Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020

Page created by Dorothy Jacobs
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting
                      November 17, 2020
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
Principal's Message
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
Title I
EPA's School-      Both the School-wide Plan (SWP) and Parent and Family
wide Plan           Engagement Plan (PFEP) can be located on our school's
Parent and
                       https://evergladesprepacademy.com/students-and-parents/
Plan (PFEP)
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020

Average Daily Total Attendance
(includes Brick and Mortar and Live Remote : 61%
*Most recent update as of 11.16.20
 53- Brick and Mortar
 63- Live Remote
 Total 116 students enrolled
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
COVID 19 School Safety

 Students MUST wear a mask at all times with the exception of eating or
 Students that are sick should not come to school.
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
Community Partnerships
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
❑Formative Summative Assessments (FSQs) and Unit Summative
                Assessments (USAs)
               ❑ELA and Math Diagnostics - 9th and 10th Grade
                   ❑Response to Diagnostics includes ELA and Math tutorials
                     and school-wide implementation of ELA/Reading Strategies
                     each week.

               ❑SAT Testing – 12th Graders
               ❑PSAT Testing – 11th and 12th Graders

Fall Testing   ❑FSA Reading and Writing Retakes- 10th – 12th graders
                   ❑3 Sessions- 1 Writing Session , 2 Reading Sessions- Must be
  Window             taken on different days and in order

               ❑EOC Retakes
                   ❑US History
                   ❑Biology I
                   ❑Algebra 1
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
❑Report Cards were distributed on Friday, November

         ❑Brick and Mortar Students may see Mrs. April for their
          report card.

Report   ❑Live Remote Students will have their report cards
          mailed to them or they can request a scanned copy to
 Cards    be sent to them via Microsoft Teams or their Microsoft
          Student Email.

         ❑Cumulative GPAs will recalculate in December/January.
Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
Mrs. Howard
Intensive Reading
8th grade Intensive Reading focus for this quarter will be to: Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text; Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and
analyze how the structure differ; demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking; Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons
and relevant evidence; write informative text to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and

Student's should be assessing Reading Plus daily and completing their weekly goals.

Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org is a great website for SAT practice and anything

"Open a book Grow your mind" it's very important that every student read for at least 20 minutes a
day. This is a daily homework assignment for my Intensive Reading class.

If for any reason a student cannot attend my live class, all assignments are posted, the weekly
agenda, Do Now's, and Exit Ticket for them to complete when time permits.

If your child has not already joined our class "Remind", please have them to do so by texting
@kf7744h to 81810.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Mrs. Howard


Title I November Parent and Family Engagement Meeting - November 17, 2020
College & Career Prep focus for this quarter is to:

 Learn about the purpose of the Aspire test, its content, and how it is scored.

 Learn about preparing for the ACT.

 Reflect on the purpose of standardized testing.

    Discover the different types of scholarships available and how your skills and personal
    traits can help one secure them.

 Explore how one can obtain grant money.

 Learn about different student loan options.

 Understand what the Federal Work-Study Program offers.

This class is an APEX base course. All assignments and content come from APEX. This class is
designed for students to work at his or her own pace.

If for any reason a student cannot attend my live class, all assignments are posted, the
weekly agenda, Do Now's, and Exit Tickets for them to complete when time permits.

If your child has not already joined our class "Remind", please have them to do so by texting
@howardape to 81810.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Mrs. Howard


              Strive to be the best student you can be. Remain abreast of new research and
              innovative methods. Smaller goals often fall flat without a link to students
              dreams and passions.
              In biology, we are working on the structure of an Atom. We are using
              PowerPoints, textbook, online textbooks, mini clips and class participation to
              ensure all needs are being met. When this quarter is over students will know
              how to relate properties of atoms and their position in the periodic table to the
              arrangement of their electrons. Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also
              known as atomic theory) by describing the structure of atoms in terms of
              protons, neutrons and electrons, and differentiate among these particles in
Ms. Foreman   terms of their mass, electrical charges and locations within the
              atom. Students will know how to differentiate between protons, neutrons,
              and electrons in terms of their mass, electrical charges, and locations within
Biology       the atom.
                                              RESOURCES :
               Students have 24-hour access to APEX. (www.apexvs.com)
               Hardcover & practice workbooks (https://www.savvas.com/index.cf)
               Ms. Foreman can be reached at
Ms. Foreman
                                                     Earth Space Science
                                 GOALS :
 Strive to be the best student you can be. Remain abreast of new
  research and innovative methods. Smaller goals often fall flat without a
  link to students dreams and passions.
 In Earth Science, we are currently studying the milky galaxy. We are
  conducting class discussions, verbal explanations, videos, and study
  guides to ensure each student receives the lesson. After this lesson,
  students will be able to cite evidence used to develop and verify the
  scientific theory of the Big Bang (also known as the Big Bang Theory) of
  the origin of the universe. Recognize that the Milky Way is part of the
  expanding universe, recognize that the universe consists of many
  galaxies, including the Milky Way, and also recognize that when objects
  move away from each other, the distance between them expands.
                              RESOURCES :
 Students have 24 hour access to online textbooks (Florida Earth
  Science https://connected.mcgraw-
  hill.com/connected/dashboard.do) & APEX
 Ms. Foreman can be reached
  at brittneyforeman@evergladesepa.onmicrosoft.com
 Strive to be the best student you can be. Remain abreast of new research
  and innovative methods. Smaller goals often fall flat without a link to
  students dreams and passion.
 In geometry, we are focusing on triangles and angles in a triangle. We will
  use our course workbook, practice book, PowerPoints, videos and study
  guides to deliver the lesson. When this lesson is complete, students will
  know how to Identify types of triangle based on the length of the side are
  that equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, and scalene triangle. Classify
  the types of triangle based on the length of the side are
  that equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, and scalene triangle and
  identify the types of triangle based on the size of the angle are that
  acute triangle, right triangle, and obtuse triangle.
                                RESOURCES :
 Students have 24-hour access to online websites
  APEX ( (www.apexvs.com) & achievemath3000
 Students also has course and practice workbooks.                                Ms. Foreman
 Ms. Foreman can be reached
  at brittneyforeman@evergladesepa.onmicrosoft.com
 Students may go to FSA student portal, there
                are practice test that they can take. This is an
                excellent tool to help them prepare for
               •Online textbook @ my.hrw.com
               •noredink.com
               www.palmbeachschools.org
               Cpalms.org
Resources      Mrs. Thomas/ English Teacher
for English    Idellthomas@evergladesepa.onmicrosoft.co
               561-257-7516
 When this quarter is complete students will be able to... Determine an
Mr.             author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses
                rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose...Produce clear and

Colavecchio     coherent writing.... Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
                English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Intensive      Helpful resources for families at home include...
               WWW.CLEVER.COM/IN/PBCHARTERS and...
Reading and    https://learnsite.readingplus.com/entries/student-training for resources to
Creative        assist in helping with our online platform for reading
               Next week students will be choosing a novel, autobiography, or other
Writing         approved text to begin reading for their book reports due December 18th,
                the last week of the first semester. The expectations are...
 A Book Report will be the over-arching, required project for the
  2nd nine-week period, we will complete a total of 2 during the 2020 –
  2021 school year.

 Our first project will be due at the end of the first semester, December
  17, 2020. It is best to choose a book at or slightly above your reading
  lexile number, but not mandatory.                                             Mr.
 You must contract to read a book and complete the Book Report by the
  date above. I encourage students to read as many books as they
  can/want/have time for
 A visual representation must accompany a ONE PAGE summary of the
                                                                                book report
  text, this visual aide can be a power point presentation, science board, or
  display poster that visually represents the message, theme, or purpose        project
  of your book
 Your summary must address the plot, characters, climax, resolution, and
  how the text applies to life in general. Reflection and your opinion are
  also encouraged to be included.
At Everglades
Prep Academy
with Dr Salter

                 This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.
In the second nine weeks, students will
                    learn to
                            rewrite expressions involving
                             radicals and rational exponents
                             using the properties of exponents
                            explain how the definition of the
                             meaning of rational exponents
Curriculum Goals             follows from extending the
                             properties of integer exponents to
for Algebra 1 /              those values, allowing for a
                             notation for radicals in terms of
Liberal Arts Math            rational exponents.
                            Explain why the sum or product of
                             two rational numbers is rational;
                             that the sum of a rational number
                             and an irrational number is
                             irrational; and that the product of
                             a nonzero rational number and an
                             irrational number is irrational.
                            Solve equations and inequalities
In the second nine weeks, students will
                   learn to
                           applying operations of functions:
                            adding, subtracting, multiplying,
                            and dividing
                           classifying characteristics of
                            functions: even, odd, domain,
                            range, intervals, and extrema
Curriculum Goals           manipulate a variety of functions
                            by performing transformations
for Algebra 2               that affect both the independent
                            and dependent variable
Students are to use math.achieve3000.com to solve
                  problems so that they are better prepare them for the
                  end of the year state assessment.

Important         Textbooks are in!!! Please make   Students need to make sure
                  sure your child comes to the
information for   school to pick up his/her
                                                    to bring their textbooks to
                                                    class every day that we
Math              textbooks.

                  Student will begin using www.clever.com/in/pbcharters
                  to complete assessments that will be given based on
                  information taught in the textbooks.
Mr. Jones
 Link: https://www.apexvs.com/ApexUI/defa
 •Apex is basically a collection
  of online classes
 •It gives students the flexibility to work
  from home or school
 •Apex has numerous subject, but I only
  teach 5 of those
What they are learning in this Class?

                 •Further understand of the students
                  themselves and their peers
studies          •How everyone is different
                  considering (religion, convictions ,and
 1st and 7th      Attributes

                 •Stereotypes of ethnic
                  background and how they handle
HOPE AND Personal Fitness
2nd and 6th period
 What we are learning in this class
 •The three types of Health ( Emotional, Physical, and Social)
 •How the three types of Health impact our lives
 •Understanding the true meaning of the word “Health”

 Personal Fitness:
 •Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
 •Difference types of stretches
 •Different types of exercises
 •Understanding proper eating habits
Physical Science
3rd and 5th period
What are we learning in this class
 •How energy is used
 •Defining Kinetic Energy
 •Understanding the property of matter
 •Defining atoms and molecules
This nine weeks we will be covering:
Industrialization of the United States
 The Triumph of Industry
                                         Mrs. V.
 Immigration and Urbanization           Williams
 Progression Era                        United States
The Interwar Period                      History
 The Roaring Twenties                   Class
 Great Depression and New Deal          https://connected.
Post War America                         APEXVS.COM
 The Cold War
 Post War Confidence and Anxiety
              Identify and explain broad
               economic goals that societies work
               to achieve.
Mrs. V.       Explain the measures used to
Williams       determine the health of the
Economic      Interpret economic data that reflect
               the health of the economy.
Financial     Identify the influence that inflation
Literacy       has on the economy.
              Explain the four phases of the
APEXVS.COM     business cycle.
              Analyze business cycles using key
               economic indicators.
Mrs. V. Williams
American Government Class

◦ Define public policy and its realms.
◦ Explain how public policy is created and implemented at different levels of
◦ Analyze a public policy issue that created conflict between different levels and
  branches of government.

                                                                                       Mrs. V. Williams
                                                                                       World History
 Demonstrate understanding
                                                     Identify geographic regions of
                                                                                       Mrs. V. Williams
 of the unique characteristics
that distinguish the period of
600 BCE to 600 CE from other
                                                      historical significance during
                                                      the period of 600 BCE to 600     World
   periods in world history.
                                                                                       History Class

                                   Describe the                                        APEXVS.COM
                                  major historical
                                 themes affecting
                                 the period of 600
                                  BCE to 600 CE.

Study the distribution
of human population
      on Earth.

Learn how to use maps
 to indicate the spatial
location of people and
      cultural traits.

  Use demographic
   information to
compare two societies.

Describe the growth of
the world's population.
Upcoming Dates to
 Thanksgiving Break- November 23,
  2020- November 27, 2020

 Winter Holiday Break- December 21,
  2020- January 1, 2021
•   December 15, 2020
                    •   January 14, 2021
                    •   February 15, 2021
Monthly Parent      •   March 11, 2021
Meeting Dates       •   April 8, 2021
                    •   May 6, 2021
*All Meetings are   •   June 10, 2021
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