Title: Harry Potter and the Author: J.K. Rowling

What is it about?      

Title: Harry Potter and the
      Half-Blood Prince
Author: J.K. Rowling

         What is it about?

Like all other Harry Potter books in the series, this one does not disappoint readers.
What’s more, it adds more maturity and a darker nature to the story and more twists
and turns, too.

Harry continued his adventures and discovered a potion book which belonged to the
Half-Blood Prince. He then excelled in Potions with the help of the Prince’s notes. In
this sequel, Harry showed his maturity and responsibility. He demonstrated courage,
endurance and conviction. Besides, the importance of friendship and self-sacrifice
had become obvious and significant.
          Fiction: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

                                                                                                       短片 1
                                                    What is the reflection?

                                        The cultural and literary phenomenon,‘Harry Potter’, has revolutionized
                                        reading. Like millions of fans around the world, I have been eagerly
                                        anticipating the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ever
                                        since I read the previous book in the enthralling 1 series. The book had
                                        lived up to my expectation and did not disappoint me.
    Key Features of Stories
    角色 (character)
                                        In this novel, Harry’s adventures continue in his sixth school year.
    配角的關係描繪出來,                          He discovers a Potions book belonging to someone named The Half-
    有助讀者更容易掌握故事                         Blood Prince. He then excels in Potions with aid from the Prince’s
                                        notes. During the term, Dumbledore schedules meetings with Harry to
                                        familiarize him with Voldemort’s history and character, and thereby
                                        finds what may be his only vulnerability 2 — to eliminate his
                                        remaining divided soul.
    Key Features of Stories
    情節 (plot)                           Eventually Harry and Dumbledore leave Hogwarts to obtain
    全球,主要是因為故事情                         Voldemort’s mother’s locket, in which a part of his soul is hidden. They
    節吸引、劇情緊湊、佈局                         overcome a variety of challenges, traps and obstacles to find the basin
    生以challenges,traps 及                where the locket is concealed beneath a noxious potion. Dumbledore
    obstacles 來顯示情節的                    perseveres in drinking the entire potion even though it drains his energy
                                        and intoxicates him. Harry and Dumbledore then seize the locket and
                                        return to Hogwarts immediately.

                                        Dumbledore immobilizes 3 Harry and hides him under his cloak of
                                        invisibility. The next second, Draco scurries in and disarms Dumbledore.
                                        Meanwhile Snape erupts into the place and kills Dumbledore; hence
                                        the spell on Harry is broken. Harry chases after Snape, determined to
                                        avenge the brutal 4 murder of his headmaster. Snape declares his own
                                        identity as the Half-Blood Prince and escapes. Harry is devastated,

                                         1 enthralling 吸引人的     2 vulnerability 脆弱之處     3 immobilizes 使不能動
                                         4 brutal 殘暴的
What is the reflection?        

Dumbledore’s death is inconceivable 5.

Later, Harry realizes that the locket is fake. Harry, Ron and Hermione
vow to finish the work Harry and Dumbledore have started — killing
Voldemort by destroying all his remaining souls that are scattered
around the world.

In this sequel 6, we can see Harry maturing into a responsible young
man. Although it is his unfortunate responsibility to destroy the evil
Lord Voldemort, he has never shied away from his destiny and no longer
blames it. He also demonstrates courage, endurance and conviction. He
feels responsible for the protection of his loved ones and subconsciously
blames himself for the death of his parents, godfather and Dumbledore,
who died to protect him.

Harry’s unfortunate situation is sympathetic, yet his braveness is                    Writing Strategies
greatly admired. Not only does he choose to work through his problems         小心不要混淆 rather 和
rather than seek ways around them, he faces his fate and fears                fairly 。雖然兩者的意思都
                                                                              是「頗」,但 fairly 表示
responsibly and stands calm even in circumstances beyond his control.         既不好也不壞的意思,
Despite the fantastical events and settings of Harry’s adventures,            如:The rain was fairly
                                                                              heavy. (雨有點大。)
they are reflections of daily life circumstances nonetheless. Teenagers
                                                                              rather 則語氣比較強,
easily feel for the characters and find inspirations in them as they may      含不好的意思,如:The
encounter similar growing-up dilemmas such as friendship problems.            rain was rather heavy.
The importance of friendship has been the major theme of the story since
the first book of the series. Different from the classical heroic stories
like superman, the Harry Potter story never portrays Harry as the save-
the-world-alone hero. Although Harry is like most teenagers who often
overestimate their individual capability, over and over again, he is
forced to rely on the help and support of his two best friends, Ron and
Hermione. After all, all humans are not made to live alone. We need
each other’s support; family relationships and friendships make up the

5 inconceivable 難以想像的       6 sequel 續集
         Fiction: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Writing Strategies
                                       major part of our lives. Although different issues in life may threaten
    Although / Even though
                                       relationships, camaraderie7 overcomes them, like the characters in the
    / Though / Despite / In            book.
    spite of 都是「雖然」的意
    In spite of 或 Despite 與            Different from the previous books in the series, the theme of self-
    noun (名詞)或 noun
    phrase (名詞片語)連
                                       sacrificing in this book has become rather obvious and significant. Both
    用,所以這句可改為:                         Harry and Dumbledore are constantly sacrificing their own peace and
    In spite of the fact that
    different issues in life may
                                       happiness for the greater good. Even though Harry would love to assume
    threaten relationships,            the life of a normal Hogwarts student, he understands that it is his
    camaraderie overcomes
    them, like the characters
                                       destiny to fight and destroy Voldemort. Harry is perfectly willing to
    in the book.                       risk his own life to insure the safety of his friends. When Harry leaves
    另外,切記 Although 不
    要與 but 一起使用。
                                       with Dumbledore to collect the locket, he leaves his vial of Felix Felicis
                                       with his friends to protect them should trouble arise.

                                       Likewise, Dumbledore is constantly willing to lay himself down to
                                       protect Harry and Hogwarts. When Harry and Dumbledore reach the
                                       basin containing the locket, Dumbledore drinks goblet after goblet of
                                       a poisonous potion, insisting that Harry continue to pour it into his
                                       protesting mouth, to retrieve and destroy the locket and a piece of
                                       Voldemort’s soul. At last, Dumbledore sacrificed his life for the safety
                                       of Hogwarts, for protecting Harry and perhaps Malfoy.
    Teacher’s Comments
                                       The selflessness of Harry and Dumbledore has made them respectable
    等有高度評價,更告誡年                        characters among the others. In fact, these qualities in them make
                                       them good role models for teenagers and children to follow. In this fast
    人皆愛,但道德觀念對建                        developing materialistic world, people nowadays tend to be more selfish
                                       than they were before. Wealth and power are often worth more praise
                                       than heroic acts. Moral values and ethics seem to be something that
                                       are needed to build a united society.

                                       This book is written with such consummate skill that leaves me
                                       mesmerized 8 in awe. The characters are well developed with such

                                        7 camaraderie 友愛    8 mesmerized 目瞪口呆
What is the reflection?   

colourful personalities and appear to be realistic and full of feelings. It
is written with such detailed descriptions that every facial expression,
movement and tone of speech of the characters could be visualized
easily, making them real and lively. I seemed to have entered Harry
Potter’s world and been caught in the unpredictable and sporadic 9
obstacles that Harry faces.

Although the murder of Dumbledore makes the ending ruthless and
chilling, it leaves me in suspense and anticipation for the next book.
The Harry Potter series have always been creative and imaginative. This
book Harry Potter and the Half–Blood Prince adds maturity and a
darker nature to the story with more twists and turns. It also gives a
touch on the romantic aspect, which makes it even more entertaining.

Reading this book is a pleasure. It’s highly recommended to all fantasy
lovers and teenagers.

                                                    Liu Pui Fung, Keefe
                                                   St. Joseph’s College
                                              Champion, Junior Section
                                   23rd Book Report Competition, 2008

9 sporadic 零星的

           Vocabulary Bank

        brutal 殘暴的                     immobilizes 使不能動                       sequel 續集

        camaraderie 友愛                 inconceivable 難以想像的                    sporadic 零星的

        enthralling 吸引人的               mesmerized 目瞪口呆                        vulnerability 脆弱之處
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