We've got some ecommerce myths to bust - Magento

Page created by Carmen Gray
We’ve got some
ecommerce myths
to bust
Do customers actually like personalisation?
What matters more, price or shopping experience?
And is the high street really dead?

We got to the bottom of these commonly believed ecommerce myths in our latest Adobe Chats
series, The Debunk. Experts and thought leaders from big brands like LinkedIn, Ocado, Nando’s and
Ogilvy joined us to discuss and debate the industry wisdom we take for granted – and offer tried and
tested advice on what brands might be getting wrong.

Strapped for time? Scroll on to discover the key takeaways at a glance.
Myth 1 – Personalisation
Personalisation is standard in modern ecommerce – but is it that a good thing?
                                                                                                                                                   Watch now

        Personalisation is                              If it ain’t broke…
        still powerful                                  If people like the product and the brand,
                                                        they’ll trust you – but what are customers
        How can brands use personalisation to make      willing to trade their data for?                                                                Ben Davis
        things seamless and easier for customers,                                                                                                       Econsultancy
        rather than just using it for the sake of it?            “If you look at most

                 “If you’re going to interrupt
                                                                  personalisation, it tends to          Work with what you
                                                                  be powered by third party             can control
                  the party, you’d better
                                                                  data. And how good is third
                  bring champagne”                                                                      How can you personalise your digital
                                                                  party data? Not good at all.”
                  Scott Morrison                                                                        strategy in a way that adds value to the
                                                                  Peter Weinberg                        customer, rather than coming across           Brian Green
                  Founder, The Boom
                                                                  Global Lead, The B2B Institute,       overfamiliar?                                      Adobe
                                                                                                              “I hear that word ‘creepy’
        Brands often tell customers a lot about their                                                          used quite a lot around
        plans and values, but how can they deliver on
                                                                                                               personalisation, particularly
        them in order to build trust?
                                                          Not just a numbers game                              when algorithms get tweaked
                 “The man behind the counter                                                                   and social media changes
                                                          According to a study by MIT and GroupM,
                  at the butcher always knew              third party data can’t accurately determine
                                                                                                               what’s displayed on your             Peter Weinberg
                                                                                                               feed.”                              B2B Institute - LinkedIn
                  my name and my favourite                a customer’s gender or age 75% of the time.
                  sausages. I still remember                                                                    Ben Davis
                  and value that to this day,                    “Personalisation is best                       Editor, Econsultancy
                  decades later.”                                 when people don’t notice
                                                                  it. The best thing to do is
                  Brian Green
                                                                  to offer value, context and
                  Head of Commercial Sales,
                  Adobe                                           straightforward interaction.”                                                     Scott Morrison
                                                                                                                                                         The Boom
                                                                  Peter Weinberg
                                                                  Global Lead, The B2B Institute,
Myth 2 – Email
In this episode we explored whether or not email is still a powerful tool for ecommerce businesses.
                                                                                                                                                     Watch now

         Email is still here,                          Soft sell                                      Cop a look at your copy
         but not as we know it                         How can email be used to build trust?          How do you sound in your email comms?
         Where is email most powerful – centre         Is high quality thought leadership or          Stay clear of being pushy and salesy –
                                                       entertaining content always more               especially for B2B dealings.
                                                                                                                                                         Peter Bell
         stage in your marketing strategy, or                                                                                                               Adobe
         supporting your other channels?               effective than hard selling?
                                                                                                            “There’s a huge amount of
               “Omni-channel is sort of                                                                      scope in B2B copy for better
                the word of the day. In                                                                      copy, better writing… this
                B2B, we have complex                                                                         Victorian era approach to
                decision-making units and                                                                    copy is doing us no favours.”
                                                       Getting email right is a
                stakeholders, so there are so                                                                Peter Bell                              Chris Ashley-Manns
                                                       full-time job                                                                                        Webeo
                many use cases for email.”                                                                   Adobe
                                                       If you don’t have the right resources
                Joel Harrison
                                                       internally to improve and refine strategy,
                Editor-in-Chief, B2B Marketing
                                                       how can you achieve success with your
                                                       email campaigns?

                                                              “A company I know had a                 Interacting with the future
                                                               dedicated data cleansing               How can brands be creative with their emails      Gareth Case
                                                               team, meaning that                     to cultivate brand loyalty?
                                                               everything runs so much
                                                               smoother than if they tried to               “The more you personalise,
                                                               hive it off or have a once and                target, and offer up content
                                                               done attitude.”                               that’s engaging, that helps
                                                                                                             prospects solve their
                                                               Chris Manns
                                                               CMO, Webeo                                    challenges, the better the                 Joel Harrison
                                                                                                             results you’re going to get                 B2B Marketing
                                                                                                             from your campaigns.”
                                                                                                             Gareth Case
                                                                                                             CMO, Redstor
Myth 3 – Data
This episode questioned whether marketers rely on the numbers at the expense of other information.
                                                                                                                                                   Watch now

         Remember:                                     Big time for real time                         Common sense required
         Data is simply a numerical representation     Showing recent purchases on product            Data-based decisions aren’t immune to
         of what’s happening with the rest of the      pages for social proof can help drive sales,   human error, so how can you be sure you’re
                                                                                                                                                    Herve Schnegg
         business’ operations, so how can you          but how else are businesses using real         not building on mistakes of the past and          Station 10
         extract fresh insight from it?                time data?                                     replicating old biases?

               “Humans are imperfect and the                                                                 “It’s all about recognising
                data we collect will be too. So                                                               patterns – but you need to be
                we should look to it and be                                                                   able to point the data at the
                informed by it, but maybe not                                                                 right patterns.”
                rely on it so easily.”                                                                        Phil Wainewright                       Steve Allison
                Toni Sekinah                           The human factor                                       Diginomica
                Data and Technology Journalist
                                                       Make sure the data set you’re using is
                                                       diverse enough to accurately reflect the
                                                       needs of your audience.

                                                              “There are cases where the
                                                                                                      Not just one and done
         With great data comes                                 emotion a human has for                                                             Phil Wainewright
                                                               another human needs to                                                                   Diginomica
         great responsibility…                                                                        Continue to monitor and adjust projects
                                                               come into play and put the             long term rather than just being satisfied
         When should businesses seek third party               brakes on automatic use of             with your current machine learning
         assistance for storing, processing and                                                       strategy.
         preparing data for machine learning and
         analytics?                                            Steve Allison
               “We tend to think of data as
                                                                                                                                                     Toni Sekinah
                being customers, but the                                                                                                           Tech & Data journalist
                need to resolve data down
                to the individual is really
                Herve Schnegg
                Principal Data Scientist, Station 10
Myth 4 – Price
This episode asked if price is be all and end all for customers, and how much other factors like customer experience matter.
                                                                                                                                                       Watch now

               “Personalisation is something           Caution with                                     Certainty sells
                that our customers are always          qualitative data                                 How can businesses reassure customers that
                looking to try and work out.
                                                       What customers say doesn’t necessarily reflect   their needs and concerns are understood?
                They want to know how they                                                                                                                Marie Uhart
                                                       how they’ll feel at the point of purchase.                                                            Boden
                can get a blend of technology,
                understanding and empathy
                for the customer.”
                Jamie Brighton
                                                       Location, location,                              A bit of everything
                Product & Industry Marketing, Adobe
                                                       location                                         What, if anything, is the number one factor
                                                                                                        that can make or break your brand?
                                                       What determines what constitutes a                                                               Rory Sutherland
                                                       good shopping experience in one                                                                       Ogilvy
                                                                                                              “Serving up the right content
                                                       country to another?                                     to the right audience is
         Focus on feelings                                                                                     key, but also making it
         What should businesses be doing to cater                                                              convenient.”
         to the elevated needs of their customers                                                              Hayley Meenan-Wilkin
         and create an emotional connection?           It’s all relative                                       Web Trading Management, Ocado

                                                       Perception of price will vary from consumer
                                                                                                                                                         Jamie Brighton
               “People forget what you said,                                                                                                                 Adobe
                people forget what you did,            to consumer. One person’s expensive is
                but people will never forget           another person’s affordable.

                how you made them feel.”                     “Whether or not something
                Marie Uhart                                   is perceived as expensive
                Senior International Marketing
                Manager, Boden
                                                              doesn’t primarily depend on
                                                              how much it costs, it depends
                                                                                                                                                      Hayley Meenan-Wilkin
                                                              what you compare it to.”                                                                       Ocado
                                                              Rory Sutherland
                                                              VC, Ogilvy
Myth 5 – High street
Is the high street dead? Not according to our experts in this episode about the rebirth of bricks and mortar stores.
                                                                                                                                                    Watch now

                 “Prior to Covid-19, some                                                              Changing perspectives
                  retailers were only taking
                                                                                                       Consumers may still like to visit physical
                  20% of their income from                                                             stores, but that doesn’t necessarily mean
                  ecomm, with 80% coming                                                               that’s how they want to make their
                                                                                                                                                     Simon Hathaway
                  from physical stores. Then                                                           purchases.
                  overnight this shifted to
                  100% ecomm for many.”                                                                       “Retailers have been focused
                                                                                                               on making their store an
                  Peter Sheldon                           Competition ahead
                  Adobe                                                                                        amazing experience, but now
                                                          How can you adapt your products to gain a
                                                                                                               they’re focused on hygiene
                                                          bigger market share on the other side
                                                                                                               and there’s a completely                Katy Hilditch
                                                                “Yes, serve it online because                  different energy going into          Nando’s Grocery Intl. Ltd
                                                                 more people are shopping                      that store experience.”
                                                                 online, but make sure you                     Caroline Baldwin
          Waiting at the door                                    can deliver it online as well.”               Retail and Technology Journalist

          Think about the things that physical
                                                                 Katy Hilditch
          stores offer that ecommerce doesn’t. Can               Global Marketing Director
          you provide next level customer service,               at Nando’s Grocery
          exclusivity, or early access to new releases?
                                                                                                                                                    Caroline Baldwin
                                                                                                       For everything else,                         Retail & Tech Journalist

                 “Shoppers’ expectations are                                                           there’s video
                  reset with every download,                                                           What are other businesses doing to
                  every click and every visit.            The benefits of bricks                       replace the value of interactions with
                  So we have to rebuild the               How can you use information to replicate     sales assistants?
                  experience on the high street,          the ease of in-store experience?
                  and make sure it’s relevant to                                                                                                       Peter Sheldon
                  people’s lives right now.”                                                                                                                 Adobe

                  Simon Hathaway
Myths: busted
Ecommerce businesses are now in the fortunate position of being able to finetune their
strategies using the lessons of the past year, picking and choosing the best of the tactics
that worked – and, after tuning into The Debunk, disregarding myths that might have
steered them away from maximum impact before.

   Click here to listen or watch the full episodes on demand
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