WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths

Page created by Leon Wolfe
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
February-March 2019

                 Plug in
               to better
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
Trade Magazine Only.
 At Redpaths our focus is to the Trade.
 All pricing is to account holders only
 and is always excluding GST.

                                               Welcome to our February/March edition focusing on “Working Smarter”.

                                               Being more productive means getting more done in less time. That’s
 EDITORIAL                                     important for Tradies whose major source of income is the working hour.
 Sarah Orange                                  Experts agree that one of the best ways business owners can become
                                               more productive is by improving practices and management – things like
 ADVERTISING                                   implementing systems, processes and tools to help with everything from
                                               streamlining, employee motivation and even cash flow planning.
 Paula 021 885 888                          Often easier said than done, especially with the long to-do lists that keep
                                               owners so busy there’s little time to sleep, eat and create and chase invoices,
 PRINTER                                       let alone find time to look into the latest ideas.

 Caxton                                        We have a clear focus this year with our range of easy-to-use online tools and
 Cnr Lodestar Ave & Stark Drive                resources, FREE and cost relative dependent on the requirement. We also
 Wigram, PO Box 36411                          include a support team to help train, engage and support these offerings
 Christchurch 8146                             who can also assist with onsite training priced accordingly for your specific
 03 366 8516                                   needs.

                                               Just another offering from the team at Redpaths and our mission of “making
                                               our customers the best they can be”.

                                               Chat to your local Redpaths team member about your needs or anything
                                               that can assist you in growing your business.
 The opinions in this magazine do not
 necessarily reflect those of R.Redpath
 Limited or the publisher. Although all
 materials are checked for accuracy, no
 liability is assumed by R.Redpath Limited
 or the publisher for any losses due to the
 use of this magazine. Whilst all care has
 been taken in production, products and
 prices advertised will be on sale from
 the beginning of the promotional period
 or while stocks last. We reserve the          Brent Cameron,
 right to substitute any of these products
 with similar products or vary pricing in
                                               Chief Sales Officer                                          MAR
 extenuating circumstances and limited to                                                    WO  RKIN
 Trade customers only.                                                                                        re yo
                                                                                                   1: M easu r time.
                                                                                               TIP         t you
                                                                                                     s, no

Plug in                                       Plug in                                 Plug in
to better                                     to better                               to better
value.                                        advice.                                 service.
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
                                                                         NEXANS APP

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Don’t miss out. Make the switch today!
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WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths

 Purchase $100 or more of AVO products through
any Redpaths store in Feb/Mar and go in the draw
            to win a Sport Cooler Bag

                                               One b
                                              at eve

                                              *Beverages not included

                          Place a copy of your receipt/
                       invoice and contact details in the
                        entry box provided and winners
                           will be notified early April
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
Relicensing or Tooling up this year?
                 Considered a Multifunction Tester?
    All Megger
 users gain access
to comprehensive
  online training

          ultifunction testers were designed for    for results that have to be recorded in test
          residential and commercial electrical     reports, and an analogue arc that allows many
          contractors, but also meet the needs      types of test to be carried out more quickly and
of those working in utilities and industry.         conveniently. The top instruments also have a
Today’s best multifunction testers are not only     secondary display that shows additional useful
sufficiently versatile to meet a whole range of     information, such as the actual test voltage
day-to-day testing requirements, they are also      when an insulation test is being performed.
easy to use, convenient as they combine several     RCD testing, a common requirement in the
testers into one small instrument, and they offer   industrial sector, is easy to carry out with a
excellent value for money in both initial outlay    multifunction tester, and the latest instruments
and reduced cost of ownership in calibration.       can be expected to offer facilities for testing
All modern multifunction testers offer facilities   type A, AC, B and S devices. Some now also offer
for insulation testing up to 1 kV, continuity       a pass/fail ramp test, which is a big time saver in
testing at 200 mA, earth loop impedance             applications where it is only necessary to show
testing and fault current measurement across        that the RCD trips between pre-set minimum
                                                    and maximum limits.
phases, and also 3-phase RCD testing. Most
types also incorporate a convenient voltmeter       Safety is, of course, always a vital concern and it
function. The Megger R&D teams have extended        is important to remember that transient levels
multifunction tester features even further          in industrial systems may well be higher than in
producing instruments that now offer even           ordinary domestic and commercial installations.
more, such as frequency measurement, phase          When choosing a multifunction tester for use
rotation, non-trip 10mA loop testing and            in industry it is, therefore, essential to ensure
the ability to measure the resistance of earth      that it has a CAT IV 300 V rating in line with IEC
electrodes - functions that are definitely going    61010.
to be of interest and value to those working in     Clearly, the appeal of multifunction testers is
industry and the utilities as well as residential   not limited to electrical contractors; they also
and commercial electrical contractors. The latest   have much to offer for engineers and technicians
multifunction testers are also designed to be       working in other sectors. It is, therefore, well
small and light, so easy to carry around, while     worth taking a little time to check out the latest
fast and easy to use. They incorporate dual         models, such as those in the MFT1800 range
displays – a digital readout that is convenient     from Megger.
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
get ORGANISED with
       s your tool bag bursting at the        heavy-duty ballistic weave nylon,         finish, or a tool pouch for a large or
       seams? The patched-up handle           offering strength and durability and      small collection of tools, Klein Tools
       about to break again? Are you wast-    eliminating the chance of any tools       Tradesman Pro™ Organizers have
    ing precious time rummaging around        poking through, tearing the linings.      something for you.
    looking for the right tool for the job?
    If being organised at work tops your      Innovative design - smart & strong        Pop in to your local Redpaths store
    list of New Year resolutions, you         The bases form a hard plastic-mould-      today to discuss your requirements
    need a Klein Tools Tradesman Pro™         ed shell, adding durability and keep-     and grab yourself the very best in the
    Organizer!                                ing out moisture should the organiser     range!
                                              be placed on a wet surface. Boasting
    Klein Tools have a great range of or-     numerous pockets and storage com-
    ganiser bags and pouches to keep          partments, there’s a well-thought-out
    your tools neat, clean and easy to        spot for even your most fragile tool
    find. With superior strength and          or pair of safety glasses. The bright
    functionality, Klein Tradesman Pro™       orange interior adds visibility, so you
    Organizers can help you speed up          can locate your tools in a hurry.
    your work by having the right tool        The heavy-duty zips and stitching
    ready and visible every time you          add extra strength and longevity.
    need it.
                                              A range of tool storage solutions
    Heavy-duty ballistic weave nylon          Whether you need an open tote bag,
    Packed with features, the Trades-         backpack, technicians pack, closed
    man Pro™ range are made from              bag, a camouflage or hi-visibility

                                 quality NZ MADE LEATHER tool bags, pouches & belts FROM TAURUS LEATHER COMPANY

WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
Tradesman Pro™                                                        Tradesman Pro™
  10-Inch tote 5541610-14                                               Backpack 55421BP-14
                                 40 POCKETS                                      39 POCKETS
                             1680D BALLISTIC WEAVE                            1680D BALLISTIC WEAVE
                               BRIGHT-COLOURED                                 BRIGHT-COLOURED
                                INTERIOR                                        INTERIOR
                             HARD MOULDED BOTTOM                             HARD MOULDED BOTTOM
                            PADDED SHOULDER STRAP

  Tradesman Pro™                                            Tradesman Pro™
  pocket tool pouches                                       bucket bag 55448

     9 POCKETS - 5242         15 POCKETS - 5243
                                                                  45 POCKETS
                                                             DOUBLE LAYERED POLYESTER
                                                               AROUND BUCKET EDGES
                                                              HEAVY-DUTY WEBBING
                                                            INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POCKETS

  Tradesman Pro™
  wide-open tool bag 55469
            STAY OPEN TOP
           1680D BALLISTIC WEAVE


                                                                                       FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 5
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths
                                                                                                                     G   SMART
                                                                                                              TIP 2: C           ER
TOOL BOX TALK                                                                                                    commu

                                    WORKING                                           WHILE
                                     SAFELY                                           ALONE

     bumped into a friend and his                                                     off before you start playing round
     4-legged mates on a Friday                                                       with those live wires, and there’s
     evening not so long ago. They                                                    always someone there to call for
     had just finished a long week                                                    help.
 working up in Kaikoura on all the                                                    When you’re out working on your
 many things needing done there                                                       own, as many of you are, the risks
 post-quake.                                                                          are always higher. The level of
 The discussion lead to how difficult                                                 increased risk depends on the
 it can get creating a safety plan                                                    circumstances around the work. Are
 and keeping up with toolbox talks                                                    there others within hearing distance
 when you’re working on your own.                                                     in case you get into trouble? How
 He finds himself talking to his dogs                                                 risky is the work you are carrying
 in order to not feel weird about the      company, so it’s important to keep         out? What are the different risks
 necessary task. If anything, though,      them safe too.                             associated with those tasks based
 it’s even more important to have          When there’s a team working on                        on all this?...
 thorough plans in place. It’s not so      site you can easily back each-
 bad if you’re working on site in the      other up, brainstorm any
 public eye, but what if something         possible safety concerns
 happens and no one is in earshot          and make solutions to
 to help? For my friend knows his          mitigate the risks. There’s
 dogs are smart, they’ll run for help,     always someone else
 but what happens when they find           there to hold that ladder,
 a human? Dogs can’t talk after all        pass that tool so
 so will the person know the dogs          you’re not over-
 trying to tell them something or will     reaching, double
 they just call the pound? A lot of        check the
 you take our dogs out with you for        mains are

     Talk to a colleague or friend about any risks you’re unsure about and have them help you brainstorm ways
     to minimise these risks.
     Try to schedule the riskiest parts of the job around when others are visible in case something happens.
     Set up a check-in system with someone so that you are in touch on a regular basis and then they can investigate
     if they don’t hear from you when expected.
     If you’re travelling with work, let someone else know your travel plans and the route you are planning
     to take, then touch base with them when you arrive at your destination. This way they know where to
     look if they don’t hear from you.
     Check out the emergency SOS functions on smartphone and/or smart watch and set it up ready so
     that you can call for help yourself if you need to. With the Apple Watch 4, the sense of security goes
     a step further with fall detection and emergency SOS, calling for help for you when you can’t. The
     watch will automatically make the emergency call after 60 seconds if you don’t respond.
     A wise option to spend on your Power Points on!
  For everyone’s sake, look after yourself when working alone, and get home safely to your
  loved ones at the end of each day. If it takes a bit longer to do things safely, then take
  that time to do it right, because we all know it’s better late than never!

WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths

    24V LED
    The new range of Eurotech Lighting 24V DC LED Uplighters offer a wide
    range of lighting solutions catering to residential spaces like the classic
    kiwi deck, to more commercial environments such as inner-city squares
    & boardwalks. Each uplighter has been constructed from high grade 316
    Stainless Steel & 6063 Aluminium and come complete with 0.5m cable,
    and a Polycarbonate recess sleeve.

    The complete new range have been tested to maintain an IP67 ingress
    protection rating along with an IK08 impact protection rating. Making
    each fitting more than suitable for New Zealand’s weather elements, as
    well as being able to take a knock against foot traffic & potential vandals.

    Use our new range of LED uplighters to provide ambient warm lighting
    for entertainment areas, or to bring light to large sculptures and feature
    walls. Ranging from 3 watts to 15 watts there’s an uplighter in our new
    range that will get the job done.

                BUL25                       BUL13                                    BUL17                                BUL21                                             BUL43

    Watts                                    3W                              5W                             10W                            15W                           7x 2W

    Lumens / Kelvin                    145 / 3500K                    440 / 3500K                     915 / 3500K                    1320 / 3500K                    830 / 3500K

    Beam Angle                               30°                             23°                             23°                            23°                             30°

    Front Face                               50Ø                            80Ø                             95Ø                            120Ø                           150Ø

    Code                                   BUL25                           BUL13                          BUL17                           BUL21                          BUL43

  Note: Visit for full product information & installation manuals. Cut-outs or construction designed around product should be carried out with the product on site.

                                         Contact your local Redpaths branch for more information
                          E:      W:      P: 09 818 6039

                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 7
WORKING SMARTER Plug in to better - February-March 2019 - Redpaths

                                                                                      S P AI N

                                                                        PPoror tugagall &
                                                                         M     o r
                                                                          S P AI N oc c o
                   AND COLOUR FOR JUST 13,000
                                                                       PPoror tugagall &

SPAIN                                              wine capital, Porto and its alluring old-world
                                                   charm, Portugal is awash with Hidden Gems
Spain’s pleasant Mediterranean climate, its        and not-to-be-missed. The countryside
dramatic coastlines, charming landscapes,          is dotted with romantic pousadas, prices
rich historical legacy, eclectic culture,          are a steal for Europe, the weather’s great,
culinary expertise and vibrant nightlife have      and they even have their own islands in the
made it a much sought-after destination.           Atlantic: the Azores and Madeira, the latter
Spain is a surprise to those who have the          of wine fame.
image of having to fight for towel space
at one of its crowded beaches or sipping
sangria while watching a bull fight or             MOROCCO
flamenco. From the ancient monuments left          Visiting Morocco reveals an enticing new
by the Romans and Moors, the medieval              world,. The labyrinths of the imperial cities
castles of the interior, the white villages        of Meknes, Fes and Marrakesh contrast
in inland Andalucía or the vibrant cities          with the dramatic gorges and oases of the
of Barcelona and Madrid, there is a great          snow-capped High Atlas Mountains and
mixture of cultural attractions in Spain.          the solitude of the Saharan desert that
                                                   lies beyond. While exploring this North
PORTUGAL                                           African country, you can discover mosques
                                                                                                    These include fabrics, spices, authentic
Set against the backdrop of the wild Atlantic      and bazaars. Don’t miss the chance to go
                                                                                                    hand carved olive wood, Berber bracelets
Ocean, Portugal has all the key ingredients        trekking across the Sahara on the back of
                                                                                                    and necklaces, pottery and ceramics,
for a perfect getaway. Sun-kissed coastline.       a camel!
                                                                                                    embossed copper and brass trays, coffee
Rich, culinary heritage. Vibrant cities made       Located in the old parts of town, the souks      pots, leatherwork and of course, carpets. A
for exploring. From the hilly barrios of Lisbon    of Morocco offer a selection of objects          glass of hot mint tea in hand, haggle to your
lined with pastel-hued houses to the port-         of unsurpassed beauty and distinction.           heart’s content!

                                            Departing October 2021
   Indicative itinerary only* subject to change

                                                  REGISTER YOUR INTEREST AT GETAWAY@REDPATHS.CO.NZ

                                           Spain, Portugal & Morocco
                                           October 2021

     Getaway Includes:                                                    powerpoints
                                                                           per person
       Fully escorted by our experienced
       Redpath Getaway Team
       Charming Accomodation
                                           Redpaths Getaway is an additional
       Breakfast Daily                     loyalty scheme managed by Rewardmenow,
       Sightseeing and Transport           exclusive to Redpath customers.
                                           Simply spend at any Redpaths branch, earn
       Entrance Fees                       Powerpoints and join us on the trip of a
       Theme Nights                        lifetime.
       Adventures and Excitement
                                           HOW TO JOIN:
                                           Complete a Getaway registration form
                                           (contact your local branch) or flick us an email
                                           at and we will make

                                           Monthly deductions make it easy,
                                           once you’ve signed up we make
                                           contact and help form a plan to get
                                           you there.

                        Spaces are limited
                  Have you packed your bags yet?                               *Terms and Conditions apply

                                                                                          Plug in
OR CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BRANCH MANAGER.                                                   to better
                                                              G   SMART
                                                       TIP 3: Tra
                                                        you was where
                                                                 te time.

                                                       FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 9

                LED AC Colour Changing Floodlight
                 LED AC Colour Changing Low Glare Flood (with remote controller)
                 New Technology utilising SMD2835 AC LEDs in a Matrix array to
                 improve performance and control unwanted light spill and glare.
                 Remote programmable RGB colour changing controller with battery
                 KEY FEATURES
                               Complete with 1.5M flex ready for quick installation
                               Instant on off no cooling re strike time
                               AC 2835 LEDs
                               LED Life 50,000hrs
                               Tempered safety glass
HUGO LOGO White on Black 2.indd 1                                                     20/06/2011 8:41:27 a.m.

                               Stainless Steel screws
                               Complete with programmable remote controller
                               Excellent light and glare control
                               Compact size
                               IES Files on request
                               Aluminium body
                               Weight: 0.4kg

          10 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019

                     Manrose Genius takes fan technology to a new level
The inclusion of App control gives Manrose Genius fan users an extra            sensor can be adjusted
edge when it comes to maximising operational effectiveness and                  via the Simx Connect App
efficiency.                                                                     and ambient humidity
                                                                                changes will not trigger
For electricians, installation through the Simx Connect App is simple
                                                                                the humidistat.
with initial set up selections being:
• intermittent or continuous ventilation                                        The silent hours
• humidistat triggered operation or not                                         scheduling function
• overrun timer required or not                                                 allows for deactivation
                                                                                of the boost function
Home owner can change those options to suit their particular
                                                                                via the Simx Connect
preferences at any time as well as fine tune the fan operation further
                                                                                App. This would, for
with additional Simx Connect App options including:
                                                                                example, prevent
Light sensor being set to react to both light movement and shadows              nuisance noise
and, when enabled, activating the fan when someone’s presence                   occuring over night.
is sensed as a result. A delay-ON can also be set so the fan is not             Further, if the house is unoccupied for a period of
activated as a result of incidental light activity such as quick night time     time, Genius can be set to an airing mode which operates a purge
visits to the bathroom or the flash of a passing car’s headlights.              function every 12 hours for either a 30, 60 or 90 minute duration. The
                                                                                fan’s sophisticated controls will not allow a purge function to proceed
The light sensor also includes an overrun timer option. Where only a
                                                                                if someone is, otherwise, detected by the light sensor.
basic fan is presently installed, the home owner can simply upgrade
functionality without having to rewire due to the timer only requiring          Genius‘s sleek modern design will be an appealling look and fit in any
a standard 2-wire connection.                                                   bathroom or kitchen decor and with noise output being such a key
                                                                                issue for consumers today, home owners will also be impressed by its
The Genius humidistat option that reacts to sudden changes in
                                                                                very quiet 17 dB(A) operating sound level when on low trickle.
humidity such as when someone is taking a shower. When the
humidity sensor is activated and the continuous running option is               It is an easy-to-clean device and at only 4W the energy efficient
selected, the fan runs at 30 l/s and then powers down to 10 l/s when            Genius also boasts low power consumption.
the humidity returns to normal levels. The sensitivity of the humidity

                        DESIGNER SERIES

                                                                                The Manrose Genius is the new generation of unitary
                                                                              fans offering fully flexible ventilation control to maximise
                                                                                          intelligent air movement for a healthy home.
                                                                              Once installed, Genius is ready to go, but home owners
                                                                                    now also have the option to easily customise any
                                                                                       settings, via an intuitive App, to best suit their
                                                                              particular indoor air control requirements at any time.
                                                                                        Genius Intelligent Fan Kits come as a complete
                                                                                   package including a back draught shutter, 100mm
                                                                                    solid tube wall ducts and an exterior hooded grille.

        FAN6844 - 100mm Intelligent Fan Kit                                    Distributed by Simx Limited
                                                                               p +9 259 1660        e   w

                                                                                                  FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 11

           The Humble
           T                            L BELT
         he tool belt was historically        roof space, under that small floor crawl       tool on 80% of your jobs, then put it on
         introduced as a fashion              space or onto the scaffold 10 metres up,       your person. Different people will deal
         accessory, like jewellery for men,   isn’t normally an option. Even if you’re       with the tool selection in different ways.
         to show wealth and hierarchy         working on the ground, who wants to be         If you are comfortable carrying all your
within society, but also for functionality,   wasting time running back to the tool box      regularly used tools then that’s great,
going all the way back to the Gladiator       or to the van all day? You can’t just leave    get a comfortable versatile tool belt with
times for holding their Sword. The humble     the tools laying around on the floor either,   plenty of pickets and hook areas. This
tool belt making one of its first famous      then they become a major trip hazard.          will allow you to be able to over time
appearances in “Detective Comics #29”                                                        find your tools without even looking on
                                              An exceptional tool belt is one that will
(July 1929), featuring Batman’s chocking                                                     your belt, now that’s next level efficiency!
                                              ensure safety, comfort and most of all
gas canisters. Who doesn’t want to be a                                                      Alternatively, you may feel that lugging
                                              efficiency on the job site. It will allow
hero like Batman?                                                                            around too many tools is going to slow
                                              you to be hands free when you need
                                                                                             you down and restrict your movement. If
The tool belt has since evolved to be         them, while saving time, and therefore
                                                                                             this is the case then the most productive
a crucial efficiency tool for the trades,     money, by still having all the essentials
                                                                                             thing to do is plan out what you’re going
and for electricians this is no exception.    close at hand. Ok, so then comes the
                                                                                             to need for the job before you start the
Although a larger space like a tool bag,      question of what to carry with you. You
                                                                                             job, then load yourself up with these
tool box or even a full van is used to        don’t want to bog yourself down with
                                                                                             items only. This will mean you’ve got
transport all the tools required for the      an endless amount of heavy weight, this
                                                                                             exactly what you need for the job without
jobs to be done, the every day essentials     will cause exhaustion and hence a loss in
                                                                                             being bogged down while trying to
for the job are best kept closer at hand.     productivity. The general rule should be
                                                                                             squeeze into that tight space.
Lugging a tool bag up a ladder, into a        that if you are reaching for a particular

CATER FOR EVERYONE’S PREFERENCES AND SPECIALITY AREAS.                                        The latest in innovation making us
                                                                                              look at the humble tool belt in a
HERE ARE JUST A FEW AND THEIR ADVANTAGES.                                                     completely different way.
                                                                                              Pockets, hooks and slots
LEATHER HEAVY DUTY                            SCAFFOLDERS TOOL BELT                           everywhere!
ELECTRICIANS TOOLBELT                          Designed with height safety in mind.           There’s a place
  Your classic durable leather option.         Tool drop prevention included with             for everything on
  A crowd favourite.                           safety tethering points.                       these puppies.
  Hard-wearing and robust. A quality           Lanyards and tethers retractable to            These will make a
  leather one will certainly stand the         prevent tangling.                              real statement on
  test of time.                                                                               the work site.
                                               Lightweight Ergonomic design
  Nothing too complicated or fancy.                                                           Reinforced and
  A great workhorse.                                                                          ergonomically
                                                                                              designed for
                                                                                              comfort. These
                                                                                              will distribute the
                                                                                              weight of the tools

 Your basic durable entry level tool belt.
 Cost effective while still hard-wearing & robust.
 Good number of pockets not over the top.
 Lightweight and easy care.

                                                      Reydration                DRINK

THORZT is a great tasting,
scientifically proven mix of                                  THORTZ SUGAR FREE SINGLE SERVE
cutting-edge branch chain                                     50 MIX PACK
amino acids and low Gi                                        3g Electrolyte drink powder concentrate:
carbohydrates for sustained                                   Makes 600ml+
energy release, combined with a                               Formulated blend of electrolytes for optimum
formulated blend of electrolytes                              hydration. Formulation of low GI sugars to
for optimum hydration in harsh                                give a sustained release of energy
conditions.                                                   Optimal mix of Electrolyte salts to replace
Designed to maintain mind                                     what the sweat takes out
and body function at a cellular
level, THORZT can boost your
physical and mental potential,      THORTZ COOLING TOWEL BLUE
relieve muscle pain, cramps and     The THORZT ‘Chill Skinz’ Cooling
spasms, reduce anxiety and          Towel stays cool for hours with no
sleep disturbance and improve       refrigeration or cold water needed
the body’s stress response.         – just ‘Wet, Wring and Wave’. Made
THORZT contains the optimal         from PVA material it can retain
mix of electrolytes, branch         moisture for periods far longer than
chain amino acids and low Gi        conventional towels, and contains
carbohydrates for sustained         a special plant extract that (once
energy release without the          activated) turns moisture cold
'sugar spike'.                      regardless of it’s initial temperature.
THORZT is gluten and caffeine
free, contains about half                                           THORTZ COOLING TIE
the sugar of regular sports
                                                                    THORZT Sub Zero Cooling Neck Ties
drinks, and features sugar free
                                                                    trigger moist evaporative cooling
electrolyte drink options.
                                                                    which helps reduce the body’s core
The THORZT Drink Range                                              temperature when working hard in
includes electrolyte powders                                        hot conditions. The neck ties contain
and liquid concentrates with                                        polymer crystals which expand when
matching drink bottles and                                          wet and can hold up to 500 times their
coolers, as well as a new hassle-                                   own weight in water – amazingly with
free ready to drink formula.                                        no dripping!
The THORZT Sub Zero Range
features a range of hydration
backpacks, cooling vests &
miscellaneous cooling products
that assist in thermoregulation     THORZT 600ML CONCENTRATE
and on site heat stress             Available in 5 delicious flavours:
management.                         Ice Tea Peach, Lemon Lime, Orange,
                                    Pineapple Blast, Wild Berry.
                                    Immediate hydration. Low in sugar
                                    Caffeine and gluten free

                                                                    FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 13
   We are                                                                   to bring
   plastic bag                                                             reusable
                                                                           when co
   FREE                                                                    into stor

                                            Reusable bags & plastic crates will be available in stores.

   Plug in to a better future.
                                                    R KING
                                                 WO              ways
                                                          : Find
                                                   TIP 4 e shorter, .
                                                            v          s
                                                    to ha e meeting
                                                        hw  h il
                                                  wor t

   Plug into
   We love to give you points
   to spend on yourself.
   Travel, vouchers or
   pick your own.

   Register with PowerPoints and you can start
   earning rewards points with each purchase.
   Sign up and start redeeming today                                                 Plug in to better rewards.

Can you bury it?
Did you know that Nexans standard stocked neutral screen cable have a 3.2mm* sheath thickness
so that you can directly bury it?

That means Nexans neutral screen cables donʼt need additional mechanical protection!

If your job requires cable to be buried directly, ensure you have:

√   Neutral Screen cable design                                         Neutral Screen        UN

√   Made to cable standard AS/NZS 4961:2003
√   Outer sheath has a minimum average thickness of 3.2mm
√   Sheath has clear label marking “UNDERGROUND”                                                 3.2mm Thickness

You cannot bury directly if you have:

X Standard neutral screen cable design with 1.8mm minimum average sheath thickness
X All other low voltage cable designs made to AS/NZS 5000.1:2005 and AS/NZS 5000.2:2006

* 1.8mm also available in some sizes on request

0508 NEXANS -

                                                                     FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 15

          Tradie’s Best Mate

                 YOUR TIME AND MONEY

Introducing a new cable trolley innovation that will
revolutionise cable installation.

Nexans understands there’s a need to simplify cable handling and installation, so we’ve
constructed “traide’s best mate” - The EASYSPOOLTM.

EASYSPOOLTM has been designed and constructed in accordance with the relevant AS/NZS
standards for materials, fasteners and assembly - ensuring strength and safety with a
maximum load of 150kg, enabling up to 6 cable spools.

Get your job done quicker with EASYSPOOLTM!

         Easy to                 Easy to                  Easy to                      Easy to
         load                    manage                   move                         reel
         Up to 25kg per arm      Eliminates the need to   Truck - jobsite - truck      Acts as an A-frame for
                                 carry spools                                          wiring

                         Easy to                   Removable                  3 Wheels
                         store                      toolbox                   accessory

                                                  Stock is limited, enquire at your local Redpaths branch today.

                                                                                    FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 17

  Amazing Gadgets
  to Help you Work Smarter, Not Harder
  Work smarter. Working hard is a virtue, but it shouldn’t take over your life. With these
  gadgets on your desk, you should be able to leave the office earlier than expected.

                                              MEMO ON THE GO
                                              AT THE SNAP ON YOUR WRIST
                                              Wemo Wearable Memo Band
                                              Write notes on your hand with the Wemo            and each
                                              Wearable Memo Band. Just wear this slap           colour features
                                              bracelet-style notepad and always have a          a different
                                              portable memo (literally) on you. The wearable    background
                                              memo band is also reusable, allowing you          design. The
                                              to write your notes using a permanent pen.        beige band
                                              However, it only works with an oil-based pens     has grid dots and rulers while
                                              meaning you can’t write on it with a pencil or    the blue has lines. Likewise, the green band has
                                              water-based pens. To remove the ink, just use     white grid dots, and the white one is plain with a
                                              a regular eraser. Wemo comes in four colours,     ruler along one side.

    Pro-Grade Thermal Camera for Smartphones
    The FLIR ONE Pro helps you find invisible           revolutionary FLIR VividIR™ image processing.
    problems faster than ever, whether you're           Measure temperatures more than 3x higher than
    inspecting electrical panels, troubleshooting       any FLIR ONE model—up to 400°C (752°F)—
    mechanical systems, looking for HVAC                with a sensitivity that detects temperature
    problems, or finding water damage. This FLIR        differences down to 70 mK. Packed with
    ONE Pro-Series camera offers 4x the native          powerful measurement tools, the FLIR ONE Pro
    resolution of the FLIR ONE Pro LT, for sharper      will work as hard as you do.
    image clarity that's further enhanced by the

                                              TOASTY WARM EXTREMITIES
                                              HAVE YOUR SHOES & GLOVES PRE-WARMED
                                              DryGuy Forced Air Boot Dryer
                                              No one likes wet boots and gloves. Get this       Heats to 40.5-degrees C; safe
                                              forced air dryer that works on boots up to 16"    for liners, clothes, and boots;
                                              tall, gloves, and garments.                       includes two removable
                                              Forced-air boot, glove, and garment dryer works   extension tubes for use with
                                              on four garments simultaneously.                  boots up to 16 inches tall
                                              Includes two removable extension tubes for use    Helps eliminate odours and
                                              with boots up to 16 inches tall; whisper-quiet    reduce the growth of bacteria
                                              rotary blower; 3 hour timer; heat or no-heat      and mould; dries most clothes in
                                              switch.                                           1-2 hours.


                 TickTick isn't as popular
                 as other to-do list apps.
                 However, it may be
  the best one. It covers the basics
  like recurring tasks, reminders, push
  notifications, various organizational
  features, and categories. The app
  also lets you share tasks and entire
  categories with other people. This
  makes it great for family use, small
  teams at work, or other such groups.
  It's also great for stuff like grocery lists.
  TickTick strikes that perfect balance of
  functional while still being easy to use
  and all of its most important features
  are free.

                      UBER EATS
                   Food Delivery
                   With Uber Eats,
                   ordering food is simple
      — especially if you’ve used Uber
      before. Browse the menu of available
      restaurants to order from and pay
      straight through the app by linking
      your credit or debit card. You’ll then
      be given an estimated delivery time
      and you can track the location of
      your order in real time.

                  Ride Local
                  Locally owned and
                  operated. Giving
   drivers a fair wage, without
   passing the buck. Order an
   affordable ride at the tap of a
   button with Zoomy, NZ’s own
   ride-sharing app. Request a ride
   and get picked up by a nearby
   friendly driver within minutes.
   Simply open the app, select
   where you want to go, and then
   watch as a nearby driver arrives
   to pick you up.

                                                  FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 19

   WO R K

    TIP 5:
          ING SM

            Be info ted
             tax  - re
                              BETTER OR
              a n g  e

                          AND COMPARE THE LATEST BEVY OF PRODUCTS.
                                   THIS ISSUE: SCREWDRIVERS.





TOM BATTY                                  ROGER HOWIE                               GARY STAPLEY
      YEARS IN THE GAME: 12                      YEARS IN THE GAME: A Lot (51 years)      YEARS IN THE GAME: 43
      BEST THING                                 BEST THING                               BEST THING ABOUT THE JOB:
      ABOUT THE JOB:                             ABOUT THE JOB:                           Never a week where you don't learn
      Getting paid                               Different people you                     anything
      WORST THING                                meet along the way,                      WORST THING
      ABOUT THE JOB:                             job satisfaction                         ABOUT THE JOB:
      Not getting paid/                          when it is finished,                     Company politics
      chasing invoices                           also calling into
                                                 Redpaths for                             HOBBIES:
      HOBBIES:                                   a coffee                                 Flying, fishing
      Football, cricket                                                                   FAVOURITE
                                                 WORST THING
      FAVOURITE QUOTE:                           ABOUT THE JOB:                           QUOTE:
      "Tony said I could"                        Invoicing and getting                    If it's not broken,
                                                 them paid and clients                    don't touch it!
                                                 you will never please
                                                 Bit of golf, classic and
                                                 vintage cars
                                                 FAVOURITE QUOTE:
                                                 Yes you can

      SLIGHTLY LARGER THAN                       SHAFT LENGTH ARE ALL                     SLIMMEST DESIGN.
      THE OTHER TWO.                             THE SAME, SO IT IS THE                   Easy to fit back into tool belt.
      Nice to use, good feel in the              HANDLE THAT MAKES                        Easiest to spin in hand.
      hand.                                      THE DIFFERENCE.
      Round end to the handle making this        All good for those small
      screwdriver average - poor for chisel      connectors etc.
      use.                                       Good long handle which makes it
                                                 easier to use. Have used this make for
                                                 many years and find them very good.

      RATING: 8/10                               RATING: 9/10                     TOP     RATING: 9/10                     TOP
                                                                                  PICK                                     PICK

      NARROW, SLIMLINE                           TWO TONE HANDLE                          HANDLE GETS DIRTY VERY
      SHAFT.                                     WHICH IS DIFFERENT.                      EASILY.
      I didn't like the plastic feel of          Good looking screwdriver but             Don't like the grip on the handle.
      the handle.                                handle is too short.                     Slim insulation for getting into deep
      Slim shaft fits in most terminals.                                                  terminals.

      RATING: 7/10                               RATING: 7/10                             RATING: 6/10

      NICE FEEL TO THE                           VERY PLAIN LOOKING                       BRIGHT ORANGE.
      HANDLE AND SLIGHTLY                        SCREWDRIVER.                             Easy to grip for tightening.
      THICKER INSULATION ON                      Handle is the shortest of the            Has hole for extra tightening or storage
      THE SHAFT.                                 three, which makes it harder to          on shadow board. Widest handle end.
      Easy to use and nice feel in the
      Flat top to the handle helps when using
      the screwdriver as a chisel

      RATING: 9/10                     TOP                                                RATING: 8/10
                                       PICK      RATING: 6/10


                                                                                              FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 21


              ith Jamie and Steve locked in what seems to be a never ending game of one-
              upmanship it seemed obvious that there was only one way to settle it – Sumo Suits.
              Leading up to the battle the boys were talking a fair bit of smack but once the suits
              went on so did their game faces.
After what could only be described as a pathetic excuse for a warm up they were into it. A short
struggle later and Round 1 had gone to Jamie with his rarely seen before athletic power coming to
the fore.
Round 2 saw the more nimble Steve get off the line first and send a napping Jamie crashing to the
floor. Laughter followed as Jamie proceeded to contaminate his suit and couldn’t get back up!
Neither of them could take it seriously anymore and the winner of Round 3 ended up being a cold
beer at the pub!
With a clear champion not being crowned another challenge will have to be set. Stay tuned for the
next episode of Jamie vs Steve….
Special thanks to our friends down at Snap Fitness for the use of their facilities.

By Hayden Watkins

                                                                       FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 23

     Electric vehicle charging solutions

The EVlink range complies with Worksafe NZ guidelines

                                   EVlink Wallbox – for home owners
EVlink Wallbox and Smart Wallbox   Extensive choice
                                   > Rated charging power: 7.4 (1-phase) or 22.1 kW (3-phase)
                                   > T2 socket outlet (with or without shutter) or attached cable
                                      (with T1 or T2 connector)
                                   > Heavy duty socket outlet with silver plated contacts avoiding overheating
                                   > Highly robust to mechanical impact: IK10
                                   > Suitable for outdoor use: IP54 (dust + splashing water)
                                   Easy to use and install
                                   > “Plug and charge“ with one-touch stop/restart
                                   > Key lock for charging access
                                   > Easy wiring
                                   > Wall-mounted or floor-standing (with optional pedestal accessory)
                                   Energy management
                                   > Delayed charging locally controlled by a wired contact to postpone charging
                                      to off-peak hours
                                   > Temporary current limitation to a set value, controlled by a wired contact, to
                                      reduce the overall facility consumption and reduce the risk of power outage

                                   EVlink Smart Wallbox – for apartment complex and
                                   All the features of EVlink Wallbox, plus:
                                   > Maximum charging current can be adjusted from 8 A to 32 A
                                   > Optional RFID for access management
                                   > Parameters setting through a web server embedded in the charging station
                                   Energy management
EVlink Parking                     > Delayed charging and current limitation can also be controlled by the
                                      supervision (over OCPP) or by the building management system (over Modbus)
                                   Versatile connection to a supervision system or BMS
                                   > Wired Ethernet: 3 ports
                                   > Wi-Fi module as an accessory
                                   > GPRS/3G modem as an accessory
                                   > OCPP 1.5 or OCPP 1.6 interface

                                   EVlink Parking – for commercial applications
                                   All the features of EVlink Smart Wallbox, plus:
                                   > Multiple configurations: user identification via RFID, one or two sockets
                                       outlets, floor-standing or wall-mounted
                                   > Electrical protection devices can be installed in an external cabinet or in the
                                       parking station floor base
                                   > Cables, RFID badges, cable holder, modem, etc.
                                   Spare parts offer
                                   > Floor base, wall base, socket outlet, caps, flap, etc.
                                   Versatile connection to a supervision system or BMS
                                   > Wired Ethernet: 3 ports
                                   > GPRS/3G modem as an accessory
                                   > OCPP 1.5 or OCPP 1.6 interface

For more information visit

                                                                 FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 25

The Warehouse Group
enhances commitment to sustainability with EV Chargers

                                                                                                  Schneider Electric EVlink Parking Charging
                                                                                                  Stations, which feature two Type 2 charging
                                                                                                  sockets, providing 22.1 kW of power.
                                                                                                     Greg Nelson says they chose to install
                                                                                                  the chargers at The Warehouse stores
                                                                                                  (as opposed to the Group’s Warehouse
                                                                                                  Stationery or Noel Leeming sites) as they
                                                                                                  have the most foot traffic, but selected stores
                                                                                                  outside main centres where no chargers were
                                                                                                  in place at the time, such as Invercargill,
                                                                                                  Gore, Oamaru, New Plymouth and
                                                                                                     The final electric vehicle charging station
                                                                                                  was installed in July 2018, and Nelson

                 a time when consumers            sustainability across the business, with a      says the feedback from customers has
                 are becoming more eco-           key strategy being to support customers         been overwhelmingly positive, with just
                 conscious and increasingly       to be sustainable too. He says they saw the     occasional queries about cables, which are
aware of companies with a sustainable             chargers as an opportunity to encourage         not supplied. “People need to bring their
ethos, The Warehouse Group has looked             shoppers to consider an electric vehicle. “We   own cables, as regulation specifies how the
to the future and installed Electric Vehicle      knew the potential for EVs, [but] we didn’t     chargers are to be provided and we’re in line
charging stations (EVCs) from Schneider           know how many of our customers would            with those standards.”
Electric at 24 of its store locations across      actually adopt them. The charging network
New Zealand.                                      was ready to put chargers out there to make
    The company first identified the              customers realise ‘Okay, I can charge up
growth potential in the electric vehicle          if I’m out and about, so having an EV isn’t
(EV) market in New Zealand nearly two             going to be a hindrance’.”
years ago, installing two EVCs at its head            After assessing the various options
office in Auckland so it could assess their       available, The Warehouse Group’s Energy
capabilities. The trial was so successful that    Efficiency Engineer recommended the
it subsequently committed to offering EV          Schneider Electric EVlink Parking product
chargers at 24 of its stores, the last of which   – also a natural fit for the company as
was installed in July this year.                  Schneider Electric is already a major               He says they have been exceptionally
                                                  supplier of electrical equipment across The     pleased with the chargers’ performance and
                                                  Warehouse Group.                                if anything, were surprised by the consumer
                                                                                                  readiness to adopt electric vehicles. “We
                                                                                                  started in Gore and Invercargill because
                                                                                                  we assumed we would install chargers
                                                                                                  there to encourage people to think about
                                                                                                  purchasing an electric vehicle, however we
                                                                                                  were very surprised. What we discovered
                                                                                                  when installing them was that one of our
                                                                                                  team members in Invercargill had an EV and
                                                                                                  when we did the launch, we had three other
                                                                                                  EV owners attend as well.
   Former head of Environmental Initiatives         With Energy Efficiency and Conservation           “We had no idea what the numbers were
at The Warehouse Group, Greg Nelson,              Authority funding towards 20 chargers,          going to be, and it’s disproved our original
says the company has a commitment to              The Warehouse Group began rolling out the       assumptions, but in a good way.”

 Schneider Electric EVlink Parking chargers are at The Warehouse stores in: Bell Block (New Plymouth), Blenheim,
 Cambridge, Dunedin, Gisborne, Gore, Hastings, Hawera, Invercargill, Masterton, Motueka, Napier, Oamaru, Petone,
 Rangiora, Rolleston, Royal Oak (Auckland), Snells Beach, Taupo, Tauranga, Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti, Timaru, Whangarei.
 Note: Worksafe NZ has produced guidelines for safe electric vehicle charging in public spaces.

How to order Schneider Electric EV chargers

       Use the below table to help you find the right Schneider Electric EV charger to suit your customer.

                                                                                                                              EV charging station
                               Model            Installation    Connection   Power       Cable         Connector
                                                                                                                         with Keylock     with RFID

                                                                                                       Type 1            EVH2S7P0AK
                                                                                         with cable
                                                                1-phase      7.4kW                     Type 2            EVH2S7P0CK       -

                                                                                         with socket   -                 EVH2S7P04K
                                                                                         with cable    Type 2            EVH2S11P0CK
                                                Wall-mounted.                            with socket   -                 EVH2S11P04K
                                                For floor-      3-phase                                                                   -
                                                                                         with cable    Type 2            EVH2S22P0CK
                                                standing, use
                                                                                         with socket   -                 EVH2S22P04K
                                                mounting pole                                          Type 1            EVB1A7PAKI       EVB1A7PARI
                                                                                         with cable
                                                                1-phase      7.4kW                     Type 2            EVB1A7PCKI       EVB1A7PARI
                                                                                         with socket   -                 EVB1A22P4KI      EVB1A22P4RI
                               Smart Wallbox
                                                                                         with cable    Type 2            EVB1A22PCKI      EVB1A22PCRI
                                                                3-phase      22.1kW
                                                                                         with socket   -                 EVB1A22P4KI      EVB1A22P4RI

                               Model/                                                                                   EV charging station
                                                Connection         Power             No. of sockets
                                                                                                           standard                with RFID
                                                1-phase            7.4kW             1                     EVF2S7P04               EVF2S7P04R
                               EVlink Parking
                               Floor-standing   3-phase            22.1kW            1                     EVF2S22P04              EVF2S22P04R

                                                1-phase            7.4kW             1                     EVW2S7P04               EVW2S7P04R
                               EVlink Parking
                               Wall-mounted     3-phase            22.1kW            1                     EVW2S22P04              EVW2S22P04R

                              For cable options Look at our website or n the Schneider Electric NZ catalogue.

28979 Redpaths Ad_V2.indd 1                                                                                                                    14/01/19 11:13 AM

                                                                                               FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 27

           Inspire your customers
           with a personal wireless
           lighting system
           Turn your customers on to Philips Hue. It’s the personal wireless system that transforms
           everyday lighting into an extraordinary experience. Your customers can use Hue to wake them
           up. Welcome them home. Get energised. Improve their mood or enhance their entertainment
           experience. It can even keep them informed about the weather or incoming calls.

           The possibilities are endless. And you’ll find all you need at your local Redpaths branch.

           Philips Hue Lamps, choose from:                                   Philips Hue LightStrips and 1m extension
           • Hue White & Colour Ambiance Lamps - 16 million colours plus     Easy to shape, bend and cut to size
             all shades of white from warm to cold colour temperatures
           • Hue White Lamps - High quality dimmable white light

           Philips Hue Tap Switch                 Philips Hue Bridge                      Philips Hue Dimmer Switch
           Recall favourite Philips Hue           Add up to 50 Hue lights and extend      Dim your Philips Hue lights without
           scenes - no batteries required         with accessories                        needing your smart device. Place it
                                                                                          anywhere or use as a remote control

MAXCAB Circular TPS Multicore Cables
MAXCAB MC range of Circular TPS and Circular TPS SWA cables are manufactured for applications
where power, control, direct burial and outdoor use is required. SWA options are available in 0.6/1kV
and 450/750V. Made to AS/NZS 5000.1,2,3 the MC range has been third party tested and approved by
TÜV Australia.

¾ Cut to length - No Cutting Fees, No Minimum Order Quantity

¾ 3 core to 5 core 1.5mm² to 95mm² Power

¾ 2 core to 37 core 1.5mm² to 2.5mm² Control

¾ Unarmoured and Steel Wire Armoured (SWA)
  for mechanical protection                                                    NEW TO THE
¾ Suitable for direct burial or underground ducting                             MCN Series
                                                                         For specified applications requiring
¾ Flexible Class 5 Conductors for easy installation                         Control (No Earth) 450/750V
  10mm² and above (MCX Series)

¾ Made to AS/NZS 5000.1,2,3. Tested and approved by TÜV Australia

¾ Metre marked for better length control

¾ Now stocked MCX SWA sizes 10mm² to 95mm²


                                                                 FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 29

                                                           RAISING FUNDS DURING MOVEMBER
                                                           Every Movember, our community of Mo Bros and Mo
                                                           Sistas do what they do best. Growing Mo’s. Moving
                                                           throughout the month. Hosting Mo-ments.
                                                           Movember is the charity tackling prostate cancer,
                                                           testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.

In 2018 six Redpaths team members participated in
Movember rasing much needed donations for men's health
for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives.
Raising a total of $1255. Well done team!

                                                           STOP MEN DYING TOO YOUNG
                                                           The Movember Foundation is saving and improving
                                                           men’s lives through projects focused on prostate cancer,
                                                           testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
                                                           It only happens because of people like you.
                                                           It's never too late to donate, visit
                                                           redpaths to share your support.

Why you need Arc Fault Detection Device?
                                      The new wiring rules include requirements for protection against fire hazard due
                                      to arching faults. Once the new book is sighted in NZ regulations the following
                                      will need to be protected with AFDD*:
                                      • Locations with high risks of fire e.g. barns, woodworking shops
                                      • Historic buildings constructed of flammable materials
                                      • Socket-outlets in school dormitories
                                      • Locations containing irreplaceable items

                                      Although not sighted, AFDDs should also be considered for use in residential
                                      applications, especially older homes where the risk of arc faults are greater.

What does this mean for you?
It’s time to future proof and protect your customers from electrical fires
with Schneider Electric’s Arc Fault Detection Device (AFDD).                             N     1

What is an arc fault?                                                                        RCCB
An arc fault can be caused by cable or electrical contact damage, e.g.
pulled sockets, damages cables or loose connections in electrical fittings.
                                                                                         N     2

How does Schneider Electric’s AFDD work?
Our AFDD detects arc faults and disconnects power before the                   NEUTRAL
resulting heat starts a fire.                                                  LINK

Key features include:
• Protects against arc faults, short-circuit currents and overload currents
• Can be installed instead of an MCB
• Compatible with existing RCDs
                                                                                                           x      x
• Conforms to standard IEC 62606                                                             AFDD

*For exact wording around AFDD requirements please refer to AS/NZS 3000:2018
 NZ wiring rules once published.

                                                                                FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 31

                                     Smartwatches and whether they       at social media content and          Most Smartwatch screens
                                     are useful in any way other than    entertainment on our phones.         range between 38mm and
                                     as an expensive fitness tracker!    CONTINUOUS                           44mm wide, which is barely
                                     The initial generations of          COMMUNICATION                        big enough to comfortably read
                                     “Smartwatches”, from the highly         Communication is very            your notifications on, let alone
                                     successful Kickstarter campaign     important in any business. You       type out messages. Which is
                                     ‘Pebble’ to the Galaxy Gear have    need to communicate with your        why most of these devices offer
                                     come and gone – and paved the       employees so that you will all be    alternative methods of input,
                                     way for the current generation      on the same page when it comes       including canned responses,
                                     of Smartwatches that do much        to business operations. With a       dictation and handwriting
                                     more than just tell the time and    modern Smartwatch, many of           recognition.
                                     record movement and activity!       the features of a phone that are
                                         Smartwatches are growing in     business related can be carried
                                     popularity nowadays. Different      out. Making and taking calls,
   As is happens, the 'smart'        brands of these watches are         scheduling meetings and events
watch he used was real, but          now offered in the market like      using one of the smart assistants,
needed an adapter and a              Huawei wearables. They look         making and receiving texts,
whopping great receiver box in       like regular watches, but they      and even recording meetings
order to show grainy TV images       have so much to offer as they can   are now native to the features
below the digital time display. It   be synced with your smartphone      on many of the leading watches
cost about $1000 back then and       and act like its extension. Now     available. All without needing to
your TV action was presented in      that Smartwatches are actually      touch your smartphone.
an amazing ten shades of grey.       useful, we will look into the           This is also true when it
                                     various things they can actually    comes to your clients or business
                                     do that will help you become        colleagues. If you’re too busy or
                                     more productive and help you        you’re in a noisy place, you may
                                     work smarter.                       still miss messages or calls on
                                     REMOVING THE                        your smartphone, even if you
                                     DISTRACTION                         bring it along. Your smartwatch          It's best to set a quick reply
                                         The idea behind a good          will vibrate when you receive        that succinctly explains that
                                     Smartwatch is that it should in     these, notifying you when you        you've seen a message and will
                                     theory reduce the number of         are needed, and quickly filtering    respond later. You can use
                                     times in the day that you need      those that you can send over to      the default options, of course,
                                     to reach for your mobile phone.     voicemail.                           which are usually variants
                                     We all know that Smartphones,                                            of "Yes," "No" and "Can't talk
                                                                         QUICK                                now." They're impersonal,
                                     whilst very useful are a big        COMMUNICATION
   Almost 40 years later we are      distraction that doesn’t always                                          but adequate. You can create
in that reality, where ‘smart’                                               I mentioned that with            something more human, like
                                     necessarily help with our           Smartwatches you can send
gadgets can do way more than         productivity – Apple have just                                           "Hey, saw ur msg, will reply
those writers thought possible.                                          and receive texts, which is all      later" for Apple Watches. If
                                     released in iOS 12 their ‘Screen    well and good, but the user
For the last few years there         Time’ setting to review the                                              you can't use your hands,
has been the debate around                                               experience could be improved.        reading out your reply is a good
                                     amount of time we are looking

alternative. Apple and Google's      convenience -- they can be           your progress.                      hardware. Monitoring and
voice recognition are accurate       helpful when you're traveling            While the number of steps       alerts from these devices
most of the time, although it        very light or have your hands        you’re meant to take to stay        without having to use your
does help if you have an English     full. You'll usually have to set     physically active differs from      mobile phone are a convenient
US or UK accent!                     a default card to use on your        person to person depending on       way to keep track of goings on
GET CONVENIENT                       watch, so make sure to pick          your goals, a good starting point   at home or your office. Smart
TRAVEL INFORMATION                   your primary account. Millions       is around 10,000.                   home apps like Nest (Apple
    For many business people         of stores accept Apple Pay, and      WORKOUT REMINDERS                   and Android) and Philips Hue
travel is part of their daily        many also take Android Pay and                                           (Apple only) are musts for those
routine. You may need to travel      Samsung Pay via NFC terminals.                                           who own appliances from those
to attend seminars and business      Fitbit Pay is accepted in most of                                        companies, and you can also
conferences. Other reasons           the same places as Mastercard                                            control your Philips Hue lights
might be to meet with new            contactless payments. You can                                            on Android Wear via the Google
clients or business associates, as   use Samsung's Smart Watch                                                Assistant.
well as to look for suppliers for    at stores that accept only                                               KEEPING NOTE
your business.                       traditional magnetic swipe
    Whatever the reason may          transactions (MST), which are
be, smartwatches could make          more common than NFC-
it more convenient. You could        compatible locations.                    Sometimes we just need
easily find information about        MUSIC AND MOVEMENT                   that extra nudge to get us off
available flights and even make          Most newer Smartwatches          the couch and to the gym. And
a reservation or purchase a          can stream music to Bluetooth        the workout reminders that a
ticket from your watch. It’s also    headphones, making it easier to      Smartwatch can provide do
possible to pull out the QR code     go on a run or a quick errand        exactly that.
of your boarding pass in the         without your phone. You                  This will help your workout
airport and present it directly on   should save your playlist on         routine become a habit,
the scanners. Frequent travellers    your watch in advance so you         especially since you’re being
should look for airline apps such    can listen without an internet       reminded to exercise directly
as the Air New Zealand App --        connection, as this will prevent     from your wrist. And it makes it
having your ticket on your wrist     battery drain. For Apple Watch,      harder to dismiss and ignore it
means one less thing to keep         Android Wear and Samsung             than a smartphone.
an eye on in the chaos that is       Gear, you can sync playlists via     TRACKING YOUR SLEEP
airport security.                    the Apple Music, Play Music              Having a restful sleep after
    You can make hotel               and Spotify apps, respectively,      a tough workout is mandatory.
reservations using a smartwatch.     while Fitbit requires a more         And the best way to track               You'll appreciate note-
If you’re in a new city, it can      tedious setup involving either a     your sleeping hours is with a       keeping options like Evernote
make finding destinations easy,      Pandora Premium account or a         Smartwatch.                         and Todoist for Apple Watch
using step by step guidance          connection to your laptop.               Just touch a button in the      and Android Wear. Bear is a
directly on your wrist.              FITNESS                              morning and your sleeping data      good note-keeping app for the
CONVENIENT                               Ok... Fitness needs to be        is automatically displayed in       Apple Watch, too.
                                     covered too as it’s a big part of    charts and graphs for you.              If you're feeling a little more
                                     using a Smartwatch and has                                               adventurous, you can use IFTTT
    One other thing that can                                              SMART HOME/OFFICE
                                     been proven to improve your                                              to create custom recipes that
help with productivity is the                                             REMOTE CONTROL
                                     concentration and decision                                               automate how your gadgets
                                                                              If you've bought a              behave. Set your lights to turn
                                     making in business.                  Smartwatch, chances are you've      off when your Smartwatch leaves
                                     TRACKING YOUR STEPS                  also invested in connected          your WiFi network, or create an
                                         One way to ensure that you’re    devices at home. Some of these      alert for when you've left your
                                     remaining active is to walk a lot.   can be controlled from your         phone's Bluetooth range. IFTTT
                                     Most Smartwatches have built-in      Smartwatch and work in with         works well with Android Wear,
                                     pedometers that can count your       home security cameras such          but it also offers the Do Button
                                     steps, allowing you to track         as the Ring or Arlo brands of       app for both Google and Apple
                                                                                                              devices to build tasks that run
                                                                                                              when you push a button on your
                                                                                                                  Smartwatches may still
                                                                                                              not be as popularly used as
setup of mobile payments.
                                                                                                              smartphones. However, with
Whether it's Apple Pay, Android
                                                                                                              their several benefits, they
Pay, Samsung Pay, Fitbit Pay
                                                                                                              are worthwhile to consider,
or Garmin Pay, contactless
                                                                                                              especially if you’re in business.
payments aren't just a trivial

                                                                                          FEBRUARY-MARCH 2019 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 33
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