Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC

Page created by Rachel Vargas
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC

                             November 2021               N E W S L E T T E R

•    Turkey Box

•    Clothing
     Closet              Thoughts from the Pastor
•    Volunteers

                             By the time you read this, Halloween will be over and the candy which
•    Shoebox
                       changed hands will be eaten, given away, or maybe even saved for next year!
                               As I was not raised in this country, I found All Hallows Eve to be a strange
                       way to celebrate All Saints Day Eve. I was accustomed to the idea of All Saints Day,
                       but when time came for Halloween, my then Kindergarten age boys, delighted in the
                       fact that they could dress in costume and visit selected houses along our street and
                       say Trick or Treat!! And receive bundles of candy.
                             Halloween was not celebrated at all in Britain but the next day was a Holy
                       Day which was celebrated with worship services to remember friends and relatives
                       who passed on.
                              Now after Halloween is over for this year, and the store displays have
                       changed over to Hanukah and Christmas merchandising themes. We can now con-
                       centrate on Advent and preparing for a spiritual event of Christmas, which originally
                       grew out of the academic “Quarter Day” of Christ Mass.
                              This year, because of supply chain issues, we may be able to experience a
                       more Spiritual Christmas as many of the consumer goods which for many mean
                       Christmas, are stuck in containers off the California coast. At least we still raise our
                       own turkeys and vegetables in the Americas!
                              We are putting together 50 food boxes for the families of Avalon School for
                       Thanksgiving. We are so blessed that we can do this for the less fortunate. Each
                       time you contribute an item for these boxes you are sending a blessing to a family.
                              Pray for that family too. That will also be a blessing.
                       Pastor Iain
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC
PAGE    2

                                                         Turkey Box
                               "Turkey Boxes for Avalon: Goal is 50 boxes of a full Thanksgiv-
                               ing Dinner for the families of Avalon Public Charter
                               School. Please place your items on the tables in the Lobby. If
                               you would like to give a Turkey, please sign up and let us know
                               when you would bring the Turkey to the Church. We will pack
                               the boxes and deliver them to Avalon on Monday, November
                               22nd. If you would like to help pack and deliver, please be at
                               the Church by 8:30 on Monday, November 22nd. Thank you
                               all for supporting this Ministry!"

                            Chargers Pancake Breakfast
                                                   Chargers Pancake Breakfasts:
                                                Resume Saturday, November 20, 2021.
                                                Third Saturday each month January
            “Work with
                                                     through March, Serving from
       enthusiasm, as                           7:00-900 am, $5.00 Adult, $3.00 Youth
   though you were

    working for the
                                                        Quilters Club
   Lord rather than

         for people.”       Always looking for more people to come join us! We meet at 9 am on Tuesdays.
            EPHESIANS 6:7

                            Operation Christmas Child
                            Shoe Boxes must be back to the church on or
                            before November 21st..

                            Discover: The Amazing Journey of a Simple
                            Shoebox Gift

               NOVEMBER       2021
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC
PAGE      3

                                                                                                     “In your anger

                                                                                                     do not sin.” Do

                                                                                                     not let the sun

                                                                                                     go down while
                                 LAY LEADERSHIP REPORT                                               you are still
       For sure, 2021 turned out to be a better year for our Church than 2020.We opened for          angry, and do
       In-Person Worship in January of 2021. We limited the number of individuals and                not give the
       required masks and social distancing. Then in May, we opened with unlimited number of
individuals allowed. Our attendance is slowly picking up, now averaging about 60 individuals.        devil a foothold.
                                                                                                     EPHISIANS 4:26-27
       In July, our Finance Director/Treasurer suddenly passed away. Merlin had been sick for
quite some time but he continued to actively serve our Church and attend the Leadership
       Meetings right up to the end. We thank Merlin for all of his hard work and for his
       dedication to Desert Chapel.

       It has been a year of repairs and lots of maintenance. Keith Hale, our Trustee, has put in
countless hours working with the Roofing Company and our Insurance Company to replace/
repair the roof on all of our buildings and replacing the Air Conditioner Units that were
down. We are so grateful to Keith for working with our Phone Company, for supervising our
Custodian and for all the other hard work he does.

      We are in the process of updating our Membership Directory. Bev Svoboda has been
working hard to gather current information on all our Members and Winter Residents. This is a
work in process and we thank Bev for her work in getting our records updated.

      We are still unsure what our attendance will be this fall and winter. We are so happy to
see members and visitors coming back to worship with us.

       Finally, we have welcomed our new Pastor, Iain Glithero. Even though Pastor Iain is part
-time, you will find him in the office Sundays after worship, Mondays and Tuesdays. He has
been very busy with visitations and phone calling. His Bible Study classes have begun and have
been well attended. Thank you Pastor Iain for jumping right in and caring for our Church.

      We are looking forward to a good 2022 and working on what our Plans for the Future will

Faithfully submitted,
Jeannine Allen, Lay Leader of Desert Chapel

  Next Business Meeting: 11/10/21

  Planning Meeting:   11/24/21                                                       But the Lord is faithful; he will
                                                                                     make you strong and guard
                                                                                     you from the evil one.
                                                                                     2 Thessalonians 3:3 NKJV
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC
Hymn Review: “Come Ye Thankful People, Come”
Submitted by Eleanor Edwards

Words by Henry Alford Music by George J. Elvey

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto
Him, and
bless His name." Psalm 100.4

This hymn, a traditional Thanksgiving Sacred Song, is considered to be one of the most
selected harvest and thanksgiving songs in all of the hymnals of Christian singing. It was
originally written for the English harvest festivals and is celebrated in various ways,
according to the harvest times of the different villages.

Henry "Dean" Alford was not only a writer, poet, artist and musician but a distinguished the-
ologian and scholar. George J. Elvey, the composer, was a long time (47 years) organist at the
Windsor, Royal Castle in England.

Alford was born in 1810 in London and by age 6 he had written a biography of the Apostle
Paul. By the age of 10 he had written a pamphlet, "Looking unto Jesus: the Believers'
Support under Trials and Afflictions". When he became 16 he rededicated his life to Christ
and was to become admired as a moral and upright person who strongly desired to be an
example of chastity and holiness.
       Although Henry Alford was not a Methodist, he agreed with John Wesley's disdain for
sin - "Lord of harvest, grant that we, wholesome grain and pure may be". He wanted to give
the Lord of the Harvest His due - "Gather Thou Thy people in, free from sorrow, free from
sin, There forever purified, in Thy garner to abide".
       Stanza One invites us to give thanks to God for His care and for His promise to meet
the needs of humankind. Stanzas Two and Three refer to the Parable of the Wheat and Tares
(weeds) in the book of St. Matthew. Stanza Four is a prayer for the Lord's return; the
ultimate promise of God's purpose for humankind's redemption.
       As we join with our church families to sing this familiar song, we thank God not only
for the bountiful harvest that supplies our physical needs but for His promises of the
Heavenly Harvest of Acceptance and Redemption.
       Come, ye thankful people, come; Raise the song of harvest home,
All is safely gathered in, Ere the winter storms begin.
God, our Maker, doth provide For our wants to be supplied;
Come to God's own temple, come; Raise the song of harvest home.

             The information for this review came from Then Sinqs My Soul, Book 2, by Robert J Morgan,, - Come Ye Thankful People, Come: Hymns as Poetry and
                          content/history-history-of-hymn- come-ye-thankful people come ...
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC
November 2021

     Sun                Mon                Tue                Wed                  Thu             Fri                Sat

                   1                  2
                                                         3                     4              5                   10am Clothing
                       10-2 Pastor       10-2 Pastor
                                                                                                                   Closet/ Community
                        Office Open        Office Open

                   8                  9                  10                    11             12              13
                       10-2 Pastor       10-2 Pastor       4pm Board                                           10am Clothing
    Worship 9am
                        Office Open        Office Open        Meeting                                              Closet

                   15                 16                                                                          10am Clothing
14                                                       17                    18             19
                       10-2 Pastor       10-2 Pastor                                                             Closet
    Worship 9am
                        Office Open        Office Open                                                            Pancake Breakfast

                       10-2 Pastor   23                 24                                                   27
21                                                                             25             26
                        Office Open       10-2 Pastor       4pm Planning                                        10am Clothing
    Worship 9am                                                               Thanksgiving   Office Closed
                       8:30am Load        Office Open        for the Future                                       Closet
                        Turkey Box

                   29                 30
                       10-2 Pastor       10-2 Pastor
    Worship 9am
                        Office Open        Office Open
Thoughts from the Pastor - METHODIST CHURCH November2021 - Desert Chapel UMC
Address: 462 N Palo Verde Dr. Apache Junction, AZ 85120
                          Telephone: (480) 982-2259
 Website/Social: /

                    Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-12pm
                               Loving Father,
   Here we are. We trust that You have an incredible plan for our church.
 Transform us. Transform our congregation and church. Everything is on the
    table. Transform our church into the place of Worship of Jubilation of
  Affirming Love of Disciples making disciples You envision it to be. We are
                  100% available! How can we help?? Amen.

Desert Chapel United
Methodist Church
462 N. Palo Verde Dr.
Apache Junction, AZ
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