with some access to content during              of the various areas studied.
APHUG class and also Office Hours) course
connected to APHUG which deals with such matters                AP WORLD HISTORY
as self-esteem, drugs, nutrition and exercise, physical         UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement
health, and sex, which may be useful, interesting and           Grade: 10
often controversial. The course also deals with such            Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
matters as stress management, suicide prevention, first         Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes
aid, CPR, decision-making, and analysis.                        Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in English I and
Successful Completion: Meets the world geography                Global Studies; parental consent.
graduation requirement. Students may receive college            Content: This course examines the history of the
credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or            human experience from a global perspective. It covers
above. Meets the Health graduation requirement.                 the time period from 8,000 BC to the present. The
                                                                focus will be on the impact of interactions among
WORLD GEOGRAPHY/CULTURES                                        major societies; change and continuity over time; the
UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement                                  impact of technology and demography on people and
Grade: 9                                                        the environment; systems of social structure and
Credits: 5                                                      gender structure cultural and intellectual
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                   developments among and within societies; and
Prerequisites: None.                                            changes in functions and structures of states. The
course emphasizes critical thinking and the analytical          (chronological reasoning, comparing and
and writing skills necessary for success in a college           contextualizing, crafting historical arguments using
level history course. Considerable time will be                 historical evidence, and interpreting and synthesizing
dedicated to the evaluation of primary documents,               historical narrative) and an understanding of content
successful writing of document based questions                  learning objectives organized around seven themes,
(DBQs), analysis of historiography, College Board               such as identity, peopling, and America in the world”
essay strategies, and the development of analytical             (College Board). Intensive reading, along with
and critical thinking skills. Students will be required         frequent essays and writing assignments and stimulus
to take the AP exam in May.                                     multiple-choice assessments are part of each unit of
Successful Completion: Meets the world history                  study. Students will be required to take the AP exam.
graduation requirement and provides a general                   Successful Completion: Meets the United States
understanding of the geography, politics, and culture           history graduation requirement. Students may receive
of the various areas studied. Students may receive              college credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of
college credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of         3 or above.
3 or above.
UNITED STATES HISTORY                                           UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement
UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement                                  Grade: 12
Grade: 11                                                       Credits: 5
Credits: 10                                                     Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                   Prerequisites: None.
Prerequisites: None.                                            Content: This course is based on the assumption that
Content: Students examine major turning points in               it is absolutely essential for all Americans to know
American History in the twentieth century, beginning            and understand the nature of the American system of
the year with a review of the political foundations of          government. The course emphasizes the Constitution,
America and an overview of the nineteenth century.              civil liberties, the three branches of the federal
Certain themes will be emphasized: the expanding                government, political parties, citizenship, suffrage,
role of the federal government; the role of the U.S. as         foreign policy and local and state government.
a major world power; the impact of innovation and               Successful Completion: Meets the civics graduation
technology on American society; the move toward                 requirement.
equal rights for minorities and women. In each unit,
students will evaluate American history, culture and            AP GOVERNMENT & POLITICS
politics through the examination of political cartoons,         UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement
primary source documents, data, and literature                  Grade: 12
excerpts. Critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of        Credits: 5 w/weighted GPA
information, readings, and sources will be emphasized           Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes
in the class through formal research projects and               Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in previous social
writing assignments.                                            science courses or recommendation of teacher. Must be
Successful Completion: Meets the U.S. History                   taken in conjunction with Economics-Honors.
graduation requirement.                                         Content: AP Government and Politics is a survey
                                                                course of the American political system, including
AP U.S. HISTORY                                                 political theory, federalism, political beliefs and
UC/CSU: Fulfills A requirement                                  behaviors, party politics, the role of the media and
Grade: 11                                                       interest groups, electoral dynamics, and the
Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA                                      constitutional underpinnings of the American
Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes                            republic. Students will also study the presidency,
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in English and              Congress, the judiciary, and the bureaucracy, with an
World History.                                                  eye towards understanding the tensions between and
Content: A rigorous college level course that                   among the major institutions of government. The
examines the major events of American history,                  course includes a unit on civil liberties and civil
beginning with colonization and continuing to the               rights, including analysis of the First, Second, Fourth,
present. “The AP U.S. History course focuses on the             Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments, the right to
development of historical thinking skills                       privacy, and 14th Amendment concepts such as
substantive due process and equal protection.                 greater understanding of current governmental plans.
Students will critically read primary sources,                This course is for those students who seek to find
including the Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and        further meaning behind the perceived ‘dismal
scholarly writings, and analyze visual images, such as        science’, as well as how our country’s economic
political cartoons. Students develop argumentation            decisions affect our everyday lives. This course serves
skills during weekly seminars. Students should expect         as a foundation for further studies in the social science
an hour of homework every night. All students must            and/or business realm.
take the AP exam in May.                                      Successful Completion: Meets the economics
Successful Completion: Meets the civics graduation            graduation requirement.
UC/CSU APPROVED COURSES                                       UC/CSU: Fulfills G requirement
                                                              Grades: 11-12
G REQUIREMENT                                                 Credits: 10
                                                              Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
One year of approved elective courses is required for         Prerequisites: None
UC/CSU.                                                       Content: Philosophy, we will confront the essential
                                                              questions of existence, such as What is real? Can we
ECONOMICS                                                     really be certain of anything? What is right? Is there a
UC/CSU: Fulfills G requirement                                soul separate from the body? What is the meaning of
Grade: 12                                                     life? Exploration of these topics will be conducted
Credits: 5                                                    through personal inquiry, meaningful discussion, and
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                 reading the theories of the Western world’s most
Prerequisites: None                                           respected and influential philosophers. Philosophy
Content: Students will deepen their understanding of          will be organized into eight units, each spanning
the economic problems and institutions of the nation          approximately three weeks. Drawing mainly on the
and world in which they live. They will learn to make         primary text, Western Philosophy, students will read
reasoned decisions on economic issues as citizens,            authentic excerpts from renowned philosophers on the
workers, consumers, business owners and managers,             topics of epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of
and members of civic groups. In this capstone course          mind, ethics and morality, government and politics,
students should add to the economic understandings            theology, philosophy of science, and aesthetics.
they acquired in previous grades and apply tools (such        Students will participate in weekly Socratic seminars
as graphs, statistics, and equations) learned in other        as a means of discussing and debating the ideas
subject fields to their understanding of our economic         articulated in the readings, and they will demonstrate
system.                                                       their understanding both informally and formally in
Successful Completion: Meets economics graduation             writing. Students will also conduct philosophical
requirement.                                                  inquiry into a topic of their own choosing and present
                                                              their findings in a project.
UC/CSU: Fulfills G requirement                                PSYCHOLOGY - AP
Grade: 12                                                     UC/CSU: Fulfills G requirement
Credits: 5 w/weighted GPA                                     Grades: 11 - 12
Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes                          Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in previous             Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes
social science courses. Must be taken in conjunction          Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in previous
with Government-AP.                                           English and/or Social Science course, or
Content: The goal of this high-intensity one-semester         teacher/counselor approval
course is to give students the capability of analyzing        Content: This rigorous year-long class introduces the
and critiquing past, present, and future economic             systematic and scientific study of the behavior and
policies. Students will also be able to synthesize            mental processes of humans and animals.
information gleaned from previous social studies              Psychological facts, principles and phenomena
courses, such as the Great Depression and                     associated with the subfields within psychology are
Reaganomic policies, in a manner that allows for              studied. The biological, behavioral, cognitive,

humanistic, psychodynamic, trait, developmental, and           argumentative, narrative, and informative
sociocultural approaches to psychology are examined            compositions. Grammatical study will emphasize
and assessed. Students will achieve an appreciation of         parts of speech, phrases, clauses, punctuation, and
the critical analysis used in the field of psychology          usage. Literature and informational reading will be
and will be expected to take the AP exam in May.               challenging, and the extensive use of rhetorical
Successful Completion: Meets one year of elective              strategies in writing will be expected.
credit for graduation. Students may receive college            Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or           English graduation requirement.
                                                               ENGLISH II
                                                               UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement

ENGLISH                                                        Grade: 10
                                                               Credits: 10
                                                               Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
UC/CSU APPROVED COURSES                                        Prerequisites: Completion of English I
B REQUIREMENT                                                  Content: Students will be exposed to classic literature
                                                               that focuses on the development of one’s identity and
Four years of English, required for UC/CSU
                                                               values within the broader context of family and
                                                               society while addressing the California State
ENGLISH I                                                      Standards of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and
UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement                                 language. The class will examine novels, plays, short
Grade: 9                                                       stories, poems, and nonfiction texts not only for their
Credits: 10                                                    plot, character, and thematic development, but also in
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
                                                               light of their biographical, historical, and cultural
Prerequisites: None
                                                               context. In addition to the study of literature, students
Content: English I has a balanced curriculum
                                                               will continue to develop their skills in using writing as
addressing the California State Standards of reading,
                                                               a means of self-expression, reflection, and analysis.
writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary
                                                               Emphasis will be placed on argumentation, and
development. Students will be introduced to the
                                                               students will learn to formulate positions on
genres of literature, including the novel, short story,
                                                               controversial topics and to defend their ideas with
drama, poetry, mythology, and nonfiction. They will
                                                               clear reasoning and detailed evidence. Additional
also develop their writing process and gain practice
                                                               attention will be given to the development of voice
writing argument, narrative, and informative
                                                               and style. Grammar and vocabulary will be studied in
compositions. Grammatical study will emphasize
                                                               order to enhance oral and written communication
parts of speech, phrases, clauses, punctuation, and
                                                               Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
                                                               English graduation requirement and prepares students
English graduation requirement.
                                                               for upper division coursework.
ENGLISH I HONORS                                               ENGLISH II HONORS
UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement
                                                               UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement
Grade: 9
                                                               Grade: 10
Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
                                                               Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
Prerequisites: None                                            Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
                                                               Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in English I.
Content: English I Honors has a balanced curriculum
                                                               Content: English II Honors students will be exposed
addressing the California State Standards of reading,
                                                               to literature from around the world while addressing
writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary
                                                               the California State Standards of reading, writing,
development. Students will be introduced to the
                                                               speaking, listening, and language. Novels, plays, short
genres of literature, including the novel, the short
                                                               stories, poems, and nonfiction texts will be closely
story, drama, poetry, mythology, and nonfiction. They
                                                               examined, not only for their plot, character, and
will also develop their writing process, emphasizing
                                                               thematic development, but also in light of their
evaluation and synthesis of sources and incorporation
                                                               biographical, historical, and cultural context. Students
of evidence; students will gain practice writing
will learn poetry terminology and the skill of poetic             language. In order to prepare for the AP exam,
analysis. Students will begin to see literature as a              students will study extensive vocabulary, advanced
vehicle for understanding global issues. In addition              grammar, challenging American literature, and
students will continue to develop their expository and            various writing techniques in fiction, exposition,
argumentative writing and speaking skills. Emphasis               research, and persuasion. The goal of this class is to
will be placed on format, organization, content, and              create outstanding writers, critical readers, and
stylistic development. Students will also learn to                articulate speakers. Students are required to take the
skillfully utilize computer technology; responsibly               AP exam in May.
research topics, successfully incorporate their findings          Successful completion: Meets one year of the English
into their own writing, and properly document their               graduation requirement. Students may receive college
sources. Grammar and vocabulary study will be used                credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or
to enhance oral and written communication.                        above.
Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
English graduation requirement and prepares students              EXPOSITORY READING & WRITING
for upper division coursework.
                                                                  COURSE (ERWC)
                                                                  UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement
AMERICAN LITERATURE                                               Grade: 12
UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement                                    Credits: 10
Grade: 11                                                         Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
Credits: 10                                                       Prerequisites: None
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                     Content: The ERWC class is designed primarily to
Prerequisites: Completion of English II.                          assist students who have been identified by the
Content: This course exposes students to the major                California State University as “Ready-Conditional” on
movements and works of American literature while                  the Early Assessment Program (EAP) test that is taken
addressing the California State Standards of reading,             in the spring of junior year. Passing the ERWC class
writing, speaking, listening, and language. Emphasis              with a C or better allows those students to bypass the
will be placed on the intricate relationship between              CSU placement test for college level English. Course
literary and cultural development. Beginning with a               assignments, organized into 14 modules and based
study of Puritans, the course will continue                       mainly on non-fiction texts, emphasize the in-depth
chronologically, and the second semester will be                  study of expository, analytical, and argumentative
devoted to modern, postmodern, and contemporary                   reading and writing.
literature. Students will develop their argument,                 Successful completion: Meets one year of the English
informative, and narrative writing techniques, with an            graduation requirement.
emphasis on enhancing structure, analysis, and style,
as well as create and deliver multimedia presentations.
                                                                  AP ENGLISH LITERATURE &
Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
English graduation requirement.                                   COMPOSITION
                                                                  UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement
                                                                  Grade: 12
AP ENGLISH LANGUAGE &                                             Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA
COMPOSITION                                                       Est. Daily Homework: 45 - 60 minutes
UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement                                    Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in previous English
Grade: 11                                                         class; summer reading recommended.
Credits: 10 w/weighted GPA                                        Content: AP English Literature and Composition is
Est. Daily Homework: 60-90 minutes                                designed to deepen students’ understanding of the
Prerequisite: Completion of English II or English II              ways writers use language to provide meaning and
Honors, as well as completion of the summer reading               pleasure for readers. Readings include poetry, drama,
and writing assignment.                                           short stories, and novels from a variety of historical
Content: AP Language and Composition is a                         periods. Students will learn to read deliberately and
rigorous, college level course in which students read             thoroughly, taking time to understand a work’s
and write prolifically in a variety of genres in order to         complexity, to absorb its richness of meaning, and to
develop their creative, analytical, and rhetorical skills.        analyze how that meaning is embodied in literary
The course also addresses the California State                    form. In addition, there is an essential writing
Standards of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and           component to this course. Both in and out of class,
students will write to extend and articulate their              (CELDT) to determine placement. Progression between
understanding of what they have read. Much of this              levels is based on the student’s annual CELDT score and
writing will prepare students both for the kinds of             teacher recommendation. These courses may be repeated
challenging writing expected at the university level            as needed.
and for the AP English Literature & Composition                 Content: ELD employs the Next Generation ELD
exam. Homework typically involves reading between               standards to tailor English instruction to the needs of
30-40 pages per night and may also include working              each student. The four domains of language (speaking,
on extended writing assignments. Students are                   listening, reading, and writing) are taught with a focus
required to take the AP exam in May.                            on academic uses. Students learn to use English
Successful completion: Meets one year of the English            effectively in both social and academic settings.
graduation requirement. Students may receive college            Successful completion: Students will progress
credit if they pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or            through the proficiency levels until they meet criteria
above.                                                          for re-designation. Two years of ELD may be used to
                                                                fulfill 20 units of English credit. Thereafter, ELD may
ENGLISH IV - WRITING                                            be used as elective credit.
UC/CSU: Fulfills B requirement
Grade: 12                                                       WRITING STRATEGIES
Credits: 10                                                     Grades: 9 - 11
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                   Credits: 5 per semester (may be repeated)
Prerequisites: Completion of American Literature or             Est. Daily Homework: 0
AP English Language and Composition                             Prerequisites: Counselor assigned only
                                                                Content: This course is designed to support students
Students will study various aspects of writing for              with academic writing for the college preparatory
multiple purposes and audiences. Units will include             curriculum. Students will focus on building skills to
Workplace Writing, Academic Writing, Creative                   meet the Common Core anchor standards for literacy,
Writing, and Media Writing. Students will write news,           including the following: organizing complex ideas;
research, résumés, literary journals, essays, criticism,        developing claims and counterclaims; supporting
opinion, fiction, memoirs, and more. The focus will be          arguments with reasons and evidence from reputable
on the process of writing, primarily adjusting content,         sources; creating flow through the skilled use of
tone, style, and format for the appropriate forum;              formatting, transitions, vocabulary, and grammar;
source evaluation and fluid integration of evidence             enhancing style and voice to engage the reader. In
will also be emphasized. Students will be assessed              addition to engaging in daily lessons on writing
through writing development and finished works,                 strategies, students will practice strong organizational
responses to reading, support skills, and class                 and study habits, work on personal responsibility and
participation.                                                  advocacy, and have ample time to work on English
Successful Completion: Meets one year of the                    and other academic assignments with the support of a
English graduation requirement.                                 credentialed and experienced English teacher.
                                                                Successful completion: Meets one year of the
NON UC/CSU APPROVED COURSES                                     elective requirement for graduation.
GRADUATION CREDIT ONLY                                          READ 180
                                                                UC/CSU: Does Not Meet-Graduation Credit Only
Four years of English are required for graduation.              Grades: 9 - 12
                                                                Credits: 10
ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                Est. Daily Homework: 0-30 minutes
DEVELOPMENT (ELD)                                               Prerequisite: Teacher/counselor recommendation or
UC/CSU: Does Not Meet-Graduation Credit Only                    student assessed as below proficient in reading
Grades: 9 - 12                                                  Content: Read 180 is a scientific research-based
Credits: 10                                                     reading intervention program to help improve reading
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                   proficiency for students who need help with reading
Prerequisite: Non-native speaker of English, grades 9-          comprehension, reading fluency, vocabulary, spelling
12. All entering non-native English speakers will take          and writing skills.
the California English Language Development Test

Successful Completion: Students earn general                     through modeling and construction. Students will be
elective credit.                                                 expected to extend their thinking abstractly by
                                                                 performing arithmetic operations with complex
                                                                 numbers. The students will also be expected to write
MATHEMATICS                                                      expressions that represent relationships, rewrite
                                                                 expressions in equivalent forms and solve systems of
UC/CSU APPROVED COURSES                                          equations. As well, students will study and recognize
                                                                 independence and conditional probabilities. Through
C REQUIREMENT                                                    modeling, they will evaluate outcomes of probability
Three years of Mathematics, through Algebra                      situations. Geometrically, this course will prove all
II/Integrated Math III, required for UC/CSU.                     concepts related to similarity and congruence of
                                                                 shapes. Students will use algebra and coordinate
INTEGRATED MATH I                                                geometry to prove theorems. This course will analyze
UC/CSU: Fulfills C requirement                                   all theorems of circles and relate this content to that of
Grades: 9 - 12                                                   conic sections as well as require students to explain
Credits: 10                                                      volume formulas and apply them to a variety of
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                    shapes.
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in eighth grade            Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
mathematics and/or recommendation of teacher.                    mathematics graduation; prepares students for
Appropriate scores on qualifying tests required for non-         Integrated III.
Carmel Unified School District students.                         Note: Community College courses for Geometry are
Content: This course will help students understand               not acceptable as replacement for this course.
the basic structure of algebra and more specifically the
in depth study of linear functions with one and two
variables. Students will be expected to extend their             ACCELERATED INTEGRATED
thinking through the idea of modeling with functions.            MATH II
This course will also explore geometric constructions            UC/CSU: Fulfills C requirement
and the basic principles that make up the concept of             Grades: 9
congruence. Through basic rigid motions, students                Credits: 10
will explore congruence. As well, this course will               Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes
explore basic descriptive statistics where students will         Prerequisites: A grade of an A in Integrated I (or
summarize, represent and interpret data containing               appropriate course from outside the district), passing a
                                                                 competency exam, and recommendation of 8th grade
one or two variables.
                                                                 teacher. A graphing calculator (TI-84 family) is required
Successful Completion: Meets one year of the
                                                                 and available.
mathematics graduation; prepares students for
                                                                 Content: This course is designed to be a very fast
Integrated II.
                                                                 paced, rigorous math course that will prepare students
Note: Community College courses for Algebra 1 are
                                                                 for Accelerated Integrated III. The course will help
not acceptable as replacement for this course.
                                                                 students further understand the basic structure of
Freshmen in this course who earn below a “C” grade
                                                                 algebra and more specifically the in depth study of
for both semesters, must repeat the entire course; this
                                                                 quadratic functions through modeling and
can be achieved through CHS in the sophomore year.
                                                                 construction. Students will be expected to extend
                                                                 their thinking abstractly by performing arithmetic
INTEGRATED MATH II                                               operations with complex numbers. The students will
UC/CSU: Fulfills C requirement                                   also be expected to write expressions that represent
Grades: 9 - 12                                                   relationships, rewrite expressions in equivalent forms
Credits: 10                                                      and solve systems of equations. As well, students will
Est. Daily Homework: Approximately 30 minutes                    study and recognize independence and conditional
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in Integrated I (or
                                                                 probabilities. Through modeling, they will evaluate
appropriate course from outside the district) or
                                                                 outcomes of probability situations. Geometrically, this
recommendation of 8th grade teacher. A handheld
                                                                 course will prove all concepts related to similarity and
scientific calculator is recommended but not required.
Content: This course will help students further                  congruence of shapes. Students will use algebra and
                                                                 coordinate geometry to prove theorems. This course
understand the basic structure of algebra and more
specifically the in depth study of quadratic functions           will analyze all theorems of circles and relate this
You can also read