August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College

August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
         OF A LIFETIME!
              August 15 - 19, 2018
              Windows On Wesley

New Student Orientation 2018 Part II
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Location: Dover Public Library
    35 Loockerman Plaza
       Dover, DE 19901
  Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 3
             The Official orientation schedule

Keep this schedule handy in the instance you get separated from
 your Orientation Leader. You can also check out the schedules
             placed around in the College Center.

          Wednesday, August 15, 2018
      Time               Description                 Location

8:30am - 3:00pm      Wolverine Check-In          Wentworth Gym &
                   Check-In for Orientation      the College Center
                    Chat with Financial Aid
                    Pick-up your Student ID
                   Pick-up your Library Card

11:00am - 1:00pm            Lunch                   Dulany Hall
                   Fuel yourself with a meal!
                           Join your

3:00pm - 5:00pm    Your Course to Academic         Wells Theatre
                           Information            Slaybaugh Hall
                    *Invitation Only event for
                      students who did not
                          attend SOAR.

3:00pm - 5:00pm      Mandatory Pathway           Parker Library 107
                        This meeting is
                        invitation only!
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 4

4:30pm - 6:30pm               Dinner                Dulany Hall
                             Join your

6:30pm - 9:00pm      Movie Night with SAB           Wells Theatre
                     Relax with the Student        Slaybaugh Hall
                    Activities Board and enjoy
                    the movie, Black Panther.

9:00pm - 9:45pm           Floor Meetings          Residence Halls
                        Pay attention to the
                      signs in your residence
                         hall for times and
                         locations of your

           Thursday, August 16, 2018

7:30am - 9:00am             Breakfast                Dulany Hall
                      Enjoy breakfast with a
                      new friend, RA, or OL.
                        7:30am: Carpenter
                      7:45am: Commuters &
                      8:00am: Zimmerman &

  "... when you decide not to be afraid, you can find friends in
            super unexpected places." ~ Ms. Marvel
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 5

9:00am - 11:00am     Connecting the Dots         Wells Theatre
                    Learn how to transition     Slaybaugh Hall
                      from high school to
                    college with respect to
                       alcohol and drug

11:00am - 1:00pm                                  Dulany Hall
                    Enjoy lunch with a new
                        friend, RA, or OL.
                       11:00am: Carpenter
                     11:15am: Commuters &
                    11:30am: Zimmerman &

12:45pm - 1:05pm   Residents: Meet in front    Residence Halls &
                    of your Residence Hall    the College Center
                   Commuters: Meet at the
                   College Center Concierge

 1:10pm - 2:30pm        Residence Life           Wells Theatre
                    Community Meeting           Slaybaugh Hall
                    Meet with the Dean of
                     Students, Director of
                   Public Safety, Residence
                    Life. Building meetings
                     are mandatory for all
                       resident students.
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 6

1:10pm - 2:30pm       Commuter Student            Underground
                     Community Meeting
                    Meet with the Commuter
                      Student Liasion and
                         learn more about
                    Wesley! This meeting is
                           mandatory for
                     all commuter students.

2:30pm - 3:00pm       Meet in South Plaza          Walk To
                     Please see the campus       Convocation
                    map on page 15 for more

3:00pm - 4:00pm           Convocation          The Schwartz Center
                     The official welcome to 226 South State Street
                     the Wesley Family! This     Dover, DE 19901
                    event is mandatory for all

  4:30pm - 6:30pm             Dinner             Dulany Hall
                     Enjoy dinner with a new
                        friend, RA, or OL.
                        4:30pm: Carpenter
                      4:45pm: Commuters &
                      5:00pm: Zimmerman &

  "With great power, comes great responsibility." ~ Spiderman
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
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6:30pm - 6:45pm      Residents: Meet in front     Residence Halls &
                      of your Residence Hall     the College Center
                    Commuters: Meet at the
                       College Center
                       Concierge Desk

6:45pm - 9:00pm         Skating with SAB         Dover Skating Rink
                    Go roller skating with our   2201 South Dupont
                     Student Activities Board!        Highway
                    Transportation is provided    Dover, DE 19901
                            in Parking
                    Lot A. Please see campus
                         map on page 13.

              Friday, August 17, 2018

7:30am - 9:00am             Breakfast               Dulany Hall
                      Enjoy breakfast with a
                      new friend, RA, or OL.
                      7:30am: Commuters &
                      7:45am: Zimmerman &
                        8:00am: Carpenter

“Someone must have ripped the ‘Q’ section out of my dictionary,
’cause I don’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’.” ~ Mr. Furious
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 8

10:20am             Residents: Meet in front    Residence Halls &
                     of your Residence Hall    the College Center
                    Commuters: Meet at the
                    College Center Concierge

10:30am - 11:30am   Academic Department         See pages 19 for
                           Meetings            classroom locations
                    Receive information that
                      is pertinent to your
                        respected major.

11:30am - 12:40pm              Lunch              Dulany Hall
                      Enjoy lunch with a new
                         friend, RA, or OL.
                    11:30am: Malmberg & Roe
                      11:45am: Zimmerman &
                        12:00pm: Carpenter

12:45pm             Residents: Meet in front    Residence Halls &
                     of your Residence Hall    the College Center
                    Commuters: Meet at the
                    College Center Concierge

"Change their minds, and change the world!" ~ Wonder Woman
August 15 - 19, 2018 Windows On Wesley - (WOW) - Wesley College
Page 9

12:50pm - 1:35pm     Breakout Session I       Common Read:
                    Team Marvel Comics:       See page 19 for
                   Common Read Discussion   classroom locations
                                                  ** Bring
                     Team DC Comics:           your Common
                        #JustASC              Read book, The

                                              Wells Theatre
                                             Slaybaugh Hall

1:45pm - 2:30pm      Breakout Session II      Common Read:
                    Team Marvel Comics:       See page 19 for
                         #JustASC           classroom locations
                                                  ** Bring
                     Team DC Comics:           your Common
                   Common Read Discussion     Read book, The

                                               Wells Theatre
                                              Slaybaugh Hall

2:30pm - 3:30pm         SANE Nurse            Wells Theatre
                       Presentation          Slaybaugh Hall
                   Bayhealth Kent General
                     Hospital | Dover, DE
Page 10

3:30pm              Class of 2022 Group          Amphitheater
                   Free shirts will be given
                  for students to take their
                  class photo. Say Cheese!

4:30pm - 6:30pm             Dinner                Dulany Hall
                   Enjoy dinner with a new
                      friend, RA, or OL.
                  4:30pm: Roe & Commuters
                    5:00pm: Zimmerman &
                      5:30pm: Carpenter

6:30pm - 7:00pm      Financial Literacy        College Center 208
                    Ms. Karen Wearden,
                   Edward Jones Financial
                     Planning Services

7:15pm - 8:45pm          "SCREAM!"               Wells Theatre
                  Come out and listen to one    Slaybaugh Hall
                  of the most dynamic stage

  "Just because something works
    does not mean it cannot be
         improved." ~ Shuri
Page 11

           Saturday, August 18, 2018
11:00am - 1:00pm             Brunch                 Dulany Hall
                    Enjoy brunch with a new
                       friend, RA, or OL.

12:00pm - 4:00pm   SGA and SAB Day Party        South Campus Plaza
                   Stop by and chill with the
                    Student Activities Board
                        and the Student
                   Government Association!

4:30pm - 6:30pm               Dinner            Dulany Dining Hall
                     Enjoy dinner with a new
                        friend, RA, or OL.
                      4:30pm: Zimmerman &
                          5:00pm: Roe &
                       5:30pm: Carpenter

7:00pm - 10:00pm   SGA Presents - "For The         Underground
                   Kickback with the Student
                   Government Association!
                    You will not want to miss

   "There is a superhero in all of us.
  We just need the courage to put on
       the cape." ~ Superman
Page 12

                 Sunday, August 19, 2018

 Various Times         Places to Worship             Please see local
                     Explore your spirituality    places of worship on
                      on your own, as you              pages 13-14

 11:00am - 1:00pm           Brunch                 Dulany Dining Hall
                    Enjoy brunch with a new
                       friend, RA, or OL.

3:00pm - 7:00pm        SGA and SAB BBQ               Amphitheater
                     Good food, good music,
                      and lasting memories!

7:00pm - 9:00pm          Goose Chase!                Parking Lot A
                    Participate in a late night      Please see the
                     scavenger hunt around        campus map on page
                             campus.                       15
Places To Worship                           Page 13
     Please contact each place of worship for
               their service times.
          Bennett Chapel at Wesley College
          97 West Division Street | Dover, DE

      Bethuel Seventh-Day Adventist Church
  25 North Queen Street | Dover, DE | 302-678-2499

                Calvary Baptist Church
     410 Fulton Street | Dover, DE | 302-736-6554

      Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  237 West Lebanon Road | Dover, DE | 302-697-2700

             Crossroad Christian Church
4867 North Dupont Highway | Dover, DE | 302-741-2455

                   Frontline Ministries
   516 Jefferic Boulevard | Dover, DE | 302-730-9200

              Holy Cross Catholic Church
      631 State Street | Dover, DE | 302-674-5787

         Islamic Society of Central Delaware
7953 South Dupont Highway | Felton, DE | 302-450-7474

          Jewish Congregation Beth Sholom
  340 North Queen Street | Dover, DE | 302-734-5578

   John Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Church
  217 West Division Street | Dover, DE | 302-734-5517
More Places To Worship                          Page 14

      Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
1260 West College Road | Dover, DE | 302-734-5403

          Presbyterian Church of Dover
 54 South State Street | Dover, DE | 302-734-3313

            Solid Rock Baptist Church
 113 North West Street | Dover, DE | 302-734-1763

             St. John Lutheran Church
     113 Lotus Street | Dover, DE | 302-734-1211

           United Church of Delaware
      Worship Services at Dover High School
               1 Dover High Drive
                Dover, DE 19904

        Whatcoat United Methodist Church
 16 North Main Street | Camden, DE | 302-697-7539

            Worship Christian Center
  107 South Street | Camden, DE | 302-698-4242
Page 15

   * Shuttle Services available from Lot A

            College Center: Home to the Underground, Commuter Student Lounge,
                           Public Safety Office, and Bookstore (5)
         Slaybaugh Hall: Located on North Plaza. Wells Theatre is on the 1st floor. (6)
 Parker Library: Located on South Plaza, adjacent to College Center; home to Student Success
                     and Retention and the Academic Success Center. (8)
             Dulany Hall: Located on the 1st Floor of College Center; home to the
                             International Admissions Office (9)
       Malmberg Hall: Located on the corner of N. Governor’s Ave. and Division St. (11)
Carpenter Hall: Located on Fulton Street, adjacent to Dulany Hall; home to the Wellness Center.
                  Entrance behind Carpenter Hall. Follow the pawprints! (17)
                      Parking Lot A: Located next to Parker Library. (A)
Page 16
                                Learn The Lingo!
  Allow us to fill you in! There are certain names that those leading
     you will use throughout WOW when referencing people and
 locations. In order to make orientation easier, we have provided a
    chart describing the lingo we use here in the Wesley Family!

      AOD – Alcohol and Other Drug           MALM – Malmberg Hall
      ASC – Academic Success                 OFF – Off Site
      Center                                 PL – Parker Library
      BH – Budd Hall                         ROET – Roe Hall East
      CARP – Carpenter Hall                  ROEW – Roe Hall West
      CC – College Center                    SAB – Student Activities Board
      CC101 – Wentworth Gym                  SAO – Student Affairs Office
      CH – Bennett Chapel                    SGA – Student Government
      CN – Cannon Hall                       Association
      DH – Dulany Dining Hall                SH – Slaybaugh Hall
      HONH – Honor’s House                   SSR – Student Success & Retention
      * JH – Johnston Hall Health            TBD – To Be Determined
      Sciences Building                      WILL – Williams Hall
      LONG – Longwood Hall                   ZIMR – Zimmerman Hall

   * Shuttle Services available from Lot A

RAs (Resident Assistants): If you are living in a residence hall, a RA will
  serve as a resource during your Wesley College housing experience.
  These upperclass student leaders will provide important information,
 schedule fun and informative programs, and assist with any challenges
         that you encounter while living in the Residence Halls.

OLs (Orientation Leaders): These upperclass student leaders should be
   familiar to you because they assisted during your one-day SOAR
 experience. They are incredibly knowledgeable about the orientation
    process and different campus resources. Be sure to ask a lot of
What Happens If...
                                                                                   Page 17

I am hungry! How will I eat?
If you are a residential student, your meal plan will be activated on Wednesday, August
15, 2018. All you will need to do is swipe your student ID upon your arrival to the dining
hall. All first-year students who live on campus have the Unlimited meal plan (19 meals per
week). You must access the dining hall by swiping your ID card. In the instance that your
ID card does not swipe in the dining hall, please visit the Business Office. They will be able
to assist you.

If you are a commuter student and have a meal plan, your meal plan will be activated on
Wednesday, August 15, 2018. All you will need to do is swipe your student ID your arrival
to the dining hall. If you are a commuter student interested in purchasing a meal plan for
the semester, you may do so with Residence Life located in the Office of Student Affairs,
College Center, First Floor.

I want to see the local area. How do I explore Dover?
Bus services will be available for the off-campus trips in your WOW booklet. You will need
to meet in front of your residence hall (if you live on campus), or in the Commuter Lounge
(in the Underground, College Center). Talk to your RAs or OLs about the service.

I have questions! What if I get lost or need help?
Feel free to ask any of the OLs, RAs, faculty or staff your questions, to be pointed in the
right direction. The RAs and the OLs will have rosters and schedules to help guide you
throughout WOW. If there is an emergency, please do not hesitate to contact Public
Safety at (302)-736-2436.

The Financial Aid and Business Office departments are closed for the day. With
whom do I speak with?
If you arrive to campus and both the Financial Aid and Business Offices are closed, you
will need to wait until the next business day to visit those departments. You will not be
permitted to move into the residence halls.

My ID card does not work. Where should I go?
If your ID card stops working between the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, please stop by the
Public Safety Office, located in the Underground (Ground Floor of the College Center). If
your ID card stops working past 4:30pm, please contact Public Safety by phone at (302)
-736-2436. One of the Public Safety Officers will be able to provide you with instructions.
Welcome to your team!                        Page 18

     Find your team for Orientation based on where you will be
     living this semester! If you are a member of the commuter
   community, you also have a team. Check out the chart below!
Team Superman                             Carpenter Rooms 102-109
Team Batman                                Carpenter Rooms 110-116
Team Wonder Woman                Carpenter Rooms 117-120, 202-204
Team Green Lantern                        Carpenter Rooms 205-211
Team Flash                                Carpenter Rooms 212-219
Team Captain America                            Carpenter 220-226
Team Aquaman                    Carpenter Rooms 227-229, 302-305
Team Cyborg                              Carpenter Rooms 306-313
Team Batgirl                             Carpenter Rooms 314-322
Team Robin                                      Carpenter 323-329
Team Jessica Jones                                  Commuters A-K
Team Supergirl                                      Commuters L-Z
Team Spiderman                  Malmberg & Zimmerman Hall Rooms
Team Wolverine                                     Roe East 146-154
Team Black Panther              Roe East 157-159, 230-231, 238-239
Team Captain Marvel                              Roe East 240-249
Team Luke Cage                          Roe East 250-255, 330-331
Team Iron Man                                    Roe East 338-346
Team Deadpool                                    Roe East 349-356
Team Ant-Man                           Roe West 207, 225, 305-310
Common Read Locations                       Page 19

  Find your team for the Breakout Sessions based on your
     initial orientation team! If you are a member of the
 commuter community, you also have a team. Check out the
                          chart below!

Academic Department Meeting Locations
 Find your team for the Academic Department Meetings based
           on your major! Check out the chart below!
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