Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy

Page created by Eric Kelly
Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy
Uniform Guide
Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy

We aim for every Whitelands student to strive for excellence and success in all that they do, ensuring a
consistently smart school uniform is one of the foundations for high standards in all aspects of school life.
This includes and promotes a positive work ethic and personal pride. First impressions do count and by
continually reinforcing our high standards of uniform and appearance we aim to prepare our students to
thrive in the world of work. Our uniform guide is designed to help provide clarity around our expectations.


                        Boys                                                     Girls
 School blazer with badge*                                School blazer with badge*

 Charcoal grey school trousers                            Knee-length Whitelands Kilt*

 School tie*                                              School tie*

 White school shirt                                       White school shirt

 V-necked school-edition jumper (optional)*               V-necked school-edition jumper (optional)*

 Plain black socks                                        Plain black socks or plain black tights

 Black traditional school shoes                           Black traditional school shoes

PE Kit

                         Boys                                                     Girls
 Navy/scarlet sports top*                                 Navy/scarlet sports top *

 Navy/scarlet polo shirt*                                 Navy/scarlet polo shirt*

 Navy/scarlet shorts*                                     Navy/scarlet skort*

 Navy/scarlet sports socks*                               Navy/scarlet sports socks*

 Navy/scarlet track suit bottoms (optional)*              Navy/scarlet track suit bottoms (optional)*

 Short white socks                                        Short white socks

 Football boots                                           Football boots

 Trainers (no black soles)                                Trainers (no black soles)

 Towel (optional)                                         Towel (optional)

 Gum shield and shin pads                                 Gum shield and shin pads

*These items can be purchased through www.just-schoolwear.co.uk/shop/Academy-Uniforms.html
Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy

Labelling clothing
With a growing school community it is very important that families label the uniform of children. Through
human error things will occasionally get misplaced so having a label clearly identifying the name of the
student will help minimise the risk of loss. Particular items include blazer, coat(s), jumper, tie and especially
PE kit.

When required, students are expected to wear a coat to school. No hoodies or sports clothing classed as an
outdoor coat will be allowed.

The blazer is a symbol of our school identity. Students are expected to wear their school blazers every day
and at all times in corridors and classrooms, unless given permission by a member of staff to remove it. The
school jumper is not to be worn in place of the blazer (no cardigans).

Denim, corduroy, chino, tapered, skinny-jean style or skin-tight style trousers are not permitted. Students are
expected to wear charcoal grey trousers which sit smartly at the waist and on the ankle/shoe line.

There is an official kilt for girls and it must be worn no more than a credit-card width above or below the
knee. The waist band must not be rolled-over.

We expect our students to wear ‘traditional’, well-constructed, weather-proof, leather or leather- type shoes
with a low heel. Trainers – black or otherwise, including popular designs such as Converse or Vans-style shoes
– are not acceptable. Please refer to the images of unacceptable footwear later in the guide to avoid

Any necklace must be worn underneath the shirt and be easily removable for PE lessons (for health and
safety reasons).

Henna tattoos
Henna tattoos are not permitted to be visible at any time whilst in school, including during PE lessons.

Students may wear one plain metal stud or small metal ear-ring (no larger than 1cm diameter) in each
earlobe. No other jewellery is permitted other than for cultural/religious reasons, where clarification should
be sought from the school. All piercings must be removed during PE or sports activities.

Make-up and nails
Make-up, nail varnish/paint/gel or fake nails are not permitted at school.

Hair Styles
Students’ hair styles should not be extreme (e.g. shaved in parts and long elsewhere) and hair should be
natural in colour.
Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy
Hats, caps and other headgear should not be worn indoors. They should only be worn to keep the head warm
during the winter or to protect from the sun in the summer. Cultural headscarves should be plain black.

Cycle Helmets
Students who choose to cycle to school must wear a cycle helmet to and from school. They may take off their
helmet once they have locked their bike, but must put it back on before removing their bikes from the bike

The school expects students to wear ‘formal’ leather or leather- type shoes as part of the uniform. This can
cause some confusion since the term can be subjective. However, to avoid any confusion we have included a
number of examples which are not appropriate for school. Please help support us by ensuring your child
attends the school wearing acceptable shoes.

 Converse (or equivalent) leather     Vans (or equivalent) canvas or       Nike (or other manufactures)
 or canvass boot                      leather style trainer                trainers

 Dr Martins boots (or equivalent      Suede studded shoes                  Adidas (or equivalent) leather
 boots)                                                                    trainer
Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy Uniform Guide 2020-2021 - Whitelands Academy
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