The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - Danijela Bogavac (IFAE & BIST - Barcelona) on behalf of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter ...
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The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter Danijela Bogavac (IFAE & BIST - Barcelona) on behalf of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter System EPS-HEP Conference 2021(online) July 26-30, 2021
HL-LHC Upgrade & Tile Calorimeter High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will achieve the instantaneous luminosity by a factor of 5 larger than the LHC nominal value around 2027 • expected number of collision per bunch crossing will increase up to 200 • new trigger system with full granularity and digital input LHC HL-LHC Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 - 5... LS1 EYETS LS2 13 - 14 TeV EYETS LS3 14 TeV 13 TeV Diodes Consolidation splice consolidation cryolimit LIU Installation HL-LHC 7 TeV 8 TeV button collimators interaction inner triplet R2E project regions Civil Eng. P1-P5 radiation limit installation 2027 2040 5 to 7.5 x nominal Lumi ATLAS - CMS experiment upgrade phase 1 ATLAS - CMS beam pipes HL upgrade nominal Lumi 2 x nominal Lumi ALICE - LHCb 2 x nominal Lumi 75% nominal Lumi upgrade 30 fb-1 190 fb-1 We are here 350 fb-1 integrated 3000 fb -1 luminosity 4000 fb-1 Tile Calorimeter major upgrades for the HL-LHC HL-LHC TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT: DESIGN STUDY PROTOTYPES CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATION & COMM. PHYSICS ➜ full electronics replacement, both on-detector and off-detector HL-LHC CIVIL ENGINEERING: ➜ new modular mechanics: mini-drawers DEFINITION EXCAVATION BUILDINGS ➜ replacement of around 10% of PMTs associated to the most exposed calorimeter cells ➜ new low and high voltage power supplies systems due to higher radiation requirements ➜ upgraded Cesium and Laser calibration systems ➜ redundancy in data links and power distribution ➜ radiation hardness of electronics for high luminosity environment 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -3-
Mechanics New mechanical structures facilitate accessibility during maintenance periods and address ALARA concerns Super Drawer has the different configurations for the long barrel & extended barrels • Long barrel: 4 mini-drawers ➜ 45 PMTs • Extended endcaps: 3 mini-drawers & 2 micro-drawers (which reduce the number of electronics needed) ➜ 32 PMTs Each mini-drawer has 2 independent sections for redundant cell read out • 12 front-end amplifier/shaper boards & 1 Main Board for control and digitization & 1 Daughter Board for high speed communication & 1 High Voltage distribution board & 1 Low Voltage Power Supply Super Drawer designed for the long barrel 4 mini-drawers Super Drawer designed for the extended barrels 3 mini-drawers and 2 micro-drawers 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -4-
Readout architecture Current architecture Front-end electronics (on-detector) Back-end electronics (off-detector) ROD HL-LHC Upgrade: new architecture & readout strategy • Front-end electronics will transmit full digital data to the back-end electronics at the LHC frequency ➜ 40 Tbps to read out the entire detector and ~ 6000 optical fibers Front-end electronics (on-detector) Back-end electronics (off-detector) • Shaping • High speed communication • Data acquisition • Trigger objects • Amplification (2 gains) • Slow control and clock • Clock distribution computation • Digitalization distribution • Pipeline buffer • Interface with • Calibration for electronics • Data packing • Online energy & time reco TDAQ subsystems PMT - PhotoMultiplier Tube; ADC - Analog to Digital Converter; SEL - Single Event Latch-up; ROD - Read-Out Driver; ROS - Read-Out System; GBT - GigaBit Transceiver; TilePPr - Tile PreProcessor; TTC - Timing, Trigger and Control; DCS - Detector Control System; ATCA - Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture; TDAQ - Trigger and Data AcQuisition; FELIX - Front End LInk eXchange 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -5-
Front-end electronics (on-detector) Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) are located inside the PMT PMT block blocks and convert the light to electric signals and associated • Around 10% of the PMTs associated to the most exposed componen ts calorimeter cells will be replaced Active dividers will be used instead of passive dividers to Active dividers provide better linearity for the HL-LHC • In addition to the passive dividers, the active dividers contain transistors & diodes • The Anode current can go from a maximum of ~8 µA in the LHC to 40 µA in the HL-LHC • Nonlinearity can be reduced with the active dividers N I C S B oard FE Front-End Boards named FENICS (Front-End electroNICS) are located in the PMT blocks, on top of active dividers • Provides PMT pulse shaping with 2 gain amplifications • High precision integrator readout for Cesium calibration and luminosity measurements (6 gains to cover 7-8 orders of magnitudes) • Improved precision and better noise performance • Built-in Charge Injection System for electronics calibration 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -6-
Front-end electronics (on-detector) Main Board receives the data from FENICS and digitizes: ➜ fast readout: 12-bit dual ADCs @ 40 MSps ➜ integrator readout: 16-bit SAR ADCs @ 50 kSps • Provides digital control and configuration of FENICS & high-speed path to the Daughter Board • Divided in two halves for redundancy ➜ readout and power distribution o a rd nB Mai B oard te r Daughter Board allows high speed communication of 4.8/9.6 Gbps with Da ug h the back-end electronics • Collects PMT digitized data from the Main Board • Data transmission to the back-end electronics • Clock and command distribution to the front-end electronics • Implements data link redundancy • Communication with the Main Board through 400 pin connectors Both Main Board and Daughter Board are composed of 2 identical sides to provide redundancy 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -7-
Back-end electronics (off-detector) The PreProcessor is the core element of the back-end electronics • Data processing and handling from the front-end electronics • Provides clocks and configuration for the modules • Interfaces with the ATLAS Trigger and Data AcQuisition system (TDAQi) ➜ TDAQi receives channel energies from the PreProcessor and computes cell energies and quantities to be passed to the Level-0 trigger ➜ Digital trigger sums in TDAQi will replaced the analog trigger sums, which was being done on the front-end electronics ➜ The pipeline buffers are moved to the PreProcessor - closer to the trigger system for lower propagation delay PreProcessor Event readout nd t -e ics o n ron 800 M bps Fr ect el 4.8 4.8/9.6 Gbps Gbp s ReadOut Driver FELIX emulator • After the trigger selection, the selected data events are transferred to the Front-End Link eXchange (FELIX) system 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -8-
Low and High Voltage Systems A three stage power system based on the current Low Voltage Power Supply Low Voltage Power • Design with better reliability, lower noise and improved radiation tolerance Supply bricks • Located inside the Low Voltage box in the finger of an module, Low Voltage Power Supply bricks convert the input of 200 V to provide 10 V for the front-end electronics, which is then converted to different voltages by POL regulators • Monitored through the Detector Control System via ELMB (Embedded Local Monitoring Board), hosted by an ELMB Mother Board inside the Low Voltage box High Voltage distribution and regulation (HV remote system) will be installed in the ATLAS service cavern High Voltage Remote System • Always accessible for maintenance • No radiation issues • Each board provides 48 outputs for individual PMTs in each module • High PMT current requires new active dividers to keep the linearity even at high luminosity • Validation of the long cables and remote regulation boards have been done in the laboratory and in test beams 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) -9-
Test beams • Test beams are used for validation of modules equipped with new electronics for the HL-LHC • The legacy modules are included to provide full shower containment • Different particles (muons, electrons, hadrons) and energies used • The test beam setup is located at the Super Proton Synchrotron North Area on the H8 beam line Hybrid Demonstrator • 7 test beam campaigns from 2015 to 2018 ➜ The 2015 campaign included a test of an alternative front-end system called FATALIC Hybrid demonstrator: fully integrated with the ATLAS TDAQ System and Detector Control System • New configuration: 4 mini-drawers populated with the new version of the upgraded mechanics and readout electronics • Data taking through FELIX / legacy system • Low and High Voltage control and monitoring t i c fr ont a Schem he modules t view of cked on the as sta ng table at i scann beam line the H8 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) - 10 -
Beam line setup Beams of hadrons, electrons and muons were used to study the calorimeter response and signal/noise performance of new electronics Demonstrator Data to Monte Carlo response Data to Monte Carlo response Data to Monte Carlo response 0.13 with hadrons with electrons with muons σ raw Entries normalised to area ATLAS Preliminary R Protons Data MC ATLAS Preliminary Tile Calorimeter Data Tile Calorimeter MC 0.12 0.25 1.1 Electron Data 〈dE/dl〉t Ebeam = 20 GeV: (19.72± 0.01) GeV, σ = (1.79 ± 0.01) GeV ATLAS Preliminary 〈dE/dl〉t raw σ a R = ⊕b Ebeam MC: (20.16± 0.02) GeV, σ = (1.71 ± 0.01) GeV Tile Calorimeter 0.11 a = 0.406 ± 0.009 Simulation 1.05 b = 0.046 ± 0.029 0.2 A layer 0.1 Ebeam = 50 GeV: (50.02± 0.02) GeV, σ = (3.30 ± 0.01) GeV 1 0.15 MC: (50.58± 0.03) GeV, σ = (3.14 ± 0.02) GeV 0.09 Ebeam = 100 GeV: (101.28± 0.02) GeV, σ = (4.66 ± 0.01) GeV 0.95 0.08 0.1 MC: (100.98± 0.05) GeV, σ = (4.69 ± 0.02) GeV 0.9 ∆ σ raw 0.04 1 / E beam 0.05 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 0.02 Cell 0 −0.02 −0.04 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Determine the Electromagnetic scale 1 / E beam E [GeV] of the calorimeter in pC/GeV Response to hadrons Verified energy calibration and verify linearity as expected to 2% precision 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) - 11 -
Demonstrator in ATLAS Demonstrator was fully inserted in the Tile Calorimeter Module Demonstrator insertion into ATLAS LBA14 of the ATLAS experiment at the end of July 2019 • Exercised during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2021) Operating with backward compatibility with the current ATLAS DAQ • Receiving clock and configuration commands from the legacy Timing, Trigger and Control system • Transmitting event data to the ATLAS DAQ as other Tile modules • Providing analog sums as the input to the ATLAS trigger system Fully integrated with the ATLAS Demonstrator Legacy module TDAQ software • Front-end electronics configuration • Physics and calibration runs • Event builder and offline reconstruction Comparison between the Demonstrator inserted in LBA14 and the legacy module LBA15 Good and stable performance with lower noise levels than the legacy modules 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) - 12 -
Conclusion High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) plans to increase the instantaneous luminosity by a factor of 5 with respect to the LHC nominal value around 2027 New conditions imposed by the HL-LHC require a redesign of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter which has been done based on the present rich experience All the front-end and back-end electronics will be replaced for the HL-LHC • Demonstrator module with the new electronics was inserted in the ATLAS experiment in July 2019 ➜ good and stable performance Good progress in all the elements of the readout chain Fully digital input for the ATLAS trigger system Special attention is given to redundancy, reliability, and radiation hardness Extensive tests of the design during test beams from 2015 to 2018 have been performed Many components have entered into pre-production or production phase Assembling module-0 which is fully equipped with production components will be tested at this year’s test beams thank you for your attention! 29.07.2021 The HL-LHC Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter - D. Bogavac (IFAE & BIST -Barcelona) - 13 -
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