Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves

Page created by Robert Holt
Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
Tighter Together
Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
                        Welcome to the Tighter Together 30-Day Challenge -
                        New Year 2022!

                        As we anticipate the excitement of a clean slate, many
                        of us welcome the opportunity to put a little extra focus
                        on health and fitness goals heading into the New Year.
                        It is the perfect time to create new positive habits, re-
                        establish healthy structure, and kick start performance
                        results. Tighter Together is here to help!

                        I NTRO TO FREQU ENTLY ASKES QUESTIO NS

                        Since the challenge does not officially begin until
                        Monday, January 10, 2022, I wanted to provide this
                        resource to help get you onboarded!

                        Please refer to the FAQ below for any questions leading
                        up to the challenge! My team will be taking the next
                        two weeks to enjoy the holidays AND will be working
                        extremely hard to process macro assessments and final
                        details of the challenge. We have compiled answers to
                        common questions below to help you get started!

                        If you happen to see fellow community members asking
                        these common questions, remind them of this document!

2022 TIGHTER TOGETHER              2                                WINTER CHALLENGE FAQ
Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
                        Check List
                        $100 Amazon Gift Card

                        4 winners
                        TO ENTER: Screenshot your Tighter
                        Together Manual Cover (in TT Resources
                        Tab on the Moves App! See page 13.)
                        and post to YOUR INSTAGRAM STORIES
                        tagging @madelinemoves and using

                        Private accounts will need to screenshot
                        their story and send via Direct Message to
                        make sure I am notified!

                        Join the private Facebook Group HERE
                        This is totally optional, but a great way to
                        stay connected, meet other community
                        members, share results and stay

                        You will be required to agree and adhere
                        to community guidelines to ensure a
                        focused and enjoyable experience for all.

                        Read about the two Macro Count Options
                        If you plan to use a personalize macro count this challenge (also
                        optional!), please be sure to read about the two options (Fat
                        Loss vs Maintenance), so that you can select the ONE that is
                        best suited for you. After choosing, you will need to take your
                        macro count assessment (details below).

                        There are thousands of participants who prefer to forego the
                        macro country portion of the challenge and still have wonderful
                        success! You do NOT need to complete an assessent if you do
                        not plan to track your macros.

2022 TIGHTER TOGETHER                3                                 WINTER CHALLENGE FAQ
Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
Please be sure to review the following FAQ questions in detail prior to the challenge start. This manual
is designed to set YOU up for success. The Tighter Together challenges have grown exponentially
each new round and we want you to feel confident as we lay the groundwork. These resources were
built with care to help guide you through every step!

If you read thoroughly and still need assistance, please contact support@madelinemoves.com.

QUESTION: What is the start date? Can I start any time?

ANSWER: This Challenge officially starts January 10th, which is when the majority of the community
will start! That said, the materials provided for this challenge are yours to download and use whenever is
most convenient for you. You will notice that upon purchase, the “TT Resources” tab within your Moves
App (on the left hand side bar, see guide on page 14) will include your Manual, Recipe Guide, and
“Build Your Plate” resources. Feel free to print these for your convenience! You will also find very helpful
*NEW* video content from our Nutritionist and Physical Therapist, designed to help educate you on
important topics.

If you start the challenge at some point WHILE it is going on, I recommend jumping to the day of
workouts that the community is on and then tacking on the beginning portion that you missed at the
end. It is super motivating and fun to work alongside the community during the challenge!


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Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
QUESTION: What do I need to do to ensure that I am ready to begin the
Tighter Together Challenge?

ANSWER: Please make sure to complete the following steps before the challenge starts on January

1. Download the Moves App if you have not done so already!
2. Log in to your account (app or desktop) using the email address and password that you used during
the purcahse process on the website.

3. Read below the differences between the two nutritional approaches (Fat Loss vs Maintenance) and

Only take ONE assessment, if you plan to utilize the personalized macro count. Please
skip it entirely if you will NOT be tracking macros as it creates work for our team.

4. Read over your Tighter Together Manual (found in “TT Resources” on the left hand side of the Moves

5. Gather your squad! This challenge is so much more enjoyable and effective with a small group of
accountability partners. Get them signed up prior to January 10th to make sure they can join! Here is
a quick link to send.


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Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
QUESTION: What is the difference between “Fat Loss” and “Mainte-
nance” macros?
ANSWER: We offer two different options for personalized macro counts. Please review the two plans
below to indentify which one is right for you and your goals (if you plan to particiapte!). Due to high
volume of customers, you will only receive ONE macro count, so please take your time filling out the
assessment and make sure that it accurately reflects your statistics and goals.

1. Fat Loss Macros
This option is for those who are looking to REDUCE overall body weight during the challenge while
changing body composition. This goal will require a calorie deficit. For reference (and this will vary
slightly from person to person), the overall calorie difference between choosing “maintenance macros”
and “fat loss macros” is approximately 200-350 calories per day in the form of fats and carbs (fat loss
is LOWER than Maintenance).

Fat Loss Macros count will implement carb cycling and have “high carb (2 per week) / low carb days (5
per week)”. This is a more aggressive approach designed for a short duration, NOT long term. The TT
Manual outlines in detail the transition to maintenance after the challenge.

2. Maintenance Macros
This option is for those who want to change BODY COMPOSITION (their body’s ratio of muscle to fat)
without placing an emphasis on losing body weight. This option is ideal for those who have a personal
focus on nutritional consistency with their eating habits and properly fueling their body, not weight LOSS.
This is a great option for people who want to benefit most from the workouts, community, and motivation
provided rather than a personal emphasis on being in a calorie deficit/cut phase. Maintenance macros
will not be carb cycling and will have ONE daily macro count, not “high carb/ low carb” days.

All calculations have been checked by multiple Registered Dietitians and a Clinical Nutritionist, but you
know your body’s needs best. Some of you know your current caloric intake and should always adjust
your numbers as needed to reflect the intake you have made your maintenance. Please refer to page
25 of your manual on how to do so. This challenge is also designed to take those who selected Fat Loss
macros OUT of a deficit at the conclusion, so please refer to and follow your Manual’s AFTERMATH
TRANSITION guidelines to ensure a smooth transition to your next phase (pg. 29-31). If at any point
you feel that you want to make that transition early, do so! Nutrition is an individual topic and YOUR
biofeedback should always take priority.

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Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
QUESTION: Where can I locate my Macro Assesment?
ANSWER: You can access your Macro Assessment in the Moves App under the Groups Tab -> Tighter
Together New Year 2022 (link at the top). See guide on page 14.

QUESTION: How do I know that my macro assessment was received?

ANSWER: You will see a “thank you for completing your assessment” message upon completion. Thank
you for submitting one and only one assessment.

QUESTION: How and where will I recieve my custom macro count?

ANSWER: My team calculates each macro count in order of RECEIVED assessments. PLease fill out
your assessment promptly upon purchase.

You will receive your personal macro count via email once it has been completed. After completion, you
will be able to find your custom macro count in the “Macro Count” tab of the Moves App Toolbar (left
hand side of the app, see guide on page 14).

Please note: macro assessments are calculated immediately in time for this Tighter Together challnege,
even if you personally intend to start yours at a later date. Macro assessments received after 1/17/2022
will not be accepted.


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Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
QUESTION: What equipment will I need to complete Tighter Together?

ANSWER: Please see below details, based on where you intend to complete the workouts.


Your gym setting will have everything you need for the challenge (dumbells, barbell, cable machine,
exercise ball, etc.). If you cannot locate somethig that you need, don’t be nervous to ask your gym staff!
They can always help you out.


YES--all workouts can be done from home! If you need any help securing equipment, please email
kcarnes@fitexsolutions.com and an equipment respresentative can help!

You will need:

A variety in weight is ideal, but anything will work! I typically use anywhere from 5lb
to 30lb most often.

Resistence Bands
Large loop bands are ideal for recreating cable machines.

Leg Bands
Any brand you have or find will work! I use these.

Elevated Surface
Bench, chair, cooler, picnic table bench, sturdy storage container, coffee table, etc.

Optional Items
Exercise ball, cardio machines, jump rope, kettlebell, barbell, weighted slam ball (mine
is 15lbs)
All exercises that use these will have alternatives provided within the app, see page 12.

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asked questions.
QUESTION: When will the Tighter Together challenge workouts populate
in my Moves App Plans tab and Calendar?
ANSWER: The workouts will populate on Thursday, January 6, 2022. This keeps the challenge fair to
all participants and allows us to all start together on January 10th!

If you want to start workouts prior to the 6th, the Moves App Membership is linked here. We have
several program options that are fit for different stages of life (see page 12); however, Weekly Moves
is our most popular choice.

QUESTION: What if I only plan to workout 3 days per week? Which
workouts should I prioritize?
ANSWER: GREAT! It is important to take the workouts and remember that they are yours for the long
term. You do not need to commit to all of them in order to see and feel amazing results. I recommend
trying to target each large muscle group: Upper Body (Monday), Lower Body (Tuesday), and Back &
Chest (Wednesday). You can do them on ANY DAY OF THE WEEK! To learn how to move workouts to
a different day, see guide on page 14.

QUESTION: Where can I locate my RECIPES and MANUAL?
ANSWER: You may find these within the Moves App (or desktop portal) by going to the “RESOURCES”
tab. Within there you should see the Tighter Together New Year recipes, manual, and “build your plate”
resources. They can all be downloaded and printed from the desktop login.


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Tighter Together NEW YEAR 2022 | FAQ - Madeline Moves
asked questions.
QUESTION: Where do I send my before photos?
ANSWER: progress pictures should be sent to tightertogether@gmail.com. All the details are located
within the Tighter Together Manual on page 5. You can find the manual in TT Resources on the Moves
App (see guide on page 14).

QUESTION: How do I add the Tighter Together workouts to my calen-
ANSWER: On January 6th, the workouts will be loaded into your App Calendar automatically. If they do
not show up, exit out of the app and log back in! If you still do not see them in your calendar, click on the
“PLANS” tab and select the Tighter Together New Year 2022 plan. Click START PLAN and you will be
brought to a screen where you can edit your start date, if needed (see guide on page 13).

QUESTION: I am a MOVES APP MEMBER, how do I stop my Weekly
Moves workouts from showing up n my Workout Calendar during the
Tighter Together Challenge?

ANSWER: Go to the the Moves App and click on your profile icon in the top right hand corner. Click
“Followed Calendars” -> “Weekly Moves Workouts” -> “Unfollow” (see guide on page 14).

This will remove your Weekly Moves from your Workout Calendar. Once the challenge is complete, you
will need to go back to the same place to add them back on. You can still view Weekly Moves Workouts
at any time via your “PLANS” tab (see guide on page 13).

                                                                                                Moves App
                                                                                                 2. 0 Guide

2022 TIGHTER TOGETHER                                10                                WINTER CHALLENGE FAQ
Moves App
2.0 Guide
Introducing the updated Moves App interface!
We couldn’t be more excited for you to get the chance
to try the new Moves App for this Tighter Together
Challenge! The following pages share screenshots of
where to find the resources and features that you may
need during the challenge.

                                                        Table of Contents

                                                        Alternate Exercises (page 12)

                                                        Plans (page 13)

                                                        Profile (page 14)

                                                        Followed Calendars (page 14)

                                                        Groups (page 14)

                                                        TT Resources (page 14)
 1                                                      Macro Count (page 14)

                                                        Messages (page 14)


2022 TIGHTER TOGETHER                            11                  WINTER CHALLENGE FAQ
New                                                        2 NEW Training Programs:
                                                           Beginner Moves & Strength

Features!                                                  Moves in PLANS tab.

     • Auto Play
     • Larger Video Format
        for Warm Ups
     • Exercise Videos
     ...And more!

                               Rate Your Workout: This
                               is a fun way to assign
                               your thoughts/ feelings
                               to a job well done! These
                               will save in your logged
                               history, along with your
                               other data, so that you
                               can track progress and
                                                           Strategically, I’m going to
                                                           wait to really unpack those
                                                           two programs until a more
                                                           ideal time for the majority of
                                                           the community which is Q1
                                                           2022 after January Tighter
                                                           Together. I think the largest
                                                           subset of this community will
                                                           be starting Strength Moves
     Alternate exercise                                    with Brandon Moss, DPT
     options to accomodate                                 then and I want to do the
     equipment or                                          programming justice with an
     modification needs.                                   in-depth series!
     Click the “swap” button
     for the move to be
     replaced with the
     alternate throughout
     your workout.

             TOGETHER                     12
                                          12                        WINTER
                                                                    WINTER CHALLENGE
                                                                           CHALLENGE FAQ
  Moves App 2.0

                                              When you click on the
                                              Tighter Together Plan,
                                              you will see the workouts
                                              by week in the program.
                                              These workouts will NOT
                                              be loaded until January
                                              6, 2022.

     The “Plans” tab at the bottom
     of the app is where you will find
     your Tighter Together Challenge
     Plan. If you are not a current
     subscriber, you will not see all
     of the Moves App plans. To
     immediately access Moves App
     workouts and continue your
     progress after the challenge,
     you can subscribe to a
     membership HERE.

2022 TIGHTER TOGETHER                    13                    WINTER CHALLENGE FAQ
Tighter Together                                            Navigate to your profile by
                                                            clicking on the round image

Resources                                                   in the top right corner of the
                                                            home page!

                                 This is the Home Page
                                 view. From here, you
                                 can navigate to multiple
                                 places within the app.
                                 This is also where
                                 your Tighter Together
                                 workouts will populate
                                 on January 6th. You
                                 can move a workout by
                                 clicking the 3 dots on
                                 the bottom right of the

                                                            You profile is where you
                                                            can add a photo, see your
                                                            total workouts logged,
                                                            upload a photo and adjust
                                                            the calendars that you
                                                            follow. If you are Moves App
                                                            subscriber and DO NOT
     On the Home Page, if you                               want to see Weekly Moves
     click on the three lines                               (or another program) on
     on the top left corner,                                your calendar during Tighter
     you will see a side bar                                Together, you can “unfollow”
     open up. Within this                                   them by clicking on the
     bar you can find several                               “Followed Calendars”. You
     resources including                                    will need to come back here
     messages (keep an eye                                  after the challenge to re-
     on these for reminders!),                              follow.
     your personal macro
     count, groups, and
     Tighter Together

             TOGETHER                       14
                                            14                       WINTER
                                                                     WINTER CHALLENGE
                                                                            CHALLENGE FAQ
You can also read