TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library

TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
APRIL 2022

                                        THE ADAMSTOWN AREA LIBRARY

                                                                                           Monday: 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                          Tuesday: 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                         Wednesday: 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                          Thursday: 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                            Friday: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
                                                                                          Saturday: 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
                                                                                                Sunday: Closed

                 Anne Williams, President & Jess McManimen, Vice-President
        Brad Rauch, Hope Schmids, JJ Valerio, Marj Hyrb Cindy Mellinger, & Curt Unruh

                                                                                              TABLE OF

                                                                                              April Calendar - 2

                                                                                              Teen & Adult
                                                                                              Programs - 4
 The Adamstown Area Library and Cocalico Cares are providing a fun FREE Spring
 experience for our youngest community members! Spring symbols will be located
 in participating business windows; after finding as many images as you can, bring            Fun Facts & Library
                                                                                              Offerings - 5
 your flyer to the Adamstown Area Library to claim your goody bag! The grand
 prize being $100. Additionally, you can enter to win a raffle prize by uploading a
 picture of yourself playing the scavenger hunt to the Cocalico Cares Facebook
                                                                                              Youth Programs - 6
 page before June 1!

EMAIL: INFO@ADAMSTOWN.LIB.PA.US               PHONE: 717.484.4200           ADDRESS: 110 W. MAIN ST., ADAMSTOWN, PA 19501
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
APRIL 2022
4 MONDAY                             11 MONDAY                        13 WEDNESDAY
AMERICAN           GIRL      BAG     S.T.E.M. PROGRAMMING             TECH Q&A
PICKUP                               @ 12PM-6PM                       @ 4:30PM-6:30PM
There will be a new American         Drop-in activities on science,   Schedule a half hour one-on-
Girl packet to pick up in the        technology, engineering, and     one session at the library to
library foyer, filled with fun for   math! Explore S.T.E.M. with      get help with your devices or
you and your doll. 1 per             games,      activities,   and    learn new skills. Please call
family please.                       projects on the second           the library to schedule a time
                                     Monday of EVERY month            slot!
6 WEDNESDAY                          with Miss Aubrey! This
BUDDING BOOKWORMS                    month's theme is "Up in the      14 THURSDAY
@ 9:30AM OR 10:30AM                  Air & Down in the Water!"        HUGS & HIJINKS WITH
Preschool Storytime with                                              HANK @ 3:00PM-4:00PM
Miss Maribeth. Join us for           12 TUESDAY                       Did you have a stressful day?
books, songs, activities &           GENEALOGY GROUP                  Come read, play, and be silly
craft. Ages 2-5                      @ 6:30PM-7:45PM                  with our friend Hank the
                                     This group will meet at the      French Bulldog and his mom
                                     library once a month for         (Stacy). He is sure to brighten
                                     lively discussions, research     your day!
                                     help or short talks from
                                     genealogy researcher Ken
                                     McCrea. Join others with an
                                                                      15 FRIDAY
7 THURSDAY                           interest in researching family   GOOD FRIDAY
FAFSA WORKSHOP @ 6PM                 history and learn more           The library will be closed in
Dreaming of College? The             about online resources for       observance of Good Friday.
path to graduating with less         genealogy research.
debt starts here! Join us for
this Free Program. Education
                                                                      18 MONDAY
                                                                      TEEN     TAKE     &    MAKE
Assistance Agency. Visit the
                                                                      PACKET PICKUP
library’s   website     event
calendar to sign up.                                                  Get creative with our ready-
                                                                      to-go kits! Check here each
11 MONDAY                            13 WEDNESDAY                     month to see what you can
LEGO ACTIVITY BAG PICKUP             BUDDING BOOKWORMS                learn to make with just a few
There will be a new Lego             @ 9:30AM OR 10:30AM              simple materials, provided to
packet for you to pick up in         Preschool Storytime with         you at no cost, and a few
the    library    foyer    with      Miss Maribeth. Join us for       easy instructions. Supplies
instructions for a special           books, songs, activities &       are limited, so stop by to
project. 1 per family please.        craft. Ages 2-5                  claim your bag today!
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
19 TUESDAY                         23 SATURDAY                      27 WEDNESDAY
@ 6:30PM=7:30PM                    @ 10:00AM-12:00PM                @ 9:30AM OR 10:30AM
Join Miss Jess as we discover      Deselection with a Twist!        Preschool Storytime with
together “Whodunit!” Upon          Some books have not been         Miss Maribeth. Join us for
registration, you will receive     checked out in quite a while.    books, songs, activities &
the Zoom link and the Mini         Do you think we should keep      craft. Ages 2-5
Murder       Mystery    Story.     them in our collection? Or
Additional clues and evidence      should they be lovingly
will be revealed during our        donated to the Friend’s Book
meeting as we try to solve the     Sale? Choose which section
crime together. For ages           you are most comfortably
teen/adult due to some             judging the outcome: Teen
graphic content.                   (YA), Juvenile Fiction (JF),
                                   Picture Books (Everybody).
                                   Help decide on our outdated      27 WEDNESDAY
19 TUESDAY                         books for chance to win $10
                                                                    HERO STORYTIME
IDENTITY THEFT                     Dunkin Gift Card raffle prize.
                                                                    @ 10:00AM
@ 6:30PM-7:30PM                                                     During Superhero week, we
April is Financial Literacy        26 TUESDAY                       encourage families to talk to
Month! In this brief seminar,      UNDERSTANDING CREDIT             children about “everyday
you will learn how to guard        @ 6:30PM=7:30PM                  heroes” in our community!
against       identity    theft,   During       this     seminar,   Join us for exciting stories,
recognize and reduce the risk      Brandon Webb of Members          songs, fingerplays, craft, and
of elder financial exploitation,   1st Federal Credit Union will    a tour of the fire engine.
and     find    other   helpful    provide     you    with    the   Children can come dressed
resources for managing your        necessary tools to make          as their favorite community
money and reporting financial      financially sound decisions.     hero.
exploitation.                      You’ll learn how to manage
                                   your use of credit, including    28 THURSDAY
                                   how to build your credit         HUGS & HIJINKS WITH
20 WEDNESDAY                       history, components of a         HANK @ 3:00PM-4:00PM
BUDDING BOOKWORMS                  credit score, types of credit,   Did you have a stressful day?
@ 9:30AM OR 10:30AM                using credit wisely, and         Come read, play, and be silly
Preschool Storytime with Miss      comparing      credit   cards.   with our friend Hank the
Maribeth. Join us for books,       Includes a presentation and      French Bulldog and his mom
songs, activities & craft. Ages    activity designed for adults     (Stacy). He is sure to brighten
2-5                                and older teens.                 your day!
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
BOOK SALE &                                                                         TWO
DONATIONS                                                                           AUTHORS...
                                                                                    ONE STAGE
THE OLD LIBRARY                                                                     MAY 24, 2022 @ 11:00AM
                                                                                    CALVARY CHURCH, LANCASTER

The books sales are back! The
Friends of the Adamstown Area             MONDAYS                                   The Council of Friends of Lancaster
Library are accepting book, puzzle,                                                 County’s     Public    Libraries      has
CD, and DVD donations at the old          ARE FOR                                   arranged for two NYTimes best-
library on a monthly basis as well as                                               selling authors to appear on stage at
hosting the a book sale. Thank you        S.T.E.M.                                  the same time! Adriana Trigiani and
for all of your kind and helpful                                                    Chris Bohjalian will share one stage
donations! Donations may always be        EVERY SECOND MONDAY                       to benefit public libraries.
dropped off at Weaver's Market in         DROP-IN ACTIVITIES 12PM-6PM               The $65.00 event ticket will entitle
the book drop in the entryway.                                                      guests to receive two complimentary
                                          The MakeIT AAL program is a hands-        books: a copy of Trigiani’s new book
                                          on S.T.E.M. education program held        Good Left Undone and Bohjalian’s
                                          on the second Monday of every             new book, The Lioness.
                                          month, led by Miss Aubrey from the
                                          library staff. This month will feature:
                                          a "Dissolving in Water" activity for
                                          Pre-K where we learn about how
                                          things dissolve in water and what
                                          solutions, solvents, and solutes are
                                          AND a "Sink or Float" activity for K-12
                                          where we build boats out of given
                                          materials to see if they will on the
DIGITAL                                   water or sink into the sea!               TECHNOLOGY
LITERACY                                                                            TUTORING
TRAINING                                                                            WITH LAURA RUSSELL

WEDNESDAY 3:00PM-7:00PM &                                                           We   offer   1   on   1    tutoring   by
FRIDAY 10:00AM-4:00PM                                                               appointment      on       the   second
                                                                                    Wednesday of every month from
Millersville University has partnered                                               4:30PM-6:30PM! Whether you are new
with the Adamstown Area Library to                                                  to the world of computing, need a
provide FREE computer and digital                                                   refresher, or require help with a one
literacy training that focuses on basic                                             particular issue, we are here to help.
computer skills to assist job seeking                                               Schedule a meeting time with one of
and job performance. Register with                                                  our knowledgeable staff today by
the Grant Program Assistant, Aubrey                                                 calling the library. A mask will be be
Laity, at 717-871-5951.                                                             required.

                                                       APRIL 2022
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
LIBRARY                                                                                  MONTHLY
TRIVIA                                                                                   RAFFLE
BY AUBREY LAITY                                                                          BASKET
Did you know that reading reduces                                                        SPONSORED BY THE FRIENDS OF
                                                                                         THE ADAMSTOWN AREA LIBRARY
stress? A 2009 study conducted by
the University of Sussex found that
                                              APRIL BLOG
even only reading 6 minutes a day
can reduce stress levels by up to
                                              POST                                       You can purchase a ticket for $1.00
                                                                                         for a chance to win the basket. At
68%! That means that this is quicker                                                     the end of each month, one ticket
                                              "RANDOM READS"
and works better than many other                                                         will be drawn and the winner will be
stress     lowering         methods    like                                              contacted!
                                              Do you tend to stick to the same
listening to music or drinking tea.
                                              author or genre? Step outside your
                                              comfort zone and read something
                                              new! One book has been selected by
                                              author's last name from each letter
                                              of the alphabet for both "Adult
                                              Fiction" and "Children's Everybody"
                                                  A : Afterlife by Julia Alvarez
                                                  B : Keeping the House by Ellen
                                                  C : No Judgements by Meg Cabot         VISIT THE
                                                  D: Song of a Captive Bird by
                                                  Jasmin Darznik                         MUSEUMS!
                                              Read the blog post for all of the
                                                                                         COME GET MUSEUM PASSES
                                              selections, A-Z! Try checking out the
                                              book that correlates to the first letter
                                              of your first name, the last letter of     The Library System of Lancaster

PASSPORT                                      your last name, the first letter of the    County has a number of museum
                                                                                         passes available for patrons to use
                                              month you were born in, or the first
PROCESSING                                    letter of your favorite food!              for free!
                                                                                             Demuth Museum
INCREASED AVAILABILITY                                                                       Ephrata Cloister
                                                                                             Hands-on-House      &    Children's
The Adamstown Area Library is a                                                              Museum of Lancaster
passport office for the United States                                                        The Lancaster Museum of Art
Department of State. Passports and                                                           Lancaster Science Factory
passport photos are processed by                                                             Landis Valley Village and Farm
appointment         only.    Additionally,                                                   Museum
starting April 1, we are a licensed                                                          President   James       Buchanan's
notary! Please call the library at 717-                                                      Wheatland
484-4200       to       schedule       an                                                    Railroad       Museum           of
appointment.                                                                                 Pennsylvania
                                                           APRIL 2022
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
Budding Bookworms Preschool Storytime with Miss Maribeth. Join
us for books, songs, activities, and crafts! Ages 2-5 with an adult.

Drop-in and play with your new friends from the library! 1st Friday is
Block Party. 2nd Friday is Flannel Board Fun. 3rd Friday is Market
Mania. 4th Friday is Puppet Playtime.

All thru April! Check out a book that has a beautiful paper egg inside
and get a piece of candy at the circulation desk!

All April. Stop in at the library to "spy with your little eye" all the fun
things on the window. The list of items changes weekly. When you
finish, come inside to receive your congratulatory sticker!

All April and May. Spring Flower Scavenger Hunt in the woods behind the library. Tell the Librarian how many you
found for a prize. An extra surprise: Read the Story on the Window for some more fun!

April 25-30. In honor of National Superhero Day (April 28th) we would like to honor all our heroes, both real and
fictional! Pick up entry form and bookmark at the Circulation Desk. When finished, return for a chance to win one of
six cool posters! Ages 10-18.

March 28 - April 9 : Baby Chicks have arrived, and they are making quite a racket in the library! Pop in to see what all
the peeping is about! Thank you to Swartz’s Roadside Stand for letting us “Rent a chick”!

                                                        CONGRATS TO OUR SPRING
                                                       SCAVENGER HUNT WINNERS!
                                             62 young patrons participated by searching for bunnies
                                              dressed up as book characters hiding in the children’s

                                                          APRIL 2022
TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library TURNING THE PAGE - Adamstown Area Library
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