Page created by Sean Lynch
United Nations / Austria World Space Forum
                        Space4Climate Action

                              07 – 09 December 2021

                                  Organized jointly by
             The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA),
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Mobility, Innovation, and
                               Technology, Energy (BMK)
     The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMEIA)
Times are all Central European Time (CET) (https://time.is/de/CET)

                                                                            DAY 1

                                                                        Keynotes and opening
                                                              Space4Climate Action in the Decade of Action
          Ms. Leonore Gewessler
          Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
10:00 –   Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo
11:00     Director
          United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
          Ms. Nicole Stott (TBC)
          Former NASA Astronaut
          Mr. Mike Bloomberg (Invited)
          UN Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions
                                                                          Space Agency Panel

          Climate change is a cross-cutting issue affecting countries and communities globally. Civilization as a whole is facing this challenge and only through
          joint effort and with the support of all relevant stakeholders and citizens, can we make a difference and halt the rapidly changing climate caused by
          human activities.
11:00 –
          This panel will seek to build on the important role of space in addressing this major crisis and show its relevance for decision-making, policy and climate
          Mr. Josef Aschbacher
          Director General
          European Space Agency ESA
          TBC: SANSA, JAXA, UKSA
                                                                              Session One
                                                               Partnership, Coordination and Cooperation

          An essential aspect for success in expanding access to the benefits of space technologies for climate action is international cooperation and partnerships
          within but also outside of the space community. During the 2020 World Space Forum edition and previous events organized by UNOOSA, it was
          underlined that a multi-stakeholder approach is the only means to effectively address global challenges. In the space sector, there are a number of
          multilateral, collaborative ventures striving to increase our understanding of the planet and its processes and the impact of human activities on its
          spheres, and to collect, develop and disseminate novel solutions for addressing climate change.
          Ms. Sara Venturini
                                                                                           GHG Monitoring from Space: A mapping of capabilities across public,
14:00 –   Climate Coordinator
                                                                                           private and hybrid satellite missions
15:30     Group on Earth Observation
          Mr. Albrecht von Bargen
          Chair Joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate
          German Space Agency at DLR
          Mr. Frederic Bretar (TBC)
          Head, Space Climate Observatory
          Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES)
          Ms. Barbara Ryan (TBC)
          Executive Director
          World Geospatial Industry Council
                                 The World Space Forum 2021 provides a unique international networking and matchmaking opportunity to spark ideas and
                                 forge new partnerships between various actors.
15:30 –   Matchmaking
17:00     Session I              This session will serve as a food for thought for future development of dedicated capacity-building activities in line with the
                                 collected needs and recommendations from both sides. Defining the needs and developing tailored solutions in the space
                                 sector ultimately benefits the broader community.
                                                                               Youth Perspective

          In recent years, young people globally have taken an active role, demanding action by the policy and decision makers, private sector and other
          stakeholders. At the same time, they have led by example. This session will help further elevate these voices and institutionalize the role of space in
17:00 –
          climate action with the inclusion of the youth perspective.
          Mr. Anthony Yuen
          Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)
          Mr. Negrin Alessandro (TBC)
Youth Conference of the Parties COP Milan
Ms. Karina Berbert Bruno
                                            Satellite data for connecting environments and societies and addressing
GIS Analyst, Master's student
                                            climate action
University of Campinas, UNICAMP (Brazil)
Ms. Mirian Egger
UN Youth Delegate Austria
Secretary General Youth Advisory Group
DAY 2: 08.12.2021
                                                                              Session Two
                                                               The providers perspective: Space Solutions

          Sharing the same diagnosis for causes, effects, and evolution of climate change is required for an effective, well-informed and multi-stakeholder climate
          action. Space assets have long contributed to expanding our knowledge and have become irreplaceable tools for offering high resolution and large-
          scale monitoring of our planet, providing global, consistant data that is sustained over years and repeated regularly.
          More than half of the Essential Climate Variables depend on satellite measurements and the ratio is even higher for numerical weather models across
          the world. Knowledge of empirical evidence for a better understanding and more accurate predictions of climate change, is a prerequisite for improved
          mitigation, adaptation, resilience and risk assessment measures.
          Mr. Manfredi Caltagrione (TBC)
10:00 –
          Program Manager
          UN Environment Programme UNEP, International Methane Emissions Observatory
          Mr. Aaron Davitt
          Principle Analyst, WattTime
          Ms. Susanne Mecklenburg
          Climate Office
          European Space Agency (ESA)
          Mr. Ayman Mahmoud
          Space Imaging Team Leader                                                       Access to Space4All – ClimCam Project
          Egyptian Space Agency
                                The World Space Forum 2021 provides a unique international networking and matchmaking opportunity to spark ideas and
                                forge new partnerships between various actors.
11:30 –   Matchmaking
14:00     Session II            This session will serve as a food for thought for future development of dedicated capacity-building activities in line with the
                                collected needs and recommendations from both sides. Defining the needs and developing tailored solutions in the space
                                sector ultimately benefits the broader community.
                                                                                Session Three
                                                                   The user perspective: What is needed?
14.00 –
15:30     Users globally are developing and implementing new space solutions to support and drive the growth of space economy but also to create a better
          future. Food and water security, disaster management, renewable energy generation, preservation of nature, habitats and biodiversity, combating crime
          and many others – all areas strongly benefiting from our ability to launch and utilize space assets. .
Under the leadership of UNOOSA, the only Office dedicated to space affairs in the UN system, the World Space Forum will provide a unique platform
          for stakeholders to gather and exchange on current and future activities in line with Space 4 Climate Action. The World Space Forum will facilitate sharing
          of best practices and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 13 “Climate action”.
          Mr. Bertrand Frot (TBC)
          Chief of Portfolio Management Office
          UN Development Programme
          Mr. Juan Carlos Villagran de Leon
          Head of UN-SPIDER Bonn
          UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
                                 The World Space Forum 2021 provides a unique international networking and matchmaking opportunity to spark ideas and
                                 forge new partnerships between various actors.
15:30 –   Matchmaking
17:00     Session III            This session will serve as a food for thought for future development of dedicated capacity-building activities in line with the
                                 collected needs and recommendations from both sides. Defining the needs and developing tailored solutions in the space
                                 sector ultimately benefits the broader community.
                                                                               Session Four (1/2)
                                                                      Examples and successful Initiatives

          As part of the Decade of Action, the World Space Forum aims to bringing the benefits of space to everyone, everywhere. By facilitating the exchange of
          best practices and increasing inter-agency collaboration in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 13, space science and technology and its
          applications can finally become more universally used as one of the key tools.
17:00 –   Ms. Liz Cox (TBC)
18:30     International Partnership Programme, Head of International Relations
          United Kingdom Space Agency (UKSA)
          Ms. Annalisa Donati
          Secretary General                                                            Space Opportunities for climate Challenges SO4CC
DAY 3: 09.12.2021
                                                                        Session Four (2/2)
                                                                 Examples and successful Initiatives

          As part of the Decade of Action, the World Space Forum aims to contribute to bringing the benefits of space to everyone, everywhere. By facilitating
          the exchange of best practices and increasing inter-agency collaboration in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 13, space, science and
          technology and its application can finally become more universally used as one of the key tools.
10:00 –   Mr. Andreas Salentinig
11:30     CEO
          Mr. Michael Aspetsberger
          Head of High Performance Computing and Aerospace
                               The World Space Forum 2021 provides a unique international networking and matchmaking opportunity to spark ideas and
                               forge new partnerships between various actors.
11:30 –   Matchmaking
12:30     Session IV           This session will serve as a food for thought for future development of dedicated capacity-building activities in line with the
                               collected needs and recommendations from both sides. Defining the needs and developing tailored solutions in the space
                               sector ultimately benefits the broader community.
                                                                                Session Five
                                                           Recommendations, innovative and new approaches
          Mr. Alexander Macdonald
          Earth System Observatory
12:30–    National Aeronautics Space Agency (NASA)
14:00     Mr. Christoph Aubrecht
          Programme Coordinator
          European Space Agency (ESA)
                                                                               Closing Session
                                                                              The way forward
As we embark on the Decade of Action to deliver the global goals, space agencies all over the world continue to achieve remarkable results in pursuit
of the SDGs, including SDG 13 “Climate Action”. UNOOSA, as the gateway to space in the United Nations, is well placed to bring this range of global
activity into one place to encourage the coordinated direction needed to maximise impacts of such efforts.
Mr. Jeffrey Sachs
Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University
Ms. Henriette Spyra
Director General Innovation & Technology
Ministry for Climate Action Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
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