Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021

Page created by Ray Curry
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Undergrounding Opportunity
27 July 2021
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Background to underground power
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Key benefits of underground power
   Improved public safety

   Improved reliability and security

   Improved street appearance

   Increased property value

   Reduction in street tree pruning

   Cater for future demand – peak loads, solar PV’s, EV’s, subdivision etc.

   Improved opportunity for emerging technologies
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Western Power’s Network
• Perth is the only                      • Many older inner city
                                           suburbs are still
  major city in             Hills area     served by OH
  Australia built           with
                                           networks. They were
  substantially on          ground         established in the
  sandy soils –                            1950s to early 1970s
  presenting as a                        • Most of the oldest
  perfect candidate                        suburbs established
  for cost effective                       in the 1900s -1950s
  undergrounding                           were undergrounded
  [excludes hard ground                    by SUPP between
  areas with granite rock                  2000 and present day
  e.g. Perth Hills]
                                         • Most of the outer
• UG area covers 24%                       suburbs established
  of network and                           after 1980s were
  71% of all SWIN                          undergrounded by
  customers                                the Urban
                                           Development (URD)
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Funding Models
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Undergrounding Programs - Funding
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Network Renewal Underground Program Pilot
Per Western Power’s Business Plan and
Regulatory submission for the AA4
period, the business strives to maintain
network performance at minimum cost
                                           • WP has identified overhead assets that
with a view to:
                                             are reaching the end of their life and need
• managing public safety risk
                                             to be replaced
• maintaining reliability
                                           • Current undergrounding programs
• managing compliance                        (SUPP/RUP) underway result in improving
• meeting customer needs                     cost competitiveness of undergrounding
                                           • It is more efficient for Western Power to
                                             replace overhead capex assets with
                                             underground assets in the four pilot areas
                                           • Given the condition of the network and
                                             its ageing assets, renewal & maintenance
                                             work will be undertaken in the area either
                                             way (i.e. overhead or underground)
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Funding Model
•   Local Government Authorities will be requested to fund the consumer mains connection (1)
•   Western Power will fund the Capital Expenditure portion of the undergrounding works that
    includes all of Western Power’s infrastructure (2,3,4)
Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
Current Pilot Opportunities


                                 Eden Hill

                      St James

Undergrounding Opportunity - Scarborough 27 July 2021
The proposed project in Scarborough
Proposed Project Boundary – Scarborough

                    • Project boundaries are
                      determined by the age & risk
                      profile of the overhead assets
                      in the area
                    • Expanding the boundaries
                      beyond the area identified
                      means the project is not
                      viable for WP
The way forward
1. Western Power has finalised its Business Case (August 2020)
2. Western Power commenced the detailed design (April 2020)
3. Primary Equipment Site consultation (Q3 2020)
4. Western Power completed detailed design (December 2020)
5. Western Power completed construction tenders (February 2021)
6. Underground Power Flyers August 2021
7. Construction commences September 2021
    • Construction duration Approx. 18 months
8. Anticipated completion date March 2023
More information
Please follow link below for further information regarding current and planned
underground Power Projects including FAQ’s:
Please note the information on the website link above is updated as we
progress towards construction. Schedules are updated accordingly throughout
the project lifecycle.

Construction and Project delivery enquiries:
• Western Power: undergroundpower@westernpower.com.au

Ratepayer(s) Project contribution enquiries :
• City of Stirling:              (08) 9205 8555
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