Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News

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Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
M A RC H 18 - M A RC H 24, 2020 • VO L. 21 • No. 12                   WASHINGTON HEIGHTS • INWOOD • HARLEM • EAST HARLEM

                      NOW EVERY WEDNES DAY
                       TODOS LOS MIERCOLES

                                                                                                                                    unidos podemos

                                                                                        uptown united'
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
NYC: STOP THE SPREAD                                                                                       NYC: ¡DETÉN LA PROPAGACIÓN
               OF CORONAVIRUS!                                                                                                 DEL CORONAVIRUS!
       New Yorkers working together can slow the spread                                                                  El trabajo conjunto de los neoyorquinos puede frenar la propagación
         of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in New York City.                                                                            del coronavirus (COVID-19) en la ciudad de Nueva York.

          PROTECT YOURSELF                                                       STAY HOME IF SICK
                                                                                                                              PROTÉGETE A TI MISMO                                          QUÉDATE EN CASA SI
             AND OTHERS                                                                                                          Y A LOS DEMÁS                                               ESTÁS ENFERMO

    • Wash your hands with soap                                          • Stay home and call your                       • Lávate las manos a menudo con                               • Quédate en casa y llama al
      and water often.                                                     doctor if you have symptoms                     agua y jabón.                                                 médico si presentas síntomas
                                                                                                                         • Cúbrete la nariz y la boca con un                             como tos, dificultad para
    • Cover your nose and mouth                                            like coughing, shortness of                                                                                   respirar o dolor de garganta.
                                                                                                                           pañuelo desechable o con la
      with a tissue or sleeve when                                         breath, fever, sore throat.                     manga de tu camisa al toser o                               • Si no te sientes mejor en 24 a
      sneezing or coughing.                                              • If you do not feel better in                    estornudar.                                                   48 horas, busca la atención de
    • Do not touch your face with                                          24-48 hours, seek care from                   • No te toques la cara con las                                  tu médico.
      unwashed hands.                                                      your doctor.                                    manos sucias.                                               • Si necesitas ayuda para buscar
                                                                         • If you need help getting                      • No te des la mano. En su lugar,                               atención médica, llama al 311.
    • Do not shake hands. Instead
                                                                           medical care, call 311.                         haz un gesto de saludo o un                                 • NYC proporcionará cuidados sin
      wave or elbow bump.                                                                                                  choque de codos.                                              importar tu estado migratorio o
    • Monitor your health more                                           • NYC will provide care                         • Vigila tu salud más de cerca de                               tu capacidad de pago.
      closely than usual for cold or                                       regardless of immigration                       lo habitual para detectar
      flu symptoms.                                                        status or ability to pay.                       síntomas de resfriado o gripe.

             PROTECT THE                                                              REDUCE                               PROTEGE A LAS PERSONAS                                              REDUCE LAS
           MOST VULNERABLE                                                         OVERCROWDING                               MÁS VULNERABLES                                                AGLOMERACIONES

    • If you have chronic                                                • Consider telecommuting.                       • Evita las reuniones y eventos                               • Considera el trabajo a distancia.
      conditions like lung disease,                                                                                        innecesarios si tienes una                                  • Escalona las horas de trabajo,
                                                                         • Stagger work hours, starting                    condición crónica como una
      heart disease, diabetes,                                                                                                                                                           comenzando más temprano o
                                                                           earlier or later.                               enfermedad del pulmón, una                                    más tarde.
      cancer or a weakened                                               • Walk or bike to work,                           enfermedad del corazón,
      immune system, avoid                                                                                                 diabetes, cáncer o un sistema                               • Camina o ve a trabajar en
                                                                           if possible.                                                                                                  bicicleta, si es posible.
      unnecessary gatherings                                                                                               inmunológico débil.
      and events.                                                        • If the train is too packed,                   • Si alguno de tus familiares o                               • Si el tren está abarrotado,
                                                                           wait for the next one.                          amigos tiene alguna de estas                                  espera el próximo.
    • If you have family or friends
                                                                                                                           condiciones, no los visites si te
      who have one of these                                                                                                sientes enfermo.
      conditions, do not visit them
      if you feel sick.

    Text COVID to 692-692 for real-time updates or visit nyc.gov/coronavirus.
                                                                                                     Bill de Blasio      Para actualizaciones en tiempo real visita nyc.gov/coronavirus.                            Bill de Blasio
    Call 311 to report harassment or discrimination.                                                 Mayor
                                                                                                                         Llama al 311 para denunciar acoso o discriminación.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Oxiris Barbot, MD
                                                                                                     Oxiris Barbot, MD
    *Messages and data rates may apply. Check your wireless provider plan for details.               Commissioner                                                                                                   Comisionada

2                                                                                 MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
and exhibits. It also garnered high marks

                                                                                                                                                         from the likes of American Express, who
                                                                                                                                                         spotlighted the pharmacy as part of its
                                                                                                                                                         “Small Business Saturday” campaign with
                                                                                                                                                         a lively commercial featuring Lin-Manuel
                                                                                                                                                            “We need a place where we can hang out
                                                                                                                                                         and connect,” said Ramírez at the time. “It’s
                                                                                                                                                         part of a healthy community.”
                                                                                                                                                            And now, as businesses throughout
                                                                                                                                                         Northern Manhattan slow down due to
                                                                                                                                                         COVID-19, Dichter Pharmacy is again
                                                                                                                                                         charging forward.
                                                                                                                                                            It’s maintained a steady business filling
                                                                                                                                                         prescriptions and selling health-related
                                                                                                                                                         items during the city’s state of emergency,
                                                                                                                                                         said Ramírez.
                                                                                                                                                            “People are anxious to get routine
                                                                                                                                                         prescriptions filled maybe a little earlier
                                                                                                                                                         than they would, since they’re not sure how
                                                                                                                                                         much longer they’ll be able to go out, or
                                                                                                                                                         they’re afraid that medicine will run out,”
                                                                                                                                                         he explained.
                                       The original building, shown here in 1928.                                                                           In early March, customers were pouring
                                       Photo: 207th Street and Broadway in 1928 | NYHS                   “I would only close if I was forced             in to stock up on hand sanitizer and other
                                       myinwood.net                                                      to,” said pharmacist Manny Ramírez.             germ-killing items.
                                                                                                                                                            “People wanted rubbing alcohol, Lysol,
 By Gregg McQueen and Debralee Santos                  And what arose from the debris and ash was        He attended Good Shepherd School,               bleach wipes,” said Ramírez. “We were all
                                                    a wholly distinct commercial corridor. Gone        belonged to Boy Scout Troupe 728 and              cleaned out. Now, it’s hard to find a store

F     rom ashes to pastries.
        Now what?
                                                    were the mom-and-pop shops embedded in
                                                    the building of nearly a century’s age.
                                                       Save for one – found just a few storefronts
                                                                                                       went to Bronx Science High School. After
                                                                                                       pharmacy school, he returned to Dichter and
                                                                                                       eventually took over the business.
                                                                                                         It was he who re-envisioned the pharmacy
                                                                                                                                                         with those items in stock.”
                                                                                                                                                            As for where to find hand sanitizer
                                                                                                                                                         in Inwood – or anywhere – these days,
   After firefighters cleared the corner of                                                                                                              “your guess is as good as mine,” Ramírez
Broadway and West 207th Street on January              Dichter’s Pharmacy, founded in Inwood a         as its new location in 2013 after the fire as a   remarked.
4th, 2012, there was little left of the building    century ago, was reborn with Manny Ramírez         community hub, complete with soda shoppe             With a statewide order limiting city
that had once housed a hardware store, a            at its helm.                                       that served egg creams, veggie wraps,             eateries to takeout and delivery orders only,
flower shop, law offices and a pharmacy.               Ramírez, who’d started working at the           and ice cream. The innovative expansion           Dichter Pharmacy has closed off the seating
   What little remained standing was torn           pharmacy at the age of 14, always knew what        earned him accolades from residents and
                                                    he wanted to be – and where.                       local artists, who organized poetry slams                               See RESISTANCE p16

 Ramírez reabrió la tienda en 2013.

 Receta de Resistencia
  Por Gregg McQueen y Debralee Santos               tiendas familiares integradas en el edificio de
                                                    casi un siglo de antigüedad.

D    e cenizas a los dulces.
         ¿Ahora qué?
                                                       Excepto por una, encontrada a solo unos
                                                    pocos escaparates.
                                                       La Farmacia Dichter, fundada en Inwood
   Después de que los bomberos despejaron           hace un siglo, renació con Manny Ramírez a la
la esquina de Broadway y la calle 207 oeste el      cabeza.
4 de enero de 2012, quedaba poco del edificio          Ramírez, quien comenzó a trabajar en la
que alguna vez albergó una ferretería, una          farmacia a los 14 años, siempre supo lo que
floristería, oficinas de abogados y una farmacia.   quería ser, y dónde.
   Lo poco que quedó en pie fue derribado.             Asistió a la escuela Good Shepherd, formó
   Y lo que surgió de los escombros y               parte de la Tropa 728 de los Boy Scout y asistió
las cenizas fue un corredor comercial               a la Preparatoria Bronx Science. Después de
completamente distinto: atrás quedaron las                              Vea RESISTENCIA p16

                                                             MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                                                           3
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
Finding Farina
                                                                                                Soul food.

              By Yaddy Valerio               most of my childhood. Farina is my forever
                                             favorite. And Sundays are my favorite day

    F   arina is my childhood
                                             of the week.
                                                When I was a kid, Sundays meant no
                                             cooking, stay at home and relax. It was the
                                             original self-care of my childhood. My dad
  Beside the traditional Dominican           would order breakfast from a Dominican
breakfast of much heavier fare, I ate this   restaurant then located on Isham and 207.
                                             He would choose from mangú with the tres
    An original.
                                             golpes (eggs, cheese and salami) or bread
                                             with butter together with Dominican avena
                                             (oatmeal). We would just be chilling on
                                             those Sundays during the cold months, on
                                             windy or rainy days.
                                                I would eat farina on other days of the
                                                My mother would make it with whole
                                             milk (though I don’t drink
                                             that anymore), and she’d add                                 us, care-free. Of the privilege of         pastry cook, writer, and the founder of “In
                                             imported Dominican vanilla                                   being able to do everyday things,          Yaddy’s Words,” a writing and literacy
                                             extract and pieces of fresh lime                             and, yes, of being grounded,               site that serves urban communities’
                                             peel to make it a li’l sour. She                             with little to no human contact.           storytelling through writing and literacy.
                                             would tell the kids to let it sit for                          I say, eat some farina or                Find out more at inyaddyswords.co.
                                             five minutes to cool off a bit and                           something that takes you back
                                             then we could start to eat from                              when you were present, when
                                             the outside in, spooning inwards from the         there was less noise.                                   Find Yaddy at:
                                             edges of the bowl. When I make it these             Stay grounded, listen and help one                    IG: Yaddyv_____
                                             days, sometimes I’ll add cinnamon to make         another during this time.                               Twitter: yaddyv_____
                                             it spicy.                                           I am learning that the purpose of life is             Facebook: Yaddy Valerio
                                                Today I’m home and I’m forced to stay          serving others.                                         Interested in making our own bowl of
                                             grounded.                                                                                               farina? Visit manhattantimesnews.com
                                                Farina takes me back to a time of stillness,     Yaddy Valerio is a Dominican American               for a recipe demonstration from Chef
                                             of less noise. It reminds me of just being        writer that resides in Inwood. She is a               Zee.

                                                                                                                 You may be eligible for the nicotine
                                                                                                                 patch & lozenge giveaway.

                                                                                                                    ENDS APRIL 1ST.

                                                                                                                 Quit smoking today.

                                                                                                                                 Bill de Blasio
                                                                                                                                 Oxiris Barbot, MD

4                                                    MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
“It’s hard to stay healthy                                                                           “We don’t have enough volunteers,” said NY Common
                                                                                                       Pantry Executive Director Stephen Grimaldi.

     when you can’t eat”
       Food pantry                                    “I depend on this food,” she said. “I depend
                                                   on this because it’s hard to get meals for
                                                   financial reasons. It’s hard to stay healthy
    faces coronavirus                              when you can’t eat.”
                                                      LaRose is one of about 400 clients that
        challenges                                 the NY Common Pantry serves daily, many
                                                   who visit the East 109th Street site to acquire
            By Gregg McQueen                       grocery bags filled with food.
                                                      As the spread of coronavirus has prompted

S    usan LaRose is a Common
                                                   a state of emergency in New York City, the
                                                   food pantry has been hit hard by cancellations
                                                   from volunteer workers that help distribute
                                                   food and meals.
  The East Harlem resident makes visits to            “We don’t have enough volunteers because
NY Common Pantry to supplement meals               of coronavirus. We’ve had 19 cancellations
for her and her two children.                                                                          locations over the next several weeks, said               The grocery boxes provided by
                                                   from volunteer groups in the past week,”            FreshDirect Chief Executive Officer David              FreshDirect included fresh produce, cereal,
                                                    explained NY Common Pantry Executive               McInerney.                                             beans, rice, and other meal staples.
The boxes included produce, cereal,                 Director Stephen Grimaldi, who said that
beans, rice, and other meal staples.                                                                      “We worked out a way for us to build the               “We’re committed to being here for
                                                    70 percent of the pantry’s labor hours are         food packages in our facility and then bring           several weeks,” McInerney said. “There’s a
                                                    performed by volunteer help.                       them here,” he said.                                   real need and as a grocery delivery business,
                                                       “When they dry up, we don’t have the               “There’s a lot of fear and uncertainty              we’re equipped to do something about it.”
                                                    staff to do it,” he said. “I wouldn’t be able      because of coronavirus. For some people,                  Grimaldi said the pantry’s participants are
                                                    to serve.”                                         it’s a concern about where it’s safe to eat,           allowed to visit every two weeks to acquire
                                                       In response to the shortage, online grocery     and where your next meal is coming from,”              take-home packages of food, designed to
                                                    company FreshDirect has agreed to donate           remarked McInerney, who resides in East                provide the equivalent of 12 meals per
                                                    thousands of ready-to-go food bags as well         Harlem. “This is my community, so I was                person.
                                                    as delivery trucks and employee volunteers         moved to help.”                                           “It’s a supplement. It’s not meant to be the
                                                    to help with the delivery and distribution of         On Thurs., March 12, FreshDirect                    only source of food, so we help people get
                                                    the food.                                          personnel were outside the pantry, handing             other resources. We screen them for SNAP
                                                       The assistance will be provided to NY           out the equivalent of over 14,000 meals.
                                                    Common Pantry’s East Harlem and Bronx                                                                                            See CORONAVIRUS 17

“Es difícil mantenerte saludable cuando no puedes comer”
   Despensa de                                                                                          El 70 por ciento de las horas de trabajo de la despensa
                                                                                                        se llevan a cabo a través de ayuda voluntaria.
                                                                                                                                                                                 frijoles, arroz y otros alimentos
alimentos enfrenta                                                                                                                                                                   “Estamos comprometidos
                                                                                                                                                                                 a estar aquí por varias
                                                                                                                                                                                 semanas”, dijo McInerney.
   desafíos por                                                                                                                                                                  “Existe una necesidad real
                                                                                                                                                                                 y, como empresa de entrega
    coronavirus                                                                                                                                                                  de comestibles, estamos
                                                                                                                                                                                 equipados para hacer algo al
            Por Gregg McQueen                                                                                                                                                    respecto”.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Grimaldi señaló que los

S   usan LaRose es fanática de                                                                                                                                                   participantes de la despensa
    Common.                                                                                                                                                                      pueden visitarla cada dos
                                                                                                                                                                                 semanas para adquirir
                                                                                                                                                                                 paquetes de comida para
   La residente de East Harlem visita la
                                                                                                                                                                                 llevar a casa, diseñados para
Despensa de Alimentos NY Common para
                                                                                                                                                                                 proporcionar el equivalente a
complementar las comidas para ella y sus dos                                                              La asistencia se proporcionará a las
                                                                                                                                                              12 comidas por persona.
hijos.                                                                                                 ubicaciones de East Harlem y Bronx de la
                                                                                                                                                                 “Es un suplemento. No está destinado a
   “Dependo de esta comida”, dijo. “Dependo                                                            Despensa de Alimentos NY Common durante
                                                                                                                                                              ser la única fuente de alimentos, por lo que
de ella porque es difícil obtener alimentos                                                            las próximas semanas, dijo el director general de
                                                                                                                                                              ayudamos a las personas a obtener otros
por razones financieras. Es difícil mantenerte     “Es difícil mantenerte saludable cuando             FreshDirect, David McInerney.
                                                                                                                                                              recursos. Los seleccionamos para los beneficios
saludable cuando no puedes comer”.                 no puedes comer”, dijo Susan LaRose.                   “Encontramos una manera de construir los
                                                                                                                                                              de SNAP y una serie de otras cosas para las
   LaRose es una de los aproximadamente                                                                paquetes de alimentos en nuestras instalaciones
                                                   grupos de voluntarios la semana pasada”, explicó                                                           que pueden ser elegibles”, dijo Grimaldi.
400 clientes a los que sirve la Despensa de                                                            y luego traerlos aquí”, dijo.
                                                   el director ejecutivo de la Despensa de Alimentos                                                             “Estos paquetes de comestibles ayudan a
Alimentos NY Common a diario, muchos de                                                                   “Hay mucho miedo e incertidumbre debido
                                                   NY Common, Stephen Grimaldi, explicando que                                                                las personas a llegar a fin de mes”, agregó. “Si
los cuales visitan el sitio de la calle 109 este                                                       al coronavirus. Para algunas personas, es una
                                                   el 70 por ciento de las horas de trabajo de la                                                             recibe SNAP, por lo general aproximadamente
para adquirir bolsas de supermercado llenas de                                                         preocupación acerca de dónde es seguro comer
                                                   despensa se lleva a cabo por voluntarios.                                                                  a las dos semanas se queda sin eso, entonces
alimentos.                                                                                             y de dónde vendrá su próxima comida”, comentó
                                                      “Cuando se agotan, no tenemos el personal                                                               esto hará que las personas pasen ese último
   Como la propagación del coronavirus                                                                 McInerney, quien reside en East Harlem. “Esta es
                                                   para hacerlo”, comentó. “Yo no podría servir”.                                                             momento”.
ha provocado un estado de emergencia en                                                                mi comunidad, por lo que me dispuse a ayudar”.
                                                      En respuesta a la escasez, la compañía de                                                                  Los destinatarios reciben paquetes de
la ciudad de Nueva York, la despensa de                                                                   El jueves 12 de marzo, el personal de
                                                   comestibles en línea FreshDirect acordó donar                                                              alimentos en cinco categorías de alimentos:
alimentos se ha visto muy afectada por las                                                             FreshDirect estuvo afuera de la despensa,
                                                   miles de bolsas de alimentos listas para llevar,                                                           proteínas, lácteos, granos, frutas y verduras, en
cancelaciones de los trabajadores voluntarios                                                          entregando el equivalente a más de 14,000
                                                   así como camiones de reparto y empleados                                                                   proporción al número de personas en el hogar.
que ayudan a distribuir alimentos y comidas.                                                           comidas.
                                                   voluntarios para ayudar con la entrega y la                                                                Las personas pueden preinscribirse con una
   “No tenemos suficientes voluntarios debido al                                                          Las cajas de comestibles proporcionadas por
coronavirus. Hemos tenido 19 cancelaciones de      distribución de los alimentos.                      FreshDirect incluyen productos frescos, cereales,                           Vea CORONAVIRUS p17

                                                            MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                                                                        5
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
Everyone deserves
          to be counted
      Amid COVID-19 crisis,
        the 2020 Census
       must be extended
               By Adriano Espaillat

T       aking place only once a
        decade, the Census is one of
    the most powerful tools in our                                                                       Todos merecemos
                                                                                                           ser contados
       It brings society together to ensure
    every municipality in the nation gets a
    fair allocation of political representation
    and federal funds. The Census determines
                                                                                                    Exponiendo los argumentos para extender
    everything from how New Yorkers are
    represented in Congress to money for NYC
                                                                                                      el Censo 2020 en medio del COVID-19
    schools, public housing, libraries, senior        Adriano de Jesús                                        Por Adriano Espaillat
    services, health care, counter-terrorism, and     Espaillat Cabral.
                                                                                                                                                          “Las circunstancias
    more.                                                                                              ealizándose solo una vez por
       The Census is not a partisan issue.            Americans nationwide.
                                                        The Census Bureau must adapt to ensure         década, el Censo es una de las                     actuales requieren
       The accuracy and resource allocation per
    the 2020 Census outcome will impact all           that all communities, particularly already
                                                      undercounted and minority communities,
                                                                                                   herramientas más poderosas en nuestra                     adaptación”.
    communities across the country for the next                                                    democracia.
    decade.                                           are fully counted. Hand and hand with
                                                      a full count is the need for                                                                   personas de la tercera edad, atención médica,
       Given the grave concern for public                                                                           Reúne a la sociedad para         lucha contra el terrorismo y más. El Censo no es
    health we have for our constituents and           accurate reporting of data, and                            garantizar que cada municipio de
                                                      the Census Bureau must ensure                                                                  un tema partidista.
    communities regarding the impacts                                                                            la nación obtenga una asignación       La precisión y la asignación de recursos según
    of coronavirus, I was proud to lead               that this undertaking is also                              justa de representación política
                                                      handled with the utmost care.                                                                  el resultado del Censo 2020 afectará a todas las
    several members and colleagues of the                                                                        y fondos federales. El Censo        comunidades en todo el país durante la próxima
    Congressional Hispanic Caucus in a letter           Under the provisions of                                  determina todo, desde cómo los
                                                      the U.S. Constitution, the                                                                     década.
    to the U.S. Census Director, calling for                                                                     neoyorquinos están representados       Dada la gran preocupación por la salud pública
    the 2020 Census to be extended up to              Census Bureau must deliver                                 en el Congreso hasta el dinero
                                                      apportionment counts to the                                                                    que tenemos por nuestros constituyentes y
    three months, in an effort to protect both                                                                  para las escuelas de Nueva York,     comunidades con respecto a los impactos del
    American citizens and the integrity of the                               See CENSUS p20        viviendas públicas, bibliotecas, servicios para   coronavirus, me enorgulleció liderar a varios de
    Census.                                                                                                                                          mis colegas del Caucus Hispano del Congreso
       The public health emergency impacting                                                                                                         en una carta al director del Censo de los EE.UU.,
    the country threatens the ability of the Census                                                                                                  pidiendo que se extienda el Censo 2020 por
    Bureau to safely and fully conduct the                                                                                                           tres meses, en un esfuerzo por proteger a los
    decennial census. We foresee that adhering                                                                                                       ciudadanos estadounidenses y la integridad del
    to the instructions and recommendations                                                                                                          Censo.
    of the Centers of Disease Control and                                                                                                               La emergencia de salud pública que afecta
    Prevention and U.S. Department of Health                                                                                                         al país amenaza la capacidad de la Oficina
    and Human Services to avoid direct contact                                                                                                       del Censo para realizar de manera segura y
    with symptomatic persons will limit the                                                                                                          completa el censo decenal. Prevemos que
    ability of Census enumerators to do their                                                                                                        cumplir con las instrucciones y recomendaciones
    job and will hamper the participation of                                                                                                         de los Centros de Control y Prevención de
                                                                                                                                                     Enfermedades y el Departamento de Salud y
    “Present circumstances                                                                                                                           Servicios Humanos de EE.UU. para evitar el
                                                                                                                                                     contacto directo con personas sintomáticas
     require adaptation.”                             Espaillat hosted a virtual town hall
                                                      on the virus earlier this month.
                                                                                                                                                     limitará la capacidad de los empadronadores del
                                                                                                                                                                                     Vea CENSO p20

                                                                                        editor@manhattantimesnews.com                                      5030 Broadway, Suite 807
                                                                                                                                                                New York, NY 10034
                                                                                                                                                                  T: 212-569-5800
           FOUNDERS/                             EDITOR                         PRODUCTION                           TRANSLATORS
           PUBLISHERS                          Debralee Santos                   Ramon Peralta                        Yamilla Miranda                             F: 212-544-9545
         Roberto Ramírez Sr.                                                      Erik Febrillet                       Verónica Cruz
                                           EDITORIAL STAFF                                                                                                                   MEMBER:
          Luís A. Miranda Jr.                Gregg McQueen                                                                                                              Chamber of Commerce of
                                                                             OFFICE MANAGER                                                                              Washington Heights and
                                              Adrian Cabreja                   Jennifer Saldaña                                                                                         Inwood

6                                                             MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
March 9 – March 14
                                                                                                 Uptown Love in the Time of Coronavirus                  The Bloviator-In-Chief continues to make
                                                                                                 No, not Tom Hanks. You know things are               matters worse. He’s rattling markets with nearly
                                                                                              bad when even Forrest Gump can’t outrun the             every utterance. This is not the time for ad-
                                                                                              pandemic. Life is like a coronavirus-tainted box        libbing. The federal government is not coming
                                                                                              of chocolates. And now, no more NBA. Say it             to save us. With that said, solidarity is the only
                                                                                              ain’t so. I’m not a Lakers fan but I was rooting        way forward.
                                                                                              for Bron Bron to bring home a chip this year               With the ground beneath our feet shifting
                                                                                              in honor of Kobe. But that may never happen             daily, we must not allow ourselves to succumb
                                                                                              now. But seriously folks, we are headed for             to apathy and non-action or worse hatred. We
                                                                                              unchartered territory. Tyrant Trump’s criminally        must continue to look out for one another and
                                                                                              negligent non-response to the COVID-19                  do the heavy lifting that community entails.
                                                                                              pandemic will have disastrous results. We will          We are stronger than this. What this scourge
                                                                                              reap the whirlwind. This is just the beginning.         underscores is how interconnected we all are.
                                                                                                 According to many experts, we are only a             We are only as strong as our weakest link.
                                                                                              few days away from where Italy is right now. In         This too shall pass, but let us remember that
                                                                                              the coming days, our hospital systems will be           elections have consequences and come this
                                                                                              overloaded and many of our most vulnerable              November we must speak with one voice and
                                                                                              will lose their lives. The pain will be broadly felt.   put an end to this national nightmare, or it might
                                                                                              This disaster in the making could have been             just be the end of the American Experiment.
                                                                                              somewhat mitigated with effective leadership.              Pa’Lante Siempre Pa’Lante!
                                                                                              Unfortunately, we no longer live in that world.
                                                                                              We used to be able to do this kind of stuff.               Keep checking us out at
                                                                                                 The Obama administration effectively                    www.uptowncollective.com.
                                                                                              handled several different outbreaks and
                                                                                              created a high-level Pandemic Response Unit                Led Black
                                                                                              within the National Security Council, which was            Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                              specifically designed to respond rapidly within            The Uptown Collective
                                                                                              the country as well to work in concert with                The UC’s mission is to become “the” definitive,
                                                                                              governments globally to contain the spread of           transformative and community-based force impacting
                                                                                              deadly contagions. This elite unit would have           the arts, culture, business and New York City’s overall
                                                                                              been crucial at this very moment, but instead it        perception of Upper Manhattan. Its objective is to reset,
                                                                                                                                                      reboot and positively redefine Uptown’s artistic, political,
                                                                                              was gutted by the Trump administration out of           cultural and business spheres via the online space as
                                                                                              sheer jealousy and spite.                               well the collective’s initiatives and functions.

  SUSPENSION OF ALTERNATE                                                                     SUSPENSIÓN DE REGLAMENTOS DE
  SIDE PARKING REGULATIONS                                                                    APARCAMIENTO LATERAL ALTERNO
                                                                                                La administración de Blasio anunció hoy               apelar al Departamento de Finanzas en
                                                                                             que las regulaciones de estacionamiento                  nyc.gov/finance y debe proporcionar
                                                                                             lateral alterno se suspenderán durante una               documentación médica o testimonio, que
                                                                                             semana a partir del miércoles 18 de marzo de             se tendrá en cuenta cuando se revise su
                                                                                             2020 hasta el martes 24 de marzo de 2020.                caso. Para cualquier pregunta adicional
                                                                                                La ciudad puede extender la                           llame al 311.
                                                                                             suspensión según la limpieza de la calle
                                                                                             y la disponibilidad de mano de obra.                      El pago en los parquímetros se
                                                                                             Cualquier neoyorquino bajo aislamiento                   mantendrá en vigor en toda la ciudad.
                                                                                             que haya recibido una multa puede                         Para más, por favor llame al 311.

   The de Blasio administration today          Department of Finance at nyc.gov/finance
announced that Alternate Side Parking          and should provide medical documentation
regulations will be suspended for one week     or testimony, which will be taken into
starting on Wed., March 18, 2020 through       consideration when their case is reviewed.
Tues., March 24, 2020.                         For any additional questions call 311.
   The city may extend the suspension
based on street cleanliness and workforce         Payment at parking meters will remain in
availability. Any New Yorker under isolation   effect throughout the city.
who has received a ticket can appeal to the       For more, please call 311.

                                                       MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                                                                             7
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
8   MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com   9
Uptown united' - Manhattan Times News
“An Undeniable Void”
        In Memoriam:                               the respect of countless individuals.
                                                      The impact of Tino's life and work
                                                   will be felt for generations. He leaves
       Tino Hernández                              behind a tremendous and proven legacy

                                                   in government and the human services
    t was recently announced that                  field. His humility and passion for service
    Tino Hernández, who held                       transformed the lives of many. His searing
 various positions in city and                     insight, wit and humor will be greatly
 state governments and in non-                        Tino served as President and Chief
 profit organizations, including                   Executive of Samaritan Daytop Village
 Samaritan Daytop Village, had                     from 2008-2018, previously having served
 passed away. The following                        as Vice President of Clinical Services at
                                                   the agency. He fulfilled a vision that paved
 note was written by Mitchell                      a way forward for Samaritan Daytop to
 Netburn, President of Samaritan                   be the place "Where Good Lives." Under
 Daytop Village, and members of                    his leadership, the agency expanded from
 Hernández’s family and friends.                   five to more than 50 locations, diversified
                                                   its portfolio and transformed into one of
                                                   New York State's largest health and human        Tino Hernández.
    Dear Friend,                                   service providers.
    It is with deep and profound sadness              Tino's honorable and distinguished            of Health and Mental Hygiene, Homeless             A memorial service is being planned.
 that we share the devastating news that           career in government transcended several         Services and Juvenile Justice, as well as the    We will share details with everyone once
 Tino Hernández, President Emeritus of             administrations, including those of Governors    Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education and     they are finalized.
 Samaritan Daytop Village, has passed              Mario and Andrew Cuomo and Mayors David          Human Services. He proudly held numerous
 away. His passing leaves                                  Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani, Michael          appointed positions, including serving as a
 behind an undeniable void.                                Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio. Tino       member of the Governor's Behavioral Health         Mitchell Netburn, President and Chief
    Tino was a compassionate                               was the second longest serving           Services Advisory Council. Just recently, he     Executive Officer, Samaritan Daytop
 friend, mentor and colleague                              Chairman of the New York City            was appointed to the NYC Board of Correction     Village
 to so many. He was a visionary                            Housing Authority, which capped off      and was Senior Advisor to Samaritan Daytop         Boards of Directors of Samaritan
 and pioneer. He was also a                                three decades of accomplishments in      Village.                                         Daytop Village and Samaritan Daytop
 masterful leader, strategist                              state and city government agencies,        We will be eternally grateful to Tino for      Foundation
 and policymaker who earned                        including the New York City Departments          his mentorship, counsel, friendship and love.      Lymaris Albors, wife, and his children

 "Un vacío innegable"

                                                                                                                                 Tino Hernández ocupó varios puestos
                                                                                                                                 de liderazgo en el gobierno.

                                                                                                    de muchos. Se echará mucho de menos su           municipales, incluidos los Departamentos
                                                                                                    penetrante visión, ingenio y humor.              de Salud e Higiene Mental de la ciudad de
                                                                                                       Tino se desempeñó como presidente             Nueva York, Servicios para Personas sin
                                                                                                    y director ejecutivo de Samaritan Daytop         Hogar y Justicia Juvenil, así como Oficina
                                                                                                    Village de 2008 a 2018, y anteriormente se       del vice alcalde de Educación y Servicios
  Mitchell Netburn; la comisionada de OASAS, Arlene González-
                                                                                                    desempeñó como vicepresidente de servicios       Humanos. Orgullosamente ocupó numerosos
  Sánchez; y Tino Hernández en el evento de inauguración
                                                                                                    clínicos en la agencia. Cumplió una visión que   puestos designados, incluyendo servir
  de Samaritan Daytop Village el 31 de mayo de 2018.
                                                                                                    allanó el camino para que Samaritan Daytop       como miembro del Consejo Asesor de
                                                                                                    fuera el lugar "Donde el bien vive". Bajo su     Servicios de Salud Mental del gobernador.
     En memoria de                                    Querido amigo,
                                                      Con honda y profunda tristeza compartimos     liderazgo, la agencia se expandió de cinco a     Recientemente, fue nombrado miembro de
                                                                                                    más de 50 ubicaciones, diversificó su cartera    la Junta de Correccionales de NYC y asesor
     Tino Hernández                                la devastadora noticia de la muerte de Tino
                                                   Hernández, presidente emérito de Samaritan       y se transformó en uno de los proveedores de
                                                                                                    servicios de salud y humanos más grandes del
                                                                                                                                                     senior de Samaritan Daytop Village.
                                                                                                                                                        Estaremos eternamente agradecidos con
                                                   Daytop Village. Su fallecimiento deja un vacío

R     ecientemente se anunció que Tino             innegable.                                       estado de Nueva York.                            Tino por su orientación, consejo, amistad
                                                       Tino fue un amigo compasivo, mentor             La honorable y distinguida carrera de         y amor. Se está planeando un funeral.
      Hernández, quien ocupó diversos                                                               Tino en el gobierno trascendió varias            Compartiremos detalles con todos una vez
 cargos en gobiernos municipales y                 y colega para muchos. Fue un visionario
                                                   y pionero. También fue un líder magistral,       administraciones, incluidas las de los           que estén finalizados.
 estatales y en organizaciones sin fines           estratega y formulador de políticas que se       gobernadores Mario y Andrew Cuomo y
 de lucro, incluyendo Samaritan Daytop             ganó el respeto de innumerables personas.        los alcaldes David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani,         Mitchell Netburn, presidente y director
 Village, ha fallecido. La siguiente                  El impacto de la vida y la labor de Tino      Michael Bloomberg y Bill de Blasio. Tino fue     general de Samaritan Daytop Village
 nota fue escrita por Mitchell Netburn,            se sentirá por generaciones. Deja un legado      el segundo presidente más antiguo de la            La junta directiva y la fundación de
                                                   tremendo y comprobado en el gobierno y el        Autoridad de Vivienda de la ciudad de Nueva      Samaritan Daytop Village
 presidente de Samaritan Daytop Village,                                                            York, que culminó tres décadas de logros           Lymaris Albors, su esposa y sus hijos
                                                   campo de los servicios humanos. Su humildad
 y familiares y amigos de Hernández.               y pasión por el servicio transformaron la vida   en agencias gubernamentales estatales y

10                                                          MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Reset with Reflection
      Source: Studio in the Heights            And we do need it.
                                                                                                                                                              letting go of any tension
                                                                                                                                                              you may be holding in
                                                                                                                                                              your body. Imagine that
                                                                                                                                                             you're breathing out your
                                                                                                                                                            stress. Hold for another
                                                                                                                                                         second or two and repeat three
                                               Stress can have an adverse effect on                                                            to five times.

W     e are undoubtedly living in            health and happiness. Blood pressure                                                              These first two steps will help you get
                                             and pulse rise. Stress slows down some                                                          relaxed. Remember, meditation shouldn't
      moments of high anxiety.               normal bodily functions, such as those                                                          feel like work. In fact, it should feel like
                                             that the digestive and immune systems                                                           a nice break. Enjoy this time for yourself.
   Especially now that our routines are      perform. Immune activity decreases.
disrupted and outside activity is limited,     In short, stress can make you sick.
it can feel that living with stress is                                                                                                         Notice what's happening in the
                                               So, even if you have never practiced                                                          moment.
inevitable. But there are some simple        meditation before, this modest guide,
ways to create a bit of peace when we                                                                                                              After finishing your deep breaths,
                                             courtesy of Studio in the Heights (which                                                              let your body breathe normally as
most need it.                                deems itself “Hudson Heights’ best fitness                                                            you bring to mind the sounds and
                                             studio”), can help you refocus your                                                                   sensations of the moment. What do
                                             energies. Just the attempt will eke out a bit                                                         you hear? Stay with any sounds and
                                             of me-time.                                                                                           the quiet that surrounds them for
                                               Deep breaths, everyone.                                                                              a few moments. Listen curiously
                                                                                                                                                    and enjoy hearing. Then, notice
                                                Meditation is powerful.                                                                               your sense of touch. How are you
                                                It improves your focus and awareness.        Focus on the act                                               connected to the earth? Are
                                             It reduces stress, anxiety, and feelings        of being present.                                                 your feet on the ground?
                                             of depression. And, most importantly, it                                                                          Are you sitting? What
                                             deepens your understanding of yourself.         the simple steps below from studio coach                  sensations of contact are there?
                                             The act of being present and paying             Serge Zabarin.                                  Explore and stay with those observations
                                             attention to the moment (meditation) helps         Find a quiet place.                          for a few moments. Feel these sensations
                                             you reflect on why you do the things you           You don't need any special tools to          root you in the here and now.
                                             do. This increased awareness makes it           meditate, but it helps to have a place where
                                             easier to make the changes you want for         you won't be disturbed for 5-10 minutes.           Follow the breath.
                                             your life.                                      Don't worry if it's not perfectly quiet, just      After you've settled into the moment,
                                                                                             find somewhere you can relax by yourself        shift your attention to your breath. Bring
                                               The best part of meditation is that           for a little while.                             to your mind the sensations you feel when
 Stress can have an                          everyone can do it.                                Take a few slow, deep breaths.               breathing in. Notice them without trying
 adverse effect on                             Everyone can make themselves a bit               Inhale deeply for a few seconds. Hold        to control them. Just breathe in naturally
 health and happiness.                       happier and more aware. Try following           for second or two. Then, slowly exhale
                                                                                                                                                                       See RESET p21

                                                                                                                     Coro con Corona

                                                     MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                                                     11
Tulcingo Azteca Restaurante
3861 10th Avenue
(b/t 207th and 206th Streets)
New York, NY 10034
(212) 567-6028

                                                                                                                                   Fernando Hernández takes a seat.

               By Debralee Santos                    of wine and liquor for takeout or delivery –
             Photos by Cristobal Vivar               but only if sold with food, as per the State
                                                     Liquor Authority.

                                                       Still, these are the spaces where there is
          he time had come.                          gathering, whether scored by noisy shouts
                                                     or murmured words. They serve to knit
              With pressure mounting for             together those bent towards shared interests
     additional measures to help curb                and identities: nursing mothers, pensive
     “community spread” of the coronavirus,          wordsmiths, and pale ale aficionados.
     city officials closed bars and restaurants,       The worn, familiar spaces offer solace
     save for delivery and pickup services.          along with their spirits, and the easy
     Even with the attendant challenges faced        companionship of neighbors whose names
     by a slowed economy and public concerns         you may never learn.
     over the global pandemic, the closure was a       The closure took effect at 8 p.m. Monday
     shock to the system.                            evening, for an indefinite period.
        Curbside pick-ups and delivery of food         Here are the first few moments of pause.     237 Dyckman Street
     are still permitted. Also allowed is the sale                                                  New York, NY 10034
                                                                                                    (212) 567-2450
                                                                                                    mamasushi.com                           Chairs up at MamaSushi.
   A man on a mission.

                                                                                                    Eateries are moving to take-
                                                                                                    out and deliveries only.

  12                                                         MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
Última llamada
                                                                                                                                               Harry Anton finaliza su noche.

                 Por Debralee Santos
               Fotos por Cristóbal Vivar

L   a hora había llegado.
        Con la presión aumentada para tomar medidas
adicionales que ayuden a frenar la “propagación
comunitaria” del coronavirus, funcionarios de la ciudad
decidieron cerrar bares y restaurantes, a excepción de
los servicios de entrega y recolección. Incluso con los
desafíos que enfrenta una economía desacelerada y las
preocupaciones públicas sobre la pandemia global, el cierre
fue un shock para el sistema.
    Aún se permiten las recolecciones en la acera y la
entrega de alimentos. También se permite la venta de vinos
y licores para llevar o entregar, pero solo si se vende con
alimentos, según la Autoridad Estatal de Bebidas.
    Aun así, estos son espacios donde hay reuniones, ya
sea marcadas por gritos ruidosos o palabras murmuradas.
Sirven para unir a quienes comparten intereses e
identidades: madres lactantes, escritores pensativos y
aficionados a la pale ale.
    Los espacios gastados y familiares ofrecen consuelo
junto con sus espíritus, y la compañía fácil de vecinos cuyos
nombres quizás nunca aprendan.
    El cierre entró en vigencia a las 8 p.m. del lunes, por
tiempo indefinido.
    Éstos son los primeros momentos de pausa.
                                                                                                                                        Inwood Local Wine Bar & Beer Garden
                                                                                                                                        No. 4957 de Broadway
Un mar de mesas vacías.                                                                                                                 Nueva York, NY 10034
                                                                                                                                        (212) 544-8900

                                                                             Yummy Thai
                                                                             No. 4959 de Broadway
                                                                             Nueva York, NY 10034
                                                                             (917) 529-0812

                                                     Los restaurantes
                                                     se preparan para
                                                     entregar pedidos para
                                                     llevar y a domicilio.

                                                                                                                                          Salma López en contemplación.

                                                                        MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                  13
Room to spare.

The stewards.

 Quiet at Coogan’s
                                                                                                                                                                  And again, as in crises past, Tess O’Connor
                                                                                                                                                               McDade, Dave Hunt, and Peter Walsh have
                                                                                                                                                               risen up to marshal resources, organize staff,
                                                                                                                                                               and prep for a new unfathomable.
                                                                                                                                                                  Of the 46 employees on staff prior to
               By Debralee Santos                   the stout pours are richer. The warm plates                                                                Tuesday, only six remained for the work of
             Photos by Cristobal Vivar              of shepherd’s pie and corned beef are cause                                                                preparing lunches and dinners for delivery or
                                                    alone for happy tears, as are the ready peals of                                                           pick up.

  F     ew days are as keenly felt as               laughter and music.                                                                                           And in the rooms where so many have
                                                       And everyone is there to sing.                                                                          danced and dined, where all the patron saints
        St. Patrick’s Day at Coogan’s.                 This year, the seminal holiday sounded a far                                                            of uptown have had their say, it was quiet.
                                                    more somber note at Coogan’s.                                                                                 Coogan’s Irish Pub & Restaurant is at
     The touchstone eatery is a community              It was the first full day of the city closure                                                           4015 Broadway, New York, NY 10032. The
  haven on all other calendar dates, but this day   of all bars and restaurants (save for take-out                                                             number is 212.928.1234. For more, visit
  is one like no other.                             or delivery) in light of concerns over the                                                                 coogans.com.
     The amber panels gleam a bit brighter,         coronavirus.                                          Amanda takes orders.

  Tráfico ligero.                                                                                        Los chefs José, Martin y
                                                                                                         Claudio están en la línea.

  El Callado en Coogan’s
               Por Debralee Santos                  calendario, pero este día es único.                  ciudad de todos los bares y restaurantes (excepto     preparar almuerzos y cenas para entregar a
             Fotos por Cristóbal Vivar                 Los paneles de color ámbar se ven un poco         para llevar o entregar a domicilio) a la luz de las   domicilio o para llevar.
                                                    más brillantes, las pintas de cerveza oscura son     preocupaciones sobre el coronavirus.                     Y en las salas donde tantos han bailado y

 P    ocos días se sienten tan
      animadamente como el Día de San
  Patricio en Coogan’s.
                                                    más ricas. Los platos cálidos de pastel de carne
                                                    y picadillo son causa de lágrimas de felicidad, al
                                                    igual que los sonidos de la risa y la música.
                                                                                                            Y de nuevo, como en las crisis pasadas, Tess
                                                                                                         O’Connor McDade, Dave Hunt y Peter Walsh se
                                                                                                         han levantado para reunir recursos, organizar
                                                                                                                                                               cenado, donde todos los santos patronos del
                                                                                                                                                               norte del condado han dado su opinión, todo
                                                                                                                                                               estaba en silencio.
                                                       Y todos están ahí para cantar.                    al personal y prepararse para algo nuevo e               El Restaurante y Pub Irlandés Coogan’s se
                                                       Este año, el trascendental feriado sonó de        incomprensible.                                       encuentra en el No. 4015 de Broadway, Nueva
    El restaurante angular es un refugio            forma mucho más sombría en Coogan’s.                    De los 46 empleados del personal antes del
  comunitario en todas las demás fechas del                                                                                                                    York, NY 10032. El número es 212.928.1234.
                                                       Fue el primer día completo del cierre de la       martes, solo quedaban seis para la labor de           Para más, visite coogans.com.

  14                                                         MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com   15
RESISTANCE from p3                                                                                                                                           hold that near and dear to me.”
area to its soda shoppe. Food can only be                                                                                                                        Ramírez said the city must take action to
purchased for home delivery or to take out.                                                                                                                   help small businesses that will be devastated
   Customers are asked to stay a safe distance                                                                                                                due to the coronavirus. He is advocating for
away from the counter, and surface areas are                                                                                                                  the suspension of commercial property taxes
being wiped and sanitized constantly.                                                                                                                         and other relief measures aimed directly at
   Ramírez suggested that eateries target                                                                                                                     small businesses.
seniors for boosting food delivery. “They have                                                                                                                   “If they were to have tax forgiveness, that
the most difficulty preparing food and getting                                                                                                                would be huge for small businesses,” he
food,” he said.                                                                                                                                               said. “Or maybe something to help with Con
   Though the dining restrictions are putting a                                                                                                               Edison utilities. Those are big bills that people
strain on food businesses, Ramírez said it was a                                                                                                              have to pay.”
necessary step to curtail the spread of the virus.                                                                                                               “For small businesses right now, the object
   He said there are no plans to close his store,                                                                                                             is to stay open,” he added. “Once you close,
noting that pharmacies in Italy, currently in a                                                                                                               you might not come back.”
                                                                                Last St. Patrick’s Day, soda bread and
total lockdown due to coronavirus, remain open.                                 green cookies were the main concern.
   “I would only close if I was forced to,” he                                                                                                                  Dichter Pharmacy is located at 4953
said.                                                                                                                                                         Broadway (between 207th and Isham
                                                     state of emergency.                                   “My pharmacy school was old school. We             Streets). For more, check out twitter.com/
   He said that Dichter’s employees have also           The can-do commitment is one he formed           were taught that pharmacists are the center of the
been resolute about coming to work during the                                                                                                                 MANNYRX or call 212.569.1230.
                                                     early in his profession.                            community,” he noted in an earlier interview. “I

                                                                                                                                                              tensionando a los negocios de alimentos,
                                                                                                                                                              Ramírez dijo que es un paso necesario para
                                                                                                                                                              reducir la propagación del virus.
                                                                                                                                                                 Dijo que no hay planes para cerrar su
                                                                                                                                                              tienda, y señaló que las farmacias en Italia,
                                                                                                                                                              actualmente en un cierre total de emergencia
                                                                                                                                                              debido al coronavirus, permanecen abiertas.
                                                                                                                                                                 “Solo cerraría si me viera obligado a
                                                                                                                                                              hacerlo”, dijo.
                                                                                                                                                                 Dijo que los empleados de Dichter también
                                                                                                                                                              han sido firmes respecto a ir a trabajar durante
                                                                                                                                                              el estado de emergencia.
                                                                                                                                                                 El compromiso de “poder hacer” es uno que
                                                                                                                                                              formó al inicio de su profesión.
                                                                                                                                                                 “Mi escuela farmacéutica era del viejo
                                                                                                                                                              estilo. Nos enseñaron que los farmacéuticos
                                                      “Necesitamos un lugar donde podamos
                                                                                                                                                              son el centro de la comunidad”, señaló en
     Los clientes han acudido en multitud
                                                      conectarnos”, dijo Ramírez.
                                                                                                                                                              una entrevista anterior. “Eso para mí es muy
     al espacio desde entonces.
                                                                                                                                                              importante y lo valoro profundamente”.
                                                                                                                                                                 Ramírez dijo que la ciudad debe tomar
 RESISTENCIA de p3                                   en ese momento. “Es parte de una comunidad          todo. Ahora, es difícil encontrar una tienda con
                                                                                                                                                              medidas para ayudar a los pequeños negocios
 la escuela farmacéutica, regresó a Dichter y        saludable”.                                         esos artículos disponibles”.
                                                                                                                                                              que serán devastados por el coronavirus.
 finalmente se hizo cargo del negocio.                  Y ahora, a medida que los negocios en todo          En cuanto a dónde encontrar desinfectante
                                                                                                                                                              Aboga por la suspensión de los impuestos a la
    Fue él quien visualizó la farmacia en            el norte de Manhattan se desaceleran debido al      para manos en Inwood, o en cualquier lugar, en
                                                                                                                                                              propiedad comercial y otras medidas de alivio
 su nueva ubicación en 2013 después del              COVID-19, la Farmacia Dichter está recargando       estos días, “su suposición es tan buena como la
                                                                                                                                                              dirigidas específicamente a los pequeños
 incendio como un centro comunitario,                nuevamente.                                         mía”, comentó Ramírez.
 completo con una tienda de refrescos que               Se ha mantenido como un negocio constante           Con un mandato en todo el estado que limita
                                                                                                                                                                 “Si condonaran los impuestos, sería
 servía nata de huevo, emparedados tipo              que abastece recetas y vende artículos              a los restaurantes de la ciudad a solo entregar
                                                                                                                                                              increíble para los pequeños negocios”, dijo.
 wrap de vegetales y helado. La innovadora           relacionados con la salud durante el estado de      pedidos de comida para llevar y a domicilio, la
                                                                                                                                                              “O tal vez algo para ayudar con los servicios
 expansión le valió elogios de los residentes        emergencia de la ciudad, dijo Ramírez.              Farmacia Dichter ha cerrado el área de asientos
                                                                                                                                                              públicos de Con Edison. Esas son grandes
 y artistas locales, quienes organizaron                “Las personas están ansiosas por surtir          de su tienda de refrescos. Los alimentos solo se
                                                                                                                                                              cuentas que la gente tiene que pagar”.
 competencias de poesía y exposiciones.              recetas de rutina tal vez un poco antes de lo que   pueden comprar para entrega a domicilio o para
                                                                                                                                                                 “Para los pequeños negocios en este
 También obtuvo altas calificaciones de              lo harían, ya que no están seguras de cuánto        llevar.
                                                                                                                                                              momento, el objetivo es permanecer abiertos”,
 compañías como American Express, la cual            tiempo más podrán salir, o temen que se acabe          Se les pide a los clientes mantenerse a una
                                                                                                                                                              agregó. “Si cierran, es posible que no vuelvan
 destacó a la farmacia como parte de su              la medicina”, explicó.                              distancia segura del mostrador, y las superficies
                                                                                                                                                              a abrir”.
 campaña “sábados de pequeños negocios”                 A principios de marzo, los clientes no dejaban   son limpiadas y desinfectadas constantemente.
 con un comercial animado con Lin-Manuel             de llegar para abastecerse de desinfectantes           Ramírez sugirió que los restaurantes se dirijan
                                                                                                                                                                 La Farmacia Dichter se encuentra en
 Miranda.                                            para manos y otros artículos que matan              hacia las personas mayores para apoyar la
                                                                                                                                                              el No. 4953 de Broadway (entre las calles
    “Necesitamos un lugar donde podamos              gérmenes.                                           entrega de alimentos. “Tienen la mayor dificultad
                                                                                                                                                              207 e Isham). Para más, revise twitter.com/
 pasar el rato y conectarnos”, dijo Ramírez             “La gente quería alcohol de manos, Lysol,        para preparar y obtener comida”, dijo.
                                                                                                                                                              MANNYRX o llame al 212.569.1230.
                                                     toallitas con cloro”, dijo Ramírez. “Acabaron con      Si bien las restricciones gastronómicas están

 El devastador incendio de 2012.                                                                         El espacio ha acogido eventos artísticos.

16                                                            MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com
CORONAVIRUS from p5                                                                                    CORONAVIRUS de p5
benefits and a host of other things they may                                                           identificación de cada persona en el hogar y un
be eligible for,” Grimaldi said.                                                                       comprobante de residencia.
   “These grocery packages help people get                                                                “Es fundamental que sigamos sirviendo estas
to the end of the month,” he added. “If you’re                                                         comidas durante este tiempo”, dijo la directora
receiving SNAP, usually about two weeks                                                                senior de comunicación de la Despensa de
into the month and you run out of that, so this                                                        Alimentos NY Common, Deana Murtha, sobre el
will get people through that last bit.”                                                                brote del coronavirus.
   Recipients are provided with grocery                                                                   Ella Dijo que la Despensa de Alimentos NY
packages in five food categories – protein,                                                            Common también sirve desayunos cinco días a la
dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables –                                                                 semana y cena tres días.
proportionate to the number of people in                                                                  “El coronavirus ha cambiado la forma en que
the household. People can preregister by                                                               hacemos las comidas calientes”, señaló Murtha.
providing ID for everyone in the household                                                             “En lugar de servir a las personas y hacer que
and proof of residence.                              “This is my community, so I was                   todas se sienten juntas y coman, proporcionamos
   “It’s pretty critical that we continue to serve   moved to help,” said FreshDirect                  todas las comidas para llevar”.
                                                     CEO David McInerney.                                 Grimaldi comentó que algunos clientes de la
these meals during this time,” NY Common
Pantry’s Senior Director of Communication                                                              despensa han expresado su preocupación por
Deana Murtha said of the coronavirus                 NY Common Pantry through point-of-                aventurarse a adquirir alimentos en medio del
outbreak.                                            sale donations which directly benefited the       coronavirus.
                                                                                                          “Las personas están preocupadas por cómo           “Es fundamental que sigamos
   She said that NY Common Pantry also               organization. The event raised enough money
                                                                                                       van a resistir este virus”, dijo. “Algunas personas   sirviendo estas comidas durante
serves breakfast five days a week and dinner         that provided over 31,000 meals to New
                                                                                                       pueden mantenerse alejadas, pero no por mucho         este tiempo”, dijo Deana Murtha.
three days.                                          Yorkers in need.
   “Coronavirus has changed the way we do               LaRose said she was grateful that the pantry   tiempo porque simplemente no hay una red de
hot meals,” Murtha noted. “Instead of serving        was continuing to serve food while many           seguridad para ellas”.                                   “De lo contrario, podrías verte obligado a ir
people and having them all sit together and          things in the city are shutting down.                Este esfuerzo no es la primera vez en la           donde los precios de los comestibles son muy
eat it, we’re providing all of the meals to go.”        “Otherwise, you might be forced to go          que FreshDirect y la Despensa de Alimentos            altos”, dijo. “Los neoyorquinos no deberían
   Grimaldi said some pantry clients have            where grocery prices are so high,” she said.      NY Common colaboran. En febrero, las dos              tener inseguridad alimentaria, pero es donde
voiced concern about venturing out to acquire        “New Yorkers shouldn’t be food insecure, but      organizaciones realizaron una campaña de              estamos, así que necesitamos toda la ayuda
food in the midst of coronavirus.                    it’s where we are, so we need all the help we     donación a través de la cual los clientes de          que podamos obtener”.
   “People are worried about how they’re             can get.”                                         FreshDirect contribuyeron a la Despensa de               “La preocupación más básica que tienen
going to withstand this virus,” he said. “Some          “The most basic concern that many people       Alimentos NY Common por medio de donaciones           muchas personas es de dónde vendrá
people might stay away, but not for long             have is where their next meal is coming from,”    en puntos de venta que beneficiaron directamente      su próxima comida”, agregó McInerney.
because there’s just no safety net for them.”        added McInerney. “Pantries like this are          a la organización. El evento recaudó suficiente       “Despensas como esta son héroes anónimos en
   The effort is not the first time that             unsung heroes in the city.”                       dinero que proporcionó más de 31,000 comidas a        la ciudad”.
FreshDirect and NY Common Pantry                                                                       los neoyorquinos necesitados.
have collaborated. In February, the two                To contribute to NY Common Pantry                  LaRose dijo estar agradecida de que la                Para contribuir a la Despensa de
organizations ran a donation drive, where            or become a volunteer, please visit               despensa continúe sirviendo comida mientras que       Alimentos NY Common o ser voluntario, por
FreshDirect customers contributed to                 nycommonpantry.org.                               muchas cosas en la ciudad están cerrando.             favor visite nycommonpantry.org.

                                                              MARCH 18, 2020 • MANHATTAN TIMES • www.manhattantimesnews.com                                                                                17
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