Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...

Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Shaping the Future
of Critical Access

Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Our Mission

                      Kahuku Medical Center will provide quality health care and promote
                      wellness in our community in a professional, caring, culturally
                      sensitive and financially responsible manner.

                      Our Vision
                      Our founding promise is to serve as a trusted healing resource partner dedicated to
                      excellence through quality patient-centered care. Over the next three years, we aspire to:
                      •       Establish a healthcare home for the Ko`olauloa region
                      •       Increase communication
                      •       Build partnerships with other health care providers

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Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Letter from the CEO and
   Chairman of the Board

                                 We don’t have a crystal ball at Kahuku Medical
                               Center, but our vision for the future is clear: we
                               want to be the best hospital for our community.
                                  Our strategic plan provides a way to navigate
                               this journey.
                                  Over the past two years, we’ve gained a deeper
                               understanding of what it will take to thrive
                               going forward. Our strategic plan is the
                               product of what we learned and will direct our
                               growth for the next three years.
                                  While the strategic plan points us toward
                               the future, we cannot forget the experiences
                               of our past. Though the transition from
                               Kahuku Hospital to Kahuku Medical Center was
Stephany Vaioleti              difficult, it brough us to where we are today.
CEO, Kahuku Medical Center        Our founding promise is to serve as a trusted
                               healing resource partner dedicated to quality
Barbara Kahana                 patient-centered care. This plan will guide us
Chair, Kahuku Medical Center   through the rapidly changing healthcare
                               environment to keep that promise.
                                  The strategic plan describes in detail where
                               we want to go and how we expect to get
                               there. Please join us on our journey.

                                                             Strategic Plan Overview   3
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Strategic Overview

Kahuku Medical Center has established itself as one of the highest performing
critical access hospitals in the state of Hawaii. Our mission is driven by a
commitment to excellence and patient-centered care.

   Kahuku Medical Center
(KMC) is the only inpatient
facility operating along Oahu’s
north and north-east coastline,
serving communities from
Kualoa to Waimea (referred to
as “Ko`olauloa”).
   We are proud of how much
we have grown and how far
                                                    Create a
we have come, but we never                         Healthcare
stop thinking about where we
are going and how we will get
   Our new strategic plan
provides a way to honor our
promise and achieve our
mission while navigating a
future filled with rapid change.
   We will continue to recruit
and retain the best leaders,
clinicians, and staff to
                                      Increase                      Build
accomplish these objectives.       Communication                Partnerships
   KMC has a renewed
commitment to quality care
and is grateful for the ability
to serve our community while
looking ahead to the next
three years.

4   Kahuku Medical Center
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
The plan will help us meet our vision by keeping us focused on three key goals:

•   Create a healthcare home. We will attract more of the kinds of programs you need right here at
    the Kahuku Medical Center campus. We will improve our existing services with high standards
    and effective management. Our goal is to become a home of healing and wellness for you and
    your family - a place you go not just for emergency care, but for a wide range of services and
    activities that help you heal and stay well.
•   Strengthen Communication. We will strengthen communication widely, with patients, fellow
    service providers, our employees, and the community at large. We want our fingers on the
    pulse of the community and to hear what you think and need while ensuring you know what we
    are doing and why we are doing it. We want to make the task of navigating health care easier by
    sharing information more effectively with you and the service providers you choose.

•   Build Partnerships. We will work effectively with other health care providers, government
    entities, nonprofit organizations, and community groups to build partnerships that make
    more, better, and seamless services available locally for you and your family.

                                                                                  Stragetic Plan Overview   5
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Create a

                            Create a Healthcare Home
                            Improve the overall health and wellness of the region by focusing
                            on people, services, and technology
                            •   People:
                                •   Increase our focus on the overall health and wellness of community
                                •   Work in closer partnership with the community to improve health
                                    outcomes and help us all use health care more effectively.
                                •   Establish a model of care that puts patients at the very center of
                                    our services.
                            •   Services:
                                •   Expand services to include those identified through the community
                                    needs assessment, visioning, and strategic planning process.
                                •   Establish a data-driven and financially-sustainable healthcare model
                                    for the hospital.
                            •   Technology:
                                •   Use technology to improve patient health and safety.
                                •   Share information more effectively with patients and other health
                                    care providers by further developing our electronic health records

                            Measure and report our progress.
                            •   The success of the medical home relies on effective communication
                                and building partnerships between facilities and health care providers
                                throughout the state of Hawaii.

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Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Our patients deserve the best:
    the healthcare home model will improve quality

   The health care industry is           The hospital has continued to          From day one, Kelly vowed “I’ll take
changing throughut the United         look at ways to increase services      whatever pain I have to, as long as
States. With the passing of the       in the region. From expanding          the baby is ok. The trauma of the
Affordable Care Act, hospitals are    rehabilitation services, adding a      accident and the subsequent pain
in a more difficult position trying   computed tomography (CT)               was not something this young
to improve quality outcomes           scanner, to opening a primary care     couple expected. She stated she was
while remaining financially           clinic in 2015, the hospital has       surprised that ”their care and
solvent.                              continued to look at the needs of      dedication went above and beyond
   The medical home model will        the community as a driving force       my expectations.”
allow Kahuku Medical Center to        for expanding services.                   Without Kahuku Medical Center,
provide comprehensive health             The increase in services can be     the outcome may have been very
care services to the community        seen in the following case. While      different for Kelly and her family.
and visitors to the north shore       one month pregnant, 27 year old        Having a hospital within the
on Oahu.                              Kelly was hit by a car while walking   community focused on improving
   Currently, community members       to work. She suffered intense pain     health outcomes will serve as a
in the Ko`olauloa region have to      in her left leg and foot from nerve    continued benefit.
travel to Honolulu or other           damage and was unable to walk.            Kahuku Medical Center is dedicated
regions to receive comprehensive         Kelly relied on the services of     to continue adding services based
care. This can greatly increase       Kahuku Medical Center to assist        on the needs of the community
 the stress and costs of families     with her recovery while ensuring       while fulfilling our mission.
trying to receive adequate care.      no harm was done to her unborn

“Their care and dedication went above and beyond my expectations,”
says Kelly. She knew the journey was going to be difficult and stated,
“I’ll take whatever pain I have to, as long as the baby is ok.” The
healthcare home model will only continue to increase the services
offered and overall wellness of the Ko`olauloa region.

                                                                                         Strategic Plan Overview   7
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...

                            Increase Communication

                             •   Internal Communication:
                                 Employees play a critical role in the ability of Kahuku Medical Center
                                 to deliver high quality, patient-centered care. The hospital will
                                 increase communication efforts with employees to keep them
                                 informed and engaged with changes happening at the hospital.

                             •   External Communication:
                                 Since the bankruptcy of Kahuku Hospital in 2007, the hospital has
                                 gone through a great many changes: better care, new services,
                                 stronger management, and improved finances. The hospital will
                                 strengthen communication to ensure you and your care providers
                                 have essential timely health information while learning about
                                 progress, changes, and opportunities at the hospital.

                             •   Stakeholder Engagement:
                                 The hospital will also expand efforts to increase stakeholder
                                 engagement. This will include seeking feedback and suggestions
                                 from the community.

“With constant changes in health care systems, processes, and services, both
internal and external communication are critical to keep employees engaged
and the community informed,” says Stephany Vaioleti. She also states,
“the failure to effectively communicate with stakeholders can lead to growing
mistrust and a lack of confidence in the ability of the hosptial to carry out the

8   Kahuku Medical Center
Shaping the Future of Critical Access Healthcare - Strategic Plan 2016 to 2018 - Kahuku Medical ...
Effective communication improves outcomes

   When patients move from one       information for patients and           with groups who share our campus.
health care provider to another,     their providers regardless of where    We partnered with the University of
important information about their    they are located. We have taken        Hawaii to train four area residents
history, condition, and needs must   significant steps this past year to    as community facilitators, two of
move with them. Though we live       improve our electronic health          whom were born at the hospital. Our
in a more technologically            records system, and are working        goal is to build a local community
advanced era, communicating this     hard to secure agreements with         planning capacity that we can draw
information to the patient and       other health care providers            upon in years ahead as part of our
among multiple health care           enabling us to share information       strong commitment to ongoing
providers continues to be a          and coordinate your care more          dialogue with our community.
significant challenge. “In health    effectively.                              This visioning process significantly
care, sometimes the right hand          We are also committed to            influenced this strategic plan. Better
may not know what the left hand      strengthening communication on         communication and partnerships
is doing, ”says Jonathan             other critical fronts. This year, we   were high on your list of priorities.
Pantenburg, KMC CFOO. “For the       initiated a community feedback         You want all stakeholders to
patient, this can be inconvenient    process that included an online        communicate, integrate, and work
at best and wasteful and even        survey, a town hall meeting, one-      more effectively together.
dangerous at worst.”                 to-one interviews, and stakeholder     Implementing the Health Care Home
   We are committed to addressing    consultations. We met with clinical    model is part of our commitment to a
this challenge whenever possible     providers who serve the area, with     larger concept of making Kahuku
by increasing efficient and          leaders of community associations      Medical Center a hub of wellness and
confidential access to patient       and neighborhood boards, and           healing for us all.

“Though we live in a more technologically advanced era, in health care,
sometimes the right hand may not know what the left hand is doing,”
says Jonathan Pantenburg. He also states, “For the patient, this can be
inconvenient at best and wastseful and even dangerous at worst.”

                                                                                        Strategic Plan Overview   9
            responsibly and
             provide access
              to every child
             who needs us

                               Build Partnerships
                                 •   Increase access to care in the community by expanding partnerships
                                     with specialists and other health care providers.
                                 •   Establish service agreements with health providers in the region to
                                     improve continuity and integration of care.
                                 •   Work with insurance carriers and governmental agencies to increase
                                     education and awareness of health outcomes in the region.
                                 •   Further development of the hospital campus to increase availability
                                     of space and resources for a wide spectrum of partners who can
                                     support health and wellness in the community.

                                                                     The hospital continues to find ways to improve the
                                                                     quality of life for our residents. This includes
                                                                     establishing partnerships with a wide array of different

10   Kahuku Medical Center
Laying a Strong

At Kahuku Medical Center, we embrace our commitment to excellence
while striving to live our mission, vision, and values daily.

What will our patients and their families experience at Kahuku Medical
Center in the future?
 •   High-quality, patient-centered care within the community.
 •   Expanded services that include not only those for your immediate health care needs but also those that
     improve and maintain your overall health and wellness.
 •   Affordable health care services delivered at one location within the Ko`olauloa region
 •   A seamless flow of health information between Kahuku Medical Center, other healthcare providers
     in the state of Hawaii, and you.

                                                                                              Strategic Plan Overview   11
Community. Family. Home.

                                                                                    56-117 Pualalea Street
                                                                                    Kahuku, HI 96731
                                                                                    TEL (808) 293-9221

© 2015, Kahuku Medical Center, Hawaii   All rights reserved               
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